  • #1 by Iron Maiden on 03 Jan 2022
  • at a store or newsstand and what was the clerks or customers nearby reactions?
  • #2 by FBBMW on 08 Mar 2022
  • I never had anybody say anything.  They might have had some face expressions,  but they were either discreet, too 
    busy or didn't know what it was. 
    I usually would wait until there wasn't a line checking out.     
  • #3 by jaqeau on 27 May 2022
  • I remember the issue with Kay Baxter on the cover. Although she said her super big, ripped and vascular bod was the result of aminos, my guess is that she was one of the first women to go all in with PEDs. With my heart in my throat, I had to have it. I waited until the line was open, but as soon as I went up there two more customers appears. I was feeling the heat because Kay was beyond what any female had achieved and many at that thought Lisa Lyon was gross, but plunked down the cash and with heart pumping went to drive home.
  • #4 by airbag on 21 Jul 2022
  • For some reason, female bodybuilding magazines were hard to come across in my area. It was only ever things like Flex or Muscular Development.
    I remember when I was a teenager when Borders stores were starting to close and everything was being sold at clearance, I managed to find an issue with a muscular women posing on the cover. I don't remember who it was or if it was a WPW issue, but it did seem a little dated, like maybe it was lost in the back and they put it back on the shelf just so they can sell everything.
    I milled around thinking about buying it, seeing a few other customers take notice of the cover before moving on. I ultimately decided to buy it since I never owned one before, but I also got some other books and another bodybuilding magazine with a guy on the cover.
    Didn't see others reactions since there weren't many people in the store, plus I had the cover hidden under the other stuff I was buying, but I remember the cashier's reaction.
    It was an older Asian lady at the register and just her, so there was a little line. I go up and place my stuff on the counter. She scans the books, and then she gets to the male bodybuilding magazine. She seemed a little suspicious, but kept going, didn't seem that weird for a teenage boy buying a bodybuilding magazine. But then she gets to the female bodybuilder cover. That's when things got a little awkward. There was a slight pause as she took a better look as the cover, and I think a slight glance at me. She said nothing besides the total and I quickly paid for my stuff and left.
    Not much else to say, but I do miss bodybuilding magazines, especially the female ones.
  • #5 by fitgirlfanguy on 22 Jul 2022
  • Before I discovered WPW magazines at the local drugstore, the bookstore in the shopping mall carried a few bodybuilding books on the same shelf as the rest of the sports related books, so it wasn't difficult to sneak a peek or browse through one a bit under the guise of checking out the books on ice hockey or whatever.  They were probably Ironman or Weider publications, not that I was reading any of the cover or text, and most of the photos were of men, but there always seemed to be a lone photo, often a mixed pair (back when that was a thing) with a woman bodybuilder posing in a bikini, hard, tanned and pumped in all her glory.  Even a split second glimpse was enough to etch the image in my mind and make my precociously pubescent mind explode with a rush of blood to both of my heads.

    I'd do the same thing at the local drugstore while my mother was buying whatever or filling a prescription, who knows.  That's when I discovered Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness, Flex, Ironman, Musclemag and Muscular Development magazines and there'd occasionally be a female of some level of development on the front of at least one of them.  Unfortunately, most of these publications were dominated by photos of men, so unless there was a feature on women (like the issue of Flex with the nude but not revealing photos of Lenda Murray, Debbie Muggli and Laura Creavelle I think?) it was hard to justify spending money on the issue for a few photos of women.  That, and with so many pages of ads, an single issue was easily 3/8-1/2 thick.  Not so easy to shove down my pants for the 4 mile bike ride home, walk in the house and scurry to my bedroom to hide it. 

    Then one day in 1992 I discovered WPW for the first time and thought Woah!  What is this now?  The whole magazine was only women?  Now THIS was AWESOME!  Shut up and take my money!  It was also easy to transport home and also to hide, being much thinner than other magazines.  I soon learned when to expect the next issue, which at the time was published every two months, before slowing down to quarterly.  I collected nearly every issue from that point on until about 2002 when I simply couldn't find the issues on newsstands or magazine racks any more. 

    I brought that growing collection with me off to university and professional school, partly for obvious reasons of enjoyment, partly to hide them.  I feared my mom cleaning out my room one day while away at school and getting a phone call of inquisition from both my parents.  I eventually discarded the entire collection in late 2004 before finishing school and getting married.  My fiancee knew about my fetish, wasn't really accepting or comfortable with it, and it wasn't going to serve me much trying to bringing my unique stash of porn into our newlywed home.  I reasoned that with the internet, there was abundant access to material and I could finally part with these.

    I enjoy stumbling upon scans of those issues uploaded online from time to time for a stroll down self-pleasuring memory lane. 
  • #6 by FemFlexUSA on 25 Aug 2022
  • At the time, I never could've known I was holding something historic in my hands.

  • #7 by bpp on 13 Oct 2022
  • I remember picking up issues of WPW magazine back when I was in high school.  Fortunately, I went to high school in Manhattan and there were several newsstands that always sold the latest issues.  I will always remember the unbridled excitement of grabbing the latest issue and waiting for the opportune time to pay (when hopefully no one else was near the counter).  Most of the workers at these newsstands were not conversational- my aim was to grab and go as quickly as possible.

    The worst part was transporting it in my backpack on the subway and bus home hoping to be able to sneak a peek before I got there.  I could rarely contain myself.  The pictures in the magazine were so big and I had never seen muscles presented like this anywhere else in print.  The photographers and editors knew just what we all loved- big huge biceps with a vein running through, round exposed glutes, huge quads and beautiful women displaying all of this in heels and revealing clothing.  And I could stare at these for months. 

    What a far cry from today's access to our favorites online!
  • #8 by charmingcarl on 02 Nov 2022

  • I used to pick up the occasional mag at a newspaper/magazine store near the main transit line in my hometown.  It was a family owned place and every so often their very gay son worked the till and stocked the shelves.  He used to gawk at me and come over and ask all sorts of inane questions.  Buuuuuut every so often a magazine would "fall into my backpack" when I went to pay!

    Wish I had that effect on muscle chicks!!
  • #9 by lifted on 05 Nov 2022
  • Only one place around sold the magazine, an old lady was the clerk. Had to buy the subscription because of the crazy looks
  • #10 by bigjake737 on 17 May 2024
  • This was really a great magazine.  I'd go to an area about 5 miles from my home and pick up a copy.  I had to read it before I got back to my dorm or my home... it was a thrill... and a little embarrassing as well.. Once I took it my car and took it to the gym.  The woman who ran the Jan Tana went to that gym and was in one of the issues.  I had a difficult time working out; needless to say
  • #11 by lifted on 13 Jul 2024
  • I bought a post office box to have my mags delivered