  • #226 by lurker1000 on 24 Mar 2024
  • I didn't mind her long email with all the info and requirements, but she told me she doesn't provide any extras. Unfortunately that's generally a deal breaker for me. Too bad since she's super sexy. 
  • #227 by biteseed09 on 05 Jun 2024
  • Toronto pro show this weekend. Used to be a big time for sessions but now it looks like we’re just getting ms Melissa and red diamond, which is still good
  • #228 by Prophaniti on 07 Jun 2024
  • I'm supposed to see Ms Melissa, so lets see what happens
  • #229 by biteseed09 on 08 Jun 2024
  • I'm supposed to see Ms Melissa, so lets see what happens

    Please let me know. Wanted to book with her but reasonably skeptical due to some of the reports on her cancelling
  • #230 by Prophaniti on 09 Jun 2024
  • Saw her earlier today, was a great session

    She's fun, gorgeous and strong as hell
  • #231 by clay99 on 11 Jun 2024
  • Came across a recent Ms Melissa YT video on Olympia have to admit her new tits look sensational. 