  • #1 by mrbrownxx on 19 Mar 2021
  • Request: All in good quality any RM and WPW videos who are not posted here yet.   :-*
  • #2 by autechre on 20 Mar 2021
  • which ones do you want?
  • #3 by johnpec123 on 20 Mar 2021
  • If anybody has Colette Guimond WPW V543 , that would be great
  • #4 by autechre on 24 Apr 2021
  • All The video's from RM And WPW who are not posted here yet, in good quality and not just a part of a video, the whole (complete) video if possible.
    (try to collect them all) :-)  There are many :-)
    Many thanks already.  :-*

    And, as I said earlier, which ones do you want?

    I have all from wpwmax.
  • #5 by autechre on 13 Dec 2021
  • Any chance do you have this sophie duquette video ?

    no, just the ones on wpwmax. the sophie video hasn't been released there yet.