  • #1 by mooretiger on 15 Dec 2020
  • i've never met anybody quite like her. as nice as can be and then flies completely off the handle over some imaginary slight and blocks you for months. then back again sweet as honey.

    anybody else have experiences like that with her ? i've cammed with her for quite a while , but this is getting ridiculous... i need this shit to SPEND my $$ on  ? i'm seriously starting to think she's a little mentally disturbed.
  • #2 by Rodned3 on 15 Dec 2020
  • She once called me a homophobic slur and then threatened to kill me, and I was NOT asking for anything dominant, we were just having a conversation and she was so rude and disrespectful so I left our premium chat.  I felt pretty shitty about it.  I wish HBC would give you an option to block the models.
  • #3 by Bernie1212 on 15 Dec 2020
  • Shes a bit different, especially when she's in prep.  I haven't been able to see her in a while because she has my region blocked, I know I live fairly near her.

    Not defending anything she may have done, but why do we need the ability to block models?  Its called self control, and speaking with your wallet.  If you have a problem with a performer email HBC.  The point of a "blocking" system would be a way for the administration to track who has been blocked by who, maybe?  If you don't like a performer, don't go in her room.
  • #4 by mooretiger on 15 Dec 2020
  • well , glad i'm not the only one.

    sometime on friday i entered her free room... she was ranting and raving and crying and cursing and threatening someone...i left after a minute or so. went back last evening just to speak and ask was everything ok with her , etc. BOOM !!! what , are you spying on me ? string of profanity , then she blocks me.

    i for sure don't need the ability to block her. i have the ability to completely ignore her and never spend another cent on her....  but it is disturbing.
  • #5 by Ivan2CMuscle on 16 Dec 2020
  • Same kind of thing happened to me,  glad I'm not the only one, too!
  • #6 by Warhawk Overdrive on 16 Dec 2020
  • She did it to me too. Jumps on me the second I come in her room, and when I say I won't go private, she melts down. I left her room without saying anything. I think she got angry with all of us when she figured we would not go private with her.

  • #7 by BG2112 on 17 Dec 2020
  • I think she just blocked me also for absolutely nothing.  I went into her room, left about 3 seconds later, and poof, I can't see her profile anymore.  Can't search for it either. 
  • #8 by BG2112 on 17 Dec 2020
  • So I just went on my 2nd account and I said to her "I think you just blocked my other account" and she asked the name, so I gave it, and she said yes because you just kept popping in and out and not respecting me and everybody except for her regulars treats her like shit on there.  I'm like wtf, I'm paying you....
  • #9 by sebpaul0104 on 19 Dec 2020
  • If she is come much bothered might as well she sit in Premium or Fantasy and hope someone pops into her room. There is a reason general chat is enabled and if she can’t respect that , sad she is not going anywhere in the popularity index
  • #10 by Bernie1212 on 22 Dec 2020
  • Ha just realized she has me blocked, and its not a region block.  Went to the site, showed her on, logged in and nothing.  Logged out and there she was.   Too funny....
  • #11 by zeus1 on 24 Dec 2020
  • I am also blocked, lucky me. I do wish we had the ability to block models, she would be been the first.
  • #12 by TonyRocko on 25 Dec 2020
  • she's mentioned to me before that she is bipolar. Could explain why she does these things
  • #13 by mooretiger on 03 Jan 2020
  • apparently i'm back on the goddesses's good block is lifted. must be a new years resolution from her to take $$ from anyone. i'll pass.
  • #14 by BG2112 on 03 Jan 2020
  • lol, same, i am no longer blocked
  • #15 by tarzan7 on 03 Jan 2020
  • Piling on I guess but I visited her when she joined HBC in Free and was rude to me. If she choses to continue she needs to stay in Premium and be content she will be paid for showing up. For me, I’ve stayed away.