  • #1 by Timmon on 14 Jul 2020
  • In the NAC Organisation "Figure " Class is the equivalent of "Physique" in the IFBB / NPC Organisation.

    Scoring rounds
    Round 1 - Lineup
    Symmetry, proportion, harmony, even muscle development, tanning, general body care, radiance and posing clothes are assessed.

    At the request of the jury spokesman, all participants make quarter turns clockwise to the following views:

    1. Front view
    2. Side view left side
    3. Back view
    4. Side view right side
    5. Front view

    Only the basic position is required. Poses are not allowed. In the front and back view, both feet must stand side by side on the floor (exceptions permitted for bikini shape and figure). Each judge can call individual athletes for direct comparison.

    For all classes in women as well as in men, the side view should only be carried out in its accurate form: feet parallel and together, knees extended, arms to body, head straight.


    BIKINI SHAPE Line up.

  • #2 by Timmon on 14 Jul 2020
  • Round 2 - mandatory poses
    Muscle mass, muscularity, muscle division, proportion, exact execution are evaluated. The criteria of the line-up are included in the evaluation.

    All participants perform the following mandatory poses at the request of the jury spokesman:

    1. Double biceps (front) (open for female figure)
    2. Latissimus (front) (for women only body class)
    3. Side chest pose (any side)
    4. Triceps (any side)
    5. Double biceps (back) (open for female figure)
    6. Latissimus (back) (for women only body class)
    7. Belly and legs
    8. Most Muscular (male bodybuilding only)


    Round 3 - Freestyle (done voluntarily, possibly evaluation for best posing)

    Creativity, charisma, type-specific choice of free speech, choice of music, variations in poses, overall appearance are evaluated
    Free time (at all championships): - max. 60 seconds (exception: pairs - max. 90 seconds)
    The free program should include creative posing elements and as few mandatory poses as possible. Variations of these poses are better. Every athlete should chose music and poses appropriate to their type. The use of costumes and accessories is not permitted.