  • #76 by liftcarryfan1 on 20 Sep 2023
  • Has anyone had a recent session with an overhead lift? Or is there a big, strong session girl out there currently capable of lifting overhead and is offering to do so?

    Maria Manic if you’re under 200
  • #77 by ziggy113 on 28 Sep 2023
  • Did anyone get an overhead from someone other than Maria Manic or Dominique Danger lately?
  • #78 by martin_187uk on 01 Jan 2024
  • Aspen Rain is non existent.  I would not expect much.  I am not sure she is even real.

    I was also overhead lifted by Dominique Danger 3 times. 

    Maria Manic was the best.  She not only lifted me but walked around with me.

    I am at 155.

    I wish i was that weight. My wife would be more willing to do lifts with me and if not it would be easy to find women to lift me

    How strong is your wife? Sounds like you are a lucky man
  • #79 by clay99 on 01 Jan 2024
  • I think Vikingqueen does
  • #80 by ziggy113 on 04 Jan 2024
  • I think Vikingqueen does

    Really where did you hear this?   I think she has been on the session scene since the 90's & haven't heard anything significant about her L&C abilities so would be surprised if she can do overhead lifts.

    Anula from Poland is doing a custom video with @paradisecarry, be interesting to see if there will be any overhead lifts in that as she's the biggest out there!
  • #81 by clay99 on 05 Jan 2024
  • I think Vikingqueen does

    Really where did you hear this?   I think she has been on the session scene since the 90's & haven't heard anything significant about her L&C abilities so would be surprised if she can do overhead lifts.

    Anula from Poland is doing a custom video with @paradisecarry, be interesting to see if there will be any overhead lifts in that as she's the biggest out there!

    Vikinguqeen told me on WA she offers lifting and carrying. Also would try attempting overhead lifts but depends on your size/shape I guess if you are below 170lbs or 75kg she could.
  • #82 by liftcarryfan1 on 06 Jan 2024
  • Aspen Rain is non existent.  I would not expect much.  I am not sure she is even real.

    I was also overhead lifted by Dominique Danger 3 times. 

    Maria Manic was the best.  She not only lifted me but walked around with me.

    I am at 155.

    I wish i was that weight. My wife would be more willing to do lifts with me and if not it would be easy to find women to lift me

    How strong is your wife? Sounds like you are a lucky man

    My wife used to be pretty strong when we were dating. I was also somewhat slimmer but she was able to piggyback me or front lift me against the wall. Her legs were thick enough also for me to sit on her lap and every now and then she was able to do the 69 lift and carry. This was like 13-14 years ago tho and women in the heat of moments push themselves and can get really strong.
  • #83 by ziggy113 on 12 Feb 2024
  • I heard that Muscle Mamacita does overhead lifts, has anyone had the pleasure &,care to share the details?
  • #84 by DCReviews on 06 Mar 2024
  • Sheena travel to my area recently and after emailing her and inquiring she mentioned that she could do overhead if you were not too heavy.  But she charges a premium for lift and carry sessions.   
  • #85 by clay99 on 06 Mar 2024
  • Sheena travel to my area recently and after emailing her and inquiring she mentioned that she could do overhead if you were not too heavy.  But she charges a premium for lift and carry sessions.

    I thought Sheena retired from sessioning? They always come back
  • #86 by Tiberius on 06 Mar 2024
  • She never took down her profile. She was busy with other things like appearing on powerslap
  • #87 by clay99 on 07 Mar 2024
  • She never took down her profile. She was busy with other things like appearing on powerslap

    Heard her talk about MMA/UFC but she is probably too old for it now. I thought the real reason she stopped doing sessions was because she got engaged to some American male bodybuilder
  • #88 by lifted on 11 Jul 2024
  • She never took down her profile. She was busy with other things like appearing on powerslap

    Heard her talk about MMA/UFC but she is probably too old for it now. I thought the real reason she stopped doing sessions was because she got engaged to some American male bodybuilder

    She has stopped doing sessions because she went home to take care of her father who is sick