  • #1 by brun on 18 Sep 2009
  • I am doing the sessions not very often, once or twice a year. As everybody here I like muscles on girls but as most of the men prefer the type which can be described as "beautiful" by common standarts (face, proportions, etc). So, the session with Renne was an exeption from this rule, and no need to tell, it was a wise exeption, one of the best sessions I had in my life. Of course, it was a pleasant surprice, when at the very beginning without any request from me she took off her t-shirt which left her only in a tight lycra shorts. The session was fantastic, Renne was non-stop and did  exactly the things, I expected her to do: wrestled me, give some time to recover, doing some posing, let me feel every muscle of her body, flexing it separately, told some funny things, wrestled again...Of course I had no single chance against her in wrestling, but she did it slowly, without any fast scary moves, so I never felt myself in real danger, Renne is not a violent person.
    But all this things are more or less well known and described by other people. Still it looks to me I can write somethihg which can be of interest for the forum members. Our session took place in Brussel in the end of 2006 in one of the Citadine`s appartements, not very expensive, but with a large carpeted area between the kitchen and living room. It started about 30 min. after the scheduled time. In her last message Renne asked me to make a final confirmation call around 20-30-min. before. That day I was busy in Antwerpen and because of some train delay returned to Brussel only 20 min. before the session. I remembered the hotel and room but her european tel. no. was in my computer pretty far away, so I went from the station directly to the hotel. The reception was busy with some people, so I decided not to wait in line and was near the room exactly in time. Knocked at the door-no answer, knocked again-same result. There was absolutely no sound from the room, no light inside. I spent couple more minutes in front of the door, returned downstairs and spent next ten minutes with a drink at the lobby bar, thinking what it means. It looked to me, the only reason is that by some ways I forgot the right time or room no. and before leaving without any hope I asked at the reception to call at the room. Renne answered! -Yes, I am in the room and waiting for You. I was lucky to ask for 2hr. session, so we still had enough time and in the end Renne was so nice that charged me only a little more than 1hr. You will ask what happened? The real reason was this famous man from Paris, the former professional wrestler, husband of Wei Lin (I think now she don`t wrestle anymore). His hobby is to visit all the comers to injure them during the wrestling, destroying this way a competition for his wife in the area, or just fulfiling his dark sadistic instincts and some time before me he was near REnne`s room trying to penetrate inside. Later I found a detailed description of an encounter with him at the site of Helen von Mott. The article was called FIASCO IN PARIS and was located in the PULPIT department. Now she redesignes her site and I did not find it anymore. There was even his photo there and to me he looked like Tank Abbot in a very bad mood. Renne knew everything about him and reasonably avoided Paris during her European trip, but this man was so devoted to his hobby that made all the way to Brussel (only 1.25 from Paris by fast train.)
    To be continued...
  • #2 by nycred on 18 Sep 2009
  • Welcome Brun!  Happy to give you your first Karma point.  Great story.  I love Antwerp and Brussels but it has been a long time since I was there.  Did she ever remove her shorts?
    • nycred
  • #3 by brun on 18 Sep 2009
  • Before I continue, will try to answer the question. Well, it`s no problem for me to discuss this things at a topless-non-topless level. Almost everything beyond is my personal experience and I don`t really like to talk much about it. I don`t know if I am a gentleman or not, and I am not a shy person, but I respect the girls and such discussions are definitely not the kind of advertising they are looking for. The girls are human beengs and everything is possible but it`s allways a question of inspiration and personal sympathy, so there is absolutely no guarantee that if the girl did something with You she will do it next time with the other customer. To me the general rule is: The less attractive is the girl and less publicly known (officially competing for ex.) - the more chances for the "full service" You have. If somebody will tell me something of this kind about Alina or Brigita, I will be 100% sure it`s only a fantasy. And one more objective reason. The girls read this forum and I know for sure they have a secret forum of their own with the black and white lists of the customers (I don`t know it`s location, all I know, it is very well protected and there is close-to-zero chance for the guest to register there). So, when You are discussing here all this stuff like BJ and Greek style, You are on the way to Black List. As for Renne, I was so happy with her topless look (don`t know why I didn`t expect this, because her topless pictures allready existed in the net), that I did not even had an idea to ask for more and I never heard anybody had such an experience.
  • #4 by brun on 18 Sep 2009
  • ...I continue. When Renne told me the real reason she hide from me was that she thought it was this man again, I was an idiot, trying to make a joke of it, teasing her in the way like how it come that a great and mighty Renne is afraid of some old crazy dude. But Renne was very serious about it. She told me that he broke the legs of one girl (I did not ask the name, such things sounds terrible for me even to think about) and Colette Guimond was very lucky to run away from him not being injured. Renne also told that she could probably defeat this man in a real fight and was seriously thinking about doing it to avenge the other girls (who else if not she!?), but after thinking over she left this ideas. This man allways have an excuse to the police like this: It was a competitive wrestling as advertised, such things happens in sport, I feel sorry for this... And what can a girl answer to the police questions: What`s going on here?Prostitution?No?Than what?Are You paying the taxes? So with the any outcome of such fight the girl will lose. Some months later I asked the other girl about this man. She told me: Yes, he is bothering everybody, but makes no real problem. Unlike the movie maniacs he is very predictable, easy to recognize by the style of his calls and E-mails, and in the worst case, if he is coming to your place, you just don`t let him in and there is little he can do about it. So it was really not easy to move from such a heavy topic to more pleasant things, but Renne is a true session professional and in a few minutes we completely forgot about this tough start. I also remember I asked her something abour her income. She said laughing, that it`s for sure more than Ms Olympia`s. To me it sounds like a 100% truth because Iris definitely could provide much smaller competition to Renne in this area than Lenda before. So when we say goodbye to each other we were like a long time good friends and I am really sorry she does not do the sessions anymore.
    I thought the first post must be of some quality and did my best.
  • #5 by bulldozer on 19 Sep 2009
  • great story.  k+++  i would love to here more about the session but i respect your privacy.
  • #6 by Jester on 19 Sep 2009
  • would be great if you could tell us a bit more about the session.What is your height andweight? and did she overpower you effortlessley?
  • #7 by couchtatie on 02 Jan 2012
  • Anyone had a session with her, or heard any reports?
  • #8 by pat777 on 26 Jan 2012
  • The other side is equally impressive and beautiful. Her wb270 says : Scissors sessions & semi-competitive wrestling. I wonder if she can be as agressive, dominant and cruel as she looks from the back. Anyone met her ?

  • #9 by Flinttown32 on 26 Jan 2012
  • Hopefully she'll make it to the US.
    • Flinttown32
  • #10 by Kris72 on 26 Jan 2012
  • I am going  to meet her in few weeks.
    Looking forward to it.
  • #11 by mangui on 26 Jan 2012
  • If you don't mind my asking... what's her name on the list?

  • #12 by Kris72 on 26 Jan 2012
  • #13 by Kris72 on 26 Jan 2012
  • She was Carla, but use her original name now and are located in London (or Brighton).
  • #14 by bugs on 27 Jan 2012
    • bugs
  • #15 by gatorvin on 29 Jan 2012
  • tried it, loved it, she is amazing, will be back very soon i hope!