  • #1 by iluvweed on 05 May 2018
  • [iluvweed] May Your Dreams Be This Pleasant! *Illus*

    Cory Everson is inarguably one of the most beautiful women of all time! Reimagine her growing to herculean size and strength! This is a fantasy of mine. I love jerking off to these images! Enjoy!
    PS. They are all morphs. Be ye not deceived. Lest I be accused of dishonesty. Just in case it is not obvious to any newbies. :funny:

  • #2 by iluvweed on 09 May 2018
  • I actually dreamed this. I'm not lying. I woke up with an erection. :singing:

    The dream:

    I had a session with Diane Solomons. She invited me in wearing platform high heels in which she stood well over six feet tall! I felt puny and looked down in shame. Sensing it she laid down the law, "Pipsqueak! I'm the BOSS! This is going to go MY WAY! Not yours!"     

    Completely compliant and totally emasculated by her physical superiority, I gasped as she lifted me with a seeming effortlessness!

    She commanded me to get down on my knees and worship her incredible legs. I was flabbergasted!
    Her right leg had deep, deep cuts! Her left leg had "spider web" vascularity!

    Then she ordered me to lay on my back. Removing her shoes, she stood on me rendering me imobile and demanded I worship her calves.

    Her left calf had a deep cut! She insisted that I stick my tongue in it and lick it. I eagerly obeyed. Then she told me to wrap my lips around the pulsating blue vein throbbing on her spectacular right calf. I did as I was told. What choice did I have?

    Alas, I then woke up screaming, "Noooooooo! I want more!" I wanted to pleasure her vagina with my mouth! Denied it by waking up, I pleasured myself. What choice did I have? Rhetorical. None whatsoever! Blue balls was the painful alternative. :) 
  • #3 by iluvweed on 11 May 2018
  • Shelley is growing!

    When will it stop?! Not ever if I have my wish!

    Wish granted! She' the biggest bodybuilder of all time now! :wow:

  • #4 by iluvweed on 12 May 2018
  • I like to fantasize that Melissa Coates grows bigger and bigger and BIGGER! :wow:

  • #5 by iluvweed on 10 Jun 2018
  • I'm fully aware these are obvious morphs. Help me out on her name, please. I have a pretty good memory. But....

    Why am I getting a strong feeling that she has the same first name as a world-famous guitarist?

    Andres Segovia?

    It's coming to me... isn't the rock star's surname the same as a palace in England?


    Something like Windsor? Then again I might be mistaken :-[   

    Lindsay Mulinazzi

    Aka Ironfire.  :thanks:
  • #6 by iluvweed on 25 Jun 2018
  • Prince said it best. Reimagine her morphed to the max! I love her! But the bigger, the better IMHO. A female muscle fantasy to be sure! :woohoo:

    Kneel and worship, men! She is vastly superior! :dance:
  • #7 by ravi777 on 12 Jul 2018
  • SHE COULD CRUSH the Poor Horse with a CRUSH From her THIGHS

    It is called BODY Scissoring a Horse I think
  • #8 by Fistpumpfarajj on 01 Oct 2018
  • I've made these.Enjoy



    yes I know I have a problem
  • #9 by Fistpumpfarajj on 01 Oct 2018

  • #10 by grainy4 on 28 Oct 2018
  • #11 by Apsin23 on 04 Nov 2018

  • #12 by Apsin23 on 05 Nov 2018
  • That is so very impressive details on her beautiful.

    she's already incredible but love the morphs

    Thanks for feedback
  • #13 by Apsin23 on 05 Nov 2018
  • :wow:  these look really really good! They look real! I give you karma, keep up the GREAT work

    Glad you like them
  • #14 by Apsin23 on 06 Nov 2018
  • Here I attempt to re-post the ones that were inexplicably deleted by PhotoBucket:

  • #15 by peakfan on 25 Nov 2023
  • Super quick  Rene Marven *animated* morph I made, enjoy!!JjpAmQIb!yyCGsrQ3kANtmsOQ-wgav7_hBBF17cb1GYa1MATAUNQ

    Does anyone still have the actual animated file for this one?  (including the original poster)