  • #46 by darksecret23 on 24 Feb 2019
  • To answer the question directly - anabolic steroid use is a big turn on!
    For me it’s about the mindset of a woman prepared to use steroids to get huge despite knowing the side effects!
    She wants to be bodybuilder size so badly she lives with the side effects.
    Better yet (getting into fantasy thinking here) if she embraces and/or is encouraged by the visual side effects.
    So when a fbb has a deep voice, I know it’s because she has chosen to use steroids to the point where that is her voice now. Same with the facial hair, receding hairline, square chiseled jawline, reduced-to-nothing breasts, enlarged clioris, agression etc etc and it’s definitely a turn on!
  • #47 by xwingx3 on 12 Dec 2020
  • I am a lifelong muscle fan, but recently have started really being aroused by gear use and all its side effects. Deepened voice and jawline mainly! Has led me to be fascinated by "watching!" Have had a lot of girls open to explore the fetish on HBC and over skype, but only a few who have ever let me "watch" them take it.

    Anyone else like me out there? If so, any particular girls who have let you "watch" or who are really great at exploring the fetish? I can drop my names of the ones who have let me here. Just not sure of the rules! I am brand new here!
  • #48 by xwingx3 on 16 Dec 2020
  • To answer the question directly - anabolic steroid use is a big turn on!
    For me it’s about the mindset of a woman prepared to use steroids to get huge despite knowing the side effects!
    She wants to be bodybuilder size so badly she lives with the side effects.
    Better yet (getting into fantasy thinking here) if she embraces and/or is encouraged by the visual side effects.
    So when a fbb has a deep voice, I know it’s because she has chosen to use steroids to the point where that is her voice now. Same with the facial hair, receding hairline, square chiseled jawline, reduced-to-nothing breasts, enlarged clioris, agression etc etc and it’s definitely a turn on!

     I'm right there with you. To the point where I seek out fbb'ers who will inject for me on cam. I've found a few who are into it and it's always incredible. Anyone else into that/found any girls willing to do so?
  • #49 by Butt kisser on 16 Dec 2020
  • Love the chiseled square jaw, the deeper voice, and the increased sex drive. Hate the hair loss.

    Amen. I also like the strong, square jaws and their potentially elevated sex drive..
    And conversely I feel sorry for women who start to lose hair. Hair is an important part of a woman's sense of physical self-confidence.. it's not fun losing a beautiful head of hair..
    But yeah, I love the superhero jawlines  :heart:
  • #50 by imatrankoski on 22 Dec 2020
  • These are a turn-off for me. I like a cute face with a small chin and a soft female voice. The contrast to the big muscles is all the greater. A bit enlarged clit would be nice, though. Also, when she has an incredibel x-shape (thanks to the womanly hourglass figure), I know a man could never look like that...bursting with muscles but still a woman first and foremost.
  • #51 by petitskinny on 22 Dec 2020
  • For me, a man who has to shave more than me is a real turn-on ! Love how it makes me feel more feminin than her. Note that is not so difficult since I"m not reallt hairy.
  • #52 by Jimmyt on 19 May 2021
  • My tastes have definitely also changed over time. Bruce, great post. Really got me thinking. I now really love all the side effects. The more extreme, the better. That said, I think that those are signs of what I’m really attracted to…. A true believer. That woman that lives for the transformation. She totally embraces steroids and all of their effects because she wants to become the strongest, most masculine woman she can be. It’s so disappointing for me when there is a truly massive woman with perfect genes who tries to cover it up with fake boobs, tons of makeup, etc. Aleesha Young was so much more attractive to me before her boobs.
  • #53 by JustBiceps on 16 Jun 2021
  • The only side effect I like (besides their big muscles) is their big strong hands.
  • #54 by nbunited21 on 16 Jun 2021
  • I love a lot of the side effects...big clit, square jaw, obviously the huge muscles, hgh gut, deep voice.  Love it.  BUT I feel like it’s super hot when they still dress and present themselves fairly feminine.  Not necessarily girly just feminine-ish.  Like Paige Dumars would be really hot for me if she didn’t have really short hair and acted more feminine.  There’s like a line I guess.
  • #55 by outmuscled on 21 Jun 2021
  • Most of the side effects of steroids are not appealing in themselves, but where they do become a turn on is that they're a giveaway sign of just how far such a woman has gone to build up her muscle, and how unconcerned she is with maintaining traditional feminine ideals of appearance and behaviour.
    It triggers expectations in me that this woman must be seriously strong and a bit wild and uncoventional.
  • #56 by pigi3141 on 21 Jun 2021
  • I love muscular girls/women, had some sessions booked on WB270. What I don't like are hairs (except on the head) or a too masculine voice. A bigger clit is totally ok. But most imporant: the more muscular, the better  :)
  • #57 by Creamnant on 29 Jun 2021
  • I love muscular girls/women, had some sessions booked on WB270. What I don't like are hairs (except on the head) or a too masculine voice. A bigger clit is totally ok. But most imporant: the more muscular, the better  :)

    I totally agree with you.
    At the begining, I didn't like big clits. Especially when they appears behind the underwears. But now, it's the opposit.
    Like you, I prefer women without body hairs. Back in time, I have met a regular woman who had more than me. It was a big dislike.
    And the muscles... ohhhhh yeah !  :woohoo:
  • #58 by Del4 on 04 Jul 2021
  • Aside from the huge muscles, my favourite side effects are the big clit, deep voice and big powerful hands.
  • #59 by alphaking1 on 07 Sep 2021
  • The voice deepening and the extra-hair is a huge turn-off. Only that it makes for bigger muscles.
    The enlarged clit can be sexy though but it depends on my mood. I like muscled women to keep a semblance of feminity.
  • #60 by Growinboy on 22 Jun 2023
  • I like the women to cross the line into freak. The only thing I don't care for are the body hair and hairline issue. Their sex drives are crazy and most want it multiple times a day. A big clit wet and ready always get me going. Love a strong jawline.  The was a beast of a girl that used go to my gym. I was no slouch 5-9 230. She used keep and eye on me while she did her cardio. She always walked the stair climber until she started to bite her bottom lip and came. Went out on a date with her she honestly was the wildest experience I have ever had. She liked given to her hard.