  • #136 by silkrk90ma on 21 Feb 2013
  • I heard Layla Lane's real name is Michelle Anderson, I had a session with her; she was awesome!
    • silkrk90ma
  • #137 by BeatMeUp on 21 Feb 2013
  • I heard Layla Lane's real name is Michelle Anderson, I had a session with her; she was awesome!
    :hellno: and  :hellno:
    • BeatMeUp
  • #138 by enoch on 22 Feb 2013
  • Let's see:  experienced posters are pretty much unanimous that Layla Lane sessions are horrible.  Silkrk90ma comes out of nowhere (first post) to say she is good but gives no specifics whatsoever.  Plus he doesn't even know who she is, as BeatMeUp hilariously points out. 

    So, Silkrk90ma, if you are legitimate, you're going to have to do better than that with details to convince us Layla is worth seeing.  Otherwise, I'll assume that you are either Layla herself or a friend who promised to write something on her behalf. 
  • #139 by silkrk90ma on 26 Feb 2013
  • Let's see:  experienced posters are pretty much unanimous that Layla Lane sessions are horrible.  Silkrk90ma comes out of nowhere (first post) to say she is good but gives no specifics whatsoever.  Plus he doesn't even know who she is, as BeatMeUp hilariously points out. 

    So, Silkrk90ma, if you are legitimate, you're going to have to do better than that with details to convince us Layla is worth seeing.  Otherwise, I'll assume that you are either Layla herself or a friend who promised to write something on her behalf.

    A friend? I wish she would give me the time of day without charging me for it!!  I don't have many posts just yet as I have just started posting on this forum rather than just reading.

    Ok, so here is my review: she still has a great build, long platinum hair and a sexy tan. She's has strong energy and I'm a rather small guy, so I was really turned on. The session lasted almost an hour but I didn't get sex offers like others are claiming, that's why I thought they were referring to someone else. She did check her phone a lot, but I know she has a lot of clients, so that was expected.
    • silkrk90ma
  • #140 by hamoudi on 23 Mar 2013
  • that is the best topic ever in this forum
    if it posible to make it fixed to be on the  top always ?
    • hamoudi
  • #141 by Chainer★ on 01 May 2022
  • Have you ever been the victim of the deposit scam?

    A fraudulent session wrestler who doesn´t show up
    and also doesn´t return your deposit?

    Would you like to warn others about someone who conned you?
  • #142 by michaelg1978 on 03 May 2022
  • Why does this sound like the beginning of one of those lawyer commercials?
  • #143 by Polite Society on 03 May 2022
  • Why does this sound like the beginning of one of those lawyer commercials?

     Better Call Chalner?
  • #144 by DCReviews on 04 May 2022
  • I feel bad for both sides. You have girls that are constantly scheduling sessions and spending money on flights, hotels and things like that and then people don’t show up and then you have people who get suckered and have their deposits taken. There should be a better way.   
  • #145 by OrangeCountyCalifornia on 05 May 2022
  • I never like leaving deposits for anybody especially after I got ripped off nine years ago but years ago I suspected it was going to be the norm after hearing so many cheapskates cancel their sessions at the last minute or no-shows.
  • #146 by Bulklover on 05 May 2022
  • Why does this sound like the beginning of one of those lawyer commercials?

     Better Call Chalner?

    Better Call Schmaul?