Please report dead links!
If you find a dead link, please click 'Report to moderator' (dead link) in the posts, so we will keep the forum clean!
And we request you to check your own posts periodically and if your posts dead if possible please re-upload.
We invite everyone to report to us any dead posts by clicking on "Report to moderator" button near to each post on the bottom right hand corner.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for sharing. Guys be sure to let us know if any of these links stop working by clicking the report to moderator button on the bottom right-hand side of that particular post.

Posting in a thread that a link doesn't work does no good, because there's no guarantee that a moderator or the original poster will see your post. Please use the report to moderator button in the bottom right hand portion of the post to report dead links. It's automatically sent to the moderators and the effort to fix the link will happen faster.