  • #1 by RobMash on 06 Dec 2016
  • List in alphabetical order. Find your favourites bodybuilders and vote!
  • #2 by UK_Fan on 07 Dec 2016
  • My list only included women who deserved to (and often did or came close) win competitions because of the quality of their overall package - a combination of their size, muscularity, sctructure of physique, posing ability and general appearance.  That means that many women who are amongst my favourites, but who quite often have wither weaknesses in parts of their physique or its unbalanced sadly don't get a look in - that's me with my 'judging' hat on today, as the title of this vote is 'best' FBB, not 'favourite' (hence why I, reluctantly, voted [amongst others] for Iris Kyle.  If I had to chose a women amongst those I woted for as the 'all-round best package', at least once in their career, then I'd have to go for Alina Popa, with Annie Rivieccio a close second.

    Those on the list above who are amongst my faves (most of whom I fancy the provberial pants off) who didn't make the cut:

    Gina Davis
    Cornelia Brandt
    Betty Pariso
    Brigita Brezovac
    Colette Guimond
    Debbie Muggli
    Elena Oana Hreapca
    Elena Seiple
    Fabiola Boulanger
    Jana Linke-Sippl
    Jay Fuchs
    Kim Perez
    Laura Binetti
    Lora Ottenad
    Maria Lehtonen
    Monica Mollica Mowi
    Monique Hayes
    Rene Campbell
    Sarah Hayes
    Tazzie Colomb
    Tina Chandler

    ...and, of course, the legendary Tina Lockwood...

    Quite a few not even on the list (e.g. Hannie Van Aken, a good number of 1980s top FBBs), but trying to remember every single FBB over 35 years is a tall order for anyone!
    • UK_Fan
  • #3 by Patrick_Henry on 07 Dec 2016
  • Cory Everson, Kim Chizevsky are my top 2..

    Surprised Cory currently has less than 1% of the vote. She was the first (& probably biggest) star in the sport's history, no (?)

    For whatever it's worth, I believe Tina Lockwood could've been the greatest ever. Imagine Lockwood,.. potential fulfilled.  :heart:
    • Patrick_Henry
  • #4 by trickdarter on 08 Dec 2016
  • How did Kay Baxter get left out?    She retired from competition in 86' bout the time Cory started to dominate.  Then she died in '88.  She gets an honorable mention write in vote...

  • #5 by TheFranksterChannel on 08 Dec 2016
  • I have elect of the best Bodybuilders to Express my opinion to chose my 30 picks are:

    1.   Kay Baxter
    2.   Zuzana Korinkova
    3.   Yvette Bova
    4.   Vikki Gates
    5.   Tina Lockwood
    6.   Susanne Niederhauser
    7.   Monique Jones
    8.   Monique Hayes
    9.   Lenda Murray
    10.   Kim Perez
    11.   Kashma Maharaj
    12.   Judy Gaillard
    13.   Janeen Lankowski
    14.   Iris Kyle
    15.   Heather Foster
    16.   Denise Masino
    17.   Colette Guimond
    18.   Candice Lewis
    19.   Annie Rivieccio
    20.   Angela Salvagno
    21.   Tina Chandler
    22.   Andrulla Blanchette
    23.   Susan Myers
    24.   Renne Toney
    25.   Nancy Lewis
    26.   Rachel Ruch
    27.   Nathalie Foreau
    28.   Natalia Romashko
    29.   Sharon Marvel
    30.   Rosemary Jennings
    • TheFranksterChannel
  • #6 by diamond on 08 Dec 2016
  • maria mikola, erika Andersch, Dorothy herndon, lori fetrick?not in the list
  • #7 by UK_Fan on 08 Dec 2016
  • maria mikola, erika Andersch, Dorothy herndon, lori fetrick?not in the list

    ...hence my earlier comment - I bet if most fans tried to name every FBB since 1980 they'd forget a good number.
    • UK_Fan
  • #8 by crushee on 09 Dec 2016
  •  :woohoo:
  • #9 by superdeub on 09 Dec 2016
  • maria mikola, erika Andersch, Dorothy herndon, lori fetrick?not in the list

    ...hence my earlier comment - I bet if most fans tried to name every FBB since 1980 they'd forget a good number.

    missing from the eighties  : Mary Roberts, Claire Furr, Donna Oliveira...sorry i can't vote. ???
  • #10 by boyofwinter on 09 Dec 2016
  • Can't vote without Ann-Marie Crooks being accounted for.
    Also missing some other favorites, Heather Lee, Asha Hadley, Erin Stern, Andrea Gahan, Lesa Lewis, Erin Maldonado, Abby Eyre, Tatianna Butler.
  • #11 by gokuman7 on 09 Dec 2016
  • Denise Hoshor and Natalia Trukhina
    • gokuman7
  • #12 by artax on 09 Dec 2016
  • I think Cory got less votes b/c the time that has passed-  think you have to judge them in their era-  that's why I voted for among others Cory, Lenda, Dayana Cadeau, Laura Crevelle, Iris Kyle, Tonya Knight, and Rachel McLish-  even though some of these might be less popular now with the passage of time
  • #13 by dedok1982 on 09 Dec 2016
  • Cory Everson and Sharon Bruneau. Without objections.
  • #14 by Dunerider304 on 09 Dec 2016
  • Claire Furr and Kay Baxter need to be added to that list.
  • #15 by zinran on 09 Dec 2016
  • How can Diana Dennis not be on this list?