  • #16 by wizeguy007 on 09 Dec 2016
  • Lenda Murray
  • #17 by seahawks64 on 09 Dec 2016
  • Incomplete list!  No Kay Baxter and Lesa Lewis. Or did I miss them??
    • seahawks64
  • #18 by mooveeguy on 09 Dec 2016
  • I don't believe Pillow, SueAnn McKean, or Lisa Elliott are on the list.
  • #19 by asapferg on 10 Dec 2016
  • Can't vote without Ann-Marie Crooks being accounted for.
    Also missing some other favorites, Heather Lee, Asha Hadley, Erin Stern, Andrea Gahan, Lesa Lewis, Erin Maldonado, Abby Eyre, Tatianna Butler.
    Asha isn't a bodybuilder. Here's some names that were excluded.

    Amanda Dunlap
    Alana Shipp
    Alevtina Goroshinskaya
    Ann-Marie Crooks
    Carla Dunlap
    Drorit Kernes
    Fannie Barrios
    Lesa Lewis
    Nicole Bass
    Pauliina Talus
    Robin Parker
    Roxanne Edwards
    Terri Moss
    Th-Resa Bostick
    Tierany Chretien
    Yolanda Hughes

    • asapferg
  • #20 by RobMash on 10 Dec 2016
  • Thank u all members for suggestion and big interest.

    I want specify the max options I can insert is 260 so I had do a selection among 260 athletes.

    I selected the athletes having the best consensus here on Saradas so I chose:

    ► the name of athletes having the most viewed post
    (example Natalya Trushina 1397047 views, Cindy Landolt 1244621 views ....)

    ► the athletes who won our Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness and Bikini Goddess

    On the list has been excluded all those female bodybuilders who don't enough stuff (at least 3/4 videos testifying their physical condition) on web. I think some set of professional shooting is not enough to judge an athlete.
  • #21 by WHATTHE on 10 Dec 2016
  • Susie Jaso, Della Wagnon, Suzan Kaminga, Marissa Brown, Kay Baxter, Rhonda Jorgenson, Deanna Panting, Carla Dunlap, Peggy Bertelsen, Theresa Jean Bell (Pillow), Mary Roberts, Natalia Murnikoviene, Erika Mes, and Erika Andersch would make up a partial list of fbb's who derserve to be on the list (and quite a list it is!)...

    Even though we could chose 30, for those on the list (in no particular order), I would have chosen:

    Aleesha Young
    Alina Popa
    Amber DeLuca
    Andrea Thiel
    Andrulla Blanchette
    Angela Salvagno
    Anja Langer
    Anja Schreiner
    Annie Rivieccio
    Beate Drabing
    Betty Pariso
    Brandi Mae Akers
    Britt Miller
    Cathy Lefrancois
    Charla Sedacca
    Christine Roth
    Cindy Phillips
    Colette Guimond
    Colette Nelson
    Cory Everson 
    Danielle Gardner
    Dayana Cadeau
    Debi Laszewski
    Denise Masino 
    Denise Rutkowski
    Elena Seiple
    Ericca Kern
    Fabiola Boulanger
    Gladys Portugues
    Heather Policky Armbrust
    Iris Kyle
    Isabelle Turell
    Jana Linke-Sippl
    Jitka Harazimova
    Joanna Thomas
    Juanita Blaino
    Juliana Malacarne
    Juliette Bergmann
    Kashma Maharaj
    Kim Chizevsky
    Kris Murrell
    Kristy Hawkins
    Laura Creavalle
    Laurie Steele
    Lenda Murray
    Lisa Aukland
    Margie Martin
    Michelle Ralabate
    Monique Jones
    Nancy Lewis
    Nikki Fuller
    Rachel McLish
    Raye Hollitt
    Rene Marven
    Sandy Riddell
    Sarah Hayes
    Shannon Courtney
    Sharon Marvel 
    Shelley Beattie
    Sophie Duquette
    Sue Price
    Susan Myers
    Tazzie Colomb
    Tina Lockwood
    Valentina Chepiga
    Wendy McMaster
    Yaxeni Oriquen
    Yvette Bova

    It goes without saying, finally, that my list will have some members saying "How could he have left her off....?" I am basing my list on the women who began my interest in the sport based solely on the unscientific criteria of sex appeal and not the stringent criteria used for bodybuilding shows like symmetry or musculature.

    My compliments to all of the ladies mentioned on this list!

  • #22 by alison brundage on 11 Dec 2016
  • How can Diana Dennis not be on this list?
    YUP !
  • #23 by alison brundage on 11 Dec 2016
  • Claire Furr and Kay Baxter need to be added to that list.
    YES !
  • #24 by alison brundage on 11 Dec 2016
  • I think Cory got less votes b/c the time that has passed-  think you have to judge them in their era-  that's why I voted for among others Cory, Lenda, Dayana Cadeau, Laura Crevelle, Iris Kyle, Tonya Knight, and Rachel McLish-  even though some of these might be less popular now with the passage of time

    Humm...good point.  Might be good to do the lists by era
  • #25 by handsonpdx on 12 Dec 2016
  • Janice Ragain
  • #26 by genco on 12 Dec 2016
  • No Marissa Brown, Kay Baxter or Janice Regain?

    What an outrage.

    You should break this out by decade and then put the top vote recipients on a final list. There are too many greats not accounted for.
  • #27 by p on 12 Dec 2016
  • I think that is a good list 8)
  • #28 by rabito on 17 Dec 2016
  • Renne O Neill
    Trish Swander
    Diana Dennis?
  • #29 by Saradas.Org on 19 Dec 2016
  • #30 by crushee on 25 Jan 2017
  •  ;)

    Good job !

    I (myself, personnaly) would have mentionned Rebekah Kresila...