  • #106 by Chainer★ on 16 Aug 2023
  • you really have a problem, not sure what she did to you, but you need to let it go,

    Get lost clown. It is stupid, since it's already been established she's a post op tranny. These guys don't read the threads they post in.
  • #107 by outmuscled on 16 Aug 2023
  • The transgenger section seems to be she males, whereas Emma is apparently fully transitioned and wants to regard herself as a woman.

    The way I see it, whatever her back story, if you book her you're going to get exactly the look and the body you've seen online, so no surprises.
    It's not like her clients turn up expecting to see a soft curvy femme.

    Ironically, she's far more butch as a woman than she ever was as a man, judging by the photos of her weedy former self.
    I read an interview with her from a while back, where she said what her male clients got out of sessioning with her, was the chance to feel like the small spoon.
  • #108 by Warhawk Overdrive on 17 Aug 2023
  • While we are all on the subject of TS on SG can someone tell Jennifer that Miss J from NYC is a Pre-OP guy and maybe should be moved to TG section? That will make it easier for anyone looking for him to find him.
  • #109 by Fitfan on 18 Aug 2023
  • you really have a problem, not sure what she did to you, but you need to let it go,

    Get lost clown. It is stupid, since it's already been established she's a post op tranny. These guys don't read the threads they post in.

    What year did I become a clown 🤡 , your evidence  only ,  your the one that has the issues , get help ,leave your mums basement and see the real world , and be happy you seem a really troubled

  • #110 by Fitfan on 18 Aug 2023
  • While we are all on the subject of TS on SG can someone tell Jennifer that Miss J from NYC is a Pre-OP guy and maybe should be moved to TG section? That will make it easier for anyone looking for him to find him.

    How about if you suspect it and are not comfortable you don’t book , this thread is insane , you know you are talking  about real people
  • #111 by bruce321 on 18 Aug 2023
  • While we are all on the subject of TS on SG can someone tell Jennifer that Miss J from NYC is a Pre-OP guy and maybe should be moved to TG section? That will make it easier for anyone looking for him to find him.
    How about if you suspect it and are not comfortable you don’t book , this thread is insane , you know you are talking  about real people

    A clown would say something like that without educating themselves about the issue before broadcasting their ignorance. Warhawk Overdrive doesn't "suspect" anything. Warhawk's characterization of Miss J's status comes directly from Miss J's profile on SG. Warhawk is also correct that someone openly admitting to being TS belongs in the Transgender category of the site. That's what it's there for.
  • #112 by pat777 on 22 Aug 2023
  • I will say this, [...] swears she's a woman. And she was pretty up close and personal in those vids.
    Kandy showed me a photo of Emma, showing no penis.  It could be an altered photo, who knows. 

    It's called a Penile Inversion surgery, aka "Gender-Affirming surgery" in wokeism language: Cutting appart perfectly sain genitals down to the groin, throwing away some and sewing the rest in a mockery of a vagina and an apparently more convincing vulva.

    If you can stomach:

    Doesn't change the fact that men and women are defined by their chromosomes but hey, some ideologies have a thing for playing with people's flesh too.
  • #113 by DEReffel on 27 Aug 2023
  • Wow... Some trans haters on here.  Or should I say people with strong personal insecurities?  That is where this sort of thing is rooted, generally. 

    I challenge those of you posting that stuff to stop and read your posts out loud to yourself before you click "post".  How do you think it is going to be received?  Keep in mind, there is no tone of voice in it.  People are only reading your words. You say you are not anti trans.  So then ask yourself, does what you just wrote really look like it was written by someone with no problem with trans people?  If you truly have nothing against trans people or the fact that she is trans, do you not think you would word things a little differently?

    If you get that far and still stand by everything you've said as it is typed here, then I ask...  Are you trans? Are you close with anyone who is trans? Or have you ever had a period in your like when the norm was discrimination toward you in the form of denied participation or acceptance, bullying, harassment, or assault, because of who you are or the way you live your life?  If so, what influences did it have on you? How did it shape the way you go about life, earning a living, socializing, etc.? How did it shape your sense of right and wrong? 

    If someone is scamming other people, they absolutely should be stopped. But is that what this is really about? We all have our insecurities. Thankfully not all of us deal with them by projecting rage at other people.

    Now, does anyone have any fairly recent experience with Emma?  Some details would be appreciated.

  • #114 by Chainer★ on 27 Aug 2023
  • Wow... Some trans haters on here.  Or should I say people with strong personal insecurities?  That is where this sort of thing is rooted, generally. 

    I challenge those of you posting that stuff to stop and read your posts out loud to yourself before you click "post".  How do you think it is going to be received?  Keep in mind, there is no tone of voice in it.  People are only reading your words. You say you are not anti trans.  So then ask yourself, does what you just wrote really look like it was written by someone with no problem with trans people?  If you truly have nothing against trans people or the fact that she is trans, do you not think you would word things a little differently?

    If you get that far and still stand by everything you've said as it is typed here, then I ask...  Are you trans? Are you close with anyone who is trans? Or have you ever had a period in your like when the norm was discrimination toward you in the form of denied participation or acceptance, bullying, harassment, or assault, because of who you are or the way you live your life?  If so, what influences did it have on you? How did it shape the way you go about life, earning a living, socializing, etc.? How did it shape your sense of right and wrong? 

    If someone is scamming other people, they absolutely should be stopped. But is that what this is really about? We all have our insecurities. Thankfully not all of us deal with them by projecting rage at other people.

    Now, does anyone have any fairly recent experience with Emma?  Some details would be appreciated.

    Have you ever read the entire thread? Or just trolling? There’re no trans haters. This thread is about a scam.

    Ever feel like you're in the wrong place? You can find only female bodybuilders, fitness girls session reviews here, not deceptive trans session reviews.

    Now get lost clown.

  • #115 by DEReffel on 28 Aug 2023
  • I am not trolling. I did read the thread. As someone with two close friends who are trans, having witnessed some of the discrimination they have been subjected to, I felt compelled to address what I saw people write here. 

    As I said, scammers should be stopped.  But the way to do that is to simply flag the relevant people.  Some on this thread took it to a different place, where there was no need to go. Their remarks were obviously an attempt to upset other people. THAT is trolling.
  • #116 by Tiberius on 29 Aug 2023
  • Wow... Some trans haters on here.  Or should I say people with strong personal insecurities?  That is where this sort of thing is rooted, generally. 

    I challenge those of you posting that stuff to stop and read your posts out loud to yourself before you click "post".  How do you think it is going to be received?  Keep in mind, there is no tone of voice in it.  People are only reading your words. You say you are not anti trans.  So then ask yourself, does what you just wrote really look like it was written by someone with no problem with trans people?  If you truly have nothing against trans people or the fact that she is trans, do you not think you would word things a little differently?

    If you get that far and still stand by everything you've said as it is typed here, then I ask...  Are you trans? Are you close with anyone who is trans? Or have you ever had a period in your like when the norm was discrimination toward you in the form of denied participation or acceptance, bullying, harassment, or assault, because of who you are or the way you live your life?  If so, what influences did it have on you? How did it shape the way you go about life, earning a living, socializing, etc.? How did it shape your sense of right and wrong? 

    If someone is scamming other people, they absolutely should be stopped. But is that what this is really about? We all have our insecurities. Thankfully not all of us deal with them by projecting rage at other people.

    Now, does anyone have any fairly recent experience with Emma?  Some details would be appreciated.

    They don't hate Emma because she is trans they hate her because she is deceptive. Let people chose if they want to go to a trans woman or not.
  • #117 by Mcterman on 06 Oct 2023
  • They should stream this documentary on Netflix as well.
  • #118 by tote on 27 Mar 2024
  • They should stream this documentary on Netflix as well.

    3D would be nice

  • #119 by Tiberius on 27 Mar 2024
  • Wow... Some trans haters on here.  Or should I say people with strong personal insecurities?  That is where this sort of thing is rooted, generally. 

    I challenge those of you posting that stuff to stop and read your posts out loud to yourself before you click "post".  How do you think it is going to be received?  Keep in mind, there is no tone of voice in it.  People are only reading your words. You say you are not anti trans.  So then ask yourself, does what you just wrote really look like it was written by someone with no problem with trans people?  If you truly have nothing against trans people or the fact that she is trans, do you not think you would word things a little differently?

    If you get that far and still stand by everything you've said as it is typed here, then I ask...  Are you trans? Are you close with anyone who is trans? Or have you ever had a period in your like when the norm was discrimination toward you in the form of denied participation or acceptance, bullying, harassment, or assault, because of who you are or the way you live your life?  If so, what influences did it have on you? How did it shape the way you go about life, earning a living, socializing, etc.? How did it shape your sense of right and wrong? 

    If someone is scamming other people, they absolutely should be stopped. But is that what this is really about? We all have our insecurities. Thankfully not all of us deal with them by projecting rage at other people.

    Now, does anyone have any fairly recent experience with Emma?  Some details would be appreciated.

    They don't hate Emma because she is trans they hate her because she is deceptive. Let people chose if they want to go to a trans woman or not.

    That is the only reason they are hated. Well that and when they force other people to accept them as female when they don't want to like in womens sports.