  • #1 by RobMash on 24 Jul 2015

  • Ingredients
    3 medium apples
     340g Total Greek yogurt 0% Fat free
     3 medium eggs
     Ground Cinnamon (as desired)
    50 g protein powder -Casein is the best to use as it will not make the bars too dry. Try not to use Isolate because it is a purer form of protein it tends to leave foods too dry when baked.
    Cooking Directions

    Pre-heat your oven at 180°C
    Peel, remove the core and cut the apples into very small cubes
    Mix the apples and the cinnamon-Remember Cinnamon is a very strong if sweet tasting spice so judge how much you think will be needed
    Heat up a non stick pan over medium heat on the hob/stove, add the apples and bake for approximately 3-5 minutes
    Once the time is up on the apples, add the apples and other ingredients to a large mixing bowl, and mix
    Using a rectangular baking dish, line with baking paper  so all sides of the dish are covered on the inside
    Add the mixture onto the baking paper in the baking dish taking care to spread it out as evenly as possible.
    Bake for 40 minutes in the oven.
    Allow the mixture to cool after baking then carefully cut into 10 rectangular bars

    Serving Size 1 bar
    Recipe makes approx. 10 bars
    Energy: 82 cal
     Protein: 11 g
     Carbohydrates: 5 g, of which sugars 5 g
     Fat: 2 g ,of which saturates 0.5 g
     Fiber: 0.8 g