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Author Topic: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita  (Read 78717 times)


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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2013, 07:13:59 am »
It makes no logic anything that guys said about me but still if you wanna know my answers to what he says and why it has no sense than read this :


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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #31 on: September 27, 2013, 07:19:08 am »
Anibody can make an account with anibody`s pictures but now u have to use your brains and realise what is possible and what is totally impossible,and by the way i don`t offer any session look at my youtube and you`ll see why ...i charge enough for webcam shows and custom videos to make a modfest living of domme (cause this is who i am) so i don`t have to get ny risk to meet people for live sessions nor to scam cause my interest is to have a long term business .....but haters and poor guys will always be ....and guess what i don`t even care with all this bad advertise he has done only good profit for me....

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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #32 on: September 27, 2013, 07:59:57 am »
Please guys just don't give a deposite.
Most of the session providers don't ask for it.
I'm sure most of the ladies who ask for it are honest.
If they make the ture only for you its a different story but if she is on a ture anyhow or if you come to her?
We are the customers here.
If we start thinking with our heads...
My heart breaks every time I read of another nice guy get robbed.
Please think about it.
No deposits...


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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2013, 09:44:04 am »
read that post again and my blog ....and let`s see his printed conversations and bank statement for the deposit to me Melissa Alesya Dangeloviski -this is my real name....not any other names.....but to make u clear i have it everywhere on my youtube and facebook cause that`s all that is true from what i saw from these posts : and that i don`t do live sessions and i`m not working for an agency just on my own  with a cam  .The attitude i have is a strong dominant woman not a piece of shit slave with muscles and with a face of a man i`m too good to lick any ass.

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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #34 on: September 28, 2013, 03:20:48 am »
Hi Alesyamuscledoll

I've read the response you linked about you being the victim of Mitrache' scams and not the partner and it all seemed sincere. But ... next thing you come up with a totaly unnecessary false name, after Myriam Magic, Lillianne Sun, now it's Melissa Dangelo ! (at least your consistant) Romanised into Dangeloviski. For your info your real name, which we all understand you'd like to keep private, is in all your accounts like monremuf noted : with PayPal : Elisabeta Florentina Ionita with Amazon Wish List : Elisabeta Florentina Ionita

Secondly when you say that "anybody" could usurp your identity to steal deposit money from fans, it's not "anybody" it's a guy named Marius Mitrache that you seem to know very well, boyfriend, friend or whatever. All Scam profiles have been removed from Session Girls, Ref, but you still have at least one at, and since you yourself confirm that you don't provide "live session" you confirm it is a Scam. Not to mention the ridiculous stats and skills that everyone wish you had.

So, close the remaining scam profiles, forget all this, and hit the Gym to make these 420lbs Squat legs and martial art skills a reality, we'll all be your (relatively) wealthy clients then, forget Mitrache.


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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2013, 06:53:32 am »
my dear, Budapest is not in Romania is in Hungary (where i`ve ben born ) my last name is russian as the roots of my family are russians

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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #36 on: September 28, 2013, 11:57:58 am »
my dear, Budapest is not in Romania is in Hungary (where i`ve ben born ) my last name is russian as the roots of my family are russians

Why don't you shed more light to Pat737 response rather than giving us a lesson in geography. Considering your posts are littered with bad grammar and spelling mistakes, you of all people should not make fun.

I agree with Pat737's post.
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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2013, 04:21:42 pm »
since when u tell me what to do as long as here people tell a lot of bullshit about models without giving any proof?

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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #38 on: September 28, 2013, 10:05:50 pm »
Thanks Mr Who (ps: it's 373 :-)

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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #39 on: September 29, 2013, 06:13:29 pm »
since when u tell me what to do as long as here people tell a lot of bullshit about models without giving any proof?
I'm not telling you what to do and I don't care what you do to be honest. Accusing people here of bullshit without any proof is like "Pot calling kettle black" because you are full of bullshit too. From your lying stats, age and everything else is BS. At least pat373's story/evidence is pretty damn believable unlike yours.

Sorry about the name confusion pat373 :)
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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #40 on: September 29, 2013, 07:13:12 pm »
Well, at least on cam, she's not one of those skinny Romanians with <= 12 inch arms that claims to have 14 or 15 inch arms and when you ask them to flex, they spend 2+ mins saying "oh yeah I am gonna show u my supreme power, are u ready to worship my big muscles yap yap yap" only to flex for 10 seconds and start typing again. Alesya at least starts flexing when you ask her to and doesn't bother writing a novel (or asking you for your life story before doing any flexing).

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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #41 on: September 29, 2013, 07:30:53 pm »
Hai noroc!  :singing:

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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2013, 07:31:47 pm »
BGfan, that is.

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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #43 on: September 29, 2013, 07:33:53 pm »
Anibody can make an account with anibody`s pictures but now u have to use your brains and realise what is possible and what is totally impossible,and by the way i don`t offer any session look at my youtube and you`ll see why ...i charge enough for webcam shows and custom videos to make a modfest living of domme (cause this is who i am) so i don`t have to get ny risk to meet people for live sessions nor to scam cause my interest is to have a long term business .....but haters and poor guys will always be ....and guess what i don`t even care with all this bad advertise he has done only good profit for me....

Aleysha, If you don't do live sessions (you do know this forum is for live sessions), make a decent living of cam and custom videos and have seen a boost in you business as a result of this thread or bad publicity as you call it , why bother trying to defend yourself on this thread?  Makes absolutely no sense to me.
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Re: SCAM ALERT : Miriam Magic AKA Alesya Muscledoll AKA Elisabeta Ionita
« Reply #44 on: September 30, 2013, 08:43:50 pm »
First of all my name is Alesya second i haven`t started this post on here so i had to explain what happened not to defend for the people here that never seen me probably and still were talking about me like they ever had paid for my`s hard for me why haters gotta hate.

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