  • #16 by liftncarryfan on 06 Jul 2013
  • Of the 8 sessions I have done I beat Jen Scarpetta took an out of shape Lora Ottenad to a draw and  made a couple others at least break a sweat.  I am 5'9 160 but I work a semi physical job that keeps my arms strong. 

    One armwrestling pro I woul love to session wifh buf she doesn't or not yet is Sarah Backman  :rock:
    • liftncarryfan
  • #17 by liftncarryfan on 06 Jul 2013
  • Does this forum have an app? If so maybe I could minimize the typos lol
    • liftncarryfan
  • #18 by liftncarryfan on 06 Jul 2013
  • Sorry meant to add IMHO Fabi Antoine was thee best I faced.
    • liftncarryfan
  • #19 by Liesbeth on 06 Jul 2013
  • Of the 8 sessions I have done I beat Jen Scarpetta took an out of shape Lora Ottenad to a draw and  made a couple others at least break a sweat.  I am 5'9 160 but I work a semi physical job that keeps my arms strong. 

    One armwrestling pro I woul love to session wifh buf she doesn't or not yet is Sarah Backman  :rock:
    Meet Sarah at Fibo in Germany and we did a pic at the armwrestling table together,  she have a amazing power.
    We did not armwrestle she just used enough strength for flex my bisceps to the max for photo and i was clearly feeling that this was just a small previview of her stregnth.
    No chance for me but it was funny to pose with her  :woohoo:
    • Liesbeth
  • #20 by Liesbeth on 07 Jul 2013
  • A good technique at armwrestling is important too.
    After my man and his daugther teached me how to use a good technique i was able to double my strength at push what a difference  :woohoo:
    So i be able to beat stronger opponents now :hey:
    • Liesbeth
  • #21 by jarnold on 08 Jul 2013
  • Ms. Melissa beat me armwrestling but I felt I put up a pretty good fight considering she can curl 75lb dumbells for reps, and has a one rep max dumbell curl of 100lbs.  I can't do half that but I held my own for 15 or 20 seconds, although she may have been toying with me.  I started wearing out and once she gained the advantage there was no way I could move her back even an inch. 
  • #22 by Liesbeth on 08 Jul 2013
  • For me most time i have to fight for win. No need for play lol.
    • Liesbeth
  • #23 by wujekcity on 08 Jul 2013
  • Ms. Melissa beat me armwrestling but I felt I put up a pretty good fight considering she can curl 75lb dumbells for reps, and has a one rep max dumbell curl of 100lbs.  I can't do half that but I held my own for 15 or 20 seconds, although she may have been toying with me.  I started wearing out and once she gained the advantage there was no way I could move her back even an inch.

    i highly doubt any woman could curl 100lb dumbells...
    • wujekcity
  • #24 by Pinme on 09 Jul 2013
  • Sure they can.  I went to the gym with Cindy Huntress and watched her curl 75 pounds, and she is not nearly as muscular or strong as the big girls. 
  • #25 by Liesbeth on 09 Jul 2013
  • Do regular correct curl at this weight no,  cheat at curl by move hole upper boy use speed yes.
    I cant curl 75 even at cheat but about to 45 to 50 lb at cheat with my lil 31 cm biceps for one or two rep.
    • Liesbeth
  • #26 by Superz22 on 09 Jul 2013
  • I have arm-wrestled Colette Guimond, Akila Pervis, Trapalicious, and Amber Deluca.  I did not lose to any of them right handed, but i have lost to Amber with my left arm.  I have probably beat her more times leftie than i have lost against her, but it usually depends on which one of us had the better start.  i arm-wrestled her a few months ago and she's bigger and stronger than she's ever been and that time she waxed me left handed.

    The easiest of the 4 of them was Julie, i was disappointed by how weak she was.  Technique or no technique it just felt like she had no power in her arms even though she has incredible arms.  Her scissors were crazy though  ;)
  • #27 by Liesbeth on 09 Jul 2013
  • Many bb girls who can curl lots of weight are not good at armwrestling.
    Not because they have weak arms,  they dont push for real because fear of injury.  Same for male bb. No technique is a other reason.
    • Liesbeth
  • #28 by Liesbeth on 09 Jul 2013
  • Funny a big arm has a bigger risk of injury at armwrestling than a smaller one.  The size make problems at the movement range at this special way to use arm and upper body strength .
    So many big bb are  :areyouchicken: at armwresling
    • Liesbeth
  • #29 by MartyFunkhauser on 09 Jul 2013
  • I've never lost either. 5'11, 210, Bench about 215 or so. Former HS athlete, but nothing like a current construction worker or anything. I beat them all pretty easily. Dominique Danger, Ginger Martin, Figure Power. Never went against a Big FBB, but would be interested if any could put up a fight. Gotta be technique. All I can think of.
  • #30 by liftncarryfan on 09 Jul 2013
  • I am not a Athletic trainer but a lot of your bigger more hardcore bb/fbb types have at least partially torn a forearm muscle...that in sports especially baseball would require Tommy John surgery.  You can get by without ever having it repaired but it will limit your range of motion and armwrestling requires use if this forearm muscle.

    • liftncarryfan