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Author Topic: SessionSafe - A new site dedicated for session wrestling  (Read 1903 times)

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SessionSafe - A new site dedicated for session wrestling
« on: July 02, 2024, 05:52:28 pm »
This is Steve, former moderator of

I've been working on a new complimentary site to SessionGirls, called "SessionSafe" and it will deal with the safety aspects of session wrestling. IE, the site will be devoted to keeping girls safe and guys not ripped off. It will also handle moderation policies that will be fairer to guys, as I believe that the current way of doing things is biased towards girls. The basic initial pre-release version here: . I would like to get input from the sessioning community regarding the new site, as well as a request for features.

features are available now:

Girl verification service
Related to a complaint I saw on the another forum, guys are often worried if new sessiongirls accounts are scams are not. SessionSafe can verify a girl as 'real' and give her a blue checkmark next to her name if she's verified. Soon, girls will also cryptographically verify their account through the social media accounts such as twit***, and facebook.

Recent example:

Guy verification service
Girls can leave reviews on guys accounts saying "yes, I sessioned with so-and-so, I had a good/bad experience". So girls can see a guy's history and perhaps message other girls directly if they have any other questions.

Girls that are known to scam:

Jennifer recently took the scammers page off of SessionGirls, so I am going to take over that part I guess.

Problem Girls
Girls that aren't necessarily "scammers" but are problem girls in terms of attitude, (attempted) scams, mental instability, just headaches to deal with in general. This may include legitimate "bad reviews" that were taken down, unjustifiangly, by SessionGirls. I may take this feature down depending on how controversial it is, but the feature is designed to address the issue that SessionGirls moderation policy is biased against guys.

Request for features!
SessionSafe is written from scratch and it is therefore trivial to add new features. There are some new features that are partially written, and will be released depending on requests and demand. What features would you like to see? What features that aren't in Sessiongirls would you like to see? Please comment and I will see if I can add it.

Here are some features that we are either working on or thinking about implementing:

"news" service (working on)
We are going to be using a card system to announce "custom news" that is relevant to a person's interests and geographic location. For instance, if you live in paris: "RandomGirl from BadKity will be visiting Paris soon!". See the front page at to see what I mean.

Onlyfans-type service (thinking about)
It is relatively trivial for us to put in a "facebook wall" thing for girls to post their daily content in, such as video or pics. Guys can follow which girl they like and have it in their "feed". This is easy to implement with a SaaS service we are using, but hard to push out until we get enough network effects. We can add this if there's enough requests.

"Push" information to guys (thinking about)
I have been told that a lot of girl's business went down a lot when the software changed to wordpress. I suspect, but not sure, that this was due to the lack of emails being pushed by the system every time the girl traveled. I am thinking about re-pushing this feature so guys can get pushed email notifications to subscribed girls, like if they travel to a new city or whatever.

Meta-search engine (thinking about)
We have a powerful indexing tool available to us (see , and it is relatively trivial to create a "meta" search engine that combines badkity, sessiongirls, and anat's list in one search. (yes, it will point to the girl's respective profile, not ours).

"AI" messaging system (working on)
We are working on a new "AI" messaging system that will hopefully cut all the extraneous messages from guys who are not serious about booking a session. (This is about 90% of all messages girls get). The messaging system can automatically respond with answers to "frequently asked questions", and can send the message to the girl directly if it cannot answer. Messages will be stored and archived for moderation purposes and there will be limits to how many times a guy can message a girl, depending on the situation.

Background check on guy (thinking about)
This is somewhat controverial, so I am not sure if it should be included. We do a criminal background check on the guy and the results are shared with the girls. This will help girls know if the guy is safe or not, or has a propensity for violence.

We are looking for ideas for features!

Do you have any feature requests? Are there any features missing from that you want to see implemented on this site? If there's enough consensus, I can pretty much build any feature you like.

Finally, try out the site! Is anything word or phrased awkwardly? Is anything about the use interface confusing in any way? We want to correct it before we do a wider release. So your input is wanted. Leave a comment or suggestion and I will try to answer any questions you have.

twit***: https://twit***.com/SessionSafe
gpg key:

Finally, there is a AMA on ***** for anyone's that' interested: https://www.*****.com/r/Sessionwrestling/comments/1dpu1y3/i_am_steve_the_former_moderator_of/

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