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Author Topic: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]  (Read 55940 times)

Offline Floret deBrocoli

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #75 on: July 27, 2022, 07:11:53 pm »
Mantra Vol. 1, #1-4, 1993
Malibu Comics

Lukasz really wishes he could have Eden Blake's body, so why does he want to get rid of it? If you were reincarnated, would you rather come back as a man or woman? For many generations, Lukasz has been a 'love em and leave em' kind of guy, who only views women as sex objects. Now, he has to suffer the humiliation of being one himself! What seems to be poetic justice, however, may actually be a fortunate turn of events. Eden can transform into Mantra.

Mantra commands the four mystic elements: earth, air, fire, and water. She can fly, pass through walls, and even teleport to the moon! Mantra can project energy beams, her cape can engulf and repel objects, and she's telepathic. There's no telling what else Lukasz will be capable of, if he ever learns to use all of Mantra's magical abilities. 

Despite Mantra's amazing powers, however, Lukasz still feels weak in a woman's body. Moreover, he's not comfortable wearing a flashy costume that attracts a lot of men, and he feels awkward whenever he meets a good-looking woman that he desires. Lukasz would gladly give up his superhuman abilities in order to become a normal man again. Therefore, Lukasz needs to get to Archimage, the wizard who trapped his soul in Eden's body.

At the moment, however, Archimage is locked up in a dungeon. To set Archimage free, Lukasz will have to defeat Boneyard, an evil sorcerer who has been honing his dark magic for centuries. To make matters worse, Archimage claims that Lukasz is actually his daughter. So, Lukasz might really belong in a woman's body, after all.

Comment: I guess the story is an attempt to get young male readers to identify with a female character. I do like the theme, but I still think the 'get away from me you creep' routine is overused. Essentially, Mantra is a tease. She flaunts her 'stuff' to get men to do her favors, but she won't even kiss a guy who saved her life.

4 issues, over 100 color scans (1000 x 1500).

Psychology: Carl Jung believed that we all have male and female sides to our personality. From a Jungian perspective, Lukasz is either a man who has become disconnected from his anima (his female side), or Eden is a woman who is possessed by her animus (her male side). In either case, Mantra's magical abilities suggest that Lukasz is better off as a female.

For 1500 years, Lukasz fought in a war where any knight that fell could return for another battle, simply by possessing the body of a perfect stranger. Perhaps Lukasz was really Archimage's daughter from the beginning, and she took control of a man's body in order to fight her father's nemesis, Boneyard. After centuries of assuming countless male identities, Eden could have eventually come to believe that she's a man.

As a soldier, Lukasz left many widows and orphaned children in his wake. He may not show it openly, but Lukasz has a guilty conscience. Perhaps this is the reason why he became a woman in the end. Jung would call Lukasz's dilemma enantiodromia, "the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time." Therefore, Mantra's true purpose could be to restore the harmonious balance between Lukasz's male and female sides. One way or the other, Lukasz and Eden are soulmates, and their destinies will be joined forever in a syzygy.

Like many of us, Lukasz is simply someone who wants to be loved. First, however, Lukasz must learn to love himself. Therefore, he must first embark on a journey of self discovery. Guided by Mantra, Lukasz gets in touch with his feelings, makes peace with his personal demons, and taps into a virtually limitless source of knowledge and power, the Self.

The Self is the "the god within us". It's a nexus that is the center of our true nature and our connection to the cosmos. From a Jungian perspective, Lukasz is a hero simply because he dares to probe the unknown, even though his introspective journey is perilous.

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #76 on: September 27, 2022, 01:52:29 pm »
Hit Me, #1-5, 2022
AWA Upshot

Intro: Lula is a professional pain slut. Much like a prostitute, Lulu has strict standards for what a client may or not be permitted to do to her. A punch in her face, for example, will cost you a hundred dollars. It's hard to hide the shiner. After a typical night's work, Lulu comes home with bruises, burns, cuts, welts, and ligature marks. If a client gets out of line, Lulu's guard dog, Danny, will deal with him.

Lulu thinks her life is under control, but she has to deal with a lot of shady characters. One day, Lulu winds up in possession of some stolen jewels that Gordan Mann, the local king pin, will kill to get his filthy hands on. Hit Me is a dark crime drama about a troubled young woman, who is worshipped by a handsome young man, who would gladly die for her.

"Man is the one who desires, woman the one who is desired. This is woman’s entire but decisive advantage. Through man’s passions, nature has given man into woman’s hands, and the woman who does not know how to make him her subject, her slave, her toy, and how to betray him with a smile in the end is not wise", Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1870).

5 issues, 100 pages, and 5 covers.
118 Mb

Psychology: This is a rare mainstream comic that deals with BDSM, and the only one I know that actually explores the subject from a pyschological perspective. Over the years a number of theories have been proposed in order to explain why sadomasochists are addicted to pain. Bearing in mind that sadomasochists may not even be aware of their own motives, Freud eventually concluded that sadomasochists must have some kind of 'death wish'. While I do believe that we all have a penchant for self destruction, I don't think this is the goal of sadomasochism.

In my opinion (which is actually based on another one of Freud's theories) sadomasochism is a frustrated attempt to control our sexual urges. We cannot manage this by ourselves, so we enlist the aid of a partner. It may seem that the dom is the one in charge, but the sub is really the one who actually makes the rules.

Notice that Lulu refuses to have sex with Danny, even though she is attracted to him. This is the reason she needs to be punished. The fact that corporal punishment can be grieviously injurous is the reason why many sadomasochists seek out professional help. As a pro, Lulu is able to abuse herself and be financially rewarded at the same time. Of course, it's debatable whether or not she truly benefits from her diligent practice.

Like the bell in Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, punishment becomes exciting due to its connection with our carnal appetites. Like drug addicts, sadomasochists gradually increase the 'dosage' of physical abuse until it eventually becomes life threatening. Doms and subs have to trust one another, and this is why the relationship between Lulu and Danny is special.

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #77 on: September 28, 2022, 11:28:02 am »
Bomb Queen Vol. 1, #1-4 (2006) Royal Flush, Queen High
Image Comics

Bomb Queen has found the ideal way to create economic prosperity. Her revolutionary idea is really quite simple, make crime legal and market sex & violence in the media. As a result of her ingenious plan, Bomb Queen has been loved and admired by her many loyal subjects, ever since she used brutal means to assume control of New Port City. 

In fact, Bomb Queen's tyrannical power is so absolute, she can kill anyone who causes her even the slightest inconvenience, including innocent women and children. Bomb Queen's devoted fans are so complacent, they even laugh on cue when she blows up another unsuspecting victim right in front of the TV cameras.

However, the egocentric queen's undisputed reign of terror is now being challenged by Robert Woods, a self-proclaimed 'honest' politician, who is using money, the media, and surreptitious measures to dethrone her. Woodie may be clever, butt is he a man who can stand-up to Bomb Queen, or just another one of her bitches?

4 issues, 104 color jpegs (1100 x 1650) 48 Mb

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #78 on: September 30, 2022, 05:10:57 pm »
Angela, Vol. 1, 1995

"I've been an angel for 100,000 years. I have my duty to do. I Am an angel, after all. Mine is a high and noble destiny, a position of obligation, in which the code of the warrior, the duty of the soldier, and the ferocity of the hunter combine."

Intro: Angela is a swashbuckling heroine, who engages in swordplay and hand to hand combat with demons and other ferocious beasts. We see her prowess as a huntress in the very first scene, where she slays a dragon for sport. A highly renown demon stalker, Angela's salon is stuffed with trophy heads, lifelike carcasses, and exotic fur rugs.

Spawn, however, proved to be far more powerful and resourceful than she had expected (Spawn #9, 1993). Angela barely escaped with her life and lost a dimensional lance in a failed attempt to destroy him. To make matters worse, Angela has been falsely accused of colluding with Spawn, an irremissible felony for which she must now stand trial in Elysium. Apparently, the city of eternal light has a dark side.

Spawn sold his soul in order to be with his wife again. When you make a deal with the Devil, however, there's always a hitch. Spawn lives, but Al Simmons is dead, and Wanda is now happily married to his best friend. Spawn wishes for oblivion, but Angela has given him a chance at redemption. Despite being netherworlds apart, the two lost souls are drawn together by common enemies, mutual sympathy, and perhaps even destiny. Under a cloak of darkness, where neither Heaven or Hell can intervene, the two mortal rivals form an unlikely alliance. 

Note: Angela first appears in Spawn #9 (1993). Read this issue first.

5 comics, including the digital version of Spawn #9 and the omnibus bonus.

Critique: First of all, I like the way Angela is illustrated. She's well muscled and slender at the same time. Like a sprinter or a long jumper, her long legs are her most prominent feature. On the negative side, the illustrations are a little too 'cluttered'. With so many odds and ends in the background, it's hard to focus on the central characters.

The story is a bizarre cross between Dante's Inferno and Romeo & Juliette. Paradoxically, the Earth has become living Hell for Spawn, and Wanda is his 'Beatrice'. At the same time, Angela has become his 'Juliette', except Spawn doesn't know it. True to her role, Angela has to be the one to take the initiative. True to his role, however, Spawn proves to be too evasive.

Finally, it's important to point out that although Angela is a mighty warrior, she's not invincible, and she still needs help. Although Spawn plays a supporting role in this story, it's an essential one.

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #79 on: October 07, 2022, 10:08:30 am »
Training Ground: Heroine Kombat
Tiffany Chase, Gretchen Stoll, Tristin Rupp

Axiom slowly awakes to find herself stretched out on the floor. She has no idea where she is or who abucted her. All she knows is that she must chose her weapons and fight. It seems that the only objective is to cuntbust your opponent by any means necessary into feminine submission. However, if Axiom breaks the unwritten rules, she will be punished. Can Axiom find some way to escape living Hel, or will her own reality remain a neverending nightmare?

Mp4 (720p, 5 Mbps) 20:04, 735 Mb

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #80 on: October 19, 2022, 07:15:28 pm »
Inner Rage
Tiffany Chase, Kristie Dowe
Heroine Kombat | Super vs Evil 17

Synopsis: Moonstar awakes to find herself hanging from chains, while Royal is using her for target practice. Appartently, the noxious gas Royal has been using on Moonstar has erased her memory. All Moonstar knows is that she has no time for fun and games. She desperately needs to find her sister, Angelstar, and the Rune of Therapy. Unfortunately, Royal can't help her, and she soons learns what happens when Moonstar loses her temper.

Mp4 (720p, 5 Mbps) 16:46

Critique: Not much for plot and intrigue. On the plus side Tiffany is hot in her Moonstar costume. I especially like the 'upskirt' glimpses whenever her cape moves during the action. Yet it's hard to believe that Moonstar is so naive, that she doesn't even know that she's a tease.

Psychology: It's a paradox. It seems that Royal has repressed Moonstar's memory, but Royal is actually the childhood memory that Moonstar has repressed, who returns to haunt Moonstar whenever she sleeps. So, it's really Royal who is trapped, inside Moonstar's head. Moonstar is fighting a battle for supremacy that she can never really win, because she cannot make the child within her disappear.

Carl Jung would say that Royal is Moonstar's shadow. Notice that Royal is the one wearing the mask. When Moonstar loses her temper, she is letting her dark side take control of her personality. That is, Moonstar is shadow possessed. Yet Jung also believed that sometimes our more primitive traits can be useful. Note that anger allowed Moonstar to defeat Royal.

Freud would say that the Rune of Therapy represents catharsis. Freud's basic therapeutic method involved helping his patients recall traumatic events that had happened during childhood. In so doing, his patients were able to relieve pent-up emotions that were tied to repressed memories. A fictional example to this effect is the mind control technique used by Spoc's half brother, Sybok, in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989).

In this film, the conflict between Moonstar and Royal is a metaphor for Moonstar's frustrated attempts to recall her past. What Moonstar cannot remember is that as a child she was sexually attracted to her own mother. And, it is through identification with her mother that she ultimately became Moonstar. Notice that Moonstar is immune to genital attacks, and knives (phallic symbols) cannot penetrate her. Moonstar personifies the superego, the part of our mind that supresses our sexual desires. This is why Royal is punished.

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #81 on: November 07, 2022, 07:04:55 pm »
Heroine Kombat - Moxley vs Syphon
Tiffany Chase

A combat courstship where two superpowered lovebirds trade kicks, punches, and low blows, until they seal their unlikely romance with a kiss.

Mp4 (720p, 5 Mbps) 16:17, 597 Mb

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #82 on: November 14, 2022, 05:07:55 pm »
Femme Fatale | 00Angels
Heroine Legends | Tiffany Chase

Synopsis: Lee is unconscious and tied to chair. Alexa arouses him by stroking his chest. This time, a guy is the prisoner of sexual desire. We see the action from Lee's point of view, while Alexa punches, kicks, and viciously bitch slaps her very own flesh & blood punching bag. Lee tries to stand up like man, but in a contest of who can land the lowest blow, Alexa is a clear winner. Rendered completely impotent, Alexa's boy toy cannot even dream of being the measure of her insatiable desire. When Lee can no longer stand the torment, he begs Alexa to give him a break. In an ironic gesture of compassion, the cruel dominitrix actually complies with his demand, and Lee is forever set free. 

Mp4 (720p, 5000 kbps), 33:04, 1.2 Gb

Critique: This is a rare dominace and submission video, where the sub is not really a sub. Lee does get his ass whupped, but at least he doesn't 'roll over and play dead'. Masochist or not, the guy is supposed to play the role of a self respecting man who does NOT want to be beaten. When is the last time you saw a crook say: "Officer, I surrender! Please beat me up. That's how I get off. And, don't bother throwing me in jail. I didn't actually commit a crime. So, I really deserve a death sentence." 

On the other hand, it's not easy to BELIEVE that a small woman could really beat up a guy, who is much bigger than she is, especially if he's not expected to cooperate. A big woman vs a small man would be more credible, but I bet even Saradas fans will grudgingly admit that most guys think hardcore FBBs are too butch. So, that's why the guy should be outnumbered, and that's also why the girls should resort to low blows and deception. Finally, it's a simple fact that hunting grizzly bears is a dangerous pass time, so even the winning side has to suffer some abuse. Frankly, I'm fed up of videos where Barbie giggles non stop while she plays with her Ken doll.

As for the psychology, you have to believe that Lee is a masochist with a death wish, but somehow he doesn't actually know it, because his true motives are subconscious.

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2022, 08:55:29 pm »
The Necromancer, Vol 1, #1-6 (2007)
Top-Cow, Image Comics

Abigail van Alstine wants a happy life, complete with loving parents and devoted friends. She may not realize it, but Abby has the power to make wishes come true. For many years, Abby never even realized that she has magical abilities, until the day she unleashed the beast within her, and her life became living Hell. Unwittingly, Abby conjured an malignant creature that brutally slaughtered her family and friends. In panic and desperation, Abby tried to flee, but she'll never escape her personal demon. Locke and other magical beings can help her, but Abby is the one who must find a way to bridle Bezereus without killing herself.

The Necromancer is a well written drama, and the human characters (including Abby) are realistically illustrated. Abby conforms to what is currently a popular mold for superheroines. Namely, she's her own worst enemy. Like Bruce Banner, superheroines must also learn to control their awesome power, or they will face dire consequences. 

Abigail reminds me of Stephan King's, Carrie. Both girls discover their powers during adolescence. Both are unfairly disciplined by an overly pious parent. However, Stephan King's character was cruelly harassed by her schoolmates. Whereas, most of the people that Abby hurts are innocent victims, including herself.

Volume 1, #1-6, 162 pg, 325 Mb

Psychology: Until the end of the story, Abby rarely confrontes Mali directly. Usually, she has her back turned to him and looks at him through a mirror.

"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.”

Since mirrors show our own reflexion, we know that Mali is a part of her. Moreover, Mali also appeared to Abby in a dream, so we know he comes from her subconscious.

Mali is a projection of Abby's killer instinct. Abby would rather forget many awful things that she has done, but she can no longer deny the truth. Moreover, as long as Abby lives, so will Mali. Attempting to suppress the monster only leads to sadomasochism, self hatred, and the senseless waste of innocent lives. Nevertheless, somewhere within the subconscious lies the source of Abby's great power.

"In the Shadow is the gold."

In the Jungian school of thought, Abby is only a persona. That is, an assumed identity or the person that we imagine ourselves to be. The mirror reflects who Abby really is, namely, the Self. Shattering the fragile glass shows how Abby has become divided. In order to become whole, Abby must discover and learn to use her innate abilities without destroying herself in the process. This is the 'magic trick' that Locke must teach her. Locke is a projection of Abby's animus. He seems like a father to Abby, but the animus is not a man.

The animus is a collection of psychological traits that most women possess but do not recognize as part of their own nature. Instead, they attribute or associate 'masculine' traits with important men, animals, and various symbols in dreams, works of art, songs, myths, and religions. The animus is the emissary of a woman's subconscious. With Locke as her mentor, Abby's intuitive abilities become purposeful, orderly, and meaningful. From Locke's perspective, on the other hand, Abby is his anima. 

"The anima is the archetype of life itself"

It's Abby who saves Locke from General Aldrich and his dead legions. In other words, if Abby had committed suicide, Locke would also have died. Note, however, that Abby is Locke's WILL to live. In Freudian terms, Abby is Eros, our instinct for self preservation, as well as our drive to bond with others. While Mali is Thanatos, our death instinct.

Locke is a has-been with a crutch, and Abby is the key to unlocking his own repressed potential. Locke imprisoned Mali. Yet, almost instinctively, Abby set him free. Her seemingly reckless act may be dangerous, but uncovering what lies within is the only way to find your true Self. Those who dare to undertake this introspective journey are heroes in the Jungian school.

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #84 on: February 20, 2024, 06:07:37 pm »
Terri from 2000AD № 0558

Terri from 2000AD №0663 à page36

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Re: #COMIX + ANIMATION: Classics + Current [Floret deBrocoli]
« Reply #85 on: December 23, 2024, 09:16:40 pm »
Going to have to check out a bunch of these series!

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