  • #1 by Saradas.Org on 23 Mar 2024

  • Guests are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

    If you don't remember your password, you can request it here.

    We decided enforcing guest users to register. Please enter a valid email address to register for validation and verification. After our approval, it's required to click on activation email. If you don't enter a valid email, you can not activate your membership. You can check your inbox or other folders for activation email in maximum 72 hours. If you don't validate your registration in 7 days, it will be deleted. Please don't claim that you don't receive validation emails, it means you don't check your inbox or other email folders carefully.

    We use sophisticated softwares to identify VPNs & proxy use and bots, if our softwares detect malicious tools & techniques used by fraudsters your registation will be rejected.

    If you're a banned member, do not attemp to register, your registation will be rejected.

    Do not attemp to create multi accounts, you may be added to our banned members list.

    Enforcing guest users to register may feature anytime soon after this announcement.
  • #2 by Saradas.Org on 28 May 2024
  • We use sophisticated softwares to identify VPNs & proxy use and bots, if our softwares detect malicious tools & techniques used by fraudsters your registation will be rejected.

    If you're a banned member, do not attemp to register, your registation will be rejected.

    Do not attemp to create multi accounts, you may be added to our banned members list.