Forum Saradas

Female BodyBuilding & Fitness & Figure - Members Area => Tastes and opinions of Saradas members => Topic started by: Jimthehunter54 on August 17, 2017, 12:11:17 am

Title: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on August 17, 2017, 12:11:17 am
I can't believe this wasn't already asked.

Mines was when I was younger, my mother was cooking inside the kitchen and my brother and dad were out. I was flipping through channels until I found a P90x 30 minute commercial.  While I was watching I saw a woman working out and then she flexed while talking about her muscles.  After the ad ended I went to my room and just thought about that bicep for the rest of the day.  I checked the guide on the tv and found that it was on again at 3:00 AM.  I forced my self to not to sleep and to turn on my tube tv to the channel and watched it again. That's how I found out about my interests.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: dirks on August 17, 2017, 04:45:22 am
I think I always liked them, and whenever anything would come on TV or I'd see a fitness mag with a muscular woman on it it would excite me.

A 2nd cousin of mine (not super close so I rarely saw her) was a super athlete. Multiple sports, medals and trophies everywhere. She never lifted but she had a very lean tight body and I remember always being very excited to see her, even though she didn't really show off much. One summer our family was over and my mother was like "Go up and see what Kymm is doing" so I ran up to her room and just barged in (as any annoying 9 year old would)

She wasn't naked but it was about as scantily clad as I ever saw her. Very short shorts and a cutoff Aerosmith shirt that exposed every single one of her six pack abs. She was on the phone and looked up at me...went back to her conversation....I guess I was staring because the next thing she said was "Are my big muscles hypnotizing you?!" in a semi annoyed way

I just remember that drove me nuts. I felt like I probably got beet red. I just sat down and played Mario Kart at that point but I felt like I was "caught"
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: xepha on August 17, 2017, 07:05:25 pm
1. Seeing the muscle mag covers on the newsstands in the 80s as a wee lad.
2. American Gladiators.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Bicepia22 on August 17, 2017, 07:47:22 pm
I remember a book cover for a book called Battle of the Sexes had a strong female arm in an armwrestle with a male arm.

I also saw an Argos magazine that advertised some sort of muscle building equipment being used by a strong young lady and her arms were fully flexed and with very noticeable biceps.

And British Gladiators (it was just called Gladiators) with some of the girls like Panther I think, and one called Flame who used to do the tilt game I think.  Plus Lightening, Jet etc did have some muscle on the arms, but also legs....and talking of that of course whether it be on magazines (boot advertisements etc) or in real life I would get to see nice calf muscle and realised I liked that much more often than biceps of course, pre internet and pre wrestling sessions.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Boyo on August 17, 2017, 08:21:41 pm
I can pretty much pinpoint the moment I realised muscle on women was for me. I must have been around 9 or 10 years I guess, and although it of course wasn't sexual, it was certainly like something deep-seeded inside me which suddenly unlocked.

It was the start of the day at primary school, we must have had maybe 10 minutes until classes started, and we were in the part of the day where the kids were all meeting up, and all our mums were standing around having their daily chinwag.

Anyway, the mums go a bit quiet for a while, only a minute or so tops, and then begin talking again. "Look at the SIZE of her", "she's too big", "her calf muscles are enormous!", "look at the shoulders", etc etc. Turns out a rarely-seen mum had just dropped her child off at school and was walking away. Turns out she was well known for being a competitive weightlifter, and also an elite-level champion. Not just county champion or anything but she was supposed to be one of the strongest women on Earth. No kidding! A top 1%er easily.

I don't know what happened to me but I just HAD to see her. I mean, I was pushing people out the way to get a glimpse of her. I didn't know what to expect and there was certainly no other way to explain what I was feeling right then other than complete and utter fascination. I mean it, something inside me was DESPERATE to see this woman. I had to see her. HAD to.

What I saw was a fairly short, what looked to me a fatty looking woman in shorts walking away. At the time I couldn't really understand what it was I was looking at. Reminiscing now, it was basically a less glamorous, dare I say slightly fatter, British Tina Lockwood.

In the days after that I found out where she lived (it wasn't hard, her son was in my class) and even though I don't recall ever liking her son, I do remember going past her house and seeing all the trophies in the window.

I also remember we asked her son if his dad lifted weights too, and he didn't, it was just mum. Was mum stronger than dad? I guess so, he said, haven't really asked.

And all this time later, with Saradas and Yahoo Groups and Google and Facebook - no I've never even got close to figuring out who she was.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: johnnylm on August 17, 2017, 08:41:39 pm
The obvious answer is "my cock got hard the first time I saw one," but I'm guessing that everyone thought it was too obvious to bother mentioning.  I was kid approaching puberty with a sports illustrated subscription and they ran an article on womens bodybuilding.  Can't remember the names of all the women, it was the very early days, but Laura Combes had biceps and lats and I believe there was a picture of Claudia Wilbourne in there too.  And Cam somebody.  Anyhow, the idea that there were women out there that wanted to be powerful was a huge turn on for me and ever since then I have found them irresistible. Just wish there were more walking around out there.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Goremaul on August 18, 2017, 12:55:03 am
It's real simple. Flex Magazine, Laura Bass - NAKED. I've loved them ever since.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Digital Garden on August 18, 2017, 06:15:06 am
I can't believe this wasn't already asked.

Right?!? Kinda hard to believe... maybe the next best topic on here.

As for me I always just remember being fascinated by the huge ripped muscles in general, male or female, from the first time I saw it. I remember getting very warm and hard early on seeing muscular superheros and anything bodybuilding related. Whether on TV (while rare, there was American Gladiators), or in FLEX and Muscle and Fitness in the magazine isle at the grocery store. I remember the first time I searched for muscle on the internet and it returning (Andy's Muscle Goddesses) which would only help flower my knowledge of FBBs in general.

Can't wait to see what else gets posted.  :singing:
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: bobsaget on August 18, 2017, 08:39:00 am
I was 12 and there was a new girl in my class who also moved into my street.
She was almost my height, but she had biceps, not just like a normal 12 year old should but hers were for a girl of her age, phenomenal, and she loved to show them off. She was always flexing. she knew that she had bigger biceps than everyone in our class, and she lorded it over us at every chance. We would walk home from school together and she would flex and ask me to flex, which I never did because I was so embarrassed that she had bigger muscles than I did.
I would get hard in the nethers and was all confused about it, but I loved it.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: litexlov on August 18, 2017, 09:12:33 am
I can't really remember why I was always interested in strong women. But the first intense moments were back at school, when I was 15-16 years old.
She was a year younger than me. She was an attractive tomboy and always showing off her strength. First thing I remember, she was giving her hand for a handshake to everyone -she had  big hands- and she was squeezing the others hand so strong making everyone beg her to stop. I was really impressed when she did it to a male teacher, around 40 years old, as well with the same result. Of course she did it to me and I was really excited but it was a painful experience. The first time she flexed for me I was in heaven.. I touched her bicep and my fingers where shaking as I felt how hard was it. Of course her biceps where much bigger than mine. She realized that I liked it and she always challenging me to compare strength and muscles, but she never wanted to embarrass me. One day, when I was making some compliments to her about her strength, she suggested to armwrestle.. I was a bit scared because all my class was around, but the fear couldn't stop me.. She let me start first and it seemed that I was wining as I was moving her hand slowly down.. but only few centimeters before my "victory" she stopped me and held me there for a while. I tried to push as hard as I could, I just had that silly feeling for a moment that I could win, but it was impossible to move her arm any further.. Then she gradually started to put a little more power so she pushed my arm slowly to exactly the opposite position. I was the one that was about to lose now and I was really shaking, from the excitement and from the effort of course. But she didn't finish me.. She let me get back to the starting position and held me there for a while. Then she said.. "let say that it's a draw" and stopped. I was relieved and excited. Later at home I couldn't stop thinking about it... I laid down to bed, closed my eyes and thinking about it.. I was so excited.. She show me how much stronger she was, without embarassing me in front of the class..
Of course all these fitness magazines were feeding  my excitement very well. But I will never forget my armwrestling with Thalia..
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: supergav67 on August 18, 2017, 12:16:51 pm
It was the early 80,s and my local national newspaper The Daily Record ran an article on Mary Scott,one of the first UK competing fbbs,like now a guys dreamgirl was supposed to be blonde,skinny with big hooters but Mary was dark,permed and  had muscletone.i thought "wot a bod &  what a sweet smile". she appeared on a few progs &  came  across like Lorrainne Kelly (warm,smiley &  friendly) she was a mum who ran a gym & came from Dunfermline,practically up the road from where I lived. & I thought "some lucky basket comes home to this? Mary would barely make bikini nowadays & as fbbs got bigger ,she kinda faded from the scene.
A few weeks later,the same paper ran an article on Carolyn Cheshire ,& the scot in me thought "wow,these English girls aint so bad" lol.This poor schmoe also thought my little island was brimming with fbbs,as I found out this has never been the case.
At least these articles were positive.In  following years,not so.It was always about the time when NABBA ran their wbb contest in southport,interviews would appear,.Once,same paper,on Donna Hartley with what became a familiar title in such articles."Why would a woman wanna look like this" its either that or ""she cant find a fella" bloody cheek,same newspapers  campaign against anorexia & size zero models.
Until you plucked up the courage to go into John Menzies (newsagents,pre internet) for the ms o issue,sightings of your fav ladies were scant & infuriating..Either on  uk tvs   latest attempt  at doing  Oprah,where like Andrulla or  Julia Abell would have to sit &  listen to an audience of fat ugly cows & douchebags tell her ShE,s not feminine.or some daytime prog where Kimberley Anne Jones or Loretta  Loma stand & grin as the host flexes his puny muscles under a suit &  says without fail "shake my hand,ooh me fingers har har!"
Schmoes cant really explain why they love fbbs.At the start they were an alternative to the glamour models we were forced fed to by the media.& you liked them as much as.but as I get older,I prefer a fit,muscular,inteligent woman who I admire for dedicating her life to how she looks to the skinny,dyed hair,airbagged z list celebrity models (tweak tweak) who,re afraid of eating.that are comparatively meant to be the norm!
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: schillster1 on August 18, 2017, 03:41:38 pm
I was about 10 or 12  and looking thru a book on the artwork of the Vatican  and was very impressed by Michelangelo's art.  Besides reading the stories in Action Comics of Supergirl and of course fitness and strength magazines.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: pij15 on August 20, 2017, 01:38:47 pm
For me it started at about age 14 or 15. I was in class and the girl besides me had her backpack open and inside her backpack I saw a fitness magazine (I don't recall the name of the magazine). In the cover were two or three fitness models and I asked her what was that magazine. She showed me the magazine and started explaining how she wanted to have muscles like them. Ever since that day I stopped browsing porn and started browsing female bodybuilder. Also the girl in my class was strong as hell. She had big hands and at that age (she was also 15) she could bicep curl 30 lbs.

Another day in class, it was just the teacher her and me. The teacher came to me to open up a jar and with all my strength I could not open it. I was sweating from all the exertion I made. I gave it back to the teacher and told her I could not open it but the girl said to give it to her. When the tescher gave it to her she opened that jar in a second as if it was nothing.

She was the one who started my love for tall women, female with muscles (bigger the muscles the better), and female with big hands.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: diggs on August 20, 2017, 06:16:30 pm
HA! I must be older than all of you.
I was 20 when I saw the very first issue of "Strength Training For Beauty" with Reggie Bennett on the cover, back before she was a big thick wrestler on the Japanese circuit. Back then she had more muscle than any other woman I'd ever seen - even though by today's standards she'd barely get noticed on buffyshot. A few months later that started publishing Women's Physique World and it was all over. I was hooked then and the hook has only gotten deeper.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: bicepboy on August 21, 2017, 10:01:07 pm
It's a good question -- and, in fact, I'm sure there have been similar threads. But, it gives me a chance to clear up some really poor reporting that seems to pop up when you google "Laura Combes" including a link to a post on this site, which either quotes stuff you'll see in Wikipedia, or the other way around. Either way, it's all wrong.

I suppose I'd always been turned on by muscular women, and only kind of aware of my reaction to a few Popeye cartoons that were in re-runs in the afternoon as I was bumping up on or into puberty. But, it was in 1979 -- (not 1981, got it??!!!) -- that Laura graced American televisions in a segment on Real People. It was like an electric shock to my system. I knew instantly that this was the most exciting thing I'd ever seen. The next year, she was featured along with a few others in an article in Sports Illustrated, " (" Amazing double biceps. Still among the best, especially her right arm.

Then, other features started popping up... Women's Physique World hit the stands. Laura had a spread in Muscle & Fitness. I was making regular trips to newsstands to stare covertly at the muscle mags, and also NBC and ESPN started airing contests, and ESPN aired American Muscle Magazine. So, was born an addiction.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: johnnylm on August 23, 2017, 07:38:06 am
 ^- :bravo:   That's the article that turned me.   Amazing to see how small those muscles look now; there have to be twenty women in the gym I work out at that are buffer than those women. 
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: sa2009 on August 24, 2017, 02:15:59 am
For me was after i watched the 1991 Olympia live on espn . I had seen fbb's on American Gladiators before and knew i like them . But that Olympia show was the first time i saw a real fbb event . Will never forget seeing Laura Creavalle , and i was hooked 100% . And around the same time Iron Eagle came out with Mclish , not long after Sharon Bruneau came on the scene . Awesome time !  But that first Olympia show was it
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: OldSchmoe67 on August 24, 2017, 11:02:35 am
My earliest real life (non-media) memory is from 3rd grade, circa 1975, when one of the more athletic girls in my class flashed a double biceps pose at another boy trying to bully her, intimidating, and ultimately humiliating him in front of the class.  In the late 70s my dad officiated some national wristwrestling competition (the difference between armwrestling & wristwrestling escapes me now,) and a tiny, perhaps 4'11" female competitor and local champ was ripped and muscular - the first time I had ever seen a woman like that. After that came the Lisa Lyon Playboy that I lifted from my uncle following advent of Fbb contests on TV, and it never stopped from there. Though by no means muscular, Lindsay Wagner as The Bionic Woman certainly sparked my fascination with strong women, of course followed by Linda Carter's Wonder Woman. The profundity of puberty coinciding with the sport's advent stayed with me like an ever-expanding tattoo.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: ilovefbbs95 on August 28, 2017, 09:30:02 pm
The heyday of women's BBing and magazines etc were well before my time, in fact i'm pretty sure my Muscle Awakening was through the Simpsons episode where Marge starts lifting. Also I watched a lot of WWE in my youth so Victoria and Jazz (and later Beth Phoenix) made big impressions on me.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: bf5waea97 on August 29, 2017, 03:53:58 am
When I was in grade school, there was a girl in my class that was stronger than me and had pretty big muscles. I just remember lying in bed not being able to fall asleep fantasizing about feeling her biceps. Then later that year there was an FBB on fear factor and same thing, couldn't fall asleep thinking about feeling her muscles. My fetish has been pretty omnipresent since then.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: larky368 on September 03, 2017, 01:58:01 pm
As a young boy watching tv I was always fascinated with scenes depicting female strength and dominance. Whenever I saw a catfight or a woman beating up a man I would be captivated. Years later I remember flipping channels and seeing a female bodybuilding competition. I only watched for a short while and although I was probably alone I'm sure I said to myself " She looks gross" When I was in my late 40's I got my first computer and of course the first thing I searched for was porn. After about an hour of that I decided to look for bodybuilders. The first images I can recall were of Lynn McCrossin. I was dumbfounded when I saw just how massive these women could become. My favorite website became Premiere Productions and the first two videos I ordered were Suzie - a woman who's scissors were lethal and Annie Rivieccio who was in her prime. I was lucky enough to meet Annie twice and one session we made a video for her clips4sale.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: GAP on September 05, 2017, 01:59:50 am
I do not recall the first moment I saw female muscle but I guess it was around my early teens and I was discovering female muscle in most magazines including muscle and fitness. I remember how attractive the females and how they seem very strong and powerful. I later discovered the internet looking at female muscle fansites and I began reading female muscle stories. It was along time ago, I think it was before my early teens but I know I had craving for female muscle in my teens.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Username13 on September 05, 2017, 06:38:15 pm
Very difficult to pinpoint for me. I remember a ton of influences, but can't really say what came first unless I really stopped to think about it.

I was born in the early 90s, so in terms of mainstream media, I remember American Gladiators (re-runs anyways, I remember it looking dated even back then) and Chyna from the WWE being massive influences. Both were something I could just sit there and watch without feeling any guilt from a family member walking in. Literally zero interest in wrestling, but I would always watch for Chyna. American Gladiators was kind of cool, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't mostly just watch it for Zap, Diamond, etc. I also vividly remember being aroused by Chyna being able to fight against men, and I always hoped for some kind of crossover where the female gladiators would take on the male contestants, but never really saw any of that (outside of that game where they shoot a cannon at the different contestants). I also remember keeping Kiana Tom's Flex Appeal on whenever it came on, along with any female fitness competition that I would happen to stumble across. I also used to love going to magazine stores, libraries, or book stores, and would immediately seek out material on muscular women. Very rarely would I ever buy anything though, just thought it was too risky. If I did get a magazine, I may stash it for a bit but then throw it out. Not that they were anything great, just basic female fitness magazines (super awkward to purchase as well).

For personal influences, as seems to be popular in here, I always had a crush on the tomboy in school, who was always the best athlete and would challenge and beat the guys at arm wrestling, myself included (I feel like this is pretty much a right of passage haha).

In terms of getting into the bigger bodybuilders, I definitely remember that being a product of going down the rabbit hole on the internet. Chyna started it off, and I'd just steal off to the family computer to look up pictures of her, and then it just kind of developed from there. The FTVideo sample pic page was my go-to. I just remember it being a huge rush to sneak off, and I was as careful as possible about it as to not get caught. If my family left to go on longer trips or something, I remember printing off pictures on the printer, and storing them in my room. I also remember that one day I checked my stash and it was gone. Freaked out, and I know my mom would have thrown it all out when she was cleaning, but it was never discussed. Definitely had some doozies in there that would have been super-embarrassing to discuss (such as Colette Guimond pec pics), so I'm happy it never came to that. I never really looked up anything all that risque; some nudity but no porn, mostly just bikini pics and such. Once I got my own computer though all bets were off lol.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: JerusalemTulip on September 06, 2017, 08:47:33 pm
I won't go into details about this, but my life was pretty sheltered growing up.  When I was breaking into puberty, the celebrity crush I indulged was watching Gadget on re-runs of the Rescue Rangers.  My introduction to female muscle sounds made up but its true.  I was at Waikiki beach, with a girl.  We were sharing a beach mat and a really ripped female bodybuilder and what seemed to be her girlfriend/admirer set up just in front of us.  It was like a crusader's first taste of sugar cane.  My boner started pressing into the girl on my lap and thankfully she didn't catch on.  I was so fascinated I made up excuses to go snorkeling (to scope out the muscle woman), while my date thought I was embarrassed by the hard on and I guess she was secretly pleased at what she perceived to be my bashfulness.  It wasn't yet the everyone has a picture phone era so that was kind of a bummer.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: timer on September 14, 2017, 07:08:52 pm
I first noticed my attraction to female bodybuilders when I first saw She-Hulk on TV.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: topdogg17 on September 14, 2017, 10:16:24 pm
Professional wrestling, American Gladiators, Fitness America Pageant (when ESPN was enjoyable as a whole) and seeing them in magazines in local grocery stores.

In no order, those things got me introduced to female muscle, and I'm so glad they did.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: outmuscled on September 15, 2017, 12:56:42 am
For personal influences, as seems to be popular in here, I always had a crush on the tomboy in school, who was always the best athlete and would challenge and beat the guys at arm wrestling, myself included (I feel like this is pretty much a right of passage haha).

Hmm, is that really a thing?

Funnily enough, I went one better than having a crush on the school tomboy, by palling around with a tomboy neighbour, when I went to visit one of my relatives in a small town a few times a year.
She was about 2 years older than me and shortly before secondary school when I was probably 11, we wrestled a few times one summer. I can't remember who challenged who but she probably started it because she would often try to assert her physical prowess and sometimes flexed a bicep to impress me and her friends (not that there really was a bicep there!).
The matches were close and we made each other work, but she was too strong and always ended up on top, really pleased with herself. It wasn't overtly sexual, but we would be alone in a back room of the house and as a pre-pubescent boy on the cusp of change, I was aware of a certain electrical charge and found it exhilirating to tussle with her.
It felt intimate and we both enjoyed it but although it felt nice lying underneath her in submission, she was really cocky and I did want to put her in her place sometimes, but I just wasn't able. I don't know if the age gap is sufficient explanation, as I don't think most girls just 2 years older would have been able to do that to me.

One time we weren't alone and wrestled in front of her younger sister who must have been my age or a fraction older, and after the older sister pinned me yet again, the younger one wanted a go with me. This memory has largely escaped me and I can't recall the final outcome, except that she was pretty strong too and it was all giggles, boasts and excitement.

Was this an influence or a formative experience though? I don't really think so, as I didn't see her again after that final summer and hardly thought about her for the next few decades. I think I was always intrigued by female strength and already had half-formed fantasies about it, and by the time I was 13, I was jerking off to Martina Navratilova's biceps.
It was another few years before I caught sight of the odd female bodybuilder on the cover of fitness magazines and that was always a wow moment, but it was the arrival of the internet in the 90s that really opened my eyes to the wonders of all those incredible muscular women.

Funnily enough, my experiences with the tomboy might have been as telling an indicator of her likes and inclinations as mine, as about two decades later, I heard she was in a lesbian relationship. I didn't think too much about it even then, but since then I've wondered if that's why she enjoyed being with a younger boy (and getting semi-physical ) rather than those her own age, whose interest in her at that age would have been more sexual (and very much vice versa, for most girls her age).
Maybe rolling around with a younger boy whom she could be in control with was a stepping stone to getting hands on with the weaker sex, ie. the rest of her own gender. Or maybe she was just fond of me and I'm talking shite ...
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: borntobemild on September 15, 2017, 07:17:44 am
On holiday in my mid teens. We would go to the same beach every day if it was sunny. Generally, a bit further down the beach were another family with a son and daughter of a similar age. The girl had fairly short hair, was pretty and very athletic. Her thighs looked immense, particularly compared to my skinny legs. She would generally wear fairly short shorts, and she and her brother would play football (soccer), badminton, on the beach or just go swimming.
At that age, I was really shy, and just watched from a distance.

One day, I noticed she was carrying a sports bag with the logo of a football team. I lied, and said I was also a fan and we got talking. That was three days before the end of the holiday!

Amazingly enough, we were both on holiday in the same place at the same time the following year, so we had an opportunity to renew our friendship. Her name was Barbara, she was a sports fanatic and intended to study Physical Education at University. We were never anything but friends, but I'll never forget those legs.

Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: I like strong women on September 15, 2017, 02:11:07 pm
Somehow, not sure of why, the neighborhood tomboy and I put on boxing gloves for a sparing session. She easily backed me into a corner and in short order had me in that classic position  where she would hit me in the face, double me over with a punch or 2 to the stomach, then would hit me in the face and again double me over. I was defenseless and she was hurting me- eyes watering, nose starting to bleed, the poain in the stomach was excrutiating each time she landed a punch.   She stopped the boxing because she said she did not want to hurt me.  I have never forgotten that- dont understand exactly why, but this became an " erotic signal" for me- being defeated in a fight by a tough girl or woman.

A few months  later I am reading through my Dad's copy of the National Enquirer- come upon an ad in the back for pictures of  lady wrestlers, circus strongwomen and acrobats,  muscular women-  ad was by Bernie Kobel in Tampa, FL. I was in puberty by then- got such a hardon, just from reading the words and then fantasizing about what the women would look like, how strong they might be-- but never ordered anything from this. I was a kid, living at home.

A  year later- now I am in Junior High School- and while browsing books, I come upon Modesty Blaise-  the scene where Mrs Fothergill kills an English spy with her bare hands- first she slaps him around, casually breaks one of his arms, then the other- then she straddles him and chokes him to death with her hands.  I bought the book, and for the next few years, this became one of my " go-to" fantasies.

50 years later I am married to a former college athlete, we raised 3 kids, have grandchildren,  and have a great sex life- indulging some of each of our fantasies.

 :) " No one knows what goes on behind closed doors."  :hey:

Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: JoshHornby on September 16, 2017, 03:16:21 am
Cory Everson as Atalanta was the start, then later Chyna after the boob job and facial reconstruction
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: bicepboy on September 17, 2017, 05:45:57 pm
I am sure that formative experiences play a role, but it's our responses to them that make them seem significant. If as a younger person, you got turned on by seeing a strong woman in pop culture or in person, it seems likely it had that impression on you because that bit of code was already in your programming.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: fbbstrong87 on September 18, 2017, 05:22:41 am
It actually happened for me when I was in my early 20s in college.  I was just browsing through a porn site and I clicked on a video of a HJ/BJ and the girl was pretty built.  I thought it was the hottest thing ever and it took off from there.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: sanchranch on September 19, 2017, 03:21:01 am
For me, it started with TV shows on ESPN - Fitness Beach, Tiana's workout, and then when Cory Everson started getting popular, then that was it for me!
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: knufflschmoe on September 20, 2017, 02:44:25 pm
I was even before there was sometime like FBB attracted by strong girls who liked to wrestle with boys
I was aged as a an elementary school boy then ! - and also liked to wrestle with one special girl a lot
I was really keen on at a very early age
as a teenager I joined a gym at age 16 (was quite skinny then ..)in the 80`s and was quite aroused by the magazins
l found there like "Muscle & Fitness " and then I bought "Women`s Physique World" which was amazing to me
and so it went on  as the videotapes emerged (Ray Martin /WPW )  and finally the limitless world of the web &
not to forget the sessions with live FBB
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: bkrugby on September 21, 2017, 12:35:42 am
I remember on vacation in Chicago once, I was about 13, I had already been interested in female bodybuilders after watching Skin Deep, that one scene, and catching some shows on tv at 4am.  Anyways, so I went to the hotel gym, the woman was pretty built and jacked and she was all "you're too young to use the equipment." I didn't know what to say, so I just slowly backed up, but went to my room and thought about it afterwards.  Wow, I just remembered that!
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: OldSchmoe67 on September 24, 2017, 11:10:56 pm
Nice. Penny Price is a very fine place to start.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: jaqeau on September 30, 2017, 12:33:47 pm
I was at my uncle's house. He had stack of Playboy mags in the bathroom.
I think it was in 1976 came the issue with LISA LYONS. Her bod was muscular when compared to the other ladies,
no where near as big as today's Goddesses, but nevertheless, her looks was like Cupid's arrow through my heart.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: jaqeau on September 30, 2017, 12:35:40 pm
Lisa Lyons playboy
then hit the images tab.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: papadoc1981 on September 30, 2017, 01:05:04 pm
I think I was around 13 years old and just out of pure boredom I went through my mother's old feminine magazines she always held on to for WAY longer than necessary.  Well one of them had a random advertisement page on muscle enhancements.  I was about to flip the page when my eye caught the sight of a small picture of who I now know was Sue Price.  I was mesmerized as I had never seen a female bodybuilder before.  I cut the picture out of the mag and held on to it for a years.  But it wasn't until about 3 years later when I saw a picture of Annie Rivieccio out of a muscle mag while at work when I realized I love a woman with a muscular body.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Tiberius on October 02, 2017, 10:22:40 pm
WPW print magazine.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: petterson on October 05, 2017, 12:06:39 pm
I liked to stick around magazine stands waiting for my mom do the shopping and once a heading about female bodybuilders caught my eye. I tried to imagine what it looks like and only some months later found a cut out with Lenda Murray at my friend's. I was lucky to share my passion with my friend :)
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Drbench012 on October 05, 2017, 03:17:14 pm
I saw Carmella Cureton on a talk show in the 90s. She was Carmella Key back then. Carmella was dating a male bodybuilder at that time and told the crowd that she was stronger than him.

I also saw Corey Everson on Hercules several years later.

Come to think of it Female Bodybuilders were a big topic in the 90s. Especiall for talk shows.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: I like strong women on October 06, 2017, 01:22:17 pm
Hey Streetfighter- great post: one lesson I see in your personal story is that muscle and strength may be the initial attractant, but there has to be the making for a long-term relationship, if that is what one is seeking. ASnd it takes two people working together on that relationship for it to last.
I once and briefly pursued a bodybuilder/ wrestler. But I quickly realized that there was not sufficient compatibility for  any meaningful relationship to develop. But the sex was great for awhile.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: jdc031 on October 23, 2017, 09:22:04 pm
I had just climbed into a boxcar in Watsonville, CA (this was back in the '70s), and found a copy of the old Police Gazette.  Inside was a picture of Abbye Stockton, puffing out her chest and standing on her tip-toes in a three-quarter pose.  Not very muscular by today's standards, but for the times she was a revelation.  That old magazine saw about every railroad yard in these fifty states before it fell apart.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: I like strong women on October 24, 2017, 01:45:05 am
 I stumbled upon pictures of Pudge Stockton in some very old Strength and Health magazines, while browsing in a used book and magzine store in the Times Square area back in the early 60's. The magazine was from the early 50's. She was "the gold standard" back in the day.
Another star from the old days was Bonnie Pruden.
She had an exercise  TV show back in the 50's.
Bonnie  had a fabulous muscular ass- her buttocks, even in the leotards and tights she always wore, were really well-developed and hard-looking.  For some reason, I was fascinated by and turned on by that  ass!
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Daniefan on October 24, 2017, 07:05:11 pm
Well I tink I had a slightly different access to female muscle.
As a eight or nine year old I discovered dad`s bodybuilding magazins in the basement together with a friend.
We saw all the pictures of those bodybuilders from the 80ies. This must have happened in my sexually formative time, so I developed a big attraction towards muscles as itself (no matter what gender) by watching those bodies over and over.
Perhaps this would led me to get gay, I dont know. But later in the 90ies I realized that  there are also big muscular women around and this was kind of a holy grail for me, the combination of muscle and female. So it turned out I didnt get gay but have a big attraction towards fbbs since then!  ;)

Karma please!   :clap:
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: GAP on October 25, 2017, 02:10:17 pm
I agree wholeheartedly. I really like the strength, power and beauty that goes into female muscle and muscle in general.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: gokuman7 on December 08, 2017, 05:21:46 pm
When I first saw chyna on TV in 1998
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: GAP on December 09, 2017, 10:43:02 pm
When I first saw chyna on TV in 1998

I like Chyna too. She was rippsed and she is a lot bigger than most feamle WWE wrestlers nowadays
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: gokuman7 on December 12, 2017, 07:58:38 am
When I first saw chyna on TV in 1998

I like Chyna too. She was rippsed and she is a lot bigger than most feamle WWE wrestlers nowadays

The closest we got was Beth Phoenix, but she doesn't wrestle anymore.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: MadameXena on January 06, 2018, 10:56:24 pm
I first saw Bev Francis on the Ray Martin Show when I was in High School. I am not sure how old I was but they were discussing the judging of the Ms Olympia. Bev did not win as she was deemed to be too masculine and the criteria specifically said female competitors had to be feminine. So in the show itself, they showed her walking down the steps of the Ms Olympia stage and had blocked out her head. Trying to see if it looked like a man's body in a bikini.

And all I could think was wow.

I knew I loved watching muscles move. The shape and movement of muscle in any living thing is poetry in motion. Watching the Olympic Games is a must - the gymnasts are amazing!!

The funny thing is, I never saw it as being something I desired in men. It was something I desired for myself but there was no gym in my home town, I had no idea how these people got this kind of muscle definition except through hard physical work and sport. When I got to University I was introduced to a gym. In one month of doing a basic program put together by a friend of mine who had done some training in high school and I had more muscle definition than after six months of swimming every morning. I was hooked :)
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Maladjester on January 07, 2018, 06:02:33 pm
A *very* athletic girl in my grade. The whole package was amazing but I particularly liked her full, diamond-shaped calves. Even as a child she had good ones. By the time we finished high school, lots of track and being genetically gifted had given her better calves than you see on most pro fitness competitors, something like Lindsey Boswell's. She almost never wore shorts, so every time she did was a treat. Tight jeans looked amazing on her, like she was going to burst out of them the first time she flexed. I had a crush on her from before I even liked girls all the way through graduation. Sadly, I knew she was so far out of my league as to defy any longshot chance you've ever seen in a coming-of-age movie. I was very careful never to interact with her, never to tip my hand. It would only have annoyed her.

Anyway, once I knew I had the interest, it was a short step to finding Muscle & Fitness in the local bookstore. This was back when bookstores were everywhere and magazines used to put actual big girls on the cover instead of the cheesecake aerobics instructors of later years. Shelley Beattie, Lisa Lorio, lots of the 90's women. Shelley is still my all-time favorite.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Chipsnsalsa on January 18, 2018, 11:11:47 pm
A couple of other people have mentioned Skin Deep and THAT Raye Hollit scene: for me it was one of the most incredible moments of my life, as it provided me with my first orgasm  :) 

This was UK, c.1990: no internet, no cable/satellite TV, a fairly sheltered middle class upbringing. I was 12 years old, it was the summer holidays from school, and I had just got a little portable TV in my room. I used to go through the Radio Times (the oddly named TV guide) looking through the movie reviews for the telltale warning: "nudity". I had been feeling tingles around girls and when looking at sexy women on TV for some time, but had not yet popped the cork, so to speak.

And so I settled down into bed, locked the door, and turned on Skin Deep, waiting for the promised nudity and the enjoyable tingles it would give me. Until then, I can't remember seeing a genuinely muscular woman, though I had enjoyed looking at female gymnasts and athletes on TV, not to mention a girl at my school who had what I remember as astonishingly thick and muscular legs for an 11 year old (though perhaps they have grown in my imagination over the years).

Raye blew them all out of the water. Lying in bed, in the dark, I had absolutely no idea what was about to come (in more ways than one, heh) when she emerged from the bathroom and turned down the light. As I said, I was an innocent kid in an innocent age: a couple of my worldier friends had made some knowing cracks about "wanking" and of course I had laughed along without knowing what the hell they were on about.

And then she stepped into the spotlight, shrugging off her shawl, exposing the lushest, most beautiful, powerful, erotic vision I had ever encountered in my young life. My stomach lurched and I became dizzy even though I was lying down; I had the feeling you get when you think you're about to vomit, only somehow more pleasurable and exciting. Through the neurons and as-yet-undiscovered pleasure centres exploding in my brain, I watched her flex that unfathomable body, and heard her say something about it being "all do you feel about that?"

It was as if she was talking to me. My dick had reached diamond-level hardness and I began involuntarily thrusting my hips back and forth beneath my duvet as I watched Raye finish her show with a giggle, and approach the bed: from behind, my eyes ate up her flawless, powerful body as she removed her bra, focusing (inasmuch as I could focus on anything in my state of extreme panicked arousal) first on her thick, shapely bottom, and then on the glimpse of sideboob and back to the ass as she peeled down her panties.

As if I couldn't get any more aroused, she was talking to the wide-eyed guy in bed (ie me) in a teasing, dominant way, as if she was guiding me into my first sexual experience, which indeed she was! "I hope you're not frightened now," she said, as that unbelievable naked body straddled John Ritter's penis. My own penis was now beyond my control, humping the bedsheets like a locomotive. I imagined Raye on top of me instead of the actor, those immense naked thighs squeezing me, strong hands rubbing my chest and face while her huge chest bounced before my eyes and her long blonde hair tickled me. Asher lovely face headed downward, my uncontrollable jerking reached fever pitch: I lost control of my entire body and mind; literal fireworks were going off in my head as I released the longest, most powerful orgasm I have ever produced. It must have been thirty seconds from start to finish.

As I lay trembling, looking glazed-eyed (and glazed-panted, heh) at Raye doing aerobics in the following scene, I literally did not know what had occurred. What the hell was all this goop on my shorts and duvet? Was this supposed to happen? Had I broken something? One thing was for sure, I was gonna try it again, with women like Raye as my inspiration! Ah, to be young again  ;)
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Saxit2me on January 19, 2018, 01:24:17 pm
It was the 1980's and I was a young kid.  Back then there was Rachel McLish, Gladys Portuguese, and my favorites Carla Dunlap and Mary Roberts.  Later in the 80's I had a bodybuilder teacher Cathy Palyo.  I didn't know who she was but I saw her calves and was mesmorized.  I have been a real fan ever since.  I marvel at the way a womans body can transform.  Its not how you grew up thinking about the way ladies are supposed to look back then but none of my social conditioning ever stopped my admiration of the effort, discipline, and of course the results.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: diggs on January 22, 2018, 04:24:29 am
...Later in the 80's I had a bodybuilder teacher Cathy Palyo....

You lucky dog!

( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: I like strong women on February 01, 2018, 02:44:51 pm
The event that sealed the deal for me was getting beaten up by our neighborhood tomboy- in a boxing match.
She let up on me because she was clearly the winner and did not want to hurt me-- since we were friends.
Bu I have never forgotten that- and it has always been a source of erotic excitement to me-- in all of it's ramifications.
We were 6th or 7th graders at the time.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: ozzyfm on February 02, 2018, 10:17:28 am
A couple of other people have mentioned Skin Deep and THAT Raye Hollit scene: for me it was one of the most incredible moments of my life, as it provided me with my first orgasm  :) 

This was UK, c.1990: no internet, no cable/satellite TV, a fairly sheltered middle class upbringing. I was 12 years old, it was the summer holidays from school, and I had just got a little portable TV in my room. I used to go through the Radio Times (the oddly named TV guide) looking through the movie reviews for the telltale warning: "nudity". I had been feeling tingles around girls and when looking at sexy women on TV for some time, but had not yet popped the cork, so to speak.

And so I settled down into bed, locked the door, and turned on Skin Deep, waiting for the promised nudity and the enjoyable tingles it would give me. Until then, I can't remember seeing a genuinely muscular woman, though I had enjoyed looking at female gymnasts and athletes on TV, not to mention a girl at my school who had what I remember as astonishingly thick and muscular legs for an 11 year old (though perhaps they have grown in my imagination over the years).

Raye blew them all out of the water. Lying in bed, in the dark, I had absolutely no idea what was about to come (in more ways than one, heh) when she emerged from the bathroom and turned down the light. As I said, I was an innocent kid in an innocent age: a couple of my worldier friends had made some knowing cracks about "wanking" and of course I had laughed along without knowing what the hell they were on about.

And then she stepped into the spotlight, shrugging off her shawl, exposing the lushest, most beautiful, powerful, erotic vision I had ever encountered in my young life. My stomach lurched and I became dizzy even though I was lying down; I had the feeling you get when you think you're about to vomit, only somehow more pleasurable and exciting. Through the neurons and as-yet-undiscovered pleasure centres exploding in my brain, I watched her flex that unfathomable body, and heard her say something about it being "all do you feel about that?"

It was as if she was talking to me. My dick had reached diamond-level hardness and I began involuntarily thrusting my hips back and forth beneath my duvet as I watched Raye finish her show with a giggle, and approach the bed: from behind, my eyes ate up her flawless, powerful body as she removed her bra, focusing (inasmuch as I could focus on anything in my state of extreme panicked arousal) first on her thick, shapely bottom, and then on the glimpse of sideboob and back to the ass as she peeled down her panties.

As if I couldn't get any more aroused, she was talking to the wide-eyed guy in bed (ie me) in a teasing, dominant way, as if she was guiding me into my first sexual experience, which indeed she was! "I hope you're not frightened now," she said, as that unbelievable naked body straddled John Ritter's penis. My own penis was now beyond my control, humping the bedsheets like a locomotive. I imagined Raye on top of me instead of the actor, those immense naked thighs squeezing me, strong hands rubbing my chest and face while her huge chest bounced before my eyes and her long blonde hair tickled me. Asher lovely face headed downward, my uncontrollable jerking reached fever pitch: I lost control of my entire body and mind; literal fireworks were going off in my head as I released the longest, most powerful orgasm I have ever produced. It must have been thirty seconds from start to finish.

As I lay trembling, looking glazed-eyed (and glazed-panted, heh) at Raye doing aerobics in the following scene, I literally did not know what had occurred. What the hell was all this goop on my shorts and duvet? Was this supposed to happen? Had I broken something? One thing was for sure, I was gonna try it again, with women like Raye as my inspiration! Ah, to be young again  ;)

Really nice story, I perfectly see what you mean. I had (almost) the same experience with Denise Rutkowski, at the jan Tana 1993.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: cook417 on February 08, 2018, 09:03:11 pm
When I was a kid, my friend got into lifting weights and was on his school's wrestling team.  He had a subscription to some muscle magazines back in the day and I was fascinated by the women.  He'd sometimes catch me looking at them and say "Man, those chick are pretty gross!" and I'd be like "Yeah...gross...".  I used to snag a few magazines here and there to take home with me for some *ahem* "private viewing" and then return them.

When I was in the service, I bought a copy of Women's Physique World and was blown away.  Unfortunately, I was never able to find another copy of the magazine...Fortunately, the internet became a thing and it wasn't long before I ordered up my first VHS tape of Denise Hoshor.  And I've been loving FBB's ever since...and my weightlifting friend still doesn't know that I love FBB's.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: musclelvr56 on March 18, 2018, 04:12:23 am
There was a gymnast in my class in 7th and 8th grade. She was pretty top level and her physique showed. I remember some guys hasseling her one day to flex her arms. She did and she had an amazing bicep. I remember very clearly how that little show of muscle made me feel. I soon found the internet, and lucky for me my early explorations were when female bodybuilding was still "fairly" popular. Andy's Muscle Goddesses was a must visit and from there I found the more hardcore side of female muscle (both athletically and sexually). Girls like Britt Miller and Cindy Phillips were at their peak when I was going throught high school...lets just say no girlfriend I had could ever match up.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: 4brmassmuscle on March 18, 2018, 05:38:56 am
I started to like it when I was 12 years old. A bodybuilder was a client of my father's magazine, which sold advertising space to his supplement store and my father invited me to go with him on the day of  delivery of the magazine. My father talked a little with this client and before we left the store, the owner gave me a bodybuilding magazine that circulated here in Brazil and a trophy he had won, because my father said that I had many action figures at home.

When I got home that day, the first thing I did was lock myself in the room and flip through the magazine. Inside this magazine had a section of female bodybuilding and I read all the pages and specials of that part. It was a time when I was discovering my body - if you understand me - and it was the first time I felt an uncontrollable excitement. After that day, I never bought another magazine because my father would berate me, so I set out to find EVERYTHING that was possible about these women on the internet, always anonymously. I've been doing this for ten years.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: cook on March 21, 2018, 09:59:43 pm
When I was a kid I was, I was playing with my friend in his basement. We got a small ball stuck in a tube or something like that. We both tried and failed to get it out of the tube. He brought it upstairs to his mother, who got it out. That night ,for some reason, I had a dream in where that friend's mother lifted a car. I couldn't get the dream out of my head and I realized I had enjoyed it. I had never seen a muscular women and his mother was a big woman, not obese but big, so I started to associate big women with strength.

When I entered 6th grade, I had a math teacher who was a big woman (and as I found out later, naturally strong) so I started to fantasize about her doing feats of strength.

It was about this time, my family got cable. One day, I was channel surfing when I landed on reruns of American Gladiators. I saw these women were big and had muscle so I started imagining my teacher having muscles.

One night I decided to google American Gladiators to find more photos of these woman for my teacher fantasy. I found a link about Raye Hollit aka Zap and it took me to After I saw her pic, I decided to look at some more choices. I picked Elena Seiple and after seeing those bigger muscle, I was hooked and the rest was history.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: gokuman7 on March 24, 2018, 07:32:26 am
When I was a kid I was, I was playing with my friend in his basement. We got a small ball stuck in a tube or something like that. We both tried and failed to get it out of the tube. He brought it upstairs to his mother, who got it out. That night ,for some reason, I had a dream in where that friend's mother lifted a car. I couldn't get the dream out of my head and I realized I had enjoyed it. I had never seen a muscular women and his mother was a big woman, not obese but big, so I started to associate big women with strength.

When I entered 6th grade, I had a math teacher who was a big woman (and as I found out later, naturally strong) so I started to fantasize about her doing feats of strength.

It was about this time, my family got cable. One day, I was channel surfing when I landed on reruns of American Gladiators. I saw these women were big and had muscle so I started imagining my teacher having muscles.

One night I decided to google American Gladiators to find more photos of these woman for my teacher fantasy. I found a link about Raye Hollit aka Zap and it took me to After I saw her pic, I decided to look at some more choices. I picked Elena Seiple and after seeing those bigger muscle, I was hooked and the rest was history.

Wow cool story
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: cook on March 25, 2018, 02:51:26 pm
Thanks, I  appreciate it.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: khuddle on March 27, 2018, 09:53:46 pm
I started to like it when I was 12 years old. A bodybuilder was a client of my father's magazine, which sold advertising space to his supplement store and my father invited me to go with him on the day of  delivery of the magazine. My father talked a little with this client and before we left the store, the owner gave me a bodybuilding magazine that circulated here in Brazil and a trophy he had won, because my father said that I had many action figures at home.

When I got home that day, the first thing I did was lock myself in the room and flip through the magazine. Inside this magazine had a section of female bodybuilding and I read all the pages and specials of that part. It was a time when I was discovering my body - if you understand me - and it was the first time I felt an uncontrollable excitement. After that day, I never bought another magazine because my father would berate me, so I set out to find EVERYTHING that was possible about these women on the internet, always anonymously. I've been doing this for ten years.

Welcome to the fraternity brother!
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: tarzan7 on March 28, 2018, 11:25:42 pm
Well I'm a boomer and came of age in the early '60s. In my pre-teens always liked tall, busty women - Jayne Mansfield, Anita Ekberg, Jane Russell, Sophia Loren. As someone I dated, who looked a bit like one of them told me, "Yeah, 'Earth mother' or 'Amazon' types." I laughed, she was 5' 10" barefoot and was busty and athletic, not a body builder.

The syndicated ladies wrestling series from the 1980s turned me on, as well as "American Gladiator" of course, and I began watching in the 1990s women's bodybuilding on ESPN I think. I wasn't a big fan, yet I was turned on a lot by ESPN's exercise shows in the AM during the mid-1990s and the taller and bustier ladies attracted my attention.

Off and on since my 30s I have been doing role play with dominas, nothing to heavy, and since the 1990s more and more sessions involved "Amazons." In the early 2000s I found and and I finally switched over to female body builders, several of which are great at role play, and the experience has been wonderful.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: josch06 on March 29, 2018, 09:48:52 pm
Als ich in der 5. und 6. Klasse war, ging ein Mädchen in meine Klasse, die unglaublich stark war. Sie hat zu Hause immer mit den Gewichten von ihrem Papa trainiert. Keiner aus meiner Klasse hatten solche Muskeln wie sie. Noch nicht mal die Jungs die auch viel Sport gemacht haben. Sie hat auch gerne Ihre Kraft gezeigt. Sie hat oft ihre Muskeln angespannt und auch gerne Jungs hochgehoben und rumgetragen. Ich war damals noch sehr schüchtern, aber das war eine tolle Zeit ;)
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: m100 on March 30, 2018, 09:50:57 am
Als ich in der 5. und 6. Klasse war, ging ein Mädchen in meine Klasse, die unglaublich stark war. Sie hat zu Hause immer mit den Gewichten von ihrem Papa trainiert. Keiner aus meiner Klasse hatten solche Muskeln wie sie. Noch nicht mal die Jungs die auch viel Sport gemacht haben. Sie hat auch gerne Ihre Kraft gezeigt. Sie hat oft ihre Muskeln angespannt und auch gerne Jungs hochgehoben und rumgetragen. Ich war damals noch sehr schüchtern, aber das war eine tolle Zeit ;)

Normally textes are written in english, so I'll translate it:
When I was in 5th and 6th grade, a girl in my class was really strong. She was working out at home with the weights of her father. None of guys in my class had muscles like her. Even the guys were not as strong as she was. She enjoyed showing her strenght. She liked showing her muscles und lifted some guys up in the air and carryed them. I was shy at the moment, but it was a great time.

Geile Geschichte! Hast du immernoch Kontakt zu ihr? Wäre natürlich interessant zu wissen, wie sie heute aussieht.
Great Story! Are you still in contact with her? Would be interesting to know how she is looking today.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: josch06 on March 30, 2018, 10:16:07 pm
Leider nicht mehr. Ab der 7. Klasse haben wir alle die Schule gewechselt. Sie hatte aber bedeutend mehr Muskeln als ich und war auch ziemlich groß. Weil ich so dünn war hat sie mich besonders oft geärgert und gezeigt wie viel stärker sie ist. Ich habe da aber nicht zugegeben, dass ich das toll fand.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Chipsnsalsa on March 31, 2018, 12:52:23 am
When I was a kid I was, I was playing with my friend in his basement. We got a small ball stuck in a tube or something like that. We both tried and failed to get it out of the tube. He brought it upstairs to his mother, who got it out. That night ,for some reason, I had a dream in where that friend's mother lifted a car. I couldn't get the dream out of my head and I realized I had enjoyed it. I had never seen a muscular women and his mother was a big woman, not obese but big, so I started to associate big women with strength.

When I entered 6th grade, I had a math teacher who was a big woman (and as I found out later, naturally strong) so I started to fantasize about her doing feats of strength.

It was about this time, my family got cable. One day, I was channel surfing when I landed on reruns of American Gladiators. I saw these women were big and had muscle so I started imagining my teacher having muscles.

One night I decided to google American Gladiators to find more photos of these woman for my teacher fantasy. I found a link about Raye Hollit aka Zap and it took me to After I saw her pic, I decided to look at some more choices. I picked Elena Seiple and after seeing those bigger muscle, I was hooked and the rest was history.

Great story :) did you find out your math teacher was naturally strong?
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: agent807 on April 04, 2018, 01:03:32 am
The first time I notice a lady with muscle I was in sixth grade.  This was a classmate of mine and I didn't think of it then.  In hindsight, since she was the most athletic person in the school, I should have known.  It was probably the first time I saw a girl with biceps as she at times arm wrestled boys.  It started a fascination but I didn't pursue it much further.

The second time was seeing people on TV like Chyna in the WWF.  Some saw her as gross and I didn't. 

I also worked in a grocery store that was in a wealthy neighborhood and gyms all over the area so people knew how to take care of themselves.  What I didn't know about this area was that a lot of cougars lived out there.  Me being naive didn't know what cougars were at the time, and I was the new guy in the store.  Not just a new guy, but a different guy.  Being a full time goofball, I was a character.  I was also a big strapping guy myself.  Not a musclebound guy, just a big strong guy.  Compared to everyone else in the store, I had a different personality.   Sometimes women in their 40s 50s and 60s come in the store and look better than women in their 20s and 30s.  There was one lady who would come in and quite a few people felt intimated by her because she was so muscular.  For reference, she was probably the size of a off season physique competitor.  We were the same height so I believe she was 5'9" and probably late 30s early 40s.  She wore mostly tank tops so you can see the muscular chest and her arms.  Or if it was cold outside, once she entered the store, she would take her coat off and set it in the cart while she shopped.  She couldn't zip the coat up anyway as it would be too tight on her upper body to wear from what I saw and she told me.  The banter with her turned into flirting for a while.  What was different with her than all of the fit women walking through the store was that most of those women were a bit egotistical and into themselves which came off as stuck up, and I didn't have nowhere the level of conversation with them.  Meanwhile, this lady was far more confident and comfortable with what she has, and what she was doing.  I think this is where I really appreciate strong muscular women for the work they go through to build such powerful bodies.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: cook on April 04, 2018, 11:53:15 am
Great story :) did you find out your math teacher was naturally strong?

I was friends with her son. We met in High School and when he told me his last name, I thought of my teacher but I didn't ask if they were related because it's a common last name. So we became friends and one day he mentioned that his mother was a teacher. I asked him if his mother was Mrs. ... that teaches at ... School and he replied in the positive. So I was very happy!

One night we were at his house and we wanted to go out but his parents said no. After some back and forth my friend to his mother that he will arm wrestle for it. She laughed and agreed

My friend was a typical teenager who like to work out. He was pretty strong him self. Everyone wanted him on their team when we would play football. I thought he was going to win because I knew he was strong and his mothers strength was just something I had made up in my head or so I thought. They got ready, counted to the three and started. I saw him put his might in to it but his mom's arm wouldn't move that much! After a few seconds, she said "Enjoy the basement" and then proceeded to slam his arm down.

When we got down to the basement, I asked him if his mother was a pro armwrestler and he said no. I asked if she worked out and he said no. So I asked, what was that, that just happened. He replied that his mother was just naturally strong.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Chameleon on April 21, 2018, 07:42:12 pm
Like most of those here, I grew up before the internet. Tell a 12-year-old me that one day all a muscle-hungry adolescent would have to do is type a few words into youtube search to see all the female bodybuilders he could possibly imagine, and it would have blown my little mind. But at least I grew up in the eighties when fbb was beginning to boom. I feel sorry for those of previous generations who really would have been starved of material.

I've been into strong women for as long as I can possibly remember, long before puberty hit. First it was literally just that - strength. Superhuman strength of the old Lynda Carter Wonder Woman, then the one episode of The Hulk cartoon when the introduced She-Hulk. I didn't know why I was so fascinated, only that it sent my imagination reeling. I remember seeing through a shop window while being dragged around the shops Castle Grayskull only it had a woman standing there instead of He-Man. It was my first introduction to She-Ra and I quickly became an obsessive fan.

Then on some TV chat-show the guest was some female bodybuilder - just to introduce this new and novel concept to the world as a whole. And my world changed from then onwards. The concept that a woman could have real muscles was the most exciting thing imaginable. When I hit puberty my fascination for strong woman expanded into a lust and fascination for their actual bodies too. I scoured newsagents for (excruciatingly hard to find) female bodybuilding magazines which I would blushingly buy from variously amused, smirking, bemused and indifferent shop clerks.

I saw in the TV guide that showing at 4AM in the morning was a TV movie "Getting Physical" about a woman who becomes a bodybuilder. I didn't have a VCR to save it for posterity but I stayed up all night to watch it, excitedly savouring ever minute, volume turned down to a whisper so as not to wake my parents, a dressing gown across the crack under the door in case someone got up in the night and noticed the light.

Then there was Gladiators which did such sterling work in bringing female muscle into the mainstream. I've since watched as over the years, it's become more prevalent. A least, a lot easier to find. Finally getting a VCR helped a lot too, both to save those episodes and fleeting glimpses of female muscle the TV offered up, and to scour the video-rental stores for any dodgy B-movie that even hinted it might contain a muscled / karate-kicking babe. I swear my taste in low-budget trash was shaped by desperately seeking Amazons, stock token female baddies, hench-women, kung fu fighters and the like.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: sodanhc on June 07, 2018, 09:00:18 am
At school. I liked the girls with athletic calves. One class mate, a girl not muscular, was strong and could beat 90% of the boys armwrestling. That was a turn on too. Developed from there.
Title: aRe: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: ilikebuffgirls on July 15, 2018, 06:17:11 am
American gladiators for me and every now and then competitions on ESPN.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: MaxSideburns72 on July 19, 2018, 09:02:43 am
Back to the mid 80s in Italy there was not much to watch at, so it came from the comics, large muscular strong heroines. Then when I saw a copy of the magazine WPW I found the real heroines were living somewhere!
Title: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Iron Maiden on August 11, 2018, 07:45:30 pm
For me it was back in 1997, I was 8 years old and I saw a cover of WPW magazine in a newsstand in Lima, Peru. I was mesmerized by what I saw, my heart started beating fast and also got a stiffy. Since then I've been a fan.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: 87fg on August 12, 2018, 02:47:28 am
Well, my introduction came a bit later. I remember I saw the documentary Body of Work which featured Colette Nelson and Heather Foster. my love pf female muscle could have been much earlier than that. I was  six and read a Wonder Woman comic and the idea of  a strong woman was fascinating to me. The comic I was reading she was not really large in muscle size, but decent tone in the artistic rendition. As I got older the idea of a muscular woman became more attractive to me. When I discovered Lenda Murray that was the moment I knew I loved muscular women. When I turned thirteen I was collecting many pictures and muscular women related materials. When Youtube came into existence it was the best thing ever. All you have to do now is type in muscular women and a multitude of videos appear. When I was younger, you either had to wait if ESPN broadcast a competition or showed women's sports. Prior to video streaming sites, it was a rare treat. My realization came from comics and TV. It only expanded from there.     
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: FBBMW on August 12, 2018, 03:32:45 am
I noticed female muscle in high school.  They were natural muscle girls or on sports teams.
Next step was FBB contests on ESPN,  WPW magazine/videos. 
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Buffalo on August 12, 2018, 05:29:29 am
Watching television in the late 80's. American Gladiators and Ms.0 93
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Iron Maiden on August 12, 2018, 12:44:22 pm
I noticed female muscle in high school.  They were natural muscle girls or on sports teams.
Next step was FBB contests on ESPN,  WPW magazine/videos.

I miss FBB contests on ESPN and Fox. I wish they brought it back.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: knufflschmoe on August 13, 2018, 03:35:27 pm
It started with arousal by strong girls yet,even in primary school,when some tomboys were wrestling & pinning down
the weak boys /back then ,no muscle (FBB) girls existed back then..
Then ,beginning of the 80`s it was electified by the first BB magazins ,where was portrayed RachelMcLish,
Cory Everson,Gladys Portugues ,and from then on much more ,,,,
My obsession was growing slowly but steadyly by the expension of stuff in media ,climaxing
by the huge supply in the web ,and visting sessionettes regularly ...!
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: sa2009 on August 23, 2018, 04:26:01 am
American Gladiators 1990
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Username13 on August 23, 2018, 04:57:00 pm
On a really base level I remember talking to a friend when I was really young about what our favorite part on a woman was (which for everyone else was obviously "boobs") but remember answering "stomach" AKA abs. Crush growing up was also on the tomboy who could beat the other boys (including myself) at armwrestling.

Getting into legit muscle, add another vote to American Gladiators (reruns for me). It was like female muscle "porn" you could watch without any fear of what your friends/family would think when you're watching it, because a lot of people just liked to watch the show. Zap was of course my favorite, but Diamond, Siren and Ice were right there as well.

Some other key influences were, first and foremost, Chyna from the WWE (loved her look, attitude, and the fact that she wrestled against men), the Xena TV show (don't think I ever really watched it, just caught the odd part of it and remembered really liking the character), and Kiana Tom's Flex Appeal, especially with Monica Brant on (no getting around this one, you couldn't have this on if mom walked in...).

I think the internet took care of the rest, but those were the main influences. I think most of it spiraled from Chyna TBH. Used to go on the computer to look up pictures of her exclusively.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: bobsaget on August 25, 2018, 01:59:49 am
When I was in year 5 at school there was a girl there who had biceps that were unusually large. She knew it too, which was the hard part. She would flex a lot, a few times a day during school, because she knew she had the biggest looking muscles. She loved the attention and that no one else would flex because they didn't want to be embarrassed. She wasn't the strongest, she would lose at arm wrestling, but I loved it and would stare unashamedly every time she was in my field of view. From there it was WPW, and muscle mags. then the internet
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: MaxSideburns72 on August 29, 2018, 09:08:29 am
When I was a kid, just 12, I felt strangely attracted by a friend's mum who was insanely strong with muscular legs, but as being a kid I couldn't explain what it was.
Then when I was something like 16 (1988) the first FBB were shown (with bad feedbacks) for first time on muscular magazines. That was like I saw a god for the first time. Since then I never lost this passion
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: tate1 on August 29, 2018, 12:02:55 pm
Seeing the contests and highlights on TV.
That began and fueled my passion. Great TV it was, too.
ESPN ran contests and Muscle shows (Muscle Sport USA, American Muscle Magazine), American Gladiators was on, Networks and news programs covered bodybuilding contests, Fitness shows were on ESPN (Bodyshaping) and so forth.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: lemuscle on October 09, 2018, 06:46:30 pm
Gonna date myself here, but it was in the late 60's watching a Popeye cartoon. Olive ate some spinach and her spindly little body sprouted towering biceps. That did it for me!
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: 009eli on October 11, 2018, 07:02:43 pm
For me growing up in the 80s as a kid I was always driven wild by these commercials for health clubs on TV. I remember ones especially for a placed called Ballys that would just show straight shots of these really in shape women working out and even when I got to see the Sports Illustrated swim suit edition I was always more drawn to the more atheltic and toned models it was after I accidentally caught a contest on ESPN that it all made sense and after that I knew.

I ve always wondered if the women in the contests had any idea of the spark that they started in the young men sitting at home
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: jdm022 on October 24, 2018, 12:53:29 am

I was 13 and was watching the 1984 Olympics.  My mom and older sister were addicted to watching the Olympic Gymnastics coverage.  I was bored with it until I saw Mary Lou Retton for the first time.  I became obsessed with her and had to watch every minute of coverage.

Her buff shoulders and arms, and muscular legs mesmerized me!  I have been a female muscle fan from that time on!
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: juanito13 on October 27, 2018, 06:03:17 pm
I was drawn to muscular women even before I was officially attracted to women. I was entranced by mid 80s bodybuilding contests on ESPN. I grew up in the high-point of female physique sports in the mainstream media (mid '80s to mid '90s). Things like WPW and other magazines; ESPN and other sports channels showing contests and other things; TV workout shows; and even one Ms. Olympia shown on NBC got me more than hooked.

As far as what started it, I'm not sure. It's just always been there. I think my access to things like magazines and TV really helped it along.

I've always been turned on by their body confidence and eagerness to show off (whether real or manufactured). The pride, the revealing outfits, and the evidence of lots of hard work and dedication are big parts of my attraction. However those came about, they're at the core of my interest.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: jdm022 on October 30, 2018, 07:10:40 pm

As a brief follow up to my post above: I didn't know of society's "Opinion" of us muscle lovers, since I didn't even know that I was one yet at only 13.  During the gymnastics coverage...which I was glued to along with my mom and sister (note: my brother and dad weren't even that interested in watching it)....I openly admitted to my mom and sister how good looking I thought Mary Lou Retton was.

I guess they knew instinctively that I definitely liked the "muscular" women and if I was out with my sister at the mall or something in jr. high or high school, she would actively point out women with muscular legs walking buy if I hadn't seen them yet!  ....funny note: she still does.  ha ha 
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: pij15 on November 04, 2018, 02:46:55 pm
For me it sll started when I was 15 years old. I was in art class with the teacher and one other class mates. The teacher could not open a jar and since I was the boy she gave it to me to open it. I could not open it and my class mate pick up the jar and in an instant she open the jar easily. I was in awe at her strength. She said that she was way stronger than me and challenge me to an armwrestle. She beat me up in less than a second. After this she showed me a fitness magazine and said she wanted to have muscles. Sadly she did not get muscular but still she is strong as an ox.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: jaggyjoe on November 07, 2018, 01:07:40 pm
When I was a little boy, around 6 years old. I saw an ad of a typewriter machine with a muscular girl. Go hooked since then.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: marco76ers on November 07, 2018, 01:40:45 pm
As most of you, it started while watching some tv shows or sports programs. Sure it was just glimpses or a very short exhibition, and most of the times male bodybuilders were on display, but in the end always some girl ended up showing up too. And being brazilian, of course they were wearing from small bikinis and even thongs. It was hard not to get hard  :D And sometimes both man and women performed together, and I found it very sexy, even erotic. Hard for a young boy not to feel the hormones starting to boil  :D

It´s a real shame that even today our tvs (even the sports channels) don´t broadcast any contests...
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Boyo on November 09, 2018, 06:46:33 pm
I remember being in primary school, so around 9 or 10 I think, when I first started realising that I liked the look of muscle in a woman but couldn’t quite put it in words  what it was I liked.

Katie Burnside was two years older than me and she was really sporty, she was on the gymnastics team, and she was excellent at walking on her  hands. She could do a handstand and just walk on her hands for seemingly for as long as she wanted. 20 years later doing CrossFit I came to realise how strong you need to be to do that.

Anyway, we’re in daily school assembly and I’m sat in the middle of the room on the floor, and because she was playing the flute for hymn time, she got to sit up front on a chair and play. She’s not actually playing yet but she must be practising finger positioning or whatever. She’s sleeveless btw. Anyway, another girl goes up to her and just kinda squeezes her upper arm, and silently, they both giggle. Presumably this girl has pointed out to Katie her muscles.

It’s important to remember she was 11 years old and in no way was she some muscle bound mistress, or some hot fitness chick with huge arms or anything. Nor could she beat all the boys up or beat a teacher in arm wrestling. Katie giggled some and flexed her bicep and i didn’t really see anything (there probably wasn’t anything to see), but the point is THAT was the moment for me. It wasn’t so much attraction, but a fascination. I HAD to see her muscles. I didn’t know why at the time, but I knew right then that muscle on a woman was beguiling to me.

A year or two later, Katie had gone to Secondary school and by now I was in the oldest year group. Along the way I had heard rumblings that someone’s mum was a champion weightlifter. This would have been late 80’s in Swindon in the U.K. We all used to live so close to school that we all used to walk, there were very few mums at the school gates most mornings. Every now and again, if it was a school photo day, or sports day, or whatever, we’d have mums chatting at the gate.

I was having a wee one morning and some kid burst in to the bathroom and was all like, “OMG whoever it is’ MUM is here and she’s MASSIVE” and all I can remember is that I couldn’t finish that wee fast enough. I, quite simply, HAD TO, see this woman. I run outside and there she is, walking away. Big 80’s brown hair, jacket, shorts, trainers. All I saw was calves - they were insanely big - and all the other mums were just staring at her either in awe or in disgust and this muscle mum must have sensed that.

So I realised I was fascinated by muscle in a woman, only later with U.K. Gladiators, Chyna, Tori, Luna Vachon, Xena and Atalanta, and also very randomly seeing a film where Cory Everson fights a woman to the death (Cory has her neck broken) that I kinda knew then that I was actually in to muscle. Then the internet happened. I seem to remember Bethany Howlett, Summer Kalish, Marianna Komlos, Vicky Walker Shay and Cindy Huntress being early favourites.

Nowadays... hmm, not sure. Probably Lenka Ferencukova overall.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: grossbar on November 11, 2018, 12:25:32 am
1989 watching the comedy film Skin Deep.
The scene where Ray Hollitt takes him home and strips.
 :wow: :wow: :wow:
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: streetcleanr on December 07, 2018, 02:19:30 pm
I remember liking legs that had muscle when I watched ice skaters when ice skating as a kid.  Then I started noticing girls with muscular legs in 7th grade, also if they had butts that stood high and protruded enough to set a glass on.  The face never mattered?  So the girls I liked were easy to date as no one else asked them out.  I specifically remember one girl in my sophomore HS health class who was such a turn on that just standing there talking to her was not easy to do because the erotic impulses she sent through me were just electric.  So I just talked away and and kept clinched fists in my pocket.  Then a Sports Illustrated came out that made fun of an early contest loaded with pictures...well I saw nothing funny about it...I WAS HOOKED.  Plus a book about running by Gayle Olinakova (sp?) came out I saw and it was titillating to say the least.  I then saw Bev Francis in the movie where everyone was stunned by her body...I tried to not like it either, but I realized there was no denying it...her ultra muscular body, with no visible breasts was something that just drove me crazy...since then I have never liked implants.  As the women get more developed I just like that more...its impossible for me to say stop it.  After my divorce, the weirdest thing happened.  I met a woman who, yes, was in several Ms. Olympias in the early 2000's...and we dated until I met my second and final, of course, wife.  She was working as a personal trainer and was randomly assigned to me when I paid for one.  After a a couple work outs with her, she asked me out...surprised me, but I knew it would lead nowhere as she had a long time relationship with a woman too.  It was a month long fling or so and I had some fantasies fulfilled.  She smoked!  I mean cigarettes...weird.  But, no doubt she was on steroids because she had all the signs of using, but I thought she was beautiful.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: fp909 on December 07, 2018, 02:32:54 pm
Like a lot of you I was really young. Mid 90s was my first exposure, this was the back end of the bodybuilding era on ESPN, and I caught snippets of 2 contests on television but nothing more than that. Maybe once or twice I saw a Muscle and Fitness at the store and there was a FBB on the cover, or I would sneak away in the bookstore to flip through a magazine before someone noticed. The next time I really saw anything like that was in 2000 when I saw ads for workout machines in magazines with toned women (nothing more than a nice toned set of abs). This was in the heyday of dial up and right around then I started to sneak downstairs in the middle of the night, afraid the dial up noises would wake up my family in the quiet, and I learned about sites like the early Her Biceps, Mak's Muscle Library, DTV, femsport, Lori Braun's portal site, WPW. That was my first real exposure to the female bodybuilding world,things ranging from athletic women to actually big women and I loved them all.

I don't have any stories growing up sadly. I didn't know many if any muscular girls. There were rumors of a gymnast a year below me who I sometimes caught glimpses of. There were a couple of runners in my 6th grade homeroom who had wonderful calves that I got to see daily but that was right at the beginning of my interest in muscle (and girls). I saw a few flexes over the years. I've been extraordinarily fortunate as an adult with the internet, becoming friendly enough with muscular women that I can pay for unique, custom videos (and sometimes get stuff for free!) and have them sent to my phone. How crazy is that? In 2000 i never would have imagined this could be a reality.

I don't know if bodybuilding will ever be like it was in the late 80s through mid 90s again. If I could change anything I'd shift that whole era forward so that some of those women that were around in WPW would be available in HD. Unfortunately that would mean the current boom in fitness orientation would be delayed, and that's really where I got my start.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: ayylm4o on December 08, 2018, 01:42:34 pm
Okay this is reaaaaally weird mom was a swimmer back when she was young and was really sporty and buff until I turned 12 and she gave up for some reason.
Her shoulders were really wide and she had huge delts. Even now her upper body is kinda big but it just isn't ripped at all.
I feel disgusted at myself for this but it's the truth.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: jjtjr on December 08, 2018, 06:25:45 pm
When I saw pictures of Laura Combs (rest her soul).
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: jdm022 on December 11, 2018, 11:31:49 pm
I already posted about when I started liking muscular women...

Here's my first actual experience that I can remember....

Long but interesting….Early 80’s (First Time seeing and feeling a real female bicep)

My brother and I were in 6th grade when my aunt got married to a guy who was an ex-football lineman.  He was huge and had 2 daughters from a previous marriage.  One was in 5th grade, a year behind me and my brother, and the other was in 7th grade…a year ahead.  Lisa was older, but really thin and a couple inches shorter than me and my brother (took after her real mom), Melony was the younger sister, but a little thick and the same height as me and my brother (took after her dad).

We had fun meeting our new cousins and the next summer we flew from California to Nebraska for a week-long visit.  My brother and I didn’t really connect with Lisa, but we had fun hanging out with Melony the entire week.  She was kind of a tomboy, so we would go fishing at the nearby river, hiking and exploring around.  She had grown a bit more and thinned out a bit, so when we went swimming, my brother and I were both pretty attracted to her and her athletic build.  It was all innocent fun though and she was our new step-cousin, so that was it.

The next summer, my mom asked if my brother and I wanted to visit our cousins in Nebraska again.  We jumped at the chance to go as we both had a bit of a crush on Melony and it was just fun to go somewhere different for a couple weeks anyway.  When we met my aunt and cousins at the airport, I was blown away.  Lisa hadn’t grown at all and was easily 5 inches shorter than Melony who had grown as much as me and my brother plus an inch or two.  She also filled in a bit and had these really muscular legs.  We were all happy and smiling and when I gave Melony a hug, she was easily an inch or so taller and very solid.

We went to their house and my aunt had us throw our luggage in a spare room in their house.  Almost immediately, Melony wanted to show me and my brother something in the basement.  He and I followed her down and there was a really cool model train set up down there.  I immediately ran up to it to check it out.  Melony called to me and said, no, check this out.  My uncle had also set up a universal gym machine and a bunch of dumb bells around the corner.  She began showing me and my brother the equipment and eventually rolled up her two sleeves and gave us a full double biceps pose.  Her muscles bulged and It was the first time I had seen big biceps on a girl.  I instinctively reached out and grabbed one of her arms, I tried to squeeze it but it was rock solid and didn’t budge.  Melony smiled widely and laughed, she was really proud of her muscles.

She was easily bigger and stronger than me and my brother who were both pretty skinny at that age but a year older than her.  She explained how she had been working out for about a year.  The rest of the trip was a blast and I was constantly staring at and asking to feel my step-cousins biceps.  I probably seemed weird but Melony kind of liked me so she constantly showed them off.

The next year, my step cousins had gone to live with their mom instead of their dad and my aunt so I didn’t see Melony again for probably 4 or 5 years.  She hadn’t worked out in years but was still cute in my opinion.  Now at 40 something years old she has 3 kids and is a little plump…but I still love being around her at family functions as we have always had a tight bond.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: mangodebango on December 13, 2018, 04:36:09 pm
I do remember watching  a sports program on TV when I was a kid and watching a female strongwoman (possibly in Europe) attempting to lift a small horse with straps and pulleys while standing on some scaffolding over the horse (maybe it was a pony). I was really impressed by her huge muscular legs and overall size. This was pre-pusbescent or early pubescent so I couldn't quite explain or understand my attraction.

The next time I felt this attraction was as a teenager watching the telecast of the Commonwealth Games on TV, where I was not only attracted to the female swimmers and their well developed shoulders, but also the female weightlifters and their strength.

Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: khuddle on December 21, 2018, 02:07:48 am
First time was when I was ten years old in 1980, I was at my uncle's house, and, bored and left alone,  I was going through a stash of magazines
in his basement. Poring over some Sports Illustrated magazines, I came across the article "Here She Is, Ms, Well, What?" about the first female
bodybuilding competition in California.

Apparently, when women are going through early adolescence, psychologists believe they go through a phase called "penis envy",
were they obsess over and envy men. Well, upon seeing this article, I went through some definite "muscle envy". I felt so pathetic, so weak,
so powerless in front of this bulky woman, comparing my 10 year old tadpole physique with this musclebound goddess.

But deep down, I must have been excited, because two years later, I came across an issue of WPW at the local Crown Bookstore in
Washington DC, with Suzanne Tigert and her massive thighs on the cover. I couldn't buy it then, I didn't have the money, I knew I had
to come back the next day and get it. I was so excited that I didn't sleep that night. I bought it the next day, brought it home with hands

Everything snowballed from there. More magazines, then, a taping of the 1984 Ms Olympia with Mary Roberts, her broad back and cocky smile.
David Lee Roth's "California Girls" video with a surprise appearance by hulking Teagan Clive. Then WPW Videos -- my first one was the mighty
Hannie Van Aken, with her biceps the size of softballs. Then foraging into female bodybuilder artwork, flyers from LH-ART, a comic of Satin Steele
taking on 10 men by herself and beating them! That stuff may have been even more exciting than the women themselves!

Then my first contest in 1994. Watching Skye Ryland's calves in the Roanoake Civic Center parking lot, wondering if I had died and gone to heaven.
Seeing Laura Vukov pump pose for fans in the lobby -- was all of this real?

After that, my first session, followed by first and best session EVER with a contest shape Denise Gerard, going to contest after contest in Florida,
literally every weekend. Then American Gladiators on TV.  And so on.

But its fun to think back to the beginning. To the genesis of my love affair with this weird, eccentric little sport. Reflecting back, the 80s may have been
the best time of all, even though I had never seen a live fbb or had a session before. Because the stuff then was so rare, so precious. You would
obsess month after month over 4-5 pictures of Cathy Palyo in a MuscleMag feature article. Today you can get 10x that stuff on the net in a single day.

My obsession is more mellow now, thankfully, more tempered, more relaxed. Still there, no doubt, but I don't think I will ever recapture the intensity of
those first early years.   
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: bruce321 on December 21, 2018, 06:35:45 am
First time was when I was ten years old in 1980, I was at my uncle's house, and, bored and left alone,  I was going through a stash of magazines
in his basement. Poring over some Sports Illustrated magazines, I came across the article "Here She Is, Ms, Well, What?" about the first female
bodybuilding competition in California.
I'm a little older than you, but I can relate to everything you're describing. I even remember seeing that magazine article in the dentist's waiting room along with another about strong woman Jan Todd competing in the highland games. But the very first time I ever laid eyes on an image of an FBB was on the Philadelphia local news sometime in the mid to late seventies. A couple of Rachel McLish types were doing an outdoor workout exhibition. I had never seen a woman with a clearly defined biceps vein on top of a knot of muscle before. Hit me like a ton of bricks. Couldn't stop thinking about it. This was probably two or three years before that first wave of competitors started to make national news like that Sports Illustrated article. Nurture vs nature, there's nothing in my background that led me to that realization. As far as I can tell, I was born wired like that.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: fp909 on December 22, 2018, 08:23:40 am
I'm not quite old enough to appreciate how barren the landscape was pre-internet. I'm old enough that early net use was dial up via AOL cd-roms but WPW was online at that point and they did have ordering capability. I can only imagine what it might have been like to get a VHS like that in the mail. I can be obsessive about some of the things I watch--I've played out plenty of VHS and audio tapes growing up--but having that kind of hard copy might have been a gold mine.

If there was anything I could ever will into existence it's the availability and easy of creation of modern media back then with women such as Christa Bauch or Athena or Hannie or Denise (etc etc) that fit my "muscular needs" in a way that modern bodybuilders don't quite capture. Can you imagine any of those women posing and flexing topless on webcam? Many would have done it, given that so many of them did all those Ray Martin videos. Or a young, in her prime Annie Rivieccio with even more topless media.

I know there's a mystique created by scarcity and rarity of some of the old stuff that I'm still hunting for, but at the same time the ability to chose is enticing.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: khuddle on December 23, 2018, 01:43:27 am

If there was anything I could ever will into existence it's the availability and easy of creation of modern media back then with women such as Christa Bauch or Athena or Hannie or Denise (etc etc) that fit my "muscular needs" in a way that modern bodybuilders don't quite capture. Can you imagine any of those women posing and flexing topless on webcam? Many would have done it, given that so many of them did all those Ray Martin videos. Or a young, in her prime Annie Rivieccio with even more topless media.

This is a great point. I would love to see some of the old grainy classics like Denise Hoshor Video in Hawaii or some the WPW videos (like the grainy Debbie Minsky video) brought up to our modern HD standards. FBB videos "remastered" if you will. Maybe in a decade or two we'll have the technology to do it.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: birmi482 on December 23, 2018, 08:43:06 am
Summer olympics 80, east german swimmers, i was 10 at the time
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: bruce321 on December 23, 2018, 11:03:43 pm
If there was anything I could ever will into existence it's the availability and easy of creation of modern media back then with women such as Christa Bauch or Athena or Hannie or Denise (etc etc) that fit my "muscular needs" in a way that modern bodybuilders don't quite capture. Can you imagine any of those women posing and flexing topless on webcam? Many would have done it, given that so many of them did all those Ray Martin videos. Or a young, in her prime Annie Rivieccio with even more topless media.
100% Not to say there aren't a bevy of extraordinary women around today, but we've all got our early favorites like Jan Harrell. Trying to watch them on 320x240 or 640x480 digital conversions is like looking at cave paintings.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: fp909 on December 25, 2018, 05:13:37 am
so true. there's a big jump in quality in the early WPW days and some of those girls its like watching muscular potatoes move around.

WPW was one of the early sites that had me knowledgeable about the older women. so many great bodies. Kati Rubos, Charla Sedacca, the list goes on
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: bertmacklinsbrother on January 23, 2019, 01:14:40 pm
Seems like this fetish/lifestyle was instilled within a lot of you from a young age.  For me, I don't think I really was exposed to female muscles until I was 15 or 16 years old.  My first real "exposure" was the episode of the Simpsons where Marge becomes a bodybuilder.  Specifically, I remember watching the scene where she's straddling Homer and forcing him into sex.  She's easily pinning him down and her arm veins were bulging.

I remember that idea of a woman dominating me in bed because she was stronger being so freaky and arousing, and unlike anything I had ever witnessed.  At that age, I was into baseball and football, so I was a pretty big guy (6'3" 195 lbs, muscular/athletic) and my girlfriend was short and skinny.  But whenever we made out or had sex, I began to imagine her growing muscles, and reversing the roles on me; climbing on top, pinning me down, and forcing me to do what she wanted with her strength.

Of course, that fantasy has only further encompassed my tastes.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: I like strong women on January 30, 2019, 08:37:20 pm
I was always turned on by female circus acrobats and trapeze artists. There was one act I saw called the 3 eves- 3 swedish blond women.The woman who caught the other 2 or supported them was amazingly muscular- I fantasized about her for years. I saw this picture today and it brought back those memories:

Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Ciroki on February 06, 2019, 09:49:07 am
I think it was when i saw a woman beating up a man in a fair fight. The man was really giving it all but he was losing. Its also because of Lucia Rijker, a female boxer. I was very young though and the attraction came years later
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Roel on March 04, 2019, 11:18:17 am

The first time I saw women could have muscles was in the time of Martina Navratilova. I did not think she looked pretty good, but I always hoped to see a bicep if she clenched her fist after a winning point. From that moment on, I started paying attention to muscles in women. In daily life, it was mainly the legs that could be muscled. Later I went to buy magazines and then it became the internet. Since then it has always attracted me enormously.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: amazonophile on May 16, 2019, 12:54:46 am
For me it was back in 1997, I was 8 years old and I saw a cover of WPW magazine in a newsstand in Lima, Peru. I was mesmerized by what I saw, my heart started beating fast and also got a stiffy. Since then I've been a fan.
  In 1979 I believe...the first time I ever saw Rachel Mc Lish in a TV guide ad advertizing     exercise equipment.   I cut out the ad and kept it under my bed.         
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: khuddle on May 18, 2019, 03:32:33 am
For me it was back in 1997, I was 8 years old and I saw a cover of WPW magazine in a newsstand in Lima, Peru. I was mesmerized by what I saw, my heart started beating fast and also got a stiffy. Since then I've been a fan.
  In 1979 I believe...the first time I ever saw Rachel Mc Lish in a TV guide ad advertizing     exercise equipment.   I cut out the ad and kept it under my bed.       

LMAO. Back then, when we didn't have the internet, we all did crazy shit like that.

I remember j**king off to some of the girls in the Sharper Image catalog. That's Moe Szyslak low.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: lesbianbob on May 18, 2019, 07:39:03 am
Lisa Lyon posing on a syndicated talk show and showing her extremely spherical buttocks.  I had never seen anyone like her before.   
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: HEK on May 18, 2019, 01:32:55 pm
When I was 18 I started going to the gym and knew very little but I was there just about every day. I will date myself and say that it was in the late 70's. This gym was 99% men and there was this older lady who would nod at me every day and I would say hi. One day she asked me if I wanted to train with her and I was both embarrassed and shy but I said yes. Like I expected most guys would look at me with a smirk and after I while it stopped bothering me. She wore sweats and a bandana, not very appealing but would train hard and she taught me everything I know now.  One day she said she would not train but would pose as she was competing soon. I said sure I will train by myself or just watch you. That day came she came from the ladies room in a bikini and heels and all I can say it was wow. She was in such great shape and since then I have been in love with the female bodybuilders and my goa; is to become a trainer of just females as I know they are more dedicated. Long story short ( I know too late) since that day there wasn't a single guy in the gym that wanted to talk to me. All I can say I am glad I met her, may she RIP.   
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: tate1 on May 20, 2019, 12:22:24 pm
I was in elementary school and saw a news story about a girl about my age on a school wrestling team and beating boys. that was like "wow" and then around the same time I swa the olympia stuff on tv. that did it for me.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Frank Griffin on June 18, 2019, 11:44:39 pm
For me it's a little odd.

First my dad took me to the gym with him when I was really young like 10 or something, and there was this woman working out in the a bra and shorts and she a bit of visible muscle. Then on top of that my mom would workout in my room, either on the treadmill or with one of the The Firm videos, and for some reason I always liked it. When I was home alone I would always watch those videos. Then, I got a computer and Google searches turned up some great results like Kim Perez, and Anne Freitas  and the more I searched the more I loved the larger ladies.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: lostlastexile on June 19, 2019, 02:38:01 am
1995. Kiana Tom and her Kiana's Flex Appeal they are the culprits. And I love her :heart:
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Maladjester on June 22, 2019, 04:24:10 pm
I grew up pre-internet, so it was the girls in my school with the best legs, particularly calves. Loved that diamond shape. I was hopelessly awkward and non-athletic myself, so I never said anything to them or anyone else about it. I would just watch for when they wore shorts. When I discovered there were magazines, I started buying them. One of the first ones I got had a full-page spread of Shelley Beattie. ♥♥♥
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: super123 on August 06, 2019, 01:49:34 am
I'm curious as to when everyone else with a muscle fetish started to look at pictures/videos of muscular women. Personally, I started looking at them when I was fourteen and haven't stopped since.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: mangodebango on August 09, 2019, 11:09:25 pm
Honestly not until I was well into my 20's. I guess I discovered that I found female muscle sexy rather late compared to others.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: juanito13 on August 18, 2019, 08:11:17 am
I was in my puberty years in the late ‘80s when bodybuilding was exploding and more mainstream. I was fascinated with female muscle before I knew I liked women. Once puberty and my sex drive hit, that’s when I knew I had a serious attraction to female muscle.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: khuddle on August 20, 2019, 01:58:26 am
My first exposure to female bodybuilding occurred in 1980 @ the age of 10, when I came across an article in Sports Illustrated about
the first women's bodybuilding contest in California. I guess this is where the seeds were planted. Because 3 years later, as I hit puberty,
I stumbled across a copy of "Women's Physique World" at my local 7-11 (with the gorgeous Suzanne Tigert on the cover). Hands shaking,
I quickly purchased the magazine, then spent that Saturday night gazing lovingly at the goddesses within.

My point is that while my exposure to fbbs started at 10, it was only at 13 that I realized I was madly attracted to them.   
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: tate1 on August 20, 2019, 12:05:43 pm
Watched, with my parents, a news story about a elementary school girl wrestler who was beating the boys. That was the first part of my attraction.
Then, over the years, caught glimpses of the female bodybuilders as my parents would flip through the tv.
Combine that with the females pictured in He-man and other things (She-hulk).

All that combined started my liking.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: fbbadmire on September 18, 2019, 02:00:28 pm
It was this exact picture of Janice Ragain that just blew me away. I was 14-15 years old and I found the picture in a magazine, I guess Muscle&Fitness or Flex. After this there was no going back to "regular" women
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: wizeguy007 on October 08, 2019, 02:18:23 pm
As a teen, mid 90s, I recall visiting the local drug stores and they'd have the SI swimsuit issue. However, I always caught myselfs looking at Muscle & Fitness, Flex magazine, Ironman, and Muscular Development for the FBBs. I even recall showing a friend and he thought I was weird. when I purchased my first Flex magazine lingerie issue, I was officially hooked. Denise Masino, Renita Harris, and Monica Brant were the top 3 that got me exposed. I would watch Cory Everson and Kiana Tom's workout shows just to see the toned, defined ladies. I must say that period of female bodybuilding was the best
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Bosto24 on October 18, 2019, 05:59:09 am
Seeing Cory Everson in Double Impact or The America
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Iskor on November 19, 2019, 07:55:55 am
I remember quite clearly this moment. Around 1994, I was browsing a kiosk searching for some videogame magazines... And then my eyes encountered a magnificent black woman: Lenda Murray. Until then I didn't even know the existence of women lifting weights.
I fell immediately in love with this unreal pack of muscles, sensuality and feminity. And since then, I never stopped admiring these women! (and at a time I even began weightlifting myself :D )
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: Mastron on November 25, 2019, 04:40:17 pm
I have no clue, it must been ages, because even as a kid of around 5-8 I'd be able to watch stuff like Miss Universe, Bikini Open, and Miss Olympia. So my attraction has been deeply ingrained for a long time. Made worse when one of my cousins used to be a gymnast and had killer legs, and some of those buff gymnast feet, and abs, and made it worse when in puberty she also got a huge pair of boobs. So, yeah, it's been a painful life, with this long-attraction to muscular women.

I was like in 6th grade, when I found Diana The Valkyrie, online, and first story I ever read was Miles Endeavour's Beaten By a Girl, and that served like a gateway or Pandora Box for something that today I have to confess feels like my attraction of muscular girls has been unhinged with a greater gravitational pull than a black hole.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: how1958 on January 18, 2020, 11:39:03 pm
Once, back in the early 80`s, I was browsing at a book store and saw a bodybuilding magazine; looking through it i saw a picture of the late Kay Baxter and my eyes grew wide; I`d never seen a body like that before but what really stood out for me was her calves. That was the moment i discovered i was attracted to muscular women.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: JohnMcClane on February 10, 2020, 03:27:12 pm
I was about 7 or so. There was a report on TV about a female bodybuilder. My dad was watching it half interested, when suddenly my mom barged in and got extremely upset. I never saw her this threatened before. That must have triggered something within me. My mother was always going on about how she was fat and ugly (she wasn't), and obsessed about my dad cheating on her (he didn't). Basically this was the result of a trauma of when she was teased as a kid for being chubby during puberty.  I assume this is why even to this day I can't stand even the slightest amount of fat on a woman, because it ruined by parents marriage in the end. 
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: GAP on February 15, 2020, 02:31:50 am
I am sorry about that but it still an awesome story.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: amazonophile on March 17, 2020, 12:31:23 am
It all started with an ad that I saw in TV Guide in 1979 just before Rachel.McLish began competing in TV Guide she was doing ads advertising exercise  equipment  and I was her in that ad and fell madly in love with  her.  From that moment  on I knew that I love female bodybuilders.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Longing4muscledom93 on March 17, 2020, 02:14:26 am
Any millennials like myself discover they liked women with muscles watching that ebony goddess on fear factor circa 2003?
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: nbunited21 on March 17, 2020, 01:42:16 pm
Definitely not the exact point for me, but the fear factor muscles was definitely an added bonus.  I think it was Tatianna Butler on Fear Factor.  There were a few other muscular women on there but nothing crazy except maybe Chyna. For me, old reruns of American Gladiators did it for me. I also remember seeing some slightly older, like 15-16, muscular gymnast type girls about that time and being blown away. 
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Philter on March 22, 2020, 08:16:19 pm
i have read all the Messages so far, so i guess i have a new Story to tell.

I guess i was around 10 Years old.

I loved the Police Academy Movies and then there was this "Animated Series". It was an Episode with "The Worlds Strongest Women" , it is Episode 7 , if anyone finds it, i would be very pleased to see it again :)
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Prophaniti on March 25, 2020, 03:37:40 am
I've got 2 things I can link it to

1) The teacher everyone had a crush on in grade school was a high school track star who still had amazing legs
2) My mom used to play a lot of volleyball and take me with her when I was a kid, spent a lot of time with lagies with crazy calves

... I also have a thing for big legs if anyone hasn't figured it out
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: quick on March 28, 2020, 04:20:15 am
Y'all remember when ESPN showed bodybuilding contests back in the day? My dad and uncle were watching one casually and I walked in as the women came on. It's my earliest memory of it.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: ilikebuffgirls on April 01, 2020, 12:38:44 am
It started with American Gladiators for me. Olympic gymnast too when I was young then it just went from there. From bikini to physique they're all my favs in their own ways. Offseason and on too.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: johnnylm on April 01, 2020, 04:04:36 am
All right, this thread has been around for so long that I feel the need to answer again. This is going to sound nuts, but the first time I got turned on by a strong woman I was probably three or four years old.  I was watching a three stooges rerun, and there was some storyline with a buff (malel) trainer and those oversized blonde amazon he was training.  He got her angry about something and she picked up this big barbell and threw it at him; he was begging her not to.  I have no memory of how this moment related to the storyline (too bad, because I'd love to find that episode). Anyhow, I didn't even know what a hard-on was at that point, but I got one. And then forgot all about muscular women until Sports Illustrated published an article about female bodybuilders when I was going through puberty...that sent me over the edge (up until that article, I was into big tits). Laura Combs is the one I remember the most, serious arms. 
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: tate1 on April 01, 2020, 11:51:56 am
What 3 Stooges was that. Would like to find and watch it.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Timmon on April 02, 2020, 02:24:04 pm
Working in a department store, a girl I was friends with, was chatting to me. I asked how she was today, and she said she had a late night. With that she yawned, and stretched, lifting both arms to shoulder height, clenched her fists and pulled her arms in towards her head, in a full double biceps pose. My jaw dropped open as 2 perfect ping pong sized balls of muscle peaked skyward, her paper thin tanned skin straining to contain them, the structure of her muscles perfectly visible.
Looking at my astonished face, all she could say with a smile was "What?!"
We went out for 2 years. I had no idea a woman could have visible muscle, and hers were "stealth" muscles, they only appeared when she lifted something, but she had to flex to really show them, or you would never know. She was very slim yet curvy, and solid. Naturally olive colour skin, lots of curly honey colour hair, and a smile that could cheer you up, however grumpy you might feel on a bad day.

Then in 1980, I saw a picture of Rachel McLish on M&F mag, and I realised there was a whole new sport developing.  The rest is history.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: mangodebango on April 06, 2020, 12:26:36 pm
Many years ago I was flipping channels on the TV and I came across a women's heavyweight weightlifting competition. I took a serious interest in fem muscle after that point.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Butt kisser on April 06, 2020, 01:37:28 pm
It all started with an ad that I saw in TV Guide in 1979 just before Rachel.McLish began competing.. she was doing ads advertising exercise  equipment  and I was her in that ad and fell madly in love with  her.  I knew that I love female bodybuilders.

My awakening was similar.. walking past, and flipping thru, magazine stands and seeing photos of Cory Everson & Hannie Van Aken, etc. And there was a softcover book Superpump! that profiled 80s female bodybuilders & their workout routines. I remember that book specifically stimulating my imagination..

And maybe a year or two later, there was a killer Raye Hollitt cover of Women's Physique World.. Raye's level of muscularity was getting closer to my ideal y'know. I ended up meeting Raye a couple times in subsequent years. For me, it was like meeting Babe Ruth or Michael Jordan, etc
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: leedsutd on April 08, 2020, 01:29:42 am
Found the Three Stooges video, muscle up a little closer.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: johnnylm on April 08, 2020, 04:24:15 pm
Seriously??  Can you post it? I'd love to see that.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: leedsutd on April 08, 2020, 11:12:39 pm
Hey, I posted the link the other day and it got deleted for some reason.  Go on YouTube and type - Muscle up a little closer... That's the name of the skit.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: johnnylm on April 09, 2020, 05:33:39 pm
Wow! Thank you.  I didn't really understand "muscle up a little closer" without the link.  That had to be it.  The name Tiny totally rings a bell...and although my memory of that scene was extremely spotty, the barbell throwing was there.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: I like strong women on April 09, 2020, 10:18:55 pm
There was a Popeye cartoon episode where a strong blond woman beats up Olive Oyl in a gym boxing ring- and the when Popeye comes to help her, he gets beat up by tge woman as well- as she verbally mocks him - Hot stuff as I remember it.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Boof55 on April 10, 2020, 10:40:27 pm
For me, I was 13 at school and watched a girl in my year absolutely beat the crap out of a boy in the year above.  Watching her so dominant and destructive was mesmerising and I got so obsessed and excited by it.  Then saw fbb like Karla Nelsen, Lora Ottenad destroying guys in videos and loved the huge muscle women ever since.  The thought of their size, power and strength is perfection to me
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: khuddle on May 02, 2020, 01:29:18 am
I'm curious, are there any members out there who started out liking conventional women but then switched over to fbbs
as a result of seeing an fbb live or on TV or in the mags? Most of us seem to have developed a love for them at a young
age (approx the age of 8 to 13). But is there any one out there who developed a preference for them late? In your
20s, 30s, or even older? Curious to know.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: khuddle on May 02, 2020, 01:31:03 am
(BTW I'm on record as having said I developed a preference for them at the age of 10 when I saw an fbb for the first time
in a 1980 Sports Illustrated magazine).
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: tarzan7 on May 02, 2020, 12:41:15 pm
I evolved into loving FBBs from loving dominant older women, especially Dominas who were busty. Never got turned on by young women ( unless I was 15 and she was 25, LOL). Sure saw exercise, bodybuilding women on TV in the ‘90s but, in my 40s I found and and that was it. From the early 2000s until a couple of years ago saw my fill of Amazonian FBBs for role play, etc. I love all types of women, but FBBs? They are something else! ❤️
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: juanito13 on May 22, 2020, 07:37:37 pm
Even before I began to be attracted to women at all and my guy parts started driving the bus I was fascinated by muscular women and men. Not attracted but interested.
When things changed, muscular women instantly became attractive to me. I’m straight so muscular guys didn’t make the cut.
So I’ve been attracted to muscular women as long as I’ve been attracted to women in general.
It was easy as I grew up in the mid ‘80s/early ‘90s. Gyms everywhere, explosion of women working out. Lots of muscle mags, lots of stuff on TV. NBC even aired at least one of the Ms Olympia contests that Cory Everson won, for crying out loud. ESPN regularly showed NPC events.
So yes, I was the 12 year old buying muscle mags for the pics. Quite scarier than google searches but more thrilling and satisfying.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: jdm022 on May 25, 2020, 06:25:24 pm
pretty hilarious juanito13...

I used to do the same thing at 14-15...i would ride my bike to a liquor store several miles from my house to buy Women's Physique World and Female Bodybuilder magazine.  The hot flash and exhilaration I would feel when taking the magazines up to the counter was crazy.

The clerk would almost always comment about the women on the cover and say shit like, "Do you like women like this?"
My response was always, "Yah." and that was about it.  Only once did a clerk agree with me, it was a female clerk probably 18 or 19 years old and she said, "i wish I had legs like that!"...that was cool i thought.

Buying Muscle & Fitness or FLEX magazine was pretty easy since it was more mainstream and clerks just figured I was a kid trying to get buff...they had no clue i was only buying it for the Cory Everson or Anja Langer pics!!!

ha ha...good times.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: fp909 on May 25, 2020, 07:00:12 pm
I’ve already answered this previously but I keep on remembering things.

I’m a 90s kid so I missed the boat on a lot of Tv bodybuilding coverage.  Like many of you I saw the magazines on the shelves but I didn’t have an allowance or a job as a teen so couldn’t buy stuff, and never would have thought to throw it in the pile with groceries or pick up and read them in public.

There was a lot of media with strong but not muscular women that I liked. The girl in Beetleborgs  with super strength, Rogue in X-Men, Cammy and Chun Li in street fighter, Black Cat in Spider-Man (especially the comic origin story!). So it was around me.

I see all these teen girls now that are strong and muscular but I can’t think of more
Than one single girl growing up that was a gymnast or into fitness because it wasn’t chic yet. A lot of the athletes in my town were just normal in every way. 

That’s why the Popular Mechanics add with bow flex and the 3am infomercials were so big for me, it was my first real life visual media aside from one or two tv competitions that i didn’t see more than a minute of.  The budding internet provides me with early her biceps and femsport and DTV and I was hooked
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: plaisio on June 14, 2020, 02:36:45 am
I remember being intrigued by Rachel McLish in Iron Eagle III.
I was also astonished by Cory Everson's incredibly curvy legs in Double Impact (1991 movie).
In the late 1990s, I searched on the internet for " bikini babes " and " supermodels ".
Eventually, my internet searches inadvertently led me to more muscular looking women,
and I was instantly attracted to all the curves.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: I like strong women on June 14, 2020, 03:01:44 pm
Among a few other occurences, I was friends with the neighborhood tomboy- her name was Cookie. One day she was walking around  in the garage driveway behind  our string of garden apartments with boxing gloves. We decided to have an impromptu "match".  She cornered me quickly after jabbing a few times-  I remember my eyes tearing from the jabs to my nose- and  once I was cornered and hurt a little bit,  she simply hit me as she wished-  alternately punching me in the face and stomach as I tried to coverup. She had me doubled over and in pain and completely defenseless. She stopped the match fairly quickly- telling me she didnt want to hurt me.  She wasn't necessarily muscular, but she was strong- and I have never forgotten that day.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: diggs on July 12, 2020, 08:43:24 pm
I'm curious, are there any members out there who started out liking conventional women but then switched over to fbbs
as a result of seeing an fbb live or on TV or in the mags? Most of us seem to have developed a love for them at a young
age (approx the age of 8 to 13). But is there any one out there who developed a preference for them late? In your
20s, 30s, or even older? Curious to know.

Absolutely. When I was hitting puberty, I was always into large, tall, busty women and muscular women just weren't around like they seem to be now. When I was 20 I saw my first fbb mag and I wore that thing out, and then when I was 21, I saw Lori Walkup-Green in a pizza parlor in Santa Monica and I couldn't take my eyes off her. I had shifted my focus from one set of curves and bulges to another. Ironically, two years later I had my first session and I didn't like it (she was on the masculine side and not very intuitive) so I figured that phase of my life was over. I was so wrong!  :laugh:
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Bodybuilder1984 on August 28, 2020, 01:00:13 pm
At the 90s, Eurosport covered a lot of bodybuilding contest.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Bodybuilder1984 on August 28, 2020, 01:31:35 pm
At the 90s, Eurosport TV channel uses to cover a lot of bodybuilding contests. First time, when I was 12 yo I was watching TV and I saw a male bodybuilding contest... I was hooked by that kind of bodies and those boy who were proud to show them on stage... Then, I began to train at my local gym and buying Musclemag and others publications... Then I began to find female bodybuilders and I fall in love with that kind of bodies... Until now
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: donkey100 on August 31, 2020, 09:23:11 pm
When I was younger was in awe of female circus trapeze and acrobats and their strength and muscles. So when female bodybuilding came a long it was a natural fit. Was always attracted to athletic girls and wound up marrying an athletic muscular girl who to this day is my training partner. i got very lucky.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: viphot on October 13, 2020, 08:12:58 am
I was 6 years old at the time I saw a report of muscle girls on the beach showing their muscles beautifully. I loved that since then, but in my country there are no mixed halls or interest in this matter because it is considered gay ...
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: viphot on October 13, 2020, 08:19:46 am
I drew women with huge muscles and small stories, but I destroyed them because I was afraid someone would see them ..
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: mangodebango on October 13, 2020, 10:52:13 am
I started taking notice of the more built women in the gym.

I also discovered I really liked watching the women's weightlifting division watching sports competitions on TV.

A natural interest and curiosity grew from there and I began discovering the world of FBB's.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: aerome on October 26, 2020, 10:50:14 pm
 8) It was latter in my life that i was concerned about women working out in the gym that were bigger the me. I was looking at biceps that were bigger than my 15" arms. I started following big women and the way they worked out to make themselves larger.Wow :woohoo:
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: smithgpost on October 27, 2020, 01:49:11 pm
Like many of you it started as little boy in the pre-Internet area. I went to a magazine store and suddenly a cover of a female bodybuilder flexing a massive biceps sprung out of all the displayed magazines. I don’t know why but it was like being stricken by lightning and I have been fascinated by massive female bodybuilders and their biceps especially ever since.

In school (maybe 7th grade) there was a girl who was a real tomboy. She did not engage in power sports but she had these incredibly wide shoulders, big arms and was naturally bigger than most boys. Unfortunately, I was too shy to make the right approach.

In the layer school years we had a girl in schools who started seriously powerlifting and got to be one of the top lifters in the world later in the below 90kg (200 pound) class. She was massive with a huge back, small waist and also really big boobs. All the pupils would talk behind her back since she was clearly obsessed with being strong and massive. She was a very nice girl but nobody did ever make negative remarks to her as far as I have witnessed. You could see that everybody had just a lot of respect when talking to her since she was so massive at around 85-90kg even at that time. I believe she would have been able to beat the crap out of everybody except maybe for two large bodybuilder guys. She wore a lot of tight clothes and sleeveless shirts in the summer, obviously proud of her body. We used to go swimming in sports from school and it was quite often that people walking close to the border would be thrown in by other pupils for fun. When she walked close the pool two guys came close to her and she said loudly for everyone to hear “I beat the shit out of anybody who will throw me into the pool”. The two guys immediately changed course and nobody ever threw her in the pool. When she said that I had a hard time to conceal my erection in the swimming shorts.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: ilikebuffgirls on January 11, 2021, 02:12:43 am
It started with middle school watching American Gladiators. I would see the girls run track amazed at their bodies. These werent marathon runners they were built between figure and physique. Then eventually there'd be competitions on cable and of course who could forget Kiana.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Nahuel-H on April 27, 2021, 11:24:26 pm
I can't believe this wasn't already asked.

Mines was when I was younger, my mother was cooking inside the kitchen and my brother and dad were out. I was flipping through channels until I found a P90x 30 minute commercial.  While I was watching I saw a woman working out and then she flexed while talking about her muscles.  After the ad ended I went to my room and just thought about that bicep for the rest of the day.  I checked the guide on the tv and found that it was on again at 3:00 AM.  I forced my self to not to sleep and to turn on my tube tv to the channel and watched it again. That's how I found out about my interests.

I started attending a women's kickboxing championship and of course I discovered a beautiful and very particular world. Unfortunately my team was not the right one for the location, so I was not very happy with the photos and I never published them. Some time later, as a result of another photographic project, I contacted a Venezuelan woman who practices bodybuilding on Insta****. We took photos together and, when we met, I took the opportunity to ask him a lot about that sport. She told me what it took to tempt me to attend and then told me that a tournament was coming up. I didn't think twice. Imagine having the chance to see deconstructed muscular female bodies live at their finest.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Nahuel-H on May 21, 2021, 10:16:55 pm

I remember that day perfectly. He was a teenager, he would be 19 years old. I signed up for a gym because of her coach, she was unique, I arrived and saw her, Elena arrived shortly after, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw her in a beautiful one-piece swimsuit. Although he was more than 20 years older than me, he was definitely fitter and more muscular. His legs were bigger than mine, but they weren't grotesque. They were right, they were strong and yet feminine. Her waist was perfect and her abs seemed to be in great shape, although she couldn't see them. Her arms were strong, those biceps seduced me with their femininity and yet they warned me to be careful. And above all, I had the confidence that comes with knowing your own strength and beauty. It would be embarrassing to exercise with such a beautiful lady who can lift more weights than I can, I thought. "Shall we start?" He repeated for the second time. I'd been busy admiring her and didn't hear her the first time she'd asked. "Yes Elena", I replied as I decided to have more control of my feelings. We work together for an hour. Elena explained the concepts to me and showed me the techniques with patience. He let me touch his muscles to show where I should focus. She was very strong and I felt it would be difficult to forget this lady.

Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: MCfanII on June 08, 2021, 05:21:33 pm
Ooh. Can I join in? It was when I was a kid(of course) and it was I believe it was a cartoon(can't remember what) that got me started into FBBs. I think that it was the 1990's Spiderman cartoon with Black Cat(maybe?).
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: LordLucan on June 19, 2021, 05:35:05 am
I'm curious, are there any members out there who started out liking conventional women but then switched over to fbbs
as a result of seeing an fbb live or on TV or in the mags? Most of us seem to have developed a love for them at a young
age (approx the age of 8 to 13). But is there any one out there who developed a preference for them late? In your
20s, 30s, or even older? Curious to know.

Yes, me. Although I'm not into the FBB physique. I just like strong women.

I've always been more into the kind of "butch" girls. Big girls. Then in my 20's I went out with a rugby playing girl and she was STRONG. In bed that was really, really fun. After we split up, I happened to sleep with a mate of mine who was a rower, and she was very strong too. Made me realise that that was what turned me on...
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: johnnylm on June 19, 2021, 07:12:54 pm
Yep. went from big tits to muscles around puberty.  But probably already had some attraction to female strength younger than that...
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Magari on June 21, 2021, 02:08:49 am
In my teens in early eighties, article on Charonne Carpentier from Phoenix, tho short had shapely biceps and great chest, even went there to find her, but to no avail……later RIP.  Article was in Strength and. Health, about same time she made an appearance on Johnny Carson show which I saw
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: outmuscled on June 21, 2021, 03:18:09 pm
Then in my 20's I went out with a rugby playing girl and she was STRONG. In bed that was really, really fun. After we split up, I happened to sleep with a mate of mine who was a rower

I went out with a rower in my 20s. She was one of the main women of her crew and I remember them jokingly telling her not to hurt me when we got together, but when we wrestled early on, I won more easily than either of us expected. In fact she was so cocky, that she was quite pissed off to lose to a man 40 pounds heavier than her and who was on a similar weight-training regime to her!
But she was stilll a muscular lay, and I remember her bucking so hard in bed I'd end up clinging on for dear life, barely able to hold her down. It made me think there's no way I'd be able to top a bodybuilder-style woman who was that energetic. She'd have to go on top, or she'd just toss me out of bed witthout even meaning to,
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: pigi3141 on June 21, 2021, 04:36:14 pm
Good question! I have absolutely no idea to be honest. Just liked muscles since I can remember...  ;) Try also to put some on my body, but to be honest I'm too lazy... But after lockdown I'll go again to gym, maybe this time...  ::)
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: xhotnsexyx on July 18, 2021, 01:17:29 am
when i was younger, much younger, my parents caught me looking at porn so they put on a porn blocker. somehow someway i figured out that i could find fitness womens pics and it wouldn't block them. once i started that, it never stopped. i now actually look at them as inspiration for me to work out. so much respect for them.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on July 19, 2021, 04:20:43 pm
When I was 5 or 6, my first sighting was an ad for Gold's Gym in an issue of Sports Illustrated.  They were wearing bikinis on the beach.  I thought the women looked great, didn't think anything of it that they worked out and had muscles, or that it was unconventional or controversial.

A few years later, like many boys, was interested in cars, monster trucks and muscle cars.  The TV guide listed show on ESPN called American Muscle Magazine, airing at 5 AM, too early to get up early watch, so I recorded it on VHS to watch later.  I was still up earlier than the rest of the house and much to my fortunate and delightful surprise, the subject matter was quite different than I had anticipated, but at the age of 9 years old, I was hooked.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Miley Cyrus on July 30, 2021, 09:24:19 pm
I am not sure that you can be born with the fetish like this but in my case it seems you actually can.
So I did not have to find out.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: savage on August 03, 2021, 08:24:08 am
I find all types of body types on women sexy.  Skinny, thick, a few extra pounds, whatever, it turns me on.  But there's something about muscles on a women that drives me wild.  I was always attracted to thicker, athletic women.  Watching the Olympics over the years, the track girls always turned me on. 

I believe it was Chyna that really confirmed my attraction to muscular women.  She was a sexy beast and I haven't turned back since.   Still love my normie girls, but damnit, I can't fight what I like.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: alphaking1 on September 07, 2021, 11:05:31 am
Mine is weird. It was my mom. There was a period of her life when I was in middle-school where she went to the gym every single day. I slowly watched her body morph though she never looked ultra defined, mainly because she always had a layer of fat over her muscles. The most visible muscle she had was her shoulder muscles. My god did they look inflated at one point. Even my dad (who had been divorced from her for a couple years) made a comment to me on it when he met her again.

When I was very little I was actually in-love with my mom and it took time to have this feeling go away. I guess this fetish is an indirect leftover of this. Since I loved my mom, I loved girls who looked like her and since there was a period where she was a gym-addict then I ended up liking strong women. Middle-school was also a period where I got bullied very often so I guess my brain needed to create a fantasy that would make me feel safe. A girl who would love me and protect me with her massive muscles. It also coincided with the time I discovered masturbation.

Honestly, it's a mix of these with probably a couple things I've forgotten or don't realise have had an influence on this.

I've never told anyone about this because I'm ashamed of it. At least online no-one knows who I am but in-person the only one I could tell this kind of fetish and explanation would be my girlfriend but I don't have one for now so I keep it to myself.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: leedsutd on September 12, 2021, 02:09:28 pm
I find all types of body types on women sexy.  Skinny, thick, a few extra pounds, whatever, it turns me on.  But there's something about muscles on a women that drives me wild.  I was always attracted to thicker, athletic women.  Watching the Olympics over the years, the track girls always turned me on. 

I believe it was Chyna that really confirmed my attraction to muscular women.  She was a sexy beast and I haven't turned back since.   Still love my normie girls, but damnit, I can't fight what I like.

yes totally agree! I know if I tried to fight it I would lose lol so I just go with the flow, it's really impossible for me to stop liking muscular women.

Like you, I like all different types of women but muscular is type that truly gets me excited.

Chyna was great, and tried to watch when I could.  I was already confirmed before her but she brought it to the mainstream, which is what we can all hope for.  Looking for the next one...
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: rcpj18 on September 13, 2021, 12:34:35 am
For me, it started when i was young probably around 12 or 13. I was on youtube one day on my ps3 Lol. I was just looking at random videos. Then for some apparent reason i searched up abs. It show a couple of videos of women with almost visible abs. Then i seen a video of jelena abbou. In one of her videos she was doing her crunches. Still till this day that video is still on youtube underneath jelena abbou crunches. When the video first started i seen a sexy beautiful women. When they zoomed in on her abs. Omg i lost it. All i could of said to myself was WOW! She looks so sexy with those abs. Then i ran into a couple more videos about real female bodybuilders like johanna dejager, and lisa cross. I didnt know what to say about their bodies, i was shocked. I was in a trance looking at how they was working out all their muscle groups. I still be going back every now and then to watch their videos. I have some of their videos along with other new FBBs or IFBBs. I follow these new fitness models, fbbs, and ifbbs on insta****. Some of them follow me back. I was so excited to see that. Also right now im 23 years old. Back then i say around 5 years ago. I would be around some of my friends or my family. They would talk about women with muscles. Saying that muscles make them look manly. I just stood there listening to what they said. I am obsessed with women with muscles. I didnt and cant tell my friends or my family how much i love women with muscles so much. If i do i would be the laughing stock of the whole town. I was thinking about telling my mom that a couple of days ago. But i dont know. I been living with that obsession on my chest for years now. I dont want no one to know about my secret. I be hoping one day i get to meet a women with either leg, abs, or arm muscles. Or even train with them.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Bogurt on September 15, 2021, 12:34:33 am
For me it was multiple women, Aleesha Young, Mz Devious, Cindy Philips, Alessandra Alvez, etc. Just the idea of a muscle girl expressing how much more in power she is with her body not only does a number of things to my body,(obviously) but my soul as well, it's hard to put into words but it makes me feel very satisfied and happy.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: rcpj18 on September 15, 2021, 01:29:03 am
For me it was multiple women, Aleesha Young, Mz Devious, Cindy Philips, Alessandra Alvez, etc. Just the idea of a muscle girl expressing how much more in power she is with her body not only does a number of things to my body,(obviously) but my soul as well, it's hard to put into words but it makes me feel very satisfied and happy.

Especially mz devious and cindy phillips. Cindy was just on a whole other level. She was hot AF with her muscles.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: jaqeau on September 22, 2021, 06:45:01 pm
I remember seeing the East German Olympic women's swim team on TV. I was disgusted.
Then, a while later, there was a small ad in a magazine that showed a woman with an amazingly hard stomach. Some kind of gizmo to get a thin waist line.
I liked her - a lot. I loved girls with flat hard bellies and firm torpedoes (we had a couple in my high school)_
Then I was visiting my Uncle and he had some Playboys in the upstairs bathroom. One of the1976 editions had Lisa Lyons in it.
WOW, this girl had a hard body and looked amazing. Hot as fuk.  I was hooked. It was soon followed by Body Power mag with real female muscle chicks.
The bigger they grew, the harder they became, the more I lusted to run my hands and lips over their shapely muscle bodies.
I will never forget an edition came out with Kay Baxter on the cover. I think she was one of the first to go all in with steroids, because she was fuking insanely hard and big.
She claimed it was aminos did that for her - LOL.
I took that mag to the check out counter and I can say that I got some looks for buying it - but I just had to.
I just get weak kneed at a beautiful fashion model face mixed with a HUGE MUSCLE BOD. Simply the best.
Denise Hoshor, Johanna Dejager, Erica Murphy, where are youuuuuuu?

Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: mrstoneager on October 22, 2021, 02:20:41 am
Started back in the mid-80s. Was dating an ex-cheerleader/gymnast who basically introduced me to lifting and going to the gym. The firmness of her curves and her flexibility did me in. Then I started reading muscle mags and was hooked. She was great - she'd go to competitions with me and together, when we lived in NYC we went to a lot of contests including Ms. Olympia. She was playful and liked to mock wrestle and I just couldn't get enough of how tight she was - ahhhh youth...From that point on having really only dated fit women or women who at least attended a gym regularly and stayed in shape.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: AAFan on October 31, 2021, 11:59:31 pm
Gonna date myself here, but it was in the late 60's watching a Popeye cartoon. Olive ate some spinach and her spindly little body sprouted towering biceps. That did it for me!

For me, it was discovering your characters! I love "Little" Annie Ample.
Title: Re: When was the first time you realized you liked muscular women?
Post by: bicepboy on November 04, 2021, 06:51:02 pm
Gonna date myself here, but it was in the late 60's watching a Popeye cartoon. Olive ate some spinach and her spindly little body sprouted towering biceps. That did it for me!

For me, it was discovering your characters! I love "Little" Annie Ample.

Not sure what I wrote here before, but I imagine the Popeye cartoons had a real impact on me (early '70s). Olive wasn't the only woman who got some spinach. Bluto's sister, if I recall correctly, tormented Popeye with her strength. however, as young as I was, I had no way of processing that sexually. It was early 1980 when I had my moment of recognition -- I never remember the order, but googling suggests Laura Combes appearance on Real People came in January. I first saw a promo ad, and was blown away. Knew I had to watch the show. A couple of months pater, Sports Illustrated ran their profile on Combes, Baxter, and Wilbourn.

In the next year or twp, that was followed by newspaper articles on other bodybuilders, another feature in SI, on Gayle Olinekova and her amazing legs, and eventually Sportsworld covering competitions and muscle mags beginning to feature women, requiring me to do a lot of browsing at newsstands. But, it was Laura Combes who first and indelibly, blew my world up. Was I already programmed to respond that way? Undoubetdly. Nature or nurture? Can't say.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: 1dave100 on November 12, 2021, 07:54:54 am
If I had to point to any particular woman, I would have to say Melissa Detwiller. Certainly not the bigger, or most muscular, but the physique she built was mesmerizing.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Bionic55 on November 15, 2021, 09:33:31 pm
It started with an admiration for Wonder Woman. Linda Carter was beautiful and I recall being aroused at any strength scene in that programme.

My passion developed from there; often I hate it. My Wife left me out of the blue last year and I just feel so lost in this world.

I wish I didn’t feel like I do.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: bicepboy on November 25, 2021, 06:28:32 pm
It started with an admiration for Wonder Woman. Linda Carter was beautiful and I recall being aroused at any strength scene in that programme.

My passion developed from there; often I hate it. My Wife left me out of the blue last year and I just feel so lost in this world.

I wish I didn’t feel like I do.

Man -- I hear this. Resonates with me. We should start a support group for shmoos or schmoes (whichever you prefer) to talk about this...
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: C130J on January 20, 2022, 06:16:55 am
While like others it was watching wrestling in the late 90s, I didn't care for Chyna for some reason, but then I saw Jacqueline and was hooked. She was overshadowed by the other women for whatever reason, yet to me everything stood out about her. When she could show off that body and look sexy I was hooked. Just disappointed how she was relegated to being an afterthought in the WWE
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: yin-master on January 25, 2022, 11:26:28 am
For me, I've always liked seeing shapely legs, that included muscular. From schooldays right up till now. From the legs it progressed from there. When I look back now, it's been a few decades that I have admired female muscle wow.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: FBBCC on March 19, 2022, 07:48:30 am
Juliette Bergmann at a magazine cover
then it rolled
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: derek2003 on March 29, 2022, 01:45:00 am
Watching a commercial of a gym equipment with this blonde woman in great shape
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: AAFan on April 03, 2022, 12:23:33 am
I find all types of body types on women sexy.  Skinny, thick, a few extra pounds, whatever, it turns me on.  But there's something about muscles on a women that drives me wild.  I was always attracted to thicker, athletic women.  Watching the Olympics over the years, the track girls always turned me on. 

I believe it was Chyna that really confirmed my attraction to muscular women.  She was a sexy beast and I haven't turned back since.   Still love my normie girls, but damnit, I can't fight what I like.

Just watched an old "3rd Rock From The Sun" rerun the other night with Chyna as French Stewart's head-locking love interest. Damn! Wonder how I missed that when it first aired!!
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: osubiggreek5050 on April 25, 2022, 12:22:37 pm
I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was like any kid. Searching the internet for…well, you know. Had seen a few FBB contests on ESPN and was curious, so I searched for muscular women. Found Lynn McCrossin, Peggy Schoolcraft, and Dawn Whitham. Then found Colette Guimond and Annie Rivieccio. It really opened my eyes. I was hooked. And ever since, I’ve been a fan.
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: Kujarer on May 24, 2024, 12:26:50 pm
I believe it was Chyna that really confirmed my attraction to muscular women.  She was a sexy beast and I haven't turned back since.   Still love my normie girls, but damnit, I can't fight what I like.

Just watched an old "3rd Rock From The Sun" rerun the other night with Chyna as French Stewart's head-locking love interest. Damn! Wonder how I missed that when it first aired!!

Excerpts from "3rd Rock" featuring Chyna's appearances can be seen here [Reply #46]:
Title: Re: How did you find out you like Muscular women?
Post by: JellyPudding on May 25, 2024, 05:18:53 am
I feel like I've always been to muscular women...

I remember my first experience that really woke me to lust after muscular women was in kindergarten when I was like 5-6 years old. One of my female teachers had this green shirt with Donald Duck flexing his bicep. I one day said something about her shirt which made for some reason flex her bicep as well, and seeing that bicep bulge beneath her skin felt like magic, and I couldn't put my finger on it. I remember trying to ask her to flex her bicep for me again, which she complied to and I remember having a serious attraction her. I don't know what it is, but seeing a woman flex her biceps is just so friggin hot. She had some great arms as well...

But then something that really woke my, arousal for muscular women was stumbling onto female muscle growth transformation animations on youtube, back in like... 2012 or something when age restriction wasn't as strict or those videos didn't have that many views.

But yeah that's about it...