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News and Discussion => Gossip about female bodybuilders => Topic started by: elma on March 24, 2014, 08:13:43 pm

Title: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: elma on March 24, 2014, 08:13:43 pm
I think this segment has been missing for a while. In this section I'd like you to contribute your stories of muscular girls/women sightings. I'd like to hear not only US stories but from other countries as well.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on March 25, 2014, 12:08:22 am
I was bicycling back from dinner last week, and I saw a girl jogging towards me. As she got closer, I could see that she had very muscular, defined arms, and great legs. I circled around, and road next to her, and said "great arms!" She said that she's trying to lean them down, and I said NOOOO! don't do that! She replied that she's entering a fitness contest soon, and they don't like "too much muscle." I told her that there are those of us who like a lot of muscle, and she smiled, and said that she'd put it back on after the contest...
Made my week.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 20thcenturyboy on March 25, 2014, 07:36:57 pm
I've had a few myself. One was Mindi O'brien at a mall outside of Toronto. She was in top form and looked amazing. Another time at Best Buy I saw a mother with a few kids and upon closer inspection this woman was huge. Like, biggest woman I've ever seen. Have no idea who it was. Lastly I was at a rest stop KFC and saw a young girl, probably teen waiting in line to order and although she had a baggy sweater on, her legs were visible and insanely striated. I don't know if she was a builder or it was some crazy genetic disorder, but it was impressive nonetheless.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: galloguille on March 26, 2014, 04:53:16 am
This is a nice topic yeah!

From other thread I replied: One time I was buying a book and the girl in that sold me the book have some great muscles... they looked pristine, perfect, not ripped but bulging in a regular girl skin... it was so awesome. All her body was regular but fit. Just perfect. To bad she didnt "want to know anything about me" as we say in my country.

That girl I talked about did some kind of acrobatics, climbing a piece of cloth and falling from it. Her biceps got so big and nice doing that!

It was awesome, we have some nice conversation, I started with "hey, you have some lovely arms there", and she really liked the commentary. I felt my adrenaline rushing, I was so for this girl I would tell her the most beatifull things, and I try, in a common talk.

I returned to see her with some excuse, but she was in a bad mood... I gave her a flower, can you believe?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: galloguille on March 26, 2014, 05:08:24 am
The other great (in a way greatear!) sighting I experience was walking down the street.

I was thinking in random stuff, looking here and there but not thinking about it. Suddendly, I kind of stop and start feeling a great rush.

Did I see... veins? A fucking veiny full buffed and ripped calves in high heels? What? That couldnt be.

I look again, I was still passing by, I think I was at the other side of the street. I kind of saw again, at firts I was thinking "damn, probably some kind of tranvestite" (in that area there were some that lived around)

but no, it was some kind of girl that you see couldnt be a tranvestite. But I couldnt think, in that movent I only try to see the legs better, in case I could not see her again.

But luckly, she walk the same way I was walking. I cross the street and look better. Oh my god, all those veins in those tall high hills. I was very arouse.

She was wearing a big strange dress, like a poncho (google it please!), it was really strange, FBB stuff for hiding her body. I felt it like that. That just drove me crazy.

I mean, she displayed monstruos calves in high hills, but her dress was ackward, covered the rest of the body.

She looked, in the "kind" of physic, like María Segura.

Sure she was not that ripped or muscular... she was a little bit older than Maria. She have that hispanic look and kind of short wide woman body. I imagine her having maybe a bit of belly but with great abs... or just a really wide back with some muscles.

I was arouse about her age, in a way, also.

So I cross the street and tell her something like "wow, those legs!" I think I said they looked really good, she was really happy and open... I was on fire, I coudnt believe it...

I asked if she traing, she was a little bit evading like "yeap, 10 years from now", but not making a big deal, I was still more in flames.

But then maybe I fucked up, because I was like "hey, I would love to meet out with you sometime". She took it bad, but not with a escene or something, god forbide.

I should have asked for her facebook and work there! She seemed nice and open, and glad, at the beginning.

I have to repeat that those calves where crazy, other parts of her body could have been really ripped. And her age added something naughty. Also, her being older remind of other old fbb that are so great, I sometimes fell in love with their "granny faces" haha.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bicepboy on March 26, 2014, 05:16:49 pm
I've had at least a few interesting ones that might make better stories, but had a mindblowing one the other day at my Columbia MD, gym, in the suburbs between Washington DC and Baltimore. I was in for a short, maybe half-hour workout because I had to pick up girlfriend's kid from evening class. I walked out of locker-room and was walking up to leg machines when I caught the profile of a very muscular woman talking with a couple of dudes who looked like serious lifters, too. I immediately worried about whether to go with my plan to use the leg-press, because I thought that might mean other machines would block my view. To my delight, when I sat in the machine, I saw that I actually had a nice view of the trio. One of the guys was wearing a tank or muscle shirt -- he was pretty ripped and fully inked. The other guy was dressed more modestly, covered up. But my eyes were feasting on one of the most muscular gals I've ever seen. Pretty, with long straight hair, and very contest-ready tan, which stands out where we're still waiting for this extra-long winter to end. She also had a hugely muscled and ripped body, that also looked contest-ready. More muscular than the guys.

She was standing there, dressed in a low-slung tank-top and short, runner's shorts, holding a water bottle, so her biceps were flexed. She kept drinking from it. I was trying not to stare too obviously, as I went through my own workout, but she caught me staring more than once. As I worked out, she walked past me into the ladies locker room. I thought about running back to my own locker -- I had forgotten my own water bottle in my gym bag -- and maybe engineering an accidental run-in by the locker room, but I stayed at the leg press, instead. She inspired me to push myself, and I set the machine to the lowest setting, to push the whole stack. When she walked back to the other guys, I got to see her very muscular, firm, shapely legs in action. I also got a truly mind-blowing view of her back, with the proverbial christmas tree -- very pronounced, highly developed traps and rhomboids --one of hte best backs I have ever seen on anyone, male or female. Unfortunately, then the trio left.

I am hoping this wasn't a one-off visit/sighting, and I will try coming at the same time for a while, hoping for a repeat -- but I have my doubts. After she left, I heard a couple of the trainers there quietly discussing her. Makes me think she isn't a regular member. As it turns out, there was an NPC even over the weekend in Baltimore, so she may have just stayed in town for a couple of extra days, seeking out a place to work out. Wish I hadn't stopped at the store before going to the gym....
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Highprotein on March 26, 2014, 10:12:13 pm
Some years ago I went to a Vitamin Shop to buy some protein -  I was travelling and almost out. I saw this incredible woman in the row before I walked down, also looking at the protein. Immediately, you could tell she was no ordinary woman... (really, what woman is alone in the protein aisle? right?)

She was in her fourties and professional looking - like she just came from work/office. She was 5'-3" and at least 140lbs - and you could tell...totally jacked.  She wore this tight fitting dress grey/black dress, dress heels, some jewelry. Light short hair,  beautiful brown eyes. She was and power.

First off, her arms were huge...the sleeveless dress revealing these nice caps, defined triceps and bulging biceps while examining the label of jug of protein. She was tanned and her skin kind of shimmered with the light. Her dress was a little low cut, with some cable-jewelry around her somewhat sinewy neck. There was no hiding that line between her pecs and the defitnition of each one...nor her full chest. She was "enhanced" perfectly ( not too big) but you could tell she was a woman who had her chest done because she simply was so lean and muscular. Her back was thick but so tiny at the waist. stomach - flat. The material was stretched/straining around her solid chest and wide back. I couldn't believe I had run into her alone.

She exuded confidence and she was happy. Beautiful bright smile-  when a clerk tried to help her. She was so warm and friendly but at the same time telegraphed this "Don't even try to fuck with me - cause I can snap you in half with the same smile. :-)" I think she scared him away, honestly.

The dress went down to her knee but her quads were huge along with her glutes. They were so swollen and you could just tell this woman loved working legs. Her glutes were like giant bowling balls and had great, distinct tie-ins with her hams. Her calves were big as well. I did not need to "ask" if she worked out (OBVIOUSLY), how many years she's trained(A LOT), or if she was single ( NO RING).

I made a joke in the open as I started looking at the protein next to her - that I was looking for the geriatric brand and that she scared away the kid/clerk. She laughed a little. Then I said," You probably have like 18 cats or something...right? Why would you be alone at Vitamin Shop on Friday night!?" She laughed  more and feigned surprise. She flirted back.

At the counter, the clerk asked if we were together - and I just joked," I'm only here to give emotional support through this difficult time." ...and everyone cracked up. I nerved up and asked her, "If you need continued counseling, I'd be willing to see you -  as a patient, of course. You probably can't afford it but I'll offer you a free session over a cup of  coffee if you're free...of course, if at anytime you don't feel it's worth it, you can just get up and can leave!"

She took the bait.

The rest is history. She is my wife today.

Moral of the story: When you spot that hot, muscular woman again, be bold and go up to her like a few of these guys have posted. I  DO HIGHLY recommend though, making no mention of her physique. She knows she's hot and got muscles - everyone knows and they hear it all the time. Be funny and confident - if you just have the slightest looks and any physical attributes, it can be an irresistible combination. That gets you a chance to dance. Then, be interesting, and interested in her for other things besides her muscles and tits. Recognize her intellect and everything else that makes her beautiful. Anyways...this is not a guarantee for all muscular women, but most women. Hopefully, like my wife, they are  not only muscular but totally cool and fun too!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on April 26, 2014, 08:28:42 pm

I was coming back from lunch today, and I saw a HUGE black male bodybuilder walking with a blonde female bodybuilder. I didn't get a good look at her, but she looked a bit  like Cathy Le Francois.
They went into the David's Bridal in Paradise Valley, AZ.

I would have followed them, but that's the ONE shop that a single guy can't go into without attracting a lot of unwanted attention....
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Quark44 on April 27, 2014, 07:52:45 am
Yesterday I was shopping in a building supplies store.
I looked for flower soil and several flowers like violets, roses and ground-cover plants.
There are flower soil in several packaging sizes.
These packing sizes are between 10 litres and 70 litres.
I thought about which packaging size I should buy as a young woman came to the flower soil area.
She made a sporty impression but she didn't look out muscular.
First I wanted to buy these 30 litres flower soils but then I knew this package is too heavy to carry
from my car to the grave.
I decided to buy 3 packages with in each case 20 litres.
But then I have to carry a bag three times from my car to the grave.
Actually I was always a gentleman and therefore I wanted help this young woman to lift and carry
one of these flower soil bags into her shopping trolley.
But then I was completely shocked how effortless she could lift and carry a flower soil bag with 60
litres into her shopping trolley.
She took even after a second flower soil bag in her shopping trolley without any effort.
I could think only: " Bugger me ! This young chick is really damn strong !" :funny:
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: papadoc1981 on April 27, 2014, 01:31:10 pm
I have always had a habit of going places and just walking past people I know without even noticing them.  Especially when I'm in a rush.  I'm just completely oblivious like that.  Well it finally bit me in the ass in a major way a couple of weeks ago.

So I was out at a house party and decided to leave early as I wasn't in the mood for any heavy drinking.  It was well past midnight.  I decided to stop in a local Walmart for a sec.  It was a ghost town as you would expect.  I came up to the only register available and there was only one person ahead of me.  I could tell there was someone else in line but must have gone back to get something else.  I do what I usually do when waiting in line.  I pulled out my Iphone and started browsing the internet.  Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and asked if she could get her place back and I of course had no problem with that.  I didn't even look up from my phone as I was too busy looking up sports results.  She payed for her items and was leaving and right then was when I put my phone in my pocket and there I looked up and saw 2 of the most veiny striated forearms I've ever seen.  I stood there in shock and completely caught off guard.  She was walking away and wearing a somewhat baggy t-shirt and shorts.  All that was visible was her forearms and calves that were like boulders.  She was obviously very cut.  I could literally see her back and traps bursting.  I paid for my two items fast and literally ran out of the building, but she was nowhere to be found.  I screamed, "FUCK," so loud I could have woken up the dead.  I will NEVER live that down.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Female Bodybuilding on April 27, 2014, 02:02:30 pm
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No I am not a old man but my last school lesson with sports was 28 years ago and I am working always from Monday to Friday in an office.
Apart from these facts I have to carry these silly flower soil bags from my car to the grave. This distance is more than 300 metres.
Of course there are hand barrows at the grave yard but if I would need one of these hand barrows then it there are no at this place.
Have you ever lifted and carried a flower soil bag with a weight of 60 litres for 300 metres ?
After this drudgery your dorsum will ache. :'(

But you smoke too much Quark44, don't you?  ;)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: elnombre on April 30, 2014, 03:57:06 am
There's a personal trainerl at my gym with the best legs/butt you will ever see.  She also tends to wear the tightest leggings.  Now since the weather is warmer, she also wears the tiniest, tightest shorts, with just a little glute muscle peaking out.  Needless to say, my workout tends to switch gears whenever I see her..
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: namred4l on May 08, 2014, 11:48:45 pm
woman was huge. Like, biggest woman I've ever seen. Have no idea who it was. Lastly I was at a rest stop KFC and saw a young girl, probably teen waiting in line to order and although she had a baggy sweater on, her
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bicepboy on May 09, 2014, 12:41:10 pm
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woman was huge. Like, biggest woman I've ever seen. Have no idea who it was. Lastly I was at a rest stop KFC and saw a young girl, probably teen waiting in line to order and although she had a baggy sweater on, her

Like, you need to proofread, man. Chopped off almost the whole first story, and the juicy bits of the last. Actually, I have the impression that there might be more than 2 tales, but.....
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on May 16, 2014, 09:50:45 pm
There a women in her 30's with to kids that go my local supermarket I see her every so often.  She got a figure contest body and.  Lean and solid.  She also got a contest tan from time to time.  I thinks she competes!!

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on May 16, 2014, 09:53:12 pm
Years, ago I was working at a large upscale Dept. store change for a few extra bucks and the clothing discount. There was this couple that use to come in. I would guess in there 30's.

 They were both Indians (subcontinent type) the women was at LEAST 6 2 in no shoes and all I could think when I saw her was that she was the Indian version of Wonder woman. She was light skinned. She had a athletic/amazon build also (almost identical to what you see in the comics) but she had this hair that went down to her waist and it was dry and frizzed. So it sort of killed the dream there. WW has to have great hair. Plus, she had this nasty, I am better than you immigrant thing from Indian thing going on.

 Her husband on the other hand. Was living the dream. He maybe was 5 6 in height at most. When she was wearing shoes. His head barley made it above her cleavage line on her chest. The odd thing was. She was very light skinned almost white looking. Her husband was dark as a Hershey bar an odd combo to see for sure. Plus they had two young children with them. Lucky, guy!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on May 26, 2014, 09:42:18 pm
There was a new girl at the gym today.
She had very cut arms, and enormous silicone boobs.
I asked her if she competed and she said she did. She said her name was Cynthia, but I couldn't find any photos of her on the web.
Maybe she'll be there tomorrow...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: arpeggiochords on May 27, 2014, 08:57:50 pm
1997 at the cinema, Boogie Nights,  Dirk Diggler's  dong, end of movie.
Then she rises. Big, muscular arms. For a moment I had a weird feeling of a live action porn. Couldn't take my eyes off her or get up from the chair and she noticed me just staring.   :o She looked awesome.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: galloguille on May 28, 2014, 03:48:10 am
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1997 at the cinema, Boogie Nights,  Dirk Diggler's  dong, end of movie.
Then she rises. Big, muscular arms. For a moment I had a weird feeling of a live action porn. Couldn't take my eyes off her or get up from the chair and she noticed me just staring.   :o She looked awesome.

I complete can image that escene, yeah, I would have done the same I think
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on June 01, 2014, 09:01:38 pm
Nice job

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There was a new girl at the gym today.
She had very cut arms, and enormous silicone boobs.
I asked her if she competed and she said she did. She said her name was Cynthia, but I couldn't find any photos of her on the web.
Maybe she'll be there tomorrow...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gordonlloyd on June 03, 2014, 02:17:04 am
Saw Karen Garrett at a casino in Vegas a few days ago - first thought is that she is much smaller in person than she looks in her pictures and videos - she looked to be off season - her arms were muscular but not huge - her traps were probably what stood out the most when looking at her from behind - she is also very short.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: arpeggiochords on June 08, 2014, 01:14:35 pm
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Some years ago I went to a Vitamin Shop to buy some protein...

Great story, thanks for the advice  :rock:
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: mac2119 on October 14, 2014, 04:48:50 pm
About 1 year ago I was standing in parking lot outside of the restaurant we just finished eating at with a friend and I looked up and saw the biggest muscular legs I'd ever seen in my life.  It was a bit of a distance but as she got closer I thought, holy crap, she is one of my favorite fbb's ever.  As she got closer she could tell I was staring and I waved, she smiled and got in her suv.  It was Monique jones and let me tell you she is massive, I mean take your breath away shockingly massive.  It was awesome, I wish I could see her again but I left the area, and no I don't want to tell everyone where it was.

You can see fbb's on tv or computer but when you see a woman like that in person its, wow, I'm still speechless.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: cam_flagg on October 15, 2014, 04:22:08 pm
These are great thank you for the stories
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: mac2119 on October 17, 2014, 04:14:45 pm
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Yeah, Monique Jones is a different beast altogether, isnt she? I was lucky enough to see her this year at the Tampa Pro Show...
I don't think I've ever seen a more complete fbb before. Legs, arms, back, glutes, the works. She is amazing.

That she is.  I hate to say it but that was only the 2nd fbb I have ever seen in person and I have loved muscular women since the 80's.  Like I said, when it happens, especially with a woman of her size, it really is shocking.  I have always liked the bigger girls and after seeing her I now know why.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 20thcenturyboy on October 17, 2014, 04:44:54 pm
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woman was huge. Like, biggest woman I've ever seen. Have no idea who it was. Lastly I was at a rest stop KFC and saw a young girl, probably teen waiting in line to order and although she had a baggy sweater on, her

Wait, I was at a rest stop KFC a few years ago and saw a young woman with extremely muscular legs and a baggy sweatshirt. Was this perhaps in Ontario along the 401?  Otherwise that's quite a coincidence.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: PEABUTR on October 18, 2014, 03:37:54 pm
Back in the late nineties I was down in fort myers, florida. visiting with my wife's cousins from Ohio. anyhow we went grocery shopping and stopping Sam's club. I waited around the front the store, looking at all the people walking in. when this heavy woman walked in wearing a light dress, calves with no definition just heavy. Walking on the other side of her looked like she was helping her walk or keep her balance was this short and very very muscular dark tanned woman. about 5'tall calves were split and muscular and thighs big flared and ripped.  From helping the other heavy woman walk ,she had cut off jean shorts on and looked at one time to be a t-shirt collar ripped off so her traps would have room, no sleeves so bulging biceps and shoulders won't be constricted.Bottomed of t-shirt ripped off to see her 6 pack abs and small part of her lower back. I MEAN this woman was contest ready for BODYBUILDING Men's show. She was just insanely huge and muscular. As they approached the courtesy electric shopping carts. I walked over to help the muscular woman and to get a better view of her body. As I was about to ask if she needed my help to the heavy woman sit down. The muscular one released her grip and said I think its my turn today and the heavy woman said yes it is. So the muscular one that looked like she could carry the cart and woman at the same time sat down and used the cart.The heavy woman walk right along side keeping up with her with no problem. I stood there, what was that all about as I turned around I saw the cash register woman looking at me and said they do that all the time. When we checkout and left Sam's I noticed a powerhouse gym half a block down and thought that must be where the muscular woman works out. So my wife and cousin said they  had to stop at this one more store same area.So I shot over to the gym and asked who that woman at Sam's would be. Don't know'
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on December 03, 2014, 09:36:41 pm
3 summer ago.  I was working odd hours at my job and working at our other office on the other side of town.  I was driving home often in the early afternoon.  Stuck in traffic  I notice this well built young women, taller than average, (college age) jogging with very athletic looking legs, back arms, etc.  Plus she had this massive prefect rack inside this great blue sports bra.

So over the next few weeks I notice her jogging but always from a slight distance.  One day I was stop in traffic and she come out of an alley and stop right by my car to catch her break and stretch.  She had on a sports bra and still had a huge rack.  My God.  She had a back, lats and traps of a serious athletic and her legs was round and built and filled out her shorts big time.  Killer claves also. 

I live in an area with a lot of rivers.  So a lot of high school and colleges have rowing teams.  I have seen other women who do rowing teams and they all got a certain "look" she had that look for sure. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Musjaxx on January 30, 2015, 08:23:55 pm
It must have been around 10 years ago, I was still a kid in school at the time, but hormones were raging.  I had been captivated by muscular women on the internet, but never saw any in real life.  I was with some friends, not aware of much around me, when one of them opens his eyes wide in shock.  I turned around to see the massive arms of Candy Canary walking was unreal to see something that massive for the first time. 

Her arms were hanging out of a sleeveless shirt, and I specifically remember thinking that they looked like thighs.  My friends started giggling to themselves of how she looked, but I couldn't stop staring.  I don't know what possessed me, but I actually told them I need to go home to take care of something...and I followed her into a store (Creepy stalker, I know, but I really don't know what made me do it.)

She was looking a rack of key chains and I found myself trying to start a conversation: "Do you work out?" She turned,actually a bit surprised, held up her left arm and flexed the biggest bicep I had ever seen, responding to what I now realize was a stupid question, "A little bit".  Again, possessed by the massive muscle in front of me, I reached out to give it a squeeze.  It was rock solid, and too much for one hand.  That was the end though, I probably creeped her out way too much at that point, some high school kid trying to feel her biceps.  She pulled away, handed me a card to check out her website, and left.

I still replay that moment in my head, and I'll never forget the first time I saw real female muscle like that...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fredzeppelin on January 30, 2015, 10:28:20 pm
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Her arms were hanging out of a sleeveless shirt, and I specifically remember thinking that they looked like thighs.  My friends started giggling to themselves of how she looked, but I couldn't stop staring.  I don't know what possessed me, but I actually told them I need to go home to take care of something...and I followed her into a store (Creepy stalker, I know, but I really don't know what made me do it.)

Great story Musjaxx. Incredible to think that the first fbb you ever saw was one of the best looking (in addition to being one of the most massive) in the sports

And don't feel guilty about tailing her a little bit. Female bodybuilders are such a rarity in society that when we see one , it drives us to do some nutty things!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: galloguille on February 06, 2015, 04:07:36 am
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It must have been around 10 years ago, I was still a kid in school at the time, but hormones were raging.  I had been captivated by muscular women on the internet, but never saw any in real life.  I was with some friends, not aware of much around me, when one of them opens his eyes wide in shock.  I turned around to see the massive arms of Candy Canary walking was unreal to see something that massive for the first time. 

Her arms were hanging out of a sleeveless shirt, and I specifically remember thinking that they looked like thighs.  My friends started giggling to themselves of how she looked, but I couldn't stop staring.  I don't know what possessed me, but I actually told them I need to go home to take care of something...and I followed her into a store (Creepy stalker, I know, but I really don't know what made me do it.)

She was looking a rack of key chains and I found myself trying to start a conversation: "Do you work out?" She turned,actually a bit surprised, held up her left arm and flexed the biggest bicep I had ever seen, responding to what I now realize was a stupid question, "A little bit".  Again, possessed by the massive muscle in front of me, I reached out to give it a squeeze.  It was rock solid, and too much for one hand.  That was the end though, I probably creeped her out way too much at that point, some high school kid trying to feel her biceps.  She pulled away, handed me a card to check out her website, and left.

I still replay that moment in my head, and I'll never forget the first time I saw real female muscle like that...

amazing story!!! I totally can see myself doing the same
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: ppf2.o on February 09, 2015, 07:35:38 am
I've seen a few girls with well developed legs walking around my college campus. 2 stick out in particular.

One was wearing really short shorts to where you could see the definition in her thighs with every step she took. I had to try my best not to stare.

Another was an Asian girl in stocking. She didn't look really big in the upper body but she had really thick calves. Even through the stockings you could see definition. My buddy, who's a big fitness guy, noticed too, he said "Her calves are bigger than mine." I was to busy looking to respond with anything other than a "yeah."
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: I like strong women on February 12, 2015, 05:42:16 pm
Back in about 1980 I went to a weightlifting contest ( Olympic style) with my wife) I think it was in South San Francisco.
Outside at a table- giving out flyers for personal raining, was Sue Springstein. I had seen pictures of her in WPW- but had no expectation of seeing any muscular women at this event. My wife and I chatted briefly about the service she offered. My heart was beating fast and I was completely tongue-tied and flustered. Back then, seeing a muscular woman up close was very rare- this was the closest I had ever been to a muscular woman.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 20thcenturyboy on February 16, 2015, 08:54:08 pm
Pretty sure I just saw Fabiola Boulanger at a mall in Toronto today. Not 100% sure it was her since she's from Quebec, but it really did look like her. Was shocked though, as everyone was bundled up inside from the cold and yet she was there with a sleeveless top. Looked absolutely incredible. Not quite as big as old Fabiola, but in-person she's definitely still huge.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: megamies on June 13, 2015, 12:38:08 pm
I live in Finland and it used to be that you rarely saw a muscular woman in my town. But now there's a big fitness
boom and almost every other week you see girls that look like fitness competitors.

I went to the post office last week and there were two women there that definitely looked muscular. The shorter one looked more like a bodybuilder/powerlifter with really big butt and huge muscular thighs and really wide back. The taller was more fitness type with tight  gym pants and tight grey shirt with long sleeves. Her ass was amazing too. It was really funny noticing that every guy, old and young, were really staring at these two girls. So was I.
I was staring so hard (and getting so hard) that I decided to follow them when they left. Sunny summer's day and these two gorgeuos really fit girls walking in front of me. I followed them almost in a fever like state. Sometimes close, sometimes from a safe distance. It was actually quite a turn on to see how men turned to look at them as they walked past. That's when I noticed that this older guy started following and staring them too. For quite awhile me and this older guy followed them. At the traffic lights I dared to take my phone out and took a picture of the fitness girl. Her ass was actually even better live but the pic below gives some idea. Then the shorter bodybuilder one started staring at me and I left.

I was so turned on that I hurried home and masturbated long and hard thinking about these two superwomen.

( (
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: galloguille on June 13, 2015, 04:45:07 pm
great ass
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: almightydwarf on June 14, 2015, 08:55:44 pm
megamies , Lucky m  :singing:an to see a perfect ass
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fredzeppelin on June 14, 2015, 09:05:39 pm
For a small country, Finalnd has produced some GREAT female bodybuilders: Marja Kalvala, Paulina Taalus, Marja Lehtonen, and
Salla Kauranen. Those are 4 mega stars right there.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bkrugby on July 02, 2015, 01:46:49 pm
I got on the Q train yesterday (Canal St, Manhattan) and while there noticed a woman on the bench across from me reading a Muscle and Performance magazine ( I think it's the one VItamin Shoppe gives out for free).  Next to her were two "highly active" children.  She wasn't massive but it's clear she worked out.  She had defined shoulders and arms, her quads were pretty big.  She was wearing a tank top over what looked like a pink bikini top and booty shorts.  Hispanic I would guess.  We mostly engaged in small talk of how annoying her kids were (a joking way).  She got off at the next stop.  But it was still pretty cool to see.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: larky368 on July 03, 2015, 02:00:47 pm
I was in a Value Village store in Niagara Falls a few weeks ago and I saw this woman who was massive. Her arms were at least 16" and it was obvious that she competed and was using gear. Her face was kind of a mess and her overall look was not very feminine and I assumed that it was because of the drugs. I couldn't take my eyes off her though and kept following her around to sneak a peak. I thought she looked familiar and I had considered going up to her to start a conversation but I chickened out and eventually left the store.

I suppose I should have prepared a few conversation starters for just such a situation. I just didn't feel comfortable blurting out "Nice arms" to break the ice because she's probably heard that line a thousand times and I didn't want to be so obvious. Chances are she would have taken it well and maybe even appreciated the positive reaction but now I will never know.

As soon as I got home I checked a name on AMG and it said that she has lived in Niagara Falls so I am nearly certain that it was Mary Lynn Mackenzie. For some dumb reason I couldn't believe that a FBB would be in a regular store like an ordinary person. I know. Dumb. She was also only a little over 5' and I always assume that they must be taller.

I know I could have just walked up to her and said "Hi there. You look familiar. Are you..? I think my concern was that if she said yes then she would have asked how I knew who she was and I couldn't very well tell her that I've downloaded your photos and videos so that I could jerk off viewing them. lol

I've decided to never pass up another opportunity like that so I'm working on some original conversation starters. Does anyone out there have  any good ones?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: galloguille on July 06, 2015, 07:31:59 am
Hey larky

"Nice arms" to break the ice because she's probably heard that line a thousand times and I didn't want to be so obvious.

Every person is difference, and my experience is one case, but that one time I was just in awe and just told the girl something like "wow you have amazing legs!", from the top of my head. She took it so good, I was in heaven.

I keep talking and I feel so good, she was really happy and I was also. I speak with her while walking one block.

Sadly as I keep looking at her, I keep getting exited with the feeling "I cant miss this chance" and I invited her to dinner or something.

She didnt took it well, I think it was the way I put it, in my mind I was afraid she would think she was a kind of escort girl.

But her negative, it wasnt a big deal, luckyly, as all the situation was worthy. I couldnt believe seeing someone in the street and that developed calves (she used high heels!).
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: M7 on July 08, 2015, 10:03:16 am
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I was in a Value Village store in Niagara Falls a few weeks ago and I saw this woman who was massive. Her arms were at least 16" and it was obvious that she competed and was using gear. Her face was kind of a mess and her overall look was not very feminine and I assumed that it was because of the drugs. I couldn't take my eyes off her though and kept following her around to sneak a peak. I thought she looked familiar and I had considered going up to her to start a conversation but I chickened out and eventually left the store.

I suppose I should have prepared a few conversation starters for just such a situation. I just didn't feel comfortable blurting out "Nice arms" to break the ice because she's probably heard that line a thousand times and I didn't want to be so obvious. Chances are she would have taken it well and maybe even appreciated the positive reaction but now I will never know.

As soon as I got home I checked a name on AMG and it said that she has lived in Niagara Falls so I am nearly certain that it was Mary Lynn Mackenzie. For some dumb reason I couldn't believe that a FBB would be in a regular store like an ordinary person. I know. Dumb. She was also only a little over 5' and I always assume that they must be taller.

I know I could have just walked up to her and said "Hi there. You look familiar. Are you..? I think my concern was that if she said yes then she would have asked how I knew who she was and I couldn't very well tell her that I've downloaded your photos and videos so that I could jerk off viewing them. lol

I've decided to never pass up another opportunity like that so I'm working on some original conversation starters. Does anyone out there have  any good ones?

I've met a number of fbbs (outside of sessions). I usually just say something as simple as,"you look so amazing." So far, they have all been very nice except for one. I said something like that to Simone Ruhl many years ago when I saw her walking by herself at an expo in Vegas (when she was massive). She was walking and she stopped dead in her tracks, gave me a look like,"who the fuck are you?" Then she immediately started walking in a different direction. I don't know if she thought I offended her, but I hope not. She's not American, so maybe she just didn't understand what I said. Considering how many women I've met over the years, I'd say that's a great positive to negative ratio. Everyone else has been super nice and great to talk with.

Just be calm, act normal and be yourself. Most fbbs are VERY nice and personable. They also love compliments!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Highprotein on July 08, 2015, 08:44:56 pm
I think most are gracious to receive a sincere compliment under the following conditions:

It's not threatening - ie you're in a public place. You don't look like a psycho or off the street.

It's not interrupting - you're not pulling her away from something else (I think that can sometimes be harder to gauge). Sometimes it's impossible.

The male doesn't seem like he's pursuing her - for a date/encounter. It's got to be totally sincere with no undertones. Definitely can't come across like he's been following or stalking her! Women pick up on that and warning alarms go off inside them. 

My wife gets a fair amount of people on the street paying her compliments. 90% are women... They dig it and are less intimidated I think. Few guys come up to her - almost never when I'm with her and only a few when I'm not there (probably  because she has a ring on). She's nice to everyone pretty much and sometimes engages in conversation with women  asking her what she does or seeing advice etc. She's pretty good at sniffing out schmoes though and detecting if the guy has a sexual thing for her ...and even though she's nice, keeps it short and moves on. I think her actions are pretty much par for the course.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: encephalon50 on July 09, 2015, 05:18:55 am
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I was in a Value Village store in Niagara Falls a few weeks ago and I saw this woman who was massive. Her arms were at least 16" and it was obvious that she competed and was using gear. Her face was kind of a mess and her overall look was not very feminine and I assumed that it was because of the drugs. I couldn't take my eyes off her though and kept following her around to sneak a peak. I thought she looked familiar and I had considered going up to her to start a conversation but I chickened out and eventually left the store.

I suppose I should have prepared a few conversation starters for just such a situation. I just didn't feel comfortable blurting out "Nice arms" to break the ice because she's probably heard that line a thousand times and I didn't want to be so obvious. Chances are she would have taken it well and maybe even appreciated the positive reaction but now I will never know.

As soon as I got home I checked a name on AMG and it said that she has lived in Niagara Falls so I am nearly certain that it was Mary Lynn Mackenzie. For some dumb reason I couldn't believe that a FBB would be in a regular store like an ordinary person. I know. Dumb. She was also only a little over 5' and I always assume that they must be taller.

I know I could have just walked up to her and said "Hi there. You look familiar. Are you..? I think my concern was that if she said yes then she would have asked how I knew who she was and I couldn't very well tell her that I've downloaded your photos and videos so that I could jerk off viewing them. lol

I've decided to never pass up another opportunity like that so I'm working on some original conversation starters. Does anyone out there have  any good ones?

In an interview, MLM says she's about 5' 7" tall...Thanks!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: M7 on July 09, 2015, 05:50:35 am
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I think most are gracious to receive a sincere compliment under the following conditions:

It's not threatening - ie you're in a public place. You don't look like a psycho or off the street.

It's not interrupting - you're not pulling her away from something else (I think that can sometimes be harder to gauge). Sometimes it's impossible.

The male doesn't seem like he's pursuing her - for a date/encounter. It's got to be totally sincere with no undertones. Definitely can't come across like he's been following or stalking her! Women pick up on that and warning alarms go off inside them. 

My wife gets a fair amount of people on the street paying her compliments. 90% are women... They dig it and are less intimidated I think. Few guys come up to her - almost never when I'm with her and only a few when I'm not there (probably  because she has a ring on). She's nice to everyone pretty much and sometimes engages in conversation with women  asking her what she does or seeing advice etc. She's pretty good at sniffing out schmoes though and detecting if the guy has a sexual thing for her ...and even though she's nice, keeps it short and moves on. I think her actions are pretty much par for the course.

That's sound advice Highprotein. Karma. I agree with everything you said.

Just for the record, in Simone's case I wasn't following her. The moment I saw her I went up to her and gave her a compliment. Either she took it the wrong way or she didn't want to be bothered.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fredzeppelin on July 09, 2015, 11:05:41 pm
Ok, enough with the wimpy guy's support group, back to actual encounters, please.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bicepboy on July 10, 2015, 09:34:32 pm
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I was in a Value Village store in Niagara Falls a few weeks ago and I saw this woman who was massive. Her arms were at least 16" and it was obvious that she competed and was using gear. Her face was kind of a mess and her overall look was not very feminine and I assumed that it was because of the drugs. I couldn't take my eyes off her though and kept following her around to sneak a peak. I thought she looked familiar and I had considered going up to her to start a conversation but I chickened out and eventually left the store.

I suppose I should have prepared a few conversation starters for just such a situation. I just didn't feel comfortable blurting out "Nice arms" to break the ice because she's probably heard that line a thousand times and I didn't want to be so obvious. Chances are she would have taken it well and maybe even appreciated the positive reaction but now I will never know.

As soon as I got home I checked a name on AMG and it said that she has lived in Niagara Falls so I am nearly certain that it was Mary Lynn Mackenzie. For some dumb reason I couldn't believe that a FBB would be in a regular store like an ordinary person. I know. Dumb. She was also only a little over 5' and I always assume that they must be taller.

I know I could have just walked up to her and said "Hi there. You look familiar. Are you..? I think my concern was that if she said yes then she would have asked how I knew who she was and I couldn't very well tell her that I've downloaded your photos and videos so that I could jerk off viewing them. lol

I've decided to never pass up another opportunity like that so I'm working on some original conversation starters. Does anyone out there have  any good ones?

In an interview, MLM says she's about 5' 7" tall...Thanks!

Also, the internet says MLM, doesn't live in Niagara Falls any more. There's a shorter, bigger gal in Niagara Falls, tho'. WMcM
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: larky368 on July 12, 2015, 12:14:31 pm
Well there is no way that she was 5' 7" and I would have recognized Wendy any day.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Highprotein on July 20, 2015, 02:07:12 pm
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I've just saw my 5th or 6th muscular woman at my gym today.  One of them was my friend but she is a wack job sometimes but is just lean.
Anyways this one had some nice big arms and nice legs.  When I was standing in line for some water, I stood a few feet behind her giving her space and she smelled nice.  I don't try to be a creep though.  I already have my own problems trying to get women (the normal ones).  I think she is here for the crossfit games that is taking place this next week.  She was with this semi built guy that had chicken legs.

The last one that walked through the door was Victoria Dominguez who I met through her bf that was working out there.  She stayed for 2 weeks.

Highprotein, how do you get women to laugh?

"How do you get women to laugh?" have to cultivate a sense of humor. That you need to develop on your own. You can watch funny people and learn a little for them, but generally you need to actively try to develop a little wit yourself. The more spontaneous you are, the better. Good luck.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: TXToast on July 20, 2015, 04:47:12 pm
There is a young muscular girl, probably 19 or 20, at my gym.  Amazing legs and glutes.  I waited until she was wrapping up a workout and said "you have a pretty bad ass workout program, you training g for anything?"  She was super nice and we chatted about working out for a few minutes and I excused myself.  We have been friendly with waves since but no follow up.  Don't want to creep anyone out.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Lovefbbmega on July 21, 2015, 07:29:08 am
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There is a young muscular girl, probably 19 or 20, at my gym.  Amazing legs and glutes.  I waited until she was wrapping up a workout and said "you have a pretty bad ass workout program, you training g for anything?"  She was super nice and we chatted about working out for a few minutes and I excused myself.  We have been friendly with waves since but no follow up.  Don't want to creep anyone out.

You were the one quitting?? ohmy !!.
Since you didn't detect any particular sign of exasperation, this mean she was interested in talking with you.
you could have made her laugh, get to know each other, take a beer ... and then see what happens.
No too late tough
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: TXToast on July 21, 2015, 02:37:47 pm
Just planting the seed my friend.  Leave them wanting more...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: luvpornandaddicted on July 22, 2015, 11:04:30 pm
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There is a young muscular girl, probably 19 or 20, at my gym.  Amazing legs and glutes.  I waited until she was wrapping up a workout and said "you have a pretty bad ass workout program, you training g for anything?"  She was super nice and we chatted about working out for a few minutes and I excused myself.  We have been friendly with waves since but no follow up.  Don't want to creep anyone out.

You were the one quitting?? ohmy !!.
Since you didn't detect any particular sign of exasperation, this mean she was interested in talking with you.
you could have made her laugh, get to know each other, take a beer ... and then see what happens.
No too late tough

Beer may not be the best way to go with a woman that wants to stay in shape. But, I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: pbo4muscle on July 23, 2015, 08:34:32 am
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There is a young muscular girl, probably 19 or 20, at my gym.  Amazing legs and glutes.  I waited until she was wrapping up a workout and said "you have a pretty bad ass workout program, you training g for anything?"  She was super nice and we chatted about working out for a few minutes and I excused myself.  We have been friendly with waves since but no follow up.  Don't want to creep anyone out.

To the extent you story is true, she is obviously NOT creeped out talking or waving with/at you, yet you think you will be a creep approaching her again!!?? Seems to me you are not creep at all but you have an issue associating sex (maybe even women) with guilt and shame.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: TXToast on July 23, 2015, 07:33:03 pm
Nothing like that.  I'm just taking my time. Chatted the other day about random stuff.  I don't want every conversation to be about her body or her workout program. That is when it seems creepy.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: papadoc1981 on July 24, 2015, 01:33:00 am
I always hear the word "creepy" these days.  Why is it that when a  man approaches a woman does the word "creepy" always seem to come up?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on August 12, 2015, 07:06:13 pm
I was at the local Panera Breads a few months ago in the afternoon.  When a coach bus pulled up a whole crew team of woman from the East Michigan university on there way to game in NJ.  My God, it was like heaven.  A whole bus load of young woman with wide, wide shoulders, and tiny waists and very solid and defined legs and boulders shoulders and defined and built arms.  It was amazing!   
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fredzeppelin on September 05, 2015, 02:52:55 pm
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Two weeks ago I stood next to Nikki Fuller for about five minutes at Sportsmans warehouse. She is beautiful. Her voice is very soft and not deep at all. She's big but not as huge as I thought she would be in person.

I think she's been retired from the sport for the last 15 years. That and she has to be pushing 50 at this point.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Berghammerz on September 06, 2015, 08:35:12 am
Some years back I was standing in a line at a banl counter. In front of me at the bank counter stood a  blonde about 35 year olt woman in high heels. She was about 175 cm (5.9) tall anf wear a short skirt, so I could take a good look at her legs. She was not a big bodybuilder but she had long and muscular legs. Her calves were very muscular, hard and definied. Every move she did in her hegh heels I could see her muscles moving an bulging. After some time I felt i was getting an erection and I had to look an other way because I did not want t stand behind her with a bulge in my trouwsers. When she turned around from the bank counter she smiled at me and left the bank. I unfortunately never saw her again.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: NinjaStar on September 06, 2015, 10:10:59 pm
So I was grocery shopping with my girlfriend today, when she elbowed me in the ribs and directed my attention to a 40-45 year old woman with actual, honest to god muscle definition. I've seen muscular women in the flesh before, so it wasn't like I was seeing Sasquatch in person, but in my neck o' the woods, there really aren't many ladies who pump iron, except one girl at the gym I go to which I will elaborate on in a bit. The super-market lady was okay looking for her age, but she had that dry, sun-damaged skin that older women get after years of tanning, but my god. Her arms, back and legs danced with muscle as she flitted here and there, throwing things in her cart. She wore a black sun dress obviously to show off her body, and she had a certain air about her like she was too cool for school. My girlfriend knows I like muscular women, so she was just trying to tickle my risibles by pointing her out to me.

Now, as I said before, in my town women tend to rather... pedestrian, shall we say. Western Michigan doesn't exactly teem with hardbodies, despite being located on the beach of Lake Michigan. There are plenty of women who take care of themselves, but only a couple of them actually lift weights. At my gym there's this girl I'm friendly with. I'll call her Kim. She's kind of reminds me of Samantha Wright; short and powerful with big blue eyes and short blonde hair. She always seems to wear those muscle shirts with the sides cut out, or sometimes forgoes that entirely and just wears a sports bra. She has wide, powerful shoulders, big arms and legs, a surprisingly thick back, and a gorgeous round ass that just explodes out of her yoga pants or shorts. She's built more like a weightlifter than a bodybuilder, completely natural too. I took notice of her a few weeks after I joined. I usually go three days a week and she's usually there once or twice a week when I'm there. Kim's the only woman that I see that lifts heavy and fucking wrecks it like a beast. All the other girls only toy around with light weights, or run on the elliptical, but Kim's sweating and grunting better than most guys at the gym, myself included. We're aren't exactly good friends, since I've only ever seen her at the gym or at the grocery store, but she's cool. We started talking because I made a snarky comment about this creepy old guy that haunts the gym, barely working out but walking around and talking to everyone, even though it's clear nobody wants to talk to him but everyone's too polite to tell him to fuck off. She laughed and could relate, because she caught him checking her out when she was doing Romanian deadlifts. After that, we say hey if we're working out next to each other or if I see her stocking up on food at the store.

If I weren't in a relationship, I'd make my move, but I'm a good boy I tell myself.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on September 24, 2015, 03:57:02 pm
Crew team (rowing) team. 

NOT volleyballs or soccer players! 

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Uzi, were those women volleyballers or soccer players?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bkrugby on September 27, 2015, 04:39:18 pm
I was working out at the NYSC in Harlem and saw this huge black woman working out.  I mean, she was huge. Very muscular back and boulder shoulders.  She was wearing a tank top and shorts and was doing back extensions with 45 pound plates.  Yes, plates as in up to four.  She was also using the hammer strength machine to do deadlifts, she had 4 45lbers on each side.  I had thought "hmm, she looks familiar." I asked her I could use the extension, we chatted a little, she was constantly stopped by guys at the gym, it's like she's a local celebrity.  When I got home I realized who it was, she's not Pro yet but I know she competes because she mentioned how she was 8 weeks to try and get her Pro Card.  Also, it was funny, Muscle Angels put a video out on her a few days after I saw her.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Iron Maiden on September 29, 2015, 05:17:45 pm
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A local WPD competitor is a client at my job, the first time she called she described herself as the female bodybuilder with a mohawk lol. I help her at times with various transactions , she comes twice a month.. looks like a crossfitter but is A WPD athlete, I looked her up on FB and confirmed her division, at Team Universe almost ran into her at Spray Tan entrance.  She has no idea about my connection to the industry and love of fem muscle lol.

Dude, you're famous in the female muscle industry. You appear in many pictures with muscle babes. How can she not know about you?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on October 06, 2015, 12:45:39 am
There a woman in her early to mid 20's at my gym.  She blonde and tall (about 5 7).  I notice here there on and off for a few months.  I notice when she wear spandex legging (always in bright green).  Her legs was so massive that they made her upper body look tiny.  Thought she was athlete who did not do enough upper body workouts.  One day I found myself next to her unexpected.  Her upper body was massive also, but her legs was so big and massive and built.  They made her upper body look small and totally disproportion to her legs.  She had the look of serious athlete and she always throws a lot of weight around. 


Another girl tall (about 5 6) blonde.  Been coming to the gym with her boyfriend (about her height, he pretty short) people call his duck foot because he has duck feet and kind of walks like a duck.  He has a HUGE upper body but never works his leg.  So this unusually combo makes him look even more like a duck!  About 2 year ago she started to hit the juice and grew huge-fast.  Starter physique size.  She grew legs way bigger than him in no time flat.  But than they had a fight and such.  So she lost a lot of her size before she come back to the gym.  Than they broke up and she started to hang out with the serious muscle woman (lots of figure and fitness, and physique woman, current and former).  Over the summer she grow huge.  Differently physique size and getting bigger.  How legs grow so easy and they are watermelon quads now and her back growing like a weed.  Since she been working out with the fit woman.  She looks great and from what I hear she wants to get built big time.  She doing well and think in no time she will be a monster!  She also kind of look like kaley cuoco the actress when she was younger (but small athletic boobs, not the huge knockers kaley has).  The woman is age 26!         
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: stwiss9 on October 06, 2015, 04:56:22 pm
Great thread. Like UF "sightings", people think we are nuts...

I was in line for the world of Coke museum in Atlanta. It's was the early 90s. I was in my 20s. noticed girl behind me in line. Thick. Legs just bulging out of her tight shorts.  She was in her 20s I think.  Talking to her friend loudly. Joking about being an exhibitionist.  It was the perfect opportunity for me to jump into the conversation.. But I was chickenshit and said nothing. Just stared at her like a weirdo.  DOH!

A few years later, in a dance club in Atlanta.. Hot chicks everywhere.  But the one that caught my attention, was a stocky muscle woman at a table with 2 golds gym looking dudes.  She wore tank top and tight shorts. (It was a casual dress dance club).  I was awestruck.  Could not look at any other girl.   My friends thought I was nuts.  So I walked up to her, interrupted her conversation with Arnold & Dolph, and told her she was the most beautiful woman in the club. She looked at me with a huge smile as I told her how incredible looking she was. She said thank you.  The 2 dudes didn't smile. Fuck em.  Nothing came of it, I walked away after that.  Should have stuck around and chatted her up some more.
Next time I meet one I will ask her out.. Oh wait I'm married now.  Complicated!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on April 15, 2016, 03:16:32 pm
Update on these ladies:

The tall blonde is even more built now and lifting serious weight.  She dating some guy who slightly taller than her.  He pretty built but looks like he let himself go soft.  But compared to him he looks small and not that strong.  She on the other hand lifts like a manic and pull huge weight.  You can see that her man is totally impressed by her ability.  She looks just like you would think and amazon in a wonder woman comic would look like.   Except she got a small athletic bust.  But prefect size and shape for her physique.

Kaley Cuoco look a like.  Is a lot bigger (gone from bugling out overall to just bugling out in a nice uniform manner) but she starting to add an underlining mass to her physique.  Her quads and calves are HUGE!  Just big and shapely!  Her calves are bigger than most muscle men's!!.     But she does not lift heavy at all.  Maybe she just going for size.  Nothing wrong with that!

There this dark hair, dark complexion, serious looking but very cute in an athletic way woman who been coming in as of late.  She is built like a brick wall and strong as a ox.  Cords of muscle popping all over her.  Huge shoulder, bulging quads, and traps and lats!  At first I through she a trainer coming in to help people.  Because she come in with this slightly above average man who she took around and help to work out.  And made to do hard workouts with a lot of weight.  He struggled with her weight levels on the equipment!  The guy looked totally lost and intimated in the gym.  Turned out they are dating.  Because one day I say them holding hands and kissing!!  Lucky SOB! 


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There a woman in her early to mid 20's at my gym.  She blonde and tall (about 5 7).  I notice here there on and off for a few months.  I notice when she wear spandex legging (always in bright green).  Her legs was so massive that they made her upper body look tiny.  Thought she was athlete who did not do enough upper body workouts.  One day I found myself next to her unexpected.  Her upper body was massive also, but her legs was so big and massive and built.  They made her upper body look small and totally disproportion to her legs.  She had the look of serious athlete and she always throws a lot of weight around. 


Another girl tall (about 5 6) blonde.  Been coming to the gym with her boyfriend (about her height, he pretty short) people call his duck foot because he has duck feet and kind of walks like a duck.  He has a HUGE upper body but never works his leg.  So this unusually combo makes him look even more like a duck!  About 2 year ago she started to hit the juice and grew huge-fast.  Starter physique size.  She grew legs way bigger than him in no time flat.  But than they had a fight and such.  So she lost a lot of her size before she come back to the gym.  Than they broke up and she started to hang out with the serious muscle woman (lots of figure and fitness, and physique woman, current and former).  Over the summer she grow huge.  Differently physique size and getting bigger.  How legs grow so easy and they are watermelon quads now and her back growing like a weed.  Since she been working out with the fit woman.  She looks great and from what I hear she wants to get built big time.  She doing well and think in no time she will be a monster!  She also kind of look like kaley cuoco the actress when she was younger (but small athletic boobs, not the huge knockers kaley has).  The woman is age 26!       
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on April 15, 2016, 03:19:22 pm
Overheard two woman at my gym who have done contest at the physique level.  Both are very cute, very built, with and overall amazing physique plus strong as an ox with the stigma of a team of horses. 

Was talking about how when they grow muscles none of there clothes fit and how they are always bulging out of them and ripping homes in them from there off season growth.  It was like a real life muscle comic conversion coming to life!!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: sa2009 on April 16, 2016, 02:27:08 am
In the early 90's , i was at a college football game in San Diego . And saw a blonde fbb in the next few rows up . I believe it was Carla Haug . She was not covered up and she looked pretty awesome .  It was my first sighting of a fbb in person . Then years later around 2005 , saw Denise Hoshor in a soup plantation in line . She was with her son , but was wearing a track suit . And at a Journey concert the same year , saw a big fbb in the first few rows , but couldn't place the face with any named fbb out there . I pretty much can recognize the famous ones , being a long time fan . But was still cool to see . 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bkrugby on April 23, 2016, 03:13:25 pm
The black woman who works out at my gym is a pro named Tischa Thomas.  Other day, she was decline benching 275lbs fa reps well 12.  I almost have to re-focus everytime she is there, because she wears these outfits that show off her massive back which glimmers when she sweats.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on April 23, 2016, 10:59:38 pm
I was at the assisted living center where my mother recently moved to, and I saw a woman with noticeable biceps come out of an office. Naturally, I went over to her, and said "Great arms - you must be the fitness director." She said she was, and then we talked about Mom's rehab program. I later looked her up, and she has competed before - at the 2014 Europa Phoenix, Physique.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: pbo4muscle on April 24, 2016, 01:19:15 pm
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The black woman who works out at my gym is a pro named Tischa Thomas.  Other day, she was decline benching 275lbs fa reps well 12.  I almost have to re-focus everytime she is there, because she wears these outfits that show off her massive back which glimmers when she sweats.

I googled her, and damn it, seriously, I do unocusderstand your need to re-focus
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jubus on April 25, 2016, 08:05:59 am
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Back in the late nineties I was down in fort myers, florida. visiting with my wife's cousins from Ohio. anyhow we went grocery shopping and stopping Sam's club. I waited around the front the store, looking at all the people walking in. when this heavy woman walked in wearing a light dress, calves with no definition just heavy. Walking on the other side of her looked like she was helping her walk or keep her balance was this short and very very muscular dark tanned woman. about 5'tall calves were split and muscular and thighs big flared and ripped.  From helping the other heavy woman walk ,she had cut off jean shorts on and looked at one time to be a t-shirt collar ripped off so her traps would have room, no sleeves so bulging biceps and shoulders won't be constricted.Bottomed of t-shirt ripped off to see her 6 pack abs and small part of her lower back. I MEAN this woman was contest ready for BODYBUILDING Men's show. She was just insanely huge and muscular. As they approached the courtesy electric shopping carts. I walked over to help the muscular woman and to get a better view of her body. As I was about to ask if she needed my help to the heavy woman sit down. The muscular one released her grip and said I think its my turn today and the heavy woman said yes it is. So the muscular one that looked like she could carry the cart and woman at the same time sat down and used the cart.The heavy woman walk right along side keeping up with her with no problem. I stood there, what was that all about as I turned around I saw the cash register woman looking at me and said they do that all the time. When we checkout and left Sam's I noticed a powerhouse gym half a block down and thought that must be where the muscular woman works out. So my wife and cousin said they  had to stop at this one more store same area.So I shot over to the gym and asked who that woman at Sam's would be. Don't know'
Very nice story. Wasn't that Peggy Schoolcraft who lived and lives in Fort Myers and at the time was in her top condition?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: average_monkey on May 22, 2016, 02:13:07 pm
I had a very frustrating sighting this morning in the park with my wife and kids (two under 3 years old).

As we drove into the car park, my muscle senses tingled as I watched a big fbb in a tight black vest and sweatpants put a microscooter over her bulging shoulder. I was having a conversation with my wife (who was driving) and had to concentrate extra hard on making sure my momentary muscular distraction didn't get noticed.

As we parked up and got everyone out of the car, I looked around for her, but couldn't see her. I hoped that she hadnt left the park.

Thankfully she hadn't, and I managed to get some great views of her arms and shoulders. She was only wearing a black workout vest on her top haand as it was a bit cold this morning and her nipples were nice and hard.

The frustrating part of the sighting was that I was with my wife and family and she was with her young son. I got close enough to strike up a conversation when it was just me and young son, but it was only about what our kids were doing. She was really friendly and I really wanted to ask her about training and whether she competed, and tell her how amazing she looked, but I thought it might be inappropriate with her son there.

I go to the park pretty regularly, so I'm really hoping that she will too, especially with the summer coming.

Btw, this was in Bath, England where fbbs are extremely rare.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: mick56 on June 26, 2016, 05:45:47 am
So.... This morning , I'm doing my normal tasks at my retail job. I walk out of the office to the sales floor and there is this jacked , sexy woman with her husband being assisted by someone. She looks amazing. Thick arms.Wide back, dressed in workout gear just showing all of her upper body. I had to get a closer look.  Just dayum. I walk closer and i recognize her,,, it's none other than IFBB Pro Michelle Cummings. Now last I knew she was physique. If these are the bodies in physique....WOW. To truly see how thick she was is a sight to see. Short compact and thick with muscle. I can only imaging the size of a pro FBB in person if this was a physique body. Her pictures do not do her size justice. She looks so much more muscular in person. What a sight to see on a Saturday morning.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on June 26, 2016, 05:20:04 pm
Going back a ways here...I was in college, early to mid nineties, and at a happening bar in San Jose California.  I was with several buddies and as were walking through the bar, i see this HUGE Woman, easily several inches taller than me with bulging biceps that made mine look like toothpicks.

I was already into muscular women and buying WPW magazines and recognized her immediately.  It was Karla Nelson.  She was standing at a bar height table with two other friends, who looked fit, but nothing like Karla.  She and i made eye contact as i walked by so i smiled.  She smiled back and i kept walking with my buddies to another part of this large bar.

I wondered off from my group a couple of times to walk near Karla and her friends.  She was larger than i had ever expected in reality and the pics and videos i had seen of her didn't do her justice.  She had a very sexy demeanor and she was smiling the whole time with her friends.  Her white dress was very revealing and she had on high heels...making her VERY TALL obviously.  She and her friends eventually left and i was kicking myself for not going up to their group and chatting...any way, point being. she was smoking hot, (and beyond belief huge) in person!

...on a funny side note: we ended up getting some other college girls back to our house.  My buddies were very good for that... (Crazy how easy that was when you're 21...) any way, as i was hooking up with the girl i ended up with, i was picturing Karla the whole time.... :D
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: cook on July 21, 2016, 11:17:37 am
1) When I was really young, like six or seven, I went to science camp at the local YMCA. One time they took us through the weight room and we saw a woman working on her legs. One of my friends actually said "Hello strong lady", but I shushed him and she just smiled at us. It was before I got into female muscle so I didn't even pay attention to who it was.

2) My 6th grade math teacher was a big woman and naturally strong, it was actually because of her that I got into female muscle.

3) Twice on two different occasions I was in NYC and saw a muscular woman. One summer I was crossing the street in Times Square and I saw a lady in shorts and a tank top cross the other way, she was massive! I only saw her for a second and when I turned around she was lost in the crowd. The second time was when my friend and I were near ground zero and had to use the restroom, so we went into one of the hotels. The lobby only had single bathroom, so while I was waiting for my friend I saw a blond lady waiting also. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt but it was definitely tight fitting
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: dude8383 on July 24, 2016, 12:55:42 am
Last  Thursday i saw the hottest girl at the gym here in Heidelberg, Germany, i´ve ever seen in my life i guess. It was kinda late about 11 p.m. so i didn´t expect it at all, but all over sudden she walked to the squats area near me and i couldn´t believe my eyes. A mid twenty, very muscular and hot blonde girl with biceps bigger then mine, and my arms aint that small with about 41cm. She wasn´t very defined, just massive and the total mesomorph look, my absolute dream. Big legs, big arms and forearms, long blonde hair, big back. I couldn´t stop looking at her from time to time and extended my post workout cardio quite a bit because i was so blown away. It was about 1 a.m. till i left and she was still working out, even that was a cool thing, i mean how many girls go to the gym at that time? Just shows she is serious about bodybuilding. And another thing that came to my mind, what girl that has a boyfriend goes to the gym alone at that time? I guess not many.

So today two days later at Saturday i was there at about the same time, and guess who walked in again. On Thursday i guess she noticed my looks from time to time, but that was about it. Now this time i was deadlifting and between two sets she came to me and asked if i still need the longbar and i showed her where  she can find another one. Unfortunately i dont know why but it didnt came to my mind to ask her if she needed any help with it or her upcoming benchpress session... Dont know if it was her physique that made me think she needs no help anyway, or the fact that i have a girlfriend that held me back. We made some eyecontact from time to time as our workouts were most of the time not far away from each other, man one time even next to me and it was really almost a pain to see those big arms with some beatiful sexy little blonde hairs on them flexing near me. After all i didn´t make a move and that was it for now. All i know is that i had to hold back an erection just when she came to me and only talked to me. Maybe that was the reason i didn´t continue the conversation^^. Her body is the hottest i can imagine i guess, and even from seeing the weights she lifted she doesnt seem to be ultrastrong, but i couldn´t care less because she looks so bulky it´s unreal, just a total mesomorph look, and i wouldn´t wonder if she just started to workout half a year ago and looked muscular before.

So my dilemma is i have a girl that i really love, unfortunatley she is not really muscular although i could motivate her so far to come to the gym with me in the future, what is a cool thing too of course.
I really think i could have a chance with the gymgirl after all and this drives me nuts, as her body and will to workout is perfect to me. I hate this fetish from time to time for real, because even though i don´t know anything else about this girl she is what i´m dreaming of for so many years when it comes to her body. On the other hand i´m very happy with my girlfriend and she with me too and i don´t wanna risk that.
It´s really kinda driving me nuts to think about this.
I already know i will go to the gym in two days on monday at 11 p.m. again and see if she will be there, even though i don´t know what or if i will do anything about it. Because if i would really find out she is single and interested i wouldn´t know what to do or don´t know if i could really hold back as she is such a bomb.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: leedsutd on July 26, 2016, 08:08:50 pm
dude, first you are so lucky.

This is a tough one, obviously you love your girlfriend and this is really a fetish for you.  But it's hard to not talk with this fbb girl...i would just start chatting and see what happens, don't force it but similar to when she wanted the bar. You may be crazy about her looks and body but may not like her personality and may only be an acquaintance at the gym.  Just cause you have a gf, doesn't stop you from chatting with girls, not like she's going to jump you lol...just play it cool and see what happens...

not alot of guys dont get this chance, take advantage of it or switch your workout times...

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: robl48 on July 31, 2016, 04:46:24 am
hi dude,
those opportunities dont come often..
play it cool, be fun..
tell us how it went:-)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: dude8383 on August 05, 2016, 10:17:11 am
Sooo... last night i´ve seen her again.

Had quite a trouble week, because the last times i´ve seen her it always caused me not being able to sleep half the night or more and couldnt concentrate at all on my studies the next day. So after a hard inner fight i decided it´s time to open up to my girlfriend about my fetish... she took it good i would say at the time i told her, but the next day was quite shit because ofc questions like "will i be enough for you in the future" and so on came up. So we took a walk and somehow i turned me on as hell that she knew about it, so we sex twice that evening and all is or was good again so far.
Now yesterday, even though i itentionally skipped the day before at the gym because i needed some sleep, guess who walked in after about an hour that i was there. Didn´t expect it at all because it was really late, about midnight, but baam suddenly i find myself and her trading big smiles while she walked by. So guess what this time i couldn´t resist to talk to her and we had a nice conversation, why we are here so late, since when we train, what we do in life and such. I even gave her a little compliment on her bicep. I know now she likes me and if i would have asked her we would have a date. But i decided to be real and told her i have a girlfriend atm and so unfortunately can´t this time. But i let her know some more that i really, like reallyreal, like her and we will see what happens in the future. I know she will be there training at late night in the future too. Guess i will find out next time we see if i´m on her ignore list now or if we still cool, what i think we will be as she seemed very cool.
I don´t know if it was the right way to do it like this, but i feel very kinda released now, because i couldn´t neither allow me not to talk to her and at least tell her why it took me so long to talk to her, and tell her how awesome she is, nor could i cheat on my girlfriend.
Future will tell.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: M7 on August 06, 2016, 09:21:12 am
You absolutely did the right thing. At least you won't have that on your conscience about being honest. Who knows what the future might hold, but you stayed true to yourself and honest with your girlfriend and the other woman. Good luck! That would definitely be a very frustrating situation to be in!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: NinjaStar on August 06, 2016, 01:39:39 pm
A lot of guys are afraid to open up and explain themselves to their wives or girlfriends about our thing, when in reality it's always best to be open and put it into context for her, making it clear that no matter what, despite your interest, she's still attractive to you. They worry about their wives/girlfriends reaction so they keep it secret which only makes it worse if they get found out. It's a trust thing. By opening up to her, you're showing that you trust her and you're letting her know that you care about what she thinks. It's only natural for her to feel inadequate in light of such a revelation.

A lot of women think they are in competition with porn/fetishes, when in reality there is no competition. They win automatically because you love them and they love you. Porn is merely a release. My girlfriend had the same reaction in that she took it well, better than I expected, but she began to question her attractiveness until I set her straight and answered her questions on the subject. It worked out doubly well for me because she then decided to come with me to the gym and start building a bit of muscle.

Maybe I'm reading into it a bit too deeply, but it kind of sounds like you're predicting a break up with your girlfriend, though. Are you pessimistic about your future together and keeping the door open, or were you trying to let Fräulein Muskeln down gently?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bobsaget on August 09, 2016, 10:01:04 pm
I have to agree with Ninjastar. My wife knows about my interest and she even plays on it. She asked all kinds of questions and I answered them all. Her greatest concern was that she was in competition with other women and the reality is there is no competition, I love her and she gets all my love
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: dude8383 on August 12, 2016, 09:40:07 am
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A lot of guys are afraid to open up and explain themselves to their wives or girlfriends about our thing, when in reality it's always best to be open and put it into context for her, making it clear that no matter what, despite your interest, she's still attractive to you. They worry about their wives/girlfriends reaction so they keep it secret which only makes it worse if they get found out. It's a trust thing. By opening up to her, you're showing that you trust her and you're letting her know that you care about what she thinks. It's only natural for her to feel inadequate in light of such a revelation.

A lot of women think they are in competition with porn/fetishes, when in reality there is no competition. They win automatically because you love them and they love you. Porn is merely a release. My girlfriend had the same reaction in that she took it well, better than I expected, but she began to question her attractiveness until I set her straight and answered her questions on the subject. It worked out doubly well for me because she then decided to come with me to the gym and start building a bit of muscle.

Maybe I'm reading into it a bit too deeply, but it kind of sounds like you're predicting a break up with your girlfriend, though. Are you pessimistic about your future together and keeping the door open, or were you trying to let Fräulein Muskeln down gently?

Pessimistic no, i love her and even though in the last couple of weeks i once thought about how it would be if we broke up i couldn´t really imagine being without her. I just had a really hard time to suck up i met Fräulein Muskeln at this time and not in the 4 years before our realtionship when i was single. Yes i think was trying to let her down gently, because at that time i must say i had quite a crush on her and on the other hand not even in my wildest dreams i would have ever imagined that i would come in a situation where I AM THE ONE to have to do that to a bodybuilder girl that i have a crush on and she on me too, i mean that´s what i´ve been dreaming of for almost 20 years. I´m not married nor do i have children yet, so who knows how long this relationship will last, we had some really hard times, mainly due to some problems she had, but this also put us more together. What i can definetly say is that it was a real good idea to tell her about my general like for muscular girls, so far it´s all good regarding that. It just feels "real".
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Frank Griffin on September 27, 2016, 12:10:29 am
I remember one time I was walking in the mall at home and I say Jessica McKenzie there. I tried to catch up with her and call her name, but she disappeared into the sea of people. I remember I matched with one on Tinder and she was my first match on there. Sadly i didn't talk to her for long .
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jarnold on October 24, 2016, 11:44:43 pm
A year or so ago I had to be in Santa Cruz CA for business and and had some time to kill so I decided to take a walk on this bike path / walk way along the ocean cliffs.  It was pretty crowded. Suddenly I see this buffed blonde young woman jogging toward me at a pretty good clip, wearing small tight shorts and  tight tank top..... she looked like a bodybuilder, about 5-7 and 175lbs or and yeah very muscular.  The funny thing was I could hear people murmuring and gasping loudly as she ran through crowd.  She just looked very powerful and athletic and I think it shocked people.  My first instinct was to get out of her way because she really looked like she would know me flying ass over head if she ran into me.  She ran right by my and I, like everyone else snapped my head around as she passed.  I reversed direction and thought about walking after her but she was way too fast.  So I went back to my car and drove the direction she was running to try to get another look at her.  I drove past and got another look - I did not want to look like too much of a creep so resisted the urge to turn around and and drive past her again.  I did not recognize her at the time but should have.... about I year later I saw a pic of Brooke Ence and realized that's who it was, and she does in fact live in that area.  I'll always remember her, and the effect she had on the crowd. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fbbadmire on November 16, 2016, 01:44:30 pm
I had my  latest muscular woman sighting in September at  a cafe in central Stockholm. I dont know her name and I couldn't ask her as my kids where all over the place :)

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Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Patrick_Henry on November 16, 2016, 01:47:23 pm
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early to mid nineties,   She was larger than i had ever expected in reality

JDM, I met Karla around the same era (@ the Women's Extravaganza in Northern Jersey, Fall '91). She was incredible in person. At the time, She had really big, sexy hair too; which I thought, added to Her larger-than-life appearance.
Great Lady, one of a kind..

I've also seen & met Raye Hollitt.. and used to see Cory Everson around Encino (west end of Los Angeles' Valley) doing ordinary errands, etc.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fredzeppelin on November 16, 2016, 05:02:42 pm
Its funny, I've actually met a couple of muscle women who were TOO much. I saw Karla Nelson and
Nicole Bass live at the Women's Extravaganza in '94 (New Jersey), and my instant reaction was "no,
too much". They were both huge and very tall...too the point that they looked like guys in drag. I love
mounds of muscle on a woman -- the more the better -- but I STILL want her to have fundamental female
charecteristics, but like being of average female height (roughly 5ft to 5'6).
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Patrick_Henry on November 16, 2016, 07:41:26 pm
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Saw Karla Nelson and Nicole Bass live at the Women's Extravaganza in '94 (New Jersey),..but like being of average female height (roughly 5ft to 5'6).

KH, Your post reminded me.. I saw Bass also, but a couple Extravaganzas later (Secaucus, NJ 1997). She was in the lobby of the hotel hosting the show. She did look gigantic (which I personally dig, but..). I think She starts around 6 foot, and then She had on 3-4 inch heels. She was lifting up and cradling a petite woman, with a small crowd watching.
Check this out too, same weekend, I saw Animal (from the Road Warriors tag team) in the hotel gift shop. Not sure if he was in town for the Extravaganza, or his being there was incidental.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: mother on November 19, 2016, 10:55:11 pm
My first "sighting" was at a mall in Miami, Florida.  I was eating pizza at the food court when a tall, very muscular woman walking by.  She was wearing a short skirt, tank top and flat sandals.  She was completely covered but left little to the imagination about her muscularity.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on November 28, 2016, 10:22:17 pm

I was at the Scottsdale Quarter Apple store picking up my new MacBook Pro, working with the salesperson, and I glanced up just in time to see this tall, blonde girl wearing skin-tight pink workout bottoms walk out the door.
She had BIG, muscular quads - she was either a competitor or an athlete (like a volleyball player). If I hadn't been in the middle of a transaction, I would have gone over to talk to her.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba69 on November 28, 2016, 11:42:58 pm
I love Arizona....there are muscular gals all over the place there!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on November 29, 2016, 10:27:44 pm
Check out this woman traps!  Huge and solid!

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Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Bionic55 on December 11, 2016, 08:33:53 pm
Not so much a siting but I did have some dating experience with two muscular ladies prior to settling down.

The first was a lady that I actually met through MySpace back in the day. Her profile pics caught my eye as it was her doing a double biceps pose - clearly she was an actual bodybuilder rather than just a casual lifter. Her peaks were huge! I took a chance and dropped her a message and from that we got chatting, as luck would have it she was single and happy to meet up - it also unfolded that she worked in a gym in north London and didn't mind guys who weren't too muscly - a good thing! Basically we met up, sadly just the once but she was more than happy to show off how big her muscles were without me even having to mention them, maybe it was just so obvious I admired them - she made me grip her arm as she pumped a few times and they swelled bigger each time! Just a shame I left the measuring tape at home haha
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jg300 on December 13, 2016, 05:46:28 am
Bionic55, thanks for sharing your experience. You mentioned that you had dating experiences with two muscular ladies but only mentioned one of them. Do you wish to share your story about the other lady?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Bionic55 on December 13, 2016, 08:32:38 am
Of course JG

The 2nd was probably the last time I had any close proximity with a muscular lady. This was maybe 7 or 8 years back but the lady in question I met through a dating site. Her profile pic was of a competition pose - she competed over here in the U.K. on a semi competitive level. The good thing was that she was fairly local to me, maybe 5 or so miles away. Again, my luck was in as we agreed to meet up - it was at a pub, she arrived wearing an outfit that very much hid and covered her muscles; unlike the other experience she wasn't forthcoming in showing off the merits of all her hard work! Her frame was quite petite by the way. We chatted for an hour or so and it was pretty clear WWE didn't have much of a connection- I guess at that point I just went for broke and asked for a quick bicep flex - she grinned and rolled up her sleeve, curled her fist and raised the hard ball of muscle to my face - I was allowed to feel and it was amazing! There is no other experience like it. That was our only meeting but I'll never forget it - looking back it was a surreal part of my life...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jg300 on December 13, 2016, 01:33:11 pm
Bionic55, you had such wonderful experiences. I am surprised at how easy it was for her to do the bicep flex for you given that she didn't seem to be excited to show her arms with what she was wearing. Maybe she was trying to be humble and/or was afraid of scaring you away.

I've met some women who had muscle but I've always been shy to ask for a flex. I'm afraid that the women will think that it's an odd request. I wish I had the courage like you. I remember meeting a teenage girl during my internship who had muscular looking arms but was not ripped. She told me that she used to be into bodybuilding but already stopped. I did not have the courage to ask for a flex since we were in a work setting.

Two times I've seen women flexing in front of a mirror at the gym. Both times it was clear to me that those women were serious about fitness. It's cool to see them admiring their hard work in front of a mirror.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on December 16, 2016, 09:21:07 pm
Full detail:

24 Hour Fitness in Costa Mesa, CA

I'm very much a hot or cold fitness buff...i'll work out several times a week for 6 months to a year and get in really good shape and feel pretty strong, then i'll not go once for a year and basically be weak as fuck and have to start all over again.  I've done this same thing ever since high school and just remembered an incident a few years ago on my first week back after a long "off" period when I was just running for fitness and really lost a lot of muscle tone.

At 5-10 and 175 pounds, I looked pretty fit, but was actually very weak after only running for a year or so.  I went to the 24 Hour Fitness in Costa Mesa and decided I would do bench press and triceps the first day.  As a female muscle fan, I immediately noticed this amazingly buff Asian woman, probably 5'3" and 140 -150 pounds.  She was stocky, but had large arms and legs with some definition.  Her long black hair was in a pony-tail...which I love!

We made eye contact a couple of times and I simply gave her a smile and kind of nodded my head to say "hi" once.  She smiled back, but that was it for our quick, personal interaction.  She was also doing chest and triceps so we were in the same area the whole time, but unfortunately, she had already done bench press so I didn't see how strong she was.  At one point, she was doing cable pull downs and her tricep muscle was bulging, I was mesmerized by it, and her but managed to not get caught staring. There were more bench and tricep areas further away, but she chose to keep working out near me, which I was very happy about.

I started my bench workout and threw 25's on the bar to get in some quick warm up sets.  However, after not working out in a long time, the weight, only 95 pounds, actually felt heavy.  I pumped out 8 reps and noticed the Asian girl looking my way a couple of times.  I was aware that she saw me lifting this small amount of weight so I threw 2 45 pound weights on the bar to bring it to 135 pounds.  Unfortunately, I was so fucking weak, I barely pumped out 8 reps at that weight and knew I was burnt.  The muscular Asian girl, probably in her late 20's walked by me to the girls room right then, and I was a bit embarrassed that she saw me struggling with that light weight.

2 days later I went in again after work to do back and biceps.  Sure enough, the buff Asian girl was there too.  She was wearing really thin black workout tights that came down to just below her knee, showing off her buff thighs and muscular calves.  She was also wearing a white workout bra, so her gorgeous shoulders, traps and arms were in full display.  She didn't have a six-pack, but her midsection was tight and firm.  I did Back first which actually tires your biceps a little, so I was kind of toast already when I walked over to the dumbbell area.

Sure enough, she was set up on a open bench two down from me performing dumbbell curls.  I spyed her in the mirror and was impressed as her biceps bulged nicely with each rep.  I grabbed 2 - 20's and knocked out 10 warm up reps.  I then grabbed 2 - 25's and did ten.  I struggled a bit with the 25's since I hadn't trained in forever and was burnt from working back.  Lastly, I grabbed 2 30's and forced out 6 reps before my biceps caught on fire.  Just as I was finishing that, the Asian girl walked her beautiful buff legs and ass right in front of me and put 2 - 35 pound weights on the rack.  I quickly realized that she was curling more than me and I had a half hard on immediately.   

She again walked away for a few and I headed over to the easy-curl bars, which were set up kind of in an open area on two A-Frame type racks.  I grabbed the 45 pound bar, took a step or two back and began to curl it. It felt pretty heavy since my arms were worn.  To my surprise, the hot Asian girl walked right up next to me and grabbed the 50 pound bar.  She started doing slow, controlled curls as I waited a couple minutes to begin my next set.  I obviously peaked out of the corner of my eye at her amazing biceps as she worked.  She did at least 12 reps and they did not seem to be difficult for her.  She put the 50 down and walked a few meters away to have a drink from her bottle.  I moved in and grabbed the 55 pound bar.  As I started my set, I immediately realized there was no way I was getting 10 reps.  As the Asian girl stood nearby, waiting for her next set, I struggled to rep out about 7 or 8.  I figured she was waiting for the 55 since she just used the 50 pound bar, but as I put the 55 back on the rack, she stepped up and grabbed the 60.  Again she started doing slow, controlled reps and I was again embarrassed that she surely knew that she was stronger than me. 

She looked at me with a rye grin as she finished her set and placed the 60 back on the rack.  Again, she walked away to her bottle so I grabbed the 60.  It took some body English, but I managed to put up about 3 reps before failure...remembering that she had just repped out 12 in total control.  The really embarrassing part was that, the 60 pound bar had been located on one of the higher rungs on the A-Frame rack, and as she started walking back towards me, I tried to lift the bar up to the rack and failed, hitting the bar on the bottom of the rack and making a huge clanking sound.  She kind of laughed as she surely knew what had just happened.  I said "ooopps" surely red-faced and used a huge amount of body English to swing the weight up to and BARELY set it back on the rack.  I then walked away to grab my towel and bottle.  We didn't make eye contact, but as I walked towards the mens room, I noticed that she was now curling the 65 pound bar.

After a few minutes of splashing some water in my face and going to the rest room, I walked back into the gym floor and noticed the Asian girl was gone.  I walked up to the easy-curl bar again and quickly grabbed the 65 pound bar that the Asian girl had been curling in full control.  I literally could not lift it a single rep. 

I went home totally consumed with the picture of the hot, muscular Asian girl out-muscling me easily at the curl bars.  I felt like I definitely should have talked to her.  I was dead set on striking up conversation with her the next time I saw her.  To my dismay, I went back at that same time for 2 or 3 weeks straight and didn't see her again....damn bad! 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Boyo on December 20, 2016, 07:44:39 am
Fantastic post, and a well told too. I enjoyed reading that.

The only thing I don't get is the embarrassment/intimidation, call it what you will. It's not your post this is confined to, but men in general when they see a muscular woman lifting heavier weights than them. Why get embarrassed by it? Why feel compelled to match or best her? THAT'S the embarrassing part. If you can't lift as much as her then don't. The way you describe her she's got 10+ years of fairly heavy weightlifting behind her.

It's like seeing Venus Williams at your local tennis club playing a few shots against a wall and not only feeling that you must defeat her right there and right then because she's a girl and you're a boy, and then not only getting your ass whipped but feeling desperately humiliated because of it. Why? What made you assume you could beat her? She's been doing it for years.

LOL - sorry I'm going on, it's not directed at you, but I see this kind of thing in Crossfit all the time. Really grinds my gears haha.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: leedsutd on December 21, 2016, 01:50:56 pm
Jdm022 - great story.  I think any schome dream on here lol... Including mine.  Would love that to happen in the gym.  I think in someway she was toying with you?! You lift one and then she lifted a heavier set and so on... Seeing if you would continue.  She might have liked you lol.

Anyways, thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on December 21, 2016, 03:48:45 pm

Thanks for the response, the funny thing is, I totally fantasize about being with a woman more muscular and stronger than me, but in the few instances where I've been exposed to this, I get slightly embarrassed and also a tiny bit intimidated.....but obviously a little excited as's a real mix of emotions!!!

That said, leedsutd, I have an Asian co-worker about my same age who is a bit of a gym nut, so I told her the basics of the story.  My co-worker agreed with your assumption and said she was purposely hanging around me, so I blew it by not striking up a conversation with her....i'm an idiot!  :angry: 

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: leedsutd on December 22, 2016, 04:40:46 am
It happens to most of us, don't see the situation at hand and then realize after, I'm guilty of this for sure.  But at least you had the experience, most guys don't lol... I'm still jealous! Lol
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fbbadmire on January 25, 2017, 04:21:12 pm
I just agreed on a date with a woman! "Found" her on a dating site and for our first date we are meeting at the gym to do a training session together. Really looking forward to that!

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on March 11, 2017, 06:15:27 pm
I was at my gym working out.  My keen muscle key spotted a woman walking by casually flexing.  About 30 years old, dark hair, very well dress and about 5 6.  Very average looking overall!  I notice her bicep was tennis ball size or a bigger and looked rock hard.  She walked by very close to me!  A serious piece of muscle hardware.  Latter on I went over the leg equipment area and notice her working out.  I recognize her as someone I have not seen there in a while.  And remember her lifting a lot of weight.   She was doing a lot of weight on the free weight machines and these huge rock hard muscles was popping out everywhere.  Her legs was like a FMG GIF.  Then I remembered she did power lifting contest.  Glad to see she was still in fine shape!

This woman mid-20's.  Dark hair, dark skin, great looking skin actually.  She about 5 3 and just has this layered looks of muscle all overall.  She just bugling out very evenly in muscle results!  Cross fit looking results woman get who do that serious!  Does not lift much weight.  She does hard workout for long times with a lot of reps.  Like cross fit.  Best part she looks like the younger sister of the actress Milla Jovovich.  She got the same type of sexy voice MJ has.  The kind that makes you grateful just to hear her talk in your presence!  And she grunts and moans in the same voice as she works out.  Very friendly and very nice and very smart.

This serious muscle head brings in his GF.  She very cute average height 5 6 or so, blonde hair, etc.  But got the build of FBB middleweight easy.  She got a waist that so small.  Her back just a mountain of muscle, etc.  She hardly works out with him.  But she take these huge weights and move them around like they are nothing when she there.  I heard them talking and I guess she got a sweat workout room at home and just goes to gym for a break in their routine!  She wears these outfit that are tight but not overall tight.  And these huge muscles pop up in them.  I mean you don't know where she hides it all.  You expect her clothes to bust open at any moment.  You wonder how she gets her workout clothes on and off over those mounds of muscle!  That how much she got under them.  It’s get better. 

I had to go over to this local big wig legal firm / money planner’s guy for my boss /owner of my company as a favor to him a few weeks ago.  So I go in this really nice office and ask to see such and such person.  I'm told to go this office for this person.  It was her!  It was like real like muscle story.  She was dressed in this outfit you can only get at high ends stores.  I don't know how she fit it in.  It covered up her amazing physique so well.  But her heavy corded neck give it away.  I had to follow her to another section of the building.  Working behind her.  Her calf’s and quads was busting out where you could see them.  Like some sort of real life GIF!  Anyhow I was talking to and did don't you go to my gym?  She like yes and I take a chance and say how built she was and pointed out it must be hard to find such nice clothes for work (I am total clothes whore for men and woman, so I was able to ID where her skirt and woman suit was from) she said yes.  With the voice of someone who suffers from a great muscular body but needs to hide it at work with nice outfits! 
Said she did gymnastic most of her life and then took up power lifting, body building.  She gains muscle very easy and strength.  And her friends, and bf can’t believe her little she works for her results, etc.  I tell her you got to work out hard and heavy to fight the age clock, etc  Stuff like that!   
Out of nowhere.  She does a right arm flex.  This huge muscle pops ups and almost burst open the seems.  I mean it was Olympic level stuff!  She says it so hard to find nice clothes than can be tailored to fit her frame and that all muscle friends are so jealous that she gain so easy without any real diet or supplements and such.  If she could find nice clothes that would fit her.  She would just hit the gym and see how far she could take it.  The way she said it was like the way someone who knows that got something special and wants to be the best at it!  We chit chat for a few moments about working out and such.  Nothing too outside the norm.  Than her phone rang and she had to take it and I had to leave.  I floated out of the place after that conversation!       

This other woman who a FBB.  Is back at my gym after a long absence.  She started off as physique off season size about 6 weeks ago.  Been bulking since she come back.  It’s like watching a real life FMG.  Every time I see her she noticeably bigger.  I mean even before she started her bulk.  Her arms and shoulders.  Was bigger than the vast majority of guys there.  They wore massive shoulders!    Now she massive.  I mean heavy weight FBB size.  She about 5 2 and average looking with blonde/brown hair.  FBB natural chest.  Saw her a few days ago.  She gotten so thick and her legs have grown so much.  Her upperbody was bigger than most men easy!  Its unbelievable.  Never seen a heavy weight FBB bulk in real life.  Its amazing.  I've talked to her.  She very nice.  And she let it be known she there to gain.  She does not lift much weight.  But her workout are intense!  Plus she got a serious muscle woman walk!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jg300 on March 11, 2017, 07:51:33 pm
Gwhh, thanks for sharing your stories. Now that you know the muscular woman who works in the local legal firm's office, I hope you will give us updates in case you see her again at the gym. I'd love to know why she decided to go into body building after trying power lifting and if she joined any competitions.

Based on your story, it seems that she's extremely muscular already. I wonder how much bigger she'll get if she keeps pushing it. What's your estimate for the size of her flexed bicep?

About the 30 year old, darked haired woman who casually flexed at your gym, can you describe how she casually flexed? Was she walking in front of a mirror? Showing off to someone? Checking out her biceps? It seems like you got a great view of her flexing. Maybe you'll be able to chat with her someday if you keep seeing her there.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on March 12, 2017, 06:45:49 pm
I just finished running in the Ragnar del Sol.
There were a lot of muscular women there, but one girl in particular (from a Flagstaff Crossfit gym) was pretty spectacular. She was ripped and vascular, and had great musculature.
It was a joy to see her run!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Bernie1212 on March 14, 2017, 09:31:03 pm
So I just started back to the gym about two months ago.  I usually get there no later then 6:15am, as I know if I don't go first thing in the morning, I am never going to make it.

Anyway, there is this one woman who shows up that early about once a week about 5'8, probably 135/140 and probably in her late 20's to early 30's, total figure physique.  Long dark hair and dark skin (she is either Mexican or Native American.)  She usually strolls in at about 7:15 and is usually wearing yoga pants and a hoodie.  And she usually does some crazy circuit work outs and the people in the free weight area just get out of her way.  Well, last Thursday she shows up in the normal attire, and gets rolling in her workout.  About 5 minutes in she takes off her hoodie, and my jaw about hit the floor.  She had just a sports bra on (barely) under her hoodie, and she was totally ripped.  Nice toned arms, but round shoulders, lats popping out the sides of her bra, and a visible 8-pack.  Every guy in the gym just turned and stared for a moment.  She wasn't moving a ton of weight around but every movement she made you could see every muscle, and I was half surprised her breast didn't fall out of her top.  She had her wireless Beats head phones on and just killing her workout.  It was like she was in another world, but no doubt she knew everyone was watching her.  Every morning I go hoping to see her there.  Great motivation to keep me going....

Apparently there is also a IFBB bikini pro that is one of the spin instructor at my gym, but I never there when she is.  And I am afraid I would have a coronary if I attempted a spin class with her teaching.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: darthfury78 on May 11, 2017, 05:44:17 am
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Of course JG

The 2nd was probably the last time I had any close proximity with a muscular lady. This was maybe 7 or 8 years back but the lady in question I met through a dating site. Her profile pic was of a competition pose - she competed over here in the U.K. on a semi competitive level. The good thing was that she was fairly local to me, maybe 5 or so miles away. Again, my luck was in as we agreed to meet up - it was at a pub, she arrived wearing an outfit that very much hid and covered her muscles; unlike the other experience she wasn't forthcoming in showing off the merits of all her hard work! Her frame was quite petite by the way. We chatted for an hour or so and it was pretty clear WWE didn't have much of a connection- I guess at that point I just went for broke and asked for a quick bicep flex - she grinned and rolled up her sleeve, curled her fist and raised the hard ball of muscle to my face - I was allowed to feel and it was amazing! There is no other experience like it. That was our only meeting but I'll never forget it - looking back it was a surreal part of my life...

They always say that you could find the ideal woman. But if there is no connection of common interests and personality traits, it all falls apart. The strange thing is that I have talked to a lot of average looking women, only to find that there's no connection. In contrast, when I have the nerve to talk to an attractive women who are into FBB or fitness contests, we get along great as we have a lot of common interests to talk about outside of sports....
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on May 12, 2017, 09:14:02 pm
Was just in Wal-Mart and looked down the aisle and saw this beautiful, dark haired about 40 year old woman in long sleeves.  She wasn't huge but I could tell she worked out from how tight her sleeves were so of course I had to get a closer look.  I started looking at who even cares what in the aisle and just struck up a conversation, "Sorry, I couldn't help but notice, you must work out huh?"

She looked a little startled but smiled and laughed and said, "Yeah, how could you tell?"

I said, "Well I couldn't help but notice your biceps through your sleeves.  You've got some great arms."

She just laughed and said thanks and we talked a little bit about how she competed locally a couple times.  Then she goes, "hey you wanna feel my arms"  Uh yeah I did.  So she flexed right there in the middle of Wal-Mart and through her sleeves popped a very nice nice bicep, like a good size figure competitor.  Very hard.  I wish she wasn't wearing long sleeves but I definitely left pretty happy. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba69 on May 14, 2017, 08:53:40 pm
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Was just in Wal-Mart and looked down the aisle and saw this beautiful, dark haired about 40 year old woman in long sleeves.  She wasn't huge but I could tell she worked out from how tight her sleeves were so of course I had to get a closer look.  I started looking at who even cares what in the aisle and just struck up a conversation, "Sorry, I couldn't help but notice, you must work out huh?"

She looked a little startled but smiled and laughed and said, "Yeah, how could you tell?"

I said, "Well I couldn't help but notice your biceps through your sleeves.  You've got some great arms."

She just laughed and said thanks and we talked a little bit about how she competed locally a couple times.  Then she goes, "hey you wanna feel my arms"  Uh yeah I did.  So she flexed right there in the middle of Wal-Mart and through her sleeves popped a very nice nice bicep, like a good size figure competitor.  Very hard.  I wish she wasn't wearing long sleeves but I definitely left pretty happy.

It's great to hear about meetings like this one.  Most of the ladies who I've approached were cool, and appreciated the "good" attention.  However, there have been a few who were absolute mean girls!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on May 19, 2017, 10:27:08 pm
I was in the local grocery store yesterday, and I noticed a big couple walking in. I ended up in line in front of them, and asked them if they competed, and they said no, they just liked to lift for personal reasons.
The guy was competition-sized, probably 225-250, with a huge chest and big arms. His wife was a marvel - she had rounded muscle everywhere - arms, shoulders, legs, butt. I would guess her arms were 15-16".
She wasn't cut, but she was BIG.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on May 24, 2017, 01:15:25 am
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Sounds like a nice couple.  How tall were they?

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I was in the local grocery store yesterday, and I noticed a big couple walking in. I ended up in line in front of them, and asked them if they competed, and they said no, they just liked to lift for personal reasons.
The guy was competition-sized, probably 225-250, with a huge chest and big arms. His wife was a marvel - she had rounded muscle everywhere - arms, shoulders, legs, butt. I would guess her arms were 15-16".
She wasn't cut, but she was BIG.

The guy was probably 6', 250lbs. His wife was maybe 5-5, and around 150-160. She had a nice, deep voice, too.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Soapbox on May 24, 2017, 03:49:28 am
I saw an insanely tall and muscular woman today. Not that cut but she had huge seemingly natural breasts and her thighs were so thick poking out of her short skirt. As I did a double take she started curling her bag and her bicep vein popped out :woohoo:
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: pij15 on May 25, 2017, 03:15:02 am
The biggest competitor i have seen in person is competitor Hulda Lopez. She is smaller right now but a couple of months back she weighed almost 150 pounds and she is maybe 5'2". She was huge. Her clothes barely fit.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: ciccio on May 29, 2017, 09:33:42 am
Finally happened guys, got to see and talk to a jacked woman in my gym today. Unluckily I don't live in US where you can find jacked girls in every gym so this one was pretty good news for me.
Black girl, 5.9 I'd say, around 165lbs, late 30s. Amazing shoulder, with delts kind of popping out and really good arms (easily 15''), biceps in particular, not the typical steroid super pumped physique girl but really muscular to be natural.
She was on the smith machine doing some seated shoulder presses with something like 10kg each sides and I was in the near squat rack. I needed the 20kg (45lbs) near her so went there and asked her if I could take them. She said "I'm not using them now" and I replied "I'm pretty sure you could easily lift them tho rather than the 10kg you are using" and her answer was "yes, easily..."
At that point I realised she was proud of her muscles so asked if she was a competitor and she said she has been training for ages, wanted to get bigger and then try to compete. Chatted to her for a while, top person. Was lucky enough she was training near me after that and when she grabbed the dumbbell for some delts/biceps the vein on the detls popped out too... she was curling 15kg like a warm up set as well.

Told her congratulation for her amzing upper bosy and left, she was very happy.

Just wish they were many more like her her.... so jealous about you guys in US
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on June 05, 2017, 05:29:01 pm
Was just sitting in a walmart parking lot in Secaucus, looked up and saw this extremely muscular bag grabbing for groceries out of her shopping cart.  She was wearing black leggings where her calves and quads bulged out and a blue tank top.  Her shoulders and arms were huge and tensed with thick veins on each grab.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I of course approached her right away and asked if she competed.  She looked up and in this beautiful Latino accent replied with no and asked if she should.  I was mesmerized.  She reminded me extremely of Kashma Maharaj, same skin tone, height, and even build.  Probably just as muscular as Kashma.  I told her she should definitely compete in bodybuilding ad she smiled and giggled a little.  We talked for another couple minutes and I really could not stop staring at her bulging biceps and ripped pecs, told her she looked great and should compete, and started to walk away.  I stopped and turned back tho and asked if she could do a quick flex since it wasnt everyday I met someone that looked that good.  She did a quick flex of her right bicep for me, instant hard on.  She was just so hot.  I'm kicking myself for not getting a pic but I figured that might just cross the line.  She seemed interested in me tho I'd say and really liked the attention. I wouldn't have been so forward if she didn't seem like she was interested since I know it can get into the realm of creepy.  Cannot stop thinking about those muscles tho.  Was easily big enough for a good showing in physique.  Just huge. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on June 05, 2017, 05:40:30 pm
Typos galore...

1) extremely muscular BACK

2) thick veins on each ARM
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on June 24, 2017, 06:45:32 pm
The house across the street from me has been for sale for several months. Today, when I cam home from the gym, I noticed that people were moving in. I looked across, and the woman looked familiar, and she said "hello, neighbor," and called me by name.
Turns out, I know her from the gym - she's a firefighter, and is in totally mind-blowing shape. She looks like she's ready for a competition - single-digit body fat, and perfect muscle shapes. She does all these strenuous cross-fit type workouts at the gym. I've seen her take a 45lb plate outside in the parking lot and hold it over her head, and then do lunges back and forth for 15 minutes. I've suggested that she should compete, but she has poo-pooed the idea (so far). She knows I plan on competing, and has been very encouraging. I met her husband, and he is just an average Joe - she is much more muscular than he is.
This is going to be interesting, since my wife knows how much I like female muscle...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba69 on June 27, 2017, 03:56:05 pm
Lucky!  I've dreamed about that happening to me, but it just hasn't come true as of yet!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on June 27, 2017, 07:23:02 pm
I went over to talk to them the other night while they were moving in.
She was completely covered up, except for her forearms, and I could see the veins and striations even in the darkness...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on July 09, 2017, 08:17:25 pm
I have a couple of sightings, but for now I'll only say one. On my high school bus last year, there was this cheerleader. Everyone knew she had to have some muscle under her clothes but she wouldn't show anyone. So it was a cool November afternoon, everyone was generally quiet except for this cheerleader. I was just there minding my own thoughts till she came and sat right next to me.  Back then I was kinda heavy no way the shape I am now.  She was my height 5'5. She was had brown hair, a nose piercing, and freckles, and see was wearing a black coat and skinny jeans.

   She sat down right next to me and said "Hey Jim, I need to ask you a question. What do you think of my muscles?" My face turned bright red and I stuttered a bit by saying "What?"  She took off her coat to reveal a white tank top. I could see her well defined shoulders and biceps, no one to my knowledge saw them before me. She said " Come on Jim I can see your face is red with excitement, so do you like my biceps or my abs?"

   First, she pulled up her tank top to reveal a green bra and her nice abs. These abs weren't the strongest or the hardest, but they sure made me hard. I just sat there and watched as she flexed her abs. Then she put her shirt down and put up her left arm to form this tennis ball size bicep. Her arms ripped with muscles as flexed back and forth. Yeah , this was heaven. Just then my bus stop came off and I had to leave.

  That would have been well and dandy, until someone told my girlfriend at the time. She called me on the phone saying that I was an insane weirdo and to never speak to her again. Now being single I could ask out the cherleader, but apparently one of her friends grilled her calling her all kinds of stuff that I won't repeat. She hasn't talked to me since and has lost a lot of muscle since then, which is sad because she generally looked happy as I ogled over her muscles.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: ilovefbbs95 on July 09, 2017, 08:43:54 pm
My first ever IRL one on Thursday. Riding the bus home from work and I notice a woman at the stop about to get on. She was wearing a tank top and tight purple shorts (thank god for the summer) and after a initial minor glance her arms appeared big. She seemed around 40 so i thought this may have just been excess arm fat, but on closer inspection they were big and quite ripped. A full viewing also revealed thick, muscular legs which looked heavenly in those skimpy shorts. I'd been sat there bored for the previous few minutes of the journey but now I was desperately trying to conceal my excitement in front of the other passengers. Sadly she was sat several rows in front of me and when she got up to leave she was followed by her juicehead boyfriend (as if i would've stood a chance anyway, lol).
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fredzeppelin on July 11, 2017, 04:47:55 pm
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My first ever IRL one on Thursday. Riding the bus home from work and I notice a woman at the stop about to get on. She was wearing a tank top and tight purple shorts (thank god for the summer) and after a initial minor glance her arms appeared big. She seemed around 40 so i thought this may have just been excess arm fat, but on closer inspection they were big and quite ripped. A full viewing also revealed thick, muscular legs which looked heavenly in those skimpy shorts. I'd been sat there bored for the previous few minutes of the journey but now I was desperately trying to conceal my excitement in front of the other passengers. Sadly she was sat several rows in front of me and when she got up to leave she was followed by her juicehead boyfriend (as if i would've stood a chance anyway, lol).

Nothing like the first time. You never forget it. Mine was Skye Ryland in 1994. Calves like coconuts. I've seen hundreds since then, but that image is still with me all these years later. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gymguy517 on July 12, 2017, 01:05:24 pm
 Was walking home the other day and someone behind me took a Bluetooth enabled phone call and answered it pretty loudly.  I turned around on reaction and was stunned to see a muscular woman as the call answerer. She smiled when we made eye contact probably because she realized how loud she answered. In any event, I slowed my walk in order to chat her up once the call was done. We chatted briefly on the walk. I got some basic info about her and also a synopsis of what her phone call was about. I walked a few blocks out of my way and gave her the hope to see you again goodbye. All in all a very nice young lady.

What surprised me the most was, when I asked her if she competed, she said no and that she started lifting in college and enjoyed the lifestyle. I would say she was about 5'2 and weighed about 140/145 pounds. She was thick like a tank. And when she said she enjoyed the lifestyle, she was not kidding. She had the bag that most bodybuilders have to carry their meals for the day. She said she trained in the morning before work. She had a deep voice, acne scars on her face and back, and whisps of facial hair on her upper lip and chin. It was clear to me that she currently or did use steroids, which again is no big deal. It's just that I've never run into a woman who did it for recreational use. It's only been guys (including myself). But, she was really sweet and receptive and I feel if I see her again, she would remember me and be friendly.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gymguy517 on July 13, 2017, 06:35:57 pm
 My guess on age is mid to late 20s. And she did have implants but not big. B's.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on July 14, 2017, 09:10:05 pm
I was at Sprouts today, buying tomatoes, and there were at least 4 buff women shopping. One was a short, power-packed girl, and I went over to her and said "Are you a power lifter? Crossfit?" She said no, but she was a trainer at Lifetime Fitness.
She was maybe 5'2", probably 140. Natural chest - big pecs. HUGE lats. Off-season bodybuilder build. I complemented her on her lats, and she said it was probably from her youth, when she was a gymnast. I mentioned that I was incorporating some gymnastic routines into my workout, and we chatted about that for awhile. She thanked me for the complement, and we went our separate ways. I may need to stop by her gym to check her out again.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on July 15, 2017, 10:15:43 pm
Yesterday was the prejudging for the NPC Arizona Open in Mesa. I knew two guys from my gym who were competing, and I wanted to check out the potential competition in case I get my act together enough to compete next spring.
As usual, the place was swarming with muscular women, but most were of the "Fitness" or "Physique" caliber. Except for one judge. She was huge. I don't know her name, and I couldn't get a decent photo, but here is what her back looked like:

( (
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on July 17, 2017, 06:55:26 pm
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What the other 3 buff girls look like?

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I was at Sprouts today, buying tomatoes, and there were at least 4 buff women shopping. One was a short, power-packed girl, and I went over to her and said "Are you a power lifter? Crossfit?" She said no, but she was a trainer at Lifetime Fitness.
She was maybe 5'2", probably 140. Natural chest - big pecs. HUGE lats. Off-season bodybuilder build. I complemented her on her lats, and she said it was probably from her youth, when she was a gymnast. I mentioned that I was incorporating some gymnastic routines into my workout, and we chatted about that for awhile. She thanked me for the complement, and we went our separate ways. I may need to stop by her gym to check her out again.

One girl was a lean, Physique type. Nice, defined arms. Obviously works out to compete. The other two looked like regular gym-goers, but probably not competitors. Both had very nice bodies.
I make a point to make a pass through Sprouts almost every day after lunch (I eat at the same place most days, in the same shopping center). I usually see 1-2 muscular women shopping each week. It's a good location - there are a bunch of gyms in the immediate area.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Iron Maiden on July 17, 2017, 07:45:30 pm
While on vacation at Myrtle Beach, I saw a very muscular black woman with a type of body like Kim Perez in a shopping center called Broadway at the Beach. She was wearing a blue dress and you could see her huge back muscles and big arms. Does anybody know who she might be?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: on July 19, 2017, 03:24:00 pm
Saw an fbb on the train in Birmingham, UK. I saw her on the platform and she was getting on the same train as me, so I went and sat near her. She was short, around 5 foot 3 but defined and bulky, maybe weighing around 160lbs. She was with her mother and I was checking her out. I could tell she noticed me too and was looking over a bit. But her voice really turned me off... She sounded like a teenage boy and that killed it for me. But her body was built and sexy as hell.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on August 01, 2017, 04:14:09 pm
I took a trip to LA a couple of months ago. I had kinda forgotten about this thread, so here goes my report.
I went to Gold's Gym in Venice. Yes, the Mecca - the Mount Olympus of Hot Female BBs - I always try to visit when in town.
I located Rose Ave on my iPhone and zeroed in and pulled into a lot filled with expensive convertibles and sports cars.
I paid my fees - after a bit of hassle, but the good looking  and friendly young woman at the desk made the delay just A-okay. 
I could tell she was somewhat new, probably into big muscle, and at probably only 18 years old, I moved on - my sights on bigger fish.

I went to get changed into my gym clothes and upon ascending the stairs to the locker room - BOOM! 
She was with her BF, holding hands, but OH LORD was this girl HUGE. 
I would say no older than 25, with a tiny waist, HUGE arms that I would guesstimate at 17 fucking inches.
And yes, I know what that looks like. BIG AS FUCK. Her legs were big enough to be able to squat 315 for 12 - probably 405 for 10.
We made eye contact - I could tell - she could tell - what she had made an impact. 
She gave me a little smirk that said, "Like me, cuz i am big as fuck, don't you?"
OF course, I couldn't just stand and stare, so I went up to get changed ASAP.
When I got done and came out onto the 2nd floor mezzanine,
looking over the railing below, there she still was talking to another MONSTER MUSCLE WOMAN.
I didn't get a real good look at this Goddess's face, but I am almost positive it was Helle Trevino (formerly Nielsen). 
She was off-season, thick as a buffalo, and her pythons I swear were 18"+.  Made mine look like toothpicks.

At that moment, they all laughed and headed for the parking lot - DAMMIT!  Oh well, back to lifting.

It was shoulder's day, so I grabbed some dumbbells and started warming up. Movement from above caught my eye.
There, directly above me on the 2nd level platform that is skirted by bars of metal railing, was this GORGEOUS young lady.
Certainly no more than 21 or 22. She had a face like a super model - Nordic extraction. She was using the railing to stretch out.
Obviously a gymnast; sandy blonde hair about shoulder length, big blue eyes like pools of sapphire, small nose and perfect, full lips.
Her bod? OMG. Not a gigantic muscle beast, yet . . .
but she had nice 14" boas with large half baseball sized delts that would fill my hands.
My heart started beating faster. As she went through various stretches,
I was given the chance to see her wide lats striated by bands of hard muscle, narrow waist, tight, round perfect buns and shapely legs that swelled her stretch pants in all the right places.
Did I mention the rows of abs clearly visible through the thin Lycra top she that she stretched out as she moved like a powerful female panther.

I am from Detroit, MI, and we don't have many - certainly not enough - hot females who build their bodies for muscle.
It was all I could do not to get a hick in my neck from looking up - or make it super obvious that I was enthralled, stunned and in heat.
She seems to be scanning the floor for someone of her liking. Well, I am too long in the tooth to enchant an 11 on the scale from 1-10.
I moved to my next exercise - upright rows at the barbell rack. That is when the next hottie appeared.

Over on the lat pull down machine wearing a weight belt was a yet another young lioness, perhaps 25-30, 5'3".
She had that Millennial look going. Brown hair with some of those pink and blue highlights, some tats - nothing too kooky or overdone.
She was big and  BEEFY hot. Strong as fuck. It looked like the weight stack she was moving easily was 140-160 as much or more than she weighed.
After a set, she'd stretch out those big flares, take a drink from the gallon jug of supplement colored water and then go back at it.
I think she knocked out about ten or twelve sets before moving on to the next exercise, Machine Rows. This girl meant biz - and her biz was to GET BIG.
While she went through a bunch more sets, a couple of mighty muscle men came up and spoke with her.
From their interaction I could tell she had a sweet personality - not some stuck up bitch (Well, that's California for you! Sigh)
These guys were like the Kings of Gold's - and probably her suppliers (LOL).
Anyway, she looked like Gillian Mounsey Ward's twin sister = gorgeous. (Google her).

Her weight belt said on it, "I may not be perfect, but parts of me are."
NO SHIT SHERLOCK - OMG! MOST of her was perfect.  While I sat there doing some shoulder presses,
my allotted time was running out - I had other obligations.
I kept trying to summon the courage - to be one of those with enough balls who might dare to speak with her.
Fuck it, I got up and went over. 
"Hi, I just had to come over and let you know that I think you look amazing."
She turned and smiled - nice white even teeth. The words spilled out.
"I am a long time fan of female bodybuilding, and have to ask, are you getting ready for a contest? What's your name? Who are you?"
In a thick accent she said, "Analita Parinni. Yes, I am going to compete."
"Nice to meet you. Where are you from?"
"Italy? Wow. All the way over here at Gold's to compete against the best?"
She smiled, "Yes."
"Well, I have followed the sport for many years, and I think you have what it takes to do very well."
She thanked me, but by this time I could already tell she wanted to get back to her training, and me, having broken a Cardinal rule of don't interrupt someone who is intense on their efforts, I wished her good luck and asked if she had a website.
"No, not yet."
I should have taken that bait, and offered to help her out, but I bid her good luck and left with my heart slamming in my rib cage. WOW!!!
I have search for her and not yet found anything. Analita Parinni I believe is the name she gave.  <3
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Boyo on August 01, 2017, 07:37:23 pm
Great post, enjoyed reading it. I too will no doubt join the hoardes now making "Annalita Parinni" a trending google search.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: I like strong women on August 03, 2017, 01:45:25 pm
The sightings I will write about occurred mostly a long time ago-back in the 1960's in NYC- while riding the subway and / or walking the streets. One vivid memory I have is of seeing a nurse, back when nurses dressed in white, even with white stockings.
I was standing on a subway platform waiting for  a train, and a tall black woman walked by- dressed as a nurse. She was on the tall side, but the thing I remember clearly now, more than 50 years later , is the incredible muscular calf develpment this woman was displaying. Her calves were full and very large, well-defined even through the white stockings.Her dress was long enough that her thighs were not displayed.
I was on my way home, so I had time- and I had no choice in the matter- seriously mesmerized by these huge calves- I followed her.
The train arrived and  we got on. I tried not to be obvious- which is not difficult on a crowded train.  When she exited  few stops later, I followed her.
All I wanted to do was watch those muscles work- I was behind her going up some stairs and then on the street for a few blocks, until she arrived at her destination- a nondescript apartment building on the East side, somewhere on 27th or 28th Street.  She went inside and that was that.
I was only 15 at the time, but I have never forgotten that woman and her awesomely developed calves. A few decades later and I might have spoken to her. Who knows what might have happened?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: PEABUTR on August 03, 2017, 02:54:27 pm
Had to stop at walmart for supplies, walked in and standing by the deli was the biggest most muscular pair of calves I never saw ever, I really forgot what I came in for memorized by the sight of these beauties. They had to stick out at least 4 to 5'' from behind her knee, with out getting stupid, I walked around and coming back to her, then I realized I didn't see what the rest of her looked like. She had on a short sleeve shirt and her biceps were pushing the sleeve's back, okay a body builder in town and I didn't know about her. She started walking and calves were touching each other, she could have tripped over them if she moved her foot in a bit. I mean she could actually wear out a pair of jeans rubbing the material raw. I figured my might see her again, and walk away trying to remember what I'm in here for and then that little guy in my head said what if she's not in this area and just passing through.Well that settled that had to find out who she was, without loosing sight of her, I walked around the corner of the aisle and saw something on sale, started reading it, then realized she could be walking out the door right now turned, walk back no where in sight.Dam blew that sighting, sorted pissed off at myself, still not remembering what I was there for left the store walked back to truck, there on the other side was that woman putting in her groceries in her van, calves bulging it seemed her legs got bigger walking out the store because instead of touching a little they were touching a lot, she could crush anything in between them without even trying. Seeing I had know time left, she turned take the cart back to the cart corral, on her walk back I said you must body builder, puzzled she said no, now I'm puzzled, okay could you explain how you got so muscular, working on a beef farm doing farm work I guess, and your legs were you born with that development or just over time they got that way. I guess yes going up and down stairs, picking rocks out of the field lifting grain sacks out of the truck, putting the grain sacks in the feeders, along with the hay, everyday farm work, Well if you ever want to show off, get into a female body building contest and all you have to do is walk up on stage, flex your arms, you mean these, explosion just took place. Yes, walk up and around flex your legs, well just stand there then walk off the stage. You would certainly take best legs in both male and female. She said really, and said I'll have to think about it. Told her you're a natural, I'll be getting my beef from her farm from now on.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Polite Society on August 04, 2017, 10:58:45 am
  I guess there is a small chance you may have misheard the name of Analita?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on August 04, 2017, 03:26:33 pm

 < I guess there is a small chance you may have misheard the name of Analita?>

Yes, her accent was thick (as her body) and my hearing is not the best these days.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on August 05, 2017, 01:37:20 pm

I think the first woman I saw at Gold's was Danielle Mastromatteo.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: pumpfiction on August 06, 2017, 03:29:56 pm
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Could it be Judy Gaillard ?  She's an NPC Judge
Oh wow! Thanks for sharing beowulff. K+++ Did the rest of her look as impressive as her back?

Good call but I think Judy and her husband Timmy are based in Mississippi.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on August 24, 2017, 01:41:36 pm
I was working out at a high school track last night (steinert high school in Hamilton, NJ if anyone knows who it might be). Alot of people go there since there's tires and stuff.  We were doing a hiit workout in one corner, putting in some sprints in there, and all of a sudden I look up and someone is taking pictures of a fairly fit looking, tan girl in a white track outfit on the other side of the track.  I assumed it was for college recruiting or something.  As I got closer it seemed like she was maybe a little older than high school age and her muscles just exploded with every movement.  She got into different running or gymnastics poses for the guy taking pictures of her.  I watched as her biceps and triceps balled into huge muscles.  With every turn her calves just danced, thick and tight.  She wasn't extremely huge but was definitely muscular, like a big gymnast or figure competitor.  I would have said something if I wasn't with my fiance (who is also very muscular and powerful but more of an athlete/natural way).  I did think maybe it was a shoot for herbiceps or something.  Anyone from the area and know who it might be?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: trickdarter on August 28, 2017, 11:05:52 pm
Just a question.  I have been a Muscle fetish guy since I was about 14.  I'm 45 now.  I also live in a part of the country where there isn't much muscle on women.  When I see a very muscular woman, which is very rare, I lose control.  I'm so attracted to the bulk, shapes, veins, and muscle that my heart races.  I often if on foot will change direction just to see if what I'm seeing is actually what I'm seeing.  I give up very fast though because I hate the idea of stalking. 

The first time I seen a FBB was in Vegas.  I saw Monica Martin walking through a casino.  I followed for about 50 yards and finally got the balls to approach her and ask for a pic.  She was so nice and flexed for me in the pic.  I was a mess for the rest of the day.  A freaking mess.  She is/was incredible.  During that "Surprise" sighting I was a walking hard on until I relieved myself.  Funny thing is, I booked a session with her the next year.  My reaction was totally different.  She was beautiful, but my heart never raced and I couldn't get nearly as excited, mostly cause I was anxious I guess.

A few months ago, I seen a VERY RIPPED veiny chick with huge pumpkin shoulders walking out of my local grocery store.  I was in a rush so I just kept going, but my heart again was racing and took a long time to relax. 

Anyone else experience similar things? 

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: csll on August 28, 2017, 11:58:37 pm
This is very much the same sort of reaction I have when I see a muscular woman IRL. Of course there are varying degrees - sometimes I'll spot an otherwise "normal" woman with huge calves and get that tinge of excitement. But on the extremely rare occasions that I actually see a true female bodybuilder (even at the figure level) in public, it's like my body goes into red alert and I'm stuck on that moment for at least the next couple days. It's like seeing a unicorn. But I've never been to a contest or had a session, so my exposure in general has been very low, despite having always been attracted to these women.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Bugenhagen on August 29, 2017, 01:23:17 am
Lol yeah, I can get the freeze, the heat up, the run away, and the creeper when I run across muscular women in the wild. It took some effort and opportunities, but I've gotten more comfortable with speaking to them and hang out. That said, a few years ago, I had a female bodybuilding friend for a while who was around 5'7" 155 and really into competing naturally.

I came onto her, but it didn't go anywhere after I found out she was friends with my most recent ex. Still, we struck up a friendship. What I eventually learned though, was that I was completely controlled by the halo effect. Rather, I was so attracted to her that I kind of glossed over how... unfun she was. I'd just let her drone on about men she was dating and bad decisions she'd make and even though I wasn't into our interaction, I let myself hang around because of that body. I found it to be a pretty interesting darkside to musclepreciation.

Oh, and generally, every time I see a woman with gargantuan calves, I pretty much gotta go holla lol. Ever since the first set I saw in college, I lose control over bulgy calves. I even wrote songs about it.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaggyjoe on August 29, 2017, 12:42:41 pm
Same reaction here. Heart beating, legs shaking, and that feeling that lasts for hours or days thinking about it and having to relief, even a couple of times.
Interesting that I have also the same reaction when going to a session: one of them I was kind of nervous, and the other one I had the feeling of "ok, I'm here so what". Not the same heart beating/legs shaking reaction of seeing a huge girl on the streets.

"It's like seeing an unicorn": very well written, pretty much like that!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: pumpfiction on August 29, 2017, 06:54:27 pm
I have to admit I went through a similar story more than a decade ago, and yes, it's much the setting, the location or the incongruity and serendipity of the situation combined together that make the experience more exciting.

So 13 years ago I was attending an appointment at this local student housing body on the second floor when I quickly peeped through the window on my way back to the exit downstairs. It was actually a short glance but my eyes captured a very unnaturally tanned women in a dark green dress driving a Peugeot IIRC at low speed through the street. I finally joined my friend sitting on the pavement when I spotted the said car and the woman getting out of it who was actually… Maryse Manios. Incredible. No words could be uttered for a couple of seconds. No time to be hard funnily enough. Hence the exaggerated tan (Any pic of Maryse on the net shows she damn loves her tan). The only FBBs I had seen so far before were natural competitors. Not in the same league by a couple of miles. My eyes and what I could have seen of Maryse online or on national TV so far didn’t lie: she was built like a fucking tank. I’ve seen my (small) share of FBBs IRL later on, most of the time a little bit underwhelmed by their actual size compared to their photos. But not Maryse. She is in another dimension.

So back to the story, she got out of her car, I can’t remember if my jaw was agape or not, stepping on the pavement, I mean, swaggering her way to her apartment. To be fair swaggering may be a too strong word for that, there wasn’t really a hint of arrogance just a woman with enough confidence to parade her body during a day of heatwave at the sight of everybody. I couldn’t stop thinking about it the rest of day.

I came back to the housing body the day after for a new appointment around lunchtime. Again, and I hardly believe in sheer luck, but Maryse was again stomping the pavement, this time with the tan totally washed off. The surprise was still there much more because of seeing her a second time in a row within a couple of days but shock was gone. Both times i never approached her despite her legendary kindness. To be fair, at that time it wasn’t uncommon to see Maryse wandering around the city centre like the local TV shows on her would let me imagine  so I could expect to see her one day crossing my path… Which never materialized ha ha.

Fast forward almost a decade later when I attended my first FIBO-Messe when it was still held in Essen. At that time I was training powerlifting-style quite seriously with a group of friends so my reasons to be here were about perusing the new equipments and of course because it’s the freaking FIBO and you have to got your arse there once in the lifetime. I saw all those BBing superstars, the Jay Cutlers (In a injury mode, in such a bad shape that he looked like a heart failure patient), the Lee Priest (So tiny), the Dennis Jameses and Dexter Jacksons (Not much taller), Big Guenther not so big. Only the giant Marcus Ruhl looked as imposing as his pictures always suggested.

So of course, I also met my share of FBBers with Maryse again and Kathy Connors, but the awe wasn’t the same. Natalie Falk offered me a bright smile when I took a pic of her, her condition was impressive but her small stature kind of undermined it. Same for Daniela Sell and her bulky frame who almost failed to impress me, certainly because of her small height, nevertheless her stern stare when I briefly looked at her was enough to turn my head swiftly in another direction lol (Not that she was angry at me or otherwise).Marika Johansson's body already started the get the (heavy) ink treatment so that I couldn't discern the muscles.

IMO, the fact I have seen so many pics of FBBs online seemed to have desensitized to the sight of FBBs. Or more certainly, the location (FIBO) and the natural expectation of spotting them there was in cause.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on August 29, 2017, 09:33:09 pm
My health teacher was also a gym teacher. She was cut not big but very defined. We were learning about the muscular system and she for 5 seconds flexed her right bicep. I didn't move for about 5 seconds. I tried not to make a face or anything because I didn't want to look weird. The muscle ripples from her arm gave me a thrill. That happened today.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bicepboy on August 29, 2017, 09:42:21 pm
That effect definitely happens to me. It can be overwhelming. On Saturday -- around noon --  I was walking behind a young hipsterish couple, for a block and then around the corner. The young woman was a little round and wearing flip-flops, but her hamstrings were full and hard and her calves were about all I could see for two minutes. Huge, hard, shapely -- in sandals. I couldn't even imagine how they would pop in heels. But that was tame compared to what happens to me when I see strong biceps. There was the senior citizen in the grocery market who had my gaze the whole time I was there -- I had to speak with her and made a little small talk in line, but didn't have the presence to go with her and try to chat her up. Then, there was the time I saw Lisa Aukland in a Panera's, while my g/f was in the ladies room. I was so blown away, I had to run to the mens room myself. But, in sessions, it's more work. Lacks the excitement in the element of surprise, I guess.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba69 on August 29, 2017, 11:42:15 pm
It's like over time I've developed a sixth sense in detecting female muscle! This dog can track!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: M7 on September 09, 2017, 11:07:00 am
Definitely still feel the adrenaline rush when seeing big, muscular women. Even more so when it's unexpected. Doubt I'll ever lose the excitement of seeing an impressive woman in public. Pics and vids is one thing, seeing them right in front of you is entirely another.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: M7 on September 09, 2017, 11:34:35 am
Had a good one yesterday. Totally unexpected which is always nice. Had an appointment that was next door to a 24 hour fitness gym. I didn't notice her right away unfortunately and only got a look from the side as I was walking from my car. She was big, but not huge. Very nice size though and good definition. She was wearing a black tank top and tight black spandex with an interesting design that showed part of her skin all the way down her legs. Her legs were thick and very symmetrical. Quads, hams and calves were all exceptional and just exploded as she walked. I'd guess about 5'6" tall with dark hair and a fairly deep tan. I'd say her arms were between 15 and 16 inches and her shoulders were nice and big. The shoulders and legs really caught my eye the most. I was so transfixed by her physique I didn't get a good look at her face. If I had noticed her sooner, I would've given her a compliment, but I didn't want to chase her down or be late for my appointment. Maybe I need to find a reason to go back to that side of town again!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on September 09, 2017, 01:44:44 pm
Really good run in the other day.  Was at the grocery store, had just checked out, and decided to go get a lottery ticket.  I was putting my cash back in my pocket and dropped a quarter.  As I went to pick up the quarter, a nice heads up penny was sitting right there.  Perfect, a little luck for my lottery ticket.  So I'm standing waiting for my ticket and look to my left and an extremely ripped pair of shoulders catches my eye walking the opposite way.  I could see she was wearing a grey tank top with a sports bra underneath.  Her back was just rippling with veins and muscle.  I didn't get a good look at anything else so I got my ticket and walked over.  Her biceps seemed to swell with every movement and her triceps were just shredded. She was about the same age as me, mid 20's with shorter brown hair, cute face, and a body that just screamed, in every sense of the word, ripped.  I struck up a conversation and asked if she competed.  She told me well in crossfit and said she went to one in that town.  I couldn't stop staring at her hard pecs in the tank top.  She wasn't huge just extremely ripped and muscular.  The tank top really showed off everything.  Her legs were also not enormous but definitely defined and muscular.  She was wearing tight shorts and black flip flops that really showed off her legs and cute feet.  We talked, flirted for a little, and she told me I should join where she does crossfit and that she has been thinking about going figure.  I made a half joke and said just go big and go for bodybuilding.  She laughed and smiled and said maybe one day.  Not exactly the luck I was looking for from that penny but I'll take it.  Since she's from one of the towns near me, it was easy to look her up on inst@gram.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Boyo on September 10, 2017, 10:54:08 am
Happened to me yesterday. There's. Lady who works in the Health, Beauty, Sports Nutrition dept in Whole Foods in Cheltenham (in the U.K.) who caught me by surprise.

I live maybe 50 minutes away, and it's expensive, so Whole Foods for me is a payday treat. I stock up on their beer (seriously the craft beer selection is insane) and also they do great fresh fish. So anyway, I've pretty much done my shopping, I'm just waiting for the fishmonger to fillet my bream; "come back in 10 minutes" he says, so I go for one final lap of the store.

I take a random turning and whoops, I'm in the health and beauty dept, and I narrowly avoid pushing my trolley in to a blonde lady - entirely her fault by the way, she wasn't looking where she was going. She works there, and she apologises, and I just smile vacantly. I do a quick, up-n-down of course and she's wearing a loose black Whole Foods polo shirt, and black knee length leggings. She's now on her knee's re-stocking some lower shelves. I walk past her.

But hang on - as with many of us here, I now have an in-built muscle radar. Look st her posture, her neck, her waist to bum narrowness:wideness ratio, etc.

As I'm walking past her, that loose polo shirt isn't so loose around her upper arms. In fact the sleeves are fairly taught. As she unpacks whatever quite heavy item it is she's unpacking, THERE IT IS, a spilt-second fleeting glimpse of a slim, fit, late 40's maybe early 50's pretty blonde lady with a serious arm on her.

I now have to - HAVE TO - stop and turn and just stare at her. I have to see if that was a trick of the light, or my eyes deceiving me. Let's just get to the end of the aisle and look at whatever's on offer at the end of the aisle (women's make up FML) so I can just get a good look at her. I do just that and she stands up and she's now standing on tip-toes putting something on a higher shelf. Oh jeez, her legs were insane. In those tight black knee length leggings her calves were on full display, her thighs were huge, her hamstrings were even bigger, and best yet, her bum was nice and pronounced and the leggings she wore were SO tight fitting they went up and in her bum crack haha. Incredible sight. To make it easier, Monica Mollica lower half, maybe the IronButterfly2b (YouTube) upper body. Muscular upper half, but insane lower half. To my mind st least she looked like a powerlifter.

I was transfixed but I could just carry on the charade looking at ethically sourced eyeshadow so I went to the breaksfast cereal aisle, which was right there, picked up a small packet of speltflakes, and then double-backed on myself past her again and had another look, where she got in my way again, this time with a smile, before helping someone else.

Did she know? I think so. Was she used to it? Maybe. I've seen and know a couple of younger, hotter and much bigger girls at Crossfit, and get on with them fine with zero schmoeness, but this lady just caught me by surprise
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: camy3 on September 13, 2017, 12:24:40 am
Saw a decent looking blonde white chick who is clearly a bodybuilder or cross fit with muscular legs and a muscular back coming out of Chipotles two months ago.  She was wearing a tank top and khaki shorts.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on September 16, 2017, 12:18:03 pm
Yesterday I was with my friends at lunch, when a girl said "I can beat anyone in arm wrestling". I had to look up to see what was going on. When I looked up I saw this cheerleader flex her bicep through her sleeve. She then proceeded to beat 5 out of 9 of the football players she was with.  Her bicep was so nice it went through the sleeve. My friends weren't look at me at the time while I was staring.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: tarzan7 on September 16, 2017, 01:56:57 pm
Collette Nelson

I saw her twice around three or four years ago in and around the Madison Square Park area of Manhattan, the East 30s. I used to work in the area and saw this beautiful woman in a baggy gym jacket, pants and sneakers walking down the street. Like anyone normally does when you see someone by surprise I did a double take. She had no makeup on but was still pretty. My only surprise was that I always envisioned her has being 5' 10" or more based on her "Amazonian" physique in her pictures. She is more like 5' 5" or something like that.

The next time was a year later, like the last time around noon or 1 pm. Dressed the same way. This time I did follow her for a block and was going to introduce myself, compliment her and say I was a fan. I thought better of it and moved on. It was exciting to see one of the greats in person.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bkrugby on September 21, 2017, 12:41:31 am
I was just in the gym today, the NYSC at Crowne Plaza.  Must have been lifting girls day.  There were 3 of them.  An older woman, I'd say 50s maybe, who had a pretty developed back, she was small, but she was hitting the cables hard and later did some leg lifts on one of the benches.  There was a hispanic woman who had respectable muscle, her arms were cut and she had good back development.  Saw her repping out 135 on the flat bench.  Then another woman, not really muscular, but clearly fit, doing about 185lb hip thrusters on the Smith Machine.

TBH, I was going to skip the gym today, but seeing these ladies push it gave me motivation to power through.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: ThirdRedeemer on September 21, 2017, 03:11:12 pm
I used to go to a gym where the owner's wife was training. She is blonde and I think she participates in fitness.

She did not really look very muscular, but when she took off her sportswear everything changed. She was dressed in a black top and pink lycra pants. She looked strong and her traps were amazing, as were her shoulders.

I tell you that in one part of her training, she took huge dumbbells, and her grunts of effort were very sexy. I really did not think she was a body builder, but she was pretty strong.

I can not imagine the size and strength of a female bodybuilder in person. It must be something spectacular.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on September 23, 2017, 10:33:56 pm
Yup, muscle ladies get my heart pumping for sure. My breath gets short and I cannot take my eyes off of them. The desire is simply overwhelming. 
And then there are those times when you are in the gym and see a real FBB working out, the power and tenacity - the physical drive these Goddesses display is arousing to say the least. Fucking strong, beautiful face, healthy as hell and a super terrific bod is just the pinnacle of sexual lust for me.

Years ago, I went into a Powerhouse to join up. At the counter was a big blonde, about 25, taking to one of the staff. She was wearing a flannel long sleeve shirt and loose sweat pants. I didn't really take a close look because she looked - at a glace, pretty over-weight = pretty large breasts. I did notice she had a pretty tight neck line - always a good thing. She glanced at me and we quickly smiled at one another . . .
as I got changed and started warming up on a treadmill, she went to the mirrors at the far end of the gym. She unbuttoned the flannel and quickly tossed it aside and stepped out of her sweat pants. OMG!!! NOW IN A BIKINI - she was huge - juiced and jacked. Her large breasts which made her look fat, in fact, where like two muscle torpedo tits. Her belly was solid hard abs and her legs were magnificent - giant calves. She started posing facing the mirror.YES, really rocking that hot bod in all the required poses one has to do at a competition.  She _knew_ she was in view, and could keep an eye on me and anyone else who was interested. BOY WAS I!!!!  After a couple of minutes, she put her 'cover clothes' back on. I was about to loose it.

Oddly enough, as I got into my car after working out, she was just pulling out of her parking spot. We both got on the freeway, but within seconds she took it up to like 85 (this during the 55mph era) and left my sorry ass in the dust.

I was only a member there for about six months, and only saw her a few times (she worked out I think in the early AM when I had to work), but I never got up the guts to hit on her. WOW!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on September 23, 2017, 10:43:29 pm
" I used to go to a gym where the owner's wife was training. She is blonde "

You should read my experience (earlier in this thread) with Judy Moshkowski (google her) at the powerhouse gym in East Lansing, MI.

[ I can not imagine the size and strength of a female bodybuilder in person. It must be something spectacular ]

Judy could bench 305 for reps. She was simply enormous and ripped to the bone.
Sadly, she was juicing so hard that in only a couple of years it took a real toll on her face.

Another blonde, younger,  who worked out there and who I wrote about - (Danielle) was still one of the hottest muscle babes I have ever seen.
So hot you could literally lose your marbles - really!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Spook345 on September 24, 2017, 06:12:41 am
 :wow: I this was a few years ago. I saw Sharon Madderson in the local deal Mart  (asda) she was huge . She had on a tank top which showed off her immense wide back and powerful delts she was just a picture of beauty. I was amazed by the size of her. I was in my eminent.  But if course I also heard tuts and not so nice comments from others shoppers. Really annoys me why people have to be like that
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: tarzan7 on September 24, 2017, 11:24:31 am
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:wow:I this was a few years ago. I saw Sharon Madderson in the local deal Mart  (asda) she was huge . She had on a tank top which showed off her immense wide back and powerful delts she was just a picture of beauty. I was amazed by the size of her. I was in my eminent.  But if course I also heard tuts and not so nice comments from others shoppers. Really annoys me why people have to be like that

I was unfamiliar with Sharon. I just checked out pics of her online. She not only has a strong physique, yet is quite beautiful and feminine. The "smart" comments must have came from men & women of both sexes who are jealous of her,
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: OldSchmoe67 on September 24, 2017, 11:15:17 pm
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But hang on - as with many of us here, I now have an in-built muscle radar. Look st her posture, her neck, her waist to bum narrowness:wideness ratio, etc.

True story. Necks always give it away. I learned that as a teen and still use it to spot them.   
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on September 30, 2017, 12:31:02 pm
She was about 5'6" or 5'7".  Same height as another well known 'gym sister' who went on to win the Nationals, MARCY KILLIAN.  Google her for a pic. They had similar development = hot as fuk.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on October 04, 2017, 07:11:52 pm
My health teacher wore a black tank top today. She was sweating and she’s a woman who talks with her hands. I got quite the treat  ;)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Drbench012 on October 05, 2017, 03:27:39 pm
I walked through Penn Station last week. As I said my goodbyes to a friend, a short solid fbb stomps right passed me. I rushed my last sentence with my friends and followed her in the direction my train. Her back was massive and she had some of the biggest calves I've seen.

When I caught up I said something goofy like "I respect your work ethic." She took out her headphones smiled and said thank you. I thought for sure it was Claudia Partenza. But I emailed her later that night. She'd been in Italy all week. Shame I didn't stay and find out more about this mystery FBB!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on October 08, 2017, 02:07:00 am
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That sounds ok.  But how much muscle she got?  Height, age rack size, etc.  would be nice to know.

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My health teacher wore a black tank top today. She was sweating and she’s a woman who talks with her hands. I got quite the treat  ;)
she's 5'6, 47 years old, and c cups. she's got a lot of muscles, she not big but very ripped
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on October 09, 2017, 01:40:15 pm
I posted earlier about my new neighbor the ripped firefighter.
Last night, we had a party, and I gave her a hug when she came over.
O.M.G. !!! - It was like hugging a muscular granite statute - she is just unbelievably lean and muscular.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: redrob on October 13, 2017, 08:49:44 am
I am sure I saw Asian bodybuilder Cerra Aredia this past weekend walking around London with a guy this past weekend. In Knightsbridge area. Does anyone know whether this could be true? She looked huge!! Massive arms and huge back and she was wearing a sleeveless top which clearly showed off her physique. It was quite a sight and she drew a lot of attention. Can't imagine there are too many other massive Asian female bodybuilders around so I'm pretty sure it was her. Didn't get a chance to snap a pic but wish I had!!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: UK_Fan on October 13, 2017, 09:07:53 am
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I am sure I saw Asian bodybuilder Cerra Aredia this past weekend walking around London with a guy this past weekend. In Knightsbridge area. Does anyone know whether this could be true? She looked huge!! Massive arms and huge back and she was wearing a sleeveless top which clearly showed off her physique. It was quite a sight and she drew a lot of attention. Can't imagine there are too many other massive Asian female bodybuilders around so I'm pretty sure it was her. Didn't get a chance to snap a pic but wish I had!!

I could be her I saw a few years ago ( a hort Far East Asian woman) at London's Kings Cross Station (of Harry Potter fame) and (possbily) again nearby a few months later, though it's hard to tell as I only saw the woman from behind - though she (the woman I saw) seemed to have bigger legs (she was wearing some shorts, showing off some HUGE thighs) than Cerra's (looking at the photos on a Google search at least).  Maybe it was her and she was in full off-season condition.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: redrob on October 14, 2017, 10:18:11 am
You'd have known if it was her. She was absolutely colossal in the upper body. She was wearing leggings but her legs were bodybuilder size!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: UK_Fan on October 14, 2017, 12:53:45 pm
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You'd have known if it was her. She was absolutely colossal in the upper body. She was wearing leggings but her legs were bodybuilder size!

To be honest she's never been on my radar up until then (if it was her at all).  As I said, I only saw her from behind with a glimpse at the front and at a distance (some lucky man [staff member] was helping her with something...before I could offer to do so myself [she looked lost by the ticket gates - probably didn't know which platform to go to]) and she was completely covered on the top half.  It was a similar experience the second time, though a bit longer (she was with some guy) but from much further away (50m+).  My memory isn't that great so I don't remember her face specifically, only that she was oriental in origin and those huge bronzed quads.  Here's hoping she'll be back my way soon.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on October 14, 2017, 08:43:57 pm
I was at the gym today (like every day), and I had just finished my abs routine, which was situps using the punching bag.
I was talking to some friends, when a woman I see regularly walked by. She's very, very lean, with very defined abs even when she's not flexing. I said "I want abs like hers" - and reached out and touched her stomach.
She grabbed by fingers, and pulled my hand against her hard stomach and ran my fingers up and down over all those ridges.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: M7 on October 16, 2017, 09:49:41 am
Thanks for the report beowulff. K+++ I'd love to see Lynette's calves if she did train them! They're very impressive. I know what you mean about pictures not doing women justice.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: t651 on October 25, 2017, 11:26:33 am
So I don't normally post in here mainly to not look like a creeper.
But today whilst grabbing lunch at a nearby outlet store I spied this lovely creature.

She was on the phone the whole time so I couldn't approach (probably wouldn't have even if she wasn't anyway  :'()

Big girl and sadly the photos don't show it, but awesome pecs.  Big striations.
Anyway hope you all enjoy

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Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: TXToast on October 30, 2017, 03:30:30 pm
I was lucky enough to be in Orlando a few years ago during the Europa but due to other commitments, I only had about 45 minutes to browse.  I walked around the Expo seeing many girls I recognized from Facebook or Insta**** including Dana Lynn Bailey who was ripped but tiny (very sexy though). I watched as some bikini competitors were approaching the stage and heard two women chatting next to me. One was completely covered up but about to go on stage so I didn’t get a good look. The other was Colette Nelson. She was nowhere near the contest shape we have all seen her but she was wearing a tank top the showed off her impressive shoulders and arms. She was shorter than I would have imagined (as is the case with many FBBs). I have followed her career since she first broke on to the scene out of Michigan.  Her friend left and it was just her and I and I froze.  She literally stood next to me for two minutes and I blanked. I’ve never been too shy about approaching women and have a solid history but I had put her so high up, I couldn’t do a thing.  She finally walked away and I couldn’t believe the moment had passed.  Talk about regrets!! :areyouchicken:
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bobsaget on October 31, 2017, 10:16:05 pm
I find it hard to keep it together. I have regular sightings and have even struck up conversation with a few but its hard to not sound like a creep when you cant think straight thanks to your heart moving to you ears and your stomach in your mouth and butterfly's in your guts and all your extremities tingling. Just a simple, "Hi. You look great. How long have you been training" is all I can manage really. Any more than that and I start to fall all over myself
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on November 01, 2017, 12:51:11 am
I mentioned earlier in this thread of a muscular cheerleader that was on my bus, I saw her again earlier tonight. I was walking my young brother around for Halloween. Me and my brother were walking around he was getting candy.  I was waiting next to a telephone pole when she came walking up in a grey jacket and jeans. Apparently she was taking out her little sister. We started up a conversation about how much in shape she was in. She said that she still works out just not as much as she used to.  Then she said that her bicep was still very hard, an immediately bicep flex was had. I felt it again and yeah it was still very hard. I started to studder and said “Yeaaaaaaaah  thoseeeeee are hardddddd aaall right”. She said that her boyfriend really enjoys it. Then we both went our separate ways.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: songman on November 04, 2017, 06:18:13 am
I saw a woman in her 20's walking down the street in my hood. short sleeves and shorts. About 5'4" pretty big and 'cut' just right. I gave her a compliment and she liked it. I thought I'd never see her again. A couple of weeks later I saw her again but she didn't remember much for that...or is it? :)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: madsoam2 on November 04, 2017, 06:52:00 pm
Sightings in the gym are most common, and while they are always awesome occasions, they are definitely the least exhilarating.  Nothing compares to a chance encounter in public...

This week I attended a school information session with my wife as we are considering options for one of our kids next year.  One of the features was a Q&A with a panel of parents of current students.  We arrived in the room a little late and ended up sitting in the very front row, only a couple feet from where the panelists were standing.  Not surprisingly, the panel was made up of moms.

As I took my place, I innocently scanned across the women standing in in front of us, and my "muscle radar" had not gone off to this point.  As the women introduced themselves and gave a little background, I noticed one of them had a pronounced vein running up from her wrist on the outside of her forearm.  I only saw a few inches of her forearm peeking out from a pretty heavy, structured blue blazer, so this was a very subtle queue.  I obviously registered this tiny observation as "interesting" given that I know, as I suspect most of you do, that it is not typical for women to have vascularity there without either unique genetics or some kind of physical training.  To this point, aside from this one curious clue, I wasn't really picking up any other queues that she might have an exceptional physique hidden away, despite the fact that I was sitting a mere 6 or 7 feet away from her. 

Over the new few minutes, my eyes kept returning involuntarily back to this woman's hands and wrists, which she was typically clasping in front of her.  She spoke little, so I couldn't really spend long interrupted periods studying her while I was listening to her talk.  She did make a few comments, eventually, and while doing so she began to make small gesticulations with her hands.  That's when I noticed that she also had thick veins running up the back of her forearms as well.  Again, I could see very little, only about 3 or 4 inches, of her exposed forearms as she moved her arms and her blazer sleeves pulled back slightly, so I had little to work with (so to speak).  The noticeable vascularity was evident now, so as I studied harder I began to see that these couple of inches of forearm seemed to have some substance to them, showing hints of mass and even muscular striation.  Also, I noticed that while her hands were small-ish and well-proportioned to her overall stature (let's say about 5 ft, 3 in), they appeared to be clearly quite strong.  Where you might expect a woman to have delicate hands and fingers, hers were rather thick as if used to manual work.  She had short, unpainted fingernails and she wore no rings or other jewelry.  My now activated imagination explained these observations as clear indicators that she spent lots of time in a gym where such feminine habits were just not sensible to maintain.

She was wearing this blue blazer over a very hefty tweed dress that went just below her knees.  I began to study her lower legs and calves, which were covered in thick black nylons.  Consistent with the rest of her modest attire, she was wearing flat, ballet-style shoes that did nothing to accentuate her calves.  I noticed that her calves were exceptionally large, although the nylons made it impossible to really see any detail.  Initially, due to the rather conservative, but well-structured ensemble she was wearing, I attributed the large calves simply as "chubbiness."  Now, when drawing on the queues I picked up from her hands and wrists, I studied them more carefully and began to see that they may have actually been immensely muscular.  I could detect some of subtle, but characteristics shapes of her calves flexing when she shifted her weight slightly, but with her flat shoes they just didn't convey much beyond their significant size.

I worked hard to pick up anything else I could from that point, once I had decided that she was hiding an extraordinary physique.  The dress showed very little, and the blazer, which had some structure to it, was also frustratingly good at hiding what might have been present beneath.  She definitely filled out the blazer, but I while I looked very, very hard for evidence of pronounced deltoids or biceps swelling beneath the fabric, I could not really see anything.  Her dress and blazer basically covered her to her neck and I also couldn't see any telltale shape to her shoulders to suggest developed traps.  Her neck looked to be rather thick and I could see the tendons and muscle quite clearly.  Interestingly, I noticed a vein protrude a bit on her forehead near the end, which I grouped together with my other visual queues to conclude that something was going on with her physique that I was so tantalizingly close to seeing but had to mostly use my imagination to fill in.

When the Q&A session was over, I had convinced myself that this woman was either some sort of physique athlete, perhaps a bodybuilder or powerlifter, or she was a committed crossfit enthusiast.  With this decision, I also surmised that the outfit was very deliberately put together to de-emphasize her physique in front of the audience of parents.  I get that.  Unfortunately, she said her name very briefly in the beginning, before I keyed in on what I was looking at, and I did not register it so I could attempt to look her up.  I admit that I've done some online detective work to try to see if I could figure out who she might be, but it is proving to be a needle in a haystack with very little info with which to work.  I'm mostly resigned to the fact that I may never know who she is.  There is some remote chance we could cross paths again, I suppose (even if we choose the school, her kids may be moving on and we'd not be there at the same time...I didn't even manage to figure this part out from the unregistered introductory info she shared before I was really paying attention). 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Jaybee on November 06, 2017, 06:50:02 pm
A muscle woman is something I can't prep for.  It's one thing seeing hundreds of gorgeous legs, chests, glutes onscreen.  I could see the same woman through hundreds of different pictures, or a dozen videos.

Nothing ever readies you when you see her in the flesh.  It's the difference between watching a video of a rollercoaster, and physically RIDING one.  For me, just seeing one is near-epiphany, and all attempts at maintaining gentlemanly dignity dissolve to mush, as my mouth hangs, my eyes bulge wide, my breathing gets laboured.

I saw my first one about 10 years back, she was a Julia Malacarne lookalike.  I was picking up a parcel that got delivered to an almost identically named road, some old lady let me in and made me a cup of tea whilst waiting.  I was only there two minutes when this absolute Amazon, who must have had at leas 28" thighs and 20" calves in Daisy Dukes, yet model-beautiful with it, bounded around the corner and raced upstairs.  Within barely a second the old lady returned with the parcel and shooed me back out, I tried engaging her in convo but my brain was just fried with shock, awe and frankly lust.

That day I came VERY close to becoming a frickken stalker !!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: txduggan on November 16, 2017, 10:17:09 pm
Lot of good stories in here...

I've been an admirer since 1978...Sports Illustrated article entitled, "Here she is, Miss What???" 

Laura Combes' double bicep pose from that article is what put me on journey that I still enjoy ;)

So...I've pretty much only had 4 sightings...1 being just last month...

First was in NJ where I use to work...back in the early 90's.... 
I was on my way to work, on a back road behind the Meadowlands Sports Complex,
when I come around a bend and see this blonde in a wrestling onesie..  Typical 90's
NJ hair....BIG and flowing....but, she had this BROAD shoulders and quads that could
crush a....(pick fruit of choice)  Nice, full arms, definitely muscle, but I'd say she was
holding on to about 10-15% body fat...who cares...she filled out that leotard quite nicely ;)

Second was around the same time period...90's... I was still working in NJ and coworker
and I decided to go the local mall's food court for lunch...

I first noticed the wide hair in a guinea t-shirt...nicely formed delts I saw
as she walked closer... and for you WPW / Ray Martin fans, I swear it was Valerie Stauffer!

Third was in a gym I used to go to, again in the 90's...

I don't think I recognized her...and she definitely was a 'roid monster...good size and definition,
but not attractive at all.  Very masculine facial features...very square jaw.  But HUGE muscle ;)

I'm a professional photographer now, and the 4th came last month as I was shooting a wedding
in the Hudson Valley of NY...

Day started out typical...go photograph the groom and his groomsmen....ho hum...blah blah blah...

It gets time to go to the church before the ceremony, and I show up early to get some detail shots
and shots of guests arriving...

So, I'm standing on the front steps, and out of the corner of my eye, I see DELTS walking down the
street hanging out of a shoulderless dress...

As she gets closer, I noticed a very distinct V taper, and even though she was walking towards me,
I saw some very nice calves peeking out from behind her shins...

She had curly, sandy-brown hair, brown eyes, and KILLER red lipstick on ;)

Those delts were quite nice and well defined, and while she did not flex, you saw the head of her
bicep just wanting to pop out whenever she bent her arm...

She bent over to say hello to one of her little cousins and I almost fell over...her traps just
popped out of her dress as she was giving a hug to the little one...  Not huge, but incredibly

Needless to say, I was quite distracted once it became time to photograph the ceremony :P

Long story short...I wasn't contracted for the entire reception, but I will say that watching her
dance and bulge was something to be remembered for a long time...

Oh...and I found out that she's a trainer for a professional football team out on the west coast...

Boo ya!

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jstans on December 05, 2017, 03:25:10 am
I was out Saturday night at a bar close to a college campus that was packed to the gills. I'm pretty much out of the mode for those places, but I was with my roommate and his friends to ease the pain of a college football loss (boo the Buckeyes, by the way). I was hot, tired and done with fighting the crowd, and thinking it was time to go. Then I saw a young lady in a semicircle booth, lustily singing Lady Gaga and with some very muscular biceps and forearms in a sleeveless beige blouse. As soon as I saw her arms bulge, I kept staring, hoping she might stand up and start dancing to the music, just to see her muscles twitch and bounce so more.

Suffice it to say I decided to stick around a little bit longer.

Sorry to gild the lily, but what can a writer do? I wasn't feeling up to approaching her through all her friends, so when they got up to go, I went over and let her know I appreciated her muscle. Her response: "Oh, you like my biceps! (bashful laugh) Do you know what CrossFit is? ("Of course!") I'm trying to go to Nationals, but I'm not ready to cut out the drinking."

You know, it's a shame the damn bar was so full. Muscular or not, I like a woman who likes to sing.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jstans on December 06, 2017, 03:52:13 am
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I was out Saturday night at a bar close to a college campus that was packed to the gills. I'm pretty much out of the mode for those places, but I was with my roommate and his friends to ease the pain of a college football loss (boo the Buckeyes, by the way). I was hot, tired and done with fighting the crowd, and thinking it was time to go. Then I saw a young lady in a semicircle booth, lustily singing Lady Gaga and with some very muscular biceps and forearms in a sleeveless beige blouse. As soon as I saw her arms bulge, I kept staring, hoping she might stand up and start dancing to the music, just to see her muscles twitch and bounce so more.

Suffice it to say I decided to stick around a little bit longer.

Sorry to gild the lily, but what can a writer do? I wasn't feeling up to approaching her through all her friends, so when they got up to go, I went over and let her know I appreciated her muscle. Her response: "Oh, you like my biceps! (bashful laugh) Do you know what CrossFit is? ("Of course!") I'm trying to go to Nationals, but I'm not ready to cut out the drinking."

You know, it's a shame the damn bar was so full. Muscular or not, I like a woman who likes to sing.
I guess she is just enjoying life.

What else can you really do when it's so short?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Adam_S on December 19, 2017, 06:17:20 pm
I've been to the place where Paige Sandgren works, multiple times. She's huge in person, cute as ten buttons, and super nice. First time I was there she hadn't blown up on the FBB circuit yet.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Unicron on December 24, 2017, 12:34:10 am
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Sightings in the gym are most common, and while they are always awesome occasions, they are definitely the least exhilarating.  Nothing compares to a chance encounter in public...

This week I attended a school information session with my wife as we are considering options for one of our kids next year.  One of the features was a Q&A with a panel of parents of current students.  We arrived in the room a little late and ended up sitting in the very front row, only a couple feet from where the panelists were standing.  Not surprisingly, the panel was made up of moms.

As I took my place, I innocently scanned across the women standing in in front of us, and my "muscle radar" had not gone off to this point.  As the women introduced themselves and gave a little background, I noticed one of them had a pronounced vein running up from her wrist on the outside of her forearm.  I only saw a few inches of her forearm peeking out from a pretty heavy, structured blue blazer, so this was a very subtle queue.  I obviously registered this tiny observation as "interesting" given that I know, as I suspect most of you do, that it is not typical for women to have vascularity there without either unique genetics or some kind of physical training.  To this point, aside from this one curious clue, I wasn't really picking up any other queues that she might have an exceptional physique hidden away, despite the fact that I was sitting a mere 6 or 7 feet away from her. 

Over the new few minutes, my eyes kept returning involuntarily back to this woman's hands and wrists, which she was typically clasping in front of her.  She spoke little, so I couldn't really spend long interrupted periods studying her while I was listening to her talk.  She did make a few comments, eventually, and while doing so she began to make small gesticulations with her hands.  That's when I noticed that she also had thick veins running up the back of her forearms as well.  Again, I could see very little, only about 3 or 4 inches, of her exposed forearms as she moved her arms and her blazer sleeves pulled back slightly, so I had little to work with (so to speak).  The noticeable vascularity was evident now, so as I studied harder I began to see that these couple of inches of forearm seemed to have some substance to them, showing hints of mass and even muscular striation.  Also, I noticed that while her hands were small-ish and well-proportioned to her overall stature (let's say about 5 ft, 3 in), they appeared to be clearly quite strong.  Where you might expect a woman to have delicate hands and fingers, hers were rather thick as if used to manual work.  She had short, unpainted fingernails and she wore no rings or other jewelry.  My now activated imagination explained these observations as clear indicators that she spent lots of time in a gym where such feminine habits were just not sensible to maintain.

She was wearing this blue blazer over a very hefty tweed dress that went just below her knees.  I began to study her lower legs and calves, which were covered in thick black nylons.  Consistent with the rest of her modest attire, she was wearing flat, ballet-style shoes that did nothing to accentuate her calves.  I noticed that her calves were exceptionally large, although the nylons made it impossible to really see any detail.  Initially, due to the rather conservative, but well-structured ensemble she was wearing, I attributed the large calves simply as "chubbiness."  Now, when drawing on the queues I picked up from her hands and wrists, I studied them more carefully and began to see that they may have actually been immensely muscular.  I could detect some of subtle, but characteristics shapes of her calves flexing when she shifted her weight slightly, but with her flat shoes they just didn't convey much beyond their significant size.

I worked hard to pick up anything else I could from that point, once I had decided that she was hiding an extraordinary physique.  The dress showed very little, and the blazer, which had some structure to it, was also frustratingly good at hiding what might have been present beneath.  She definitely filled out the blazer, but I while I looked very, very hard for evidence of pronounced deltoids or biceps swelling beneath the fabric, I could not really see anything.  Her dress and blazer basically covered her to her neck and I also couldn't see any telltale shape to her shoulders to suggest developed traps.  Her neck looked to be rather thick and I could see the tendons and muscle quite clearly.  Interestingly, I noticed a vein protrude a bit on her forehead near the end, which I grouped together with my other visual queues to conclude that something was going on with her physique that I was so tantalizingly close to seeing but had to mostly use my imagination to fill in.

When the Q&A session was over, I had convinced myself that this woman was either some sort of physique athlete, perhaps a bodybuilder or powerlifter, or she was a committed crossfit enthusiast.  With this decision, I also surmised that the outfit was very deliberately put together to de-emphasize her physique in front of the audience of parents.  I get that.  Unfortunately, she said her name very briefly in the beginning, before I keyed in on what I was looking at, and I did not register it so I could attempt to look her up.  I admit that I've done some online detective work to try to see if I could figure out who she might be, but it is proving to be a needle in a haystack with very little info with which to work.  I'm mostly resigned to the fact that I may never know who she is.  There is some remote chance we could cross paths again, I suppose (even if we choose the school, her kids may be moving on and we'd not be there at the same time...I didn't even manage to figure this part out from the unregistered introductory info she shared before I was really paying attention).

Without condoning what you might do with the info, you may wish to look at the school's website to see if she is mentioned as a govenor or member of the parent-teacher association (or equivalent groups in your country).  Quite often (at least in the UK) these people are identified, and often are quite involved in school activities, and so would likely feature in news items/newletters (pdf) found on the school website.

Just a suggestion.

Great story! UK_Fan made a good point.

During my high school years (90's), I lived directly across the street from my former junior high school. One day while looking out the window, I saw an incredibly attractive woman with short blonde hair (a hairstyle similar to Tracy Mason's when she competed at the 2000 NPC USA) and muscular arms, conversing with staff in front of the school. She walked in with them, so I assumed she was a teacher. A few days after, I heard students inaudibly yelling someones name. I looked out the window and it was her with another woman, waving back at the students. Again, she was wearing a sleeveless top. I was destined to find out who she was, but didn't know how to inquire about a teacher with muscles to my younger neighbors and friends that attended the school. I was very private about my admiration for women with muscles.

One day as I was walking home, I think it was during lunch break for the teachers, I saw her and another woman walking towards me. She had on sunglasses, a tight black sleeveless turtleneck and white pants. My heart raced out of excitement and at the same time I did not want to stare as she walked towards me. I was into weightlifting at the time and had some muscle, but I don't think she took notice, since I was young and probably not her type. As the distance between her and I got shorter, she appeared taller and taller. When she walked by, my head was at the same height as her delts. She was ripped to shreds. I got nervous and only wished I stopped her for a second to ask if she competed. I crossed paths with her a few times after, while she walked into the school and occasionally saw her out of my window. I think she was smoker as well.

I checked out the school website many years ago in hopes that I would find a name to match the face, but to no avail. I wonder if she still works there? If anyone is familiar with I.S. 77 in Ridgewood Queens, that's where she worked.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Unicron on December 24, 2017, 01:15:50 am
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I walked through Penn Station last week. As I said my goodbyes to a friend, a short solid fbb stomps right passed me. I rushed my last sentence with my friends and followed her in the direction my train. Her back was massive and she had some of the biggest calves I've seen.

When I caught up I said something goofy like "I respect your work ethic." She took out her headphones smiled and said thank you. I thought for sure it was Claudia Partenza. But I emailed her later that night. She'd been in Italy all week. Shame I didn't stay and find out more about this mystery FBB!

That's better than the cliche, "do you workout or lift weights?" or "do you compete?". I'm chatting with Linda Estavillo right now and she said "I respect your work ethic" is authentic and genuine. She finds it irritating when someone asks if she lifts or competes. Lifting is obvious. ;)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: pakeha on December 27, 2017, 04:53:54 pm
Just spent the last few days in NYC. First day there I went to check-out a cafe in prep for my early morning coffee craving the next day and... out of the corner of my eye, I caught the image of a thickly muscled woman in a skin tight pink long sleeved shirt. I did the schmoe double-take as one does... and after a few moments, was pretty sure it was Anne Sheehan in all of her off-season thick magnificence... I (not so) casually walked back and forth a few times and inhaled her thickness from afar... her shirt had a plunging neckline and as she was leaning forward I got a good look at her thick chest...

I was actually going to say that I was '80% sure' it was Anne, but I just went into her Insta**** feed and see a pic of her in Chelsea wearing the same shirt, so now I'm 100% sure it's her

After a few moments I went outside and went around to the window she was sitting with her back to... paused for a few moments to take one last look.... her thick thick back crouched over... offset by her massive shoulders... all covered in a thin layer of cotton... made sure the image was indelibly etched onto my brain... then continued through the freezing streets on NYC....
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Boyo on December 27, 2017, 09:57:27 pm
There’s an amazing new spot at my work, Audi in Swindon (in the UK). The cleaning company we use to, obviously, erm, clean up every evening... employs largely a Brazilian workforce. There are some slightly older people working for them but generally speaking it’s a younger workforce. Men and women under 30 years old who’ve decided to take the plunge (pun very much intended), leave their home nation without a lick of English, take any job they can here, work hard, earn some money, and learn enough English to get by. Obviously these are just regular guys and girls, nothing to get excited about. About 18 months ago thee was an extremely cute little pixie who worked for about a week and then disappeared without a trace, but all has changed now.

There’s now a very muscular girl working here.

She’s so hot. And it’s the muscles that does it. Facially, Tara Scotti-ish is the best I can come up with. Maybe a bit of Angela Salvagno in there too. Pretty girl, gorgeous... however I’ll be the first to admit there are plenty of prettier girls out there. Height, she’s probably 5’4” give or take an inch I’d say. Without being horrible, I’ve only ever seen her either mopping a floor or scrubbing a toilet, so it’s hard to be exact right now. Build-wise, whilst she’s got the thickness of a bodybuilder, she hasn’t quite got the conditioning or symmetry of one. To me at least it looks to me as though her muscle has been gained through sports, or training for sports, rather than dedicated bodybuilding. It could be she’s into powerlifting or even Crossfit (or both), to my trained eye, and I like to think my eyes are at my age able to spot these things accurately, i don’t think she bodybuilds. She does something else, and those biiiiiig muscles are a by-product.

I’ve also, admittedly, not really ever been able to just get a good old look/stare at her. All I’ve ever had are glimpses and stolen looks.

The other thing that’s almost unspeakably sexy about her is that her work clothes, generally, consist of a long-sleeved workout top. Pretty close fitting, but not tight, and when she’s working you can see the delts at work, and the biceps pressing against the material. She also wears loose fitting jogging bottoms, TIGHT around her big, round bum and would be baggy through the legs if it wasn’t for the thighs.

She looks STRONG though. I couldn’t tell you of any strength feats or muscle displays, because obviously she’s there to work.

The good thing is that I’m always last to leave and often work throughout the evening with the cleaners around me. I’m hoping she can speak at least some English, as if/when I get the chance i’m going to talk to her... failing that, I have my phone on me, I’ll try to get a photo. Without going too far in to schmoe fantasy territory though... really doesn’t look like the kind of girl you’d want to mess around with. She’s pretty, but she looks kinda mean as well.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Gladiatorproxxx on December 31, 2017, 09:22:21 am
I work for a pretty big promotional and event company that basically puts on and runs music festivals. This job is pretty fun I work with a lot of close friends and get to enjoy the events on my breaks and when my shifts end. Anyway today when I got off work I was walking to the main stage of the event to meet up with some friends. while walking there I saw a women and her boyfriend that looked to be in their late 20's walking just ahead of me to my left. The women was huge I was honestly kind of surprised by how wide her back was, she was about 5'6" and her boyfriend was about 5'8" or so and he was pretty built definitely over 200 lbs but she was almost as big. Her arms were pretty big too I would guess to be about 14 1/2 to 15 inches. I was pretty surprised to see her because I had never seen a women that big in person. And I wanted to approach them because people are generally pretty approachable in that kind of environment (if you know what I mean) but I decided against it because I didn't really know what to say haha  :funny:. I met up with my friends after this and saw the couple again in the crowd I didn't really pay much attention to them though because my friends know about my fascination with muscular women and always tease me about it in public whenever a muscular women is around. But that was pretty much it I found my friends then headed to another stage to see another act perform.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: sa2009 on January 03, 2018, 08:11:04 am
 First time i saw a fbb in person was at a college football game , in the 90's . I'am certain it was Carla Haug , she was a few rows in front of me . And someone made a comment "that girls works out "  that's when i looked and saw her . She looked pretty awesome , had a tank top type shirt , could see her arms 100% . The first time you see a fbb is a cool memory . Second time was in a book store , a woman was reading a magazine next to me , and was clearly a fbb . But not one i had ever seen and could name . 3rd time was kind of a shock was in a soup plantation , and Denise Hoshor was in line like 1 person in front of me , with her young son . She had on a track outfit , so couldn't see anything . But had known about Denise for years , so was kind of cool to see her .
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: galloguille on January 03, 2018, 02:20:51 pm
Yes I had similar experiences. Once I was walking on the street and I spotted a woman in her ¿40ties? normal height with an akward dress like a poncho that almost cover all her body, and when I look at her legs she had some huge shredded ripped muscle developed calves, with veins. (really top notch, she was in high heels). I stopped and tell her "wow those legs!!", she took very VERY WELL, I was in heaven. She was walking in the same direction so I keep talking and asking about her workout. Her legs were insane, and I can't imagine what was like under that weird dress. Sadly I ask her to meet up some other day and then she took it as a creep thing, I think she felt that I was inquiring some form of prostitution or something.

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It's like over time I've developed a sixth sense in detecting female muscle! This dog can track!

Also this, I think as I watch so many female muscle material I can spot certain types, sometimes just looking at the face or some general things, you just know that that girl is in shape and probably has some good muscles.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: BBenjamin on January 06, 2018, 09:18:28 pm
Yes, my heart rate goes up and I can't focus haha.  I did date a bodybuilder for a few months and that REALLY helped me to see them as just ordinary women.  So I feel way more comfortable around muscular women now.  More normalised.  If you ever get the chance, try and realise they're just normal girls who are into bodybuilding, try not to put them on a pedestal!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Old Surehand on January 06, 2018, 09:59:31 pm
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Great job.  I'd like to know more about the last one!

professional football team out on the west coast?  You mean tackle American football?  That have woman full tackle American football team on the west coast?

Age, height, breast size?

He's probably talking about Jennifer Welter. She played professional football in a women's league. She interned as an assistant position coach for The Arizona Cardinals in 2015, but wasn't added permanently to the coaching staff. Here's a link to a thread about her.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: achilleus on January 28, 2018, 01:31:00 pm
And ... how was it when the doors to the bedroom clutched :-)

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Sounds like you were living the dream. How you 2 meet?   

What were her stats like?   Age, height, weight?  Lift numbers?  Other body stats? 

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Yes, my heart rate goes up and I can't focus haha.  I did date a bodybuilder for a few months and that REALLY helped me to see them as just ordinary women.  So I feel way more comfortable around muscular women now.  More normalised.  If you ever get the chance, try and realise they're just normal girls who are into bodybuilding, try not to put them on a pedestal!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bobsaget on March 18, 2018, 04:58:02 am
was out with my wife and saw at the local shops the biggest woman I have ever seen in the flesh. She was in a tank top an her arms were just hanging out with shoulders like mellons. She was lean enough for a big vein down her biceps and all over her forearms. Just a dream come true, and she lives local! Even my wife stared at her. She knows I love muscle and I watched her looking at this woman with a tent forming in my pants lol. The one time I wish I wasn't married
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: m100 on March 18, 2018, 02:55:31 pm
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was out with my wife and saw at the local shops the biggest woman I have ever seen in the flesh. She was in a tank top an her arms were just hanging out with shoulders like mellons. She was lean enough for a big vein down her biceps and all over her forearms. Just a dream come true, and she lives local! Even my wife stared at her. She knows I love muscle and I watched her looking at this woman with a tent forming in my pants lol. The one time I wish I wasn't married

great story. Do u know her name?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on March 21, 2018, 10:19:05 pm
Just joined this site today and this thread is one of the reason. Its literally one of my favorite things is hearing about real life spottings of FBBs so Im happy to see everyone posting. Having lived in both NYC and LA I have a fair share of stories to tell. Want to get to tell them all but the first Ill post is something I reposted on another board about the time i saw Monica Brant last summer at a chipotle. Excited to contribute to this topic

on a vaca in Texas and had a nice little FBB spotting. I went to Chipotle with a friend of mine and standing a few places ahead of us in the line was none other then fitness legend Monica Brant. It's funny because I spotted her profile first. She has a vert distinct nose. Anyway when you like FBBs you get a certain sense that goes off and there she was. I craned my neck around to get a better look and it was definitly her although I was only able to tell by her face. I think she had just come from church which was nearby and she was wearing a dress and very well made up. The dress was floral and hit her at about knee so unless you knew who she was you wouldn't be able to tell she was in the fitness business. The girl I was with and is super into crossfit and has spotted girls before and likes pointing them out to me and she didn't say anything or notice anything.

I of course got kind of nervous just because my mind was swimming. This is a woman who I was into when I first discovered I liked muscular women. It's funny because me and the girl I was with was comming from the gym at the time. Like I was saying you couldn't tell right off she was super fit but if you looked longer you could get some clues. The dress was nice and floral but hid her shoulders. There was a pointing standing behind her I could see her arms had some really good shape  and catching a glance at her forearms you, if you really looked, could see just how great shape she was in. Her figure shape is outstanding and you can still see she has really nice lines. Nice shoulders. Well built back and a great ass. Her lower body was covered but she wore these sexy heels and her dressed exposed her calves which were world class level.

I will say this about her she really aged well. She's not a spring chicken maybe in her late 40s but just has a really amazing elegance about her. She is the perfect Texas trophy wife. Well maintained pretty hair make up. Really a knock out for her age or any other.

She was with a dude who looked a little older. At first I didn't know if they were friends or not but she then rubbed his back and I could tell it was a romantic relationship. I will say this... guys who like muscular there is hope. This dude was not Phil Heath. He maybe hadn't gone to shit but he wasn't Hugh Jackman either. He was totaly normal... and actaully a touch schluby. Not too tall and I'm a terrible judge a male looks and I almost asked the girl i was with if she thought he was good looking but thought better. Now I will say this guy might have owned every car dealership in the nearby area so he could have had other appeal ($$$) but he just didn't had that kind of swagger (you know how rich successful dudes, especially in the South have these big Alpha type personalities) but he didn't and actaully it seems like she had the power in the relationship. They got their food and headed for a table. I was interested kind of what she ordered because I'd love to see what an ex-Ms Olympia eats for lunch but I couldn't tell. They went and sat over at another table.

Even though she was still a knock out I will say this, she didn't smile the entire time she was giving the order or talking to this guy. You know you never know where someone is comming from emotionaly but just saying she didn't seem smily or chipper that morning. I will say I heard her speak and she's older or it might have been from using gear for a number of years her voice was a deeper, but it wasn't an off putting almost like how an older women my have a deeper voice.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: knufflschmoe on March 27, 2018, 04:36:22 pm
have  quite hard training women (not really hardcore BB) ,you could say figure -class (if they would cpmpete)
  but several quite tall now (at least 5´ 9´´  to 6´1´´) 
 they are often able to to up to 15 pull-ups  ,even concerning their relatively high weight
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on March 30, 2018, 12:46:09 am
Okay… Finally got a chance to write this one down –

So the gym I go to is one of those chain ones and they have a location by the airport. It’s decent for buff girl spotting and have seen a few cute bikini caliber girls and a couple of buffer athletic girls working out there on occasion with the normal crowd who stick to the treadmills. There’s a big hotel next door so think they may do a deal if you stay in the hotel you get a pass or something. So one day I’m coming in around the corner and I saw a woman, her back to me as I walk by, she’s talking on the phone on her blu tooth. And even though she was wearing a pink stretchy top my muscle radar went off due to the broadness of her shoulders. The girl definitely was elite level, African American, and as I passed from behind I figured it was this physique competitor who works out there –

Tangent: So this other African American woman who is a physique competitor will often work out at this gym. She’s not particularly famous or nationally ranked and she’s only physique… I know how ppl on this board fiend for like heavyweight FBB caliber muscle… but this woman… She’s… wow… is she impressive in real life, not so much in photos but she’s been working out there and especially when she’s beginning to get ready for a contest and gets ripped. Huge back, shoulders and it’s crazy to look at the stairmaster and see like Glenn from the State Farm office and Mary Anne from H&R Block next to this massive rippling back of muscle. She’s very nice and I think seems to like the attention, she’s over 40 but that body definitely keeps her looking young. One time she showed up and a contest must have been a few weeks away because she was looking peeled and must have been in a rush and needed to do her cardio so she just started doing it in her bottoms she was wearing which were stretch jeans and she took off her shirt with a sports bra on top. She was getting into it, sweat dripping down her back, she didn’t care. She needed to get that cardio in! I happened to be using a machine behind her and was going to snap a photo on my phone but was worried the flash my go off.

Anyway I come around this girl and think it’s the physique competitor because I kind of recognize her face and realize something strange has happened like when you spot a celeb and think they happen to be an old friend yours. It’s not the physique girl…


Whoa… okay this is a game changer and I’m worried that I missed her coming out of the gym and she’s heading home. WELL I didn’t cause after I change I come out and she’s standing by the check in area of the gym still on her phone. So now I can get a better view, she’s wearing a pink spandex shirt that is tight on her upper body and pink spandex leggings (if you check her IG she seems to wear something like this a lot). So here’s the thing, this is one of the most massive and successful FBBs of all time (she’s maybe not the Jordan of FBBs, maybe the Kobe) and don’t get me wrong she looked buff, but maybe because of the covering her upper body she didn’t look ‘INSANE’ and I doubt if anyone who didn’t know women’s bodybuilding would know how elite she was. Well I can take a couple of minutes to look at her now and I will say if you find her facially attractive in photos you think she was in real life (I don’t particularly) and what’s odd is her most striking feature body wise off the bat was her boobs. Which is weird, they seemed very big for her small frame, bigger then they do in the photos. I will say, after staring at her for a few I could really start to see what made up her body. Particularly with her back to me, if you looked at it you could tell it’s thickness upon  further inspection. The meat of it and the bottom of her traps really was stretching the top and you could see just how thick her lats were, and that small waist and checked her ass and lower body, definitely nice firm muscle.

She worked out a little, didn’t take off the top – sad face. And it was a bit odd because she just stayed in this one area working back and forth on only a few back machines. It was almost like she didn’t want to stand out and keep to the side of the gym. Also didn’t really seem to be going hard either, maybe she was just taking it easy before she had to get on a flight. Anyway she ducked out after about 50 minutes. Haven’t seen her there since.

I thought of talking to her but didn’t. I have to say besides the muscle I wasn’t really getting a tremendous attractive vibe that was telling me to talk to her, that and she was all covered up. I figured I could introduce myself and tell her I knew who she was but she seemed to be getting back on the phone occasionally in between sets so figured it wasn’t worth the trouble.

Have a few more I want to write up so…
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Shinra on March 30, 2018, 05:45:44 am
Ever since I started working at the Deli at my local grocery store I see multiple muscular women every other day. It's the craziest thing. They range from fit moms to crossfitters to figure level competitors. It's simultaneously amazing and also torturous seeing so many fit and muscular women on a regular basis since they rarely order anything from the deli and when they do usually one of my coworkers starts serving them before I get a chance to. Just today I spotted an asian women browsing the produce section while unwrapping a piece of cheese to be sliced for a customer. She had huge quads, excellent calves, and her arms were ripped as well. If she didn't compete she definitely had the physique for it. Meanwhile I'm trying to unwrap my cheese as slow as possible without pissing off my customer just to get a good look at her. I don't know why the grocery store I work at gets so many fit girls but you won't see me complaining.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on April 05, 2018, 10:35:40 pm
This woman at my gym.  About 5 1 in her mid-20.  Very dark hair, very creamy complications.   125 pounds or so of rock solid muscle.  Small but killer chest.  She bulking right now.  And looks fabulous.  Nothing but strength and goals she works in the gym.  Doesn't not life super heavy but lifts more for strength and stamina.  Her workouts are light but super long and intense.  She friends with a lot of other muscle woman.  Some I knew that competed.  So maybe one day she will compete.

5 4 cross fit woman with reddish hair was in the gym last week.  Never seen her before.   She was with some totally out of shape guy who just looked a lot older than her, but I don't he was.  She was doing prefect pull-ups and HUGE back, traps muscle, was popping out.  Doing squats.   Super wide shoulders and super small waist.   Huge claves and quads busting out of her pants.  I though for she was going to bust out of them.  I could not take my eyes off of her and several other man was just opening staring at there size.  I am almost sure she knew and was enjoying it.  Because she keep doing more of them, almost like she performing for a audience.   She had this sexy and confidence voice.  That you only hear from the most hard core cross fit ladies.     She was so nice to her guy too.  When he could not keep up with her.  She told him to do other things and not worry about  helping wiith her workout. 

Lithe, blonde,  and tall woman who I see from time to time.  Was dead lifter 300 pounds for sets like it was nothing last week also.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: average_monkey on April 23, 2018, 11:48:50 am
I had an incredibly frustrating experience yesterday. I was at an event in the park in my city with my wife and kids watching a group of guys dressed as Roman soldiers show off their weapons and equipment.

It was hot and sunny in the UK over the weekend, which meant plenty of female flesh on display, which, of course, meant my muscle radar was on alert. I'd spotted some mums with nice toned arms and a fantastic set of calves (sadly not joined to a great body).


We were just getting ready to leave when I finally spot some decent female muscle. She was quite a distance away, but I could see from her tiny waist and wide lats and delts that she worked out. My wife was chatting to someone and was with my daughter. I had my son. So, I did a quick calculation: if I walked off now with my son, I could easily catch her up (or at least get closer look). I thought I could make it...


Suddenly, my daughter came over and started crying because she wanted me to pick her up (she's 2 so she does a lot of crying), my wife was still chatting away, and all the while, the bodybuilder was getting further and further away. I couldn't do anything, so I let her get away. But, with the summer coming up, I'm looking forward to some more encounters with female muscle...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on April 23, 2018, 03:19:55 pm
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I had an incredibly frustrating experience yesterday. I was at an event in the park in my city with my wife and kids watching a group of guys dressed as Roman soldiers show off their weapons and equipment.

It was hot and sunny in the UK over the weekend, which meant plenty of female flesh on display, which, of course, meant my muscle radar was on alert. I'd spotted some mums with nice toned arms and a fantastic set of calves (sadly not joined to a great body).


We were just getting ready to leave when I finally spot some decent female muscle. She was quite a distance away, but I could see from her tiny waist and wide lats and delts that she worked out. My wife was chatting to someone and was with my daughter. I had my son. So, I did a quick calculation: if I walked off now with my son, I could easily catch her up (or at least get closer look). I thought I could make it...


Suddenly, my daughter came over and started crying because she wanted me to pick her up (she's 2 so she does a lot of crying), my wife was still chatting away, and all the while, the bodybuilder was getting further and further away. I couldn't do anything, so I let her get away. But, with the summer coming up, I'm looking forward to some more encounters with female muscle...

Something similar happened at Disney World a few years back. And I put it in my almost sightings catagory. I was with a group of people and were walking through California Adventure and passed the line outside. As we did my muscle radar fired. Waiting on the line to get into one of the rides I quickly saw a back, with one of those ripped neck cut gym tanks people who lift wear and by the height and I hair I could see it was a woman, most likely with her family. Only passing quickly I could see the thick traps and unmistakable build of her upper back. This was a real sighting, an FBB on line with her family at Disney  :woohoo: it hit so many of my triggers! But sadly the group I was with quickly walked by and due to the the depth and the amount of people on the line I quickly lost sight of her  :shucks

Always kind of bummed me out, but I added it to one of the stories I wrote so guess its' not an entirely lost experience.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: average_monkey on April 23, 2018, 03:30:07 pm
I feel your pain.

Partial sightings are the worst. I'd rather have no sighting at all.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on April 23, 2018, 10:19:35 pm
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I feel your pain.

Partial sightings are the worst. I'd rather have no sighting at all.

I'd much rather have partial then never at all. Man needs hope!

Reminds me of the greatest partial sighting I'd ever had. Can't believe I forgot it (or repressed that it was so brief). Rushing through LAX to make a flight ran right past Britt Miller. Maybe right towards the end of her career. She was wearing a warm up suit. Very tanned face but sure it was her. Right after I went past her I legitimately thought of doubling back to get another view but it was an afternoon flight and I needed to travel on business and was worried about missing it and not getting in on time and fucking up my job. SHRUGS.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba69 on April 26, 2018, 01:17:16 am
Saw a huge female bodybuilder at Harrrah's in Las Vegas the other night.  She was around 5'8", blonde hair, about 180 lbs , and I would guess mid 30's in age.  She had a black dress on that showed off her huge debts and biceps with veins everywhere.  Very sexy, but too bad she was with a huge dude.  I love Vegas!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Digital Garden on June 03, 2018, 08:28:58 am
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Saw a huge female bodybuilder at Harrrah's in Las Vegas the other night.  She was around 5'8", blonde hair, about 180 lbs , and I would guess mid 30's in age.  She had a black dress on that showed off her huge debts and biceps with veins everywhere.  Very sexy, but too bad she was with a huge dude.  I love Vegas!

That sounds HOT! Love it when the veins are popping out in public.  :singing:

I myself prefer the Planet Hollywood casino in Vegas, and for one simple reason. In the center of the casino where all the action is, the have dozens of hot ladies on elevated platforms dancing and showing off while you gamble. This is the area right where the mostly Texas holdem and roulette are. One particular time I was there with some friends and out of the corner of my eye I catch glimpse of this (I'm estimating) 5'6 160lbs JACKED UP muscular woman in my peripheral walking the casino floor, and was coming right in my direction. I stop to "check my phone" as she struts past me, leaving the scent of lavender and passion fruit in her wake.  Now she's really got my attention... I wave for my friends to go on ahead without me.

I turn my head left and see this incredible woman dressed in show-like flashy wear. She's got the outline of perfect v-taper, with pronounced musculature, darker complexion with a blak/red tube top and very short black/red booty shorts.  Her short / straight brunette hair resting just on the top of her incredibly muscular round delts. Next thing I know she's over at the adjacent platform getting ready to get up there and dance at the casino as a PH girl, and lucky for me it was a completely free show! I'm telling you that there were plenty of other hot chicks around, including other PH Dancer girls, but this one was so distinguished from the rest. I stood there in awe of this SOLID densely muscled chick drive both my heads into a frenzy, trying to make eye contact with her and just smile to let her know I appreciated her hard work and style of dance. (which was exceptional) But alas she was purposefully not making eye contact with myself or anyone else around. I got the feeling she was either taken or that dancers there are instructed not to interact with casino patrons.

Anyways, I'm still in awe, and she finishes her set with roughly 12 mins of dancing. After all that she looked even hotter because she was now glistening with sweat and had a bit of a pump going on, all on top of being super incredibly hot. She wasn't super tall/big, but VERY densely muscled. I tried to find an opportunity to approach her but unfortunately it just wasn't possible, she left in an hurry and never got the chance to say hi. Would loved to had at least complimented here on her gorgeous body and dance moves.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: khuddle on June 24, 2018, 10:21:53 pm
I went to my first bodybuilding competition of the year yesterday -- the NPC Southeastern USA in Orlando. I went in with low expectations --
I had been told there was only a womens figure and bikini class this year. So I was just hoping at a minimum to see some pretty girls in bikinis.
Well as it turns out they had a Physique Class. First woman comes out, looks like a poor man's Rita Bello -- just awful. Second woman comes out
-- cute, but where's the beef? Third woman comes out...and their is collective gasp from the entire auditorium. HUGE. The guy in the seat
next to me gasps: 'No way that's a physique girl! That there is a BODYBUILDER!". Gorgeous female, looked like a blonde Lena Heady (Cersei from Game Thones).
Short bob of dirty blond hair, huge beaming smile, clad in a metallic gold bikini. She walked with the confidence of a female panther, the two other competitors looking nervously at their hulking rival. Beefcake, beefcake, beefcake everywhere. She was of medium height (about 5'6) but she had so much muscle I'd put her at 170lbs-180lbs. She hit a front abdominals  pose, grunting as she did so, and her enormous biceps popped out a like a pair of tanned grapefruits. If her upper body was impressive, her ass and her legs were to die for. Her glutes were small, tight, and perfectly rounded. Her legs looked like those of an olympic sprinter, long with thick thighs and swollen calves. Beautiful long and slender feet. The excitement among the males present was evident, as scores of men flocked to the stage with cell phones and video cameras, trying desperately to get some footage
of the hulking goddess.

I saw her in the lobby about a half hour later, dressed in a tracksuit (unfortunately) , speaking in Spanish with a group of other athletes, obviously from her gym.
I found out that she was half Dutch and half Brazilian, hence her beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair yet South American features. Never found out her name though.
I lingered around the auditorium, hoping that some friend of family would get her to strip to her bikini so they could take photos of her (as is often the case at these
shows between prejudging and the evening show), but it didn't transpire.   

Oh well. It was an awesome sighting and it made my trip to Orlando totally worthwhile.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: khuddle on June 24, 2018, 10:56:50 pm
Yeah as I said I didn't catch her name.

I would expect the results of the show should be posted on their website shortly:

She must have won the Physique class. She was phenomenal while her other two competitors looked like toothpicks.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on June 25, 2018, 04:08:52 pm
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Yeah as I said I didn't catch her name.

I would expect the results of the show should be posted on their website shortly: (

She must have won the Physique class. She was phenomenal while her other two competitors looked like toothpicks.

Maysel Cruz
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Digital Garden on June 27, 2018, 06:28:06 am
I feel like I've been seeing a LOT of female muscle around my area lately. I'll say that I'm in the North Hollywood area of Los Angeles and I typically don't see a lot of women muscle out here. Well, I mean I will see muscle but there's no SUBSTANCIAL muscle to be seen out and about for the most part usually. But I've started seeing more and more hot muscle chicks age range 25-45 flaunting it out in public in the past year or so.

For example, I saw three completely different muscular women just this past Memorial Day weekend. First one was at a place called Vitello's, which an Italian Style restaurant nearby. Totally out of the blue this early 30 something year old woman walks in with another guy (presumably the boy friend) and she's sporting a tight sleeveless top and boy of boy her veins were POPPIN! Her arms were lit up like a road map, delts swollen, and there was absolutely NO mistaking it even from all the way across the room. She was gorgeous, long flowing hair and around 5'8 height. She wasn't freaky big, but she was lean and had what I would call SUBSTANTIAL muscle on her frame. If she wasn't a bodybuilder, she was most certainly a physique body type. After about 15 mins of her sitting down in the place she put a thin coat, covering up her beautiful muscular arms never to be seen again...

The second woman I spotted that weekend was at Universal Studio's City Walk open-air-mall area while standing outside the Hard Rock Cafe. All I remember at first was seeing this amazing V shape walking towards me. At first I thought it was a muscular guy from the size I was seeing, but she was wearing a form fitting tube top and jean shorts, big gucci glasses, long curly hair semi fro and medium/light black skin to her. It was earlier in the day, around 10:30am and she's got this big purse strapped over her huge boulder sized delt and then I notice the HUGE lats she was sporting, oh my... HUGE back. It would kinda push her arms out away from her sides a bit, you know what I mean? SUBSTANTIAL muscle. Her quads were POPPIN!! (Lord have mercy) Most definitely a female bodybuilding competitor, no doubt about it. But I couldn't place her face as she walked right past me. It all happened so fast, and she looked like she had somewhere to be so I didn't have the guts to try and stop her to say hi. I just turned around and watched that fine muscular goddess strut her stuff until she was out of sight.

The last woman I saw that weekend was when I was getting my car washed. I'm just there waiting, minding my own business when this Mercedes pulls up. A woman and two pre-teen kids pop out the car and walk towards me. She was obviously their mother, and I could tell that she was loaded or married into money. The clothes, the style, it screamed valley girl Mom but with a cute tight muscular body. Not a bodybuilder at all, more like a mid sized fitness competitor but her arms and shoulders were swole when I caught a glimpse walking past me. Must have been in her early 50s I think, plastic surgery, swollen lips the whole 9 yards. I could tell this woman wasn't trying to flaunt it, but it was hot. It wasn't like skinny fat muscle, I could tell that she participates in weight training for a long time. I imagine all she had to do was be a house mom and focus on building her muscles, not a bad gig if you ask me. ;)

...and as a bonus I just saw this cute muscled girl at the grocery store this afternoon. She looked like a natural blonde hair, 30 something yr old, 5'4 princess wearing a strapless sundress that went down to her calves. Best part was her whole upper torso was showing, exposing her BIG delts and biceps/triceps. She was literally glowing when I saw her in the store. Out of the corner of my eye I see this bicep, not tight and sculpted, but it was BIG. Like bigger than it should be. I immediately look up to see her face and she's adorable and gorgeous beyond belief, rooting through her bag for something. She looks up and we make eye contact, I smirk at her and she smiles back a little bit and then pushes her cart off presumably in pursuit of the next item on her grocery list. So I turn and walk in the same direction behind her. Now that I have a chance to really look I can she that even though she's probably 20-25%bf, she's got some SUBSTANCIAL muscle size on her frame. I start to envision her arms and shoulders during contest, she would have been ridiculously muscled for her height/weight. The rest of her body was covered in the sundress she was wearing, but her upper torso was exquisite to say the least. We both top at the egg section at the end of the isle, I turn to her and look right at her and say:

"Excuse me, I could help but notice your glowing smile just now. But now that I'm up close, I just wanted to say that I admire your big muscular arms."

She says: "THANK YOU" In a rather loud voice. "You wouldn't believe how many people freak out over my muscles and say such inconsiderate things" (I'm guessing guys in our area don't like the muscle women?)

I was a bit taken back, responding: "Who cares what those shaved apes think? If you want to be muscular, then dammit you be muscular" I hear eggs are great for that too by the way." Making a obviously jokester face.

She laughs: "Yes they do, I eat a LOT of eggs. Needs lots of protein to build big muscles" she says. "I go through like a 6 dozen eggs a week at least, but I usually buy those at Costco because they are so expensive here in the grocery store." The whole time she's holding a carton of eggs in her hand.

So then I say: "Well then why did you stop here to pick up a package of eggs?" You know what she said?

She says "I was kinda hoping you would stop over here too and start up a conversation"

Now I don't know if she was pulling my leg, but all I could do was just look her in the eyes and smiles at this angel holding eggs. Clearly hitting on me, or really messing with me hard. So I ask her: "You wouldn't happen to be a personal trainer by chance are you? Turns out she is, pulls a tiny card out her bag and hands it to me. "Call me if you want to get physical" she says with a gleaming wide smile, and then proceeds to put the carton of eggs BACK ON THE SHELF and rolls her shopping cart in the other direction. I was stunned... I didn't even follow after her, I just stood there for a moment, got one last item, paid and walked out to the car. I didn't see her again before I left.

So now I gotta decide if I wanna get serious with my training, cause I think I may have just found an angel to guide me. I just don't know if I'm just getting lucky right now or if this area is becoming more prone to muscular women for some odd reason. Either way, no complaints. >:D
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on June 27, 2018, 09:01:19 pm
Nice little sighting earlier this afternoon.

My job lets me telecommute so some days a go to a library just to get out of the house to work. Today I was there working at the communal tables in the book racks head down when I look up and my eyes glance over to the computers that are used for reference. There’s a woman standing looking at them very intensely and although she is partially blocked by a stack of books something in my muscle radar goes off.

I look over every once in a while to see if my suspicions are correct but because of the design of the place and how she is standing I cant get a good glimpse of the rest of her body but I can tell I need to check it out. So I grab my little water bottle and head like I’m going to fill it up which gives me a chance to walk by as I did I was so happy I did so…

My god… This woman must have lived in the gym. She was overage height (maybe 5’ 4”) the first thing I could see coming around was she was wearing a white t with no sleeves and her arms and shoulders were bulging out. Large capped shoulders and her arms were fully exposed with large peaked bis and thick triceps. With a nice vein running across it – She was a little older. Maybe late 40s or possible early 50s. Short dark hair she was average looking, but not bad… just looked like an older woman but she looked stern.

Coming around I tried to get a better view – At first when I saw the shoulders I thought maybe cross fit but as I got a better look I could see that wasn’t the case (which wouldn’t be bad but honestly if it was a cf girl I wouldn’t have posted this) Passing by I could gauge by her shape and size she was competitive. A little too big to be figure but smaller then BB I would definitely gauge a solid physique competitor.

And my suspicions were definitely confirmed. I went to the water fountain and lingered trying to get a good view but I couldn’t because she was obscured by the book racks. As I came back I got a view of her from behind. This is definitely where I could see the different from a CF girl. Her back was too me and was nice and thick. Nice traps spilling out. But her shirt was cut stopping a little above her waist and she was wearing a fanny pack, which I thought was a bit odd but actually made her waist look smaller. She was wearing yoga pants and man – She wasn’t contest ripped but was nice and lean and her glutes were full round and definitely have worked to be developed. Big lush quads, hamstrings that popped off her body and calves which pressed through her leggings despite her standing still.

Very aesthetically pleasing. Topped off she had a nice skin tone. Not contest tan but she was nice olive skin tone which made her exposed arms and small of her back very attractive. Again as I was saying she was older looking and fine for her age but she had a very stern look on her face. I probably wouldn’t have looked twice at her without the muscle but with it I was definitely looking.

I took my place back at my computer, and here is a bit where I misplayed my hand. I thought she was using the reference to maybe look up a book and I’d get another chance to look at her as she looked through the racks but – As I looked up it she was talking to the librarians. This was another instance where I could get a sense she was a physique competitor. Her white sleeveless shirt was a bit billowy and from the front I could see where her chest was pushing the top up and away definitely indicating a nice full set of fake boobs. It was funny to watch this woman talk to the librarians who were about the same age but nowhere near this women’s physical condition. Kind of wondered what they were thinking when they talked to her.

I took my eye off the door and she must have gotten what she needed and was gone.

I go to the library often to work never seen her before. Hopefully she’ll come back.

Another funny thing to note is that the library is kind of hidden. It’s only really gone to by people in this one community that is very upscale (every car is a Tesla.) I was building a story in my head that maybe she was the rich wife of some guy who lived around there and got bored as a housewife and built her body up. Another thing I played with was that she could be a personal trainer come by to work out one of the rich housewives, as there are a lot of private gyms in the area too.

Its funny because later in the afternoon I went to the gym and was in the group fitness room and a girl who must have been prepping for either a bikini or fitness show was practicing her posing in the mirror in her leggings and sports bra. She looking good. Nice conditioning but she had nothing on the mature lush muscles I had seen just a few hours earlier.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Javi45 on July 04, 2018, 02:00:06 am
I was in Nashville last year around this time. We go to the big mall in Nashville that I dont remember the name. I walked into H&m to see if they had any shorts on with my girlfriend. As I'm walking to the front of the store I  hear people say ''wow oh my god"". So Im thinking what the hell is going on. As Im going to leave I saw this massive lady, tan, her arms were big like Thor's arms,  Her back is the first thing that I saw because she had a dress one. I kid you not I tried not to look because I had my girlfriend with me and I wasnt trying to give my secret away about How I'am attractive to musuclar chicks!!! But all I kept thinking was mannnnn who is the lucky guy.  She was in her early 30s too. I mean Burnette which I love. 

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: YaxeniRocks! on July 15, 2018, 06:18:34 am
Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on July 15, 2018, 11:44:30 pm
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Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

Not sure where now because NYC is kind of sprawling. Like in LA you would just say West side by the beach. I remember when I was in NYC a decade or so ago there was a hardcore gym off Union Sq called Johnny Lats. Not sure its there anymore but I was a member for a year, the place looked like it was out of training sequence from Rocky (so awesome) but the dudes we huge... the chicks were serious and saw a few huge girls there including Carmela Cuerlton (sp?) in her prime. I'd like for places where hardcore people workout. Are you close to Bev Francis' place? Plenty of pros work out there.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Javi45 on July 16, 2018, 12:39:28 am
 The Midwest is not so much. I need to go down to Florida. Tampa I heard is the spot
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: tarzan7 on July 16, 2018, 02:27:34 am
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Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

The old expression is "There are 8 million people in this city. And this is one of them." NYC is far too sprawling place to find FBBs. I was lucky around the East 20s or 30s six or 10 years ago and saw a couple. Traveling FBBs who visit still may go to the Milburn Hotel in the West 70s. I was there for a session with a lady once in the late 2000s and I saw two or three going out for brunch as I was about to go to her room. (Was new then and don't know to this day who but they were, but they were sexy & massive.) Hell of a thing...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: YaxeniRocks! on July 16, 2018, 05:50:37 pm
Thanks, guys!  I'm visiting soon.  So was hoping I'd get a chance to see them.  I was in the city last year, and around 4th of July weekend, I saw a bunch walking down from Levain Bakery on 74th street.  They were truly a sight for sore eyes!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: YaxeniRocks! on July 16, 2018, 05:51:37 pm
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Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

Not sure where now because NYC is kind of sprawling. Like in LA you would just say West side by the beach. I remember when I was in NYC a decade or so ago there was a hardcore gym off Union Sq called Johnny Lats. Not sure its there anymore but I was a member for a year, the place looked like it was out of training sequence from Rocky (so awesome) but the dudes we huge... the chicks were serious and saw a few huge girls there including Carmela Cuerlton (sp?) in her prime. I'd like for places where hardcore people workout. Are you close to Bev Francis' place? Plenty of pros work out there.

Where is Bev Francis's place?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on July 16, 2018, 08:53:39 pm
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Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

Not sure where now because NYC is kind of sprawling. Like in LA you would just say West side by the beach. I remember when I was in NYC a decade or so ago there was a hardcore gym off Union Sq called Johnny Lats. Not sure its there anymore but I was a member for a year, the place looked like it was out of training sequence from Rocky (so awesome) but the dudes we huge... the chicks were serious and saw a few huge girls there including Carmela Cuerlton (sp?) in her prime. I'd like for places where hardcore people workout. Are you close to Bev Francis' place? Plenty of pros work out there.

Where is Bev Francis's place?

Syosset. So you are talking the outer burroughs.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Digital Garden on July 21, 2018, 10:48:41 pm
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Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

Not sure where now because NYC is kind of sprawling. Like in LA you would just say West side by the beach. I remember when I was in NYC a decade or so ago there was a hardcore gym off Union Sq called Johnny Lats. Not sure its there anymore but I was a member for a year, the place looked like it was out of training sequence from Rocky (so awesome) but the dudes we huge... the chicks were serious and saw a few huge girls there including Carmela Cuerlton (sp?) in her prime. I'd like for places where hardcore people workout. Are you close to Bev Francis' place? Plenty of pros work out there.

Where is Bev Francis's place?

Syosset. So you are talking the outer burroughs.

Syosset is not a burrough, it's Long Island. You're talking a 40mins drive from the edge of manhattan on a good day, with traffic it could be double that.

I used to workout a Bev's when I lived out there, and there were always super huge male and female muscle coming / going from that place. Tons of equipment so you never have to wait for anything and it's always pretty steady group of people. Owners are super nice.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: YaxeniRocks! on July 25, 2018, 05:21:36 pm
Any gyms in the NYC itself where I may be able to spot them?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on July 26, 2018, 04:01:51 pm
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Any gyms in the NYC itself where I may be able to spot them?

There may be some but I cant think of any off the top of my head. You have to understand the economics of the situation. Manhattan is incredibly $$$ to live in and unfortunately now most ppl in the BB lifestyle just don't make the kind of money to live in the city. Thats why you see gyms like Equinox which charge clients 100s per month and can pay the high rents in the city and attract businessmen and women. Thats not to say you can't see some nice muscle at a place like NY Health and Racket or Equinox but your not going to get the kind of concentration youd find at a hardcore gym like Bev Francis of Golds Venice or Armbrust.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: YaxeniRocks! on July 28, 2018, 08:08:46 pm
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Any gyms in the NYC itself where I may be able to spot them?

There may be some but I cant think of any off the top of my head. You have to understand the economics of the situation. Manhattan is incredibly $$$ to live in and unfortunately now most ppl in the BB lifestyle just don't make the kind of money to live in the city. Thats why you see gyms like Equinox which charge clients 100s per month and can pay the high rents in the city and attract businessmen and women. Thats not to say you can't see some nice muscle at a place like NY Health and Racket or Equinox but your not going to get the kind of concentration youd find at a hardcore gym like Bev Francis of Golds Venice or Armbrust.

Very valid point.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: YaxeniRocks! on July 29, 2018, 05:15:53 am
How about the Connecticut area?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Digital Garden on July 31, 2018, 08:04:57 am
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How about the Connecticut area?

You're getting way off topic here, bro. If you got a muscular woman sighting story to share then by all means share it. If not, then please take your line of questioning elsewhere (i.e. Google or at least in an appropriate thread here at Saradas)

You are clogging up an otherwise really nice topic thread, and I do get fairly excited when I get notifications that someone's been posting in this thread, but your line of questioning here is way off and I'd appreciate it if you would please just take it elsewhere. That is, of course, unless you have a marvelous story to tell... in which case we're all ears.  ;)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on July 31, 2018, 03:32:23 pm
OK, I have a new story.

This was last week. I was at the gym, and I noticed a beautiful, mature black woman working out. She had a great upper body - nice arms, shoulders and back. Not huge, but toned and with nice vascualrity, and defined biceps. I went over and complemented her on her arms, and she thanked me and said she was visiting from Chicago, and that she was 57, and had recently come in 2nd place in a competition.
I saw her over the next few days, and when her stay was up, she asked me for my phone number so she could stay in touch.
I told her that I wanted to work out with her the next time she comes to town, and she said that would be fun.
She sent me a nice photo showing off her arms...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on July 31, 2018, 03:57:55 pm
Thanks to everyone who posted stories and is keeping this board on track -- since it is one of my favorites and I do get excited as well when I see it is updated.

As far as the fella who asked about Connecticut -- I would just say briefly and maybe this can table the discussion or someone can start a new thread about great gyms where you can see FBBs, but as someone who lived in the tri-state area for over 2 decades Connecticut is not to my knowledge a hot bed of FBBs. That doesn't mean there arent some out there but you have to realize how uncommon they are. Your maybe talking a few hundred women spread out across the entirety of the country. So unless you are talking about hotbeds like Venice CA, Armbrust in Denver and some of the Metroflex gyms I actually think your odds of spotting a girl are about as good at LA fitness as any gym (and you actaully see a lot from some girls' IGs that they do work out at LA Fitness a lot.) I'd say my general role of thumb would be to find a old school hardcorse gym but unless its one of the ones I listed above you more then likely are going to be disappointed.

My other hack to see muscle girls would be a good, well reviewed Crossfit box in the area (Google and IG are your friends on this one.) Most CFBs have a few female instructors there. Oh and the most obvious way if you really want to get your fix. Find a local BB show. That's pretty much garunteed spotting. Hope that helps! And now... Back to the sightings   :singing:
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Javi45 on July 31, 2018, 10:42:14 pm
never seen any Fbb's in ohio. Must move to tampa!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: tarzan7 on September 02, 2018, 10:50:06 am
I just remember another story and it involves a charity co-ed softball tournament I played in a few years ago. I was on an extended family team, all ages and skills, all for fun and we actually played two games before losing and dropping out. As we left the field we saw who our competition would have been if we lost: 12 to 15 NY Dept. of Sanitation female workers all in tight T-shirts, some in shorts others in tight softball pants. The arms, the necks, the legs, the calves, the glutes... most seemed blonde. And wow, they could play.

The wives and girlfriends, and the ladies on our team were even impressed. Some of the guys were drooling.

To this day I've never seen any NYC Dept. of Sanitation people pick up my garbage who looked like THAT. LOL!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: marasso on September 13, 2018, 12:15:07 am
Hi guys,
I come out with idea of topic, I don't know if there was other similar, but I didn't find anything like that.
I was wondering if you ever had any random encounters with muscular girls or women in public places or casual situation. Of course, not at the gyms, not at any kind of fit expo or bodybuilding contests, but fe. in shop, mall centers, I don't know at the beach, in church, in work? And I mean really muscular type of silhouette, not slim girls with barely visible muscles, but bodybuilder type females, solid, ripped, huge :)
I think that rather small percentage of overall women are at least fit and sporty, and really muscular ones are even rarer sight to see in daily life, at least in Poland, where I live.
If you had met female with jacked, muscular physique and you remember this well (I am sure everybody would remember something like that :) ), please describe whole situation,   how the muscle woman looked like, et cetera. If you want of course.

I had three situations like this:

1st - it was back in 2012,  I was on holidays on Ibisa with my soon-to-be wife. It was small town, with multiple hotels, basicaly whole existence of that place was designed for tourists. There was not much to do in town, if you are not a party type person, and we aren't, so we just spent time on swiming, working out and walking.
And during one of those walks, we were wandering in area where were less hotels, more normal small houses. And there was running very muscular girl, we passed her by few times, so I had opportunities to observe her very thoroughly :)
I think she was in her late twenties, I don't remember her face very good, but she wasn't attractive, short hair, big nose, small lips.
But her body..... her body was massive. She was wearing white tank top, through which were visible her nipples. She had big chest, no implants, really impressive traps and arms. Also her quads were solid and thick. She was whole shiny and sweaty, panting but very enduring, she made few circles when we were around, quite impressive stamina for someone with her muscle mass.

2nd time was in Poland, 1,5 year ago. I was with my wife and daughter visiting medieval castle near my home town. It was located on considerably high hill and during climbing I noticed first a really huge guy, wide like barn, with huge arms. Surprisly with him was his wife of girlfriend and she was really massive too! She was quite short, but built more like powerlifter, than bodybuilder, but she had thick neck and traps, really big biceps, even though she wasn't flexing them at all. Thick thighs, strong hips and big ass. She wasn't very ripped, although had visible abs and veins on her arms. She had also quite big tits, which seemed to be natural, but I am not sure. I think she was in her early thirties. She was considerable pretty, but her face has rather sharp features
We were sightseeing together in bigger group of tourists, so I could stare at her :D
Also this muscle couple had a son with them, so even bigger respect for that lady, to maintain shape and muscles after pregnancy.

3rd time - this is most recent and also most distracting for me. I am aware that it can sounds like some stalker diary. Apparently, since few months, I have muscular girl as a neighbor... Not directly, but she lives in the same building. And she had to move in a little while ago, maximum few monts, because I hadn't seen her before. I live in big concrete Soviet-era block. It has 5 floors and 4 entrances. It has long sidewalk in front, which lead in two different directions. I saw her six times to this day.
I first time spotted her in May. That month was good weather, sunny etc, but at evening, days were chilly. I was carrying bag with garbage and from other side of sidewalk was aproaching a girl, wearing big sunglasses and sleeveless shirt, carrying a grocerie bags. My eyes almost popped out when I passed her by. She had huge guns, really massive and wide shoulders. She went into one of entrances and I couldn't see more of her.

After that I haven't seen her for almost a month. It made me doubting that she lives here, I was thinking that she could visit someone that day. But she had these groceries and looked like she know the place, so it wasn't clear for me.
And I think it was mid July when I saw her again. I was going out with my wife and kids and she was coming back to block. There was stressful situation for us, because from one of entrances came out a dog and started to bark and chase my little son. I run after him and passed her by at that moment, so understandbly, that I couldn't look at this girl. But my wife noticed her - and you have to know, that she is aware of my fascination of FBBs, but she never accepted this, we argued about this many times. I don't blame her, because it caused problems in our marriage. But this is topic for much different story. As I said, my wife noticed her and obviously peered on her closely.
My wife asked me if I knew that in our neighborhood lives a very muscular woman and I denied, because I didn't want to hurt her or something. And asked me if I saw her then - I denied also and explained that I was running after our son, which was true and wasn't looking around me. She became grumpy for moment and made few sarcastic comments, like "so you missed quite a view, she probably has body you dreamed of". When I was faking that I didn't see her at all, my wife stated that she was really muscular and salty commented that she had bigger arms than me.

Then I saw this girl again few days later, in the beginning of August. I was with my son near end of the block and was joining my wife and daughter who were near our entrance to block . Muscle chick went out from block and passed me by. It was very hot day and she was wearing white tank top and short jeans. As she was passing, I glanced at her arms briefly and they were really huge, even in relaxed state. Then I looked behind my shoulder and saw that she has wide back and V silhouette. I couldn't check her ass and thighs, because shorts she was wearing were quite baggy.

Fifth time I saw her on beginning of September. We were going back to home from walk, it was chilly and almost dusk, 8 PM. There was also my father with us and he, my wife and daughter were walking far in front me. I was carrying my son and pushing his bicycle. I had a weird hunch and looked behind me. I saw her behind me, she was crossing street. It was almost the same distance, that I was behind my wife. So I slowed down and waited until this chick will caught up with me. Yeah, I know how it sounds. I am not proud of this, but I have to admit, that I became a little bit obsessed with this girl. So I let her overtook me and took long look at her strong frame and wide back. Again she was wearing sleeveless shirt. She was carrying groceries, two bags in both hands. They looked heavy but she was walking fast. She had to coming back after workout, because her arms were bigger than last time, they were swollen and red.
My wife turned and asked why I am going so slow, fortunately she didn't figure out that I slowed down on purpose. But she noticed that girl which passed us both and gave me a sign and also whispered "look, it is that muscular lady!".
We followed her towards our block and she stopped near her entrance. I saw how she moved all 4 bags to left hand, so she could enter the entrance code. She held these bags on flexed bicep and opened door with right hand.
View of her left bicep was imprinted in my mind, it really shocked me how huge it was. My wife was right, this chick has for sure bigger arms than me. And I am not skinny, although I don't train nowadays, I was really active before I had kids and my arm is 14,5 inch. However I never had good biceps, I don't know if it genetics or bad excercises, but they always were quite flat. Nevertheless, this girl has approximately 16 inch arms or even bigger. These are biggest female biceps I ever saw in real life.
That evening I talked with my wife briefly about this chick, even without tensions between us. Of course my wife was grumpy about this topic again, but she was also impressed by this girl's muscles. We talked shortly about her face and I realized that really didn't looked closely at her face, always distracted by her muscles. My wife stated that she isn't very pretty, rather totally average. I decided then inwardly, that next time I will check her face :)

And our sixth "encounter" was.... few days ago, at Sunday. I went with kids on walk alone, my wife felt sick and stayed at home. I was near corner of block, because there is makeover sidewalk and my kids were playing with rocks etc. I was watching them and saw in the corner of my eye from the distance, that she is throwing garbage and then walking back to entrance. I was a little bit dissapointed, that I saw her from far and only briefly, but few minutes later she came out from block and started to walk along person on wheelchair. I only saw them moving away in the opposite direction, but they circled around block and then were walking towards me.
This person on wheelchair was woman, rather young. Of course I looked at face of this muscle chick. She has big eyes and big lips, especially lower one, which make her face looking a little bit sad, but also proud and unapproachable. I don't how to describe this. But she isn't ugly. Obviously she is not classic beauty, but I like her face and think she is quite pretty.

So that's it. I am aware that it sounds like I am stalking her and I admit that I have a little obsession about her. She distracts me a lot. When I am going out, I always hope that I will see her.
I don't know her name, I don't know if she is bodybuilder or powerlifter or other type, if she is pro or amateur.
I know few facts, that she is in her late 20s (I think), lives alone or with this girl on wheelchair (I think I saw her before), she may not have a boyfriend, cause I had never seen with any man. She likes to wear sleeveless shirts, despite weather or temperature :) Nothing strange, she isn't ashamed of her muscular arms. She is tall, between 5 ft and 7 inches or inch taller. She had to moved in couple months ago. That's all I know or assumed.

It's tempting me to say hi to her or pay a compliment her muscles, but I don't want to hurt my wife and I know, that she would react exactly like that, even if she would know that I was only talking with that girl. Strange and unsettling situation for me, to be honest.

But nevertheless, feel free to describe your encounters with muscular girls in casual places and situations. I am looking forward to read your comments :)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: marasso on September 13, 2018, 01:01:29 pm
No one responded, so I'll write something.....

I saw this chick again, today, some 2 hours ago. It's very hot today and she was wearing tight black blouse, of course sleeveless, but also with big cleevage, which exposed her well developed chest, with deep rift between pecs. Her arms looked amazing like always, she was carrying jacket in bent arm, so her bicep was half-flexed, covered by two veins.
She had long jeans and her ass looked very firm, solid and strong.
God, she is amazing and everytime I see her, my obsession is fueled up...
I would like to know more about her, but also I don't want to make anything stupid, that can hurt my wife...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: PEABUTR on September 14, 2018, 03:43:42 pm
went to a bodybuilding show in Kalamazoo,Mi. back in the late 90's. Sitting towards the back under the balcony. Two bodybuilders came in sat down a couple rows down both had tank tops, shorts, one was slightly bigger. At first I thought competitors for later on in the show. Both had broad bowling ball shoulders, traps that showed they had no neck that blended right down to their shoulder. Thought what they would look like doing most muscular pose being they pumped up, then thought maybe sitting down made look pumped. Lats that pushed their tank top out to the point of ripping into shreds. Biceps, triceps, and forearms huge, couldn't even think how big they were. Just huge and muscular and shredded to the max. They sure to take first place in their weight class. Light weight class just finished, middle class came up watched that class, seeing I was missing the show I came to see the women body building and I'm looking at these huge guys. Middle class ended intermission restroom breaks etc. The two got up and in front of me and being behind them got a good look at their legs, just like their arms, huge, muscular and shredded, the smaller one had bigger calves. The bigger one had bigger thighs, both had the tear drop muscle on both sides of the knee. If they didn't win their class they would take most muscular. Restrooms were upstairs behind the balcony big spacious floor where one could mingle with the crowd of non competitors, some looked like they could compete, actually some looked like they came from a show. The two stopped talked to some other guys I continued to head to the restroom didn't want to stand in line. After about 20 minutes lines subsided and you could walk right in. The two started to make a move towards the restroom, the smaller by not much looked like he was going to trip over his calves. Then they got near the restroom, the smaller one walked over and walked into the women room, the bigger walked into the men's. About 15 seconds later 5 women came racing out, one women said did I see what I saw, yes you did said another. Then I heard from another say I told you she would be here. No name was mentioned I had to find out this monster of a women was. I waited around talked to a few about who she was the only thing was, she was south of there that near lived in a gym no competing, just builds her muscles for the last 5 years. Doesn't plan on quitting trains men, no women. Went back downstairs, back to my seat watch the heavy weight women compete looking for those two to see where they were going to sit. Other side of me 2 sections over watched the show. Show ended for the women handed out awards for the light,middle, and heavy. The woman that handed the the awards was in her off season weight big looking and tall, calves were big, but not cut. That big woman stood up and clapped, turned around and walked out leaving the big one sitting. My chance was at hand find out who she is walked out thru the doors into lobby not here, she was on her way upstairs calves bulging and touching, must be finishing up something but couldn't at the time. Never get a another chance up I went she must of forgot something she was about to come down. Competing, she looked me and said why, isn't it obvious you look better that all the competitors and even the men competitors from what I saw of them. Thank you very much, no one has ever said that to me and your welcome was my reply. So do you compete,no against who, women I said. They wouldn't stand a chance look at me, you said i look better than the men in this show I got a better chance competing with the men only to blow half of them off stage, and I can do it just standing. I know i'm big and muscular and look this way most of time. They can look at me and see a woman can get just as big as a man, I train men at the gym I work at 12 to 14 hours a day, you get to look like this after constantly lifting weight all day long, they can't keep up with me because they don't know I do this for living. I ask who the big guy she's with some one that works the same gym does same thing, were here to see some of our clients compete, the one's that I could destroy in competition, but that day for women is way down the road. Anymore questions she said ever take any measurements, arms and calves are the same 18" now, pumped around 1.5 and where is this gym you work out Indiana. Never got her name ,wouldn't give it. And the town or city, but she said I have a question for you, how did you know I was a woman, the way I look. When you walked into the restroom and 5 women came out real fast that  was classic, normally if I have to go I walk and cut in line and all leave doors are not wide in those stalls. Then I said maybe I you later at another show, maybe.

 the stage
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba69 on October 09, 2018, 12:49:29 pm
My female muscle radar is often pushed to its limits during visits to amusement parks (Disney, Universal, etc.).  Although most of the muscular women visiting these parks are with significant others, it is still thrilling to see these muscular babes in a casual atmosphere.  The realization on how rare muscular women actually are sinks in too during these trips.  Out of the thousands who visit the large parks on a daily basis, there are times when I haven't noticed a single muscle babe, but I recently had an experience where I picked out four physique levels of female muscle, and one female bodybuilder; all in the span of 3-4 hours!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bruce321 on October 10, 2018, 03:32:10 pm
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My female muscle radar is often pushed to its limits during visits to amusement parks (Disney, Universal, etc.).  Although most of the muscular women visiting these parks are with significant others, it is still thrilling to see these muscular babes in a casual atmosphere.  The realization on how rare muscular women actually are sinks in too during these trips.  Out of the thousands who visit the large parks on a daily basis, there are times when I haven't noticed a single muscle babe, but I recently had an experience where I picked out four physique levels of female muscle, and one female bodybuilder; all in the span of 3-4 hours!
It's funny, I think we all understand "muscle radar." It goes off in any situation where women are walking around with exposed arms or legs. You start actively scanning. If you're at some kind of summer event, it's taking up 98% of your cognitive functions. Not the best thing if you're with a significant other and she asks you a question. I live in NJ, which supposedly is a bodybuilding hot spot and has a lot of people in general, and my sightings are rare. I've been to amusement parks, fairs, music festivals, and out of tens of thousands of women, I've seen maybe one FBB and a couple of figure/fitness level women. Most of time you can walk around all day and not see one woman who looks like she's touched weights.

That's not to say I haven't had sightings, but outside of gyms, they're pretty random. I'd say on average I get one FBB/physique sighting a year. A couple I remember; raking leaves, with an MBB in a pizza place, working at a package store. The most recent was a couple of months ago. Saw a fairly muscular woman in a tank top shopping at Walmart with her family. Ironically, I was shopping with an FBB friend of mine at the time, which was a new twist. She's twice the size of this woman, and we almost ran into her party coming around a corner. They didn't seem to notice each other.

And that brings up another aspect to this. I've spent some time in public with a few FBB's, so I've seen the sightings from their perspective. While I'm sure a lot of people take note, they don't get approached too often, and the majority of people that do say something are women. I went to a convention with the FBB I mentioned where there were thousands of attendees. She got approached twice. A couple came up to her and the guy said they were wondering how much she benched. And another woman asked about her spandex pants - no mention of bodybuilding. Now that I think about it, I've been to a couple of places with her, and those are the only times she's ever been approached. But it's also the first time she's worn tight clothing. Usually she dresses in jeans and a unisex t shirt, which makes it hard to tell what's going on.

Took a physique competitor to a large casino for dinner and a show. She's not shy. She wore tight pants and a tank. Over the course of a few hours, she got a compliment from one woman. And while we were having drinks, she said, "You see that guy? It's the third time he's passed by."
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on October 10, 2018, 09:53:35 pm
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Took a physique competitor to a large casino for dinner and a show. She's not shy. She wore tight pants and a tank. Over the course of a few hours, she got a compliment from one woman. And while we were having drinks, she said, "You see that guy? It's the third time he's passed by."

Hmmm.... so they're on to us
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on October 10, 2018, 10:34:30 pm
Yeah 009eli

I took a girl from my Crossfit gym to dinner and a Dodgers game.
She's too young so unfortunately it was a "Friend" Date...anyway...

She's 5'4" and wore tight jeans and a tight tank top.
She is very buff and her arms are probably 15" and her rounded shoulders, traps and back muscles were clearly visible.

When we went to eat at a nearby restaurant, she was getting a few stares, but only one woman approached our table and came up and said, "I noticed your arms when you walked in here, they're amazing!"  my friend responded with a wide smile and a thank you.  The woman then persisted and asked about her workouts.  She was at our table for just a couple of minutes and then complimented my friend again on her amazing arms and walked away.

I asked my friend if she got compliments often.  She said yes, and almost never got a negative one.  But...we live in it's more normal than in the rest of the world I guess.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: khuddle on October 10, 2018, 11:23:10 pm
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Yeah 009eli

I took a girl from my Crossfit gym to dinner and a Dodgers game.
She's too young so unfortunately it was a "Friend" Date...anyway...

She's 5'4" and wore tight jeans and a tight tank top.
She is very buff and her arms are probably 15" and her rounded shoulders, traps and back muscles were clearly visible.

When we went to eat at a nearby restaurant, she was getting a few stares, but only one woman approached our table and came up and said, "I noticed your arms when you walked in here, they're amazing!"  my friend responded with a wide smile and a thank you.  The woman then persisted and asked about her workouts.  She was at our table for just a couple of minutes and then complimented my friend again on her amazing arms and walked away.

I asked my friend if she got compliments often.  She said yes, and almost never got a negative one.  But...we live in it's more normal than in the rest of the world I guess.

Living the dream, dude, living the dream. Grats to you :)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on October 12, 2018, 08:54:04 pm
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My female muscle radar is often pushed to its limits during visits to amusement parks (Disney, Universal, etc.).  Although most of the muscular women visiting these parks are with significant others, it is still thrilling to see these muscular babes in a casual atmosphere.  The realization on how rare muscular women actually are sinks in too during these trips.  Out of the thousands who visit the large parks on a daily basis, there are times when I haven't noticed a single muscle babe, but I recently had an experience where I picked out four physique levels of female muscle, and one female bodybuilder; all in the span of 3-4 hours!
It's funny, I think we all understand "muscle radar." It goes off in any situation where women are walking around with exposed arms or legs. You start actively scanning. If you're at some kind of summer event, it's taking up 98% of your cognitive functions. Not the best thing if you're with a significant other and she asks you a question. I live in NJ, which supposedly is a bodybuilding hot spot and has a lot of people in general, and my sightings are rare. I've been to amusement parks, fairs, music festivals, and out of tens of thousands of women, I've seen maybe one FBB and a couple of figure/fitness level women. Most of time you can walk around all day and not see one woman who looks like she's touched weights.

That's not to say I haven't had sightings, but outside of gyms, they're pretty random. I'd say on average I get one FBB/physique sighting a year. A couple I remember; raking leaves, with an MBB in a pizza place, working at a package store. The most recent was a couple of months ago. Saw a fairly muscular woman in a tank top shopping at Walmart with her family. Ironically, I was shopping with an FBB friend of mine at the time, which was a new twist. She's twice the size of this woman, and we almost ran into her party coming around a corner. They didn't seem to notice each other.

And that brings up another aspect to this. I've spent some time in public with a few FBB's, so I've seen the sightings from their perspective. While I'm sure a lot of people take note, they don't get approached too often, and the majority of people that do say something are women. I went to a convention with the FBB I mentioned where there were thousands of attendees. She got approached twice. A couple came up to her and the guy said they were wondering how much she benched. And another woman asked about her spandex pants - no mention of bodybuilding. Now that I think about it, I've been to a couple of places with her, and those are the only times she's ever been approached. But it's also the first time she's worn tight clothing. Usually she dresses in jeans and a unisex t shirt, which makes it hard to tell what's going on.

Took a physique competitor to a large casino for dinner and a show. She's not shy. She wore tight pants and a tank. Over the course of a few hours, she got a compliment from one woman. And while we were having drinks, she said, "You see that guy? It's the third time he's passed by."

Another NJ guy huh?  Yeah I'm always on the lookout for muscles and will always compliment a woman quick on her arms, etc. if she looks like she really lifts.  I wonder if I've ever seen you with your FBB friend. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on October 21, 2018, 02:09:08 pm
My wife and I were trying a new restaurant last night, and our waitress was a very cute girl who obviously worked out. She didn't had big muscles, but her biceps and shoulders were defined, and her quads and glutes stretched her jeans in a supremely sexy way. I would have asked her about her training, but not with my wife there...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: sa2009 on October 22, 2018, 08:34:24 am
Earlier tonight i was in line at a Target store , their was a girl in front of me . She was hispanic looking and couldn't have been more than 18 , she was wearing gym type shorts and the quads on this girl were just huge !  i couldn't tell if she was a fbb or cross fit . Would have loved to see her upper body , but she was wearing a sweat shirt type top . Was just blown away though because i haven't seen many legs that thick on a girl that age . Amazing genetics ..  all i can compare her to is the legs on that girl Bakhar N.  Bakhar is slightly thicker . But this girl is def on her way and not far off .
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on October 22, 2018, 03:58:00 pm
awesome sa2009 !  those had to be some amazing thighs!

I was at a Pumpkin festival this and rides for kids and scarecrows, hay and pumpkins's down the street from my house so I walked over to grab a couple pumpkins for Halloween.

Anyway, as I walked in, there was a young Japanese couple standing 20 or 30 feet away.  College age for sure 18 or 19, she was probably 5'3" and he was maybe 5'7".  Anyway, like everyone else muscle radar went off and although it was a bit cool, and most people were wearing pants...this cute Japanese girl had on white short-shorts and beige high heel shoes. She had on a long-sleeved sweatshirt so i couldn't see her arms, and she had beautiful long black hair.

She was definitely showing off! Her legs were very muscular and her calves flexed beautifully in her high heeled shoes!.  With each step, her quads bulged and I got an immediate woodie.  Her face was really cute and she was laughing and smiling with her boyfriend.  I followed them for a few minutes and was in awe of her gorgeous legs.  Her boyfriend looked like your average, thin college guy, but he obviously was like us and very into fit girls, cause her muscular legs took lots of hours at the gym for sure.... 

I left them and gathered up my pumpkins and headed out of the event.  On the way out, i was standing at the street corner next to two guys; just then, that same Japanese couple was walking out but crossing the street the other way....again I watched the young girls legs flex beautifully as she walked away....the funny thing, was that the two guys standing next to me started talking to eachother about how hot that Japanese girl I was glad to hear two young guys openly talking about how hot a chick with muscular legs was.....
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: sa2009 on October 23, 2018, 03:38:17 am
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awesome sa2009 !  those had to be some amazing thighs!

I was at a Pumpkin festival this and rides for kids and scarecrows, hay and pumpkins's down the street from my house so I walked over to grab a couple pumpkins for Halloween.

Anyway, as I walked in, there was a young Japanese couple standing 20 or 30 feet away.  College age for sure 18 or 19, she was probably 5'3" and he was maybe 5'7".  Anyway, like everyone else muscle radar went off and although it was a bit cool, and most people were wearing pants...this cute Japanese girl had on white short-shorts and beige high heel shoes. She had on a long-sleeved sweatshirt so i couldn't see her arms, and she had beautiful long black hair.

She was definitely showing off! Her legs were very muscular and her calves flexed beautifully in her high heeled shoes!.  With each step, her quads bulged and I got an immediate woodie.  Her face was really cute and she was laughing and smiling with her boyfriend.  I followed them for a few minutes and was in awe of her gorgeous legs.  Her boyfriend looked like your average, thin college guy, but he obviously was like us and very into fit girls, cause her muscular legs took lots of hours at the gym for sure.... 

I left them and gathered up my pumpkins and headed out of the event.  On the way out, i was standing at the street corner next to two guys; just then, that same Japanese couple was walking out but crossing the street the other way....again I watched the young girls legs flex beautifully as she walked away....the funny thing, was that the two guys standing next to me started talking to eachother about how hot that Japanese girl I was glad to hear two young guys openly talking about how hot a chick with muscular legs was.....

Cool Jdm !   yes at first when i saw her legs i did a double take . I have seen a lot of "fit" girls but this girl was the biggest  have seen in many years . Hoping maybe she turns up on the net in the future .
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: marasso on November 01, 2018, 06:37:37 pm
I saw my muscular neighbor again today. She was coming back with her friend or sister (this chick on wheelchair, as I mentioned in earlier posts). Of course, it's first of November, so weather is not pleasent anymore, but as for typical Autumn in Poland, today was pretty warm day. Although it was evening, so she was wearing leather jacket and looked buff even in such cloth. Her shoulders were filling this jacket nice. And she is really strong, as I could notice through staircase windows, she was dragging this girl on wheelchair up the stairs on 1st floor (our block has no elevators).

Freaking universe is trolling me, puting such muscular girl right next to me, and I am already married :V
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on November 01, 2018, 09:51:18 pm
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I saw my muscular neighbor again today. She was coming back with her friend or sister (this chick on wheelchair, as I mentioned in earlier posts). Of course, it's first of November, so weather is not pleasent anymore, but as for typical Autumn in Poland, today was pretty warm day. Although it was evening, so she was wearing leather jacket and looked buff even in such cloth. Her shoulders were filling this jacket nice. And she is really strong, as I could notice through staircase windows, she was dragging this girl on wheelchair up the stairs on 1st floor (our block has no elevators).

Freaking universe is trolling me, puting such muscular girl right next to me, and I am already married :V

You need to introduce yourself...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: marasso on November 01, 2018, 10:46:22 pm
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I saw my muscular neighbor again today. She was coming back with her friend or sister (this chick on wheelchair, as I mentioned in earlier posts). Of course, it's first of November, so weather is not pleasent anymore, but as for typical Autumn in Poland, today was pretty warm day. Although it was evening, so she was wearing leather jacket and looked buff even in such cloth. Her shoulders were filling this jacket nice. And she is really strong, as I could notice through staircase windows, she was dragging this girl on wheelchair up the stairs on 1st floor (our block has no elevators).

Freaking universe is trolling me, puting such muscular girl right next to me, and I am already married :V

You need to introduce yourself...

To her or to you guys?  ::)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on November 02, 2018, 07:48:55 pm
To her.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: marasso on November 02, 2018, 09:44:06 pm
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To her.

It's tempting, but I don't want to have drama with my wife. Maybe in different life ;)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on November 02, 2018, 10:54:45 pm
I have a friend at the gym who competes. I've managed to talk her into ditching bikini and moving up to Physique (Woo Hoo!). Saw her today, and she's looking great - big, striated shoulders.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Iron Maiden on November 03, 2018, 08:32:24 pm
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I have a friend at the gym who competes. I've managed to talk her into ditching bikini and moving up to Physique (Woo Hoo!). Saw her today, and she's looking great - big, striated shoulders.

How did you convince her to move up to physique? Did you tell her she would look even more beautiful or something?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on November 03, 2018, 08:47:34 pm
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I have a friend at the gym who competes. I've managed to talk her into ditching bikini and moving up to Physique (Woo Hoo!). Saw her today, and she's looking great - big, striated shoulders.

How did you convince her to move up to physique? Did you tell her she would look even more beautiful or something?

She has awesome muscle shapes. She's not HUGE, although most non-lifters would think she already has too much muscle. She trains like an animal, and told me that she thought she had to downsize to place better in bikini. I told her that with the amount of work she puts in, it would be a crime to lose that muscle - better to add even more an move up. After a few conversations like this, she agreed. I am SO looking forward to seeing what she can do.

Of course, turnabout is fair play - she wants me to compete, too - something I've been giving lip service to forever.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on November 04, 2018, 04:49:51 pm
Thanks, bro.
I have a friend who is starting to train me, with the eventual goal to do a master's (natural) competition (I'm an old dude - 58). First, we are going to do the Spartan Super in February, so lots of emphasis on calisthenics, running, and upper-body strength.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on November 17, 2018, 06:33:05 pm
I was recently on this trip outside the USA.    As we wanted to leave.  A group of serious outdoor people started to file off this bus to go on a SERIOUS hiking part of the trip.  This one woman in her mid to late 20 comes off the bus.  With dark hark in a short cut.  She got a huge duffle bag on.  That why I first notice it.  it was size of a small tent-strapped to her back.  I wondered how she could carry it all.  Than I notice she filled out her baggy t-shirt with a wide and thick chest.  A neck full of muscle cords bulging out. 

But when I looked at her legs I was blown away.  She had on pretty short shorts.  But which each step huge muscle bust out of her claves and quads.  I mean it was like a FMG come to life.  Her quads and calves was thicker then most built men's legs.  As she walked away I watched her.  Each step was like a explosion of size and shape.  As each new muscle group showed off as she walked.  She was wearing hiking boats and short socks.  So I could see her entire muscled up legs very easy.  As she walked about.  I could she her quads was huge and watermelon shaped!  It was type of muscle you only get from doing a lot of serious outdoor stuff!  Of course she was with some hippie boyfriend who was all skin and bones from walking so much!

At the gym a few weeks ago.  I was into my workout when I go over to the smith machine.  As a get a weight I am stopped short.  A blonde woman with short hair about 5 6 is using it with her boyfriend.  She got great skin.  Very healthy looking.  She looks a bit like Alyssa Milano in the movie double dragon.  But with really nice athletic breasts.   

As she bends down to get something.  I notice her workout shirt can barley contain her thick wide chest.  I mean she as built a bodybuilder.  but its all compact dense woman muscle mass.  The kind you don't see unless they flex or use it, or really look for it!   Her shoulder are huge, just boulder shoulders.  Her only give away to the rest of her   So as I workout.  I notice she using a lot of weight.  So she strong also.  But how dense and big she really is mind blowing.  Her BF built but not a BB and about 5 9.  But she almost got him beat in size.  He got non muscular leg.  She got leg built up by not huge.  If she equal he leg size to her chest size.  She would be way more built them him.  Never seen them before.  But I got the feeling.  She got him in lifting hard.     
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on December 05, 2018, 10:01:33 pm
I am taking a trip to Florida soon. I always 'tour' the gyms so I hope to come back with a report of what I see.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: khuddle on December 05, 2018, 10:35:37 pm
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I am taking a trip to Florida soon. I always 'tour' the gyms so I hope to come back with a report of what I see.

During the winter it tend to be slim pickings -- contest season is over. Spring, summer and fall you'll find plenty of action,
particularly around S Florida, Orlando and Tampa/St Pete. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: johnnylm on December 06, 2018, 12:39:34 am
I was hiking with my wife and kids in Sedona Az when we crossed paths with a massive blond in hiking boots and a tank top walking alone (more of a walk than a hike). Big muscular arms and shoulders. If I only I was on my own....
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Raffman on December 09, 2018, 01:19:27 am
I was walking from one side of work to the other and I spyed out to the side a pair of army shorts, and in these shorts were a pair of thick muscular thighs with that sexy definition. I was in love lol.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bruce321 on December 10, 2018, 12:06:50 am
Was in a Walmart a few months ago, rounded a corner and nearly collided with a woman leading her family, wearing jeans and a tank, clearly sporting some fitness/physique level muscle. The twist is I was shopping with a heavyweight FBB. They passed within feet of each other. Thought they might nod, say something, exchange a secret handshake, but they didn't even seem to notice each other. Happens in the gym all the time, but first time I've seen it out in the world.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on December 10, 2018, 08:22:06 pm
I noticed a new person at the gym the last few mornings. They were young, and very androgynous. I was pretty sure it was a girl, but couldn't be sure.
They were very athletic, with broad back and nice, defined arms. Not huge, but definitely muscular. Any guy their age would would be proud to be that buff, and any girl would be well on their way to winning a competition.
Today, after I finished my dips, they were at the water fountain, and I went over and said "great arms!"
Turns out, it's a girl - she is 25, and very nice. I asked her if she was going to compete, and she said she had been thinking about it. I told her she had the physique to do well.
She has a natural chest, with nice visible pecs and very small breasts, which I find sexy as hell.
She said she was going to do legs tomorrow, so I'll be sure to keep an eye out for her!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: M7 on December 13, 2018, 12:30:02 am
Was at a local farmers market. Quite a few nice thick muscular legs walking around. Driving home from work recently I saw out of the corner of my eye a fbb jogging down the street. She was big, black and wearing black spandex. Frustrated that I barely got a look at her I went around the block and drove by her again. Her upper body looked thick with wide lats, but her lower body was bigger by comparison. I've been going out of my way to see her again, but no luck.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: oystercake23 on December 15, 2018, 08:53:16 pm
I went to a park with waterfalls and a lake with my ex who I talked about on my true story thread. We were relaxing by the falls and my ex was taking a nap so I was people watching. I saw a young looking woman who was built like a power lifter. She was wearing tanks and shorts. You can see clearly see her boulder shoulders and anyone can tell that she is strong. She came with two companions. She stopped in front of the falls at a short distance from where I say. She asked her companion to take her picture while she flexed. I think they took 2 to 3 pictures with different poses before they moved on.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on December 25, 2018, 05:09:59 pm
I just got back from Florida.  I didn't get to do as much working out as I wanted, but I have a couple of sightings.

There's a gym in Ocala called Zone Fitness. A lady trainer there has a real nice body - about 5'7", nice tight waist, nice V taper, muscular buns and decent arms.  She may have had some chemical enhancements to help her along her path, but looked like she might be natural with a great work ethic.  Thick dark hair, brown eyes and a nice smile.  Most of the other gym hotties were naturals, with one notable exception.
This girl was about 5'3", dyed sandy hair, not super pretty but BUILT. She came into the gym and I could see her delts popping out of her warm up suit jacket. Always a good sign of what's underneath.  She went over to the squat rack and did a couple of warm up sets. Nice powerful legs.  And THEN the moment - the one i LOVE so MUCH - the reveal when she takes off her jacket. ZOIKES!  Nice big chest (so much - like two cantaloupes - so they probably bolt-ons but they sure looked impressive)
Nice strong arms with those big shoulders and bicep veins.  As she squatted, taking 135 down, her reps almost butt to the floor. YES! - that's how you build and got dat bubble ass !!! Yeah GIRL!

My only other stop was in Orlando. I ended up at Power Fitness gym, which turned out to be Dani Reardon's (back when) home.
There are pics of her all over and dang, that girl is sumthing!  Anyway, 9 out of 10 guys there were for certain juicing. Almost everyone was big as fuk.  One lady at the front - a welcomer - was about 50 - but nicely toned with a really nice ass, small waist and decent arms. That is a 50 year old I would not mind taking about. THEN, in a mirror as I started lifting, my eyes caught hold of some REAL XX muscle. This lady is hugely muscled. About 5'2". She was training another woman (who could use her trainers magic formulas). Unfortunately, her face she looked like she'd been shooting some powerful shit - like tren - which although it and hard work had made her body FUCKING HUGE and ripped, had take a toll on her face. Yet, dose BIG ARMS - 16" giant bicep muscle bellies, jutting delts - veins - which if she were to flex would likely be like Sue Meyers in her glory with their size and bicep peaks and conditioning. Her ass was small and hard as a rock with those nice outlines that only come when body fat is below 8%.  Okay, not bad.

THEN, another girl came through the doors all nicely dressed in matching workout gear. The legs inside her tights were shapely and he looked a bit like Dani.  She met her boyfriend, a 6'+ bodybuilder and they went over to the leg machine in front of the one I was using.
They started to warm up and after three sets this girl with mid-shoulder length sandy hair, beautiful face and a dark tan was getting heated. Then that moment arrived and off came the warm up jacket.  WOW! Underneath she had on only a halter which reveal nice breasts, some pecs, hard abs and good arms = 14".  While working out she was constantly lifting up that nice shock of thick hair and when she did, her biceps grew and peaked. Mmm Umm. YUM!  Other guys in the gym kept glancing over too. She also had nice big blue/grey eyes, perfect smile, full lips and was gorgeous with also what really matters - a happy bubbly personality. Mmm MMM MMM! I wish!

Well, I had a plane to catch and after showering went out to my car. As I got ready to leave, checking my route on my iphone, a man and his girl friend pulled up and got out to go inside.
OMG!  This woman was FUCKING HOT AS SHIT. TALL - could have been 5'10 or even 6'.  Long dark hair, fair skin and an amazing bod as she and her man strutted by. She was in shorts and a white tank top, a long thick braid of that beautiful black hard running down the middle of her WIDE back.
Now, when you are tall, your arms and legs are LONG, it takes a TON of muscle growth before one even looks like a bodybuilder. This girl was probably about 23-27, pretty and I bet she weighted in at 180-200. That is a TON of muscle for a girl who'd probably been about 125lbs before BB. Her long arms - I would guess 16" (as big but more defined than my own) reminded me of a build like Lyndsay dejager - only WAY bigger. Big boulder delts, a tiny little waist under a WIDE back flaring out with that magic flesh we call muscle. Nice iron ass too with flaring thigh muscles.

I was fumbling with my phone when I realized I should try to snap a shot. Well, the dang pro photo app chose that moment to update - believe it or not. Anyway, I could see they noticed I was staring that them (her) - how could I not???  Then they went by inches from my bumper and the guy said something to her as they passed. She looked back over her shoulder right at me.  I smiled and she gave me a quick smile back - just to say "Glad you like me. Thanks."  More like I fell in LOVE with her.  WOWZA!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba69 on December 27, 2018, 02:22:05 am
jaqeau, thanks dearly for sharing with us.  I feel like I was there with you having my breath taken away by such muscular beauties.   
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Windjammer on January 25, 2019, 04:00:29 pm
wow jaqeau, you sound like could write short stories on all your sightings. The way you described it makes me feel like I was right there.

The only accomplishment I've had irl was seeing Anne Sheehan at a gym in soflo at nighttime with some guy. Her arms were huge. All the guys couldn't stop talking about how built she was.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: khuddle on January 25, 2019, 05:01:19 pm
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wow jaqeau, you sound like could write short stories on all your sightings. The way you described it makes me feel like I was right there.

The only accomplishment I've had irl was seeing Anne Sheehan at a gym in soflo at nighttime with some guy. Her arms were huge. All the guys couldn't stop talking about how built she was.

When I was at the Tampa Pro show a few years ago (might have been 2013 or 14), I saw Anne Sheehan  clad only in a red bikini walking down one of the
hotel corridors. She had just come from a photo shoot. From the back she looked like Hercules! I only got about ten seconds glance as she darted into a room
soon afterwards. She's a bodybuilder's bodybuilder -- doesn't care what anyone thinks, she's just going to pack on as much muscle as possible!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on January 29, 2019, 01:57:37 pm
I was at the mall in the Oakley sunglasses store in Los Angeles. As I’m trying on different sunglasses in front of a mirror, this long fit arm reaches past me and grabs a pair. I instinctively look and see the gorgeous young girl who easily stood 4 or 5 inches taller than me.

I quickly smiled at her and she smiled back, I then turned back to the sunglasses rack and grabbed a different pair, seconds later three more beautiful, tall, young, fit girls walk up. I am now kind of cornered and surrounded by the super tall 4 girls. It was amazing as they all were 6’2 to 6’6 and it was an exhilarating and intimidating feeling which I love.

I made quick conversation with one and found out they were there for an international volleyball tournament, these girls were the team from Czechoslovakia...I obviously hung around for a while watching the 4 gorgeous girls shop in their yoga pants and team shirts!!!  :-*
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: sgsessioner on January 30, 2019, 03:32:04 pm
You see, in my country (wow, I sound like Borat), a muscular physique for a woman is becoming increasingly correlated with higher socio-economic status, as far as I can observe. I only have anecdotal evidence and my own limited empirical observation for this, but I do think it's true. This one time, I was out at a small mall in an area known for wealthier residents, and in a bakery I saw a woman who clearly hit the weights, but had more of a yoga kind of physique (very lean, definition, etc).

When I was out with some friends recently and walking along a riverside stretch known for expensive nightspots, I saw no fewer than 3 honest-to-goodness muscle women out and about, dressed to party. They were visions of beauty. Female friend who was with me knows of my tastes, and agreed with me that they looked gorgeous. But there was no chance in hell I could go up to any of them to chat them up. Too intimidating, and not just because of the attractiveness factor (and perceived attractiveness gap). There's also the whole social class thing. I'm solidly middle class, I guess one could say, not a high-income earner, and these women were with groups of friends who did look as though they belonged in that category.

Male friend of mine corroborates it too. He dated a muscular woman briefly, but she had lifestyle expectations he found stressful to try and match.

I have a neighbour who is a total MILF. Totally off-limits too because she literally is a MILF - I usually see her with her kids, and sometimes the husband too. Sporty, tanned, muscled, does cycling. Sometimes I encounter her when she's pushing the bicycle along. Really great shoulder and back development.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: musclelover1974 on February 04, 2019, 09:25:27 pm
we got a new bakery in town - kinda stylish and with damn good bread :-) one of the girls behind the counter is jawdropping built. because of the heat she keeps her arms uncovered and she has really thick, vascular arms. its really a joy watching her cutting bread with these guns :-)

i got myself together and made her a compliment about her shape. she liked it and told me, shes doing crossfit for 10 years. i'll try to visit the bakery every day now :)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: ruebe152001 on February 09, 2019, 01:53:45 pm
Wow. Sounds nice. Where are u from? Where is this bakery?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: musclelover1974 on February 23, 2019, 12:48:53 am
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Wow. Sounds nice. Where are u from? Where is this bakery?

bakery is in hamburg, germany.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: ruebe152001 on March 01, 2019, 11:07:15 am
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Wow. Sounds nice. Where are u from? Where is this bakery?

bakery is in hamburg, germany.

Nice. lucky guy. I am from Austria. I am always looking for random places where i can spot women with muscular arms.
I used to go to a Pizza place all the time a couple of years ago because i knew there was a waitress with really nice arms.
I really enjoyed talking to her.
Unfortunately there is not much going on in that regard right now in my town as far as i know :)
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: d_jnes on March 06, 2019, 01:12:37 pm
The new fitness teacher at our club is  about 40, very cut with guns.  I am so crushing on her.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: YaxeniRocks! on March 09, 2019, 10:15:35 am
I know it’s tough, but I wish people could take pictures when you get the chance, and them here.  I’ll definitely try and do so the next time.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: wpgcouple40 on April 08, 2019, 07:34:54 pm
I just discovered this thread so bare with me here.

Probably about 5 years ago I was at an NHL Winnipeg Jets game, in my usual season seats. Well a section and a half over was Julie Germaine (then Bonnett). Now if it hadn't been for creeping on this site I would have had no idea who she was. But she got everyone's attention because she was dressed well, she had on white knee socks that went to just above the knee, and a tight T-shirt. I think she had shorts on underneath but they must have been very short because not much skin was covered from the top of the socks to the top of the shorts. They were also sitting in the top row against the suites, so her back was to a wall, so she could stand the entire game. Some people in this row do it quite a bit, I do it quite a bit as I am in that same top row, but it can be rude to others that don't want to eat your elbows. She was there with her hubby at the time Craig and they made quite the pair, obviously loving the attention. Because she was standing I was able to keep a sideways look at her for the whole game which was awesome. She looked incredible and obviously was enjoying being looked at. Plus they had the aisle seats, so there was no one in front of them, just the stairs going down. Perfect location to be seen.
Now as fate would have it I would end up meeting Craig at several events through a mutual acquaintance after his break from Julie. She then posted a ton of stuff online about standing up to abuse, so it kind of puts a big damper on the whole thing. I have no idea what went on but I pretty much just try and avoid talking to Craig in those social situations. I feel like I got the wrong friend in that break-up.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: average_monkey on April 09, 2019, 09:23:30 am
There's a mum at my son's school with amazing calves. Seriously, she could make money selling vids and pics of them. I look forward to the nicer weather because she'll wear shorts so I can really appreciate their muscularity.
I've been trying I think how she developed them and I can only guess that she runs cross-country (up and down hills, over rough terrain) because the rest of her is decidedly normal-looking.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Shinra on April 13, 2019, 10:55:45 pm
Stacked the deck in my favor today. Went to the Europa Games in Orlando! Met some incredible women including Nadia Amy and Jen McEnery! Here is a photo I took of Jen that I posted to my tumblr blog

( (

All the women looked incredible and ranged from moderately fit to absolutely jacked! I would highly recommend going if you're in the Orlando area!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: waynegm on April 20, 2019, 06:05:40 am
I still remember it was april 2017 - I was a cab driver sitting and just waiting for a call or someone who would flag me down, in a part of a tourist type of town.
Anyway, this girl , about 45 to 50 comes up and just starts talking to me , I was inside the cab, she was outside my window - it was a warm night and she was
wearing a shirt that wasn't really tight, but in the back of my mind I thought she may have had some muscle - and NO LIE - all of a sudden she stepped back
a bit from the window and just flexed her arm - it was a boulder, perfect in shape. this was out of no where, she just flexed for me .

 - she was kind of drunk, but not that bad, My eyes popped out of my head. I asked her
if she needed a ride (free) and she wanted some dinner, I said,sure, on me. so took her to a drive thru place, she ordered, I paid, and I told her how much I
like female muscle, she flexed some more for me in the cab. we talked for a while and she said you better get back to work - I said yeah, like an idiot, and took her
back to town,not even a mile away, she kissed me, got out and said I will be back in town in about 2 weeks - I have never seen her again and I look for her all the
time - even going to the spot at the time on the night (friday night) where she first came over - never saw her since.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Sheep on April 23, 2019, 10:04:13 pm
I was walking in the town during my lunch break today and saw a woman with massive shoulders and biceps. She was wearing a short one piece dress, she was amazing with big strong muscle thighs. I couldn’t believe it and have kept thinking about it the rest of the day. Will do the same walk tomorrow hoping to catch a view of her big muscles in the open. Now time to sleep and dream!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on June 02, 2019, 04:12:44 pm
Tina Lockwood sighting - 1989

sorry for the late post, but thought you might enjoy this...

In 1989 I was a 160 pound 5'10" college kid looking for some required biology items at the campus bookstore.
As I reached out towards this peg board wall with items hanging on it, this massive, muscle-bound arm also reaches to the same area just an inch or two from mine.  The bicep and forearm were easily twice the size of my arm and it was smooth and her fingers had red fingernail polish on them.  I was shocked, as I immediately knew it belonged to a girl.  I turned my head quickly, and there is this beautiful, massive, brunette girl smiling at me.

She said, "Biology 101?" I immediately answered, "Yes." and said, "They sure are making us spend a ton on this class."  she laughed and said, "I know, right."  Being an idiot, I smiled and kind of turned away with my item.  Just a few steps away, I faked having to grab some other items that allowed me to turn back in her direction.  Her calves and thighs were huge and as i looked at her from behind, i was mesmerized by the utter massive size of her arms and triceps.  I proceeded to follow her around the bookstore for at least 5 more minutes, continually grabbing items i didn't even need that happened to be a few feet from her, ogling her massive arms every chance i got.  We smiled at each other a couple of different times in passing through the store, but i never got the courage to talk to her again, and she eventually went to the check stand and bought her items.

I was praying that she was in my Bio class, but wasn't that lucky.  I only saw her one more time that semester and she was walking through campus with this very large dude.  I followed for a while, again ogling her every muscle-bound movement then eventually let them go.

I didn't know her name, but a year later saw her in an issue of WPW where she talks about her college swimming days at my college.  I immediately knew it was Tina Lockwood whom I had had a nice encounter with in that campus bookstore...I so wish I had the balls at the time to ask her out...but oh well...she likely would have turned my skinny ass down..ha ha.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: 009eli on June 02, 2019, 11:43:06 pm
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Tina Lockwood sighting - 1989

sorry for the late post, but thought you might enjoy this...

In 1989 I was a 160 pound 5'10" college kid looking for some required biology items at the campus bookstore.
As I reached out towards this peg board wall with items hanging on it, this massive, muscle-bound arm also reaches to the same area just an inch or two from mine.  The bicep and forearm were easily twice the size of my arm and it was smooth and her fingers had red fingernail polish on them.  I was shocked, as I immediately knew it belonged to a girl.  I turned my head quickly, and there is this beautiful, massive, brunette girl smiling at me.

She said, "Biology 101?" I immediately answered, "Yes." and said, "They sure are making us spend a ton on this class."  she laughed and said, "I know, right."  Being an idiot, I smiled and kind of turned away with my item.  Just a few steps away, I faked having to grab some other items that allowed me to turn back in her direction.  Her calves and thighs were huge and as i looked at her from behind, i was mesmerized by the utter massive size of her arms and triceps.  I proceeded to follow her around the bookstore for at least 5 more minutes, continually grabbing items i didn't even need that happened to be a few feet from her, ogling her massive arms every chance i got.  We smiled at each other a couple of different times in passing through the store, but i never got the courage to talk to her again, and she eventually went to the check stand and bought her items.

I was praying that she was in my Bio class, but wasn't that lucky.  I only saw her one more time that semester and she was walking through campus with this very large dude.  I followed for a while, again ogling her every muscle-bound movement then eventually let them go.

I didn't know her name, but a year later saw her in an issue of WPW where she talks about her college swimming days at my college.  I immediately knew it was Tina Lockwood whom I had had a nice encounter with in that campus bookstore...I so wish I had the balls at the time to ask her out...but oh well...she likely would have turned my skinny ass down..ha ha.


 :wow: I have to say that is some story. Thanks for finally sharing it. It's been great hearing everyone's experiences but to see a legend like her, that must have been like a guitar fan seeing Hendrix in concert!! Anymore detials you'd care to share? Tina is truly in a class by herself I'm sure she was amazing looking in person!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on June 03, 2019, 01:52:57 am
To be honest, I had no idea who she was back then.  I had been buying WPW since my junior year in high school, but Tina wasn't on the scene yet.  Obviously, she was unbelievably muscular and I was completely shocked at how much muscle she had !

Not much more to the story other than me ogling her massive calves, thighs and arms as she walked around the bookstore!!!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: khuddle on June 04, 2019, 01:01:27 am
Awesome story. Was this in NJ? Wasn't that where Ms Lockwood was located, at the time?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: marasso on June 06, 2019, 03:59:05 pm
I saw one fit and quite muscular girl today in my "hood", not so massive like my neighbor (whom I mentioned few times before), but this girl definitely works out or has some physical work. I was shopping with my daugther and noticed this girl around fridge, collecting yoghurts etc. She didn't take basket, so she set them all one on the other and was holding them between her chin and hand. I noticed that she had lean, toned arms, with nicely shaped biceps. Later she asked me for help with plastic bag, cause she had ocuppied hands with all these yoghurts. She had quite pretty face and friendly smile. I asked if she want me to hold her plastic bag, so she can put products in it and she evidently didn't understand me - then I realized, that she was Ukrainian. In Poland we have lot Ukrainian immigrants nowadays and apparently she barely speaks Polish. But she thanked for help and went other way. I lurked at her back and she had slight V-taper, but not very muscular and nicely shaped buttocks.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: dixon145 on July 05, 2019, 09:05:04 am
So I in Machester (Northern town in UK), and usually for the UK it was a nice day.  Anyway I was walking along and across the other side of the road I saw a male bodybuilder and his girlfriend.

She had long blonde hair in a ponytail, wearing skin tight faded blue jeans, and a tight white long sleeve.  Now when I say tight, on a normal woman they would have been loose!!  She had extreme thick and muscular legs, although from my vantage point, I couldn't her quads definition.  Her upper body was equally thick, she had large breasts, but it was the thickness in the arms that drew my eye.  Her biceps look very thick, although unflexed, but as she walk you could see the horseshoe shape of her triceps flex under the fabric.

As she walked along, there was no jiggling in her body, it was rock solid.

A rare, but beautiful sight in the UK.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Baalphegor on July 13, 2019, 05:24:10 am
At a gym I used to go to, there was a slim girl who would work out with lots of free weights. Over a few months she gained a little bit of size and got much stronger, getting to bench pressing 45lb dumbbells and could curl 30lb dumbbells. She then disappeared and I didn't see her for some time.

About six months later I turned up at the gym and was impressed by a thickly developed girl bicep curling 50lb dumbbells. After she finished and turned around I saw it was the previously slim girl I used to see. Except she was now massively developed.

I saw her at the gym only a few more weeks until she stopped coming, she had moved to another city. She was pretty amazing after her transformation.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bicepboy on July 15, 2019, 02:55:47 am
Curling with 50s? I don't know if I've even tried to do that. She must be massive.

I'm considering moving to Philly. Just got back from a convention there. Saw some very fit women on the street in athletic gear -- probably a lot of fitness studios and the like near the convention center. Was in the Reading Terminal Market with a female acquaintance -- someone I've considered as a possible love interest -- very smart and nice and kinda pretty, though not the type that would ever get near a gym, I think (also, needs to do something about body odors, but that's another story).  Anyway, she had already eaten when we met up, so I got on line at a deli there, while we caught up. Huge distraction reared its head, but only briefly. There was a caucasian woman who walked past us. I didn't get enough of a look at her to even guess at an age, but she made one helluva impression on me. I'm a short guy, but she was noticeably shorter than me, perhaps 5'1 at most, but possibly much shorter, but wearing a tank top I think (maybe sleeveless shirt) and showing big, ripped arms and shoulders. I get a lot of compliments for my arms, but the sharpness of the muscles blew me away.

The next day, on Saturday, I was out with two female friends and we went to a place called Bareburger for dinner. I definitely got another brief, but great show of bare beef. Just after we sat own at a booth, a very buff young woman with blonde hair, wearing a lycra top (the kind dancers wear). She was carrying out her carry out/takeaway bag, which caused her arm to be in a 60-80 degree angle, showing off her arms. Not nearly as ripped as the woman in the market at lunch the day before, but pretty impressive girth. I'd guess at least 15". I think one of my friends noticed my glance in her direction as she walked past us, or maybe it was just the other woman's muscles that caught her reaction, but she had a look of surprise on her face as she looked past me toward the exit.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: josh3157 on July 15, 2019, 06:48:22 pm
Not a surprise on this one but I had a session in June and the reason why the woman was there was because there was a contest that weekend. After a great session I left her room and got in the elevator and there was another woman with biceps as big as the woman I just left. I smiled and said hi and wanted to say more but other people where in the elevator also. I was so transfixed on her I didn’t get off when the doors opened on my floor. I wished I could have stayed for the contest.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Javi45 on July 15, 2019, 10:24:03 pm
so whenever i see a muscular chick i dont stare because i have been on dates or with the girls and dont want to give my secret away ya know
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Digital Garden on July 16, 2019, 10:19:15 pm
Great sighting stories guys, keep them coming! I love hearing about these chance encounters with buff chicks in random spots and transformations of fit women going full bodybuilding over time. 

:rock:  :woohoo:
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: marasso on July 26, 2019, 05:27:41 pm
I don't know what's happening around me in few past months, is the universe trolling me someway or what, but today I spotted another muscular female in my neighbourhood. It's third person like this in my area, first is really buffed girl living in the same block like me (I've mentioned her multiple times) and second is Ukrainian chick, whom I've helped in shop (I wrote about this also, since then, always when I spot her, she smiles and says "good morning").

Today I was shopping with my kids and seconds after walking inside, my "muscle girl spidey sense" went on. I noticed person near fridge, at first glance I couldn't figure out if that a long hair guy or muscular woman. I saw quite wide back and then very lean arms, with noticable bicep bulge and really big and veiny forearms. I lurked discreetly (heheh) and saw her face. She was really pretty! In her late 30s or even more possible early 40s, but she had really nice facial features, big eyes with long eyelashes, full lips.
Of course I was staring (still discreetly, or st least I thought that was discreetly ;) ) and she definetely has to work out or she has really exhausting physical work, like construction worker, which I honestly doubt. I think she was just after workout, she had sporty t-shirt, looked a little bit messy (a bit disheveled hair, sweaty and tired face). And she was moving like someone very tired, so my guess was that she went shopping after gym and work.

So apparently I have three muscular women in my area :D
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bicepboy on August 03, 2019, 04:22:44 am
Another encounter. Out with a friend tonight. Went to meet up with a woman friend he hasn't seen in 20 years. She came out of her home with her two young  daughters, and was wearing very short shorts and a tank-top. Obviously she knows how good she looks. She was carrying real muscle everywhere. Bulging leg and arm muscles.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Digital Garden on August 03, 2019, 04:27:17 am
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Another encounter. Out with a friend tonight. Went to meet up with a woman friend he hasn't seen in 20 years. She came out of her home with her two young  daughters, and was wearing very short shorts and a tank-top. Obviously she knows how good she looks. She was carrying real muscle everywhere. Bulging leg and arm muscles.

That's it? What happened next? Go on...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on August 03, 2019, 03:40:02 pm
I was at the gym yesterday, and this little power lifter friend of mine, finished with her 245 lb deadlifts (she said she was going light), asked if she could use my dip belt.
She then put on 50 lbs and had me video her doing strict pullups for reps.
She's under 5', and is as strong as a freakin' ox.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: super123 on August 06, 2019, 02:03:33 am
When I was in eighth grade I did gymnastics and participated in the Arnold Classic gymnastics meet. It was this same year that I realized I liked female bodybuilders. Before the meet I got to walk around the expo. I saw so many jacked and muscular women. This was the first time I had seen them in person and I was very pleased. Also one of the gym teachers at my high school was a bodybuilder. So I saw her often, but she was too old for my tastes to be attracted to her.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: PEABUTR on August 06, 2019, 11:15:10 pm
Fairs and tractor shows bring out a lot of female muscle
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: khuddle on August 07, 2019, 01:06:20 pm
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When I was in eighth grade I did gymnastics and participated in the Arnold Classic gymnastics meet. It was this same year that I realized I liked female bodybuilders. Before the meet I got to walk around the expo. I saw so many jacked and muscular women. This was the first time I had seen them in person and I was very pleased. Also one of the gym teachers at my high school was a bodybuilder. So I saw her often, but she was too old for my tastes to be attracted to her.

There is nothing like seeing them live for the first time. is there? For an entire decade, the only access I had to fbbs was through magazines and videos.
And then I saw my first live one in 1994. It was quite a revelation.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: PEABUTR on August 29, 2019, 04:15:36 pm
Back in late 90's I attended a track meet brother in law was coaching pole vault for the girls, bored with that I walked over to the shot put area where the girls were getting ready to throw. This came to my mind after reading about Paige Dumar was in shot put back in school. So I  sat down on the bleachers across from two women seem to be there for their daughters, both talking and the one I couldn't see said I believe she's gonna break the state record. The other one said she's only 16 she don't break in this there's next year. The one I couldn't see said I talked to the coach yesterday and he told me he wouldn't put her in any running events before her shot throw so she won't be tired out. Few thru first then her, [they must have been sisters mother and aunt] they cheered a little when the girl came up to throw took her wind breaker off she was solid looking little bit of arm flexed a little, legs were solid looking little bit of baby fat. Got in to her stance then let the shot fly, the one I couldn't see said what the hell that, she jumped off the bleachers walked to the end and talked to the girl, other woman turned towards me,I said that her daughter, no that mine that's my sister she's been training her. Both had light coats on, both had shorts on the mother's legs were on the heavy side the aunt legs couldn't see. Finally after five minutes a few more thru then her daughters turn came up for her second throw. Back in the stance threw again I don't think it went any farther than the first shot throw. Her aunt looked like she had fire in her eyes, turned looked at her sister she [the mother] turned at me and said she's pissed off well I'll find out what going on, well good luck, thanks she said. The aunt walked over to her sister and said get down we have to see the coach. The mother looked over and said I'm going need more than luck, smiled and got off the bleachers. As they walked around to my side I noticed the aunt had calves, I mean mad cows. Radar kicked in walk from a distance just to see the power she had in those legs, thighs looked developed in the back, finally I looked at the rest of her shorter than her sister but broad shoulders, dam that coat she had on. Walked over to the other side where the coach was stood there trying to get his attention, she went to the inside of the track got behind him, he was taller looked to be 6' figured she was 5' to 5'3 but as wide as was. Turned around and back up after seeing her he looked like he had fear in his eyes, after talking awhile she turned around came back to her sister and said something and started to walk to the parking lot. I had to follow find out what's up, they got into full size van [conversion] she was fuming rocking the van, screaming, windows rolled up. Settling down a little she opens the aunt opens the door get out and walks away. The mother noticed me opened the door and said curious on what just happened. I like to know what makes a man back up like the coach did, he looked like he was afraid of her, half a smile she said he is. What! They both work out at the same gym, if you didn't notice my sister on the some what muscular side, she a body builder I said, no she's a power lifter training my daughter so she can take the state title in the shot, she got her lifting weights and practicing her shot throws, but my daughters just not into it she told me, but she don't want to say know to her aunt. Back to the coach, why is he afraid of her he knows she can hurt him really bad, they wrestled on the mat once at the gym, she picked him up like a feather and threw him to the other side of the boxing ring, he used to play football, then became a coach for the track team. Now I got to explain to her that her niece might not want to do the shot and do running events instead. So what happened out there he put her in a running event and that's why she didn't throw like she usually does, which is 16' to18' not bad for a 16year old, i just hope my sister doesn't take it the wrong way. Where she go, I don't know, want to go for a walk, sure I'm just waiting around, you got son or daughter here she said ,no just here to see someone coach pole vault for the girls from another school, got bored that's how I ended up by the shot put area. Like to see how strong some of the girls can get and far they throw. Liked to see women with muscles, you could say that, then you would really like to see my sister, well I already seen her legs but she got that wind breaker on, and curius as hell what the other half looks like, how long as she been lifting, about 8 years she said and a little warning don't mention or say anything about her deep voice she sounds like man. She taking steroids, YES, but she loves the way she looks, well it's her body I said. Reaching an area she was in where the coaches park there she was she wasn't a raving beauty but wasn't ugly neither sister says feeling better, a little, who's that with you, a guy wanting to know why  you can scare the  the coach, then the mother say's watch this under her breadth. You going to pass out, I don't think so turns her back towards me, takes off that coat the only thing she had on was tube bra, muscles every where she had muscles where they not suppose to be muscles. Dam said I throw a shirt on next time without sleeves and show off. She really didn't need that bra neither, she didn't need to flex her pecs looked like a plate of steel and her arms were just like her legs, I would call them mad arms, after drooling I ask her strong she was. This is the coaches truck 2 wheel drive chev S -10 said stand back picked up back end and moved it to point he going to have fun getting out until everyone leaves. Then she said he'll know who did this, sis its time to go home b-4 I humiliate him here. Did you enjoy the show yes very much said I, STUPID ME  all I saw was this woman I could look at all day and didn't know her name, where she was from, down by Detroit area the school was at, didn't get name of that neither and no camera or phone, talked to few power lifters up in Saginaw, Mi. about her a lot don't compete they just lift, I'm still looking.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: tom_b24 on September 03, 2019, 07:24:08 am
Saw Trudy Ireland at a Frozen Yoghurt store in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago while I was on holiday.
She looked in great shape just like on her Insta account.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Digital Garden on September 03, 2019, 07:59:53 pm
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Saw Trudy Ireland at a Frozen Yoghurt store in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago while I was on holiday.
She looked in great shape just like on her Insta account.

You lucky sonuvabitch!  :hey: ;) :)

Did you say anything to her? Please don't tell you just stood there and gawked, give us some more details pls.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: tom_b24 on September 04, 2019, 08:44:21 am
She was with someone so I left her alone.
Didn't feel it was right to go all fanboy when she was trying to have a private conversation.
The only surprising thing was that most people didn't even see her.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on September 07, 2019, 05:27:58 pm
I just saw an absolutely incredible muscular woman working at the Kona Brewpub in Oahu, Hawaii.  She was really top notch and looked like she could be a pro physique/bodybuilding competitor.  She’s a waitress at Kona Brewpub and her muscles just exploded out of everything, glutes strained her shorts, arms looked like they were going to rip her shirt, and a chest that just seemed made of steel.  Anyone know who this might be working in Hawaii?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba69 on September 11, 2019, 11:34:13 pm
I frequent there, and have never seen anyone looking as awesome as the girl you are describing. 

There is an older (50+) gal who works there....doesn't look near that age and is very beautiful.  She is either a bikini or figure competitor. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on September 14, 2019, 06:53:42 pm
I think it may have been Robin Connell..only figuring that cuz she’s from that area and looks to be about that size, women’s physique
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bubba1968 on October 13, 2019, 10:28:19 pm
Thanks for sharing these great encounters. Aside from the thrill of it all, I think it is great to meet one of these amazing women in an everyday type of scenario and try to get a sense of their personality. Unfortunately, I did not take advantage of the one opportunity that I had about 7 or 8 years ago. I had been working all day in my yard on landscaping. It was summer and I was hot, sweaty, dirty, and smelly (so bad I even noticed it). I headed to the local Home Depot to purchase about 20 bags of mulch so I could be finish for the day. As I was outside starting to load my truck I noticed a woman walk into the garden center. She was medium height and was wearing tight spandex that covered her body but showed that she had a great physique underneath. I took my time loading the truck as I watched from about 20 feet away noticing her biceps bulge with her arm movements. She started talking with one of the employees. I think she was looking at some trees and turned in my direction while checking out their stock. She was a beauty. Turns out it was Lindsay Mulinazzi! I couldn't believe it. For a brief moment I thought about going over to say hello and jokingly ask her if she wanted a short workout to help me finish loading. Then I looked at myself and realized what I looked and smelled like at that moment. Decided that it was probably not a good idea to try and make conversation. That was my local Home Depot at the time; but, I never happened to run into her there again.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on October 14, 2019, 04:29:50 am
There's a new woman at my gym. I noticed her a few weeks ago, but finally had a chance to chat with her.
She's in her 50's and has mind-blowing muscle definition. I asked her if she competed, and she said no, but she used to do powerlifiting. I told her she should compete,and she said she was thinking about it.
I mentioned that I was thinking of doing a Master's and she said "I will if you will..."
I saw her today, and went over to talk to her. She was holding her water bottle, and her right biceps easily rose 2" from her arm, even without consciously flexing. Her peaks are world-class.
I asked her if she was going to be at the gym tomorrow, and said we could do dips together. She seemed to like that idea. I bet she can do them effortlessly.
I'll try to get some pictures, but I don't want to creep her out...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: untergr8 on November 02, 2019, 12:56:41 pm
My new job has a tradition of a big communal Friday lunch. My first week I saw a girl standing in line. She had a bodybuilder's ass that filled her jeans, the muscles shifting as she walked. She was wearing a t-shirt tucked in at the waist and I could see the twin ropes of her lower back, the immense muscles of her shoulders as she carried her plate. My heart started to pound, so I went over and talked to her. Her biceps were  clearly defined, and even though she wasn't pumped I still saw that tell-tale vein. I asked if she did crossfit because she had that look, but she told me she was a power lifter. We spoke for a few minutes, me trying not to look at her forearms. I've since seen her several time, the best being in a sheath dress that showed her muscles off big time. She's since transferred to the west coast, so I no longer see her with any regularity. I stalked her on FB and saw that she's a former cheerleader, so the muscle is a new thing. The girl is way younger than I and I don't want to creep on her, but you can bet she takes her place in my fantasy catalog. Husky voice and a bodybuilder physique, long hair and white teeth. Right up my alley.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on November 17, 2019, 03:41:29 pm
So I went to the same gym as Alyssa Nemes (look her up if you don’t know) and I’m about the same age.  I was there when she was huge for being like 19.  It was just an incredible sight seeing her go from somewhat athletic to instantly bulging and veiny.  There was another woman there tho probably 10 years older than me (like 35) I saw a few times who was just enormous. She was about 5’5” and absolutely looked ready to compete, physique or bodybuilding even.  I remember seeing her walk in, every muscle bulging, and sitting down to do incline dumbbell presses.  She grabbed 80s and just let going and going right in front of me. Her pics just exploded into
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on November 17, 2019, 03:45:02 pm
Her pecs just exploded into mountains. I couldn’t contain myself.  After the workout she went and put white wedge flip flops on and her calves were bulging with every step.  She went into the small supplement store a few spots down from the gym and I figured well I guess I could browse a little.  We walked out at the same time and I struck up a conversation about like the store or whatever we were just in. The next few months she’d always see me and say hi and all.  If I only I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time.  She definitely said it once but I can’t remember her name. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: beowulff on December 02, 2019, 10:00:42 pm
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There's a new woman at my gym. I noticed her a few weeks ago, but finally had a chance to chat with her.
She's in her 50's and has mind-blowing muscle definition. I asked her if she competed, and she said no, but she used to do powerlifiting. I told her she should compete,and she said she was thinking about it.
I mentioned that I was thinking of doing a Master's and she said "I will if you will..."
I saw her today, and went over to talk to her. She was holding her water bottle, and her right biceps easily rose 2" from her arm, even without consciously flexing. Her peaks are world-class.
I asked her if she was going to be at the gym tomorrow, and said we could do dips together. She seemed to like that idea. I bet she can do them effortlessly.
I'll try to get some pictures, but I don't want to creep her out...

Update -
I've become more and more friendly with her over the past few months, and I finally got the chance to work out with her today. We did pullups (she ripped off 20 with no problem). When we did "Buddy curls" (pyramid up from 1-10 reps, passing the bar back and forth each set) she kept up with me with no problem. It was almost a sexual pleasure to watch her arms get even more pumped, and her already prominent veins bulge even bigger as she curled that bar.

I think I have her convinced to do a Physique competition. I think she could step on stage today and place...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Boyo on December 15, 2019, 10:12:57 pm
Had a good sighting recently, in fact I shared a plane with a very large woman, whose face I like to think I kinda recognised, but cannot quite place.

So Monday December 2nd I caught the (roughly) 1230pm American Airlines flight from Phoenix to Denver. I’m always on muscle alert in Phoenix because there are lots of various sized and shaped muscle women showing off their development so frequently, but on this trip I didn’t see any. Probably the weather. It was cold!

So I’m in Phoenix airport at the gate, and we’re going to start boarding in 10 minutes, so I decide to nip to the loo. As I get up and turn and start walking, I just see the back of someone big. Big! Hair in a bun, grey hoodie, not much neck and really thick and broad shoulders. At first glance I think it’s a man but a further glance at the black and pink leggings and I think it’s a woman. I can’t be sure though, so I go to the toilet and kinda prey that this person is still sat there when I get back.

They are. She is. And what a she she happens to be as well. She’s an absolute giant of a woman. Dare I say a slightly steroid-y face? Prominent jaw, and the bun isn’t doing her any favours. Still pretty though. I mean, she’s beautiful. She’s not ripped or cut or veiny, no, she’s all power. She’s thick and broad and i can only wonder what strength she has.

I board the plane, take my seat, and wonder if this giant is going to board too, and she does. She doesn’t sit next to me, nor do I talk to her, nor does she look at me. However, as I’m sat down in my seat by the aisle and she’s waiting to take her seat, she does stand right by me sleeves of the hoodie rolled up to her elbows, clutching her carry on luggage. Her forearms were like ham hocks, and I say this genuinely her forearms were bigger than my upper arms. She was so big.

I don’t know if it was actually her, but she did sorta remind me of... (let me just google her, brb)... Michelle Russell. I’m not saying it was her but it was close.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: MuscleBuilder1 on June 30, 2020, 01:50:21 am
My apologies if this isn't the correct place to post this material.  Blame it on being a newbie.  Anyway, I have several sighting stories to share, so will detail one here now. I'll save the best one for last - for another time.  This first tale took place at DIA - Denver Airport - probably 10 years ago.

I suspect many of the members here have an eye for picking out a woman, even in a large crowd, who trains with weights.  It's like a search-image of some kind, a propensity to detect a particular build, shape, or perhaps even subtle nuances in the way a person carries themself - the overall gestalt of a bodybuilder or lifter - that attract our gaze like a moth to a flame.  Such was the case as I stood in the security line there at DIA. A line or two over I saw a really attractive, stocky young (early 20s), blond-haired woman with inordinately large thighs, tight waist, and beautiful glutes. She was wearing ultra snug  lycra tights, so all of that was easy - and pleasant! - to see.  It was clear she was athletic and that she trained with weights.  In fact I was fairly convinced from that first observation that she used anabolics.  As I recall, she was wearing a hoody, so I was interested in seeing what she looked like under the covering. 

Keeping a (hopefully) casual eye on her, I passed through the screening and was slooowly collecting my belongings, stalling as nonchalantly as I possibly could as I watched. her.  As she approached the screening unit, she had to remove her hoody or coat.  She entered the cylindrical stand -up unit and had to raise her arms over her head, sort of like the famous Sergio Olivia pose.  Her upper body was as impressive as her lower - low fat, large muscle bellies, no appreciable mammary tissue but instead some well-developed pecs - all readily visible because she was wearing  a tight-fitting, long-sleeve athletic top that hugged her body like a glove.  If I had doubts before, which I really hadn't, it was obvious she was a bodybuilder and that she was using, or had used, PEDs. 

I decided I'd try to talk to her, so I followed her out of the security area and onto a tram, then disembarked at whatever concourse she did.  I think it was A.  As I followed her up the escalator to the concourse I saw there was a collegiate swim team logo on her daypack.  I caught up to her after we both stepped off the escalator and casually asked, "Were you here for a swim meet?"   

She responded, saying, "No, I was actually snowboarding." 

I knew the resorts pretty well, so I asked which one she had visited.  I think she said Breckenridge,  I asked if she planned to come back, and she said she would love to.  I think I then mentioned I had been a high school swimmer and that I always felt it was the most demanding sport, and then compliment her for her involvement with it at the collegiate level.   My recollection is that she said she wasn't still swimming - I imagine she was already our of college - and I regret I didn't use that opportunity to transition into talking about her amazing build. 

Alas, a lost opportunity...

I didn't want to be any creepier than I might have already been, so I bid her safe travels and we went our separate ways.  I wish it was possible to figure out who she was, as she was really well built and very attractive facially, too.  Hopefully she is competing somewhere. 

We learn from such interactions. In another story I'll share here later, I took a more direct approach to asking a woman about her physique and it paid off.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: gwhh on July 15, 2020, 09:41:31 pm
There a physique level woman who was working out at my gym before the gym.   Tall with big off season bulk muscles.  Dark hair and literally bugling out of her clothes during her bulk.

There a very petite, very strong power lifter at my gym.   She looks a lot like Alyssa Milano back when she was on charmed with that blonde pixie haircut.   She lift so hard and so long.

A blonde FBB.  She about age 30 not competing anymore.  She still built like a bodybuilder and works out with a male BB.  Who is her husband.  She still got a lot of muscle on her and there no mistakenly she a FBB.  Her husband really encourages to lift hard and stay big!

There a tall, very fit dark hair woman with a very small waist.  Amazing arms and shoulders.  She also got that serious fitness walk going in.

Saw a woman at the supermarket this week.  Who sneak up on me in the meat section.  I Turned around and notice she had  figure size arms and shoulders.   Pretty skinny everywhere else.         
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: untergr8 on August 07, 2020, 05:28:34 pm
At Aldi today I saw a woman who was at least 6'4" and fairly muscular, though not in current shape. She was built more like a boxer than a FBB. but when she picked up a bag of chicken her biceps were insane.

( ( ( (
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bicepboy on August 16, 2020, 04:31:09 pm
Social distancing.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Timmon on August 17, 2020, 02:01:07 pm
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Social distancing.
Maybe they live together, in each other's social bubble, etc.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Sir Bob on September 24, 2020, 03:16:35 pm
I did see Jill Rudison in Santa Monica a few years ago.  She looked stunning, but absolutely no way I had the courage to say hello, so just kept a distance behind to admire for a few mins.

( (
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: MuscleBuilder1 on March 26, 2021, 03:35:09 am
I posted here once a few years ago and – as I have several encounter stories to report – had planned to hold off on this, the best and juiciest, until the last. But I’ve decided to go ahead and get things over and tell it now.

So here goes.  For starters, as it turns out, I’ve always had pretty good luck seeing FBB-types in grocery stores.  It makes sense, right?  I mean, bodybuilders need to eat to fuel their muscle growth, so it’s no surprise they spend time in food stores resupplying.

Such was the case about 4-5 years ago when I noticed a blond woman in the local grocery.   She looked as though she’d just come from the gym.  She was wearing loose-ish gym shorts and a loose gray t-shirt or sweatshirt, but she had somewhat manly features, a deep, dark, tanning bed color.  It was clear, at least to me, that despite the baggy clothes she was a bodybuilder.

Through some careful maneuvers – ok, yes, basically stalking her - I was able to seemingly by chance encounter her in the health food section.  As I got near to her I grabbed a 4-pack of Muscle Milk and complimented her on her build.  We started chatting a bit and I asked if she competed in “some sort of fitness sport”.  She more or less avoided or deflected the question, but we discovered we shared some interesting common ground in our professional lives.  I took a chance and, saying I’d really enjoy continuing the conversation over diner, drinks, or a coffee, asked her for her phone number.  She gave it to me!

Over the next few days Marie and I texted back and forth a bit and by the end of the week had arranged to meet for dinner at a nearby eatery.  That evening we met at the appointed hour and agreed upon location.  It was summertime and although the late afternoon sun was still bright and hot, we opted to sit in the outdoor patio area to enjoy the fresh air.  The sun wasn’t the only thing that was hot.  My new friend was wearing short shorts that showcased her legs and a frilly, tank top sort of blouse that beautifully accentuated her delts and arms.   Additionally, the late day sunshine really accentuated her beautiful white teeth and incredible tan.  She looked utterly fantastic. 

I should mention here that the bright, late afternoon sun also highlighted something else:  Marie’s  sparkling wedding ring!

Seeing me notice the ring, Marie said, “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, but I need to be up front with you.  I’m married.  But my husband and I have an open relationship.  He knows I’m here with you and he’s good with that.  Like me with you, he has some girls he sees.”

I won’t bore you with details of our conversation or dinner – it turned out she did in fact compete, by the way - but instead cut right to the chase.  By the end of the evening we found ourselves back at Marie’s house, having wild sex in the bed she shared with Hubby, who was working a night shift.  Marie even proudly showed me her roids and other chem gear stored lovingly in the frig’. 

I travel a lot for work, so over the next few yrs when I was back in town for a few days Marie and I would often connect for a token meal or cup of coffee and then enjoy incredible, no-strings sex.  Most often this took place in her bed, but sometimes in hotel rooms, and once in the backseat of my car where I squeezed and fingered her juicy, oversized clit and brought her to a groaning, amazingly wet, massive orgasm. I also loved stroking her face and jawline, getting aroused by the stubble I’d feel where she’d shaved.

One day I had a text from Marie saying she’d be silent for awhile.  I knew she was a show, competing with what was probably way more testosterone in her system than I had.  It didn’t seem she was in any danger, but beyond that I didn’t ask and she didn’t volunteer much more.  For the next year or so I laid low and didn’t try to contact her.  One day though I finally decided to text her to make sure she was okay.  She responded, and we ended up speaking by phone.  Perhaps not surprisingly, Marie and her husband had gotten divorced.  It wasn’t amicable.  Marie was dealing with it, trying to move on in life. 
A few months after that, having kept up some intermittent communication, we met for breakfast.  Marie had stopped bodybuilding and now looked softer and more like a normally built but reasonably fit woman.  She described herself as “fluffy”.  She still had a gorgeous tan, smile, and sparkling eyes.   The squarish jaw and slightly androgynous facial features remained.  Even without muscle, I thought she still looked really hot.

Over several cups of coffee and a nice meal we caught each other up on our lives since we’d last seen one another nearly 2 yrs before.  After the divorce, Marie had gotten a place of her own and was now dating some nice men.  My guess is that some of them probably had no idea she’d even ever been a muscle queen and athlete. 

Our conversation eventually waned.  We parted ways with a hug and a kiss.  While we talked of getting together again, I think I knew it would never happen.  She was making a fresh start and I needed to give her the room to do it.

I have neither seen nor heard from her since that day, but I hope she’s doing well. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Digital Garden on March 30, 2021, 07:39:25 pm
That is amazing, you are one lucky bastard.

I hope she's doing well and still keeps in contact with you!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Javi45 on March 30, 2021, 10:28:35 pm
You’re a lucky son of a gun! Not many muscular chicks in my area so I’m very jelly about your experience!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: johnnylm on May 03, 2021, 10:50:18 pm
I was visiting LA and a friend took me to the Santa Monica boardwalk.  Walking along just minding business when I saw a woman in an orange sun dress that had some quads, probably fitness level. She was with a guy ( shorter than her, not a bodybuilder) so I couldn't really stare.  I'm into the big girls but I think I've  seen only a few in my entire life, so see any kind of muscle sighting on a woman is pretty exciting. Anyhow, I had to rubberneck. Her sundress was sleeveless and I got a glimpse of some real triceps too. But she was rubbernecking also. I was already far enough away that it wasn't embarrassing but man, excitement!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: MuscleBuilder1 on May 15, 2021, 05:15:34 pm
This post relates back to #330 and 331.  Thank you both for your comments.  I still have trouble believing that relationship happened, and when I drive by the subdivision where she used to live - and where I believe her ex still has the house - I always feel a bittersweet pang of emotion.  I might someday try to reach out to her to say hi and see how she's doing.  I'm far from an expert on interpreting women's behavior, so it's possible that despite seeming to want to move on in her life she might actually enjoy hearing from me.  One other comment.  I didn't mention it in the original post, but Marie had an incredibly deep steroid voice that - like everything else about her - really turned me on.  I only wish she'd introduced me to some of her bodybuilding and fitness friends...
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: johnnylm on May 29, 2021, 08:01:31 pm
Wanted to add this to a different thread about tall bodybuilders but couldn't locate it.  A few guys were questioning Nicole Bass' height.  I saw Nicole Bass in person 4 times, two times when she was standing, and I can tell you that she was definitely over 6 feet and probably close to her advertised height of 6' 2".   I'm over 6 feet tall.  The first time I saw her was in a supermarket.  She was offseason and I honestly couldn't' believe how huge she was.  Her legs were just incredibly thick (She  was wearing leggings).  She had a thick jacket on so I although her dimensions were enormous I couldn't see the muscle.  She was definitely and without question my height. I just wish I had the courage to hit on her.  The other time I saw her standing absolutely blew my mind. It was the middle of the day and she was having a photo shoot outside of her gym (I think it was a photo shoot, long time ago, but someone was taking pictures of her). I happened to be walking by with a friend of mine, who was unfortunately not a schmoe, although when he saw her from a distance as we were approaching he sure seemed to be one.  I of course, knew exactly who it was...and was shaking with anticipation. She was wearing a black miniskirt and (I believe) a black crop top that showed off her abs, and she was clearly in contest or near contest shape.  She had to be wearing five inch heels because she towered over me.   When my friend realized that she was a fucking jacked amazon woman, he said something like "Disgusting." Obviously I didn't admit that I was  turned on by her, but holy shit...I would have done anything, anything, to be with her. Her face wasn't pretty but she had a one of a kind body and was ridiculously strong.  I saw her a couple of other times too, once working out, and once when I pretended that I was interested in joining her gym.  I can't tell you how much I regret not joining. It was a small place and I would have seen her all the time; but it was also an expensive membership and at the time I couldn't' afford it.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on June 15, 2021, 03:59:02 pm
2015 Olympia Expo

To be honest, I forget the exact year, but I just happened to be in town for work during the Olympia weekend.
I was staying at the Aria and apparently not all bodybuilders and fitness athletes stay at the Orleans, because the Aria was crawling with female muscle!!!

I worked out regularly and at 5'10" weighed 184 pounds, but pretty fit!
But, even in the line to get in, I was easily outmuscled by 20% of the women.  Seemed like every girl who was serious about weightlifting was there and they were all showing off the muscle they had worked so hard definitely go to the Olympia Expo the next chance you get. (I've also been to the CrossFit Games 3 times and there's tons of hot muscle girls there too...)

Anyway, while walking around the expo Katka Kyptova was randomly walking by...I quickly said, "Katka" she turned and smiled immediately, I then asked, Can I take a picture.  She said "Yes" grabbed me firmly around the shoulder and smiled for my selfie with her. She was absolutely rock fucking hard and with the firmness that she grabbed me, I knew she was much, much stronger.  I had a small crush on her before meeting her in person...and that escalated to obsession level after.  The picture came out crappy and it was kind of out of focus...if I find it tonight, I'll post it here, but I should have given my phone to her friend and had her take the pic....I rushed it for sure.

Also, while waiting for the Female Physique competition portion at the expo, Juliana Malacarne walked out from behind the stage to come talk to a friend of hers who was randomly standing next to me.  I didn't even know who she was yet but she had without a doubt the most perfect body I had ever seen in my life...she was jaw dropping gorgeous in real life; and standing and politely ogling her next to us was unreal.  I should have asked for a frickin' photo with her too...but I didn't even know who she was....yet.

Anyway...even writing this summary has me motivated to hit the next Olympia...It was awesome...

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jdm022 on June 15, 2021, 04:17:37 pm
oh ya,

Helle Trevino was also there walking around the place.  I followed her around a little bit...because her quads were the most muscle-bound, beautiful thighs I think I had ever seen.
Again, too stupid to ask for a pic...not sure why, If she was half as nice as Katka, I would have one with her too.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Javi45 on June 15, 2021, 09:21:48 pm
These stories are awesome!! To see a woman like both of them I would die!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: josh3157 on June 17, 2021, 09:37:24 pm
Where I live you would not expect to see a muscular so this was special.  I walked into a Sam’s Club and right away saw these long over the calf orange socks and an incredible ass that was bent over leaning on a shopping cart. I passed not trying to look stare but as I did I saw they were attached to a HUGE pair of thighs and then I saw some very muscular forearms. Of course I was with my wife so I just had to walk on and shop. Luckily, I saw her again and blonde, mid-thirty’s, big calves, huge quads, baseball sized biceps and some big boobs. She could easily compete if she doesn’t.  She was with a big dude of course. I wanted to shake the guys hand and tell her how great she looked but figured I’d get my ass kicked. LOL.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Javi45 on June 18, 2021, 01:33:23 pm
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on August 29, 2021, 09:56:05 pm
I went to Costco today. I have noticed that some decently fit women seem to shop there. I think it is because it is a place where you can buy organic chicken and eggs without breaking the bank.
Also supplements and other similar stuff is a bit cheaper than GNC.
About a month ago I saw a muscular girl show her Costco ID to the man. Well, I couldn't just swing around, but as she went by I saw she had a cross-fit tank on. She gave me a quick smile. I like friendly hot women. Her arms would have been considered huge in 1975, but today I would still say she would draw "those looks" from other girls who are not into muscle building.  Decently thick with very obvious bicep muscle bellies, nice delts, tight waist and firm bumpers. Yeah, hot.
I have to admit I wanted to stalk her for a bit - I mean, fuk, she's got a hot body right?  But I lost track of her and she disappeared. Shucks!

Back to today,. . . as I drove by the entrance I saw a girl who was an obvious BODYBUILDER as she walked inside. Wide flaring back, tight tank top and workout tights - round muscle buns beckoning :-)

So now I am looking for a place to park and pronto. I don't want to lose the chance to check this babe out or lose track of her like the cross-fit girl.  The place is packed, but I park fast and walk quickly.  Costco is huge and there are already too many people in there. I head over to the supplement section just in case she's gonna buy something and split fast.  Nope not there. I wandering around with my head swinging 180º - back and forth. Radar on full. Fuck, where has she gone?  I see another TALL lady with some decent muscle. Normally, I'd want to take a closer look, but for this other girl who has real muscles.

Finally, there she is. Remember, I had only seen her quick as I drove by. She's about 5'6". Nice fairly long ash blond hair. Her face has not so much as a smidge of makeup on it,  but she is beautiful with really clear and smooth skin. Decent tan - not too much.  I could only imagine how hot she would be with just a little eyeliner = GORGEOUS. I would describe her as having angular features, with smooth forehead, nice high cheekbones, ski jump nose, slanted blue eyes, perfect jawline and nice kissable lips. Her profile is amazing.

And the bod . . . WOW. This girl is nearly contest ready. At my gym we had a Miss Michigan winner, but this woman puts her to shame. I love her big shoulders. Nice delts like big half peaches leading down into the tris and bis. You know when you see big delts from the rear and they have that rear-delt JUT like Denise Hoshor? YEAH. My guess, her arms probably measure 13.5" with beautiful definition, but not stringy or super veiny. Just right. Her breasts were that perfect mix of tit and pec, where there's cleavage from high to low and the pec muscles flow seamlessly into real round breasts. MMM. Standing firm and about the size if you took 2 liter soda bottle and cut off the first six inches. Torpedoes away - Yum!
From behind, she has a great hourglass taper, where the lats are wide and cut into what I would guess was a 24 - 26" waist with 32" hips - nice curves - so the upper bod is like two inches wider on each side than the hips.
Purrrfect. Her butt . . . take a honey dew melon, cut in half and stuff both sides into those taunt workout spandex pants - tight AF. Dang girl. You know when you see a ass that is so fucking hard and muscled that there is what I call the 'five hole." This is where her puss is visible from behind even with her legs held together - yeah, like that. OMG.
Her legs . . . they are not as developed as her upper bod, but they were shapely and she had nice calves, with good 'jut' of the muscle on both sides. For all I know they could easily be like ripped tree trunks when she decides to get them pumped and flexes.

LOL, I check out her cart. Like ten dozen eggs, $80 worth of organic chicken breast, Cheerios, and other stuff that a woman who looks like this would have to eat.  She's gotta be on gear, but doesn't yet have any of the negative signs. Wowza.

I was thinking about engaging with her, but the one thing I wasn't all that keen on was her attitude. She appeared to be very serious (yah, I get dat) and focused on her shopping - as in letting the droogs and old creeps like me know in advance that she wasn't there to be social. I did notice she didn't wear a ring on her left hand, so perhaps some lucky muscle man will get a dream score.

 I wonder where she works out . . . if only.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on August 30, 2021, 12:59:20 pm
Nice descriptive story.  It was better than some of the female muscle fiction section lately.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on August 31, 2021, 02:40:51 am
The way you describe her, jaqeau, sounds like a woman I’d seen a few times at my gym in the past. And I actually just saw her at the grocery store this past weekend.  Im in NJ.  Could it be the same woman?  She was wearing the shortest, tightest shorts the other day and I was just in absolute awe.  This woman I saw actually seems like she’s a little bigger than your description.  The woman I saw kinda has a Sharon Madderson look/body type with a slightly thicker jaw. 
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Manbro37 on October 30, 2021, 02:32:59 pm
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I went to Costco today. I have noticed that some decently fit women seem to shop there. I think it is because it is a place where you can buy organic chicken and eggs without breaking the bank.
Also supplements and other similar stuff is a bit cheaper than GNC.
About a month ago I saw a muscular girl show her Costco ID to the man. Well, I couldn't just swing around, but as she went by I saw she had a cross-fit tank on. She gave me a quick smile. I like friendly hot women. Her arms would have been considered huge in 1975, but today I would still say she would draw "those looks" from other girls who are not into muscle building.  Decently thick with very obvious bicep muscle bellies, nice delts, tight waist and firm bumpers. Yeah, hot.
I have to admit I wanted to stalk her for a bit - I mean, fuk, she's got a hot body right?  But I lost track of her and she disappeared. Shucks!

Back to today,. . . as I drove by the entrance I saw a girl who was an obvious BODYBUILDER as she walked inside. Wide flaring back, tight tank top and workout tights - round muscle buns beckoning :-)

So now I am looking for a place to park and pronto. I don't want to lose the chance to check this babe out or lose track of her like the cross-fit girl.  The place is packed, but I park fast and walk quickly.  Costco is huge and there are already too many people in there. I head over to the supplement section just in case she's gonna buy something and split fast.  Nope not there. I wandering around with my head swinging 180º - back and forth. Radar on full. Fuck, where has she gone?  I see another TALL lady with some decent muscle. Normally, I'd want to take a closer look, but for this other girl who has real muscles.

Finally, there she is. Remember, I had only seen her quick as I drove by. She's about 5'6". Nice fairly long ash blond hair. Her face has not so much as a smidge of makeup on it,  but she is beautiful with really clear and smooth skin. Decent tan - not too much.  I could only imagine how hot she would be with just a little eyeliner = GORGEOUS. I would describe her as having angular features, with smooth forehead, nice high cheekbones, ski jump nose, slanted blue eyes, perfect jawline and nice kissable lips. Her profile is amazing.

And the bod . . . WOW. This girl is nearly contest ready. At my gym we had a Miss Michigan winner, but this woman puts her to shame. I love her big shoulders. Nice delts like big half peaches leading down into the tris and bis. You know when you see big delts from the rear and they have that rear-delt JUT like Denise Hoshor? YEAH. My guess, her arms probably measure 13.5" with beautiful definition, but not stringy or super veiny. Just right. Her breasts were that perfect mix of tit and pec, where there's cleavage from high to low and the pec muscles flow seamlessly into real round breasts. MMM. Standing firm and about the size if you took 2 liter soda bottle and cut off the first six inches. Torpedoes away - Yum!
From behind, she has a great hourglass taper, where the lats are wide and cut into what I would guess was a 24 - 26" waist with 32" hips - nice curves - so the upper bod is like two inches wider on each side than the hips.
Purrrfect. Her butt . . . take a honey dew melon, cut in half and stuff both sides into those taunt workout spandex pants - tight AF. Dang girl. You know when you see a ass that is so fucking hard and muscled that there is what I call the 'five hole." This is where her puss is visible from behind even with her legs held together - yeah, like that. OMG.
Her legs . . . they are not as developed as her upper bod, but they were shapely and she had nice calves, with good 'jut' of the muscle on both sides. For all I know they could easily be like ripped tree trunks when she decides to get them pumped and flexes.

LOL, I check out her cart. Like ten dozen eggs, $80 worth of organic chicken breast, Cheerios, and other stuff that a woman who looks like this would have to eat.  She's gotta be on gear, but doesn't yet have any of the negative signs. Wowza.

I was thinking about engaging with her, but the one thing I wasn't all that keen on was her attitude. She appeared to be very serious (yah, I get dat) and focused on her shopping - as in letting the droogs and old creeps like me know in advance that she wasn't there to be social. I did notice she didn't wear a ring on her left hand, so perhaps some lucky muscle man will get a dream score.

 I wonder where she works out . . . if only.

Really great detailed description. What kinda gripes me is because seeing these types of women out in public is such a rare occurrence, when we do see them we have to try to live in the moment and get a good look at her without coming off as a creep. You have to walk that fine line of being able to check her out but not ogle or leer at her or follow her all around the venue at the same time. Some people understand these boundaries and others don't hence why some women may have the standoffish look on their faces. You have to tread VERY lightly
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on November 03, 2021, 12:40:29 am
I mean, maybe she just came from the gym or was going there, but honestly my friends, does anyone reading this think that muscle hottie wasn't wanting to show off her hard work?
Usually, these uber-babes 'appear' to be concentrating on their tasks when shopping, but every woman I know has good radar and picks up on we who drool over their achievements.
When you walk by like three times there ain't no doubt left - LOL!
And I love that she was confident enough to be generous. I've seen many gorgeous FBBs who keep it covered. They are not into showing off - so I applaud and admire those hard working babes who don't mind.

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Manbro37 on November 04, 2021, 05:40:04 am
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I mean, maybe she just came from the gym or was going there, but honestly my friends, does anyone reading this think that muscle hottie wasn't wanting to show off her hard work?
Usually, these uber-babes 'appear' to be concentrating on their tasks when shopping, but every woman I know has good radar and picks up on we who drool over their achievements.
When you walk by like three times there ain't no doubt left - LOL!
And I love that she was confident enough to be generous. I've seen many gorgeous FBBs who keep it covered. They are not into showing off - so I applaud and admire those hard working babes who don't mind.

Well, sometimes that can be telegraphed and other times it may not be what you thought it was. If she just looks back at you like your just another face in the crowd, chances are she doesn't care. Now if she looks at you and cracks a slight smile then that's a different story
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Prophaniti on March 21, 2022, 01:08:50 am
I've got 3

I ran into Gillian Kovack while she was jogging around downtown Toronto once, her route passed near my office

Avril Parsons used to be a waitress at Real Sports, got to see her a bunch of times

And whenever the Pro Supershow is in Toronto. I get a couple people together and we wander the convention centre on lunch to check everyone out.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Adam_S on May 03, 2022, 08:17:43 pm
I live in Chicago and belong to Xsport Fitness. It's always been a mixed bag, but I began going to the W Lakeview location recently and everytime I'm here there's at least one woman with legit muscle working out. Sometimes 3-4 but always at least one. I don't recognize anyone but a few are pretty damn jacked.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: nbunited21 on May 08, 2022, 02:58:04 am
About 3 years ago I was on my honeymoon in Hawaii and we went to Kona Brewing Company, the one in Oahu.  I’m sitting at the bar with my new wife and she gets up to go to the bathroom or something and right as she gets up I see an absolutely massive back and huge triceps bulging from a waitress.  She turned around and I was obviously staring.  I knew i had seen her before but couldn’t figure it out.  I obviously took some glimpses all night as she walked by.  Just looked up “hawaii” in © Saradas  and figured out immediately it was Robin Connell. She really looked incredible.  Saw another just muscular CrossFit type girl in Maui and an absolute monster of a female bodybuilder walking with her bodybuilder husband/bf or whatever in Waikiki too.  Wasn’t close enough to see who it was but it definitely had to be a pro.  Me and my wife are both very athletic and an average person would say we’re muscular but this couple would have absolutely dwarfed us.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bicepboy on May 29, 2022, 02:34:24 am
Was at local farmers market in Silver Spring, MD today. Warm morning, headed to hot day. There was a woman with tight leggings and a sleeveless muscle shirt. I'd say she looked like an attractive nice Jewish girl, except for the huge, relaxed pipes she was showing. Couldn't quite believe what I was seeing, and kept studying her to make sure in fact that she was sporting big, round delts, bigger biceps and triceps, and good forearms to boot. She was clearly waiting for someone in one of the farm stalls. I approached for a second, to hand her a flyer. She thanked me -- a lovely very feminine voice.  Then, her boyfriend came out of the stand. A skinnier, weaker geek never walked the Earth. She gave him a hug, wrapping one of those pipes around his skinny frame. Then, he dropped the flowers he'd bought. Clumsy, too -- but with a woman I'd give my left nut  to spend my life with.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: jaqeau on July 29, 2022, 07:18:44 pm
I took a trip out to LA a few weeks back. I stayed pretty close Venice Beach and was looking forward to hitting Gold's and checking out what is perhaps the 'gold standard' for women who work out hard and take PEDs - those babes who literally become god-like. Phew!  Well, biz kept me busy, and there wasn't enough time available to justify paying their stupidly-high gym fee (Like $50 for one day), so I drove by a couple of times. Much of Golds has moved into the parking lot cuz of covid, but there were never any mega babes that I saw.
But wow, has life for the underclass in LA ever hit rock fucking bottom. The streets were lined with the homeless. Tents, cars, trucks rusted in half with three flat tires and a couple of inhabitants who may have once had a chance at life, but where now something out of the walking dead. Truly pathetic. This is our future? The Gold's what used to be was now surrounded by this sorrow. I had to get dinner, so I went down the street and into the ROSE, a bistro nearby. Talk about BS, a single rum and coke was $18 without a tip. So, we got hundreds of homeless and a restaurant that could easily cost $75 for lunch? This just ain't right.

As I went up the sidewalk to enter, I notice a shapely young lady talking to the hostess. As I got closer I could see that she was really good looking. Beautiful smile and eyes. Her tight jeans showed some curves and we had quick conversation about being new in the area. She was from Lake Tahoe and was looking for a better life. Well, she took one look at the menu, saw the stupid expensive prices and split. Oh well. I drank my $20 rum and coke and decided that $28 for a wimpy salad was a bit much.

I went out to the beach and was people watching when I my radar started to ping. A tall lady with size DDs stood up and headed back towards the parking lot that borders the sidewalk.
I immediately noticed that despite being thick, her waist was _small_ and she had that V shape that I just love, with firm round thighs. A nice thick head of blond and ash hair piled on top of a Nordic profile, golden dark tan that was beautifully contrasted by her neon orange tank. She was pretty far away so I started hoofing it over at warp speed for a closer inspection. Her arms were big, as in 15 inches cold, but not as ripped or jacked as some 'always on roids' FBBs. That said, when I finally was walking about 100 ft behind her, MY GOD - HER TRAPS and DELTS were fucking HUGE. I just LOVE those big rear and side deltoids that your hands could not possibly cover, and her traps were standing up like her-cules. Her rhomboids also cast deep shadows set off by the hard sunlight. Her buns were large and round, clenching and flexing as she walked with her legs a bit apart because of their muscle volume. Wowza. I work out and have lifted alongside some fucking mega babes, and so I know how much muscle it takes to lift how much weight. (I mean, a woman with muscles as big as a mans is just as fucking strong - believe it!) Anyway, this girl was big, close to five-ten, and I would estimate that in the gym, from the size of her boulder delts, traps and lats, this woman would easily be pulling 405 on the dead-lift for reps. She had to weigh in at 200 lbs - maybe more. I thought to myself, "Dude, just do it - go fucking up to her and tell her how hot she is." As I gathered my courage, she suddenly angled into the side entrance doorway of a hotel that was swipe only. The door closed and she was gone. I waited around for 45 minutes hoping she would return to the beach, but she never did. Dang!
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Hmmmv on August 15, 2022, 06:26:04 pm
I joined a new gym and there are no fbb or competitors.  But their are a lot of strong girls with solid muscle.  I see them lifting weights which as are way more to han my old gym. What heavy lifting are is considered note worthy?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: bpp on October 13, 2022, 04:53:36 am
Around 2004 or 2005 on a warm summer day, I was heading to my office in the shadow of the site of the Twin Towers and I noticed an absolutely beautiful body in front of me- a tall brunette around 5'9 wearing a somewhat loose fitting khaki green jumper that was sleeveless.  I could quickly tell from her V-taper and visible boulder shoulders that this was no ordinary woman.  When I got closer, I could not believe the size of her tan absolutely huge ripped arms.  I caught up to her from the side and could not believe what a gorgeous young face this woman had.  Her arms were at least 15.5" and she was shredded.  I followed her (and her mom I believe) for at least two blocks until they entered into a deli.   To this day, I'm not sure I ever saw such a combination of size and beauty- she was breathtaking.   I realized that it was none other than Jody May fresh off of a second place finish at the Nationals.  I regret not at least saying hello and showing my appreciation.  She was the most beautiful bodybuilder I have ever seen in person.  I could not stop thinking about her for months every day when I took that same walk to my office.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: mglenn44466 on January 19, 2023, 09:02:30 pm
I was walking in Newark Airport to grab a coffee and notices this women walking towards me and was immediately drawn to the biggest arms I had ever seen on a women.. not juts big round arms but extremely muscular well defined with biceps that looked like softballs and sh wasn't even flexing juts walking relaxed ..

She was wearing Jeans and a short sleeve t-shirt and when I looked at her thigh =s the were almost busting through the jeans .. She wasn't very tall , maybe 5'4" but extremely well built and you can tell very muscular ..

It took me a while to get to her face since her body was so amazing but when I finally did I realized I had looked at her picture many times and fantasized about felling her power .. It was Tina Zampa ..

Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Sportsman99 on July 08, 2023, 07:29:10 pm
I went out for a drink last night and met a woman who looked pretty well built. I talked to her and she told me she lift weights to build muscles. She flexed her biceps for me and I bet they were about 15. I teased her a little bit then asked her to armwrestle. She said ok and if she wins I give her 20$. It was a deal very fast for So we placed our arms and I found out she was really strong. I couldn't move her for about 15 seconds then I started to be able to move her arm slowly and finally I won. She was not happy to lose and said lets do it again. The result was the same. I asked her stats and she is 5'2" and 150 lbs. I hope to meet her again because she said she go to this bar pretty regularly.

Anybody had similar experiences?
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Adam_S on July 11, 2023, 06:00:26 am
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I went out for a drink last night and met a woman who looked pretty well built. I talked to her and she told me she lift weights to build muscles. She flexed her biceps for me and I bet they were about 15. I teased her a little bit then asked her to armwrestle. She said ok and if she wins I give her 20$. It was a deal very fast for So we placed our arms and I found out she was really strong. I couldn't move her for about 15 seconds then I started to be able to move her arm slowly and finally I won. She was not happy to lose and said lets do it again. The result was the same. I asked her stats and she is 5'2" and 150 lbs. I hope to meet her again because she said she go to this bar pretty regularly.

Anybody had similar experiences?

Yeah plenty of guys here do, but they pay the woman to arm wrestle them. You're one of the lucky ones.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: Sapienss on November 13, 2023, 01:33:15 pm
A while back in Brisbane, I was just drifting around in the city, nothing special to do you know
I hung around in a lovely park surrounded by university buildings, walked for a bit, then sat down watching the trees and birds. It was a nice warm and sunny day, people were jogging and the park was very busy.
Then, out of nowhere, this girl appeared.
Wearing a cap, a sports bra and a mini-short, there was much of her skin showing.
And what a skin it was.
Her arms were strong as hell, as she checked her phone, her biceps and delts showed the full extend of the work she had put into them. They were trully magnificent. Her delts were perfeclty striated, her biceps looked as round as can be, while they buldged back and forth.
Her bust was also clearly shown attention. Her pecs looked like two huge plates of muscle, and her abs were well defined. Her waist was that of a powerlifter, wide and strong at core.
She walked as though she was in a hurry, and her massive legs bounced delicately at each of her lively steps.
Quads and calves were massive, and her stride made them flex hard.
I couldn't see her face well, her cap almost fully covered her eyes, but she looked young, mid 20s.
At that point, the world had vanished and only her remained, she was a jewel and I couldn't take my eyes off her. As she passed me, I saw her back and oh boy. She had wide shoulders, and the definition on those back muscles was that of a statue. I could tell it was hard as a rock too, though much softer.
Again, it was a piece of art.
I wanted to catch up to her, introduce myself and find a way to get to know her, but I didn't have the guts, plus she was in a hurry, so yeah, missed opportunity perhaps.
I came back to that park in the following days, it was a nice and cosy place and the hope of seeing her again only added to the charm of the place. Never happened though, too bad.
Title: Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
Post by: JellyPudding on May 25, 2024, 05:58:05 am
Where I live there are 2 gyms nearby which means I can see a loy of enthusiastic gym goers, mostly men, when outside. But on a few occations I've seen women, big muscular women, and one of them I'm going to guess was a bodybuilder, maybe...

It was summer time, best time of the year to see some thick toned legs, I was on a walk with my brother when a blonde woman with her hair in a tight ponytail wearing shades was riding a bicycle right past us. My brother didn't pay her no mind, but I took everything out of that 15 seconds thag I saw her since her gigantic triceps and big forearms were bulging like crazy holding onto the bicycle and her broad sweaty shoulders were glistening in the sun since she was wearing a white tank top. She had her hoodie tied to her waist and she had black spandex shorts revealing her big toned legs. She was really something... I'm guessing she was coming from the gym since she was coming from the direction of it, but I haven't seen her ever since that one walk with my bro...

The other one, who I am guessing is a bodybuilder or maybe she's just genetically so built, but she sure as hell hits the gym taking in her physique. I was once again on my daily walk when I saw this other blonde woman walking towards me, who was walking her dog. She had on a yellow long sleeved shirt that revealed her flat chiseled abs and even though her shirt had long sleeves, one could see exactly where the muscles of the arms seperate. Her arms were big and shaped like bodybuilders and her chest was amazingly broad. Her legs were toned and long, but fortunately not thick. Her body was upperbody dominant or something like that...

I kinda wish I'd have talked to her or started playing with her dog to get a conversation started, but I was too hypnotized by her body... And I didn't find any female bodybuilders from area that looked like her online. I checked all the recent contests but there weren't very many women from my area... And I haven't seen this woman either since that one time.

On a side note here: I am going to guess we'll be seeing a lot more muscular women in public because of the whole "muscle mommy" thing... or that's what I'm guessing...