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Author Topic: Time Travel  (Read 15053 times)

Offline Brfan

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Time Travel
« on: April 20, 2024, 02:11:53 pm »
Dear reader, I don't really know if you believe in second chances. I know I didn't, and to be honest, I'm still not sure how I feel about this. But come along for a 'twice' in a lifetime ride.
I'm forty, professionally established and single. I always thought of my ex girlfriends fondly, but didn't regret any break up. They just weren't for me. I had other priorities in my life, and also other tastes. You know, I have both sthenolagnia and cratolagnia. And in the early 2000s this wasn't exactly well seen, especially in my environment. Being a physician I always was around a very conventional, conservative group. So I kept myself to myself.  Well, this story begins after a gathering with some friends and a few too many wines. I went to bed with a light head and was dreading the next morning.

Well, I woke up the next day feeling… awkward. I felt good. No signs of a hangover whatsoever. As my eyes got used to the dim lights of my room I froze. I was in my bedroom, for sure. But this was my old, college apartment, bedroom.
'What the f…?' Maybe I did drink too much last night.
I got up and and walked to the bathroom. Maybe I was just dreaming. I stared at myself in the mirror. Yup, there I was. Only it was the 22 year old me. I ran back to my nightstand and searched for my smartphone. All I found was an old Nokia. Instead, I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. Zapping at blazing speed through the channels until I reached Bloomberg. I read the date. January of 2007. What in Heaven's name was happening?
My heart almost stopped when the alarm on the Nokia went off. I picked it up and shut it down, as I sat on the edge of the bed. Still trying to make sense of what was going on, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a coffee, cause why not? And made myself cheese and ham sandwich as I processed things.
So, if I was correct I was back in time. But apparently my consciousness was still preserved. It was my 40 year old mind on my 22 year old body.
"What was I doing in January of 2007?" I thought to myself. 'Med school. Pediatrics rotation. I gotta get to the hospital and figure this out'. So I changed clothes, grabbed the car keys (that were exactly where I remembered them being) and drove myself there.
As I was about to enter the hospital this gorgeous, blue eyed, blonde girl, about 5 foot 9 came running in my direction and threw herself at me. Before she could lock her lips around mine I remembered "Tessa!" I said out loud. As Tessa kissed me good morning with a smile on her face I thought 'I was dating Tessa in 2007. In about 2 years I'll break up with her, right after I graduate'.
"So, did you sleep well?" she asked me, completely oblivious of the fact that I wasn't exactly the Mark she knew
"Kind of" I mumbled "And you?"
"Well, I missed you, silly… but I was thinking that we could go to the gym together and then I could crash at your place tonight…" she gave me a mischievous wink.
"Yeah… that would be cool" I told her. Trying to get my dates straight. This was a time in my life when I did go to the gym regularly, and Tessa had been going through this regimen that gave her a nice six pack. I remembered that the sex was truly great back.. Well, now.
We said our goodbyes and I went to the pediatric wing as she, being 2 years younger than me, went to classes on the main campus.
During the day I did my best to remain quiet, recognizing old faces from College and seeing some younger versions of the few friends I kept through the years. One thing I did notice, though. Sixteen years of professional experience made my day much more productive on the wards. Heck, if I knew all that I know now when I was on Med School 'for the first time' I'd take advantage of it.
I left the hospital around five pm, and there was a text from Tessa on my Nokia 'Meet at the gym around 6?' I texted her back 'Yes' and drove back home to change clothes and gobble something before the weights.
I had just left the locker room at the gym when I saw Tessa. She had a sports bra and matching shorts that mimicked the color of her eyes. There was the six pack I remembered. I smiled. At the same time, an 'evil' plan popped into my mind. After we broke up many, and I mean MANY friends we had in common kept telling me 'she would have done anything for you, you know', 'that woman loved you more than herself'. In the first months after we broke up I wondered if Tessa would have been more receptive to my taste in women than I gave her credit for. Or, if even not being so comprehensive, her love for me would be enough for her to change her lifestyle, and her body, to please me. So I thought  'why not?' as we went our separate ways to exercise. Her, to the treadmills and abs part of the gym, me to the free weights room.
By the time I finished what I thought was a good chest and arms workout, Tessa was already waiting for me. She wrapped her arms around me and said 'so, I was thinking pizza and a scary movie before bed'
With more of my evil plan formed in my mind, I gave her a hot kiss and responded 'I was thinking something different, you know…'
She smiled back at me and said 'Well, we can skip the movie'

We went back to my apartment and while I was on shower Tessa came in and joined me. I grabbed her by the hips and kissed her deeply, feeling my member hardening and pressing against her 'fuck, I forgot how smooth and hard a young woman's body feel' as I ran my fingers through her abs and touched her below, as I knew she liked
"Hmmmm… you're in a mood today. I like it" she said, throwing both her legs around my waist. Surely, we had passionate, young and acrobatic sex, that started in the shower and ended in the bed. It felt great. It made me feel alive, thankful that for some reason I was given a chance to experience all that again. If this was a dream and I was about to wake up, it was a good dream. But… before I wake up I had to try. With Tessa cuddled in my arms, I started out
"Hey babe… you know, I love that we are taking this gym thing seriously"
"I know. I do too"
"You are looking awesome, by the way. I love this six pack of yours" I said, caressing her belly button.
"I know you do. I'm glad you do"
"You know, we should really take it to the next level"
"What do you mean?"
"You know, take better care of our nutrition, less alcohol… and really hit the weights"
"Yeah… I guess. I mean… I'm not sure how much weight I should hit, but…"
"Nonsense. I think you'd look even better and hotter if you add some muscle"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I mean… you already are smoking hot, don't get me wrong, but…"
"I mean, you'd really like it if I put on some muscle?"
This was the moment of truth
"Well… yeah. I think you'd look great. You know… thicker thighs and.. Even some into your upper body as well"
We looked at each other in silence for what it felt like an eternity. If this was truly happening and she'd think I was creepy, it could set a butterfly effect that could change the course of my life. I held my breath as she spoke again
"Well.. I think we could try it, babe. But you have to promise me you'll tell me if you think it's too much, ok?"
Fuck. Yeah.
"Oh, for sure babe. Let's do this together. Let's be the buffest couple on campus"

I fell asleep that day convinced that I'd wake up back in my big apartment and stare at my 40 year old self when I entered the bathroom. This was nothing but a dream. It couldn't be more than that. And yet, as I opened my eyes, I smelled eggs. There I was, still on my college apartment, tracing my way to the kitchen, where I saw Tessa's perky ass on her undies and one of my t-shirts
"Hi, Tiger… slept well? You know, last night you were pretty much on fire" she kissed me in the tip of my nose as she poured a coffee for me
"H-hi, honey… I guess we both were, you know? It's not my fault if you're this hot" I smacked her gently in her tushy.
Tessa smiled. "Well, let's see if you keep thinking that way if I get all buffed up"
Oh, so that conversation did happen.
"Oh, I think I will" I told her, in all honesty
"So, if we are going to do this, I thought maybe you could hit your weights a little earlier, you know? I might need you as my personal trainer in the first few weeks. You know, just till I get my feet wet around those weights"
That evening couldn't come soon enough. I followed my former routine in the hospital and got to the gym, not really focused on what I should do, but rather on what I should tell Tessa to do. I figured It would be better if I introduced upper body training at a slower pace, giving her more leg workouts first. I knew that being around other women (and most of them did basically lower body) would make her feel more comfortable.
Through the first few weeks everything was running smoothly. Tessa seemed to be enjoying the burden of squatting, pressing and curling, something I really didn't see coming. When I showed her how to properly do bench presses and barbell curls she was even a little disappointed that she wasn't able to add weight to the bars
"Don't worry, babe, You'll be stacking plates on those in no time" I told her. I couldn't wait for it.
Weeks turned into months and at this point I really didn't seem to care to figure out what had happened. Sure, I just got 20 years of my life back, I didn't leave many relationships behind. And I realized I had knowledge about future events that could make me wealthy. Currency, stocks, sports betting. On top of that, I might just be getting a chance to turn a girl into what I desire the most. Why should I want to change that?
It's been about six months since I slowly changed Tessa's workouts from a 'girly' weightlifting into a more serious bodybuilding routine. Results were showing on her body, and she was actually loving it.
It was a saturday night and we had just had again amazing sex (what, I might say, was happening at a much higher frequency than the 'first time' we dated). I told her to lay down so I could massage her. With Tessa on her back, I noticed how thick her leg was, starting by her calves. I complimented her on it.
"Hey babe.. You know, your legs are getting thick…" and as I massaged her hamstrings, I added "And pretty hard. It's like trying to massage some iron bars in here"
I could tell she was loving the compliments by the way she answered me back
"I know, right? I got up on a scale last week and I added about 7 pounds. I'm 145 now. Normally I'd be freaking out, but I am loving this new body. Look at this" Tessa moved her legs making her hamstrings flex like a bicep. It was shy, but there was a bump there that didn't exist earlier"
"Well, babe, that's 7 pounds of muscle, you know. And it's not only on your legs. Have you noticed how your back is starting to get all lumpy?" I told her as I started to caress her traps.
"Yeah! And the craziest part is I'm loving it. Those opened-back blouses and dresses are looking great on me"
"Oh, I know, babe… this V-shape your torso is getting it's just… wow" I answered, giving her a kiss on her neck while carefully laying over her, making sure she felt I was all ready for round two. Tessa turned around, wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down. And we were off to the races.

"Come on, Tessa, give me one more" I told her, as I saw her arms trembling. She grunted as she pulled her body up, stretching her chin over the pull up bar for the 12th time. Then she dropped down, exhausted. I was impressed. It's been less than a year. She couldn't do a single pull up, and now that. I was amazed by how wide her back looked during those exercises. Clearly she had the genetics to add muscle and strength. Thank God I decided to encourage that.
At this point and especially by the end of our workouts, anyone who looked at her would call her muscular. She wasn't huge by any means, but her low body fat added to the pump from her training made Tessa's shape very defined and somewhat big. The fact that she was 5'9" almost 150 pounds, helped a lot too.
"I gotta tell you, babe" she said while drying up the sweat from her forehead "I'm feeling pretty strong"
I smiled at her. Grabbing her by the shoulders I placed her in front of me, staring at the mirror from the gym "Babe, in all honesty? I think you are stronger than most of my friends. Look at you"
I didn't even had to ask her to raise her arms and flex her guns. The baseball sized biceps popped up on both her arms. We both stared at them. Her, with pride. Me, with lust.
"Hey, don't do that now. I'm not wearing tight pants that can't hide some stuff, you know" I joked
"And who said I want you to hide it?" she giggled as she lowered her arms. By now Tessa already knew how much I was into her muscles, and she felt good about it. In fact, she felt great. The fact that she was turning herself into an amazon was another way of her telling me how much she loved me and how far she'd go to make sure we were together. I couldn't complain.
We went  back to her apartment (at this point we were basically living together, simply changing whose house we'd be sleeping every now and then) and showered. After dinner, I had a crazy idea that I had a hunch she'd like in the long run. Recently I had noticed that Tessa was truly enjoying being strong and showing off her strength. A few times she asked me to change her exercise so she could do something someone else was doing in the gym, just so she could compare how much weight she used with him. It pushed her to go further, and it made her glow when she actually could outweigh whatever dude was there curling or pushing.
"Hey hon, come here. Let me show you something" I told her, pointing at the kitchen counter.
"What is it?" she came closer. I told her to go to the other side of the counter as I placed my elbow on it
"You know, you're very strong already, but strength isn't everything. Sometimes technique is more important. Grab my hand"
She did and I placed her elbow on the counter. It was clear that I was telling her to armwrestle me
"Now, this isn't fair. You're obviously stronger than I am" she told
"Well, yeah. But that's not the point. I want to teach you how you can still overcome that if you know how to use physics, you see"
And from there on I spent about 30 minutes teaching her the basics about leverage, pull angles and even how to 'cheat' by putting your shoulder into it. By the end of our 'lesson' she was pretty happy that she was holding her ground long enough to make me sweat.
"You know, you might just have set yourself a trap, hon" she told me after we finished
"Why is that?"
 "Well, when I become stronger than you, you know, in raw strength, you could save some face by keeping those tricks to yourself… now, you're doomed" she laughed
I laughed along with her "So… you want to get stronger than me?"
"It's not much of a want to. It's simply how it's gonna go, you know." And she flexed her guns again. This time, I kissed the peak of her right bicep and pulled her closer to me. In a matter of seconds I had a hard on. "But until then… watch this" I told her as I lifted her from the ground and carried her to the bedroom.

We were approaching the summertime, and Tessa was already feeling comfortable enough around the weights to workout on her own, but still wanted my support. It was late Friday when we were reaching the end of our workouts. I was ready to pack up and go home when she pointed me to the cable machine.
"Hey, would you show me how to do some curls on that?"
Tessa had not yet done high cable curls, as it was a more 'advanced' exercise, but I thought she could handle it. I adjusted the weight to minimum on both sides of the apparatus, grabbed the handles and did a couple curls instructing her how to brace, lock on her shoulder blades and not swing
"And I'll help you with the elbows in the first one. It's crucial they don't go up and down as you're curling" I told her.
I gave her the handles and positioned myself a couple inches behind her as she brought her arms up. I placed my hands on her elbows to stabilize them. Tessa's butt, now perkier and bigger than ever, was brushing against my crotch. Her biceps, which were already pumped from the workout, popped up immediately as she flexed them. My libido responded immediately, and she felt it. After her eighth rep she handed me one of the handles as she put the other one away. Tessa had a lecherous smile on her face.
"So… it's a good thing this place is empty by now, right?" she said, staring at my crotch
I didn't even consider playing dumb.
"It's a bad thing we don't have one of those pieces of equipment in your apartment, you know. This would be a lot better if we were naked"
She smiled "Well, give me that handle. I want another set before we leave, so I can be sure I know how to perform it"
I gave it to her and again positioned myself behind Tessa. This time she gave a small step back, this time making sure there was no space between my dick and her ass. Then she started curling, moaning softly at each rep. It was driving me nuts.
"You know… this kind of makes makes my biceps look like volcanoes… ready to… erupt"
Fuck, she was teasing me. I was about to erupt right there.
"Go ahead, hon… feel them" she commanded. Not really thinking straight, I instantly took my hands off her elbows and started feeling the shape and hardness of her so-called volcanoes as they went up and down at each curl. I swear it was the hardest her body ever felt. She finished another 8 rep and held her flex for a second, for my delight. Before giving up the weights, Tessa turned her head and licked my ear "Let's go home NOW" she whispered.

A couple of weeks later we went to a pool party with several of my classmates. They hadn't seen Tessa in a while now, and I knew they'd be surprised. Even better, I had yet another evil plan to indulge myself on Tessa's outstanding strength.
Surely enough, the second Tessa took off her jeans shorts and cropped t-shirt, standing tall on her bikini that suited her so well it looked painted on her body, everyone took a second look. The girls, especially, were dumbfounded and couldn't stop talking about it
"My God, Tessa! You look amazing!"
"Look at those legs"
"Legs? Look at her ass! And those shoulders!"
"You go, girl!"
The fellows, however, seemed a bit intimidated really. Sure, normally they wouldn't stare at one of their buddy's girl, but Tessa's body was so out of the ordinary it was hard not to.
I grinned.
With the ours and the beers flying by, the crowd began to shrink. At this point, everyone who was there was just a little high, including Tessa, who indulged herself with a few drinks. The girls, in particular Chrissie and Jackie, still couldn't get over Tessa's body, who was now more eager to show off.
"Geez, Tess… I mean.. Your shoulders are really solid" Jackie was almost screaming in a mix of admiration and alcohol.
"Yeah… look at this" Chrissie patted her on the shoulders.
I was sitting right across them, talking to a few dudes, but overheard their conversation and saw an opportunity
"Hey babe… show them" I told Tessa. She stared back at me almost thanking me, as she seemed to be waiting for my authorization for a while now
"Show us what? What, Tessa?" the girls screamed
"Well…" Tessa straightened herself on her lounger and hit a double bicep flex. Her muscles popped out, though not as much as the girl's eyes
"Oh… my… God!!!"
"Look at that!" they simply couldn't contain themselves and grabbed Tessa's arms, rubbing and squeezing it. It was sexy by itself at that point, but I had another thing in mind
"Big, right? My girl has guns" I announced out loud
"In fact…." I pulled my wallet "Here are two-hundred bucks that says that…" I counted around and there were still half a dozen guys "She can beat at least half of these dudes in armwrestling"
At that point, I just sat and relaxed. I knew the girls wouldn't let the guys get away from the challenge (although they really should). Tessa was to intoxicated - and the booze was just part of it, as it was clear she was enjoying all the attention to her body - to notice my ulterior motives. I would certainly be aroused by seeing my girl prove herself stronger than my fellows.
After some talking and a little arguing, the six finally accepted the task. I would tell Tessa to save energy against Robbie and John, the two biggest guys, but her competitive flame was too lit to be told anything, really. Robbie was the first one lined up. He was 6 foot 3, at least 200 pounds and worked out regularly. I knew that Tessa wouldn't be able to take him down, but she definitely gave him much more than anyone expected. Sure, the techniques I taught here helped, but in the end and after I'd say about 45 seconds of struggling, he finally took her down.
That match alone told everyone around what was coming next, but even I couldn't predict Tessa would beat John. He, who was about my height and probably 10 pounds lighter than me, was very active, played sports and swam. I thought he would sweat, but take Tessa down. Instead, my eyes almost couldn't believe when, after about 15 or 20 seconds, Tessa's stubborn muscles started to bring his arm down. John fought with all his might, but my girlfriend's biceps were just a little too much for him. Slowly but steadily Tessa lowered John's arm to the table. Tessa's bicep was jumping out of her skin, peaked as I had ever seen, and the veins and striations on her forearms were ripping out. Chrissie and Jackie were screaming, completely exhilarated with what had just happened. John was a good sport and congratulated Tessa, who politely smiled at him
"Great match you too" she told him.
Honestly, if I were one of the other four gentlemen at this point, I'd consider forfeiting the match. John was obviously stronger than them, and the results were obvious. Fortunately for me, they were all too drunk to consider it. What succeeded was a slaughter. Peter and James didn't last 20 seconds each, I'd say. I was still, however, wrapping my mind around the fact that Tessa had given Robbie a good match. I considered myself about as strong as him, and surely, I had technique, but still… that told me that Tessa wasn't too far behind me in power.
The bet was already won and I was already satisfied with my girl's show, but she wasn't. Staring at Frank and Will, the two last 'contestants', she called them out, placing not one, but both elbows on the table
"Alright you two, let's save some time. Why don't I take you both down at the same time? One on each hand. Come on"
If they were cornered before, imagine now. Without any possible exit, they both sat across Tessa, Will grabbing her left hand, and Frank the right one. Jackie counted them down and I could tell they were both pushing as hard as they could, but Tessa's arms were still. Sure, they were the two weakest of the lads, but I was still hoping for SOME movement. Nothing happened for about 10 seconds. Then Tessa started pushing back and slammed their hands, almost together. Tessa got up from her chair and gave a double bicep flex, once again for Jackie, Chrissie and now the other girls to ooh and aaah at her some more. I was impressed by how her shoulders and lats seemed bigger too.
She looked at me, waiting for congratulations, but immediately realized I couldn't exactly get up right now. With the same mischievous smile she had given me during her cable curls, Tessa approached me passing one of her hands behind my knees and the other under my armpits and pulled me off my chair. Cradling me like a baby she jumped into the pool. As we emerged she gave me a passionate kiss and whispered "now imagine what I'll do to YOU when we get home"

Forum Saradas

Time Travel
« on: April 20, 2024, 02:11:53 pm »

Offline crow004

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2024, 04:30:05 am »
Love this!

Offline Wookey

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2024, 05:38:07 am »
Fantastic story.  Wish it had been me. Knowing what I know now would have crafted much better relationships.  Instead of being afraid of my love of muscle, would have encouraged some prospective gf down that route AND been quicker to cut off those who exercised for "thin" rather shape.

Would have been wonderful to have a partner that shared my goals and worked together to achieve them.


Offline watson2022

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2024, 08:12:39 pm »
Brilliant story. Hope more to come.

Offline quick

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2024, 06:55:00 pm »
This is an awesome story and a unique concept, which is pretty rare in this genre nowadays. Great work!

Offline Jaguar

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2024, 03:33:26 pm »
Wonderful story !
* You are the author and you are the boss of your story!
* Take your time and write what you are driven to write and what your characters drive you to write.
* The story is the journey, and when the journey is over, we will all wish it was longer.

Offline erocha75

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2024, 11:58:05 pm »
Absolutely wonderful story! Pls continue!!

Offline hatour

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2024, 03:24:01 pm »
Amazing story! I hope you continue it.  :bravo:

Offline Scott2920

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2024, 05:29:01 pm »
Awesome story!

Offline wowser1016

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2024, 09:45:26 am »
Another great piece of writing. I love your work. You always bring an interesting well written story to the table and you make it tantalizing enough to keep us wanting more. I just hope you will continue. K+!

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2024, 06:27:55 pm »
This was incredibly hot, and I really hope you continue the story.  :)

Offline phil123

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2024, 06:28:58 am »
Great story and hope for more. BTW - he should have bought some google shares in 2007😀

Offline Brfan

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2024, 01:01:42 am »
Thanks for the words, guys. I didn't intend to continue this, but here it is. There might be a third, short section for closure


"So… how did it go?" I was sort of anxious to ask about Tessa's parents' reaction to her new look. She had gone home for the holidays as she still had a few more weeks of break on College since she wasn't on hospital rotations just yet.
"Well… at first they didn't really say anything" her voice on the phone sounded tired after the 14 hour travel back to her hometown "but after I settled in mom came into my room"
"Well, she actually told me I looked 'healthy'. Which I guess is as flattering as they could be, all things considered". Tessa was from a small town, and I was sure her parents weren't exactly keen on the idea of their girl becoming a muscle filled Juggernaut.
"Yeah, I guess…" I breathed a sigh of relief. I was worried Tessa's parents might change her mind about what she had accomplished this year, but all seemed cool. "And what about Reggie?" I honestly disliked Tessa's younger brother, who could be a freaking brat. He was 17, but acted like he was twelve.
"Oh well" Tessa giggled "He just… stared" she then laughed out loud "I think he's trying to digest the idea that his sister is this big"
"Boy, is he in for a surprise when you go to the pool…. I wish I could be a little fly on the wall to watch it"
"Haha, I know you do. Anyways babe, I gotta go. Miss you so much"
"Miss you too, hun. Talk to you later"
Days without Tessa gave me an opportunity to reconnect with some of my College buddies, and I was enjoying the summer days. Still, I missed her. It seemed that in my attempt to make her my type of woman physically Tessa found in her the tools to become a more attractive woman spiritually as well. I was truly in love with her.
It wasn't until a few days later that she called me in the middle of the day. Luckily I was on my day off from rotations and was just watching some dumb movie at home
"Oh my God, babe. Are you at home? Please say yes"
"Well… yeah, why?"
"I gotta tell you this, cause you're gonna love it. And cause… well, I need you"
"What happened, Tessa?"
"In a minute. Where are you exactly?"
"Living room. Watching a movie. Why?"
"Go to the bedroom"
"Trust me"
I followed her order.
"Ok, on the bed. What happened? And where are You?"
"On my bed as well. So, listen up. Remember I told you Reggie hadn'd said a single word about me, despite being pretty obvious he was shocked, right? Well, this kept going on even after we went to the club - and the pool - on the last days. I must tell you, I was hoping for a comment, any comment by now"
"Yeah, ok, sure. And…?"
"Well, today he actually said something. I had just come home from the gym nearby, and just had a monster chest and arms day… so, yeah, I was looking awesome"
"I know" I interrupted her. Just thinking about Tessa's sweaty and pumped body made me hard. She giggled in return
"Well, yeah. You have the image. So now imagine I was in the kitchen, still pretty pumped, fixing me up some post workout meal, when Reggie entered. I guess seeing my arms all pumped and vascularized were too much for him. So he finally spoke"
"Oh, what did the brat say?"
"Just the basics, you know. That I looked like a man, that no man would want me, that I was deformed…"
"Asshole. And you? You don't seem too upset with that"
"I…" I could see Tessa's grin as she said the next words "I just smiled at him. And hugged him"
"You what?"
"Yeah… and, well… let's say it was a tight hug" She went on "And then I whispered in his ears that he shouldn't say that to a girl… and so I picked him off the ground and carried him like a sack of potatoes… especially a girl as strong as I was"
At that point I was hard and thankful Tessa sent me to the bedroom. I had already dropped my pants and was grabbing myself, imagining the scene
"Oh, that's so hot…" I told her
"I know… I am getting wet just by telling you this"
"So.. what happened next?"
"Well, I gave him another gentle squeeze, you know. Before throwing him on his bed. But I swear for a second there I thought about pinning him down and making he say he was sorry"
"Oh, that would have been…"
"Yeah, I know" she interrupted me "But the only one I want under me is you, so…"
"Oh, and who said you could pin me down?" I teased
"And who said I want you pinned? No… I'd much rather you squirming and moving around…"
"Babe…" I moaned
"Yeah…?" I knew by her tone that she was touching herself as well
"What are you wearing?" - Yes, people. Phone sex was a thing before nudes and facetiming. And it was good
"Oh, just that black lacy panties you love to bite away from my body…"
"And nothing else, you silly"
"Oh God…"
"Mark… I gotta tell you… I'm so wet right now… and.. As I run my hands through my body… you should see how hard my thighs are…"
"Oh Tessa… I believe… and I can bet your abs are so cut as you breath harder and harder…"
"Yes… just as my chest keeps inflating…"
"Fuck, hun… you should see how hard I am right now…"
"I prefer imagining all that hardness inside me…"
"As I'm sure you'd like to feel my hard body all around you…"
"Oh Mark…"
"Oh Tessa… my Amazon…"

Tessa was back on Campus for a few months now, and her mindset was the same. The discipline and devotion could now be seen on the kitchen cabinets, where supplements containers were stacked, on her wardrobe, which was now composed mostly of oversized hoodies and tops and gym shorts, and even on her fridge door, where a calendar marked every workout, every food intake. I gotta say I was proud of her. I however, was drowned in hospital rotations and residency appliances and was hitting the gym once a week, twice at most.
Our base gym wasn't a bodybuilder filled one. It was more an 'family gym' with the eventual college dude circling around. And at this point, there was no doubt that Tessa was the strongest woman there, and if not by maybe a handful of guys, she might as well be the strongest person to hit those weights. I knew that motivated her, but there was hardly a challenge on her regular times. She was the alpha when she was there, except, like I pointed out, for a few guys that normally wouldn't be around at the same time as her, me included. But she was closing in the gap, and I was quite aware of that. I just didn't know how close it was until late friday when I was doing my chest workout while Tessa was killing with a leg day. I had just finished my first bench set and Tessa approached me with a glistening in her eyes
"Hey babe, can we take turns?"
"Huh… didn't know you were doing chest today, but sure. How much?" I asked her, pointing at the plates that totalled 205 pounds which I had just pressed for 10 reps
"Well, yeah, it's just that I saw you there and figured we haven't worked out together in a century now, so I'll just squeeze in some presses for my day… don't bother with the weight, just spot me, ok?"
"Huh… you sure? Ok"
Tessa pretended to not hear my doubt and positioned herself under the bar. She unracked it and I watched in awe as her chest muscles fibers vibrated as she lowered and lifted the bar one, two, three… six times before the trembling in her arms became unbearable and she reracked the bar. I was in shock. I knew she was strong. I didn't know she was THAT strong. She didn't say a word and I respected her silence, adding ten pounds on each side of the bar for my second set. Again, I did my eight reps, feeling the burn at the end. Looking at her, I waited for orders on the weight. Again, she laid down indicating she'd go for the 225. I was in disbelief, but became a believer the second she pushed the weight up for the first rep. At this point I was both aroused and excited for her.
"C'mon hon, you got this" I told her
Tessa was laser focused on the weight, and she managed another 2 reps. I couldn't verbalize to her how impressed I was
"Wow. Just wow, babe. That is some serious lifter weight you just pressed there" I told her
She smiled at me, proud of herself and loving my recognition.
"Thanks, hon. So, how much now?"
"Ok, let's go for 235"
I positioned myself and lowered the weight. On my good days I could get closer to 265, but these days 235 seemed just enough. I managed 4 good reps before calling for her help. I did another two and placed the bar back on it's place. Now, I knew Tessa wouldn't in a million years bring the weight down, but I was worried she might get hurt. She looked at me like she was reading my mind
"One rep, ok? Nothing else"
I nodded
As she lowered the weight to her chest, I watched through the mirror the majesty of what was happening. This was some freaking serious weight she was beginning to bring back up, and then some. I don't think I've ever seen a girl do that. Tessa's arms were trembling, but her stare commanded me not to touch the bar. I whispered incentives to her
"Fuck yeah, Tess… you can do this"
Inch by inch the weight came back up. When she finished the rep, I pulled the bar back to its place. She sat back up, we stared at each other through the mirror. I knew she wanted recognition, and she damn deserved it
"Oh my God, Tess. I knew you were getting strong. I had no idea you had gotten THAT strong. That was freaking impressive"
She smiled at me. "Well, just not strong as you, my stallion"
"Yeah, well.. Just barely, Hon" I looked around the almost empty gym and gave her a nod "Go ahead, I know what you want to do"
She smirked back, pulling her tank top over her head, exposing her torso, now covered only by her sports bra. Still staring at me through the mirror, she made her pecs bounce a couple times before holding them flexed tightly, summoning the small veins on top of them.
"Alright, you show-off, now get out of here and go finish your leg work, before my blood gets all deviated from where it should be right now" I told her, in all honesty

Days kept flying by and by this point I could tell something was starting to bother Tessa. I knew what it was. Somehow she had discovered a competitive, dominant side of her personality, and she wanted to feed it. And by that, I mean she had a goal in her mind, albeit never saying it out loud. She wanted to be stronger than me. I knew it. The problem is her body seemed to have reached it's limit. No matter how much and how right she ate and how much she worked out, gaining strenght now seemde virtually impossible. And the little she managed to get was at the cost of the definition of her body. Sure, Tessa was massive. A beast. But I knew she'd rather get her veins and striations back into her body. It finally blew up on a regular evening. I was at the table studying and Tessa was in the kitchen, her back turned to me, fixing up her food portions for the week, when she finally spoke
"Hon… can I ask you something?"
"Sure babe, what is it?"
It took her a few moments before her next words
"Would you… how would you… feel if… if I became stronger than you?"
I dropped my pencil and look at her, now facing me, with her table cloth over her shoulder, almost exploding in anxiety for my answer
"Well hon… do you WANT to get stronger than me?" I already knew the answer to that question, but I wanted her to develop the subject
Tessa came around the counter and closer to me, almost whispering the words, as if she was confessing something
"Well… I… kinda do. I'm… sorry… Do you think I'm a freak?"
I looked at her perfect face and smiled
"Hon… Do you think I'm a freak for getting so damn aroused by your muscles and your raw, untamed strength?"
"Well, no…"
"Then, there you go. Why should I think you're a freak if you are literally fulfilling every deep desire of mine?"
Tessa came closer, and pulled my chair away from the table, turning it to her. I couldn't stop myself from being mesmerized by how strong she actually was already. She sat on my lap and wrapped her hands around my neck
"So… Do you wanna?" she asked again. She needed an answer
"Yeah baby, I do. But even if I didn't, if you feel like that's what you want, you should do it anyway"
"Oh, I love you so much, you know?"
"I know, hon…" I was already thinking the subject was over, and was very much eager for what came next, but Tessa wanted to go further
"So… thing is… I might need some… pharmaceutical help, you know"
I knew it. It was only a matter of time before she considered steroids. I think she had been considering (and studying about them) for a while now.
"Well, hon.. I want you to be careful, you know. It will be a few years before they come up with some safer options, and…"
"How do you know that?"
I completely forgot Tessa had no idea I came 'from the future'. And I didn't feel like explaining it to her and risking her thinking I was crazy.
"Well, you know… we read about it online and stuff…"
"Yeah, of course… anyways. Sure, I'll be careful. And will you help monitor any collateral effects, right?"
"Of course, babe"
"Well, there's one we'll have to account for, at least"
"What's that?"
Tessa let her full weight on my legs. They started feeling numb.
"You see… Your graduation is in four months. I don't think that any dress will be able to contain my rocking hard, big, enhanced muscles, you know" she smiled, kissing my neck, knowing damn well what her words would cause to my insides
"Oh, hon.. We'll have it custom made" I told her, grabbing her ass with both my hands
"Hmmmm I like that… how would you like it? Just thin straps over my coconut…no, pumpkin sized shoulders so that they and my bulging traps are on full display?" she licked my ear
"Well, of course… and it will have to be real tight so that your quad muscles can be seen through the fabric at each step you take" I told her, trying to get up.
Tessa knew I didn't have leverage to get up without her letting me, and she was loving the control.
"I like that… and of course, high heels that made my enormous calves look even bigger, right?"
"Of course"
She finally got up from me and held my hand, guiding me to the room.

It had been about 3 or so months and Tessa's body transformation was eye-popping. I had no idea what she was using, but somehow she seemed able to add mass while losing body fat. Her body looked absurdly more ripped, especially her upper body. If I stood behind her while she walked through a door, I almost every time feared she'd get stuck because of how wide her shoulders and her back had gotten. She wasn't wrong when she said no regular dress would be able to contain her massive body. Tessa's arms too, seemed to enlarge to a degree that at this point she didn't even bother comparing them to mine (which had diminished considerably due to my lack of weight training). Even if she hadn't geared up I might guess she'd be stronger than me. With steroids this was such an obvious statement that I felt like it wasn't even necessary to demonstrate it. But Tessa had other plans, surely
"Babe, can you pick me up at the gym?" she texted me on a late thursday "My car broke down"
"Well, sure. On my way"
I reached the gym and saw Tessa, still hitting the weights. Obviously, I spared no time entering the floor. This was a rare chance of seeing her at her best: sweaty, pumped and irradiating power.
She saw me as she was draping the sweat from her arms. I stared at Tessa's forearms, the cords from each of her muscles visible, the veins thick and almost pulsating.
"Hey hon. Almost over"
"No prob, babe… can I stick around?"
The grin on Tessa's face told me I had fallen into a trap
"Well, actually you could help me. I'm doing high cable curls. Remember when you told me how to do them?"
"I… sure do. But I don't think you'd need any help now" I chuckled
"Oh, nonsense… Help is always appreciated. Besides, I think you should try them too"
With no option but agree to her, we approached the apparatus. Tessa set just one plate on each side
"Just for warmups, you know"
We both did the rather unchallenging series, my eyes already attached to the size of Tessa's bicep.
"So… how much were you used to do, babe?" she asked me
"Uh… 4 plates on my best days"
"So… maybe three today?"
I nodded
I did a ten rep series, and I confess they felt harder than before. I was indeed weaker
Tessa took the handles from me and started her own set. With her arms spread out like that, she seemed like a pro bodybuilder, so wide and thick she was. Her biceps, still unchallenged by the weight, were starting to get filled up
"Gee, it's been a long road, right babe?" she spoke as she performed her reps nonchalantly "To think I had trouble with minimal weight on these"
She gave me the handles and I did a second set, still with 3 plates on each side. When I finished it, my arms were burning insanely.
Tessa added another plate and did a second set, just as easy as the first. By now her arms were pumped and glistening with sweat, making it hard for me not to simply kiss them right there. Tessa sensed it
"Here, try this weight" she commanded
I grabbed the handles and immediately realized I'd have to cheat a little if I wanted to do a full set. By the fifth rep It was clear
"Don't push it babe. Just hold them flexed a little" Tessa's voice came from behind me.
I looked as she started to perform a double bicep pose, her body pressed against mine, through the mirror. As she slowly brought her arms up, her biceps rose from behind mine. By the time she reached a 90 degree angle, it was like looking at a small, dwarfed hill in front of a majestic mountain. Tessa's biceps were bigger than mine, alright. By a lot. She stared at me holding the pose, demanding me to do the same. I complied. After what seemed an eternity my arms began trembling, and Tessa was quick to take the handles from me. Then, without saying another word, she adjusted the weight for 6 plates each. My jaw dropped. She saw it and smiled. Tessa started curling, groaning and moaning in a low tone at each rep. I was bursting my pants.
"Go ahead, babe. Feel them" she told me. I instantly placed both my hands on her majestic muscles, feeling the density and hardness of those softballs each time she brought them to a full flex. The sounds Tessa was making made me sure she was just as wet and hot as I was.
She finished her set and I was ready to take her right there. But she still wanted a little more
"Calm down, Tiger. Grab the handles"
I obeyed.
"Try it" she told me, damn knowing I couldn't budge that weight. I grunted and huffed, to no use. The plates didn't move. After several seconds of me trying in vain, Tessa calmly placed her hands on top of mine, gently taking the handles from me. Staring me right in the eyes, she did one single, fast curl, holding her arms flexed
"Come closer, Mark"
"Yes, babe"
Still holding the weight, she got onto her tippy toes and whispered to me
"Girl's locker room. Third stall. Go and wait me there"

Offline wowser1016

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2024, 10:06:42 am »
Oh WOW! Just a great addition. So glad you continued the story and I sure hope there is at least one more. Great job! K+!

Offline erocha75

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Re: Time Travel
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2024, 01:55:19 pm »
Absolutely awesome!! Pls let us have the third chapter/section!!

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