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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: natival on September 15, 2023, 05:38:28 pm

Title: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 15, 2023, 05:38:28 pm
"The Silent Transformation: A Tale of Revenge and Redemption"

Chapter 1: The Calvary

The story begins in a quiet suburban house, where Martha, a woman with a sweet appearance and tired eyes, endures a life of constant abuse at the hands of her husband, Jorge. Each day is a nightmare in which Jorge comes home drunk and unleashes his fury on her, often without apparent reason.

One evening, as Jorge returns home after a long night of drinking at the local bar, Martha tries to remain calm as he insults her and pushes her roughly.

"I don't know why you always have to be like this, Jorge!" Martha says with a trembling voice as she clings to the back of a chair.

Jorge laughs sarcastically and looks at her with bloodshot eyes. "You're pathetic, Martha. You're not even good enough for me."

With tears in her eyes, Martha retreats to her room, where she has been hiding a small box under the bed. Inside, she keeps a handful of money she has been secretly saving for months. It's her escape, her hope for a better future.

That night, while she listens to Jorge snoring loudly in bed, Martha curls up on the living room couch. She has made a decision. She can't bear this hell any longer. She has decided to change her life and take revenge in a way no one could have imagined.

With determination in her eyes, Martha promises herself that she will become something Jorge could never have foreseen. She begins to outline a plan to escape her abusive husband and exact revenge on him for all the years of torment she has endured.

This is how Martha's story begins, a story of transformation, vengeance, and liberation, which she will carry out in the following chapters.

Chapter 2: The Secret Plan

In the following weeks, Martha immersed herself in the execution of her secret plan. Her daily life continued to be a routine of abuse and disdain from Jorge, but now, in the quiet hours when he was asleep or absent, she worked tirelessly to change her destiny.

One afternoon, while Jorge was busy in the garage working on his motorcycle, Martha slipped into the guest room and retrieved a small notebook from its drawer. It was her "book of secrets," where she had been recording every detail of her plan. She had spent weeks researching and preparing carefully.

On the paper, Martha wrote with determination:

Secretly save money: She had been hiding money in the box under the bed, making sure Jorge had no idea of her savings.

Prepare the basement: Martha had started buying exercise equipment online and hiding it in the basement. She was determined to transform that dark and forgotten space into something that would aid her in her mission of vengeance.

Physical training: Martha had researched online and found workout tutorials and combat videos. She had started a rigorous exercise regimen, working silently to strengthen her body.

Combat study: Martha had accumulated a collection of books and DVDs on martial arts and combat techniques. Every night, after Jorge fell asleep, she studied these resources to learn everything she could.

Martha knew this process would be long and dangerous, but it was also her only hope of escaping the hell that was her life with Jorge. Her determination grew day by day, fueled by the fire of vengeance burning inside her.

Chapter 3: The Basement Sanctuary

Martha's transformation continued in secret in the dark basement sanctuary. Each day, her muscles grew stronger, and her determination grew with them. As the weeks turned into months, her life in the basement became increasingly crucial. Every night, after ensuring Jorge was deeply asleep, she descended the stairs leading to the dark refuge of the basement.

The first weeks had been tough. Martha had to learn to assemble and use all the exercise equipment she had secretly purchased. Sometimes, frustration overwhelmed her, but her determination propelled her forward.

One night, as she lifted weights in the darkest corner of the basement, Martha reflected on her situation.

"I can do this," she told herself in a low voice. "No matter how long it takes. I have to be strong to get revenge on Jorge and put an end to this."

The days turned into weeks, and Martha noticed changes in her body. Her muscles began to strengthen, her endurance increased, and although she maintained her fragile appearance on the outside, inside, she was becoming an unstoppable force.

One evening, as she heard footsteps above her, her heart pounded with fear, thinking that Jorge had discovered her secret. She remained motionless, holding her breath and listening carefully. Soon, she realized Jorge was snoring heavily in his room.

Martha breathed a sigh of relief but realized she couldn't afford to make mistakes. The secrecy of her plan was vital to its success.

With time, the basement became her sanctuary. There, in the dimness, she trained, studied combat techniques, and prepared mentally and physically for the day when she would finally confront Jorge and his cruelty.

Each passing day, Martha became a stronger and more confident version of herself, ready to make a dramatic turn in her life and in the story she had secretly written.

Chapter 4: Silent Transformation

Marta continued her transformation in secret in the dark basement sanctuary. Every day, her muscles grew stronger, and her determination grew with them. As she approached her goal, Marta began to test
her incredible power in increasingly impressive ways.

Test 1: The Concrete Wall
Marta decided to test her strength by attempting to break through a concrete wall in the basement. After weeks of training, she approached the wall and, with a powerful blow, created a significant crack on its surface. The satisfaction she felt in that moment fueled her determination.

Test 2: Cement Bags
Marta manufactured several cement bags and hung them from the basement ceiling. With punches and kicks, she shattered them one by one, demonstrating astonishing strength and impressive combat skills.

Test 3: Lifting Unbelievable Weights
Marta began lifting weights that most people would consider impossible for a woman of her appearance. Her muscles swelled, and her confidence grew with each repetition.

Test 4: Agility and Skill
In addition to brute strength, Marta worked on her agility and skill. She practiced jumps, evasive maneuvers, and rapid reflexes, knowing they would be essential in the upcoming battle.

Test 5: Extreme Endurance
Marta spent hours running on a treadmill while watching combat videos. Her endurance became one of her greatest advantages, knowing she could stay on her feet even in the most challenging situations.

As time passed, Marta noticed her body transforming into an unstoppable force. Her reflection in the mirror no longer showed the fragile woman she used to be but a rising warrior, full of self-confidence and the ability to end Jorge's abuse.

Marta knew her time for revenge was drawing near. In the next chapter, we will see how she plans and executes her audacious plan to confront Jorge and any man who crosses her path. Her determination and strength are now her allies, and she is ready to reveal them to the world.

Chapter 5: The Wait

The basement continued to be Marta's sanctuary, where she further developed her physical and mental transformation. Her body, now an impressive combination of musculature and beauty, was a source of pride and confidence. Each day she looked in the mirror, her vanity grew, and she knew her appearance was a weapon she would use in her quest for revenge.

However, Marta knew she couldn't act impulsively. She needed to be patient and wait for the right moment to execute her audacious plan. While she waited, to test her strength and skills, Marta would venture out at night to underground fighting venues, where bets were placed, and ruthless opponents awaited.

Covered by a loose robe to conceal her astonishing musculature, Marta would appear at these clandestine venues. No one suspected what was hidden beneath that loose fabric. When the time came to fight, she would shed the robe with confident ease.

The world was left in awe upon discovering the woman beneath the robe. Marta, with her sculpted muscles and radiant beauty, fearlessly faced her opponents. She fought one challenger after another, even accepting the challenge of fighting two at a time, defeating them with remarkable strength and skill.

The men, nervous and astonished, began to flee in search of safety, but Marta showed them no mercy. Her revenge was underway, and she wouldn't grant respite.

Jorge, now subdued and humiliated, lay on the ground, completely powerless before the woman he had tormented for so long. The roles had reversed, and Marta was determined to make him suffer as he had made her suffer.

With a twisted smile on her face, Marta approached Jorge and said, "Now, Jorge, it's my turn. Ready to experience the true strength of a woman?"

The chapter concludes with Marta someting Jorge and enjoying her newfound power, knowing that she had finally taken control of her own life and sought revenge for years of abuse and oppression.

Chapter 6: The Final Revenge

Marta stood triumphantly over Jorge, who lay on the floor, utterly defeated. Anger blazed in her eyes as she gazed down at the man who had made her life a living hell for so long.

Without uttering a word, Marta began to unleash her wrath upon Jorge. Each punch and kick was a release of the pent-up fury she had held inside for years. Her powerful muscles moved with deadly precision, and Jorge had no chance of defending himself. Each blow was retribution for the years of abuse and humiliation.

Jorge's face swelled and bled, but Marta didn't relent. She continued to strike and punish her husband until he lay on the floor, barely conscious and entirely subdued.

Finally, Marta ceased her assault, panting with exertion. She looked down at Jorge with disdain. "This is what I feel for everything you've done to me, Jorge. Your reign of power ends now."

Marta rose to her feet, and with grim determination, she began to walk towards the exit. She glanced back at Jorge one last time and spoke with a cold, merciless tone, "This is goodbye, Jorge. You'll never see me again. I'm a different person now, a powerful person, and there's no place for someone like you in my life."

Jorge, lying on the floor, could barely articulate a response. Marta had seized control of her life, and she was determined to leave behind everything that had held her back for so long.

With her revenge complete, Marta exited the house, leaving Jorge on the floor, trembling with fear. Before closing the door, she turned back to him and issued a threatening warning, "Don't you dare try to contact me, Jorge. If you do, I'll come back and punish you until you can't even lift yourself off the ground."

Marta's story concluded with a striking image: she, dressed in a seductive and elegant attire, with her legs poised over Jorge, who lay on the floor in terror. With a single hand, she lifted Jorge off the ground and tossed him aside as if he were a mere scrap of paper, demonstrating her incredible strength and determination.

Marta walked away from the house, leaving her history of abuse and oppression behind, ready to face a future filled with power and freedom. Her revenge was complete, and she was a woman who wouldn't hesitate to protect her new life.

Chapter 7: The Final Revenge

Marta was standing over Jorge, who was lying on the ground, completely defeated. Anger burned in his eyes as he stared at the man who had made his life miserable for years.

Without saying a word, Marta began to punish Jorge. Every punch and kick was a release of long-pent up fury. His powerful muscles moved with deadly precision, and Jorge had no chance to defend himself. Each blow was retribution for the years of abuse and humiliation.

Jorge's face was swollen and bloody, but Marta didn't stop. She continued to hit and punish her husband until he lay on the ground, barely conscious and completely subdued.

Finally, Marta stopped, panting with effort, and looked at Jorge with contempt. "This is how I feel about everything you've done to me, Jorge. Your time of power is over."

Marta stood up and, with determination, began to walk towards the door. He looked at Jorge one last time and said in a cold, merciless voice: "This is goodbye, Jorge. You will never see me again. I am a different person now, a powerful person, and I have no room in my life for someone like you."

Jorge, lying on the ground, could barely articulate any words. Marta had taken control of her life, and was willing to leave behind everything that had held her back for so long.

Marta had amassed a fortune thanks to her victories in clandestine struggles, and was now a millionaire and powerful woman. He knew that he could have whoever he wanted, subdue whoever he wanted, and that his life was full of possibilities.

With a satisfied smile, Marta left the house, leaving Jorge on the floor, shaking with terror. Before closing the door, she turned to him and said in a threatening voice: "Don't you dare look for me, Jorge. If you do, I will come back and punish you until you have no breath left to get up."

Marta's story culminated with a shocking image: she, dressed in a tiny sensual and elegant dress, with her legs on top of Jorge, who was lying on the ground terrified. With just one hand, he lifted it off the ground and threw it like a piece of paper, demonstrating his incredible strength and determination.

Marta walked away from home, leaving behind her past of abuse and oppression, ready to face a future full of power and freedom. Her revenge was complete, and she was now a woman who would stop at nothing to protect her new life.

Martha's transformation :

( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

If you like this story write to me and I will create more.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 19, 2023, 03:57:29 pm
"Shared Revenge"

Chapter 1

The night was dark and cold in Gotham City. The masked vigilante, Batman, stood on the roof of a building, watching the horizon. I knew something was wrong. He had received an anonymous call alerting him of a new plan from his archenemy, Catwoman.
Batman launched himself into the void, using his cape to glide through the air. When he reached the street, he went to the place indicated by the call. It was an abandoned warehouse in the center of the city.
Batman approached the warehouse cautiously. You could hear loud music from inside. It was a jazz song, sensual and mysterious. Batman knew it was a trap, but he was determined to confront Catwoman.
The guard made his way through the shadows and entered the warehouse. The place was full of people, all dressed in elegant clothes. In the center of the room, Catwoman was dancing with a group of men.
Batman approached her, without making a sound. Catwoman saw him and smiled.
How are you, Batman? - said. - Have you come to have fun?
"I've come to stop you," said Batman.
Stop me? - Catwoman said, laughing. - That's impossible.
Catwoman lunged at Batman, hitting him with her claws. Batman fought back, but Catwoman was a formidable opponent.
The fight was intense. Batman and Catwoman threw punches and kicks at each other, exchanging deadly attacks. The people in the room gaped, watching the battle.
Finally, Batman managed to surpass Catwoman. He hit her with his fist in the stomach, leaving her breathless.
"It's time for this to end," Batman said.
Batman approached Catwoman and lifted her off the ground. He took it to a corner of the warehouse and dropped it.
Catwoman was hurt and bleeding. He was almost lifeless.
Because? - Catwoman said, with a weak voice. - Why do you always have to win?
Because I'm Batman - said Batman. -And it is my duty to protect Gotham City.
Batman walked away from Catwoman and headed towards the exit. The fight was over. Catwoman had been defeated.
Batman left the warehouse and headed to the Batcave. It had been a long and difficult night, but he had managed to stop Catwoman. Gotham City was safe, at least for a while.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 19, 2023, 04:00:06 pm
Episode 2:

Catwoman got up from the ground, with difficulty. She was hurt and bleeding. He had been saved by a miracle.
The woman watched Catwoman from the shadows. She was a tall, muscular woman, with long black hair. She was wearing a black leather suit, which highlighted her figure.
The woman approached Catwoman.
Are you OK? - asked.
Catwoman looked at the woman in surprise.
Who are you? - asked.
"I'm a friend," the woman said. - I've been watching your fight against Batman.
And? - Catwoman said. - Are you going to finish what he started?
“No,” the woman said. - I'm not like him. I'm not going to kill you.
Then what do you want? - Catwoman asked.
I want to help you - said the woman. - I want you to join me.
To you? - Catwoman said. - And who are you?
My name is Kassandra - said the woman. - I'm a villain.
A villain? - Catwoman said. - And why do you want to help me?
Because I want to get revenge on Batman - said Kassandra.
Get revenge on Batman? - Catwoman said. - Because?
Because he stole something from me - said Kassandra. - Something that cannot be replaced.
Catwoman looked at Kassandra curiously.
What did he steal from you? - asked.
"He stole my life," said Kassandra. - He stole my love from me.
Catwoman remained silent.
"I understand," he finally said. - I also want to take revenge on Batman.
"Then it's decided," said Kassandra. - We will work together to put an end to it.
Kassandra helped Catwoman up.
"Come on," he said. - I'll take you to my hiding place.
Kassandra and Catwoman left the alley and headed to an abandoned building. The building was in the center of the city, in a dark and dangerous area.
Kassandra opened the door to the building and the two women entered. The inside of the building was dark and full of dust. There were boxes and old furniture piled everywhere.
"This is my hiding place," said Kassandra. - It is a safe place.
Kassandra took Catwoman to a room at the back of the building. The room was small and simple, but clean and tidy.
Here you can rest - said Kassandra. - I will heal your wounds and prepare you for our revenge.
Kassandra helped Catwoman onto the bed. Then, he left to look for medical supplies.
Catwoman closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by exhaustion. I was exhausted, but I was happy. He had found an ally in his fight against Batman
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: rodman on September 19, 2023, 08:06:24 pm
Thanks for the stories! The only issue I have is you use he instead of she in some of your dialogue. Do you have a Deviantart site?  Love to read more of your stories. 😎👍
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 20, 2023, 11:54:15 am
Hello my friend, sorry, that error is due to a translation issue, since the stories are in another language, I will try to correct it. I recently started, I'm going to start publishing my stories on my Patreon site, I also have a lot of images there.
If you want to see it the address is:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 20, 2023, 12:42:59 pm
Chapter 3:

Three months had passed since Catwoman had been rescued by Kassandra. During that time, her body had healed and her strength had fully recovered. Both women looked radiant in the darkness of the secret lair. Kassandra wore a tight-fitting sports outfit that highlighted her impressive muscles, while Catwoman radiated natural sensuality.

Sitting in a comfortable armchair, they looked at each other intently, sharing a bond that had grown stronger over time. Catwoman finally broke the silence.

"Kassandra," she said, "I'd like to know more about your beloved."

Kassandra smiled.

"Her name was Helena," she said. "She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life. She was intelligent, funny, and kind. I fell in love with her at first sight."

"What happened to her?" asked Catwoman.

Kassandra shrugged.

"Batman killed her," she said. "He trapped her in a trap and threw her off a cliff."

Catwoman felt a knot in her stomach.

"I'm so sorry," she said.

Kassandra nodded.

"It doesn't matter," she said. "What matters is that I'm going to get revenge on him."

"How?" asked Catwoman.

Kassandra smiled again.

"I have a plan," she said. "A plan that will end Batman once and for all."

Catwoman stared at Kassandra, intrigued.

"What is the plan?" she asked.

Kassandra leaned in to Catwoman and whispered in her ear.

"A plan that you're going to love," she said.

Catwoman blushed.

"And what about me?" she asked. "What's my role in this plan?"

"You'll be my ally," said Kassandra. "My partner in revenge."

Catwoman smiled.

"I'm ready," she said.

Kassandra kissed her.

"I knew it," she said.

The two women embraced, sharing a moment of intimacy.

"Batman will regret ever crossing us," said Kassandra.

"Yes," said Catwoman. "He will pay for everything he's done."

The two women separated and looked into each other's eyes.

"For Helena," said Kassandra.

"For Helena," said Catwoman.

The two women stood up and walked to the door of the lair.

"It's time to start," said Kassandra.

Catwoman nodded.

"Yes," she said. "It's time to start."
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 20, 2023, 12:47:30 pm
Chapter 4:

Day after day, year after year, Catwoman and Kassandra threw themselves into rigorous training in their secret lair. Hours turned into days, days into weeks, and weeks into endless months of relentless dedication. Every workout was an opportunity to shape their bodies and increase their strength, and every day strengthened their resolve for revenge against Batman.

Catwoman had changed a lot in that time. Her body was now a fighting machine, sculpted by years of training. She could break concrete walls with a single punch, lift unimaginable weights for anyone, and move with astonishing speed and agility.

Kassandra had also improved her skills. She was an expert in martial arts and in the use of weapons. She could knock a man down with a single blow, and she was able to throw objects with incredible force.

But beyond their physical abilities, Catwoman and Kassandra had also developed a deep bond. Their love was passionate and fierce, and it was a force that drove them forward.

After the tough training sessions, they would engage in passionate love sessions, intertwining their sweaty and sculpted bodies. Then they would shower together and have passionate love encounters again. They were tireless, and their love only grew stronger with time.

One night, after a particularly intense training session, Catwoman sat on the edge of the bed, panting.

"I'm ready," she said.

Kassandra walked over to her and kissed her.

"Me too," she said.

The two women embraced, sealing their commitment to revenge.

"We promise to get revenge on Batman," said Catwoman.

"And on all those who stand in our way," said Kassandra.

The two women looked into each other's eyes, and their gazes filled with determination.

"We won't stop until we've destroyed Batman!" shouted Catwoman.

"And we will!" shouted Kassandra.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 21, 2023, 12:16:12 pm
Chapter 5:

Catwoman and Kassandra were ready to begin their revenge. They had changed into very sensual outfits that highlighted the musculature of their bodies. Catwoman wore a black leather suit that exposed her toned arms and legs. Kassandra wore a red latex suit that embraced her voluptuous curves.

They had also decided not to use any weapons, relying solely on the strength and power of their fists and legs.

Their plan was simple: defeat all the superheroes of Gotham City and then conquer the world.

Their first victim was Wonder Woman. Kassandra defeated her easily, breaking her arm and leg. Then, Catwoman faced off against Flash and defeated him with a single blow.

The superheroes of Gotham City were surprised and frightened. They couldn't believe that two women could defeat them so easily.

Catwoman and Kassandra continued their campaign of terror. They defeated Superman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and all the other superheroes in the city.

Each victory increased the attraction between them and their thirst for power. It was as if they became more excited with each triumph.

One night, Catwoman defeated Hulk. She lifted him with a single hand while kissing Kassandra. Then, they both burst into loud laughter.

Each victory made them more excited for each other, igniting limitless passion. Every triumph was a night of passion between them, and each act of love only fueled their desire to dominate the world.

The city was in chaos. The citizens were terrified. They didn't know what to do to stop the two supervillains.

Batman knew he had to do something. He was the only one who could stop them.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 21, 2023, 12:18:12 pm
Chapter 6:
Batman had called upon his soulmate, Robin, for help. Together, they felt powerful enough to defeat the two villains.

The time for the showdown had come. Batman and Robin made their way to the location where Catwoman and Kassandra had arranged to meet them.

When they arrived, Catwoman was waiting for them with her back turned, wearing a long overcoat that covered her entire body. Kassandra stood imposingly by her side but did not intervene.

Catwoman removed her overcoat and left both superheroes in awe with her new and imposing figure. Her body was covered in muscles everywhere, bulging through her impressive suit.

Catwoman shouted, "After years of furious training, I'm ready to destroy you, Batman! I'm going to break you bone by bone!"

Batman and Robin prepared for the battle.

Without waiting for a reaction, Robin lunged at Catwoman and delivered ten punches that knocked her to the ground.

"Do you surrender?" Robin asked.

Catwoman got up, laughing. She stood tall and showed her arm to Robin. Catwoman's arm was as thick as Robin's legs. Robin thought to himself and started trembling.

"Is that all you can do to me?" Catwoman asked, flexing her enormous bicep. "Now it's my turn."

Catwoman punched Robin, sending him flying through the air and landing on the ground, bloody and battered.

"Do you like that?" Catwoman asked. "This is just the beginning!"

Catwoman pounced on Robin and began mercilessly beating him. Robin tried to defend himself, but it was futile. Catwoman was too strong for him.

Kassandra watched the scene with satisfaction. She was happy to see her beloved getting revenge on Batman.

Catwoman struck Robin again and again, hitting him in the stomach, chest, and face. Robin screamed in pain, but Catwoman didn't stop.

Finally, Catwoman stopped. Robin was unconscious and bleeding.

Catwoman approached him and looked at him with disdain.

"What do you think, Batman?" Catwoman asked. "Do you still think you can stop me?"

Kassandra approached Catwoman and hugged her.

"You did it!" Kassandra said. "You did it!"

Catwoman smiled.

"Of course," Catwoman said. "What did you expect?"

Catwoman and Kassandra walked away from Robin, who lay motionless on the ground.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: Raffman on September 21, 2023, 03:14:30 pm
Awesome, awesome as thank you.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 22, 2023, 12:34:02 pm
Chapter 7.

"I'm not done with Robin yet!" said Catwoman.
She approached Kassandra, and they shared a passionate kiss.
Then, she approached Robin, who was still alive. She lifted him with one arm and positioned his head between her powerful legs.
Catwoman began to squeeze Robin's head, and he started screaming. The pain was unbearable. Robin felt like his head was about to explode.
Catwoman squeezed harder, all the while kissing Kassandra again.
Robin's head exploded into a pool of blood and brains.
Catwoman and Kassandra broke the kiss and looked at Batman.
"What do you think, Batman?" Catwoman asked. "What are you going to do now?"
Batman was stunned. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.
"I can't believe it," Batman said. "What have you done?"
Catwoman smiled.
"I've become much stronger," Catwoman said. "And now, I'm going to destroy you."
Before attacking Batman, the two supervillains began to caress each other. They were really excited. Robin's death had pushed them to the height of passion.
Catwoman whispered in Kassandra's ear:
"I'm so excited," Catwoman said. "I can't believe what we just did."
Kassandra smiled.
"Me too," Kassandra said. "It's like something inside us has awakened."
The two women kissed passionately. Their bodies merged into one.
Suddenly, Catwoman realized something.
"Batman!" Catwoman shouted. "We forgot about Batman!"
Kassandra laughed.
"Who cares!" Kassandra said. "We'll deal with him later."
The two women continued to caress and kiss each other.
Batman, who was petrified with fear, couldn't believe what he was seeing.
The two women, laughing, sensually approached Batman.
"What are you going to do now, Batman?" Catwoman asked. "Are you going to stop us?"
Batman didn't respond.
"Or are you going to let us do whatever we want to you?" Kassandra asked.
Batman still didn't respond.
The two women smiled, approaching Batman.
"That's what we thought," Catwoman said.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 22, 2023, 12:39:25 pm
Chapter 8:

Catwoman came up behind him and trapped Batman's body in her powerful arms. He was immobilized. Kassandra went ahead and whispered in his ear:
First you are going to enjoy and then you are going to die, we will fulfill our revenge.
Kassandra kissed Batman passionately, while Catwoman licked his ear. Batman was really excited.
Catwoman grabbed Batman's neck with one hand and lifted him up, while Kassandra grabbed his private part.
Do you like this, Batman? - Catwoman asked. - Do you like us to torture you?
Batman couldn't respond. I was too excited.
Do you like us to touch you? - Kassandra asked. - Do you like us to make you feel good?
Batman could only groan.
Catwoman and Kassandra continued to torture Batman, but not only physically, but also psychologically. They wanted Batman to suffer, both physically and emotionally.
Finally, Batman couldn't take it anymore.
Stop! - Batman shouted. - No more!
Catwoman and Kassandra laughed.
You do not like it anymore? - Catwoman asked. - Don't you want to feel good anymore?
Batman didn't respond. I was exhausted.
Catwoman and Kassandra dropped him to the ground.
"This is just the beginning, Batman," said Catwoman. - We are going to make you suffer like you have never suffered before.
Catwoman and Kassandra walked away from Batman, leaving him alone on the ground.
Batman was completely exhausted on the ground. The two supervillains looked stunning in their suits, their muscles seemed to explode.
My love - Catwoman said to Kassandra - I want you to test if Batman's armor is really waterproof.
"Whatever you say, my life," Kassandra told him.
Catwoman lifted Batman and Kassandra delivered an uppercut to Batman's stomach. There was a sound of cracking ribs. Batman let out a piercing scream.
It seems that it is not so proof against everything, my life - said Kassandra -, and the two laughed and enjoyed seeing Batman double over in pain.
Leave him alive still, we're not done with him - said Catwoman.
Catwoman and Kassandra looked at each other.
"You're right," Kassandra said. We're not done with him yet.
Catwoman dropped Batman to the ground.
We are going to make him suffer more - said Catwoman -. We are going to make him suffer like he has never suffered before.
Catwoman and Kassandra walked away from Batman, leaving him alone on the ground, writhing in pain.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 22, 2023, 09:05:04 pm
Chapter 9
Batman was finished. I was completely broken, both physically and emotionally. Catwoman and Kassandra had tortured him for hours, humiliating him in every way possible.
Batman begged for mercy again and again, but the two women showed no mercy. They challenged each other to see who had more strength to punish him.
It seemed like it would never end. Batman was on the brink of death, and he didn't know what else he could do.
"Enough," said Catwoman. Let's get this over with. We can't keep wasting time with this scum.
"You are right, my goddess," said Kassandra. What do you propose?
Now you'll see - said Catwoman -. You follow me, do what I do.
Catwoman approached Batman, picked him up again with one hand, and with the other, in one motion, removed all of his armor.
Kassandra, Come to me, and take off your clothes - said Catwoman,
Kassandra started to smile. She left her suit and the statuesque figure of the supervillain was seen in its maximum splendor. Catwoman held Batman and said to Kassandra:
All yours, my love.
Kassandra submerged Batman's head into her breasts, while Catwoman took off her costume as well.
"Let's finish this, sweet," Kassandra said to Catwoman.
Yes, my love, I'm ready - said Catwoman.
Batman was trapped in Kassandra and Catwoman's breasts. They hugged each other and began to squeeze each other.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 22, 2023, 09:07:05 pm
Chapter 10
Batman couldn't breathe. The muscular and enormous bodies of these two supervillains had trapped him. The goddesses got together and gave each other the most passionate kiss they had ever had. Her nipples hardened.
Catwoman and Kassandra hugged each other tightly, their tongues intertwining. Batman was trapped between their bodies, unable to move.
The kiss was intense and passionate. The two women kissed each other desperately, as if they wanted to devour each other. Their nipples hardened to the maximum, and their bodies began to vibrate with pleasure.
The goddesses joined their bodies and gave each other the most lustful kiss of their lives, while Batman's destroyed body fell to the floor, lifeless under the pressure of the supervillains' muscles.
They stood up and their muscle-ridden bodies looked at what was left of Batman. The scene was imposing, two beautiful and statuesque supervillains had achieved their goal, taking revenge on their archenemy Batman.
Catwoman approached Kassandra and whispered in her ear:
We have done it, my love.
Kassandra smiled and replied:
Yes love. We have defeated Batman. Gotham City is ours.
Now we will go for world domination - Said Catwoman
The imposing Supervillains left Batman's destroyed body on the floor and walked naked, showing off their imposing physiques throughout the city, nothing mattered anymore.
They went to the Government Palace, in three minutes they wiped out the entire guard, entered and told the Mayor:
We own Gotham City, get out of here, worm!! -
The mayor ran to the terrace to turn on the Batman signal, the supervillains followed him and laughing sadistically told him:
If you are looking for your little friend, the crows must be eating him right now, and you will follow the same path.
Catwoman grabbed the Mayor by the neck and threw him off the building, falling lifeless onto the street.
Catwoman and Kassandra laughed their hearts out and their naked, sweaty bodies intertwined again.
They were the queens of Gotham City and nothing would stop them in their quest to conquer the world.

Finish, for now....
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 22, 2023, 09:11:59 pm
I have started a new story, I hope you like it, here I will publish the chapters one by one, the story is already finished on my website. If you want to see it, at the bottom of the page is my website.

Helen, the coach.

Chapter 1

New York City was a cosmopolitan and vibrant place, home to some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. In a corner of the city, on a narrow and elegant street, stood the most exclusive restaurant in the city: The Four Seasons.

The Four Seasons was a dreamlike place. The interior was adorned with luxury and elegance, with marble walls, mahogany tables, and silk curtains. The service was impeccable, and the food was exquisite.

One evening, a couple entered The Four Seasons to enjoy an unforgettable evening. The woman, named Susan, was a successful entrepreneur. The man, named John, was a prestigious lawyer. Both were in their mid-forties and had been married for several years. They were wealthy, but they were also elegant, vain, and haughty.

Susan and John stepped out of their limousine and made their way to the restaurant's entrance. It was a cold winter night, and the wind whistled between the buildings. Susan shivered and huddled in her fur coat.

A waiter approached them and opened the door.

"Good evening, madam, sir," the waiter said. "How may I assist you?"

"We'd like to dine at the restaurant," Susan said in an arrogant tone. "We have a reservation."

"Of course," the waiter said, bowing. "Please allow me to take your coats."

The waiter took their coats and led them to the coatroom.

"Please follow me," the waiter said. Susan and John followed the waiter into the restaurant.

John entered the luxurious restaurant The Four Seasons wearing a tailored black suit, his face tired but still distinguished. By his side, Susan walked with overwhelming confidence, wearing an extremely short and tight red dress that accentuated every curve of her splendid body. Her stiletto heels completed her daring outfit. Susan had a muscular and firm body; her legs shone, highlighting her muscularity, while her bust and rear stood out with astonishing firmness. Her back was sculpted, and her biceps and triceps were noticeably developed. When she raised her arms to adjust her hair, her biceps bulged, leaving John speechless.

John, surprised, asked, "Susan, what happened to you?"

Susan laughed and replied playfully, "It's because you haven't paid attention to me for months, always busy with your business, John." Susan gently touched his cheek and continued, "I've been going to the city's best gym for seven months now, and it seems to be quite effective. Do you like it, John?" Susan struck a rear pose, showcasing her well-defined biceps, teasing John with a playful look.

John sighed, still looking at her in disbelief. Susan continued, "Well, let's sit down, and I'll tell you everything."

The scene was charged with tension and surprise, with Susan's striking appearance overshadowing all other diners in the restaurant. The dim lights of the place highlighted her sculpted figure and fiery red dress, while the restaurant's elegant ambiance contrasted with Susan's stunning transformation. The curious eyes of other diners couldn't help but turn toward the couple as they made their way to their table.

All the chapters are already in:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 23, 2023, 12:47:53 pm
Chapter 2

They sat at the reserved table, and John noticed that the restaurant was full. Most of the tables were occupied, and the buzz of conversations filled the air. Only one table in the center of the restaurant remained empty, with five chairs arranged around it. It was a spot usually used for special events or large groups.

The waiter approached gracefully to take their order. John, in keeping with the sophisticated ambiance, chose a gourmet dish, while Susan, before making her choice, consulted with the waiter. She explained that she was quite hungry because she had just returned from her workout session and needed something satisfying. The waiter recommended an option that highlighted flavors and assured her it would be an excellent choice.

As they waited for their dishes, Susan began to tell John about her decision to start going to the gym seven months ago. She explained that, due to the stress in her job, she needed a way to release tension, and exercise had become her escape. As she spoke, Susan emphasized how her dedication to the gym had helped her in her career as a businesswoman. Her firmer body and renewed confidence had gained the trust of her business partners.

Susan also mentioned her gym instructor, who was incredible at her job. She told John that she would like him to meet her to see if she could convince him to join the gym. John laughed and replied casually, "I'm very busy, dear. I don't have time to waste."

Susan, upset by John's response, didn't say anything at that moment, but her thoughts revealed her disappointment. She thought to herself, "He clearly doesn't want to look good for me." The tension in the conversation was palpable as they waited for their dishes in the upscale restaurant.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 24, 2023, 02:41:02 pm
Chapter 3

Susan and John continued chatting at their table when suddenly the restaurant's doors swung wide open. From a luxurious limousine emerged an imposing woman, followed by four other women accompanying her. The receptionist approached politely and asked, "How may I assist you?"

The woman, with a disdainful look, observed him and responded with authority, "You don't know me, do you? You must be new here. Take my coat and lead me and my girls to our table," she exclaimed haughtily. The other women casually tossed their coats and shared laughs among themselves as they made their way into the restaurant.

As this unique entourage entered the restaurant, an astonishing silence fell over the place. All the diners present were left dumbfounded by what they were witnessing. The presence of the mysterious woman and her group of companions had instantly overshadowed the refined and tranquil atmosphere of The Four Seasons restaurant. Whispers and glances focused on this enigmatic figure and her entourage, creating an atmosphere charged with intrigue and curiosity throughout the restaurant.

The woman who entered the restaurant was truly stunning. With her blonde hair cascading down in a braid that reached her back, she stood approximately 6 feet tall. She wore an incredibly short dress with daring slits, accentuating every inch of her astonishing figure. It was difficult to find words to describe her unparalleled beauty.

Her muscles were imposing yet beautifully sculpted. Her face was flawless, with piercing green eyes that seemed to hypnotize anyone who gazed into them. Her legs were slender but powerful, her arms impressive, and her shoulders broad and muscular. Her abdomen was so defined it appeared chiseled from marble, and her veins-popping arms displayed impressive strength. The dress she wore highlighted her voluptuous bust, sculpted back, chiseled abs, and arms filled with strength and definition.

Her gaze was both intimidating and magnetic, capturing the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Beneath the dress, she wore nothing, adding a touch of sensuality and audacity to her already striking appearance.

The girls accompanying her were also beautiful and muscular but didn't reach the same level of splendor as the main woman. The leading woman wore stiletto heels that further enhanced her height and had some suggestive tattoos that added an air of mystery to her presence.

Then, with a commanding tone, the woman addressed her girls and said, "Time to eat, girls." Her voice carried a powerful aura of authority that made all eyes focus on them as they headed to their table, leaving the other diners in a state of amazement and anticipation.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 26, 2023, 11:18:54 am
Chapter 4

As Susan and John continued chatting at their table, intrigue spread throughout the restaurant. Everyone wondered who that enigmatic woman was who had burst in with such presence. Susan, however, had not yet noticed her presence. But when she finally turned her head towards the center of the restaurant, her eyes lit up with amazement and excitement. In an impulsive gesture, she squeezed her husband John's arm and exclaimed in an excited whisper: "Look, John, it's Helen!"

John, visibly annoyed by Susan's grip, which hurt him, replied in a confused tone: "And who is Helen?"

Susan, still excited, replied with enthusiasm: "Don't you know who Helen is?" This time, she shook him a little more as she said: "John, look at her!"

John, trying to stay calm, asked Susan: "Calm down a bit, you're going to break my arm."

Susan apologized with a laugh and said: "Sorry, I still can't control my strength, ha, ha!"

Then, with a mixture of excitement and pride, she continued: "Let me explain a little, John. Helen is the owner of the most important chain of gyms in the world. She's a billionaire and, most importantly, she's my personal trainer. I'm one of the few privileged ones who has the honor of being her student. Have you seen the results of her personal training on me? Come on, let's go meet her. Stop being so shy."

John, after Susan's insistence, finally agreed: "Okay, let's go meet her, but don't call me shy."

Susan got up from her chair and easily grabbed her husband, "Come with me," she said as she led him towards the center of the restaurant with enthusiasm. Susan was excited that her husband was going to meet Helen!

Susan and John approached Helen's table with enthusiasm. "Hi, Helen!" Susan greeted with joy. Helen's initially angry expression transformed into a smile when she saw Susan. "Susan!" Helen exclaimed, and her girls sighed in relief.

"Susan, I'm sorry, you know I don't like to be interrupted, you know what happens," Helen apologized as she looked at Susan. But quickly praising her appearance, she added: "But you're welcome. By the way, you look phenomenal!"

Susan, proud, flexed her biceps and replied: "Thanks to you!"

Helen, taking up the challenge, flexed her biceps and made them grow three times bigger. Then she confidently told Susan: "You'll get there." All the women laughed out loud.

Susan introduced her husband, John, to Helen, and explained that she was trying to convince him to join the gym as well. John, kindly, responded: "Girls, I don't have time."

Helen looked at him with contempt and, without addressing him directly, said to Susan: "Don't worry, you'll convince him. And if he doesn't want to...", the two women exchanged a knowing wink, " can do what we talked about."

Susan nodded and replied: "I don't want to keep interrupting you. We'll see you later, okay?"

Helen nodded with a smile and said: "Of course, Susan." They said goodbye amicably, and Susan and John returned to their table, while the mysterious presence of Helen and her girls continued to cause a stir in the exclusive restaurant The Four Seasons.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 27, 2023, 02:33:22 pm
Chapter 5

Susan and John returned to their table, and John, looking at Susan, curiously asked, "What did Helen mean by saying 'And if she doesn't want...'"?

Susan laughed and replied mysteriously, "Don't worry about it, dear," while a faint smile escaped her lips. Susan was hiding something, and her response left John intrigued.

Meanwhile, at Helen's table, the atmosphere was completely different. The chatter of the powerful women filled the restaurant as they joked and laughed incessantly, oblivious to the curious glances of other diners.

However, three tables away, two elegant ladies from high society were stunned by the commotion. Dressed in elegant long dresses and exuding an air of disdain and vanity toward others, Anna and Bertha represented the aristocracy of American high society. They were surrounded by four burly guards who only allowed the waiter to pass when bringing food for the ladies.

Anna whispered to Bertha, "We can't talk here. I told you this restaurant had become vulgar."

Bertha replied with disgust, "Look at those women; they're like rabble!" She pointed towards Helen's table. "They should be thrown out of this place!"

One of the ladies called her bodyguard and gave him firm instructions, "Go and silence those women! And if they don't comply, act firmly and make sure they obey!"

The stern guard headed towards Helen's table, determined to carry out the orders of the high-society ladies and put an end to the disturbance that bothered them so much.

Chapter 6

The guard arrived at Helen's table with a firm and resolute tone. He said, "I ask that you leave!! With all the noise and shouting, my ladies cannot converse. So, I ask you once again, leave, whether willingly or by force," he declared with determination.

The muscular women accompanying Helen looked at each other, surprised by the guard's words. Two of them were about to get up, but Helen stopped them with a gesture. "Sit down; I'll handle this," she instructed.

Helen stood up, and at that moment, the guard was taken aback by her imposing presence. She was almost as tall as him, and her physique was truly intimidating.

"Could you take me to your 'ladies'?" Helen asked him sweetly. "I would like to apologize to them." The guard hesitated for a moment, but seeing the beauty and courtesy with which Helen spoke, he agreed to her request. Both of them headed towards the table of the high-society ladies.

Helen, maintaining her composure, greeted the ladies with a smile. "Good evening, ladies," she began. "I would like to apologize to you. Could you please ask the gentleman to step aside for a moment? I just want to have a chat and offer my apologies."

The ladies looked at Helen with disdain and haughtiness. One of them instructed the guard, "Step aside and go to your companions. The young lady is going to apologize to us, and then she will leave with her vulgar friends." Her words were laden with condescension. Helen was getting ready to apologize to the high-society ladies.

All story and more in my Patreon site :
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 28, 2023, 10:27:00 am
Chapter 7

Despite the high-society ladies' disdainful attitude, Helen decided to sit with them. "May I sit with you for a moment? Before I leave, I'd like to share a story with you," she calmly proposed.

The ladies exchanged glances, and one of them replied curtly, "Be brief; we want to continue our conversation among ourselves."

Helen nodded and began her tale, "As a teenager, I attended a very expensive school where the children of people like you also studied. For years, I endured bullying because I was very quiet and shy, and my body was very thin back then. I was bullied, harassed, and subjected to all sorts of mistreatment. All I could think of was how to overcome this situation."

With patience, Helen continued, "Fortunately, the school's gym teacher was able to help me and recommended that I focus on building my body to gain self-confidence. I followed her advice, and here I am today. I am a multimillionaire and own the largest chain of gyms in the United States." Helen stood up and proudly struck a pose, displaying her muscular physique.

The ladies, however, responded with indifference and disdain. One of them exclaimed, "We don't care. We have no interest in your money, your physique, or anything about you. So, leave here or you'll regret it." She gestured, and two of her bodyguards approached Helen.

Unfazed, Helen warned them firmly, "I shared this story to see if you'd reconsider your orders. You have no idea what awaits you after this, because if there's one thing I've decided to put an end to, it's people like you." With a defiant look, she continued, "Two bitter old hags who probably never had sex and have never seen the filth and venom that arise from their arrogance and contempt for others. You're two miserable old women!"

The women were taken aback by Helen's strong response, and finally, they ordered the guards, "Get her out of here; we're not here to tolerate such rudeness."
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 29, 2023, 06:17:09 pm
Chapter 8

The guards took hold of Helen, and she quickly ordered her girls, "Open the restaurant doors and wait outside." Without wasting time, the girls hurriedly moved the table and headed outside.

With determination, Helen crossed her arms, causing the guards to collide with each other. Then, with supernatural strength, she delivered a powerful punch to the stomach of one and a stunning blow to the face of the other, sending their teeth flying. The second guard, bent over in pain, had his ribs fractured from the single punch.

Displaying her impressive strength, Helen lifted both guards above her head and exclaimed, "Here they go, girls!" With a fluid motion, she tossed them toward the door, where her girls received them and began to punish them savagely.

The other two guards rushed at Helen, but she acted with astonishing speed. With her powerful legs, she kicked upward, striking both guards in the head. In less than thirty seconds, both were unconscious on the floor.

Helen wasted no time, grabbing each guard by the neck and throwing them toward the girls, saying, "Here go the other two!" Outside, sounds of punches and cries of pain could be heard, and then, all noise ceased.

"We're done," the girls reported to Helen.

Helen laughed and walked toward the trembling ladies who didn't know what to do. "Don't leave; I'll be back for you," she warned with a malicious laugh.

Helen sensually walked toward the door, where her girls awaited her. "Ready, girls?" she asked.

"Ready, coach," the girls replied.

The four battered guards were crouched in front of the imposing girls. Helen praised their work, "Excellent job, my friends." The girls celebrated by high-fiving each other.

Helen decided to put an end to the situation once and for all. She approached the guards one by one and gave them a fiery kiss on the mouth. She then clasped her hands and extended her fingers, and what happened next was both impressive and terrifying: Helen began to break the guards' necks one by one, leaving them lifeless on the floor. "Leave them, girls. Someone will pick them up," Helen said calmly.

Then, with an air of authority, she added, "Let's go in; we have a lot to do." Helen, imposing and self-assured, returned to the restaurant, and her girls followed her, embracing her and ready to continue whatever was necessary.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on September 30, 2023, 12:55:29 pm
Chapter 9

Helen and her friends burst into the restaurant, casting a fearful silence over the atmosphere. People gathered, forming a circle around the center of the restaurant, and Susan and John positioned themselves in the front row. Helen, with an authoritative voice, ordered her friends to bring one of the women who had caused trouble.

"Girls, bring one of the old ladies! Leave the other one for now; I want to enjoy them one at a time," Helen said.

The girls moved with astonishing efficiency, bringing one of the ladies and throwing her to the ground. The woman fell in front of Helen's imposing figure.

"Now, what should I do with you, 'high society lady'? Where is your arrogance?" Helen said.

Helen began to shout and insult the woman, mercilessly humiliating her. With immense strength, she lifted her from the ground and tore her luxurious dress into a thousand pieces, leaving her in her underwear. Helen mocked her appearance as the crowd murmured and watched in astonishment.

"Look at this eyesore! What good are your millions now?" Helen taunted.

Susan (to herself) Should I do the same with John?

Suddenly, Helen began to strike the woman in every way possible, showing no mercy. The woman writhed in pain as Helen continued to insult her.

"You're trash! You're worthless now, but wait a moment!"
Helen (addressing the spectators) "What do you think I should do with her? Any suggestions?"

The audience was in a state of shock as they watched the scene, not knowing what to expect next. The tension in the air was palpable, and Susan wrestled with a mix of revulsion and a strange fascination for what she was witnessing.

With a sadistic smile, Helen said, "I know what I'm going to do!!!" In one swift motion, she provocatively stripped off her dress, standing completely naked in front of the stunned crowd. Her imposing figure left no one indifferent.

"There was one more thing to try!"

Helen plunged the woman's head between her impressive breasts, almost suffocating her entirely. The victim struggled desperately to breathe as the audience watched in amazement.

As she squeezed tighter, Helen ordered the waiter, "You, bring the bin where they throw away the food! If there's food inside, even better!"

The waiter quickly obeyed and brought the bin to the scene. With immense strength, Helen placed the woman inside the bin, submerging her amidst food scraps and refuse. The stench of decay intensified, and the woman found herself in a pitiful state.

"There you have it! Do you now know what filth is?"

The crowd watched in a state of shock as the scene unfolded before their eyes. Helen continued to challenge norms and expectations.

All story and more in my Patreon site :
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 01, 2023, 12:57:50 pm
Chapter 10

Meanwhile, Susan, overwhelmed by the excitement and lack of control that the scene has stirred in her, looks at her husband with fury and determination and says:

"Helen has inspired me! She's teaching that woman a lesson, and I should do the same, since you never pay attention to me!"

In an instant, Susan strikes her husband in the stomach with unusual strength. Then, she lifts him by the neck and violently throws him against a nearby table, shattering it into pieces. The crowd watches in astonishment as anger and vengeance consume Susan.

Upon witnessing the scene, Helen encourages Susan to continue, saying:

"Come on, Susan! Destroy him! Use everything I taught you, destroy him!"

Both women are now at the peak of pleasure.

Helen (ordering one of her girls): "Bring the other old lady! I haven't forgotten about her."

Chapter 11

The scene is completely shocking. One of Helen's girls brings the second lady, who, in a desperate attempt, begins to plead for mercy. However, it's already too late for her. Helen, with a satisfied look, licks her lips.

Helen: "You're lucky that some of my anger has already been vented on your little friend. But you won't get off easy."

The lady, trembling with fear, realizes she's trapped in a nightmare from which she cannot escape. Meanwhile, in another corner of the restaurant, Susan has also captured everyone's attention. Without stopping her assault on her husband, she's perched on top of him on the destroyed table. Susan has turned into a destructive force. The training she received from Helen has made her lethal.

Susan: "I'm going to shatter you! Now you're going to pay attention to me!"

Susan, a wild lioness, doesn't hold back. Suddenly, she notices that John's member starts to become erect. Despite being terribly beaten, Susan's imposing physique arouses her husband. Susan, with a malicious smile, realizes she's found a way to capture his attention.

Susan: "So, I had to do this for you to react? Now you're going to see."

Susan stands up, grabs an iron bar that was in the restaurant, and lifts her dress. She begins to have violent sex with John while bending the iron bar over her head with her immense strength.

Susan: "Do you like it, my dear?"

John finally faints, and Susan, with a sigh of relief, steps away. Meanwhile, Helen continues to deliver a tremendous beating to the other lady, leaving her in the same bin as her friend. The restaurant has witnessed unimaginable chaos, and the crowd watches in astonishment and horror at what has transpired.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 02, 2023, 10:59:27 am
Chapter 12

The battle had ended, and Helen and Susan stood in the middle of the restaurant, naked and radiant. They felt no shame whatsoever.

Helen: "Do you feel ashamed, Susan?"

Susan: "Not at all, Helen!"

Helen: "Look at what we are, Susan. Look at our bodies, look at our muscles."

The two women looked at each other and flexed their enormous biceps, savoring the moment. The girls surrounding them cheered and applauded Helen and Susan, while the rest of the people fled the restaurant in terror, shocked by what they had just witnessed. Only the owner remained, sadly surveying the damage caused by Helen and Susan.

Susan: "Don't worry, friend; I have enough money to fix this place and ten more restaurants. Besides, I'm going to divorce this piece of garbage." (Pointing at John) "He's loaded, and I plan to take it all from him."

Susan stared at the restaurant owner, finding him very attractive.

Susan: "Do you want him, Helen?"

Helen: "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not interested. You can have him."

Susan: "Really?"

Susan grabbed the restaurant owner's head and passionately kissed him on the mouth while taking his genitals in her hand.

Susan: "Suddenly, she pulled away and told him, 'No, you're beneath me!' Enjoy this and nothing more." Then she wrote him a check to cover the repairs for his restaurant and threw it in his face. "Settle for this!"

Helen and the girls erupted into uproarious laughter. Then, they boarded the limousine.

Helen: "Are you coming, Susan?"

Susan took her tiny dress and walked out of the restaurant naked; her body could be seen, and she got into the limousine. Together, they set off for an unknown destination. Helen and Susan's party continued, and they were ready for new adventures.

What's coming......

"Susan's New Love"

All story and more in my Patreon site :
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 03, 2023, 11:43:43 am
"Susan's new love"

Chapter 1

Five years had passed since the episode at the Restaurant (read "Helen, the Coach"). Now, Helen and Susan were not only close friends but also partners in a thriving chain of gyms that Helen had built worldwide. Susan had experienced significant changes in her life; she had divorced her husband John, receiving an impressive sum of over 10 million dollars in the process, and decided to invest that fortune in Helen's gym chain, thus becoming two powerful fitness industry entrepreneurs.

The headquarters of their empire was located in New York, a city that reflected the greatness of their achievements. On a sunny day, an imposing limousine parked in front of this iconic building. From the limousine emerged a figure of Asian origin, the powerful South Korean businessman, Kang Min-jun.

Accompanying him, five imposing Asian bodyguards guarded his security. Without saying a word, they all entered the majestic gym...

Chapter 2

At the reception of the impressive gym stood Claire, a 25-year-old with a beauty that seemed carved by the gods. Her body, sculpted like a fitness model's, radiated health and vitality. Brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her blue eyes seemed to reflect the purity of a clear sky. Claire was the ideal person for the position she held, not only due to her appearance but also her kindness and composure.

Kang Min-jun, accompanied by his formidable bodyguards, approached her with an imperative tone that made his desire clear. "I want to see the owners of this gym!" he exclaimed with determination.

Claire, without losing her composure or courtesy, replied softly, "How can I assist you, sir?"

The businessman, visibly annoyed, snorted and repeated more forcefully, "Call your bosses! Don't you know who I am? I'm Kang Min-jun, the most powerful Asian businessman in New York! I don't deal with employees, so I ask you one last time, call your bosses."

The businessman's impatience was beginning to unsettle Claire, who noticed the bodyguards starting to surround her. With a trembling voice, she said, "Calm down, calm down, I will see if I can find them." In reality, Claire wanted to get away from this tense situation as quickly as possible.

"Don't move from here," the businessman ordered firmly, looking at her intently. "Call them on the intercom or find a way to contact them, but do it now."

Claire, growing more frightened, nodded and with trembling hands, she pulled a cellphone from under the reception desk. It was the only way to communicate directly with Susan and Helen in case of an emergency. Claire knew that this was a delicate situation and that she needed to act cautiously, but her main goal was to end this tense encounter in the best way possible...

Chapters 3,4, and 5 are already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: Raffman on October 03, 2023, 12:50:12 pm
Awesome awesome work
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 04, 2023, 10:54:37 am
Chapter 3
The imposing mega-gym rose majestically across 25 floors in the heart of New York City. Each of the first twenty floors was dedicated to a different specialty: martial arts, boxing, weights, among others. This made it a coveted place for fitness enthusiasts from all over.
However, floors 20 to 25 were restricted territory for most visitors. In these levels were Helen and Susan's residences, as well as their private training rooms for themselves and their most exclusive clients. Only a select few had access to this area.
When Claire's cellphone rang, Helen and Susan were in the middle of an intense training session. Helen, at 30 years old, looked as impressive as ever, with a harmonious blend of beauty and muscularity. Beside her, Susan, now 50 years old, had undergone a remarkable transformation in the last five years. Her body had turned into a powerful machine, with impressive biceps and triceps, and legs that exuded strength. She had also acquired an arsenal of combat techniques, even surpassing Helen in some of them.
At the moment the phone rang, both had taken a brief break from their training for an intense arm wrestling match. They had tied in previous bouts and were determined to determine the winner this time. In their tight-fitting workout gear that highlighted their sweaty bodies, they were fiercely battling.
"Susan," said Helen between breaths, "I think the phone is ringing."
Helen, panting, nodded. "You're right, Susan. We'll have to leave this for another time."
They looked at each other and, with complicity, hugged and laughed. Helen wiped off the sweat and approached the phone with determination. "Claire, I hope your call was for something important."
On the other end of the line, Claire hesitated. "Could you come down to the reception? There's someone who wants to see you."
Kang Min-jun, listening to the conversation, snatched the phone from Claire and spoke firmly. "I'm Kang Min-jun. I demand to speak with those who run this gym. I demand it now! You have ten minutes."
Helen looked at Susan and said with a smile, "Dear, the most powerful Asian businessman in New York is downstairs. Can you handle this? You know these arrogant types are more your thing."
Susan laughed and replied, "Don't worry, I've got this." They both laughed again before Susan headed off to meet the influential businessman...
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 05, 2023, 12:13:13 pm
Chapter 4

Susan descended to the reception with the confidence that characterized her. She asked Claire if there was any problem, and the latter explained the situation.

"Hello, Claire. Any issue?" Susan spoke softly.

Claire responded with concern, "It's just that the gentleman is a bit nervous and impatient. I asked him what he needed, but he only wants to speak with the owners of the place."

Susan smiled calmly and told Claire, "Don't worry, dear. I'll take care of it. You can go train. Closing time is approaching. I'll attend to the gentleman and then we'll close for today."

Claire thanked her and quickly retreated inside the building.

Susan looked stunning in her tiny red crop top that highlighted her powerful chest and defined abs. Her black spandex minishorts hugged her muscular thighs, and black boxing boots completed her outfit. She wore fingerless gloves, typical of mixed martial arts (MMA). She adjusted her hair, and her biceps flexed as she did so.

She introduced herself firmly, "Hello, I'm Susan, one of the partners and owners of the world's largest gym chain. What do you want? I can see you're a bit nervous. Any problem?" Her tone had a threatening edge.

Kang Min-jun snapped his fingers, and his five bodyguards lunged at Susan. In a matter of seconds, she disarmed and neutralized them, approaching Kang Min-jun with determination.

"It's your turn," Susan told him with authority.

The businessman, now terrified, began to back away, stammering, apologizing, and begging her not to harm him. He claimed that he only wanted to test if they were really good in this place.

Susan lifted him off the ground with one hand and said sharply, "Speak, and quickly, before I pummel you."

Kang Min-jun, terrified, begged to be put down and promised to explain his presence. Susan released him, and the guards quickly got up before swiftly entering the limousine.

The tension eased a bit, and Kang Min-jun began to explain why he had come.

Many more chapters on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 06, 2023, 11:25:47 am
Chapter 5

"You know what it is," began businessman Kang Min-jun, "I wanted to take all precautions because I want to leave the most precious treasure I have in your care. Nothing I own is worth more than what I'm going to leave them."

Susan, intrigued, looked at him and asked firmly, "What are you talking about?"

Kang Min-jun signaled, and a young woman with a delicate appearance descended from the limousine. She was slender, with long, straight hair, and she approached timidly with her head lowered.

"Come here," the businessman said with an unusual sweetness in his voice. The young woman approached, and Kang Min-jun continued, "She is Soo-Min-jun, we call her 'Wonnie.' She is the light of my life, my daughter, and the sole heir to my empire."

Susan was surprised and turned to the young woman. "I see why you acted that way, but you should have thought things through a bit better, and you would have spared your bodyguards that unpleasant moment."

Kang Min-jun nodded. "You're right. When it comes to Wonnie, I'm very impulsive. I apologize." Together, the businessman and his daughter bowed.

"I understand," Susan replied. "So, what do you need?"

"Raise your head, daughter," he instructed. Wonnie obeyed, and Susan was surprised by her exotic beauty. Although she had Asian features, her green eyes stood out on her face, and her nose and mouth were perfectly proportioned.

Susan tried to hide her surprise and said to Kang Min-jun, "Now I understand your concern. And tell me, how can we help you?"

Kang Min-jun explained his concern. "As you can see, Wonnie is very fragile, and despite having a well-protected custody that follows her 24/7, I would like her to be able to take care of herself a little. To learn some self-defense and develop her personality and character. Of course, she will continue to be guarded, but if she can learn to defend herself a bit, it's always better than knowing nothing. I have to travel to South Korea, and I may not be back for three years, and I'm really worried about her."

Susan thought for a moment and then told the businessman, "I have a solution for you."

Kang Min-jun listened attentively as Susan presented her proposal...
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 07, 2023, 01:30:02 pm
Chapter 6

Susan began to present her proposal with determination. "The best thing for your daughter is to start a three-year plan. In that time, I guarantee you that your daughter will improve immensely. But for that, she must come and live here. She will be my exclusive student, and in our upper floors, we have all the comforts to make her feel at home. You won't even need the security detail; we will take care of that. You are in front of the best gym in the world."

Susan's firm and convincing words managed to convince the businessman. He whispered to his daughter, "Do you want to do this, dear?"

Wonnie timidly nodded her head.

"Then, without further ado, when could we start?" Kang Min-jun asked eagerly. "Money is not a problem."

Susan smiled and replied firmly, "Right now! We have everything she needs, so you don't have to worry about anything. Come with me, we'll sign the papers, and we can start."

"Excellent!" exclaimed Kang Min-jun. The businessman and his daughter hugged tightly. "You're in the best hands, daughter. I hope that when we meet again, you'll be much better."

Kang Min-jun got into his limousine and left with his bodyguards, heading for three years of intense work in South Korea. Wonnie's life was about to change, and Susan was ready to help her grow and develop in every way.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 08, 2023, 04:04:40 pm
Chapter 7

At first, Wonnie hardly spoke. Perhaps the age difference with Susan, who was 50 while Wonnie was 20, contributed to the communication challenge. The days were tough, with weight training sessions in the morning and combat techniques in the afternoon. Susan demanded the most from Wonnie, and she responded with determination.

Susan focused exclusively on training Wonnie. During training sessions, Wonnie wore a small crop top with slightly loose leggings, as she was naturally slender. Three months passed, and the first results began to be visible. Wonnie had gained some weight and had a lean appearance. Her arms, though slender, were a bit more defined, and the top was now tighter. When she wore shorts, her legs looked more toned, especially because Wonnie loved practicing Taekwondo kicks and often stayed after training to hit the punching bag. Wonnie's effort and dedication were paying off.

The relationship between Susan and Wonnie progressed day by day, just like the progress in training. They spoke fluently and got along very well. Susan watched with pride as Wonnie made progress, and a smile formed on her lips when Wonnie looked her in the eyes.

When Susan helped her with an exercise and their bodies brushed against each other, both blushed and laughed shyly. Susan, at times, couldn't understand what was happening to her. The connection she was developing with Wonnie went beyond the simple coach-student relationship, and she was beginning to experience emotions she hadn't felt in a long time...

Chapter 8

The months continued to pass, and Wonnie continued his progress. After a year and a half, she looked amazing. Now she was wearing a medium-sized top that highlighted her figure in a very sexy way. She used to wear tiny shorts that highlighted her increasingly muscular legs, and her exotic beauty stood out even more with her physique.

Susan was increasingly surprised by what she had accomplished with her student. Wonnie often joked that if he continued like this, he could become like Susan and participate in arm wrestling matches between her and Helen, and claim to win them. They both laughed non-stop. Wonnie seemed to constantly provoke Susan with hints, but Susan always pretended to be distracted. "What does this girl want? She could be her mother," Susan thought.

One day, while Wonnie was lifting weights above his head, an accident happened. Susan was distracted for a moment, and the bar slipped off Wonnie, bending his wrist. Wonnie screamed in pain, and Susan ran to help her.

"What happened to you, princess?" Susan asked him worriedly.

"I just slipped the weight, and I think I bent my wrist," Wonnie responded with a gesture of pain.

Susan took her to the gym doctor, who confirmed that it was just a sprain. He bandaged her wrist and told her to keep it immobilized until the next day.

"Come on, let's go to your room," Susan said. "For today we have concluded training."

Susan and Wonnie entered Wonnie's room, and Susan was about to leave the room when Wonnie stopped her. "Wait a minute," Wonnie said. "Susan, can you come over for a moment? First, close the door."

"Sure, Wonnie. What do you need?" Susan asked curiously as she closed the door.

"Can you take off my top, I can't do it with one hand," Wonnie asked innocently.

Susan closed her eyes and timidly took it off. Wonnie then asked her to take off her bra. Susan began to breathe heavily, and this situation was making her very worried. He removed the bra, and Wonnie's breasts brushed against his.

"Oops," said Wonnie. "Sorry, our breasts rubbed against each other. Do you mind?" Wonnie asked with a seductive look.

"Don't worry, we're friends," Susan replied, blushing.

"Okay," Wonnie said. Then he turned around and said to Susan, "Now, can you take off my shorts? I want to take a shower," Wonnie added, smiling.

Susan closed her eyes again and took off Wonnie's shorts. Underneath, he was wearing nothing. Wonnie was completely naked, and her body was simply stunning. His tail looked firm as a rock, his hair reached his waist, and his abs were a human sculpture. Susan began to sweat, feeling a mix of emotions she didn't know how to handle.

Wonnie started walking towards the bathroom in a sensual manner and asked Susan to turn on the shower. Susan did so, and when she turned around, she found Wonnie right behind her, facing each other again. Wonnie, completely naked, rested her bandaged hand on Susan's breasts and asked her to remove the bandage.

Suddenly, Wonnie noticed that Susan's nipples were hardening, and in a seductive tone, he said, "Hmm, it seems like someone is getting excited around here..."

Susan hesitated and tried to deny it, but Wonnie didn't wait any longer and kissed her passionately on the lips. Without hesitation, he pushed her towards the shower and started kissing her again. The water began to wet Susan's clothes, and Wonnie asked her to take off her clothes. Susan, totally devoted, took off all her clothes, leaving them both completely naked under the shower.

Wonnie began to caress the formidable body of Susan, who was ecstatic. They both began to moan intensely. At one point, Susan lost control and pressed Wonnie against the wall, causing some tiles to fall off due to the force of the hug. Susan began to kiss Wonnie passionately and slid her hand towards her crotch, touching her clitoris and leading her to experience a unique orgasm.

The two monumental bodies were united in uncontrolled passion under the shower, completely surrendering to a moment of intense intimacy.

The full story and much more to download, on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 09, 2023, 11:04:49 am
Chapter 9

Susan took Wonnie into her impressive arms and carried her to the bed. He threw it on her firmly but without hurting her and lunged on top of her, imprisoning her with his muscular calves. Their statuesque bodies were wet, and passion consumed them once again as they shared a moment of intimacy.

After a few hours of intense pleasure, they lay curled up in bed. Susan caressed Wonnie's sculpted abs and asked him if he realized what they had done.

Wonnie replied, "Yes, my love, this is what I've wanted since I first saw you. I didn't want to tell you because I thought I wasn't up to you, but now, after a long, hard training, I can say that I'm ready." for you".

Wonnie caressed Susan's face and, with his other arm, flexed his bicep defiantly. She asked Susan if she didn't think she was ready.

Susan smiled and said, "Of course, beautiful. But if you think you've reached your limit, you're wrong. You still have a long way to go." Susan also flexed her biceps, showing her strength and determination.

"Woah!" Wonnie exclaimed. "My love, every time you do that, you turn me on more and more." They both smiled and kissed passionately again, sharing a deep connection and unbridled passion that had blossomed between them...

Chapter 10

Three years had passed, and the moment of reunion between Wonnie and her father was approaching. Wonnie had become a monumental oriental goddess, with an impressive physique that put her on par with Susan and Helen. In fact, she was the only one training with the two imposing women. Her specialization in martial arts was astounding, as if she had been born for it due to her Asian heritage or genetics. Susan had created a special space for her to maximize her power. The strength and speed of her legs were unmatched, far surpassing Susan's. With a kick, Wonnie could crack a wall or break whatever she pleased.

They often fought each other and bet on who would win. The fights were tough and intense, with Wonnie using her youth and speed to her advantage, while Susan, despite her age, relied on experience and colossal strength. They both fought and enjoyed it, and their love continued to grow.

Wonnie had moved in with Susan, and at night, passion filled the muscular bodies of these two divas. Susan admired Wonnie's impressive progress, while Wonnie loved Susan's monumental musculature.

The nights of passion were intense and full of desire. Susan and Wonnie gave themselves completely to each other, exploring every inch of their sculpted bodies. They touched each other's breasts passionately, had orgasms that shook their senses, and rubbed their imposing muscular bodies with uncontrollable desire. Each encounter was a display of love and unrestrained passion that strengthened their connection even more.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 10, 2023, 11:18:20 am
Chapter 11

The day had arrived. It was the day when Kang Min-jun would meet his daughter after three years. The limousine parked promptly at the entrance of the megagym, and the powerful oriental businessman hurriedly descended, eager to reunite with his beloved daughter. By his side, five enormous oriental bodyguards, experts in martial arts, descended with him.

Upon entering the building, Susan was waiting for them. Dressed in an elegant short dress that highlighted her imposing physique and stiletto heels that enhanced her incredible legs and calves, Susan welcomed them and said, "Welcome, Mr. Kang Min-jun! Please, come in; we have been expecting you." The businessman and the bodyguards entered, and Susan escorted them to the luxurious welcoming room. Then, Susan positioned herself at the entrance and closed the doors.

"Mr. Kang Min-jun, the moment has come. In a few minutes, you will see the result of three years of hard and intense work. I assure you that you will be amazed by what we have achieved," Susan said with a smile.

Kang Min-jun, excited, replied, "I can't wait any longer. Bring my Wonnie to me right now!" he said with authority.

Susan nodded and took out her phone to communicate with Helen. "Dear Helen, tell Wonnie to come down; her dad is waiting for her," Susan said...

Complete story and more :
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 11, 2023, 11:46:42 am
Chapter 12

Kang Min-jun sat in the comfortable armchair in the luxurious welcome room, surrounded by his five bodyguards, ensuring nothing unusual happened. The anticipation in the room was palpable. Suddenly, the elevator doors opened, and Wonnie stepped out.

The young woman was wearing a beautiful, luxurious black fur coat that reached down to her ankles, covering her entirely. Only her face and some strange black lace-up boots were visible. She wore sparkling earrings, and her makeup accentuated her beautiful green eyes.

Kang Min-jun, excited, exclaimed, "Wonnie! It's been so long! You look stunning, my dear. Come and give your father a hug."

Wonnie smiled but remained still, not moving towards her father. Kang Min-jun, surprised, tried again, "Daughter, I am your father. Won't you come?"

Wonnie continued to smile but didn't move. The situation was becoming uncomfortable, and Kang Min-jun was growing impatient.

Susan intervened, suggesting that Wonnie wanted to demonstrate what she had learned before greeting her father. Wonnie quickly nodded, confirming Susan's idea.

Kang Min-jun, though confused, agreed, "If that's the case, let's begin."

Susan asked the businessman to have two of his guards take Wonnie by the arms. Kang Min-jun made a gesture with his fingers, and two of the huge guards grabbed Wonnie by the arms.

With a smile, Susan lowered her head and simply said, "You can start, my love." Tension filled the room as everyone waited to see what Wonnie had planned.

In a breathtaking display of speed and skill, Wonnie spread her legs and gracefully dropped the fur coat to the ground like a classical dancer. The two bodyguards were left holding the coat in their hands as Wonnie effortlessly shed it.

Kang Min-jun, practically on the edge of his seat, watched in astonishment at what was unfolding. He was not only amazed by his daughter's agility but also by what she revealed when she removed the coat. Wonnie was wearing a top and an extremely short black latex short that showcased her impressive abs, muscular arms, and veiny, powerful legs.

Kang Min-jun's reaction was one of complete shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. While he was in a state of amazement, Wonnie leaped and positioned herself quickly in front of the two bodyguards who still held the coat. She turned her head and winked at her father, wearing a self-assured smile. In less than a second, she kicked one of the bodyguards in the head, knocking him to the ground.

Without wasting time, she jumped onto the other bodyguard and, with her powerful legs, climbed onto his shoulders. The bodyguard couldn't resist and fell to the ground with Wonnie still on top of him. On the ground, Wonnie delivered more than ten rapid and powerful blows to the bodyguard's head, leaving him bloodied and unconscious.

Wonnie got up from the ground and approached her father, looking at him with a mixture of a triumphant and menacing expression. The two bodyguards lay on either side of her powerful legs, defeated by Wonnie's martial skills.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 12, 2023, 12:20:00 pm
Chapter 13

Kang Min-jun continued to be astonished by what he was witnessing. "Now I see why this is the best gym in the world," he exclaimed excitedly as he watched his daughter's skill and the remarkable training she had received.

Susan, laughing, responded to the businessman, "Ha, ha! Have you seen your daughter? You can keep testing her." Kang Min-jun, without hesitation, raised his hand again, and the remaining three bodyguards rushed at Wonnie.

The first bodyguard attempted a flying kick, but Wonnie easily dodged it while striking the second guard in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. The third guard waited in a defensive position.

Wonnie grabbed the first bodyguard by the head and began to choke him with her powerful arms until he finally fell unconscious. Only the third bodyguard remained, who took the opportunity to deliver a tremendous punch to Wonnie's face.

However, the young woman remained unfazed and gestured for him to continue striking her in the face and stomach. Despite the third guard's efforts, it was as if he were hitting a rock.

Wonnie grabbed the third guard with both hands and started lifting him off the ground. As she lifted him, she applied pressure to his head until, in a shocking moment, she twisted her arms and broke the bodyguard's neck, leaving him lifeless on the ground.

Then, Wonnie turned and walked slowly toward the second bodyguard, who lay on the ground writhing in pain. She placed her knee on his back and, with her powerful arms, pushed backward, breaking the second bodyguard's back in two.

Finally, she focused on the first bodyguard who had been unconscious but was starting to regain consciousness. Wonnie sat on top of him and began squeezing his head between her powerful thighs. The bodyguard quickly ran out of breath and lost consciousness.

Kang Min-jun, stunned, watched as his daughter effortlessly defeated the three bodyguards. Susan crossed her arms and wore a wicked smile as she observed Wonnie's impressive display of power...
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 13, 2023, 11:48:27 am
Chapter 14

Kang Min-jun began to laugh uproariously, filled with excitement. "Ha, ha, ha! You've solved a problem for me, Susan. Who needs bodyguards when my daughter is better than any I've had?" he exclaimed with unabashed laughter.

"Well, now that I've seen the effectiveness of your gym, it's time to go. Come on, Wonnie, it's time to go home," the businessman ordered as he stood up, waiting for his daughter to follow.

However, Wonnie didn't budge from her spot. Susan, who was standing behind the businessman, stealthily approached him from behind and whispered softly in his ear, "Wonnie isn't going anywhere. In fact, she's staying here with me."

"What are you saying? She's my daughter, you fool!" Kang Min-jun exclaimed furiously at Susan.

Susan moved closer to Wonnie, and they shared a passionate and exciting kiss on the lips. Then, Wonnie calmly approached her father and, with a firm voice, said, "You can't give me orders anymore." She then delivered a resounding slap to her own father, leaving him stunned by his daughter's reaction.

Chapter 15

Kang Min-jun wiped away the trickle of blood from his mouth caused by Wonnie's slap. "And why did you do this?" the businessman asked, still dazed.

Susan replied, "You should be the first to know why. Wonnie has told me about your mistreatment of her and her mother throughout her childhood. So now, get up and leave," Susan yelled. "I don't know how long I can keep Wonnie restrained."

Wonnie was breathing heavily, containing a fury that could erupt at any moment.

Kang Min-jun quickly got up from the couch and rushed toward the door. But just as he was about to leave, a hand grabbed his shoulder and forcefully threw him backward, causing him to fall heavily to the ground. That hand belonged to Wonnie, who stood in front of her father, looking at him defiantly. She then took out a paper she had kept and threw it in her father's face.

Kang Min-jun picked up the paper and read it. It said, "I hereby transfer all my assets, belongings, and inheritance to my only daughter and heir, Soo-Min-jun."

Wonnie approached him and said defiantly, "Sign this!"

Kang Min-jun started to tremble and said, "But daughter, if I sign this, I'll be left with nothing."

Wonnie replied, "What do you prefer, being poor and alive, or facing the consequences?"

Without a second thought, Kang Min-jun signed the paper. "Perfect," said Wonnie.

Then, Wonnie smiled and took her father in her arms, lifted him over her head, her biceps bulging, and her veins seeming on the verge of bursting. She leaned backward and hurled her father straight toward the gym's exit. "And never come back!" she shouted with determination.

Wonnie embraced Susan and said, "This worm will never mistreat me again. Now I'm a millionaire. I want to share everything with you, my love."

Wonnie placed her hand on Susan's monumental buttock, and Susan hugged Wonnie. Wonnie said, "You know, my love? All of this has greatly excited me. I can't wait to make love to you."

The two imposing women, with their colossal physiques, were embraced toward the elevator, eager to enjoy another night of endless and passionate love...

The saga continues, soon "Wonnie's plan"....

All stories :
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 15, 2023, 11:56:28 am
Woodie's Plan

Chapter 1:

It's been several years since Wonnie left his father (see "Susan's New Love"), and now, at 30, he looked monumental. His physique was impressive, a masterpiece of harmony and strength. His oriental features framed a serene but determined face, and his statuesque body showed years of dedication to the martial arts. It was a truly lethal weapon, capable of defeating any opponent who dared to challenge it.

Next to her was Susan, who was now 60 years old but looked a decade younger. Despite her age, Susan maintained a beauty that defied time. Next to them was Helen, who was now 40 years old, she looked as perfect as ever. The three stood out for their impressive physiques, the result of years of effort and training in the mega gym that Susan and Helen had built and spread throughout the world.

Wonnie and Susan were still a couple, but their relationship had changed over time. The age difference and the conflicts they had experienced had begun to fracture what was once a deep connection. Additionally, Wonnie's desire to join Susan and Helen's gym empire added tension to the relationship. Wonnie had the money to do it, but Helen refused again and again.

Helen feared that her position in the business would always be at a disadvantage due to Susan and Wonnie's romantic relationship. As time passed, the trio that had been together for so many years was beginning to show cracks. Tensions were growing and important decisions that they previously made together now became a source of discord.

At this point in their lives, the future looked uncertain for Wonnie, Susan and Helen. Their lives, which had been intertwined for so long, were at a breaking point, and the fate of their relationship and the gym empire they had built together was at stake.

Chapter 1 to 4 in my Patreon site :
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 16, 2023, 01:50:56 pm

The days passed, and tensions in Wonnie, Susan, and Helen's home continued to rise. Wonnie and Susan were already sleeping in separate rooms, the relationship had broken down, during the long hours of training together, silence took over the atmosphere. It was a dense and oppressive silence, a silence that reflected the deep gap that had opened between them.
The air seemed charged, and any spark could set off an explosion. The three women were overflowing with physical power and muscles, and a conflict between them could cause serious damage, both emotional and economic. They knew that the continuity of their business depended on maintaining appearances and harmony in their relationship.
One day, Susan walked into her private office and immediately called her partner, Helen. Helen was in the gym doing the rigorous weight lifting routine, while Wonnie was practicing taekwondo kicks a little further away from her.
Hi Susan, I'm training. Do you need something urgent?" Helen asked when answering the call.
Helen listened carefully to what Susan was telling her, and she quickly put down the weights to leave the gym. Wonnie, who was also at the gym, noticed the urgency in Susan's voice and wondered what was going on.
"That's the exclusive cell phone that Susan and Helen have. Susan only uses it for urgent matters, and she didn't tell me anything. I think she's up to something," Wonnie thought. He decided to follow Helen and find out what was happening.
Wonnie followed Helen to Susan's office, where Helen hurried inside. From outside, Wonnie could hear Susan say to Helen, "Helen, close the door and lock it, I don't want anyone coming in." Intrigue and concern took hold of Wonnie, who stayed by the door, trying to listen to what they were talking about inside the office.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 16, 2023, 06:38:38 pm
My first Photo novel  :

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Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 17, 2023, 11:38:21 am
Woodie's Plan continues....

Chapter 3:

Inside the office, Susan asked Helen to sit down, preparing for a crucial conversation. Intrigued, Helen asked her what had her so concerned, considering all the blessings in her life.
"Tell me, Susan, what's bothering you so much? You have wealth, beauty, an incredible body for someone your age, and a life that everyone envies. What could possibly be wrong?" Helen inquired.
Susan sighed and began to speak: "Helen, we've known each other for a long time, and you know that things have changed. Business is thriving, but my relationship with Wonnie is no longer the same, and neither is it with you. I think this could seriously harm our business. Besides, you know Wonnie's desire to partner with us and her constant annoyance because we've rejected her time and time again. This has deeply affected our relationship. I think it's time to put an end to this."
Helen nodded in agreement. "I completely agree," she replied. "What do you have in mind?"
With determination in her voice, Susan continued: "Helen, you and I are partners in this empire, and I believe that's how it should remain. We can't allow Wonnie to keep interfering in our business and personal relationships."
Helen smiled and said, "That's the best news I could hear. I was about to tell you the same, but I was afraid you'd get upset because of your relationship with Wonnie."
Susan exclaimed, "We haven't had any relationship for a long time! I think we're still together out of inertia. I can't wait for Wonnie to leave."
Helen asked with concern, "And how will we tell this to Wonnie?"
Susan replied with determination, "I'll handle that. Three months remain until the end of the year. Before that date, Wonnie won't be here anymore. She'll leave, either voluntarily or not. But next year, we won't have her in our lives anymore."
Susan took a bottle of champagne from the fridge and said to Helen, "Let's celebrate our old partnership, and may no one come between us." The two sculpted women clinked their glasses in a toast that marked the beginning of a drastic change in their lives and their business. On the other side of the door, Wonnie listened in disbelief to what was happening and was completely taken aback by the decision Susan and Helen had made.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 18, 2023, 11:02:03 am
Chapter 4:

Wonnie listened to the conversation from outside the office, and her anger grew with each word Susan and Helen uttered. Fury consumed her, and without a second thought, she rushed to the gym. Once there, she began to vent her rage on a specially designed bag built to withstand her powerful strikes.
The bag violently swayed from side to side due to the force with which Wonnie was hitting it. She was completely furious, tirelessly pounding the bag. Her breathing quickened, and her muscular body became drenched in sweat from the intensity of her effort. Finally, with a final blow and a cry of relief, the bag broke entirely, and Wonnie was left shaken but calmer.
As she caught her breath, her mind was filled with dark thoughts. "Damn them," she muttered to herself. "All these years together, everything I've given, Susan, and you, Helen, I've never let you down. And now, they want to get rid of me? Not only will I not leave, but you two will. I'll ruin you, I'll destroy you. You have no idea who you're messing with."
Wonnie headed to the section where the thickest iron bars were kept. With determination on her face, she took the largest and thickest bar she could find. She knew she would need a carefully devised plan to get back at Susan and Helen and take control of their empire. While she bent the iron bar with impressive strength, she repeated aloud, "Susan, Helen, I'll shatter you." Over and over, she repeated the phrase as her muscles tensed even more.
Once she managed to bend the bar completely, she took it to her room, making sure not to leave any trace of her fury in the gym. Wonnie, monumental and determined, left the gym in her full glory, ready to begin devising her plan to claim everything Susan and Helen had built together. The game was about to change, and Wonnie was determined to play it to the end.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 19, 2023, 12:54:56 pm
Chapter 5:

Wonnie entered the bathroom, completely drenched in sweat after releasing her fury in the gym. She turned on the bathtub taps and stripped off her clothes, revealing her sculpted and muscular body that seemed to glisten with sweat. She submerged herself in a hot, foamy bath, seeking relaxation after the intensity of her emotions.

The hot water and bubbles enveloped her, and soon Wonnie found herself in a state of deep relaxation. Unbeknownst to her, she drifted off to sleep in the tub for a while. Upon waking, she felt completely at ease and ready to start thinking about her plan.

Wonnie reclined in the bathtub, running her hands over her neck, playing with the muscles in her biceps. She knew what she was about to do required careful planning. "I must study their weaknesses thoroughly, but I have to do it stealthily," she thought as she contemplated her next steps. "I have three months to prepare."

Finally, she rose from the bathtub and stood before the mirror, entirely nude. She looked at her reflection with determination in her eyes. "I'm going to destroy them," she whispered to herself. "I'm going to prepare physically and mentally, and I will end them."

Wonnie began posing in front of the mirror, showcasing her impressive muscles. She struck a double biceps pose, then flexed her triceps and tightened her defined abs. Her legs also displayed impressive musculature. Her body was a perfect combination of strength and beauty, and at that moment, she felt powerful and resolute. She knew that nothing and no one would stand in the way of her plan's success. The next three months would be crucial, and Wonnie was ready to face the challenge with determination and ferocity.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 20, 2023, 02:20:20 pm
Chapter 6:
Wonnie set her meticulously designed plan in motion. Over the following months, her behavior toward Susan and Helen was exemplary. She maintained a flawless relationship with them, showing herself to be attentive, polite, and friendly. She spoke to them with sweetness and gratitude, as if she were thankful for everything they had shared together. Despite her friendly attitude, Wonnie knew that Susan and Helen's decision to separate from her at the end of the year would not change. However, this change in her behavior was a key part of her plan.
At night, when Susan and Helen were asleep, Wonnie headed to the gym and trained intensely. She also carefully studied the strengths and weaknesses of the two monumental women who were her partners and ex-girlfriend.
Two months passed, and Wonnie felt ready to put her plan into action. At that moment, Helen was in her office, busy with the numerous businesses of the empire they had created alongside Susan. Susan, on the other hand, was at the luxurious and exclusive gym where only the three powerful women trained.
Wonnie oiled her muscular body and donned an extremely tight black bodysuit. The bodysuit accentuated her sculpted figure and musculature. Her arms and legs were exposed, and her oiled body seemed to further highlight her imposing musculature.
Wonnie headed to the gym, where Susan was training by lifting impressive weights, demonstrating her strength despite her age. Wonnie entered unnoticed, closing the gym door tightly behind her. She was determined to achieve her goal, and nothing would stop her at this critical moment in her plan.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 21, 2023, 11:25:24 am
Chapter 7:

The gym door suddenly closed, and Susan stopped her weightlifting routine instantly. When she looked up, she was met with the imposing figure of Wonnie. Susan was stunned to see her ex-partner standing in front of her. Wonnie looked absolutely stunning, with her sculpted and muscular physique and unique beauty.
"Wonnie!!" Susan stammered, unable to find the right words as she gazed at her in amazement.
Wonnie approached Susan and gently caressed her cheek. Immediately, Susan blushed and tried to hide the excitement that overcame her in Wonnie's presence. A hint of a smile played on Wonnie's lips, fully aware of the effect she had on Susan. Slowly, she leaned in towards Susan, provocatively displaying her firm and ample breasts.
"How are you, Susan?" whispered Wonnie sweetly, maintaining her gaze on Susan's. "Are you still doing your usual routine?"
Susan nervously stammered, unable to conceal her attraction to Wonnie's imposing figure. "Yes, yes, Wonnie... I wanted to tell you that you look amazing," she responded. "And you're impressive too," she complimented Wonnie. "You're the envy of every mature woman," she praised.
Susan blushed once again at the compliment and couldn't help but feel drawn to Wonnie. When Wonnie asked her how much weight she was lifting, Susan proudly replied, "Lately, I've been lifting around 300 kilograms. What do you think, Wonnie?"
Wonnie seemed to downplay Susan's achievement a bit and said, "Well, I guess for a woman of your age, it's quite good."
Wonnie's response bothered Susan, who responded with determination: "Is that not enough for you? I don't know if there's anyone who can lift this weight."
Wonnie, with a challenging smile, proposed, "Add 100 kilograms more on each side and let me try."
Susan stepped aside to give Wonnie space, and she started lifting the impressive 500 kilograms easily. The sounds of effort filled the room as Wonnie performed five repetitions effortlessly. When she finally placed the weights on the supports, the gym was filled with a deafening noise.
Susan couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. "500 kilograms?" she whispered in astonishment.
Wonnie, breathing deeply, provocatively asked her, "Can you do it?"
Susan, determined to prove her strength, ordered Wonnie to step aside. She sat on the lifting bench and said, "Hand me the bar; I'm going to do ten repetitions."
Wonnie had succeeded in luring Susan into her trap, and she was starting to achieve her goal...
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 22, 2023, 10:05:51 am
Chapter 8:

Wonnie smiled and helped Susan position the barbell. At that moment, Wonnie knew that Susan was completely caught up in her game and had fallen into her trap. With a satisfied expression on her face, Wonnie watched Susan as she prepared to lift the weights, confident that she had full control of the situation.
Wonnie assisted Susan in placing the barbell on her muscular arms, and Susan attempted to lift it. However, the load was overwhelming, and her arms began to bend slowly, struggling under the immense weight. Susan was drenched in sweat, and no matter how hard she tried, the weight was dangerously approaching her neck. Finally, Susan couldn't take it anymore and began to desperately beg Wonnie for help.
"Wonnie, please, help me. I can't hold this. The weight is coming down on me," Susan exclaimed between gasps.
Wonnie couldn't contain her laughter and taunted Susan, shouting, "You fell into my trap, you idiot!"
With the weight now resting on her neck, Susan was immobilized. She couldn't release her arms, as the weight would break her neck if she did. Wonnie got up and walked over to Susan, then sat on her and began to enjoy her ex-partner's suffering.
"So, you thought you could get rid of me along with the other trash," Wonnie sneered at Susan. "I'm going to end both of you. You'll regret what you were planning to do. Not only will I destroy you, but I'll take over this entire empire."
Wonnie exuded power and domination at that moment. She knew her plan was working perfectly, and she had complete control of the situation.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 23, 2023, 11:45:46 am
Chapter 9

Susan remained trapped under the massive weight while Wonnie, on top of her, enjoyed the moment of domination. Suddenly, Wonnie stripped off her bodysuit, leaving herself bare from the waist up, revealing her massive, muscular body, while wearing a tiny and sexy bikini bottom. Her imposing and powerful body was exposed to Susan.
Wonnie approached Susan and placed her breasts over her former partner's head, repeating over and over, "Tell me you like it, tell me you like it." Susan, immobilized under the weight, could do nothing more than moan.
Wonnie enjoyed the moment and finally decided to free Susan. "Alright, Susan, I'm going to release you," she said with a malicious smile.
With astonishing strength, Wonnie lifted the 500-kilogram weight that had kept Susan trapped. Susan was left exhausted and struggling to catch her breath. Taking advantage of her weakness, Wonnie lifted Susan off the lifting bench and threw her toward the weights. Susan's body collided violently with the weights and fell onto them, dazed and stunned.
Wonnie, seizing the moment, lifted Susan again, who was semi-conscious, and held her in a vertical position. Then, with impressive skill, she delivered a tremendous taekwondo kick that sent Susan's immense body flying back towards the weights, where she lay in front of them, almost unconscious. With a triumphant look in her eyes, she knew her plan was progressing smoothly, and Susan was completely defenseless against her powerful revenge.
Wonnie firmly grabbed Susan's hair and dragged her to the center of the gym, leaving her face down and immobile. She then brought a chair and sat down, patiently waiting to see if Susan showed any signs of recovery. After a few minutes, Susan began to move slowly.
"Wow, you're resilient!" exclaimed Wonnie with a malicious smile. "Not just anyone can withstand the power of one of my kicks."
Susan, still weak, attempted to crawl towards the door. Wonnie began to walk slowly behind her, preventing her escape. Before Susan could reach the door, Wonnie placed her powerful leg on Susan's back.
"Where do you think you're going, Susan?" taunted Wonnie, finding amusement in the situation. "I'm not done with you yet!"
Wonnie took Susan by the feet and threw her once again into the center of the gym, leaving her defenseless and semi-conscious on the floor. Wonnie's domination over Susan was complete, and she was determined to continue her merciless revenge plan.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 24, 2023, 12:06:30 pm
Chapter 10:

Incredibly, Susan was still alive after the brutal beating she had endured. Wonnie approached her with a surprised and challenging expression. "You're one tough cookie, aren't you?" she exclaimed with a sinister laugh. "Now give me your hand and sign this."

Wonnie handed a paper to Susan, who, still confused and weakened, signed it without truly understanding what was happening. The paper was another step in Wonnie's twisted revenge plan.

Then, Wonnie took Susan in her powerful arms and began to strangle her mercilessly. The pressure on Susan's neck was overwhelming, and her face started to turn violet. Wonnie joked while holding Susan, "Do I kill you or not?" Then, with a sadistic tone, she added, "Since I'm feeling generous, I'll let you live a few more minutes."

Finally, Wonnie released Susan, who lay on the ground unconscious and gasping for breath. "Well, now it's time to deal with Helen," Wonnie murmured to herself as she stood up.

Wonnie looked around and, with impressive strength, lifted all the weights in the gym, producing a deafening noise. Helen, who was still in her office, heard the commotion and rushed to the gym, unaware of the nightmare that awaited her. Wonnie was preparing for the next step of her twisted plan, determined to ruthlessly destroy her former colleagues.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 25, 2023, 12:05:19 pm
Chapter 11:

Susan finally reached the door and realized it was locked. However, that was not a problem for her. With a powerful punch, she shattered the door and entered the gym. What she found upon crossing that door was a sight that left her breathless.

There stood Wonnie, her monumental, oiled, and sweaty body, half of her torso exposed to display her impressive musculature. She was holding Susan's hair, who lay unconscious in her hands. Wonnie's gaze was cold and murderous, and her smile was sadistic and contemptible. Her attitude exuded boundless arrogance, as if she believed herself infinitely superior to anyone else.

Helen was stunned to see the scene, unable to believe what lay before her eyes. She had never seen Susan so humiliated and defeated, and her mind was filled with confusion and fear.

"Wonnie, what have you done?" Helen murmured, her voice trembling.

Wonnie responded with arrogance, "What do you think, Helen? Look at what I've done to your 'friend.' Do you want to join the party too?" Wonnie began to smile, a smile that sent shivers down the spine.

With impressive strength, Wonnie lifted Susan with one hand and tossed her in front of Helen. Susan fell unconscious on the floor, and Helen desperately bent down to shake her.

"Susan, wake up. Susan, please wake up!" Helen cried out in distress. But Susan did not respond, lying lifeless in front of her.

While Helen tried to assist Susan, she did not realize that Wonnie was approaching stealthily. She also did not notice the enormous chain, about 220 pounds (100 kilograms), which was placed behind her, used for Crossfit exercises. Wonnie had strategically placed it there, anticipating that Helen would be distracted caring for her friend.

Everything was calculated to perfection as part of her sinister plan. Wonnie had meticulously thought out every detail with diabolical precision.
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 26, 2023, 11:03:45 am
Chapter 12:

With astonishing ease, Wonnie took the chain and started swinging it above her head as if it were a rope. She then threw it with brutal precision, and it wrapped around Helen's neck. An unbearable panic filled Helen when she felt the chain tightening around her throat, and she was unable to break free from its deadly grip. Helen's moans grew weaker, and her life hung by a thread.

Meanwhile, Wonnie held the chain between her impressive arms, pulling it with cold and ruthless determination. The chain stretched, and Helen was completely at the mercy of Wonnie. She laughed sadistically while exerting her inhuman strength, her bulging veins displaying the intensity of her revenge, and her face radiating unsurpassable arrogance.

Wonnie's strength was overwhelming, and Helen could do nothing to resist it. On the verge of fainting, Wonnie finally released the chain, and Helen fell face down on the floor, next to Susan.

Wonnie approached the side of Helen, crouched down, and had her sign the same document that Susan had previously signed. As she did, she exclaimed with a thunderous laugh, "Ladies, I inform you that from this moment on, everything you have built over all these years, your empire, your money, your properties, everything, everything has passed into my hands. You have been ruined in every sense."

Wonnie laughed again, her laughter resonating with unbreakable malice. Then, she stood up and positioned herself between the two monumental women who had been defeated not only financially but also physically by Wonnie's master plan. The success of her vengeance was assured, but there was still much more to be revealed.

Chapter 13

Wonnie found herself in the room with the motionless bodies of Susan and Helen. Her heavy breathing and her firm, excited breasts bore witness to the mix of emotions that consumed her. Without hesitation, she lifted both women, pressing them against her muscular body as she moaned in pleasure. The undeniable excitement she felt was coupled with the sensation of power that had brought her to this point.

After a few minutes of genuine pleasure, Wonnie, with an unusual strength, carried Susan and Helen on her shoulders and brought them to her room. There, she stripped them of their clothes and called for the emergency medical service. "Please, send an ambulance. Entrepreneurs Helen and Susan have had a terrible fight between them, and they are severely injured. Come quickly, please!" Wonnie exclaimed. After hanging up, a sadistic smile crept across her face, the visage of someone who had achieved their objective.

After ensuring both women received medical attention, Wonnie returned to the luxurious meeting room. She undressed completely and sat in the presidential chair. The pleasure and satisfaction she experienced knew no bounds. She thought, "All of this is only mine now. The power I feel has no comparison. I now have control over everything, and anyone who crosses my path will suffer just like Susan and Helen."

Wonnie stood up and paraded naked around the room, showing off her powerful physique. Her hunger for power was limitless, and she was determined to conquer everything that crossed her path, showing no mercy to anyone...

Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 28, 2023, 12:42:55 pm
Zoe, Lara's new friend

The dim light in Lara and Peter's living room created a cozy atmosphere. The table was adorned with flickering candles that cast dancing shadows on the three diners. Peter, a handsome man with dark hair and deep eyes, was smiling as he enjoyed dinner in the company of his girlfriend, Lara, and their new friend, Zoe. Lara, with her brown hair and sparkling eyes, radiated beauty and elegance in a black dress that accentuated her slim figure. Zoe, on the other hand, had an athletic body that made her tight red dress highlight her energy and vitality.

The three of them shared anecdotes and laughter while savoring the delicious dish prepared by Peter. Zoe, leaning towards Lara, asked enthusiastically, "Lara, how did your job interview go today?"

Lara, with a radiant smile, replied, "It went great, Zoe! Thanks to your advice on how to highlight my achievements! The interviewer was impressed."

Zoe nodded, pleased, and the two of them burst into knowing laughter. Peter, intrigued by his girlfriend and Zoe's story, decided to join the conversation. "Wow, how did you two meet? You never told me this story."

Lara laughed, reminiscing about how it all began. "We met through Facebook, in a women's group. One day, Zoe commented on one of my posts, and we started chatting. We really hit it off right away, and we've been inseparable ever since."

Zoe nodded with a smile. "Yes, it was like we were soulmates in the digital world. Soon, we decided to meet in person, and here we are."

As they talked, Peter took a moment to excuse himself to the bathroom, leaving the two friends alone. Laughter and lively conversations filled the house, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. With the candlelight and the company of Lara and Zoe, Peter felt grateful to have two such beautiful women in his life.

Peter was washing his hands in the bathroom when suddenly he heard laughter and moans coming from the dining room, which caught his attention. He wondered, "What could that be?" Intrigued, he quickly exited the bathroom and was stunned by the scene unfolding before his eyes.

The table was now completely empty, and as he looked down to the floor, what Peter saw left him speechless. Zoe was on top of Lara, holding her hands and immobilizing her legs in a firm embrace. Lara, despite her moans, was also laughing, and the atmosphere seemed relaxed, as if they were playing. Zoe's imposing physique became even more evident at that moment, with her powerful and muscular legs effortlessly restraining Lara...

You will find all my stories and works in:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 29, 2023, 01:42:15 pm
...Peter couldn't help but be amazed at Zoe's strength and surprising agility. Both of them were filling the room with laughter, and the scene seemed like a mix of mischief and friendly displays of strength.

Watching Lara and Zoe, Peter wasn't sure whether to be concerned or join in the fun.

Finally, his surprise turned into a smile, and with an expression of both bewilderment and amazement, he exclaimed, "Ladies! What on earth are you doing here?"

Lara, with a nervous laugh and small moans, replied, "We were just playing around, Peter. Zoe is an expert in wrestling, and she wanted to show me her skills, and it seems I can't do much about it!"

Peter, seeing his girlfriend struggling with all her might to break free from Zoe's unyielding pressure, began to encourage her: "Come on, Lara, you can do it! Keep fighting, come on!"

Lara was giving her all, but it seemed she couldn't budge Zoe even an inch. The laughter of the two women filled the room as the struggle continued. In a swift move, Zoe positioned her body over Lara's head, exerting even greater pressure with her powerful legs. Lara, almost out of breath, began tapping Zoe's legs, indicating that she couldn't take it anymore.

Amid laughter, Zoe released her friend and straightened up. Lara, still playful, turned to Peter with a twinkle in her eye. "I couldn't break free, my love! Zoe is incredibly strong." The two girls, sitting on the floor, hugged and shared a friendly kiss after their uneven match.

Suddenly, Zoe laughed and looked suggestively at Peter. "Would you dare to compete with me?" she said, and immediately Lara and Zoe shared a playful laugh.

Peter, feeling a bit reluctant, responded, "But you're a woman, Zoe. I might hurt you. I can't fight against you; I'd destroy you."

Zoe burst into laughter and replied, "Don't worry, Peter. It's just a little fun, and if I can't keep up, you'll probably be considerate with me."

The girls laughed again, and Lara said to Peter, "Come on, my love, it's just for fun. Don't tell me you're afraid!" Peter, not wanting to appear like a coward in front of his girlfriend, finally agreed. "All right, but I won't be responsible for what might happen," he said firmly.

Peter took off his shirt and crouched down, getting ready to face Zoe. The tension in the room was building. An uneven match was about to begin...
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on October 30, 2023, 05:33:13 pm
...Peter, determined to face the challenge, quickly reached for Zoe's head, but her astonishing skill allowed her to easily dodge his arms. With her muscular legs, Zoe pinned Peter's ribs, causing him sharp pain and a cry of surprise and discomfort. Zoe continued to squeeze, and Peter found himself trapped in an unbreakable hold.

"Enough, Zoe! You're crushing my ribs!" Peter exclaimed, gasping in pain. Lara, watching closely, smiled as she enjoyed her friend's strength.

After a few more minutes of suffering, Peter, almost out of breath, pleaded, "Please, Zoe, that's enough!" He began to tap Zoe's powerful thighs, seeking respite from his ordeal. Zoe laughed and, with a mischievous smile, loosened her grip.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief as Zoe returned a smile. "Wow, Zoe! I had no idea you were so strong. I'm impressed," Peter admitted.

Peter stared at Zoe and said with determination, "As I told you before, I'm surprised by your strength, but you caught me off guard. I'm ready for a rematch!"

Zoe smiled enthusiastically and replied with a mischievous laugh, "Anytime, Peter. Let's see what you've got. Let's go for a rematch!"

The atmosphere in the room was charged with tension. Peter and Zoe were gearing up for a rematch. Zoe crawled toward Peter with a provocative look and whispered in his ear, "When do you want to start?" Unexpectedly, she licked Peter's ear, leaving him humiliated and enraged.

Without thinking, Peter lunged at Zoe, but his anger didn't do him much good. Zoe, with her astonishing agility and strength, once again trapped Peter with her powerful thighs. Peter writhed in pain as he struggled to break free.

Zoe managed to throw Peter to the floor and straddled him, her breasts pressing against his face and smothering him completely. Peter, trying to catch his breath, wriggled under Zoe's weight. But Zoe twisted her body, squeezing Peter's head between her thighs, while her well-trained rear was in front of his face.

From her position, Zoe turned her head and looked at Lara, who was sitting in a chair. Both women laughed mischievously as Zoe suffocated Peter. He tried to strike Zoe's thighs, begging for it to end, but Zoe turned a deaf ear to his pleas and continued to apply more pressure.

Peter, nearly out of breath, persisted, but Zoe didn't relent. Just when Peter was on the verge of passing out, Zoe finally let go and burst into loud laughter. "You're a trooper, Zoe! You nearly killed me," Peter exclaimed, with anger and fear in his voice, as he caught his breath.

Suddenly, Peter, out of control and furious, lunged at Zoe again, this time from behind, determined to get his revenge. The friendly match between Peter and Zoe had turned into something else, as Peter was determined to end the humiliation he was experiencing in front of his girlfriend...( Continue)
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on November 02, 2023, 01:11:34 pm
...Peter managed to grab Zoe by the neck and started choking her. "I've got you, bitch! Now you're going to stop, and then you'll surrender," he exclaimed with arrogance.

Peter continued to tighten his grip on Zoe's neck as he got up from the floor. He looked at Lara and said vainly, "See, Lara, it wasn't that hard."

In that moment of distraction, Zoe reacted quickly and elbowed him in the stomach, causing Peter to wriggle in pain. She then lifted him onto her shoulders and threw him to the ground, displaying her experience in mixed wrestling. Zoe laughed and winked at Lara before landing on top of Peter with her elbow in his midsection, causing his screams to echo in the room.

Zoe completely dominated the confrontation, and even though Peter was practically defeated, she continued to punish him. Sitting on the floor beside Peter, Zoe used one leg to squeeze his ribs, put him in an arm lock, and with her other leg, she began to strangle his neck. Zoe's pressure grew stronger with each passing second, and finally, Peter passed out.

Zoe rubbed her hands together and laughed triumphantly. "Okay, Lara, do you think he learned his lesson?" Zoe asked.

Lara smiled and replied, "I think he won't be bragging anymore." Both women laughed heartily.

Lara then suggested, "It's gotten quite late, Zoe. Would you like to stay overnight? We have a spare room."

Zoe accepted gratefully. "Perfect, thank you so much, Lara. You have bedding in the dressing room. Make yourself at home," Lara told her.

However, an important question arose. "Lara, we forgot something. What do we do with Peter?" Zoe asked.

Lara responded with humor, "Oh, don't worry, Zoe. Just leave him there. He's too heavy to carry to the room."

Zoe, demonstrating surprising strength, lifted Peter and placed him over her shoulder. "Where should I put him?" she asked Lara.

Impressed by Zoe's strength, Lara replied, "Leave him in my bed. He'll think it was all a nightmare."

Both women laughed as Zoe placed Peter in the bed and headed to her own room. "Good night, Lara. I had a great time," Zoe said.

Lara responded excitedly, "Me too." The night had only just begun, and the house echoed with laughter and excitement as the two friends enjoyed their unusual evening....( Continue)
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on November 03, 2023, 11:05:44 am
The room was filled with tension as Peter, visibly agitated, lay silently on the bed. Concerned about his attitude, Lara tried to talk to him. "What's wrong, my love?" she asked softly.

Peter didn't respond, and Lara asked again, "But why are you so angry?" Peter turned and gave her his back.

Confused, Lara touched his shoulder, but Peter violently pulled his hand away. "Let go of me, Lara, I'm not in the mood," he snapped.

Lara continued with her soft voice, "If you don't tell me what's bothering you, I won't understand your anger. Come on, dear, tell me what's making you like this."

Peter, visibly enraged, turned again and said furiously, "Haven't you noticed, you idiot! That beast nearly killed me! Where did you find her?"

Lara, smiling shyly, tried to reassure Peter. "My love, it was just a fun fight, a game. Zoe is a wonderful person and would never hurt anyone. Besides, she brought you here, and since it was late, I offered her to stay overnight. She's in the other room."

Peter's anger intensified. "But what have you done, you fool! Go right now and tell her to leave! I never want to see that animal in my life again!"

Lara gently stroked Peter's cheek and tried to calm him. "Please, my love, I ask you to calm down. You're very upset, and you can't think clearly."

In an instant, Peter grabbed Lara's hand firmly and placed it palm up on the bed. He straddled her with a threatening look and exclaimed, "I told you to kick her out, you bitch. Now you'll see what's going to happen to you."

The room was filled with tension once again as a different struggle began, an internal battle between Peter and Lara, where communication issues and anger threatened to drive them apart... ( Continue )

You will find this story and much more in:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on November 08, 2023, 05:32:40 pm
Peter, feeling remorseful about the situation, released her, and the two found themselves kneeling on the bed, face to face. Lara said, "Do you think I couldn't free myself? I'm going to crush you, stupid, you're nothing!" She continued to speak with disdain.

In an instant, Peter lunged at Lara and ended up on top of her, with his knees pinning her arms. "Do you like this, bitch?" he challenged.

Lara was complaining, but suddenly, showing surprising agility, she lifted her legs and pinned Peter's arms, quickly turning the tables to be on top. "And now, what do you say, my love?" Lara asked with a mischievous smile.

Peter tried to move to escape, but Lara had complete control. Holding Peter's arms firmly, she also squeezed his head with her legs. Peter grumbled and complained, but he couldn't break free, as Lara had surprising strength in her legs.

Making one last desperate effort, Peter managed to use his free hand to squeeze Lara's neck, trying to choke her. But Lara seemed unfazed and continued to squeeze his ribs even harder until, unable to bear the pain, he released his grip.

Lara laughed while maintaining complete control of the situation. She took Peter's hand with her arms and began to stretch it, maintaining the pressure with her legs. It was a perfect wrestling hold she was applying. "This move is called 'The Triangle,' you dog. Do you like it?" Lara exclaimed.

Peter was completely at the mercy of his girlfriend, but this wasn't the last surprise she had in store for him. The tension in the room continued to rise as the battle between the couple continued. Lara was subjecting her boyfriend to total humiliation!... ( Continue )
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: Saradas.Org on November 08, 2023, 07:40:15 pm
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Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on November 15, 2023, 01:45:26 pm
The room echoed with Peter's screams of pain as he struggled against Lara's hold. His movements were futile, and Lara's ability to immobilize him was evident. Quickly, Lara grabbed a belt and secured Peter's arms, leaving him completely immobilized on the bed. A look of satisfaction and pleasure appeared on Lara's face as she now completely dominated her boyfriend.

Suddenly, applause broke the tense atmosphere of the room. Lara, surprised, lifted her head and saw Zoe observing the scene. Joy was evident on Zoe's face, reflecting her satisfaction at seeing the results of the wrestling lessons she had given. 'Very good, excellent, dear,' Zoe congratulated. 'I see my wrestling lessons haven't been in vain,' she continued as she approached Lara.

Both women stood face to face, and Lara, slightly confused, asked, 'What do we do now?' Without delay, Zoe got onto the bed and used her powerful legs to hold Peter's head. He, furious, threatened with a hoarse voice, 'Let me go, I'll destroy you!'

However, the reality was that Peter was completely overpowered. Zoe, in a sarcastic tone, said, 'I see you lost the fight, so I think Lara deserves a reward.' Both women laughed together. Peter, enraged, asked, 'And what's the reward, stupid?'

In a surprising turn, Zoe grabbed Lara's head and gave her a passionate kiss on the mouth. The two women started kissing passionately, while Peter was astonished and couldn't do anything to stop it. The room was filled with an intense atmosphere of passion and desire, marking the beginning of a night of emotions and lust that would completely transform Peter's life....

The story of Lara, Peter and Zoe ends, but not completely, Peter's life will no longer be the same...

You will find complete story and much more in:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on November 18, 2023, 12:11:24 pm
Peter's ordeal. (The continuation of "Zoe, Lara's new friend")

Chapter 1

The days slid slowly in the house that had once been Peter's home. Now, with the dynamics transformed among Zoe, Lara, and him, each morning began with a tense air, charged with unknown expectations.

"Are you coming to the gym with us today, Peter? You know you need to keep in shape," Zoe joked as she took a sip of her coffee.

Peter felt cornered by the situation but also strangely drawn in. "Yeah, I guess so. I can't ignore my obligations," he responded with a mix of resignation and a hint of complicity in his gaze.

The gym became a peculiar playing field. While Zoe trained with her agile and precise movements, Lara stood out for her newfound physical strength. Their bodies had molded over time, acquiring an imposing appearance and strength.

"Come on, Peter! Don't hold back!" encouraged Lara as she put him in a submission hold.

"Are you giving up already, Peter? You have no resistance!" added Zoe, laughing as they practiced.

The relationship between them had become strangely symbiotic. Zoe and Lara found a unique connection in their control over Peter, and he, surprisingly, found a certain release in his submission.

However, there were moments when tension hung in the air.

"Girls, don't you think we should talk about this? This situation is getting out of control," said Peter, trying to break the uncomfortable silence that often followed their workouts.

"But, darling, don't you like what's happening?" replied Lara, with a mocking smile.

"It's not that, it's just that... I don't know what we're doing here," admitted Peter, his voice reflecting confusion and a longing for clarity.

"What we're doing is having fun," Zoe interjected, with a confidence that almost seemed challenging. "Or do you not enjoy this, Peter?"

Zoe's words echoed in his mind. Did he really enjoy this dynamic of submission? Or had he just adapted to it because he didn't have another choice?

The triangle they were immersed in began to show cracks, but none of the three seemed willing to address the true nature of their feelings. The future of this strange relationship hung in a delicate balance, and nobody knew for certain how this situation would untangle.

If you like this story, and others I've written, you can see them on my Patreon site, along with images and videos of beautiful muscular women created with A.I.
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Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on November 21, 2023, 11:55:53 am
Chapter 2

The weight of uncertainty became increasingly difficult to ignore. Nights grew restless, and days passed in a strange mix of tension and comfort. Peter found himself trapped in an emotional labyrinth from which he didn't know how to escape.

One afternoon, while Zoe and Lara were occupied with their workouts, Peter decided to take a walk to clear his mind. The cool evening breeze provided a sense of relief as he strolled through the nearby park.

"Peter? Is that you?" a familiar voice called out from behind.

He turned to find an old friend, Emily, who regarded him with surprise.

"Emily! What a surprise to see you here!" responded Peter, trying to conceal his inner confusion.

"How have you been? It's been so long since I last saw you," said Emily with a smile, noticing the tension in Peter's expression.

The conversation flowed naturally between them. Emily shared her recent experiences and achievements, and Peter, for the first time in a long while, felt free to speak about his own struggles and personal dilemmas.

"It seems like you have a lot on your mind, Peter. Are you okay?" asked Emily, with a compassionate look.

"I don't really know... Everything has changed so much lately." And Peter began to share his story... "Zoe and Lara... they are important to me, but sometimes I feel like I'm losing control," confessed Peter, revealing his concerns.

"Control is a complicated issue. If you have an issue with them, you should honestly talk it out; it will set you free," reflected Emily, looking at Peter empathetically. "You need to remember who you are and what you really want."

Emily's words resonated in Peter's mind as he returned home. He found himself pondering the nature of his relationship with Zoe and Lara. Was he truly enjoying his current situation, or had he simply become accustomed to it out of convenience?
Upon arriving home, Zoe and Lara greeted him enthusiastically, but something had changed in Peter's demeanor. A calm determination had settled within him, and he knew it was time to address the situation.

"Girls, we need to talk," announced Peter, displaying a confidence he hadn't shown in a long time.

Silence filled the room as each waited to hear what would come next. The triangle they had been trapped in would finally confront its truth and its consequences.

To be continues...

Chapter 3 is already published on my Patreon site, this and many more things in:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on November 27, 2023, 12:58:11 pm
Chapter 3

—This... can't go on like this anymore. We need to clarify our feelings and expectations," Peter continued, looking at Zoe and Lara, searching for any sign of understanding in their eyes.

"But, Peter, what are you implying? We... get along this way, don't we?" replied Zoe, with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"No, Zoe. It's time to be honest. It's been too long, and our lives have evolved in ways that... I think none of us anticipated," explained Peter, trying to articulate his thoughts as clearly as possible.

Lara, who had been silent until now, flexed her biceps and finally spoke: "Peter is right. We can't keep avoiding talking about what's happening between us. There have been changes, and we need to address them."

The tension in the room was palpable. Each one was facing the reality they had tried to ignore for so long.

"I think it's time to evaluate our feelings and decisions. This can't go on like this, not this way," declared Lara, looking at Zoe for confirmation.

Zoe nodded slowly, understanding that they couldn't continue avoiding the inevitable conversation about the future of their relationship.

"Maybe we need some time to reflect. This is a lot to process all of a sudden," suggested Zoe, her voice reflecting a mix of confusion and acceptance.

The meeting ended with an implicit agreement that everyone needed space to reflect on their own feelings and desires.

Peter retired to his room, feeling a sense of relief mixed with the anxiety of the unknown. It felt like he had finally released a burden he had been carrying for too long.

Lara lay on the bed, her muscles tense and her gaze pensive. "Maybe you're right, Zoe. Maybe we've gone too far with Peter. But does he really no longer enjoy being submissive to both of us?" questioned Lara as she let out a light laugh.

Perhaps my new body doesn't attract him anymore, said Lara. Doesn't it attract you?, Zoe. Lara flexed her biceps in an incredible way, Zoe looked ecstatic and replied: You're crazy, my love!! You're the sexiest and most beautiful thing I've ever seen, come here!! Zoe took Lara and gave her a passionate kiss.

Then Zoe, cuddled by her side, thought, "It could be... that maybe someone else is interfering with his thinking. Someone might be filling his head with ideas that drive him away from us," she speculated, with a worried expression.

Lara tenderly stroked Zoe's hair. "I agree, love. We can't just let Peter go. We need to figure out who is influencing him," she asserted, as a flash of determination crossed her eyes.

"Tomorrow will be another day to sort this out. But now, let's enjoy this night together," suggested Zoe, seeking a distraction in the present.

They both embraced affectionately, sharing a moment of complicity and love that contrasted with the lurking concerns. The future of their bond with Peter was uncertain, but for now, they decided to set aside their worries and immerse themselves in the comfort of their union.

The room was enveloped in a relaxing calm as Zoe and Lara delved into the intimacy of the night, setting aside their worries and questions that haunted them. They knew that the next day would bring the need to make important decisions, but for now, they chose to enjoy the present and recharge their energies to face what was to come.

The relationship triangle had reached a critical point, and the fate of their bond would be determined by the decisions they would make in the coming days.

To be continues....
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on November 29, 2023, 01:23:17 pm
Chapter 4

The next morning, Peter left the house as usual, unaware that Zoe and Lara were silently trailing behind him. Gradually, they realized he wasn't heading to his usual workplace but instead meeting with a mysterious woman, engaging in a lengthy conversation. Intrigued and concerned, Zoe and Lara began whispering to each other as they observed the scene from a distance.

Zoe: (whispering) Who could that woman be? I can't help but feel threatened.

Lara: (furrowing her brow) I don't know, but something tells me she's the reason behind Peter's recent strange behavior. We need to find out who she is and what's going on.

After a lengthy discussion, Zoe and Lara deduced that this woman had influenced Peter's change in attitude. Aware of Peter's significance to their relationship, they resolved not to let this woman come between them. The dominance they exerted over Peter every day fueled an excitement they couldn't find within their own connection, and they were determined to put an end to this problem.

Upon returning home, Zoe and Lara sat down to discuss and plan how they would confront this situation.

Zoe: We can't allow this woman to continue filling Peter's head with ideas that threaten our relationship. We must teach her a lesson and make her stay away from him once and for all.

Lara: You're right, Zoe. We can't let her interfere with us. We must act with determination and make her understand that Peter belongs to us.

Both women knew they had to be strong and resolute in facing this woman who had meddled in their relationship. They decided to showcase their power and their connection with Peter in a way that she couldn't ignore.

At nightfall, Peter returned home. As soon as he opened the door, Zoe and Lara were waiting for him, dressed sensually in outfits that accentuated the muscles of their impressive bodies. With defiant looks towards him and without uttering a word, they seized Peter by the hair and dragged him to their bedroom.

Inside the room, passion erupted with intensity as Zoe and Lara demonstrated their dominance over Peter. Every touch and movement were filled with lust and desire, showing Peter who truly owned his desire. Caught between their irresistible feminine power, he was unable to resist.

The night was filled with pleasure and satisfaction as Zoe and Lara reaffirmed their connection and showed the intruding woman that Peter belonged to them completely.

To be continues...

Chapter 5 is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on December 07, 2023, 11:39:20 am
Chapter 5

The next morning, Peter left the house without realizing that Zoe and Lara were stealthily following him. The two women followed him closely as he walked to a nearby park. There they saw Emily, the woman Peter talked to every day. Zoe couldn't help but express her admiration.

Zoe: (whispering to Lara) Look, there it is! She is really beautiful!

Lara, feeling a hint of jealousy, looked defiantly at Zoe and questioned her comment.

Lara: What did you just say, Zoe?

Realizing her mistake, Zoe quickly corrected herself to calm Lara's jealousy.

Zoe: I wanted to say that she is beautiful, but you are even more beautiful, my love!

Zoe breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lara's smile. With her impressive muscular physique, Lara was capable of meting out punishment even to Zoe herself. Lara smiled and spoke to Zoe, making her intentions clear.

Lara: For this once, I'll let it go, my love. I wouldn't want to have to teach you a lesson too. I've had enough with Peter and that stupid woman he's talking to.

Zoe nodded, grateful that Lara understood her slip. They both knew that their connection and power over Peter was strong, and they were determined to put an end to any interference in their relationship.

As they continued to watch Peter and Emily from a distance, they planned how to deal with the situation.

Lara: We can't let this bitch come between us and Peter. We must impose ourselves and make it clear that he belongs to us!!

Zoe: Okay. Let's find a way to show her that she can't interfere in our relationship. We must make him understand that Peter is ours alone.

With a plan taking shape in their minds, Zoe and Lara decided to approach Peter and Emily. They would confront them, showing their indisputable strength and unity.

As they approached Peter and Emily, their powerful presence was evident. Zoe and Lara stood tall, their sculpted muscles glistening in the sunlight. The intensity of his gaze spoke for itself.

Suddenly Peter saw the two monumental women and couldn't do anything, it was too late. Without saying a word, Zoe and Lara positioned themselves on either side of Peter and Emily, their bodies radiating a confidence that could not be ignored.

Lara: You, (pointing to Emily) I want you to understand that Peter belongs to us. You have no place in our relationship.

Zoe: That's right. We are the ones who have her heart and her desires. You must move away.

Emily, overwhelmed by Zoe and Lara's presence, hesitated for a moment before responding. Emily was really scared, Zoe's bodies and

mainly Lara's, they were really intimidating.

Emily: I... I didn't know anything, Peter hadn't told me anything about you...

Before she could finish her sentence, Zoe interrupted her, her voice expressing authority.

Zoe: Lie!!, you knew everything!, this idiot told you everything!!. Peter is ours, and we will not tolerate any further interference!!.

Emily: Ok, ok, don't worry, I'm leaving and you guys fix your "things." Emily stood up but suddenly a hand on her shoulder made her sit up again.

Lara: You're not going anywhere!!, Zoe, how about we go home? It seems that we have a "guest" and we should entertain her as she deserves,

Zoe: I totally agree, my love, and a smile invaded both of their faces. Let's all go home, you too idiot! She told Peter.

The four of them began walking towards Zoe and Peter's house, the evening was about to begin...

To be continues...

Chapter 6 is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on December 18, 2023, 12:43:00 pm
Chapter 6

After a tense walk, the four entered the house. Peter and Emily entered first, but as they crossed the door, Lara gave them a push and they both lost their balance, falling to the ground.

Lara: What do we do with these two, Zoe, do I start with Peter or Emily? Lara puffed up her biceps, preparing to punish them both. Peter and Emily started to shake...

Zoe, with a mischievous smile on her face, quickly thought of an idea that could be much better.

Zoe: Wait Lara, I had a great idea!

Lara, intrigued by Zoe's proposal, approached to listen to her. The two began to whisper in each other's ears and began to smile.

Lara: Tell me more, my love. I like this idea more and more!!

Peter and Emily, still on the ground and looking at each other, didn't know what to do, but they had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Lara: Take off your clothes! Peter and Emily looked at each other in shock.

Lara: Did I tell you to take off your clothes, or are you deaf? Peter and Emily began to quickly take off their clothes and stood naked in front of each other.

Zoe, (soft voice): Now start making love. Peter and Emily were totally confused but Lara's intimidating presence made them obey.

Zoe and Lara began to watch the sexual act and began to get excited.

Lara: How do you know me Zoe! You know I can't resist this!! Lara ripped off her clothes and immediately grabbed Zoe by the waist and in a single movement she tore her clothes too. The two statuesque women were completely naked, leaving their impressive and muscular bodies on display. Looking at Peter and Emily, they too began to make love.

The four of them were fully enjoying themselves, Peter and Emily forced to do so, and Lara and Zoe fully enjoying their total domination...

To be continues...

Don't miss chapter 7, if you want it, visit watch now, or support me in my work:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on December 23, 2023, 08:08:17 pm
Chapter 7

After several hours of intense pleasure, the four of them fell asleep. Peter woke up first and noticed that Zoe and Lara were fast asleep.

Peter, with a whispery voice, called Emily to wake up. "Emily, Emily, wake up," he whispered cautiously. He knew it was her chance to escape while the towering women were still sleeping. Emily, still sleepy, rubbed her eyes and quickly dressed herself in silence. Peter did the same, both aware of the delicacy of the situation. They crept closer to the exit door, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Cautiously, Peter pushed down on the handle and saw that the door was open. A smile of relief appeared on their faces as they prepared to leave and leave that place of desires and dark pleasure behind. With subtle movements, Peter slowly opened the door, but a squeak of wood made Lara abruptly wake up.

Lara's eyes widened, her burning, anger-filled gaze boring into Peter and Emily. In an instant, her expression went from calm to fierce, and in one swift movement she stood up, (still naked), revealing her imposing, muscular body.

Lara, with a voice full of authority, exclaimed: "Did you stupid people think you could escape?" Her dominant presence filled the room, her tanned skin and sensual curves standing out in the dimness. Zoe, awakened by the noise, watched with a mixture of excitement and joy.

Without giving them time to react, Lara lunged at them, grabbing Peter by her neck and pushing him hard against the wall. Her strong, firm hands demonstrated absolute control over him. Emily, trembling with fear, watched as Lara exerted dominance over her.

Lara let go of Peter and turned to Emily, who was paralyzed on the ground. With a malicious smile on her face, Lara grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up forcefully. Her body was a symphony of perfect curves and toned muscles, and every blow she delivered was a demonstration of her power and control. Zoe, excited by the spectacle, joined the scene enjoying the moment with a wicked smile on her face.

The air was filled with the sound of blows, mixed with Peter and Emily's moans of pain. Lara subdued them mercilessly, humiliating them with each precise blow. Their bodies were covered in marks, and their faces reflected a mixture of pain and submission.

Peter and Emily, beaten and humiliated, crawled towards Lara, begging for mercy and promising to submit completely to her wishes. They recognized her total submission and surrendered to her dominance. Lara, satisfied with her absolute control over them, puffed up her tremendous biceps and smirked and looked down at them. She knew that she had demonstrated her power and that she would do with them whatever she wanted.

Peter and Emily were totally humiliated and surrendered to Lara's power. Zoe was ecstatic but also a little worried. The student had surpassed the teacher, now Lara was an unstoppable force and could do whatever she wanted, even with her too. Peter and Emily's bodies were marked and their souls subjected to her will. As pain and pleasure intertwined in the room, the story was far from over. The path to extreme pleasure and total submission was just beginning, and Lara would be the undisputed owner of her destiny.

( In the next chapter, this exciting story culminates... )

If you like this story, and others I've written, you can see them on my Patreon site, along with images and videos of beautiful muscular women created with A.I.
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Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 09, 2024, 03:49:02 pm
Amber's Metamorphosis


Amber and George had shared many years of marriage, but the passage of time had left its mark on their relationship. Amber, a mature woman of 40, radiated a captivating beauty, with an inner strength that was reflected in her eyes. She was a dedicated housewife, devoted to her home and to keeping alive the flame of love that had once enveloped her marriage. On the other hand, George, a 45-year-old merchant seaman, spent long periods of time at sea, away from his beloved.

However, George's return had become increasingly dark and turbulent. The weight of distance and years had transformed them both in unimaginable ways. George, upon his return, began to drown in a spiral of violence and alcohol, which manifested itself in his treatment of Amber. The light was fading in his gaze, giving way to a dark and ruthless side.

On George's last trip, something changed drastically. The line between reality and nightmares completely faded. In an act of violence never seen before, George crossed a line he had never crossed before. Amber, who had endured humiliation and verbal abuse, found herself facing heartbreaking physical violence.

Pain became a constant company for Amber. Invisible scars began to mark her heart, as she struggled silently to find a way out of this torment. Darkness now enveloped her life, threatening to consume her completely.

The home, once filled with laughter and love, was now plunged into darkness and silence. The walls seemed to whisper unspeakable secrets, while the shadows danced in time with the sadness and fear that had taken over Amber. Her face, previously illuminated by a radiant smile, now reflected the weight of anguish and despair.

George's hands, once strong and protective, had now become instruments of pain. Each blow was a direct thrust to Amber's heart, leaving visible marks on her skin and invisible wounds on her soul. The sparkle in George's eyes had faded, replaced by a dark, sinister tinge that seemed to emanate from the depths of his being.

Amber, her voice trembling and full of pain, whispered: "George, what has happened to us? How did we come to this?"

George, with a bitter, resentful laugh, responded, "Amber, don't play the victim. This is all your fault. If only you were stronger, I wouldn't have to show you who's boss here."

Amber, struggling to maintain her composure, replied in a broken voice, "I can't go on living like this, George. I deserve something better, something that doesn't involve constant fear and pain."

George, with a gesture of contempt, snapped: "You deserve nothing! You are mine, and you always will be. If you dare to think otherwise, I assure you that the hell you know now will be insignificant compared to what awaits you." ".

Chapter 2 is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 11, 2024, 12:19:30 pm

After months of an intense ordeal, in which violence had become a voracious monster that devoured Amber's peace of mind, the time came when George was called away from work. Two years overseas, the pay is excellent, they told him. The opportunity was unique for George and he could not refuse, the financial reward was very significant.

George, without showing an ounce of remorse, packed up her belongings and warned Amber to behave appropriately in her absence. He ordered her to take care of her house and not to do anything wrong, threatening her with even more dire consequences if she disobeyed. As a final reminder of her authority, she gave him a brutal slap that shook his head from side to side, leaving a painful bruise on her cheek.

George left, leaving Amber lying on the ground, immersed in a sea of tears. Her face reflected a mixture of pain and sadness, but also something else. In the midst of her suffering, a glimmer of determination was beginning to emerge, like a spark of hope that longed to light the fire of her liberation.

The wind blew gently through the curtains, caressing Amber's battered skin as she lay on the floor, surrounded by the silence that enveloped her home. The tears fell incessantly, leaving salty trails on her face, but also feeding the seed of change that had begun to germinate within her. The intensity of the pain and humiliation she had endured for so long had ignited a flame of resistance deep within her.

Amber, her voice shaking but determined, whispered between sobs, "I can't continue living like this, chained to this hell. It's time for me to find my courage and fight for my freedom."

George's voice echoed in her mind, like a malevolent echo that sought to stifle her determination. "Remember, Amber, I own you. Don't you dare disobey me, or you will pay an even higher price when I return."

Amber, letting out a sigh of pain and strength, responded with a voice filled with resolve: "George, you have underestimated my ability to resist. No matter how long you are away, I will find the strength to free myself from your chains. On the day of your return will mark the end of my suffering."

Chapter 3 is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 13, 2024, 10:39:47 am

The days passed and Amber continued with her monotonous routine, cleaning the house, shopping and fulfilling the housewife roles imposed by her husband. Although the bruise on her face had disappeared, the pain inside her was still present. Amber desperately wanted to put an end to her ordeal.

One day, while she was going to the market as usual, Amber passed a gym that she had always ignored. She had never been interested in exercising, plus George would never allow her to spend money on anything that wasn't for the house. However, this time something resonated in her head. Maybe it was because she felt like she had nothing more to lose, but for the first time, Amber found the courage to defy her husband's threats and she decided to enter the gym.

As she walked through the door, a muscular man came to serve her. "Hi, I'm Mark. How can I help you?" he said kindly. Amber hesitated a little and with a shy voice responded: "Hello, I'm Amber. This is my first time in a gym. I would be interested in taking one of the classes they offer here...". Her voice faded as her confidence wavered. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come in. I think I made a mistake. Sorry, I have to go," she added hastily, feeling the weight of her insecurity.

Quickly, Mark gently took Amber's arm and said sweetly: "Amber, I don't know why you came here, but believe me, you won't go wrong with the decision you've made." Amber, fearful but intrigued by Mark's kindness and sincerity, hesitated for a second. However, guided by a glimmer of hope, she replied: "It's okay, you've convinced me. I'll be here tomorrow."

Chapter 4 is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 15, 2024, 01:17:39 pm

The next day, Amber waited impatiently at the gym door, ready to begin her transformation. Seeing her, Mark could not hide her joy and congratulated her for overcoming her prejudice and being willing to change her life. Amber smiled, grateful for her support, and asked where they should start.

Mark placed his hand on Amber's shoulder and said, "First of all, let's talk. I'd like to know your life, your problems, and what brought you here." Several hours passed as Amber told Mark her entire story, revealing the tears, suffering, and humiliation she had long endured.

Finally, Mark told her, "Okay, you've told me everything. I know you've cried, suffered, and been humiliated, but now it's time to put it all to rest. You've freed yourself and are ready for a complete change." Amber laughed and said, "But Mark, look, I'm a mature 40-year-old woman. I don't think much can change at this point in my life."

Mark laughed loudly and replied: "You'll see, I assure you that in three months you will start to see the changes. Don't worry, leave everything in my hands." Amber smiled slightly, trusting Mark's words.

Finally, Mark and Amber entered the weight area of the gym. Mark pointed around him and said, "Look carefully, from now on, this will be your home. You will train weights in the morning and in the afternoon you will receive combat lessons. In the evening, you will return home and follow the routine that you I will give you. In addition, you will follow a diet rich in protein. As I told you before, don't worry, you will become a completely different woman."

Amber nodded, excited and full of hope, trusting that this new path would lead her to freedom and become the strong woman she had always wanted to be.

Chapter 5 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 17, 2024, 12:12:41 pm

The days passed and Amber completely devoted herself to her training routine. Week after week, she pushed herself harder and harder, lifting heavier weights and honing her skills in fighting techniques. With each passing day, Amber felt more secure and confident.

Amber's body began to transform noticeably. Her muscles became toned and defined, her figure took on a strength and beauty she had never experienced before. Every time she looked in the mirror, Amber was pleasantly surprised by the changes she saw in herself.

Mark was there every step of the way, guiding and motivating her. Their connection, that special chemistry that had formed from day one, grew stronger over time. There was a trust and complicity between them that drove them to move forward.

At one of her training sessions, Amber approached Mark, looking at him with determination in her eyes. "Mark, I can't believe how far I've come in these three months. I feel stronger, more confident and more empowered than ever. Thank you for believing in me and helping me discover my full potential."

Mark smiled proudly and responded, "Amber, I always knew there was unwavering strength and bravery within you. I am excited to witness your transformation and be a part of your journey to freedom and self-fulfillment. Let's continue." move forward together, because this is just the beginning.

The relationship between Amber and Mark was getting deeper and deeper. They supported each other every step of the way, sharing laughter, advice, and moments of improvement. Amber's confidence and security grew day by day, and it was reflected in her body and her spirit.

Amber realized that she was not only transforming her physical appearance, but also her mentality. She had left fear and submission behind, and now she saw herself as a powerful woman capable of facing any challenge that came her way.

With every workout, every weight lift, and every fighting technique perfected, Amber felt stronger, both physically and emotionally. She was ready to face any obstacle that life presented her, knowing that she had the power and courage to overcome it.

Chapter 6 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 19, 2024, 06:43:51 pm

After six months, Amber looked splendid. Her body had completely transformed in an incredibly fast time. From being a mature and weak woman, she was now a beautiful woman with well-defined muscles. Amber was proud of the results of her hard work and dedication.

She had already achieved an impressive level of strength and endurance. She lifted weights that many couldn't even attempt. Additionally, she had begun training in the gym ring, facing mainly men. Mark instructed her colleagues not to fight hard with Amber, as she was still in the process of perfecting her skills.

The confidence and security that Amber had acquired was reflected in her clothing. She had left behind the baggy pants and baggy t-shirts that she used to wear at the beginning of her transformation. She was now wearing tight tops that highlighted her breasts and showed off her six-pack abs. She completed her outfit with very tight leggings that highlighted her visibly developed legs and butt.

Amber's physical transformation did not go unnoticed. As her body became more athletic and muscular, she began to attract the attention of everyone in the gym. Her admirers gathered around her, impressed by her strength and beauty.

One of the admirers approached Amber, fascinated by her transformation. "Amber, I can't believe how far you've come in such a short time! You're incredibly strong and beautiful. How much weight can you lift now?"

Amber smiled confidently and responded, "Thank you! I've been working hard and now I can lift more than I ever imagined. I'm proud of my accomplishments and excited for what the future holds."

Mark also watched Amber's development in amazement. He saw her in a different way, with a mixture of admiration and attraction. He knew that Amber had grown into a powerful and brave woman, ready to face any challenge.

Chapter 7 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: lostder on January 22, 2024, 02:58:33 pm
a little innocent at times the AI 8) :woohoo:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 23, 2024, 12:38:56 pm

The months continued to pass and Amber continued her unstoppable progress. Her attitude had undergone a drastic change, she was no longer the shy and submissive woman she used to be. She had now transformed into an overwhelming woman, self-confident and aware of her powerful physique. Men respected and admired her, but she completely ignored them. Only Mark, her trainer and confidant, could see beyond her physical appearance.

Mark was no longer just dedicated to training Amber, he had also become her best friend. As their relationship grew stronger, a palpable physical attraction began to emerge between them. However, both were reluctant to cross that barrier and keep their relationship on a purely platonic level.

One day, after an intense weight training session, Mark was in the locker room, his sweaty body longing for a refreshing shower. At that same moment, Amber was also heading towards the locker room, her impressive body was covered in beads of sweat, evidence of her arduous training. Realizing that Mark was also there, Amber did not hesitate to act.

Stealthily, Amber peeked into the men's locker room and realized that only Mark was there. Without a second thought, she quickly entered and closed the door behind her. Mark was under the shower, completely oblivious to Amber's presence. She, with palpable determination, approached him and took off his clothes. Her statuesque body seemed to be on fire, emanating an irresistible attraction.

Without hesitation, Amber entered the shower and firmly wrapped her hands around Mark's neck. The two sculpted bodies began to vibrate with excitement. As Amber put gentle pressure on Mark's neck, her other hand gently ran down her body, caressing every tense muscle of hers. Mark completely surrendered to Amber's dominance, completely surrendering to her desires.

Without uttering a single word, her lips met in a passionate kiss, unleashing unbridled passion. The water from the shower fell on her body, increasing the intensity of her sensations. Time and time again, they gave themselves over to love underwater, letting desire and passion consume them.

Each moment was a symphony of moans and sighs of pleasure, a dance of bodies that merged in a shared ecstasy. Their passion was repeated again and again, until finally Mark fell exhausted in the bathtub, completely exhausted, at the feet of Amber's imposing body. Amber smiled when she saw Mark so tired and said: Mark, my love, I have finally released my feelings, from now on you will be mine and no one else's, our love will be forever... -

Chapter 8 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 25, 2024, 12:51:04 pm

It's been a year since Amber began her amazing transformation. Not only her physique has changed drastically, but also her mentality and attitude. She has become an overwhelming, imposing and self-confident woman. Her gym routines are legendary and everyone is impressed by her strength and dedication. As she begins her workout, the other people in the gym stop to watch her in action, in awe of her commanding presence. No one dares to interrupt her, as she radiates a unique aura of respect.

Mark, her trainer and confidant, is the only one who reaches out to her to help her hold the weights he lifts from her. Recently, she has even enlisted the help of one of Mark's collaborators, since he alone cannot hold the weights that she exercises with. She seems to be the undisputed owner of the gym and her influence on Mark is total.

One of Amber's favorite exercises is doing biceps with her right hand, while with her left hand she grabs Mark by the neck and gives him a passionate kiss. The stunned looks of the entire audience don't matter to her at all, she is not afraid to show her love and passion for Mark.

In a moment of pause, Amber calls Mark and says, "Come here, we need to talk." Mark obeys without question. "Mark, I thank you for everything you've done for me. You're my mentor, my discoverer, and without you I wouldn't be everything you see in me today. But I feel like I've reached a limit, and I want to level up. I want to have it." everything. I want you by my side forever, I want to destroy my husband and I want to be stronger and stronger. Therefore, you must recondition this gym and install new machines that will develop my body even more. Can you do it, my love? ".

Amber hugs Mark tightly and gives him a passionate kiss. Mark, excited and determined, responds: "Even if I have to mortgage all my assets, I will do what you ask. This gym will be the most modern in the entire region and you will be the most incredible woman of all." The two kiss again, not caring about anything else. Her passion has no limits.

In the middle of the gym full of spectators, Amber and Mark give themselves over to passionate love, without worrying about curious glances or murmurs. Their bodies move in perfect synchronicity, exploring every corner of her mutual desire. Pleasure and euphoria take over them, taking them to new heights of ecstasy...

Chapter 9 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on January 29, 2024, 09:28:55 pm

Two years have passed since Amber rose to another level thanks to the modern machinery acquired by Mark. Her body is a perfect combination of beauty, muscularity and combat prowess. To further highlight her muscles, Amber has gotten several tattoos that adorn her impressive figure. Her presence never goes unnoticed, and in this time she has attended countless meetings with Mark, wearing extremely short tight dresses that highlight her muscular legs.

Amber has received love proposals of all kinds, but she has rejected them all. Her devotion to Mark is unwavering, making any approach to her impossible. However, on occasions when Mark can't keep up with Amber, she takes some license and has occasional encounters with two or three men at a time. Although she herself informs Mark about her departure, he does not object, since Amber's attitude is intimidating. With a single blow, she could send her loved one to the hospital.

At one of the many parties they attend, Amber finds herself surrounded by men much younger than her, while Mark stands apart from her, going unnoticed. Suddenly, Amber notices Mark's presence and shouts, "Come on, love, come here, right now!" Mark immediately obeys and approaches her. "Sit on me, darling, we need to talk," she tells him. With a snap of her fingers, Amber throws out all the men around her.

"Do you know what day tomorrow is?" Amber asks, and Mark, thoughtful, doesn't remember anything. "It's the day my husband returns from overseas," she shouts from all sides. "So, tomorrow you will see everything you have done for me, dear. I want you to come to my house tonight and we will have the most intense night of passion we have ever had. I need to make love again and again to remember what that He never made me crazy. I will destroy you with pure love, my life."

Mark swallows and responds: "Sure, my life. We'll have a unique night." Amber laughs and together they leave the party heading to her house. Amber's long-awaited revenge is yet to come.

Chapter 10, 11  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on February 01, 2024, 11:51:43 am

As Amber and Mark left the meeting, a burning fire was lit inside Amber. Her insatiable desire could not be contained, and she was determined to find the satisfaction she longed for. "Mark, I have something on my mind," Amber whispered in a seductive voice as she gently caressed her lover's muscular arm. "Before I return home, I need more than just your strength. I want to experience absolute ecstasy and be fully prepared to receive George. I need pleasure, I need love, and I need passion, and I know that you alone cannot satisfy all my needs. See "Go back to the party and bring the strongest and most desired men," Amber ordered with a lust-filled look.

Mark, captivated by the intensity in Amber's eyes, couldn't resist her request. Without hesitation, he entered the party again in search of what she longed for. After a few minutes, he returned with three men radiating virility and muscularity, ready to satisfy Amber's desires. "There you are, my love," Mark whispered with a mix of excitement and jealousy. "It wasn't difficult to convince them that you were the one who wanted them. They all fought for the opportunity to be with you," he added as he gazed at Amber's statuesque body.

Amber smiled mischievously, savoring the power she had over those men. "Could this be it?" she said as she flexed his firm, defined biceps. "Or because of this?" she continued, sliding her hand up her toned, sensual legs. "Or maybe it's because of this," she whispered provocatively as she caressed her bottom, showing off the solidity of her and the irresistible attractiveness of her. Amber laughed with delight as she saw the desire-filled looks the men gave her.

"Okay, now we're all going home," Amber ordered in a commanding voice, taking control of the situation. Mark, Amber, and their three muscular companions headed toward the house in the middle of the night, filled with anticipation and passion.

As the car glided through the dark streets, the atmosphere was charged with an unmistakable carnal tension. Their bodies moved restlessly, their labored breaths filling the space as eager hands explored each other. In her back seat, Amber gave in to unbridled lust, enjoying every touch and every whisper of pleasure that her companions gave her. Moans filled the air, mixing with the sound of the engine and creating an erotic symphony that announced the night of ecstasy that awaited them.

Mark, unable to look away from the wild scene unfolding before his eyes, felt excited and jealous at the same time. He knew that he couldn't completely satisfy Amber, but he was willing to please her in any way he desired. George's thoughts of her imminent arrival only increased his determination to take Amber to the heights of pleasure.

Finally, they arrived at Amber's house. The muscular and sweaty bodies spread out in the main room, ready to continue with the night of passion that awaited them. Amber, with a mischievous smile, looked at Mark and whispered in his ear, "Tonight, my love, I will show you the true meaning of pleasure. And when George arrives, he will witness how you have transformed me into a goddess of lust."

Chapter 11, 12  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on February 04, 2024, 02:21:55 pm

Amber and all the men, including Mark, enter the house, Mark, you go to the bedroom and get naked! , Amber orders. Following her orders. Mark hurried into the bedroom, quickly undressed and lay down on the bed, filled with anticipation and arousal. Meanwhile, Amber stayed with the other men in the living room.

With authority in her voice, Amber motioned for the three men to sit and wait patiently. "Don't make noise and wait for my call!" , she ordered them. The three men obeyed, captivated by Amber's dominant presence and began to watch with fascination as Amber slowly began to undress, revealing her statuesque body adorned with sensual tattoos. Every movement of her muscles was a work of art in itself.

Once naked, Amber walked with grace and sensuality towards the room where Mark was waiting for her. She slammed the door shut and in the blink of an eye, she was on him on the bed. With one firm hand she held her neck, and began to caress Mark's body with the other. The passion ignited quickly, and Amber drove Mark to ecstasy again and again, unleashing her unrestrained desire until Mark could take no more.

"See, my love?" Amber whispered with a playful laugh. "I told you, I'm just getting started, and you can't take it anymore." Amber then ordered Mark to retire to the other room and rest, while she continued with the other men. Mark, exhausted but satisfied, obeyed and left the room.

Amber got out of bed, her imposing figure was covered in sweat, her body was a masterpiece of desire.

She slowly approached the three men with determination and spoke to them with a firm voice. "I will make love to you again and again, but first we will play a little. If you manage to beat me, you can do whatever you want with me. But if I beat you, I will be the one who decides what to do." The men looked at each other, hesitating for a moment. Amber, noticing her indecision, offered them a head start. "You can join forces and pit the three against me. I'll give you that chance," she told them with a mischievous smile on her lips.

The men smiled confidently, believing they could overcome the challenge. Amber, eager to continue her night of pleasure, rubbed her hands together and told them, "It's time to start, I don't want to waste any more time. I need to continue enjoying this night of delight." She placed her hands on her waist and began to move her muscles, showing her strength and determination.

Chapter 12  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on February 07, 2024, 10:34:06 am
Chapter 12.

Ok, the three of you come together, come on, you must beat me, you must try to throw me to the ground and put me on my back! - Amber told them, laughing and provoking them. The three men pounced on her. The first tried to take it from her but Amber held him by the head with her right arm, pressing him hard. The second did the same, but Amber held him with her left arm. The last one couldn't even get close, since Amber gave him a tremendous kick in her stomach, falling doubled over in pain.

Amber quickly grabbed him by the head with her two powerful legs. The scene was shocking, the three men were subdued by Amber's imposing strength. Ha ha, did you think you were going to be able to defeat me? Not even with a dozen of you. They could defeat me - Amber exclaimed. Let's see, you guys. two start licking my breasts!! -. I order. Amber began to enjoy herself, and began to squeeze her legs, forgetting that she was suffocating the third man more and more. Ah, ah! - Amber exclaimed, while the man became more and more violet.

Luckily and in the midst of her enjoyment, Amber noticed her and opened her legs, the third man falling to the floor with a crash. Have I killed him? -She asked herself. Amber quickly released the other two and ordered them to check on the man who was unconscious on the floor. He is alive? -.. she asked them, Luckily after several attempts to revive him she was able to breathe again. Ok, nothing happened, you come with me, you will be the first! - Amber pointed to the first man. and she picked him up as if he were a toy.

Let's go to the room! You, help your friend recover, I'm going to need all three of you. The game ended here, I won and therefore I am going to do it with you. whatever you please!!- Amber bellowed. Then, she continued her march towards the room, carrying the first man in her powerful arms. She entered her room and threw the first man onto the bed, like he was a bag of potatoes. She then slammed the door violently. Amber's night of pleasure was just beginning...

Chapter 13  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on February 10, 2024, 03:14:49 pm
Chapter 13 :

For more than two hours, the men outside the room were horrified as they heard the moans, cries, and sounds of pleasure and pain coming from inside. The screams echoed thunderously, causing indescribable terror in the men. Suddenly, the noises stopped and the door slowly opened, revealing Amber standing next to it. Her splendid figure, with her body covered in sweat, made her muscles stand out even more, while her face radiated a mixture of pleasure and power. In the distance, they could see the first man Amber had taken to bed, completely naked and appearing motionless. His body showed signs of having been beaten, and it could not be determined whether he was alive or not.

Amber approached the two remaining men, with a defiant look in her eyes, she pointed to one and said: "Now it's your turn", . "Come with me now!" The man hesitated, but before he could react, Amber gave him a tremendous slap that made his neck turn completely. "It seems that you have misunderstood," she told him in a threatening voice. "I told you to come with me!"

Without giving him time to recover, she Amber lifted the man by the neck and dragged him into the room, throwing him next to the first man. She closed the door behind her and for another two hours, the last man heard the same terrifying sounds that had echoed before. The noises finally stopped and Amber appeared again, her naked body radiating splendor. In the distance, she could see the second man on top of the first, also naked and apparently lifeless.

"Now it's your turn," Amber exclaimed to the third man, as she approached him with a commanding look. "Come here !!." , she ordered him. The man fearfully approached Amber, begging her not to hurt him. "Who told you to talk?" Amber responded in an authoritative voice. Without another word, she lifted him into the air and threw him onto the bed. "With you I will culminate my night of pleasure," said Amber, then she went to where Mark was and said: - "Come, my love, let's enjoy together what I will do with this man. If you have the desire and strength, I would love for you to join me." too. I want to be whole when George comes back. He has no idea what he'll find!"

Amber grabbed Mark and gave him a passionate kiss. "Come on, let's finish this night of pleasure together." The door closed again and this time, the moans became even louder. Amber was determined to complete her night of passion and lust, preparing for her long-awaited revenge.

Chapter 14  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on February 13, 2024, 12:27:14 pm
Chapter 14

The day had arrived. After two long years of work overseas, George was finally returning home. Amber, with a malicious smile on her face, was ready to receive him. The sound of keys turning in the lock filled the air, and the door slowly opened. George entered the house, his voice filled with impatience as he called out to Amber.

"Amber! Where are you, woman?!" George shouted angrily. "Two years of not being here and the food isn't ready! I'm warning you, there will be consequences if you don't answer me!"

However, silence was the only response he received. George began searching the kitchen and laundry room, but found no sign of Amber anywhere. His anger grew with each passing minute.

"You stupid fucking bitch, where are you?" George roared as his voice echoed through the house. "I'll show you your place when I find you!"

Suddenly, Amber's voice rang through the silence. "Hello, darling," she whispered sweetly. "I'm here, in our room. I have a surprise for you."

Confusion took over George as he headed towards the room. "What are you doing in the room? You should be making my food! I'm hungry!" George growled in frustration. "I hope this surprise is worth it. I can't believe there's no food ready after two years of waiting!"

George opened the door to the room and what he saw took his breath away. Three men lay lifeless, brutally beaten and piled on the bed. Next to the bed, another naked man was struggling to stand, almost without strength. Behind the door, hidden from George's sight, Amber was completely naked, her breathing heavy and her gaze full of desire.

"What the hell happened here?!" George exclaimed, surprised and full of anger.

George entered the room and approached Mark, who was completely exhausted. "And you, what are you doing here? Who are you? Explain quickly or I'll beat you to death!"

As George confronted him, Amber sneaked up behind him. "Hello, my love, I've missed you so much," Amber whispered in his ear. "Don't turn around yet, let me show you something."

George, confused by the whole situation, replied, "But what is this? Who are these guys?" George was becoming more and more disoriented.

Amber, very calm, told him: "Everything in its time, but first let me give you some welcome massages." Amber rested her powerful arms on George's shoulders, exerting intense pressure that made him fall to his knees to the floor. "Ow!" George exclaimed, "What are you doing, bitch?"

Amber let out an evil laugh. In a second, she released George's shoulders and lifted him into the air, leaving his body suspended. "You wanted to see the surprise, right? Here it is!" Amber said excitedly.

Without warning, Amber turned George's body in the air and her surprise was total. George couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Is this stunning woman my wife?" he asked himself. Amber, guessing George's thoughts, told him, "Yes, I'm your 'weak', distraught wife."

Without a second's hesitation, Amber grabbed George's head and buried it between her breasts. George couldn't breathe. "Do you like it, my love? Were you hungry? Well, here!" Amber exclaimed as she submerged her head again. George's moans echoed through the room.

Amber lifted George's head from her breasts and buried it again. All she could hear was George's moans about to drown. Amber pulled George out of her breasts again and then gave him a tremendous punch in the stomach, George flew through the air, falling to the floor a few meters further back.

  His vision had been clouded by such a blow. She tried to open her eyes wider, but only saw a stunning and beautiful silhouette coming towards him. George tried to get up but ended up passing out. His ordeal had begun...

Chapter 15  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on February 15, 2024, 12:57:45 pm
Chapter 15

A few hours later, George woke up to a bucket of cold water drenching his head. With difficulty, he opened his eyes and found himself tied to a chair in the dining room. His heart was racing as he tried to understand the situation he found himself in. Amber appeared before him, imposing and seductive.

She looked stunning in a tiny sleeveless t-shirt that showed off her impressive breasts and tattooed biceps that looked ready to explode. The shirt reached down to the bottom of her breasts, revealing her extremely six-pack abs. She was wearing very tight black leggings that highlighted her powerful, muscular and perfect legs. Her straight black hair was pulled taut, highlighting her beautiful features.

George stammered in disbelief, "Amber, what happened to you? Who are you now?" Amber laughed out loud as Mark appeared next to her. "Nothing has happened, George, except that thanks to this man my life has completely changed," Amber said, pointing at Mark. "He is my personal trainer, my confidant and... my partner."

Amber grabbed Mark by her hair and gave him a passionate kiss, leaving George stunned. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing. "Mark and I are one. He has given me everything, and I have learned everything from him and more. I am not afraid of anything, not you or any man who stands in my way," Amber stated with determination. Mark nodded his head in agreement.

George, enraged, shouted: "Do you think you can replace me with this puppet? I'm not like the clown next to you. I'm not afraid of you. To me, you're still a bitch just like before. Let me go and you'll see how bad it is!" that I am capable!"

Amber clenched her fist, holding back her anger. "Do you think you're tied up because I'm afraid of you? You make me laugh, stupid! You're tied up because otherwise you'd fall off your chair. You're overweight, my love," she replied with contempt.

Amber snapped her fingers and ordered Mark, "Go, my love, untie this idiot. I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget. Then we'll see what we'll do with him." Mark walked up to George and whispered in his ear, "If I were you, I'd give up before I started. Maybe I'll have a little compassion for you."

George was untied and, full of fury, spat on the ground. He pushed Mark away and lunged full force at Amber, determined to confront her. The final battle had begun.

Chapter 16  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on February 21, 2024, 12:01:13 pm
Chapter 16 ( Part 1 ).

An enraged George lunged at Amber and threw a vicious punch. Amber very quickly dodged the blow, then George tried another punch but Amber managed to dodge it again.

The blows that George threw went again and again in the air, Amber dodged them easily. Ha, ha, ha, you're a little slow, my love, Amber told him, laughing, you have to get a little closer. George, even more enraged, accepted Amber's invitation, but as he approached, Amber took the initiative and delivered a powerful blow to his jaw. George flew a few meters back and fell on the table, breaking it into a thousand pieces.

You're going to have to buy another table, dear, Amber scoffed. George got up as best he could and grabbed a bottle. In one quick movement he was able to break Amber's head, then he was able to punch her in the face and another in her stomach. There you go bitch!!1, George bellowed. .

The blows were exact and severe but to George's astonishment, Amber just laughed. That's all you have, worm!!, Amber responded sarcastically, come on, try more, hit me, come on, come on!!.

George, increasingly enraged, began to hit him everywhere, until he couldn't take it anymore, he was exhausted. Amber laughed again, ok, I see that's all you can do.

  Incredibly, Amber was as if nothing had happened, none of George's blows hurt her. Well now it's my turn, Amber said. Mark, my love, I will start with the first thing you have taught me. Amber started walking in front of George, and she put on her boxing guard.

She then began to hit George, cross, jab, uppercut, all the possible blows and techniques fell on George, the blows were accurate, powerful and precise, Amber was playing with George. Am I okay?, my love, Amber said to Mark, Mark nodded his head. Look at this, Amber told her, showing off her technique.

Amber took him towards a wall and began a barrage of blows that George couldn't dodge, again and again she Amber hit her husband, the sound of breaking bones could be easily heard. But at one point Amber stopped. Ok, I'll let you rest, George.

Chapter 16 ( Part 2 )

George was panting and complaining about the pain he was in, he didn't understand anything, Amber had beaten him terribly but now she was letting him rest. What are you doing, stupid!!, you are giving me the opportunity to recover, George told her.

Amber laughed loudly. Recover?, ha ha. I only stopped so Mark could tend to your wounds and you could recover a little. I already told you this is just beginning, your ordeal is just beginning. Mark, go take care of this idiot, leave him as good as possible,

  Mark approached Amber and said, "Won't it be much, my love? You've already achieved your revenge, let him go and we will continue our path together forever."

Suddenly Amber grabbed Mark's hair and delivered a tremendous uppercut to his stomach. Mark, do as I tell you and only speak when I tell you to, I don't want to hurt you too, go and treat George right away!!

Mark holding his ribs obeyed and quickly went to treat George's wounds. Amber was determined to do everything and no one was going to get in the way of her goal.

Chapter 17  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on February 26, 2024, 06:12:06 pm
Chapter 17

Mark cautiously approached George, who was visibly battered and injured by Amber's brutal attacks. "I warned you to ask for mercy, but you didn't listen," Mark whispered worriedly. "She's going to break you. I've made her what she is now. I've seen her take on five men and beat them easily. Believe me, there's no way to beat her. She's playing with you. She's going to break your bones one by one".

George, struggling to recover a little, replied determinedly, "And what do you want me to do now? I have no choice but to confront her. Leave me alone." Mark moved even closer to George and said quietly, "I can help you. I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for myself. Amber has me completely under control. I do everything she tells me to do and I can't take it anymore. So here's the plan: you get up and face her. Distract her as much as you can. She won't notice me. Behind that door is a heavy iron stick. I'll take it and break her back in two. Then we'll get rid of her and we can live in peace for the next few years. two".

George nodded, surprised by Mark's unexpected help. "I like that idea. Go and defeat her. I'll try to distract her as much as possible." Meanwhile, Amber continued stretching her enormous muscles, oblivious to the conspiracy that was being hatched against her.

"Mark, what are you doing talking to George? I told you not to talk, just to take care of him," Amber exclaimed, approaching menacingly. Hesitantly, Mark quickly responded, "I just wanted to make sure she was okay, my love." Amber approached Mark and grabbed him by the neck with one hand, squeezing hard. "Okay, it's time to move on. I want to keep having fun with George. You just keep watching everything."

Amber mercilessly threw Mark, who fell heavily right next to the iron stick she had mentioned. George smiled internally, knowing that everything was going as planned. Amber flexed her fingers with an evil, defiant smile. "Let's see, stupid, get up and let's start fighting. I've waited too long. Come here, George, let's keep having fun."George stood up, unwavering determination in his gaze. He knew that he had to take this opportunity to defeat Amber once and for all. As he mentally prepared for the confrontation, a spark of hope ignited inside him. Amber had no idea what she was in for...

Chapter 18  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on March 04, 2024, 01:55:56 pm
Chapter 18

George rose from his chair, defiant. "Come on, bitch, come closer. Don't you dare?" he said determinedly to Amber. The latter laughed contemptuously. "Do you want me to come closer? Alright, here I come," she replied, slowly approaching. Her fists clenched and her muscles tensed, showing her imposing strength. "Get ready, George. No more breaks," she warned him.

Meanwhile, Mark, sneaking up behind, had grabbed the heavy iron and gained momentum. Clank! The sound echoed loudly as Mark gave Amber a hard blow. Despite such a shock, Amber remained standing. George and Mark began to shake with fear. But suddenly, Amber knelt on the ground and began to lose consciousness.

The two men hugged and celebrated. They had managed to defeat Amber finally. "Go, Mark, finish her off!" George shouted excitedly. Mark stood in front of Amber, closed her eyes and hit her even harder. But this time, there was no sound. Mark wondered what had happened.

Then, Mark opened his eyes and saw George running towards the door. "Come here, George! Didn't you say to finish?" Mark exclaimed. But the look of terror on George's face said it all. Desperate, George motioned for Mark to turn his head. Mark obeyed and his face was completely transformed.

Amber, with her powerful, wide forearms, had parried the blow. Not only that, the iron had bent in two under the force of her arms. A sadistic smile appeared on Amber's face and she said: "My love, what happened to you? Have you gone crazy? Did you really think that with this" -pointing to the bent iron- "you could do something?" , watch what I'm going to do."

Amber stood up, took the iron and folded it like it was paper. Then, she let out a mocking laugh. "And now, what will I do with you?" she said maliciously. "Okay, let's get this over with. I need to relax and think," Amber continued. Quickly, she grabbed Mark with one hand and delivered a strong blow to his jaw that left him completely unconscious on the floor. Without waiting a second, George received a powerful taekwondo kick that ended his resistance, also leaving him unconscious.

Amber looked at the two men lying on the floor, rubbed their hands together, and declared, "I can't trust any man. They're all the same. They only serve to satisfy my pleasure, and that's what I'll do!" Amber took them both in her arms and took them to the room...

Chapter 19  and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on March 14, 2024, 01:20:44 pm
Chapter 19

Amber was in her room, sitting in a chair, watching Mark and George lying on the bed, completely unconscious. She stood up slowly, thoughtfully, as she pondered what to do with them. One was her husband and the other was her eternal love, but she couldn't trust either of them.

Amber walked over to George and grabbed his feet, causing him to fall off the bed. Then, she took off her clothes again, revealing her stunning naked body. She launched herself on top of Mark, and the sounds of slapping filled the room. Mark's head moved from side to side under the blows of Amber, who seemed to show no mercy.

Suddenly, Amber stopped and, with one swift motion, she tore off Mark's clothes. Without losing control, she began to make love to him in an unrestrained manner. The moans and gasps echoed intensely, as Mark breathed heavily. Amber continued unabated, surrendered to the ecstasy of the moment, completely out of control.

But in an instant, Mark stopped responding. Amber realized something wasn't right. "My love, my love, I want more!" she exclaimed, seeking a response from Mark. However, there was no response. Mark had passed away due to Amber's overflowing intensity and passion. Her strength and power had ended her life.

Amber showed no sadness at that moment. For the first time, she felt satisfied. "That's how you've made me happy, Mark. I'll never forget everything you've done for me," she murmured, staring at the limp body of her lover. "I promise that your death will not be in vain. I will always remember our love and what you meant to me."

Amber got out of bed, looking at George, who was still unconscious on the floor. "And as for you, George..." she whispered with a mischievous smile. She knew her revenge was far from over.

To be continue...

Chapter 20

Amber grabbed George and lifted him up, leaning him against the wall as his feet hovered in the air. At that moment, George regained consciousness and began to plead with Amber, begging her for mercy and compassion. Her tears and pleas echoed throughout the house, but Amber only listened with a sinister smile.

For an instant, Amber changed her defiant expression into one of tenderness. She gently caressed George's face, allowing hope to shine in her eyes. Then she lowered him to the ground and gently took his head in her hands. George began to calm down, believing that he had gotten his forgiveness.

Suddenly, Amber transformed her face again, showing the more aggressive side of her. She applied superhuman force on George's head, pushing him to the ground. With her powerful legs, she squeezed his head, exerting relentless pressure. While she did it, Amber caressed her breasts and her face reflected macabre pleasure.

"Did you think he would have mercy on you?" Amber whispered in a voice filled with contempt for George. George's moans became weaker and weaker, until he finally stopped making any sound. George had died, a victim of Amber's power and strength.

Amber looked at the bodies of Mark and George and placed them next to the three men she had eliminated the day before. Then, she went to the backyard and started digging a deep grave. Once finished, she lifted the five bodies with unusual strength and threw them into the hole. She covered the grave and covered it with a huge metal bin. Her work was complete.

She returned to her house, feeling full and satisfied. She had achieved her goal of getting revenge on George, but not only that, she had now become a powerful woman, feared by any man who dared cross her path. Her revenge was accomplished.

However, Amber knew that her story did not end here. Although she had achieved her initial goal, her ambition and determination pushed her to seek more. Her economic situation was not ideal, but she now had the weapons and determination to change it. And that's precisely what she planned to do....

The End ?...

Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on March 14, 2024, 01:33:55 pm
"Eve's New Life"

Chapter 1

Eve and Steve met at university, a place where dreams and passions intertwined. Steve, an outstanding athlete and admired by all, was the captain of the university basketball team. His muscular physique and his ability on the court made him the center of attention.

On the other hand, Eve was a beautiful and talented young woman, the undisputed star of the gymnastics team. Her sculpted body and the grace in her movements captivated everyone present. Both were the dream of many, but destiny brought them together in an instant.

When they met, it was like a clash of magnetic energies. Their eyes connected and they knew instantly that they were destined to be together. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and from that moment on, their lives intertwined in ways they never could have imagined.

After graduating, Steve was recruited by the best team in the NBA, with a million-dollar contract and all expectations placed on him as the next basketball star. Meanwhile, Eve put aside her promising career as a gymnast to become a housewife and take care of her home.

Life seemed perfect, like a fairy tale. However, they soon discovered that not all that glitters is gold...

Chapter 2 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on March 17, 2024, 01:21:14 pm
Chapter 2

The marriage lasted ten years, during which time Steve and Eve had two beautiful children. Eve took care of them all the time, since Steve spent much of his time in the long NBA tournaments. Despite having a comfortable life, Eve felt abandoned by her husband. Steve only came back in the league stops, and every time he returned, the relationship grew even colder.

On one of those tours, Eve made a bold decision. Despite knowing that she would upset her husband in the middle of her tour, she decided to go visit him and surprise him. She left her children with the babysitters and headed to the city where Steve was. Her determination was to make up for lost time and she was willing to face any scolding in order to revive the love they had shared.

When she arrived at the hotel, she introduced herself as his wife and was immediately informed of her husband's room number. Eve climbed quickly, eager to surprise him and ready to face the consequences of her intrusion. She was willing to do anything to return to the times when they loved each other intensely.

Eve called the concierge and said determinedly, "Here, here you go," handing him a wad of cash. "Come with me and open the door to my husband's room. I can't wait to give him a big surprise." The janitor, seduced by Eve's generosity, did not hesitate for a second and agreed to accompany her on her daring mission.

Together, they arrived at the room and the concierge prepared to open the door quietly...

Chapter 3 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on March 20, 2024, 07:11:45 pm
Chapter 3

Anxious and happy to be reunited with her husband, Eve took the concierge's hand and told him with determination: "Wait, I'll open the door. I want to surprise my husband." With trembling hands, Eve turned the knob and pushed the door slowly, unprepared for the spectacle that unfolded before her eyes.

The room was in an erotic and unbridled chaos. Half the basketball team was there, immersed in a huge orgy. Naked women danced and gave themselves over to pleasure with every man who crossed their path. At the back of the room, Eve could make out Steve riding a woman, while two others caressed him with unbridled passion.

Eve's breathing quickened and her mind became foggy. The reality she witnessed was overwhelming and difficult to process. The impact was so great that her body could not bear it and she fainted in the middle of that carnal chaos. The sound of her falling broke the frenzy and moans, causing a sudden silence.

Steve, recognizing that it was his wife, reacted quickly. He shooed everyone present from the room, feeling guilt and shame wash over him at what Eve had just discovered. Naked, he lifted her wife off the floor and gently carried her to the bed. As he walked around her, her mind was filled with confusion and worry, trying to find a solution to the situation they were in.

After a few minutes, Eve woke up, finding her husband already dressed as her, her face reflecting anguish and uncertainty. From that moment on, Eve and Steve's lives would change drastically. The tension in the room was palpable as both faced the reality of their fractured marriage.

Chapter 4 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on March 25, 2024, 12:13:20 pm
Chapter 4

Steve broke the silence, his voice heavy with remorse and despair: "Eve, I am sorry. I have no excuses for what you have witnessed. I have failed as a husband and as a partner. I ask your forgiveness, but I know that words will not be enough to repair the damage that I have caused you."

Eve fixed her gaze on her husband and, without even listening to her plea for forgiveness, she ran out of the room. Without thinking twice, she took a taxi and quickly headed towards the airport. Although she was not shedding tears, her face reflected a mixture of rage and fury.

During the flight back, Eve went over and over again how many times she had been cheated on over the years of marriage. Every memory of her fueled her anger and her anger. In a fit of fury, she hit the seat in front of her hard, almost causing the passenger who was occupying it to fall. She quickly apologized and calmed down, but inside her was still burning.

Despite having dedicated herself to taking care of the home and her children, Eve was not a submissive and obedient woman. Her body, although not the same as it was ten years ago, still retained the muscles from her past as a gymnast. Her thighs showed strength and her calves were sharply defined. Although she had not practiced gymnastics in all those years, the fire of her youth continued to burn inside her.

Once the plane landed, Eve headed straight to her house without hesitation. She quickly entered and approached her sons with determination: "Guys, we're getting out of here!" The children were stunned, but they obeyed without hesitation. Her mother's determination was enough for them, in a matter of hours, to gather their belongings and leave the place.

Eve's life was taking an unknown direction, but there was one certainty that guided her actions: she wanted nothing more to do with Steve. With a firm step, she closed the door to her former home, leaving painful memories of her behind and opening herself to the possibilities of a new beginning.

Chapter 5 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on March 30, 2024, 02:45:41 pm
Chapter 5.

At first, Eve's new life was not easy. She had moved to the town where she was born, a small, quiet place. With the money she had brought with her, she managed to rent a simple but cozy house. Eve was known in that town as "the wife of the famous basketball player." Fortunately, she quickly got a job at the gym where she had begun training as a gymnast as a child. The teacher who taught there was the same one who had guided her in her first steps. Seeing Eve, the teacher said, "Eve, fate has brought you here. I am about to retire, so take my position." Without hesitation, Eve accepted and managed to obtain what she needed: a source of income so she would not depend on her ex-husband.

Eve's life was beginning to take shape. Her children attended the town school and everything seemed to be going well. As for her ex-husband, her relationship was limited to cold conversations between lawyers to agree on a divorce. Steve had a powerful legal team, while Eve was represented by an old friend who lived in town. The difference in resources became evident. Despite Eve's efforts, she was only able to get the bare minimum from her ex-husband. The countless obstacles raised by Steve's attorneys meant that he only had to pay the essentials of child support. And to Eve's further outrage, Steve completely ignored his own children and never visited them. This was what bothered Eve the most, it was not her money or assets, but her ex-husband's profound indifference towards her own children.

Chapter 6 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on April 03, 2024, 04:50:41 pm
Chapter 6

Despite the judicial setback, Eve continued with her life. In the mornings, she accompanied her children to school and then went to her job as a sports gymnastics teacher at the club where she had started training as a child. Her life was simple and austere, she had nothing left over, but at least she no longer had to see her ex-husband. The only contact she had with him was through her lawyer when she claimed the fee that was to be passed to her each month.

On one of her normal days, while Eve was teaching her class as always, she noticed something that caught her attention. Next to her gym was a small weight training gym that was always empty. But this time, there was a huge woman with her back to her. Her back was filled with muscles and her triceps seemed ready to explode. She wore a tight-fitting top and short shorts that accentuated her sculpted thighs, while a long blonde braid fell down her back, ending at her firm buttocks. In addition, she sported tattoos that further enhanced her imposing figure.

Curious, Eve slowly approached this imposing woman. She shyly touched her shoulder and she turned around. Eve gasped when she saw her face. She was simply beautiful. Almost without thinking, Eve approached her and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "I can't believe what I did," she thought, "how daring I was!"

After recovering from the dare, Eve introduced herself. "I'm Eve, the boys' and girls' gym teacher. And you're new here?" she asked curiously. The beautiful woman, named Julia, smiled and responded: "Nice to meet you, my name is Julia and I am the new teacher at the bodybuilding gym."

Eve couldn't believe what she was seeing. This stunning woman had captured all of her attention. As they continued to chat animatedly, Eve knew that this connection was special and that Julia was going to turn her life upside down in an unexpected way....

Chapter 7 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on April 13, 2024, 06:17:59 pm
Chapter 7

In the middle of her lively conversation, Eve couldn't help but ask Julia, "Julia, I see that you really are a professional. What would you think if I could do a little workout at the bodybuilding gym after my gymnastics classes?" Julia smiled and responded enthusiastically: "Of course! You really have enormous potential. Having been a gymnast in your youth, your muscles are prepared and ready for weights. I think that in a couple of months you could have a more than interesting figure." ".

Enthusiasm overwhelmed Eve and she said excitedly: "Do you really believe that? I haven't exercised in years, I've dedicated myself exclusively to raising my children." Julia interrupted her words and unexpectedly squeezed Eve's thighs. "Do you think that with these thighs you won't be able to lift weight? And look at your calves too! I assure you that in a couple of months you will be surprised by your own body," Julia told him confidently.

Eve was shocked. "My God, he touched my thighs and the worst thing is that he turned me on," Eve thought, feeling a wave of excitement run through her body. She tried to hide her emotions, hoping that Julia wouldn't notice her unexpected reaction.

The two women continued chatting animatedly and agreed that the next day Eve would begin her training at the weight gym. Additionally, Eve offered to spread the word about Julia as a new teacher at the club.

At the end of the talk, Julia said goodbye to Eve with a kiss on the cheek, thanking her for her kindness. As the day came to a close, Eve was feeling really excited about everything that was to come.

Chapter 8 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on April 18, 2024, 09:50:18 pm
Chapter 8

As the months passed, Eve's evolution was amazing. Julia was right, Eve's muscles were developing at an impressive rate. Not only did her thighs and calves increase, but also her biceps, triceps and back. Her entire body underwent surprising changes. After six months, Eve was a different woman: stronger, more beautiful and muscular. Julia had become an exceptional teacher, and the gym began to fill with people willing to cultivate her physique. Eve and Julia were happy, each one achieving their goals.

On one of those days of intense training, Eve was exercising as usual. The gym had already closed and only Eve and Julia were left. Eve was lying on the bench, lifting weights. The weight she handled was impressive, and Julia helped her by holding the bar. Eve was wearing microshorts and a tight top that barely contained her developing muscles. Suddenly, due to the effort she was making, Eve's top tore, leaving her breasts exposed.

Julia blushed immediately, closed her eyes and let go of the bar. She thought Eve had hurt herself, but to her surprise, Eve had managed to hold the bar with the weights and was standing in front of her, completely naked from the waist up. "Did you think she hurt me?" Eve said to Julia. "Well, you were wrong. Look at this." Eve lifted the bar with the weights again and told Julia, "Come closer."

Julia, still surprised, obeyed and while Eve lifted the weights, she gave her a passionate kiss on the mouth. Julia was taken aback and asked, "But what are you doing, Eve?" Eve responded, "Sorry, Julia, I can't help it. I've been irresistibly drawn to you since the first moment I saw you. Plus, with this body you've helped me develop, I feel like we're on the same level."

Julia, feeling a strong connection, told Eve, “Throw the weight!” Eve obeyed and Julia lifted her by the neck, holding her in the air while she caressed her breasts with her other hand. "I'm attracted to you too. You're ready, let's enjoy this moment," Julia said. Julia then lowered Eve to the floor and both monumental, muscular women left the gym together, ready to explore what the future held for them.

Chapter 9 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on April 25, 2024, 07:23:20 pm
Chapter 9

Time continued its inexorable march, and with each passing day, Eve became more powerful. Not only did her musculature surpass Julia's, but so did her strength. One day, Eve called Julia with a seductive voice: "Come here, love. Try to lift this weight." Julia made an impressive effort, but she only managed to lift it slightly. Eve smiled and said, "Look at this." With one hand, Eve lifted her weight with ease and, unexpectedly, with her other hand she grabbed Julia's waist and lifted her up as well. A feeling of admiration and amazement came over Julia. Eve threw the weight to the ground and, with both of her arms, lifted Julia over her head. Then, she placed it at the height of her head and gave it a passionate kiss.

"You're amazing," Julia told her, "I don't know how far you'll go, sweetheart." The relationship between them grew day by day, both emotionally and physically. Julia had moved into Eve's house, and thanks to an idea from Julia, the two women had managed to progress financially. Julia proposed to Eve to open an Insta**** account to show her progress. Since Eve didn't know much about it, Julia was in charge of managing the account. The partnership between them was perfect, and followers began to appear one after another, as well as contracts and business opportunities. Eve and Julia became partners in every way.

Eve's imposing physique attracted more and more people, and in the small town there was nothing else talked about. Eve's fame spread quickly and her influence on social media grew exponentially.

Eve and Julia's life became a whirlwind of events. Advertising contracts and sponsorship opportunities filled their schedules, but they always found time to train together and strengthen their bond. As their success increased, so did their love for each other and deep connection....

Chapter 10 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on May 01, 2024, 11:02:53 pm
Chapter 10

A few days passed, Eve and Julia were now in their luxurious new home, enjoying the fruits of their success. They had acquired the best property in the town, thanks to their prosperous economic situation. The house had three floors, the second floor being the home of Eve's children, while the first floor was Eve and Julia's sumptuous bedroom. On the top floor, they had built an impressive gym where they dedicated their time to perfecting their sculptural bodies. On the ground floor were the dining room, kitchen and other amenities.

Suddenly, an imposing limousine parked in front of the house. Four men dressed smartly in suits and ties exited the vehicle, exchanging messages via small communication devices. Behind them, a tall, exotically dressed man, covered in jewels and with a defiant look, repeatedly knocked on the door of the mansion.

Eve and Julia, lying in their room, were startled by the loud bangs. "What's going on?" Eve exclaimed worriedly. Julia quickly got out of bed and responded, "Don't worry, love, I'll go see what's going on."

Julia, dressed only in a tiny pair of panties, revealing her statuesque body in all its glory, quickly put on a short T-shirt and ran down the stairs. Her abs were clearly moving as she hurried towards the ground floor, and her powerful legs moved nimbly to get there as soon as possible and find out what was happening.

Tension and anticipation filled the air as Julia approached the front door. Upon opening it, she found the man who was repeatedly knocking on the door, who was surprised by Julia's imposing physical presence. Julia, with her defiant look on her face, said, "What's wrong with you, friend? That's not a nice way to knock on a door."

The man looked defiant and replied, "I'm looking for Eve. Does she live here?" Julia, undaunted, looked at him intently and asked: "And who the hell are you?" Without responding, the man grabbed her arm and threw her towards the men behind him, "Take care of her!" he ordered them....
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on May 04, 2024, 06:05:35 pm
Chapter 11

Julia fell to the floor, and the men quickly surrounded her. Meanwhile, the man who had broken into the house began shouting, "Where are you, Eve? I want to talk to you right now!" Eve, who was still in her room, had not realized what was happening, but upon hearing the screams, she hurried to put on her tight black leather leggings that hugged every curve of her powerful thighs and a tight, seamless T-shirt. sleeves.

Every inch of her leggings seemed molded perfectly around her muscular legs. The material was stretched to its limit, threatening to tear with every movement she made. Her torso, covered by the muscular sleeveless top, revealed her impressive shoulders and sculpted neck. The musculature of her arms was evident, with her enormous biceps and marked veins that seemed ready to explode.

When Eve finally reached the ground floor, her commanding presence filled the room. Her gaze was defiant and self-assured. Every step she took showed the strength and grace of her powerful legs, while her taut and well-defined musculature made it clear that she was a powerful and fearsome woman.

Eve's defiant gaze met that of Steve, the man who had broken into her home. "Steve, what the hell are you doing here?" Eve asked, her voice filled with determination and authority from her. Steve smiled arrogantly and replied....

Chapter 12 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on May 08, 2024, 09:17:22 pm
Chapter 12

...Then Steve responded: "Wait a little, let me watch you... mmm, I see you've stayed in shape, Eve," he said in a mocking tone. You're no longer that submissive housewife you used to be when we were married. And he added :- I guess the dog being beaten by my guards has had something to do with your change. Also, I've seen your Insta**** and it seems like you've been doing very well. I also noticed your 'other' changes...

"What do you mean?" Eve replied defiantly. My life is no longer your business!!

Now it looks like you've switched sides, am I wrong?" Steve said with a sly smile. Eve frowned and interrupted Steve determinedly, "I know where you're going with this. I repeat again, it is none of your business!! Now tell me what you want and get out of here before she can't answer for myself.

Steve crossed his arms defiantly. I have come for my children. You don't live a life suitable for them, so bring them to me right now to take them!!, Steve yelled at Eve.

Eve started laughing out loud, then she got serious. "The only thing you'll get out of here is a big beating if you don't leave right now," she said in a firm voice.

Steve laughed loudly and challenged Eve: "And who's going to give it to me? I have four of my best bodyguards out there. Even though you think you're 'Wonder Woman' now, my guards will take care of you, just like they took care of you." little girlfriend'".

Eve laughed again, showing her confidence. You are an idiot and conceited. I am grateful to have separated from you. Turn around and look...

Chapter 13 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on May 11, 2024, 02:26:14 pm
Chapter 13

Steve turned around and was stunned to see Julia, sweaty and slightly agitated. Her clothes were messy and her hair was a little disheveled. "I must confess that I got a little agitated. I should train harder to do it faster next time," Julia said with a haughty and sarcastic pose.

Eve laughed and replied, "Julia, my love, it doesn't matter. If I had opened the door, they wouldn't have lasted a second." They both laughed knowingly.

"What are you bitches talking about?" Steve exclaimed in surprise. Eve tenderly said to Julia, "Go, my dear, and fetch them."

Julia left the house and quickly returned with the bodies of the four guards, completely dejected. The image was impressive: Julia dragging the unconscious guards by their hair. She entered the house and threw them on the floor in front of Steve. "There you have your 'powerful' guards, stupid," Julia told him with a menacing look.

Steve, totally surprised, stammered, "But what the fuck is going on here?" He looked for an explanation in Eve's gaze, but was met with a terrible punch in the stomach that made him fly several meters and crash into a piece of furniture, destroying it.

Eve had grown tired of words. Who knows what could happen to Steve now...

Chapter 14 and more is already on my Patreon site:
Title: Re: AI Femme Flex. Fictions
Post by: natival on May 27, 2024, 01:51:50 pm
Chapter 14

Eve grabbed Steve by the hair while he could barely complain about the blow he had received. "Come on, sweetie," Eve said to Julia. "We have things to do." The two imposing women went up to the gym on the third floor. Eve looked at Julia with a mischievous smile and asked, "Shall we do the usual?" Julia, excited, responded: "Yes, yes, the same as always! You know it's what I like most in the world!" (Eve and Julia did this regularly, they hired men to enjoy their pleasure more).

Eve placed a mat on the floor and undressed Steve, placing him on it. Then, he began to slowly take off his clothes, causing Julia to grow aroused. Eve, naked, positioned herself on top of Steve, right above her head. "Come here, love," Eve said to Julia in a seductive voice. "Take off your clothes and walk sensually towards me."

Julia obeyed, taking off her clothes and walking with grace and sensuality towards Eve. Now it was Eve who was getting excited, while Julia sat on Steve's lap.

While caressing and stimulating Steve, Eve and Julia kissed and touched each other, immersed in total ecstasy. Passion was unleashed without restrictions, creating an atmosphere charged with lust and desire.

The scene became a whirlwind of pleasure, with moans and whispers of passion filling the space. Every movement, every touch, took the women to new heights of ecstasy.

The climax finally came, flooding them with a wave of indescribable pleasure. The air was charged with satisfaction and complicity as they recovered from the frenzy of their wishes fulfilled...