Hi there I was at the 2022 Olympia in Vegas and after the Friday night show I was waiting in the theater lobby and saw Sarah taking a judge behind the staircase and have a conversation privately. Take it Sarah lost her title that night and going into the show I knew she had bad backstage attitude towards other athletes like gloating when winning and being a poor sport. Other fans asked me if I heard about those stories of her backstage attitude and was wondering if anyone else has heard stories about that.
The funny thing is that at the Olympia seminar they talked about moving the WP show to the day to "make the show run smoother" and someone mention that Sarah had to have a say in that since she lost. Also many fans didn't like how she flys in a private jet to seminars and shows and for posing in it on IG and wanted to see if anyone was willing to share stories?
From what I've seen she is the exact opposite of what you are describing. She is very friendly and supportive of the other athletes and even she sponsors a show & puts up
the prize money from her own personal finances.
Sarah Villegas has character & she is highly competitive .... and I love it! She challenge Shanique Grant one time & offered money for Shanique to come out of retirement.
But if Shanique lost... Shanique would have to give her (Sarah) one of her Olympia trophies.
Things like that make the sport of women's bodybuilding exciting and interesting. I so tired of the plain, dull, boring "cookie-cutter" personalities of these female competitors.
Quite frankly I wish there was more genuine trash talking, fights, drama.... it brings attention to the sport and makes for a more exciting stage show.