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Author Topic: Girls These Days  (Read 4447 times)

Offline peters1967

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Girls These Days
« on: December 18, 2020, 12:18:38 pm »
Is it getting older or is it just the time just before Christmas that makes me think of old things? In any case, while searching my hard drive I found a couple of stories that I had given a new layout many years ago with images that I had created with the Poser software and later with DAZ Studio. I would like to share some of them with you again.

Let's start with the story "Girls These Days" by the wonderful writer Miles Endeavor. I saw the story for the first time on "". The date of 2017 now indicated there is probably the date of a change. I must have created the pictures 15 years ago. The quality is therefore not the best.

Girls These Days

[The attached story is a fantasy.  That is to say it is one of my fantasies.  If this
isn't your fantasy that is fine.  But DON'T write and tell me why you didn't like
the fantasy or the situation.  They are what excites me and I don't expect them
to impact you the same way.  DO write and tell me where the writing sucks, or
where you would have done something differently to improve the story - I am
trying to get better at this.  I am not a professional writer, although I'm told the
only difference is that I don't get paid for this.  If you like stories of women far
stronger and more skilled than the men they meet, you may find some
enjoyment in these stories.  Many of these stories are extremely violent,
explicit, and graphic in nature.  You must be over 18 to read this.]

Send comments to:

    Mrs. Angelique Jenkins was never one to do things part way.  In fact, she
was a perfectionist (which went a long way towards explaining why Mr.
Jenkins was no longer around) in every thing she did, and she had the means to
carry out the projects she started.  That's why when her son David wanted to
beef up for his high school football team she built the gym in the basement of
their large home - known throughout the town as the Jenkins Mansion.  The
gym was large and filled with weights and machines of every size and type.  In
fact, it was better equipped than the local high school and it became the
workout spot for the eventual state champion football team that starred David
Jenkins at running back.  When David went to college his sister, Hope began
using the gym equipment.  Soon many of her friends were joining her in long
and frequent workout sessions.  When Hope requested additional weights and
equipment for the gym, her mother gladly complied.  Only the best for her
family.  When Hope came back a second time saying they needed still more
additional iron plates Mrs. Jenkins started to wonder just what was going on in
her basement all of those hours.

    Part 1

    Hope woke up late on Saturday morning.  The sun was already high in the
sky as she sleepily rolled over she saw that the clock read 10:48 AM.  She had
been up late last night at Susie's watching videos and had intentionally not set
the clock.  Normally she was up before light to get a workout in before school. 
But the summer had just started and she was still getting used to the freedom as
well as the adjustment to her normal schedule. 
    Hope got out of bed and stretched her body.  She could feel her large muscles
uncoil.  A workout this morning would feel great.  She heard the familiar
clanking of iron plates coming from the downstairs gym and stopped.  It took
her a minute to remember that David was home and must be down there.  From
the sounds she could here that he must be working out with one of his friends. 
For a second she remembered the old fears and she thought about waiting until
they were done to get her workout but changed her mind.  It was time for David
to see how things were going to be run around here.  She selected a tight half
shirt and bikini bottom that showed off her incredible physique to its fullest,
and got dressed.  As she tied her long, dark hair into a ponytail she saw the
bunch of her biceps and smiled to herself in the mirror.  This was going to be

    "Come on Dave, one more rep, push it out!" Chip Matthews exhorted his
buddy.  David grunted and pushed out one more lift of the heavy iron plates,
careful not to place his feet too firmly under the bench.  He wanted to make
sure just his arms were getting the work.  Chip helped him place the bar back
on the rack and slapped his longtime friend on the back.  "That's 3 reps with
315, great job.  You'll be up to 400 pounds in no time."  Chip knew it was
David's summer goal to increase his bench to 400 pounds.  Part of his overall
strategy to make the starting lineup.

    David had assured his coaches at college that he would work hard at home to
get stronger and faster.    In his first two years at the school he had worked his
way up to the second string, and he had seen fairly substantial playing time last
season.  But David was not used to second string and wanted to do whatever it
took to move up.  He knew upper body strength was one area that he could
increase and help himself greatly.  His legs were already quite strong but the
coaches told him he could use some better upper body conditioning.  At 6'2"
and 220 pounds he had the speed, moves, and size to make significant
contributions to the team.  The starting running back had graduated and David
intended to have that spot.  He'd already made a good start.

    "Look at all the iron down here, you going into the steel business," Chip
joked.  Chip had been David's best friend since childhood.  They had worked
out together all through high school and been teammates on the Championship
team.  Chip had been Dave's fullback and main blocker.  He had followed Dave
to college, although his talent left him further down the depth chart.  At just
over 200 pounds he didn't have the size to be a fullback at a major college, and
he didn't have the speed to be halfback.  But Chip had heart and determination
and the coaches loved having guys like him on the team.  He was determined to
make the transition to defensive safety and was using this summer himself to
bulk up for the coming season.

    "No, Hope talked Mother into getting all of this stuff.  She and her little girl
friends play down here," David sneered.  It was obvious that he considered the
gym a man's world.  It was especially no place for his snotty little sister.

    "No shit - say how is Spunky," Chip began - as Hope came into the gym.

    "Why don't you ask her, asshole - and don't call me Spunky," Hope said as
she swept into the room.  She didn't care for Chip, or her brother for that
matter.  She had been the butt of their jokes and teasing for all of her life,
something she intended to end right now.  "And me and my friends don't play
down here, unlike you wimps we pump serious iron."

    "YOU!, lift serious iron?  That I'd like to see.  Well I'm back now and I want
you to stay out of my way," David continued.  "I've got a lot of work to do this
summer if I want to make first team, I hear there's a couple of new recruits that
look pretty good."  This last remark was made more to Chip than to his little
sister, he was used to dismissing her without a second thought.  "Did you hear
what I said Chip?  Chip!"

    Chip was in another world.  He couldn't tear his gaze away from Hope. 
Little Hope Jenkins had grown up.  Way up!  She was incredible.  She stood
about 5'9" tall and had the most amazing body he had ever seen in his life. 
Muscular, tanned and ripped, she was the woman of his dreams.  No wait that's
girl, Chip thought to himself.  She can only be what  - 17 or so.  What a change
since he had last seen her.  She had always been a cute kid, although he never
would have admitted it, but certainly not athletic.  Now she was a walking
advertisement for the benefits of weight training.  Her shoulders were broad
and round, tapering to a rock hard set of perfect abdominals.  Each muscle was
visible in the walls that surrounded her waist line.  Her bust was not huge, but
definitely firm.  Chip could tell she was not wearing a bra, yet her breasts were
showing absolutely no sign of sag under the tight top she had on.   Her chest
had an impressive amount of striation in the cleavage, the obvious result of
large amounts of lifting heavy weights.  Hope had no doubt been using the gym
equipment well.  One look at her legs only reaffirmed his assessment.  Her legs
were muscular and well defined.  As she walked the quads bulged with
unspeakable power and her calves were huge and showed perfect heart shaped
separation between the muscle groups.  He stole a glance at her glutes and was
mystified by their apparent hardness and density.  Her hair was tied back and
her face was as beautiful as the rest of her.  She had a youthful vitality that
stopped Chip dead in his tracks.  He sat staring, dumbfounded at this beautiful

    Hope smiled.  She recognized the reaction Chip was having.  She had seen it
many times before.  She decided to play with him a little bit, before getting to
serious business with her brother.  "Oh you haven't seen my muscles yet, have
you Chippie?  Do you like what you see?" Hope teased as she flexed her bicep
for him.  The muscle bulged to it's 16 inch peak with the numerous veins
darting across its surface like angry welts.  She flexed and relaxed it and made
it almost bounce up and down.  She smiled as Chip stood, open-mouthed.  She
thought she saw a hint of a hardon growing in his workout shorts.

    Chip was amazed.  He had never seen a muscle like that in his life.  Not on a
man or a woman,  and especially not on a teenage girl!  He felt himself grow
hard in response to her incredible sexiness.  He had to restrain himself from
reaching out and touching her bicep to test its hardness.  He finally managed to
tear himself away from Hope and turned to Dave, "Ah - did you say

    "Never mind," Dave replied.  He hadn't seen Hope in over two years, and he
had been pretty amazed himself when he had first seen her.  He knew she had
been working out, but he thought it impossible that she could make this kind of
progress in that small amount of time.  She seemed so self-confident and
assured as well.  He felt a burning need to show her that he was still the big
brother around here.  She was still just a girl, after all.

    "Why not right now," Hope said turning to her brother, her manner entirely

    "Why not right now, what?" David replied.

    "Why don't I show you how seriously I pump iron, you said you wanted to
see it.  You can spot me.  I think Chip is ahh, otherwise occupied."  Hope went
over to the bench and slid under the bar.  "Why don't we start with the bench."

    David followed her over to the bar,  "I think that's a great idea.  Should I
take some weight off for you?" he teased.  There were 315 pounds on the bar,
he knew she couldn't possibly lift that.  No female alive could move that much

    "No, that'll do for a start," Hope retorted.  She placed her hands on the bar
and prepared herself.

    "For a start yeah," David said.  "Now Spunky, don't go hurting yourself just
to -", David stopped in mid-sentence as Hope lifted the bar off the rack and
began to press it.  She lowered it slowly to her chest and pressed it above her. 
She handled the weight easily and showed no signs of overexertion.  Again and
again she lowered the heavy bar and raised it above her.  She pumped out 12
reps and placed the bar back on the rack with a clank.

    "Why don't we add some weight to that and get a real workout."  Hope got
off the bench and added a 50 pound weight to each side.  She handled the 50
pound plates like they were toys.  She couldn't resist playing a little and twirled
one of the plates while balancing it on her palm.  David looked stunned and the
look on Chip's face was priceless.  He looked like he was about to explode!

    Chip FELT like he was about to explode.  The way her muscles bulged as
she lifted the weight.  It was so easy and powerful.  Her chest expanded
incredibly and he saw the interplay of her pecs as they absorbed the effort of her
lift.  When she got up, she wasn't even breathing hard!  And the way she threw
around the 50 pound plates, he felt himself get extremely aroused.  He sensed
he was leaking pre-cum and may cum at any moment.  He had always known
he was attracted to strong women.  But he had never anticipated how deep
those feelings went.  Just watching this muscular beauty had him on the verge
of orgasm.  The thought of her touching him made him kind of dizzy and weak
in the knees.

    Hope got back under the bar and lifted it off the rack. 415 pounds was near
her limit, but she wanted to show David what she could do.  She lowered and
raised the weight for 5 reps, feeling the burn in her pecs and arms.  She may
have been able to do a few more reps but she didn't want to have to ask David
to spot her.  "That's better," she breathed sitting up and shaking out her arms. 
"I started to feel that one."

    Chip couldn't stand it any longer.  He knew he better leave before he spurted
all over himself.  "I just remembered something," he muttered.  "I gotta go." 
He sped up the stairs and out the door before anyone could reply.

    Hope laughed.  "Poor Chippie, he's got it bad for these babies."  She patted
her biceps and flexed them for her brother.  "Can't say that I blame him, now
you and me have to talk, Davie."  She knew he hated to be called "Davie".

    David barely heard what Hope was saying.  His little baby sister had just
benched 415 pounds!  For 5 reps!  Everything he had ever thought about the
order of things was being turned upside down.  How could she be so strong?  It
wasn't possible.

    "Now Davie," Hope began.  "This is my gym now, you come only when you
are invited.  Also,..."

    "Now wait just a minute," Dave interrupted.  "You come in here pull off
some kind of trick and tell me to take a hike.  I don't think so Spunky.  I'm still
the big brother here, you muscle bound freak."

    "You think that was some kind of trick?"  Hope laughed.  "You think these
are some kind of trick?"  She flexed her body and the muscles bulged
everywhere.  "Well yes.  I am a freak.  Stronger than you ever dreamed of
being.  You don't seem to realize that you are not in a position to demand
anything, while I on the other hand can demand everything.  My muscles say
that I can do whatever I want.  Mom's not home and I can do whatever I want
to you."

    "Is that so," Dave challenged.  "And just how do you propose to do that,
Spunky.  I'm no slouch myself."  Dave flexed his own decent sized muscles in
an attempt to intimidate his sister.  It didn't appear to do any good.

    "I was hoping you would say that," Hope countered walking over to her
brother.  "And don't slight yourself, you're a tremendous slouch."  She reached
out her arms, grabbed Dave by the shoulders and pushed him to his knees.  Her
arms and legs bulged ominously in front of her brother's upturned face.

    "What the hell are you doing," Dave yelled.  He grabbed her hands and tried
to stand back up.  He pushed with all his might but he remained stuck to the
spot.  He started to become frantic and shook his body back and forth trying to
break loose.  "Let go of me, dammit!"

    "Oh we've just started, Davie," she slowly said and pushed even harder.  She
loved the feeling of power and dominance she had over her bigger brother.  She
pushed him down onto the floor and jumped on top of him.  She wrapped her
legs around his midsection to hold him steady and placed her butt directly on
his head.  "Remember this one Davie, you used to do it to me all the time.  Oh
that's right, feel my legs.  Let me flex for you."  She flexed her legs and crushed
his abdomen.  The Oof of response was music to her ears.

    "Get off of me, "Dave managed to intone, muffled by his sister's posterior. 
He ran his hands along her legs.  Damn they were hard!  For the first time he
began to become a little afraid that he was in over his head.  Could she really be
stronger than him?  He felt her legs become even harder in his grasp, and the
pain hit him.  She was squeezing the air out of him.  He didn't know how much
of this he could take.

    Hope got off of her brother's head (didn't want to become excited by this - he
is my brother after all, she thought) and straddled along side of his body.  She
flexed her legs with all her prodigious strength, intent on punishing him.  She
watched his expression closely.  His face became beet red and he started
pounding his fists on her thighs.  It spurred her on to squeeze even harder. 
Soon he stopped pounding and lowered his head to the floor.  The pain and
humiliation clear on his face.  Hope could feel her insides tingling. 
Dominating him like this was really turning her on.

    Dave was in trouble.  She was breaking him up inside.  He began to pound
on her legs.  His fists bounced off her legs with absolutely no effect.  He could
feel his ribs contracting.  "Stop, you're crushing me.  I can't take any more," he

    "Well that's too bad, because I have so much more to give, Davie," Hope
countered.  She was really enjoying this.  "I want you to beg me to stop, tell me
how strong I am."

    "I admit you're strong," Dave replied.  "You caught me off guard and I can't
get out."

    "Caught you off guard!" Hope screamed.  "I don't believe you, you have a
real education in store for you."  She released the hold and Dave greedily
gulped in air.  "Get your breath back, Davie and tell me when you're ready."

    Dave lay on the floor for some minutes.  His ribs were extremely sore and he
wasn't sure what to do next.  Hope was obviously incredibly strong but he still
thought if he could catch her off guard he could get the upper hand and give
her a little taste of her own medicine.  He formulated a plan in his mind.  Hope
stood over him flexing her muscles and telling him what a wimp he was.  The
anger helped him to stand up.  He walked over to Hope, still bent over as if
winded.  When he got close, he closed his fist and delivered his best blow hard
into her midsection.  "I'm ready, Now!" he yelled as he delivered the blow.  His
fist actually bounced off her muscled abs and Dave winced in pain.  His fist
smarted from the blow.  He looked up to see Hope smiling at him, seemingly
unaffected by the blow.  Hope had felt the blow but was able to mask the slight
pain his punch provided.  She placed her hands on her hips, flexed her abs
daring him to try it again.

    "Oh you're ready now," Hope replied.  "Well here I come, try and stop me. 
She grabbed David's hands before he had an opportunity to strike again and
held his arms out. She began to push him across the room.  He tried to resist,
but her power was too much for him.  She pushed him across the room and
against the far wall.  He pressed his back and feet against the wall and
attempted to push her back.  His muscles bulged uselessly and he began to pant
and wheeze from the effort.  He was unable to move!  "Were you ready this
time," she teased.  She released his arms and snatched his head in a headlock
before he had a chance to react.

    Damn, she's fast - and strong, David thought.  She pushed me against the
wall and didn't even appear to be trying.  Now her arms were wrapped around
his head and were painfully contracting.  He was unable to remove them.  They
felt like steel bands in his grasp as he pushed against them.  She switched his
position and he was pressed against her abs and chest.  They were even harder
than her arms.  David began to grow lightheaded and pawed at her arms trying
to untangle himself from her grip.  Hope continued to taunt him.

    "That's right, feel my babies," she began.  "Just imagine what they could do
when I'm really trying.  Like, NOW!."  Suddenly she increased the pressure
tremendously.  She heard his yelp of pain and it spurred her on.  "Yeah - you
like that, don't you Davie?  You like it when I use my babies."  Her arms
swelled and her chest pumped as she held her brother trapped against her
breasts.  His face flattened and turned red from the pain.  He removed his hands
from her arms and began to rain blows into her abs.  From this position he
wasn't able to get a lot into the punches and Hope laughed as she knew they
couldn't hurt her much.

    Why don't you try that again, wimp," she urged.  "You can't hurt me.  I'm
steel belted."  She released the headlock and David staggered back.  In a rage
he delivered a hard kick to her stomach.  Then, David's fist again smashed into
her abdomen.  She laughed realizing that it barely hurt at all.  He quickly
delivered three more blows to her chest and stomach.  All were as ineffectual as
the first.  Dave began to back away.  "Starting to realize where the muscle in
the family is now, Davie," Hope said.  "Afraid of your little sister?  Well you
should be.  I can break you in two without even working up a sweat."  She
started to stalk her larger opponent.  He was definitely backing away, now. 
That really turned Hope on.

    David couldn't believe it.  He had given four of his best blows and she stood
there smiling.  He was actually becoming scared of what this muscular teenager
might do to him.  He backed away trying to formulate a new plan.  Hope
stalked him and maneuvered him against the wall.  She again placed the
headlock on her brother.  She held him with one hand, and started pounding
him on the head with her knuckle with her free hand.  "It's nuggie time, Davie. 
Remember these?  You used to love doing these to me."  She continued to
pound him on his head until he could take no more. 

    With one tremendous effort, he was able to break free from Hope's grasp. 
"Cut that out, you fucking bitch!" he shouted.  One look at her face told him he
had just said the wrong thing.  He backed away from afraid of the hateful look
in his sister's face.

    "What did you call me, wimp.  Did I hear the word bitch come out of your
lips?"  She reached out and grabbed David by the shirt.  With her muscles
bulging she lifted him off the ground and threw him into the nearby wall.  He
was stunned.  She held him tight against the wall with one arm.  The other she
flexed in front of her brother's eyes. 

    "Do you know what I can do with these?" she asked.  "Go ahead, feel it
wimp, feel what some real muscle is like."  David, still groggy, tentatively
placed his hands on her bicep.  It was rock hard under his fingers.  He probed it
for any signs of weakness with his fingers.  He found none.  Hope began to flex
and unflex her arm giving her brother a little show.  In spite of himself, he
became engrossed in the amazing play of her bicep and tricep as she flexed. 
"They're 16 inches of solid iron and getting bigger all the time.  Why don't I
show you them in action."  She drew back her fist and smacked David in the

    "No wait," David began.  Too late.  He attempted to block her punch, but she
punched through his block, sending her fist deep into his midsection.  He
collapsed to the ground unable to breathe.

    Hope picked up her brother by the hair.  It was obvious he was winded by her
blow.  She drew back her fist and hit him again, this time higher up near his
heart.  He flew back in shock.  His mouth moved wordlessly as he gurgled in
pain.  She hit him again in the same spot using all of her skill and muscle to
punish him.  She let him drop to the floor.  She rolled him over with her foot. 
He was still conscious but unable to respond.  She moved away and let him lay
there.  It was some minutes before he began to moan in pain.  He started to
cough.  She moved over to inspect him where he lay.

    "No more," Dave whispered, unable to make any louder sound.  "You're too
strong for me."  David meant what he said.  He had never been hit like that in
all his life.  His insides felt like they were on fire and it hurt to take in a breath. 
"I think you broke something," he moaned.

    "Oh let me see, wimpy."  Hope began to probe David's body with her fingers. 
He moaned in pain as she hit some bruises beginning to develop.  "Maybe some
bad bruises, but nothing's broken.  Next time I'll hit you harder.  And I can hit
harder you know."

     David believed her.  "No next time, you win," he said.

    "Well that's sweet, Davie," Hope snickered.  "But I decide if there's a next
time.  All you have to do is follow some simple rules.  Rule 1 - you do
everything I say.  Any questions and I crush you.  Rule 2 - and this is very
important, are you listening Davie?"  She lifted her brother's face and shook his
head.  David nodded that he was listening.  "All right, Rule 2 - you only come
into the gym when I summon you.  Yeah I like that, Queen Hope will summon
you.  and Rule 3 - don't ever call me Spunky again."  Her stern face showed
David she was not kidding about this.  "And for any further rules, refer to Rule
1.  You don't do exactly as I tell you and you'll think this beating was a love
fest.  Got that?"

    David nodded.  Anything to get away from this crazy girl.

    "Good," Hope smiled.  "Now that we understand each other, I think we'll get
along just fine.  Right, of course right."  She took David's head and nodded it
up and down vigorously in affirmation.  She had always hated it when he did
that to her.  "No go make me some breakfast while I finish my workout.  The
list of foods to make is on the fridge."  Hope released her brother and went back
to the weights. 

    David stood a few minutes later and looked at his little sister.  She was under
the squat bar.  She stood up with a ridiculous amount of weight on the bar.  He
didn't even bother to add it up, he didn't want to know.  Her legs exploded as
she pushed the bar up, over and over.  She grunted low and deep with each rep. 
He shook his head in amazement and went upstairs.  His sides ached from the
beating she had given him.  He went to the bathroom and looked at himself in
the mirror.  Already the bruises were beginning to form where she had hit him. 
"Bitch," he muttered and went back to the kitchen.  "There was no way this was
going to go on all summer."

    He cooked up some bacon and eggs, with toast.  He set it all out and was just
pouring the juice into a glass when Hope came up the stairs.  Her body, covered
in sweat, shone in the sun.  She took one look at the food on the table and
walked towards David menacingly.  David backed away to the corner in reflex.

    "What the hell is this," she shouted.  She took the plate and threw it towards
her brother.  "I can't eat that shit.  You think I got to look like this by eating
that kind of crap."  Her muscles were pumped from her workout and David was
silent in fear, almost trembling in the corner.  "Get over, here," Hope
demanded.  When David didn't respond, she stomped over to him.  "I said, get
over here."  She dragged him with one hand over to the fridge.  "Do you see
this.  This is for yes, and this is for no," she said as she shook David's head in
the appropriate directions.  He tentatively shook his head affirmative.  "These
are the foods I eat.  You make meals according to this, got it?"

    "I'm sorry, " David squeaked.  It was amazing how meek and deferential he
had become in such a short amount of time.  He almost screamed as Hope
reached out and wrapped her large arms around him. 

    Hope lightly squeezed Dave in the bear hug.  "Now do you get it right, or do
I have to teach you another lesson."  She tightened her grip slightly.  She could
feel his body stiffen in reaction to her hold.  "Answer me," she increased the
pressure a little more.

    "No please, I'll get it right."  David's insides were still extremely sore from
her punches and he knew he couldn't take any more punishment.  He began to
plead with his little sister.  "Please, no more, I'm begging you."  His voice
started to break as if he was about to cry.

    Hope was delirious.  Her big brother, her tormentor of all these years, was
begging for her not to hurt him!  She had to restrain herself from not laughing
in his face.  "All right, don't cry you little baby," she replied.  She let go of the
bear hug and he dropped to the floor with a thump.  "Just get out of my sight
before I change my mind."

    David raced up the stairs as quickly as his pained condition allowed.  He
locked the door and slumped into his bed.  He contemplated the change that
had occurred in his life.  Obviously, this summer was not going to be anything
like what he had expected.

Next in Part 2, Chip reacquaints himself with Hope's best friend, Elise.  She's
only 5'3" tall but has developed herself to amazing degrees (how about 17 1/2
inch biceps and 24 inch quads).  Chip's in muscle love!   Also, we meet Susie, a
sweet girl unless you make her mad.  She has a run in with some neighborhood


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