News and Discussion > Q & A about female bodybuilding

feats of strenght


I ve seen a lots of videos of feats of strenght but I've a question
In the feats of strength videos, not all women have the same weight on the bars. How is the weight of the bar calculated? for example if a woman weighs 155lbs what weight will the barbell weigh? and for a woman of 200lbs ?

Are you talking about a right-handed barbell or a left-handed barbell?

In Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting competitions they actually have a formula. The formula determines by your weight and the amount that you lift who would be considered up by ratio someone who is the winner.  If you are a fairly light girl and can put up some pretty good weight it can be difficult for people to compete with you. Some of the heavier girls can put up really good weight but if they’re at a high body weight the ratio might not put them in the winning category,  if that makes sense

Here is an article that explains it better.


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