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Author Topic: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]  (Read 81191 times)

Offline Circes_cup

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2017, 04:28:37 am »
What a wonderfully written story.  It all feels so real, like I have been in that dorm room and met those girls myself.  So glad to see the tale (and Devin herself) taking shape.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2017, 04:28:37 am »

Offline Trinitus

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2017, 12:22:30 pm »
Part one was great but i never imagined that the rest of the story would be so much better. Great job and looking very much forward for part 4. :rock:

Offline draight

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2017, 08:26:00 pm »
Gentle sunlight filtered through the blinds, bringing Devin back to consciousness by increments.  She murmured softly to herself and reached up toward her chest, softly squeezing the hand that she encountered there.  Wait, what!?  She sat bolt upright, her heart pounding in shock.

“Gugh?”  Luke exclaimed in groggy confusion as he was dragged along in her wake.

“Oh.  Jeez, sorry.”  Devin said in embarrassment, her heartrate leveling out and starting its descent.  Of course, he stayed the night.  I invited him to and we…  Luke had already laid back down on his back, eyes closed as his face broke into a wide yawn.

“S’okay.”  He mumbled sleepily.

Devin rubbed the sleep from her eyes.  A soft snore from Luke indicated that he had drifted back into a light sleep.  She sat quietly looking down at him.  What was she supposed to do now?  She ran through the possibilities; Make breakfast?  Cuddle?  Wake him up?  What am I supposed to do?  She contented herself with simply studying his features as he lay; the strong jawline, short hair, dark stubble studded his jaw and cheeks and she reached out to gently caress his face.  The bristles were coarse under her fingertips but his skin was warm. 

The sheets had fallen from his torso when she had jerked upwards a moment before leaving it bare.  She bit softly at her lip as she studied the faint outline of abdominal muscles and pectorals.  He takes care of himself.  The embers of the yearning sensation that had burned so strongly in her the night before stoked themselves.  He felt so soft in my hands, so delicate.  But that wasn’t the sort of thing that girls were supposed to think about their partners, right?  What would Luke think if she said that sort of thing out loud?  And when he put his hands on me; they’re bigger than mine but they still looked so small on my body, he couldn’t dent me anywhere.  What did it say about him that he found her attractive?  She placed one hand on his chest and the other on her own; the contrast was stark.  His muscles were certainly firm, but molded like putty under her slightest effort while her own were like steel underneath their soft skin.

“Morning Beautiful.”  Devin jerked her hand back guiltily.  Luke’s eyes had opened, he grinned up at her lazily from his reclined position.

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

“Don’t worry about it.  I’m sure that this is much better than whatever I was dreaming about.”  Devin still couldn’t help feeling a bit bad as he yawned widely again.  “Why don’t you come back down here?”  Luke stretched an arm out to the side.  Devin carefully positioned herself back next to him on her side, trying her hardest to avoid putting any of her weight on him.  She felt his arm curl up around her back to squeeze at it and tried to relax the muscles.  His lips pressed up against hers and her eyes closed as she took in his scent, the taste of him, the feel of his tongue playing across her own.

“Did you sleep well?”  He asked her when they parted a minute later.

“I did.”  She was somewhat surprised to think and realize that she had in fact slept very well.  She smiled shyly at him, “I guess I just felt so comfortable.”  Luke’s response to this was to kiss her again gently.


Some time later, and now dressed, Devin cracked open her door and peeked out into the hall.  Both Priya and Krista’s doors were open, their rooms empty.  From down the hallway came the familiar sounds of morning routines.  Steeling her resolve, she stepped out and moved toward the kitchen, Luke following along a step behind.

Priya was seated at the table, a grapefruit and yogurt arrayed in front of her.  Her dark eyes immediately took in the two of them as they approached.  She simply smiled, first directing the welcoming gesture at Luke before shifting it to Devin, her eyebrows giving the slightest hint of a wiggle.

Krista stood at the counter buttering toast with her back to the room at large.  At the sound of footsteps she whirled around holding her plate.  “Morning!” She exclaimed with more energy than Devin thought was, strictly speaking, necessary.  An almost manic grin split her face beneath arched eyebrows.  “Hungry?  Can I get you guys anything?”  Devin froze.  Behind her, Luke coughed.

“No, thank you though.”  He stepped up next to Devin and placed a hand on her broad shoulder.  She looked over and up at him.  “Do you want to go out and get something?’

 “Um.  I have a lot of stuff that I need to get done today.”  Not exactly a lie; but under the pressure of Krista’s eyes it simply burst out before she could think.

“Ok, no problem.”  Luke seemed surprised, “I’ll call you tonight.”

“Ok.”  Devin led him by the hand to the door and the two stepped out into the hallway.

“Are you alright?”  Luke asked as she closed the door behind herself.

“Yeah, sorry.”  Devin thought briefly about walking back her declaration of being too busy.  “I just have a lot on my plate for today.”

“Don’t worry about it.  We’ll talk soon.”  Luke bent down for a kiss and she guiltily gave him a peck.  With a wink he turned and strode off down the hall.

Devin stood, watching his tall frame make its way to the stairs and disappear.  With a deep breath she squared her shoulders and stepped back into the apartment.  Krista had taken a seat at the table, but otherwise nothing had changed in her brief absence.  Pretending not to notice Krista’s curious expression, Devin opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs.

“Well?”  Krista prompted.

Devin shrugged uncomfortably, “He spent the night.  We just cuddled.”

“Is that right?”  Krista quirked an eyebrow.

“Ugh, leave off.”  Priya studiously peeled her grapefruit.  “I swear, you’re worse than a boy.”

“Better than a boy too, in most ways.”  Krista grinned.

Priya rolled her eyes.  “Well, I’m glad that the two of you had a nice time.”

“We did.”  Devin stood quietly in thought for a moment.  “Krista, are you going to the gym today?”

“Of course.”  Krista said through a mouthful of food.

“Can I come along?”  Devin started cracking eggs into a mixing bowl.

“Really?  Usually I have to beg for you to come with me.”  Krista sounded excited.  “Of course, last time it took me days to recover.”

“I have lesson plans that I need to draw up, would you mind waiting?  We can go later tonight.”

Krista chuckled.  “Right, lesson plans.  Nothing to do with the fact that the gym will be empty by then.”

“Will you wait or not!?”  Devin cried in exasperation.  Both Priya and Krista’s heads jerked up, suddenly staring at her.  “What!?”  She looked down at herself.  “Oh.”  Her grip had tightened on the mixing bowl, imprinting the outline of her fingers deep into the metal, the lip warped and bulging out.  “I guess I’ll get us a new one.”  She said softly.

“Eh, don’t worry about it.”  Priya said breezily.  “It kind of adds character to the piece.”

“Anyway.”  Krista said after a moment’s silence.  “That’s fine, we can go later tonight.”

Thank you.”  Devin poured the eggs out into a pan and went about gingerly trying to bend the bowl back into shape.  After a minute Krista walked over, watching as she washed her dish in the sink.

“I didn’t mean to upset you.”  Devin’s head whipped around in surprise at the low declaration.

“It’s okay.”  Devin sighed and gave up on the bowl, placing it on the counter.  It at least looked marginally better than it had a minute ago.  “I think that I upset myself.”

Krista gave her a playful punch on the shoulder.  “Who has time for that kind of junk?  Look, you get everything you need to done, and then you can kick my ass at the gym until you feel better.”

“Yeah.”  Devin smiled at the thought.  “It’s a deal.”

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2017, 08:27:43 pm »
It smells better in here than it ever has.  Luke thought as he worked at the cutting board, chopping onions, garlic and some brown thing that Devin had said was ginger root.  Devin stood over by the stove, her face slightly obscured by wisps of steam as she tried to peer into the pot simmering there.  I should get her a step stool or something.  He paused in his task, simply looking affectionately at the girl as she frowned with slight annoyance and went up on her toes.  The cotton material of her sweatpants pulled tight over her calves as they ballooned with the slight exertion, their diamond shape visible through the fabric.  Luke frowned slightly to himself, Weren’t those pants looser just a few days ago?  He hadn’t been certain what was going on with her the other morning, but when they had spoken later that night Devin had been her usual chipper self, albeit sounding somewhat tired.

“How’s it going over here?”  She strolled over to look.  “Try to get the ginger a little bit more finely diced.”

“Yes ma’am.”  Luke squinted quizzically at the ginger, trying to figure out how to dice it any finer.  At his side, Devin began measuring out spices and tossing them into a bowl.  Several moments later she examined his results, declared herself satisfied and tossed them into the mixing bowl along with everything she had measured out.  Then, she picked up the bowl with what seemed, to Luke, to be excessive gentleness and mixed everything up, tossing in cubed chicken that she had removed from the fridge.

“So Priya actually taught me this one.”  Devin said brightly as she mixed everything slowly and deliberately.  “I guess it’s a traditional family recipe.  It’s a little bit spicy, I hope you don’t mind.”

“What, me afraid of a little spice?”  Luke puffed out his chest.

“Ok, so now you sauté it.”  Devin paused.  “That means fry it in a little bit of oil.”

“I know what sauté means.”  Luke groused, “Give me a little credit.”

“Of course.”  Devin resumed her stance by the pot, managing the sauce.  Abruptly she giggled as Luke’s arms draped themselves around her from behind in an embrace, barely long enough to meet around her circumference.  His lips pressed to one of her bulging traps, kissing the quivering muscle as she squirmed with laughter.  “Luke!  It’s going to burn!”

“Then let it burn.”  He whispered into the petite muscle girl’s ear.  She wriggled and flexed her shoulders, blasting his grip apart, and swiveled around.  One petite hand grasped the front of his shirt, immobilizing him.

“Down boy.”  She scolded.  “I promised to help teach you to cook.  That is what we are doing.”
“Understood.”  With mock grumbles Luke fetched a pan and began to saute the chicken.  I’d swear that her shoulders are wider than the other day.  Soon the air in the apartment was heavy with the scent of spices.

The food was spicy.  Luke took a large helping of rice and gulped down water like a fish, his eyes watering slightly at the burning sensation.  Fortunately, the meal was filling and one plate was enough to satisfy him.  He sat in silent awe as across the table from him Devin finished a second plate of the spicy chicken and began to spoon herself out some more.  Where is she putting it all?  Admittedly, she is about as wide as she is tall…  With a sigh she finished off her third serving and pushed her chair back from the table.

“Finally had enough?”  Luke asked with a mixture of teasing and genuine uncertainty.

“Ugh, I think so.”  Devin stood and stretched with a yawn.   She dropped a hand to lift up the front of her sweatshirt, bearing her stomach.  Her swollen abs pressed forward from her gut with a slight hump shape, looking like a brick wall.  “I gave myself a food baby.”  She prodded gently at the hump as Luke stared at the network of muscles.  His lips and tongue longed to trace the ridges between each mighty block, his hands to futilely press against them, to try to find any weakness, but before he could move she dropped the sweater back.  “I guess we should clean up.”  She looked over at the sink.

“What’s the hurry?  Let’s rest, digest a bit.”  Luke stood.

“Agreed.”  Devin sounded relieved.

What was it Luke said about tonight?  Something about… something.  Nick snorted to himself with laughter, before cutting himself off and glancing around.  Jesus man, people will think that you’re crazy.  Nonetheless, he couldn’t manage to wipe the wide grin from his face as he strolled back towards the dorm.  It had been a good night, and he was feeling pleasantly mellow.  His first class tomorrow wouldn’t be until noon, and hey; if he missed it, he missed it.

Their building loomed in front of him and he made his way inside and briefly contemplated the stairs, not a chance, before pressing the button to call the elevator.  As he waited he sang to himself, starting under his breath and slowly building in volume, oblivious to the presence of several others in the lobby.  At the ding he entered and pushed for his floor before leaning against the wall of the elevator, staring happily at the lights.  Seemingly a moment later, he found himself standing outside his door.

Shit, where’s my key?  Oh, here it is.  The first attempt to line the key up with the door’s lock didn’t go completely according to plan, but he was no quitter and the second go yielded results.  Success!  Damn, it smells good in here.  He couldn’t place the smell, but it was heavy with spices, and his stomach rumbled.  Why’s it so dark in here?  The lights had all been dimmed, and… Holy shit!

There was a figure on the couch, no, two figures; the first mostly obscuring the second.  The first had their back to him, and what a back it was.  The owner was wearing, or trying to wear, what seemed to be a t-shirt but it was stretched to near tearing across their back.  Their sleeves simply bunched up at the top of their shoulders, unable to stretch wide enough to cover them, creating an effect similar to a tank top.  The figure’s head was hunched forward, massive arms raised to wrap around the figure it was straddling on the couch.  All Nick could discern of the second individual was their legs, sticking out underneath the first.  What is going on?  Who is that?  Nick’s wobbling vision scanned the room, trying to figure out what to do.  Did that dude break in here?  Is Luke ok?

Uncertain what he was doing, Nick went into action.  “Hey!”  He blurted, moving forward.  He was aware of a muffled gasp of surprise and two heads turning to look at him before his leg hit a chair and he stumbled.  “Ah, shit.”  He rubbed at his shin, looking up as a pair of feet stopped in front of him.

“Nick.  What’s going on?”  He stood up, finding himself facing Luke.

“Uh… nothing.”  He craned his head to look behind his roommate.  “Who was that guy?  Where did h…”  He caught sight of Devin sitting on the couch and stopped talking.  That’s not right.  He rubbed his eyes, blinked, looked again.  Hmm, still not right.

“It’s just us.”  Luke glanced back over his shoulder at Devin, she was sitting stock still on the couch, seemingly trying to compact herself into as small a space as possible.

“Cool, cool.”  Nick couldn’t stop staring.  I thought she was fat or something.  “That’s uh… you’re… um.”  He lapsed into silence.  In the following minute, Devin found and put on her sweatshirt as Luke glanced back and forth between the two.

“You look very pretty tonight.”  Nick said suddenly to Devin, breaking the silence.

“Thank you?”

“Yep!  I’m off to bed.”  Nick bounded from his chair and strode from the room, leaving the other two bemused in his wake.  The moment his head hit the pillow he was out, already half convinced that this had been a dream.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2017, 09:33:28 pm »
That's great, you continue to fill details about the two characters. One thing, the last part with Nick was difficult to place temporarily with the story. It wasn't clear between timing and the action itself.
Keep up your fantastic work!

Offline draight

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2017, 03:03:20 pm »
The warm sunlight played over Devin's bulging calves as they propelled her onward, moving into shade and out again.  They seemed stronger than the rocks she trod upon, feet clad in stout hiking boots.  She turned sideways to look back down at him and he followed the curve of her legs up past her knees to the tight shorts clinging to her thighs for dear life, up past the windbreaker encasing the body that he dreamed of every night, to her smiling freckled face.  A cap shaded her face, with her long hair pulled out the back in a ponytail.

"Are you doing okay back there?"  She chirped.

"Don't worry about me, Missy."  He retorted.  "I'm right behind you.  Besides, I'm not the one holding us up, we're going to lose the others."

"It's not my fault."  She pouted, "I didn't ask for these short legs.  Besides, I think I'm carrying a bit more weight than you."

"Oh yeah?  Do you need me to take your backpack for you?  Big strong man to the rescue?"

She stuck her tongue out at him before extending her hands to take his and pull him up to stand beside her on the rock.  Up close, a sheen of sweat slicked her forehead and she unzipped the windbreaker partway.  They both looked up the trail, failing to spot any other people before it turned back into the woods.

"I'm not holding us up am I?"  She asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, we'll catch up with them when they stop to take a break in a minute or two."

Here, alone on the trail, he couldn't resist bending down to kiss her and she squealed happily as she wrapped him in a tight embrace.  After a moment he tapped her on the back and managed to gasp out "Babe..."

"Oh, sorry."  She let him go and he slumped down to catch his breath.  Hands on his knees, his eyes locked on to the rolling musculature of her calves.  After several moments she stretched up onto her toes, causing the muscles to surge with the effort of lifting her body, solidifying into the size and hardness cinder blocks.  Looking up he saw her smirk down at him.

"Now what did I do to deserve that?"  He asked straightening up.

"I know you like it."  Was the quiet reply.

"I do."  He admitted, "Why do you think that I'm the only person still walking behind you."

"Perv," she swatted him gently on the shoulder.  "Come on, try to keep up."

A little ways up the trail they came upon the others waiting.  It was still early for lunch, but the group had broken out snacks and water.  Andrew was sharing with Jess out of the backpack that he was carrying for the both of them, Jess somehow managing to look as radiant and perfectly made up as she always did; even under a thin layer of sweat and dust. Nick and Priya's unfamiliarity with the outdoors was abundantly clear, both wearing sneakers, but both had brought a small bag of their own.

"I thought maybe you guys had turned around."  Andrew said by way of greeting.  "We've just been enjoying the view."  He put one arm around Jess, who smiled briefly.  She glanced at Devin, her eyes widening subtly as she once again took in the sight of her bare legs, and returned her eyes to her water bottle.  Andrew whispered something in her ear and she shook her head.

"How much farther is it to the top?" Nick wondered.  He brandished his smart-phone.  "I'm not getting any reception out here."

"I don't think you'll get any reception there either."  Priya smiled indulgently at him.

"I guess we'll have to get through this together."  Nick agreed grimly.  She simply gave him a peck on the cheek and affectionately mussed his hair into his eyes in response.

"It's not too much farther."  Andrew responded to Nick's original question.  "We should be there by noon at this pace.  You guys take as much time as you need to rest."

"Sure," Luke began to say, when Devin tugged on his hand.

"I don't want to hold everyone up."  She stated.  "We're good to keep going."

"Nonsense, relax.  We're still resting up anyway," He squeezed Jess' shoulder affectionately.  "Right?

"Right."  Jess mumbled, drawing a concerned frown from Andrew.  Luke too couldn't help noticing her unusually quiet manner.

"Fine, but I can't wait to get back to the cabin."  Nick butted in.  "I might run the whole way back down."

"You?  You'd break a leg."  Priya scolded.  "Do you think I'm going to carry you down this mountain?"

The summit was sunny and bare, a strong breeze dropping the temperature enough that Luke was glad he'd brought a jacket.  The group broke out whatever food they'd brought for lunch and found the comfiest rocks they could for seats.  Luke and Devin sat across from each other on a pair of boulders, Luke appreciating the view as her broad calves flattened slightly against the rock, spreading outward to completely overwhelm her shins, goosebumps covering the expanse of her smooth skin.  She preoccupied herself with working through the four sandwiches she had brought.

Soon enough, with the wind chilling the sweat that had built up over the hike, it was time to head back down.  Following his first tumble, Nick agreed that running was probably a bad idea and the return proceeded uneventfully.  Back at the trailhead they tossed their belongings into the trunk and piled into Andrew's borrowed SUV to head back to the cabin.  With the music going, and light conversation buzzing through the car, Devin leant her head on Luke's shoulder as he closed his eyes and rested.

He was jolted from his reverie as the vehicle came to a short stop.  He heard a low "Shit," uttered by Andrew and opened his eyes.

"What's going on?"  Priya asked.

"Just a moment ladies.  Guys?  Give me a hand with this?"  Nick and Luke trooped out of the side door to join Andrew on the road.  A fallen trunk was immediately obvious as the cause for their sudden stop, stretching clear across the road and at least a foot in diameter.

"I don't think that this was here earlier."  Nick observed helpfully.  He gave it an experimental kick.

Luke crouched down to look.  The log was suspended several inches above the ground, presumably caught on a rock or something off the side of the road.  "We can get our hands under it and try to shift it."

"Alright."  Andrew took up position opposite him and gave Nick a meaningful glance, whereupon he scrambled to also find a purchase.  "On three we lift and try to slide it off the side?"



"Three!"  The three young men heaved, the log shakily rising several inches before wobbling and sinking back to its original position.  Attempts two and three fared little better.

"Is everything OK?"  Jess called, leaning out the side window of the SUV.

"Fine, we're just figuring it out."  Andrew waved her back.  The three put their heads together.

"We're pretty far out here, I'm not sure what the chances of someone who can help coming along are."

"Should we call the... um... people who handle this kind of thing?  Who would that be anyway?"

"My uncle might have a chainsaw up at the cabin.  We could walk up, get it, come back and try to cut this thing."

Their huddle was interrupted by a sharp cracking noise, and the three turned as one to stare in disbelief.  Unnoticed by anyone, Devin had exited the car and squatted down by the trunk.  She placed her hands underneath and pulled gently, testing the weight.  With a sharp inhale of breath she heaved upwards, throwing one side of the log up and caught it as it fell back, resting it on her shoulder.

With a feminine grunt she squatted slightly before surging forward again to fully extend her arms holding the log overhead.  Luke's jaw dropped open as her barrel thighs exploded, ripping the seams on her tight shorts.  Her baggy windbreaker seemed to tighten as the muscles underneath filled it out in their mighty effort.  She started to walk forward slowly, working her hands over the trunk, progressively pushing it further up in an arc until she reached the far side of the road.  Standing behind her, Luke watched in a growing mix of awe and lust as her calves flexed to rock solid definition, her shoulder bunching to the size of pumpkins and her back flaring like an angel's wings as the back of the windbreaker finally let go and tore to accommodate her growing width.  With a last heave she sent the trunk tumbling over into the brush.

"Holy Shit!"  Nick breathed out as Luke hastened to her side.  "Did that just happen?"

Breathing heavily, Devin squatted down on the side of the road and took a knee beside her.  Her chest heaved as he put a hand on her shoulder, it had swollen larger than he had ever felt before, and was burning hot.  "Are you okay?"  He asked in a low voice.

"Oh, I shouldn't have done that."  A drop of water ran down her nose and fell to the pavement.  Sweat?  "Are they staring?  They're all going to think..."

"I don't care what they think."  Luke interrupted.  "And neither should you.  Besides, if anything I think they'll all be pretty grateful."  He glanced back across the road.  The two girls had joined their partners by the car.  Both men alternated between looking at them in shock, and trying not to stare.  Jess stared openly, her face pale.  Priya alone looked unphased, and crossed the street to join them.

"Hey there Devin."  She gave Luke a meaningful glance as she squatted down on the other side of the hulking girl.

Devin took a last deep breath, held it for a moment.  "Oh, hey Priya."

"I was worried about you for a second there.  Thought that that might have been a bit too much."

"Well, you know."  She tried to laugh, "I guess I just couldn't resist."

She stood and took Luke's hand, glancing across the street shyly.  Andrew and Nick were pointedly opening the car doors, while Jess still seemed rooted to the spot.

"You know any time that you want to do something like that again... I would love to see it."  Luke joked in a conspiratorial whisper and managed to draw a giggle from her.  He led her across the street and couldn't help noticing that her breath had completely returned to normal.  Was it the exertion that did it?  Or was she just that nervous?

The last several miles back to the cabin were quiet.

The flush to Devin's face didn't subside at any point during the ride, and upon parking outside the cabin she rushed from the car stating that she needed a shower.  Jess and Priya similarly split off to wash up as Nick and Andrew pulled out some beers to relax in the kitchen.  Luke followed Devin to their shared bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door, when there was no response for several minutes he tried the handle, but finding it locked wandered back to the kitchen.  He fished a beer out of the fridge and joined Nick and Andrew.

"Really nice place your uncle has here."  He said after a minute of silence.  It was true.  Luke had no idea what Andrew's uncle did for a living, but when Andrew had suggested visiting the cabin for their long weekend he had pictured something small and rustic.  In contrast, the place was quite fancy; an open floor plan first floor held a modern kitchen and large sitting room with sliding glass doors opening onto a spacious deck.  Downstairs were several bedrooms with full baths, and above the first floor was the master bedroom area, which Andrew and Jess had settled into.

"Yeah." Andrew mused.  "We were lucky he wasn't planning on using the place this weekend."

Nick took a pull of his beer.  "Jesus guys."  His shaggy head swiveling between the two others.  "What's up with everybody all of a sudden?  Let’s play a game or something."

Always leave it to Nick.  "Sounds good, let me just wash up first."

"Good call."  Andrew stood, the mood broken.

"What?  After I worked so hard for this sweat?"  Nick asked despairingly.

Pushing into the room, Luke was surprised to find Devin out of the shower.  Dressed in a hoody and sweatpants, she was brushing her still drying hair in front of a small mirror on top of a chest of drawers.  Luke crossed and pressed himself against her broad back, hands around her waist to rest on her steely obliques.  "Hey."

"Hey."  She paused her hair brushing, and he pressed his lips to her neck, right where one mighty trap flowed into its base.  She giggled and squirmed, the muscle flexing, pushing his head up and back.

"I think we're going to play a game or something.  I'm going to take a quick shower first."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."  She returned his peck on the lips and returned to her brushing as Luke went to clean up.

They returned upstairs together to find that Nick had broken out Catan and was in the process of setting it up.  After everyone smiled without comment and continued picking out colors, Luke noted with relief that the hunched mounds of Devin's shoulders relaxed, and she kneeled down next to Priya, tucking her bare feet underneath herself.

Andrew suddenly coughed, and Luke noted a significant glance that he directed toward Jess.  "Um, Devin?"  The curvy brunette squeaked out.  When Devin lifted her head in response however, Jess suddenly seemed to come to a quiet realization.  With a sharp exhale she pulled herself to her full height and her familiar cocky smile returned.  "Devin.  I was going to open some wine, would you like any?"

"Oh."  Devin's look of surprise became one of gratitude.  "Yes, please."

"Hey now."  Nick joked, "Aren't you still twenty?  Jess, that's aiding and abetting."

"It’s my birthday next week."  Devin shot back, after a moment's pause a twinkle returned to her eye.  "But you can try to stop me if you want."

Priya and Nick laughed, and eventually everyone joined in.  Luke let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and sat down to the game.

The sun was setting as Andrew was cleaning the grill.  Everyone had finished dinner on the porch and a cool breeze was rolling in.  Priya sat in Nick's lap, his arms around her as they watched the sunset.  Luke finished his beer and was contemplating the trip to the kitchen for another one.  Jess and Devin had disappeared inside several minutes ago.

Luke strolled over to Andrew and indicated his beer.  "Want another?"

"Maybe in a minute."

There was a silence, and then "Thank you."

"No problem."  Andrew closed the grill lid and looked over at the sound of the sliding doors.

Jess had returned to the patio.  Her tan, tight dancer's body on full display in a tiny bikini.  Her full, ripe breasts bounced enticingly as she sashayed gracefully across the deck to her partner.  "I was thinking we could open up the hot tub, babe."

"Your wish is my command." Andrew grinned like an idiot.

"And don't you forget it."  She winked at him.  "Chop chop."

"All right, you guys go get your bathing suits or whatever you brought."

"Hey, I guess we're going in the hot tub."  Luke announced as he entered their shared room and moved to the bag he had packed. When he didn't get a response he looked back.  Devin stood immobile in the middle of the room looking back at him.  "Did you hear me?"

"I didn't bring a bathing suit."  She replied quietly.  "Actually, I don't own a bathing suit."

Right, that kind of figures, Luke thought.  "Do you have anything else to wear?"  He bent back to rummage through the bag.

"Not really."

"Well, do you want to just come outside and hang out?"  A massive shadow blocked out the light.  Luke looked up to see Devin looming over him.  From this angle she seemed like a giant, easily twice as wide as him and, he knew, so much stronger.  He straightened up slowly.  Even at his full high she just seemed so much bigger than him.  Even though he could rest his chin on her head when she was on tiptoes, her sheer mass made him feel small, the overwhelming sense of strength radiating from her making her larger than life.

“Thank you, for earlier.”  She murmured.

“It’s ok.”

“I don’t know why, I just get flustered sometimes.  But, you… you’re there for me, you make it better.”

“Of course.  That’s what I’m here for.”  A pause.  “Are you okay going back outside?  What do you want to do?”

"I want you."  She said softly.

Her hands found his shirt and irresistibly drew him to her.  With a look of fierce determination, she went up on her toes and pulled his face down to meet his lips with a fiery passion.  Her tongue overpowered his, pushing into his mouth and filling it, tasting him, drawing the breath from his lips with her chest like a bellows.  Still liplocked, he felt her hands grasp the fabric of his shirt and gently draw it up to his head.  Breaking away for a moment, she wasn't tall enough to finish removing it, and he did so quickly to stand bare chested in front of her.  She raised her arms and, heart pounding in his chest, he returned the favor, drawing her sweatshirt up and off of her.

Underneath there was nothing but Devin.  Her firm breasts rode proudly on top of pecs like hubcaps, soft to the touch under his hands, her armored torso swelling and receding as she breathed deeply.  Her cobblestone abs, flanked by thick obliques, drew his eye and he slowly worked his hands down and over them.  She sighed softly as he massaged their stony texture, and leaned back spreading her arms.  Her serrati showing in sharp relief as her lats unfurled like a cobra's hood, eclipsing him.

Her eyes opened into slits as she bit her lip.  "I want you."  She whispered a second time.

"Oh God, I want you so much."  He replied.

"Then take me."

Drawing him by the hand, she walked to the bed and turned to face him.  Luke went down on his knees.  Gripping her sweatpants by the waistband he slowly pulled them down.  They grew tight around her thighs, each wider than her entire waist, but he persevered, pulling them down over the corded muscles like pythons.  They fell loose around her feet, and he palmed one of her calves, his entire hand not making it half way around the muscle.  She obligingly lifted her dainty foot free of the pants, and then the other, her hamstrings coming to life with the effort of shifting the massive limbs, either of which Luke was sure weighed more than both of his combined.

He pressed his lips to the front of her shin, running his tongue up the muscle.  Devin giggled, the sound turning instantly to a low moan as he shifted to kiss the inside of one of her barrel like thighs.  Turning his head up he found her sex, a small soft patch of hair nestled between the pillars of her legs.  Like a man in a dream he moved to nestle his head between them but was stopped as she placed a hand under his chin.  "Up here." She breathed out, drawing him to his feet, his lips running over each individual bulge of her abdominals, up the crevice between her pectorals to meet hers once more.  She fumbled with his belt, clumsily but eagerly, and his pants slid down to his ankles, he pulled free of his boxers and his cock sprang to full attention poking her in the belly, as large and hard as it had ever been.  Looking down at it, she breathed in and gingerly wrapped one of her petite hands around it before looking him in the eyes, suddenly nervous, and began to gently pump him.  As he breathed deeply she smiled, her strokes growing stronger, more sure.

"Gentle," he urged, as she gave a pull so hard he fell against her.  He put a hand on one of her boulder-like shoulders and she released him, sitting backward onto the bed.  Her thick legs dangled for a moment before she swung them up and fully reclined.  Luke climbed up to straddle her, his legs hardly able to spread wide enough to accommodate the girth of her thighs.  Her breasts flattened slightly against her pectorals with gravity and he placed his hands on them to massage them, filling his hands with the thickness of her chest.  His fingers stroked her pink nipples and they stiffened under his touch as she closed her eyes and shuddered.  He lowered his head to take her right nipple into his mouth and she arched her back with a sharp intake of breath.  The thighs beneath him spread and he dropped down into the canyon that opened between them.

Luke's right hand probed the hair of her sex and found her soaking wet. 

"Yes." She whispered, his index finger traced the opening of her lips and pushing inside, his thumb stroking across the nub of her clit.  "Yes."  She arched her back, carrying Luke up with her.  "Now.  Now."

Luke guided his cock into the tight wetness of her love canal, the two gasping in unison.  She was tighter than anything he had ever felt, but parted gently before his head, welcoming him, encompassing his shaft.  With a gasp, he was all the way in and he began to gently thrust.

Opening his eyes, Luke gazed upon the Olympian physique spread out below him.  Devin's eyes were closed in rapture, arms spread with her hands lying by her head.  They clenched and unclenched, tendons standing out as they pulled flexors larger than his biceps.  Her biceps, by comparison, were larger than grapefruits.  With a moan of desire he placed his hands over them, trying to cup them, wanting to feel how over matched he was.  She opened her eyes and smiled at him.  "You can put your weight on them.  You can't hurt me."

Luke put his weight forward onto his arms, the biceps in his hands swelling larger, harder, supporting him effortlessly.  He stretched his legs out behind himself, moving from a kneeling position to lying over Devin.  She snaked her own legs around his, holding him immobile save for the rocking of his pelvis.

"You feel amazing."  Devin moaned.  At each thrust she shuddered, her hips rising to meet him, shaking him like a rag doll.  Luke latched harder onto her swelling, rolling biceps for stability as the gorgeous musclegirl beneath him unwittingly took over the tempo and control of their lovemaking, her corded thighs around his hips and buttocks working him in and out in a slow, deep, gentle motion.

Luke shut his eyes and threw back his head, the sensation of her tight pussy on his cock, the ease with which she was using him to pleasure herself, the feel of her muscles under his body bringing him dangerously close to climax.  The further engorging of his manhood, combined with the ministrations of his hands must have triggered something in her, as Devin began to whimper.

"Yes.  Yes.  YES!  YES!  Oh, Luke!  OH!"  Devin flexed to diamond hardness beneath him, as her legs pushed him as deeply into herself as he could go.  Her orgasm rocked through her system, relaxing her muscles she slumped backward, arms spread.  Luke released, mind going white with the pleasure as he spent himself deep inside of her and collapsed onto her broad chest.

For a minute no one spoke.  Luke relaxed against her thick pecs as they quivered with small aftershocks of her orgasm, listening to the muted beat of her heart.  When he looked up into her twinkling eyes she placed her hands under his armpits and pulled him up face to face.

"I love you."  She whispered breathlessly.

Luke's heart turned over.  "I love you too."

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2017, 06:24:29 pm »
Great story, great writing. I'm looking forward to reading more about Devin coming out of her shell to embrace her incredible strength and really show off for Luke.
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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2017, 08:29:59 pm »
You are truly building a nice piece of writing. The final moment of the chapter was brought totally naturally.

To make the understanding of what is happening in her mind deeper, you could add here and there some descriptive paragraphs of her thoughts toward the effect Luke has on her. You indirectly mention it when she thank him before she says she wants him, but we still don't know what good he's doing to her that will make her come 'Out of her Shell'.

Keep up the fantastic work.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2017, 10:23:53 pm »
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You are truly building a nice piece of writing. The final moment of the chapter was brought totally naturally.

Absolutely seconded. I like the nature of the piece, with little vignettes interspersed between longer sections. It gives the story nice pace and gives us some more information about the minor characters of the story while not detracting from Devin and Luke's relationship. Keep it up!
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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2017, 03:49:37 am »
Thanks to everyone for your continued comments, I really appreciate any feedback.

This one's more of a brief interlude.


"Six... seven... eight…"  Krista huffed, pushing through the last reps of her set.  Legs wobbling slightly, she walked forward to re-rack the squat bar.  She ducked back and under it before leaning forward to rest her weight, feeling the burn course through her thighs.  As the sensation subsided she drew herself up, giving the muscles a shake.  Feel the burn and all that, she thought looking around the gym.  At this time of night the place was mostly empty, just two other girls using the free-weights section of the college gym.  They had given Krista a wide berth, and were currently standing over by the dumbell rack, doing curls with the 10 pounders.  Usually Krista could expect to run into one of the other volleyball girls here, but it seemed that that wouldn't be the case tonight.

What to do, what to do.  Krista eyed the bar, two 45 pounders and one 10 pound plate on each side for a total of 245; not her absolute max, but a good working weight for reps.  She toyed with the idea of putting a bit more on but decided against it.  No one here to spot my ass if I have to bail.  Devin had gone off to the mountains for the weekend, and God knew where all of her teammates were.  Besides slacking that is.  Setting her shoulders, she went back under the bar for one more set.  After grunting her way through, she took a step back and looked in the mirror.  She had worn tight black lycra pants today, and she slowly and rhythmically flexed and relaxed her quads, watching the definition swell up against the skintight material. 

"Mmm, yes."  She murmured, savoring the sensation of the blood rushing to her muscles, feeling them grow.  She realized that one of the two girls was looking at her and caught her gaze in the mirror before offering her a wide grin.  The girl blushed and jerked her head away to talk to her partner.

Pulling the plates off of the bar, Krista headed for the locker room.  It was deserted, like the gym, and Krista took her time peeling her sweaty workout clothes off, before strutting to the shower.  As the warm water flowed from the shower head, she tossed her head back and allowed it to run over her.  It was a good workout, she reflected, as she massaged her legs.  Each of her quadricep heads stood out in sharp definition and she enjoyed the steely hardness of her own physique, her index finger found a vein and she slowly traced it all the way up the inseam of her leg.  Completing its journey, the finger traveled slightly farther to slip between her lips and graze against her clit.  Krista closed her eyes, allowing the brief sense of pleasure to wash over her.

Thank God I have the apartment to myself this weekend.  She mused.  Not that she had ever been shy about having company over when Priya and Devin were around, but when they were away she had slightly more... freedom.  She had appreciated being invited to go along of course, but it had seemed like the trip was shaping up to be more of a couple’s weekend kind of deal.  And isn't that something I didn't think I'd ever see.  You wouldn't think that someone with Devin's... characteristics would be so afraid of something as simple as boys.  She couldn't help feeling a sense of pride at how far the girl had come.  Over the last several weeks she'd spent several nights over at Luke’s place and vice versa.  Admittedly, she didn’t think that it had gone any farther than that, but still.  I think that I've earned myself a little reward.

Emerging from the shower, she spared a moment to look at her reflection.  Her wet body glistened in the mirror, the sinewy definition of her muscles accentuated by the lighting and her pump.  Not an ounce of fat was wasted, with the exception of her ample breasts which stood high on her chest supported by her pecs.  I'm not sure how I managed to keep those to be honest, but I'm not about to complain.  She struck an ab and thigh pose, enjoying the sight of her stomach crunching into a steel hard plate.  God, I need to get over myself.  She laughed merrily as she toweled off and dressed.

Arriving back at the empty apartment, Krista prepared herself a protein shake and seated herself at the kitchen table.  She flipped out her phone to scroll through her list of contacts.  Coming to the number that she was looking for, she started a text.

-Hey!  What are you up to tonight?-  She sent and sat back, sipping at her shaker.  While she waited she idly flipped through her contact list.  Why do I even have half of these numbers, I don't even remember who these people are.  Just then, her phone vibrated as she received a reply.

-Not too much.  How about you?-  The text was followed by a winking emoticon.

-Just hanging out by myself.  Feeling kind of lonely, thought you might like to stop by.-

-I can be over in about a half hour if that works for you.-

-I'll count the minutes.-  Krista smiled to herself and went to change.

At a knock on the door, Krista rose from the table and crossed the room to open it.

"Hey there Sarah."  She smiled down at the willowy brunette.

"Hey Krista."  The girl’s eyes widened at the sight of Krista's tall frame filling the doorway.  The blonde was dressed only in a pair of red booty shorts and a black bra.  The sophmore and upperclasswoman had first met several months ago in a shared lecture and had hit it off quickly and easily.  As often as she had had the opportunity to see it since then, the body on display had never failed to mesmerize Sarah.

"Come on in."  Krista turned on her heel, allowing her rock hard glutes to dominate Sarah's field of vision.  She sauntered away from the door, not neglecting to roll her hips as she went.  "There's wine over on the counter, juice in the fridge, help yourself to whatever."  She gestured, "Can I get you anything else?"

"No, thank you."  Sarah crossed to the counter and poured herself a glass.  She took a sip and turned.  Krista had made her way to the love seat and sat down on it longways, her long, strong legs taking up the entire length.  Sarah perched herself on the recliner, subtly rubbing the insides of her thighs against one another.  She felt a wetness bloom in her sex as she gazed at Krista, who languorously brought her right knee up and slowly massaged her calf with her hands.

"How's everything been going with you?  Classes ok and all that?"  Krista asked breezily.

"Oh, can't complain."  Sarah said, tightly clenching her free hand.  "Lots of work, of course, but nothing too taxing.  How about with you?"

"I'm glad to hear it."  Krista chuckled.  "I'm doing fine, just got back from the gym.  I had a little workout."  She tensed her bicep, enjoying the way that Sarah's eyes were glued to the wiry muscle.  "The room-mates went away for the weekend, so I'm just hanging out."

"So your roomies all went away and you just asked me over to talk?  Or were you looking to get my help on an essay again?"  Sarah teased, her breathing growing deeper.

"No," Krista replied, her hand leaving her leg to rest lightly on one of her heaving breasts.  "I thought maybe we could have a little fun."

"Oh is that right?"  Sarah replied in a coy manner, she gracefully moved to place her glass down on an end table.  "I think I might be up for that."

"What would you like to do?"  Krista grinned.

"Could we..."  Sarah paused, "You know, like last time?"

"Oh?  Is that what you want?"  Krista brought her legs around to rest her feet on the floor.  Bringing her hands to her knees she parted them, her pussy visible against the tight, stretched material of her shorts.  "Then come here little girl."

Sarah rose, the warm wetness between her thighs growing, and stumbled toward the couch.  From her seated position Krista smiled cockily up at her, hands behind her head, biceps still tensed.  The smaller girl went down to her knees in front of the blonde amazon, the sinewy legs on either side of her slight body.

She really has it bad.  Krista thought as Sarah fastened her lips to her calf.  She tensed the muscle for her, enjoying the low moan that issued from Sarah's lips in response.

"Mmm, yeah."  Krista growled as Sarah's tongue found one of the veins protruding from the muscle and began to trace it upward.  "You like that?"  She flexed her quads into sharp relief as Sarah reached them.  The brunette wrapped her hands around them to squeeze ineffectually as her tongue continued its mission.  Jesus shes good, Krista admitted to herself, juices beginning to flow freely from her aching loins.

Sarah's head came to rest at her sex, hovering over Krista's sodden shorts.  Her tongue flicked out quickly, once, twice, three times, brushing her yearning clit through the thin material.  Krista gasped, and Sarah grinned up at her, relishing the sensation of having the taller, stronger girl at her mercy.  With a last lick she stood up, shedding her clothes as quickly as possible to stand naked in front of the goddess.  Krista's eyes drank in her slender body, her tan soft skin, her small breasts capped by dark nipples standing erect with her arousal. Sitting forward on the couch, the blonde removed her own top in response, and Sarah knelt back down to press their chests together, flushing with arousal as her breasts were overmatched by Krista's large, soft orbs.

Krista peeled off her shorts, revealing her clean shaven pussy and leaned back again.  Sarah, a mischievous grin on her face, dropped back between her thighs to resumed kissing their insides.  Finally, Krista could stand it no longer and, with a deep growl, placed a broad hand on the back on the brunette's head.  Sarah squealed as she was pulled forward to bury her face in Krista's dripping cleft.  Her nimble tongue played over the big blonde's clit, eliciting moans of pleasure.  Her thin arms snaked under Krista's hamstrings to rest on top of her hips, reading every twitch and shift the amazon made in response to her ministrations.

Fuck, Fuck!  How does she do it?  The girl has a tongue like.. like...  She lost the train of thought as another wave of pleasure pulsed through her.  As her passion grew, she drew her legs together, trapping the girl in their iron embrace.

As the vice of Krista's scissors closed around her head, Sarah went berserk.  Drawing Krista's clit between her lips she began to gently suck on the tender nub while increasing the pace of her tongue.  Her right hand fell between her own legs, and she plunged her index and middle fingers into her sopping pussy, pleasuring herself for all she was worth.  Krista's legs twitched and rolled, bringing the slender brunette along for the ride as she lost control of herself.

"God yes.  Right there... harder, faster!"  Krista's babbled.  What with her expansive thighs clamped around Sarah's head, the brunette couldn't make out the words, hearing only a muffled roar.  Nonetheless, the message was perfectly clear and Sarah redoubled her efforts, her tongue and the muscles of her jaw starting to grow sore with the effort.  Her own wetness dripped down her thighs and she felt herself building towards orgasm as she felt it happen.

"Oh, yes little girl!"  Krista's entire body flexed to its utmost, veins and tendons standing out over her striated body.  Her legs curled up towards her core, dragging the hapless Sarah forward from her knees.  At the display of dominance, the brunette felt herself explode, pleasure gushing from her sex to spread over her body in a tingling wave.  She screamed in pleasure, the sound almost inaudible as it was muffled by Krista's lower body.

The prison of Krista's thighs opened around Sarah, and the brunette slowly stood up on trembling legs.  The blonde reclined backwards, shivering in pleasure as aftershocks spread through her impressive body.  Sarah climbed up to straddle her, trembling for a moment as her cleft rubbed against Krista's sleek, defined lower abdominals.  She bent in for a kiss, and the taller girl folded her into an embrace.

"That was fantastic Kitten."  Krista panted.  Sarah simply sighed happily, enjoying the feel of their body contact.  Krista moved her hands under Sarah's posterior and, with a grunt, stood up.  Sarah reflexively wrapped her legs around her lover's hips, and the two stood still looking into each other's eyes.  "Why don't we take this into the bedroom?" Krista asked with a playful growl, "Where we can really have some fun."

Sarah giggled and kissed Krista's neck as she carried her away.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2017, 05:11:01 am »
It indeed place the context. We now know why she didn't gave her number to Luke :-)
Keep up your great work

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2017, 08:43:26 pm »
Excellent story, hard all the way. If only my student days were like that. Muscle women you are a rare beautiful treasure. Please keep building muscle and please keep this story going. Superb
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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2017, 01:58:42 am »
Luke sighed gently, his right hand kneading the muscles of Devin's shoulder as she rested her head on his chest.  One of her enormous thighs straddled his waist, the weight of it gently pressing him into the mattress.  He pressed his lips to her forehead.  As he pulled his head back she tipped her chin up to smile at him.  He studied the features of her face, her almond shaped eyes, the powdering of freckles, her small pointed nose.  Devin’s hand played along his chest, gently squeezing, his pectorals giving way like putty under her grasp.

"That was..."  She thought for a suitable­ word.­ "Amazing."  She finally settled.

"I'm glad."  Part of him tried to play the experienced lover, while the other part of his brain was still reeling from the most unbelievable experience of his life.  "It was for me too."  He added quickly.

Devin smiled, sighed, and snuggled back up against him.  Several minutes passed.

"Should we go outside?"  She suddenly asked.  "The others might start to think..."

"Think what?  The truth?"  Luke massaged the broad expanse of her back, feeling the rugged muscle.  That may not have been the response she wanted.  "We'll go out in a minute."  He amended.  He relaxed, looking up at the ceiling, enjoying the warmth of her body against his and the sensation as her hand worked its way over his torso.  He brought his free hand across his chest to place on her upper arm, fully extended his fingers could barely cover one half of the limb.  As it came to rest on the smooth skin, her arm stopped dead.  Luke looked quizzically down towards her to be met with an uncharacteristically mischievous smile.  The bicep in his grasp began to slowly expand under his fingers.  A peak took shape, spreading his already strained fingers as far apart as they would go, and then continued to grow.  God, how big can they get?  He realized that Devin hadn’t really flexed her monumental muscles for him for the sake of being seen or felt, almost always only in the act of performing some feat of strength.  Her smile deepened as the limb continued to grow; he couldn't tear his eyes away from her gaze as much as he wanted to drink in the sight of her mighty flex.

Then, Devin relaxed.  Her arm slid downward from his unresisting grip and Luke gasped as her hand came to rest on his manhood, gently enveloping his rock hard erection.

"You really do like it."  She sighed happily.

"Are you kidding?  I've never met anyone like you.  You know that."  Luke complimented her.  "I don't think that there even is anyone else like you."

"There might not be."  Devin said softly.  "I'm... not normal.  I know that I don't always handle it the best way possible, but you know, people can be uneasy around me."  Luke couldn't help thinking about Jess' behavior earlier in the day, "Sometimes they can be rather cruel.  Both men and women."  Devin continued.  "People think that I'm a freak, or a weirdo.  I've found that it's just easier to try not to attract any attention to myself."  The inflection of her voice had changed from relaxed to troubled.

"I'm sure that that can't have been easy for you."  Luke acknowledged.  He thought back to the photographs that the girls had up around their apartment.  They had presented a young woman who was always on edge, restrained, even in the presence of her friends.  He hadn't ascribed much significance to the fact that the only photograph where she had seemed truly at ease was a private moment with her puppy.  Perhaps he hadn't wanted to think about it too deeply.  He thought back to earlier in the day.  "But Priya seems like a great friend, Krista too."

"Yeah, they're great."  Devin agreed, "They're the coolest girls I've ever met.  Priya's just so laid back, nothing bothers her, and Krista..."  She thought for a moment.  "She's crazy.  Sometimes I think she's actually a bit jealous of me."  She snorted softly.

"I'm glad you found them anyway."  Discretion and curiosity warred in Luke's head.  "We... don't have to talk about this stuff if you don't want to..."  He hazarded.

Devin looked at him in silence for a moment.  Her mammoth chest began to heave and, much to Luke's pleasant surprise, began to giggle.

"I'm sorry.  I'm sorry."  She gasped as the outburst subsided.  "I must seem like a crazy person.  We've been going out now, and you've seen me, but I still feel the need to re-assure myself that you like me, like I'm some clingy little girl, and then when I do I can't help but get all maudlin and weepy on you..."

Luke pressed his lips to hers, cutting her off mid sentence.  After he felt her relax against him he broke the kiss.  "Jesus, Devin.  Breath."

"Right."  She inhaled in an exaggerated manner, her face retaining a measured serious expression.  "I guess it started when I was just a little girl.  I don't know when, but even when I look at pictures from when I was in kindergarten my shape was different from the other little girls.  In hindsight anyway; at the time no one noticed anything odd."  Devin's gaze fixed on the far wall, looking into the middle distance.  "My parents got me into the usual little girl activities; dance, gymnastics, swimming.  Before I knew what was happening I had... muscles."  She stumbled over the word.  "Not, you know, like this."  She gestured at herself.  "But real, noticeable ones.  Bigger than anyone else in school.  It was kind of cool for a little while."  She smiled wistfully, "The other kids thought it was kind of fun, no one thought there was anything weird about it.  Sometime, when I was by myself I would pretend that I was a superhero or whatever...  Anyway, eventually everyone started realizing that it just wasn't normal.  The girls would say that I was a boy, and the boys... they'd call me ugly, dare each other to kiss me, that sort of thing."

Luke opened his mouth to re-assure her, to say something, but she continued.

"I stopped doing sports, because I figured that that was the reason this was happening, and it sort of worked.  I didn't get any smaller, but I stopped getting any bigger, for a while.  But... as one might expect..." Devin grinned sardonically, "Everything kind of went crazy when I went through puberty.  Everyone else started growing up and I just grew out."  She raised her arm and, without warning, flexed the limb to its utmost.  Luke's eyes widened and he moaned softly as her bicep swelled before his eyes, the muscle growing until it seemed to him to be the size of a small melon.  Devin smiled indulgently at him before relaxing the flex.  "It didn't happen overnight."  She shook her head.  "My parents were so supportive, but no-one had any of the answers we were looking for.  'A previously unseen genetic condition,' 'a highly unusual mutation,' was the best guess any doctor could give."  She chuckled, "There was one doctor who wanted me to be a subject for a research paper."  Devin lapsed into silence, looking serenely into his eyes.

"And that's it?"  Luke found his tongue.  "I guess I wasn't expecting that.  You seriously don't, you know, work out or anything?"

"Oh!"  Devin smiled sheepishly.  "I do sometimes.  It was Krista really; she's always pushing me to go to the gym with her.  The gym at school is usually pretty empty, especially the weights section.  It's actually been kind of therapeutic.  Kind of like getting in touch with myself.  I have this body, so I should try to accept it.  I wasn't this big before college."

"And do you feel like that has worked for you?"  Luke couldn't resist asking.

"I don't know."  She said honestly.  "I'm not embarrassed about my body, like I used to be.  But then when people look at me I just..."  She shook her head.  "But that's not the way that you look at me."  She blushed.  "I like the way you look at me."

"Well, I like to look at you."  Luke rolled onto his side so that they were face to face.  Devin squeaked as she felt his erection press against her thighs, and she parted them slightly to allow his organ to nestle between them against her dripping womanhood.  He pressed himself against her, relishing the feeling her soft breasts on his chest, with the slab like pectorals underneath.  "So, did you still want to go outside?"

"Maybe in a minute."  She whispered.

"Hey, you guys came back."  Andrew tipped his drink to the couple as they emerged.  "I'd thought that maybe you decided to turn in."

"It’s still early."  Luke replied, "Besides, how could we sit out on the fun?"  The sun was down, the deck now illuminated by electric light.  The breeze had died down but a chill permeated the air.  From the hot tub on the far side of the deck Luke heard quiet splashes and murmurs as Priya and Jess lounged in the warm water.  Andrew had changed into a set of swim trunks, but they were dry and he was still wearing his shirt.

"Sure, sure."  Andrew said.  He swayed slightly as he took another sip from his beer.  "Hey, you didn't change?"  He indicated the two of them, Luke still in his shirt and jeans, Devin dressed in her familiar baggy sweat suit.

"Uh, no.  I didn't... Where did Nick wander off to?" Luke tried to steer the conversation.

"Oh."  Andrew waved a hand vaguely.  "He went off to smoke, I'm sure he'll be back in a minute or two."  Luke felt Devin squeeze his hand, and the creak of the deck under her heavy footfalls as she moved away towards the girls.

"Heeey girl, aren't you going to come in?"  Jess' boisterous greeting carried across the deck.  Luke couldn't make out Devin's reply.

"I'm glad we were able to do this."  Andrew's proclamation brought Luke's attention back to his friend.  He rested his full weight on the bannister enclosing the porch.  "It was a good weekend.  With the possible exception of that one incident earlier."

"Yeah, about that, it’s all fine."  Luke began.

"No."  Andrew pushed on, undaunted in his inebriation, "Devin's sweet, and we all know that you like her.  I'm sorry if we did anything to make her feel uncomfortable.  I had a little conversation with Jess, we don't want her to be anxious about hanging out with us."  He gazed over the deck at the darkened woods beyond.  "I've never seen anything quite like that though."  He murmured.

Andrew's rumination was disrupted by the return of Nick.  Preceded by a boisterous "What’s up, what’s up!?" he appeared around the corner of the cabin and clambered back up onto the deck.  "Did I miss anything good?"  He asked with a broad grin.

"Nick!"  Jess called, "No one will come in with me and Priya."

"Sorry," Nick called bashfully, "I don't think I brought anything to wear for that."

"It's all right, I know how much you fear anything that resembles a bath."  Priya interjected.

"Ugh, you guys are so boring.  I guess it’s just us girls."  Jess turned her attention to the silent third member of the fairer sex present.  "C'mon in Devin, it’s nice."

Devin's didn't respond immediately, Luke observed without surprise the now familiar gesture as she tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.  What did surprise him was the eventual response of "Ok."

Gripping her sweatshirt by the waist, she gracefully pulled the garment up and over her head in a single motion, revealing a skin tight t-shirt underneath.  The strained fabric was pulled to near translucence over the bulk of the muscle mite's upper body, revealing the rugged contours of the bricklike abdominals and granite pecs it struggled to contain.  The sleeves were unable to make it all the way to her upper arms, occupied entirely in the task of attempting to cover her pumpkin deltoids.

Determined to see the job through now that she had begun, Devin bent over and pulled her baggy sweatpants down to her ankles, stepping free.  Underneath, she wore the pair of trunks that Luke had brought for himself but had been happy to lend to her if for no other reason than to enjoy watching her try to fit into them.  Despite the foot difference in their heights, the trunks only came to halfway down the muscle girl's barrel quads, completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of flesh to contain.  Luke just hoped that they wouldn't explode off of her, at least not until the two of them were back in private.

Jess rose to her feet and took a step towards Devin, as though the massive body was exerting a gravitational pull.  Goosebumps sprang up on her wet, exposed flesh in the cold night air as she stood and stared.  Priya casually scooched over to make room as Devin sat herself on the rim of the tub and swung herself around to dip a foot in.  Finding the temperature bearable, she moved into the tub and stood, the water obscuring everything below her waist.  As Jess continued to look at her without speaking, she turned pink.  "What?"  She asked.

"Jeez girl," Jess said.  Despite being a good five inches taller, she seemed to shrink in front of the shorter, stronger girl.  "You're like She-Hulk."  Jess gushed.

"Oh."  Devin said quietly.  The pink tone of her flushed skin deepening to a scarlet.

"No, I mean, it’s amazing."  She lifted a hand, but stopped herself.  "Can I?"

"Oh.  Oh!  Ok."  Devin shifted nervously, uncertain of what to do.  Undeterred, the sultry brunette placed the hand on her upper right arm.

Suddenly aware of the uncomfortable tightness in his pants, Luke shot a glance at the other two men.  Both stood mute, their eyes likewise driven irresistibly to the scene unfolding before them.

"It's like stone!"  Jess cried.  Her other hand joined its twin on Devin's right arm lifting it up and away from her body.  Spurred to action, Devin flexed the limb slowly.  Her bicep ballooned under Jess' hands, spreading them apart effortlessly.  "You must be so strong."  Jess said in awe.

"I guess..." Devin said hesitantly.

"Of course you are.  You moved that log earlier, the three of them couldn't do it together."

"In fairness, I wasn't really trying."  Nick said.  Everyone ignored him.

"Talk about girl power."  Jess' face changed back to its more familiar mischievous expression as she looked over at the three guys clustered a few paces away.  "You guys should arm-wrestle or something.  It would be hilarious."

"Maybe another time."  Andrew said weakly.  Luke studiously attempted to maintain a neutral expression.

"Really babe?"  Jess teased, "You don't feel the need to defend your macho honor in front of your woman?"  Devin gently extracted her arm from Jess' embrace, her complexion as fiery as Luke had ever seen.

"This all sounds like far too much excitement for me."  Priya observed dryly from her seat.  Looking back at her, Jess seemed to notice the shift in tone.

"Another time then."  She smiled apologetically as Devin seated herself next to her friend.  Seemingly growing aware of the chill in the air, Jess also re-seated herself opposite the other two.

“I could go for something to eat.”  Nick volunteered.

“Yeah, that’d work, I’ll go dig out some snacks.”  Andrew agreed.  “Another round of drinks while I’m in there?”

Priya and Jess responded positively to this proposal, so Andrew and Nick slipped inside to grab.  One of them turned on the sound system for the deck, as a recent, popular song began to play, Jess grinned and started bobbing in her seat.  By the time the two emerged from the house she and Priya were singing the chorus.  Luke had moved to stand by the tub with his hand on Devin’s shoulder, and she turned her head to nuzzle happily at it.

Jess stood up, warm water running down her body in rivulets, body glistening invitingly.  She took the replacement glass of wine that Andrew had fetched for her and then slumped down next to Devin, sandwiching Devin between herself and Priya.  “Come on, you know this one!”  Jess leaned into Devin and stretched out her free arm, placing the tiny hand in the middle of Devin’s expansive back.  Devin aimed an imploring look at Luke, who shrugged helplessly.  She stewed self-consciously for a minute but on the next chorus hesitantly joined in with the other two girls.

Luke reclined on the bed in his boxers.  His eyes were open and pointed at the ceiling but seeing nothing, his thoughts full with the events of the evening.  He smiled softly to himself, listening to the muffled sounds slipping under the crack of the bathroom door.

In the bathroom, Devin finished preparing for bed.  She had stripped off the wet t-shirt and shorts and stood, body fully bared in the mirror.  The turned down lighting in the room cast shadows over her rippling body; underneath her jutting pecs, in the crevices between the muscles wrapping her arms and legs.  She softly rubbed her hands over herself, feeling her small soft breasts, tracing down her cobblestone abs.  She realized, with a little bit of surprise, that she didn’t feel very different.  It was like… Like I scratched an itch I didn’t realize I had.  He was sweet… and he said… he said he loved me.  Not long ago she had hadn’t been sure if she would ever meet someone who wasn’t turned off or frightened by her body.  And now…

Slowly, studying herself in the mirror, she raised both arms and flexed.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2017, 07:06:13 pm »
Hi draight, karma for you! (Once again)
You are doing a fantastic job out there, you are showing her evolutions adding a new light each time, that's really great.
Keep up the great work!!

Offline shamus0013

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2017, 09:55:32 pm »
Another fantastic chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next. I hope Devin decides to REALLY show off for Luke.
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