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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: grbaclig on June 24, 2023, 04:30:55 pm

Title: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 24, 2023, 04:30:55 pm
The following is a work of satire. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. All characters are 18 years of age or older unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Chapter 1

       “So, what's Flexington really like?” I asked Becky as we sat cuddling on my bed.
       “It totally lives up to the hype,” she said. “It's super nice, that's why it's so expensive. The classes are really advanced and the sports teams are really good. But you've heard all that already.”
       Becky was right about that last part. I had lived in southern California since I was a kid and I had heard about Flexington High School my whole life. It was famous for being one of the best private high schools in the country, and Becky had gone there since she was a freshman, so I was excited to join her. I was also excited because I was one of the best football players in the state, and if I also made the Flexington High School football team I was guaranteed a spot at a top college. But that wasn't all Flexington was famous for. “So,” I asked Becky, smiling as I put my hand on her thigh luscious thigh, “are the girls at Flexington High School as hot as everyone says?”
       Becky smiled and took my hand off her thigh. “Why are you worried about that, Chad?” she asked me playfully. “You already have a super hot girlfriend.”
       Becky was right about that last part. She was blonde and beautiful, with long legs and perky tits. The second I saw her on the beach last summer, I knew I had to have her. “Who knows?” I replied, pulling her close. “Maybe I'm looking to upgrade. I'm a total stud. I can have any girl I want.”
       Becky giggled and wrapped her arms around me. My confidence totally turned her on, and in just a few seconds we were making love.
       The next morning came quickly, and for the first time in my life, I was excited for the first day of school. I had always heard about how expensive and deluxe Flexington High was, but seeing for the first time was something else. It was a huge modern building of gleaming glass windows that looked more like an office park from a science fiction movie than a high school. Not only that, but the parking lot was full of sick cars. As I walked toward the building, I stopped to admire a bright red Ferrari F8 Spider in one of the teachers' spaces, but once I got inside the building I found something even better to stare at. Every girl I saw was a total smokeshow. Hell, Becky wasn't even in the top 20 hottest girls I saw before first bell. Within 10 minutes of being in school, it was clear that Flexington High School had lived up to its reputation for hot chicks.
       The bad news is that Flexington High also lived up to its reputation for being serious about academics. Every class I attended was super serious, and I was never a great student. I was getting lost during the lectures on the first day of school.
       But that was okay. I was a star athlete, so they would probably let me slide. And besides, I only had to make it through my senior year and I would off playing ball at a big-time college. So instead of studying after my first day of school, I decided to hit the weight room and focus on what I was good at.

       I followed the signs to the weight room, which was on the first floor behind two double doors, and for the first time that day, I was disappointed. The weight room was small and musty, and there were only a few machines, which were old and uncomfortable-looking. Heck there weren't even enough weights for me to max out my deadlift. As I started to stretch, I walked up to a guy at the dumbbell rack. He was quite a bit smaller than me, but big enough to be a wrestler, or maybe even play a skill position on the football team. “Man, I thought this place would have a better weight room than this,” I said. “I expected something like a Gold's gym.”
       He frowned. “This is the old weigh room,” he said. “The new one is a lot nice, but the girls won't let us use it anymore. We have to use this one.”
       That didn't make any sense, and I told him so. “Why would the girls get the nice weight room?” I asked. “Is that some kind of new feminist school board rule or something?”
       He squirmed uncomfortably. “No,” he said. “We're technically allowed to go in there, but the girls won't let us. We tried last year, and it was... bad. It's safer just to stay in here, trust me.”
       It was clear that this guy was a total wuss, and I told him so. “Look man,” I said, “if you're too much of a wuss to stand up to a bunch of girls, that's fine. But I've been the bully in every gym that I've ever set foot in, and if I need to pump iron, there's no chick on earth that's going to stop me.”
       All the other guys in the gym looked at me like I was crazy, but I just rolled my eyes and left.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 24, 2023, 04:35:20 pm
Chapter 2

       Becky was in student government, and she had some meeting after school, so I texted her and asked her about what the wuss in the old gym. She sent me a shrug emoji. 'Never been to the gym,' she texted back. 'But lots of girls here work out. I can come along to protect you, if you're scared.'
       She ended her text with a winking emoji, and I smiled. No way I was scared of being bullied by a gym full of girls. I was 6'3” and 220 pounds of muscle, and I had been the bully at every gym I had ever been too. But I missed seeing Becky all day, so I waited a few minutes for her meeting to end. We kissed in the hallway, and after she changed her clothes, she walked me to the new gym.
       I was blown away. It was as big as a deluxe fitness center, with a dozen squat racks and two of every machine you could ever want. Not only was it loaded with weight machines, but there were battle ropes, punching bags, and astroturf strips for sprinting and flipping tires. And amazingly enough, the place was full! There were almost 50 girls in there. I shook my head. “To think they're wasting a gym like this on chicks,” I said.
       “Try not to be too sexist,” Becky said. “I have to go to school with these girls.”
       “You know you love it,” I said, putting my hand on her butt as she blushed.
       She did love it, and so did every other chick I had ever met, because chicks love when studs like me put them in the their place. Heck, I could have any girl in this gym. And as I looked around at the stone cold hotties in the gym, I thought about what I said earlier to Becky, about how I might be looking for an upgraded girlfriend. Heck, that's how I met Becky. She was upgrade over my old girlfriend Shannon, and there were dozens of chicks in here that would be an upgrade over her.
       Becky must have seen me looking around, because she punched me in the shoulder. “I'm going to go grab a treadmill,” she said, kissing me on the cheek. “Try not to get into trouble.”
       But as Becky walked off, trouble found me. The kind of trouble that I would love to get into. Walking up to me was a foxy green-eyed girl with long, curly strawberry-blonde hair and mischievous smile on her face. She was wearing a cropped black tank top and a short pair of black gym shorts that she had clearly chosen to show off her tight tummy, round butt and cantaloupe-sized tits. Her body put Becky's to shame, and judging by the nasty twinkle in her eyes, she knew it. “Hey,” I said with a cocky smirk. “I'm Chad, and I just transferred in from-”
       “Yeah I don't really give a fuck who you are,” she said, her mischievous smile turning into a bitchy smirk. “You don't belong in here, and you need to get out.”
       That took me aback. Most chicks threw themselves at me, especially when I was in my workout shorts and stringer tank top, showing off my muscles. She was clearly playing hard to get, and I was happy to play along. “Really?” I asked, looking around. “I don't see any signs saying that studs aren't allowed. You know, I think you're just afraid because you won't be able to keep your hands off me.”
       The strawberry-blonde girl's face turned into a disgusted frown. “Oh that's pathetic,” she snorted. “Look, you don't know who I am, so I'm going to let you get away with that one. I'm Lizzie Munsch, and I'm kind of the school bully, so unless you want me to spend the rest of the year ruining your life―which believe me, I would love to do―you need to get the hell out of here.”
       I laughed out loud. “You're the school bully, huh?” I asked. “Well let me tell you something, Lizzie. I'm the gym bully, so I'll stay out of your way out there, and you stay out my way in here. Unless you want kiss and make up―which believe me, I would love to do.”
       Lizzie's lips twitched with anger, which was not the reaction that I was expecting. She wasn't flirting at all. She was being serious, and judging by the way she raised up and stuck her chest out, I could tell that she was used to getting her way. She glared at me for a second, then relaxed. “Suit yourself,” she said. “But two weeks from now, when you're crying yourself to sleep and afraid to show your face around town, remember that I gave you a chance to walk away.”
       I snorted in laughter. As serious as this chick was, guys always beat girls, and I wasn't scared of her. “Okay, whatever,” I said. “Now could you move? I'm going over there to use those dumbbells.”
       I stepped around Lizzie, making my way to the dumbbells, and I couldn't help but notice that I was getting dirty looks from a lot of the girls in the weight room as I did. But I didn't care. I'd bang at least 10 of them before the years was out, I reminded myself.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Dona Fell Friz on June 24, 2023, 05:08:48 pm
Christmas :clap: arrives early this year!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: nickolai on June 24, 2023, 07:47:09 pm
BOOM!! So glad to see another story from you.  Can't wait to get into it!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: IBP on June 24, 2023, 10:09:59 pm

I swear I must some kind of sixth sense for smut, for I came here yesterday wondering if there was any new content but for some reason it opened onto "Big Girls on Campus" riiiight where Renee flips the boat and I got lost.

What else can I say but,

Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 24, 2023, 10:54:54 pm
Chapter 3

       A second later I was looking at a rack full of dumbbells in front of a wall-length mirror, and this gym was so well-stocked that the dumbbells went up to 150's. “To think they're wasting a gym like this on chicks,” I said as I picked up a pair of 25's and started knocking our reverse-grip bicep curls to get my forearms primed so I could get them pumped when I went to heavy lifts.
       I was a few reps in when a cute little Asian girl walked up. She was wearing yoga pants, but unfortunately I couldn't see her butt because she was wearing an XXL sweatshirt that hung to her thighs. The sweatshirt also had the sleeves cut short so they hung loose covering her arms above her wrists, and unfortunately it was so baggy that I couldn't see how big her tits were, but she was cute as a button, so I was ready to flirt. Before I could talk, she introduced herself. “Hi, I'm Kimiko,” she said with a smile. “But everyone calls me Kimi. Are you new here?”
       “I'm Chad,” a said, flashing a smirk. “Just transferred to Flexington this year. I'm looking to play some football and find a new girlfriend. If you're interested in either one, just let me know.”
       Kimi blushed and smiled. That was the reaction I was used to getting from girls, and it made me happy. Even better, as she turned away bashfully, I her sweatshirt moved enough that I could see that she had huge tits under there, like porn star sized melons. I wasn't ready to dump Becky for her without being able to look at her butt first, but I could at least use her as a girl on the side. “Hey let me give you a tip with those reverse curls,” Kimi said. “If you move your hands closer to the head of the dumbbell, it will turn your wrist and engage the brachioradialis better.”
       The idea of taking weightlifting tips from a girl half my size was hilarious, but I wanted to bang Kimi, so I held my laughter to a light snicker. “Oh really?” I asked. “You do a lot of reverse curls?”
       “I'm kind of a gym rat,” she said, walking over to the dumbbell rack. “Here let me show you.”
       Then, to my surprise Kimiko plucked the 30 pound dumbbells off the rack, stood next to me, and started knocking out reverse curls like a machine. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I guess she caught me staring in disbelief because she smiled and blushed again. I looked in shame at the 25 pound dumbbells in my hands. “Oh, I... uh... I'm just warming up,” I said. “I normally lift a lot heavier.”
       “Same here,” she said with a smile. “Now check this out.”
       Kimiko racked the dumbbells and pulled her baggy left sleeve of her sweatshirt up to her elbow, revealing a forearm that was packed with so much muscle it was the size of a grapefruit. This tiny little Asian girl had forearms almost as big as mine! She twisted her wrist and made a cable of muscle  spring to life on the upper side of her forearm, starting from her dainty feminine wrist and running up her forearm until it was as thick as a golf ball where it crossed over her elbow and disappeared up her sleeve. “What the hell?” I exclaimed, and Kimiko giggled.
       “Pretty cool, huh?” she said as she continued to twist her wrist, making her meaty forearm ripple with muscle. “That's the brachioradialis and it's there to provide strength when the biceps is in a compromised position, like when you're doing reverse curls. I make sure to hold the dumbbell close to the head to maximize muscle activation. That's why my brachioradialis is bigger than yours. See?”
       Kimiko then held her forearm up to mine, and to my shock she was right. The thick cable of muscle on her forearm put mine to shame. I couldn't believe it. A little chick like her should never be bigger or stronger than a football-playing stud like me. It was pretty obvious what was going on here. “What the hell kind of steroids do you take to get forearms like that?” I asked with a sneer.
       Kimiko frowned. “I don't use steroids,” she said, looking hurt and confused. “I've just been lifting weights all my life because... because I have a medical condition that I'm trying to manage.”
       “No way,” I said. “Girls can't get muscles like that without juicing. Especially not tiny Asian girls.”
       Kimiko's frown got really sour when I said that, turning from sadness to anger, but I didn't care. © Saradass were gross, and I didn't want to fuck her anymore, no matter how big her tits might be under that sweatshirt. “Wow,” she said. “Sexist and racist. I can't believe I thought you were cute. You know, crap like this is why we kicked the guys out of here in the first place.”
       “Good luck kicking me out,” I scoffed. “I'm a straight-up 100% pure-bred gym bully, and you'll need a lot more than just big forearms to get rid of me.”
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: phil123 on June 25, 2023, 06:16:26 am
Great start and on the first visit he already got outmuscle. Like to read when he images that he is the weakeSt in school
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: ravanin on June 25, 2023, 07:09:09 am
this is gonna be good i hope we see flashbacks to when the girls kicked the boys out of the gym
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 25, 2023, 05:36:00 pm
Chapter 4

       After I had put the little Asian girl with the gross forearms in her place, I headed toward the bench press. Becky cut me off. “Were you just a dick to Kimiko Kenichi?” she asked.
       “The little Chinese girl?” I asked. “Maybe. Who cares?”
       “She's American, actually,” Becky said. “Her parents are from Japan but she was born in Yorba Linda. And she's really nice and really shy. She took a chance talking to you.”
       I shrugged. “I guess she'll have to do better next time,” I said. “And she should lay off the juice.”
       Becky sighed, but I flashed her a nighty wink, and she smiled. She couldn't resist me. “Just try not to be a dick anymore, okay,” she said. “I'm going to do some yoga.”

       I was at the inclined bench press, and I loaded up 135 pounds just to get a warmup set in. Then I put a couple of 25's on for another warmup set at 185. I was about three reps into that set when Lizzie Munsch sauntered up.
       Before I could tell her to go away, she flashed her bitchy grin and pulled up her tank top and sportsbra, letting her big juicy tits bounce free. They were the most amazing breasts I had ever seen in my life. They were even bigger than they looked under her tank top, and they were round, perky and covered with a light dusting of freckles, and capped off with bright pink areolae and nipples the size of sewing thimbles that called out to be sucked on.
       Immediately I lost control of the barbell and came falling down to my chest, pinning me in an awkward position. Lizzie chuckled as she pulled her top back down, and a second later a small crowd of girls had gathered, led by a stunning blonde woman who couldn't have been much older than the students, no more than 25 years old. “Thank God you're here, Coach Kelly,” Lizzie said, pretending to be concerned. “Somehow a boy got into the weight room, and tried to lift more than he can handle.”
       Coach Kelly was dressed in a Flexington High School track suit with a whistle around her neck, and she had angelic features, golden blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that wouldn't have looked out of place on the cover of a fashion magazine. “Here, let me give you a hand with that,” she said as she helped me rack the barbell. “In the future, I would recommend leaving the clips off the bar so that you can dump the plates off when something like this happens. But really you should have a spotter if you're using more weight than you can easily handle on a big compound lift like the bench press.”
       I was super pissed. I could put up 185 on the inclined bench all day long, but Lizzie Munsch had distracted me with her big freckly funbags, and now I looked like a chump in front of a bunch of girls. “No way,” I said, pointing to Lizzie. “I can lift 185 easy. But that little bitch flashed her tits at me and I got distracted.”
       “What!?” Lizzie said, pretending to be outraged. “How dare you! I'm a cheerleader and an honor student, and I would never show my tits in public!”
       The snickering and eye-rolling of the other girls told me that this wasn't the first time Lizzie had taken those big juicy hooters out in public, and even Coach Kelly cocked a suspicious eyebrow. “Oh sure, poor innocent Lizzie Munsch just happens to be in the middle of another disaster,” she sighed.
       “I'm serious, Coach Kelly,” Lizzie said. “There is toxic masculinity all over the place in here!”
       “Give it a rest, Lizzie,” Coach Kelly said sharply before turning to me. “I'm Kelly O'Malley the strength coach at Flexington High School. I don't recognize you. Are you new here?”
       “Yeah,” I said, straightening out my back. “My name is Chad-”
       “Well Chad let's get one thing straight right away,” she said coldly, cutting me off. “This is my gym, and I make the rules. And in my gym we follow proper safety protocols, like asking for spotters when we need them, and we never, ever use the b-word. Do you understand?”
       “Yeah,” I grumbled.
       “Is that how you talk to the Strength Coach at your new school?” she asked sharply.
       “Sorry. I mean 'yes coach',” I said as I stood up off the bench.
       “Thank you in advance for your cooperation,” she said as she walked away.

       As the other girls cleared away and went back to working out, Lizzie Munsch stayed behind, smiling at me. I wasn't in the mood for it. “You're a real nasty little slut aren't you?” I snapped.
       She snorted in laughter. “Yeah, I am actually,” she said. “I'm the nastiest little slut. But unfortunately for you, you're never going to find out how nasty I can be, because you're not my type.”
       “Oh no?” I said, pushing past her.
       “No,” she said. “But that cute little girlfriend of yours is.”
       I turned around, partly angry and partly confused. “What?” I asked.
       Lizzie stepped up to me, looking me square in the eye with her bitchy little glare. “I'll make you a deal,” she said. “After I steal her away from you, make her cum harder than you ever could, and break her ditzy little heart, I'll let you have her back. At least what's left of her, after I wreck that pussy.”
       “What the hell did you just say?” I demanded, more out of shock than anger.
       Lizzie stepped closer, mashing her big tits against my chest. “I said, I'm going to wreck your girlfriend's pussy and break her heart. And there's nothing you can do to stop me.”
       I couldn't believe what I just heard. That was the most messed up thing anyone had ever said to me. If she were a guy I would have hit her. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I asked in disgust.
       “So many things,” Lizzie laughed as she walked away. “Oh so many things.”
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on June 26, 2023, 09:40:40 pm
Wow, great seeing you back, grbaclig, I missed your stories, though a lot of them have the same kind of guys in them, it's amazing that there are so many assholes in the World. But then again, if there were no guys to cheer against, there'd be no need for these girls to show off their superiority over him. So yeah, I'll be keeping an eye on this, welcome back! k+!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 26, 2023, 11:21:02 pm
Chapter 5

       My chest was tweaked pretty bad by the accident on the bench press, so I headed over to the squat rack next. I did a quick warm up set, and soon I was squatting 315. I was about halfway through my second set, with my legs starting to really burn, when I went down for a rep and heard giggling behind me. Girls are always giggling about stupid stuff, so I didn't think much about it, but when I started to power the bar up, I felt my shorts and underwear get jerked down. All of a sudden I was standing up in the middle of the gym with my cock and balls hanging out. A few girls giggled, a few girls squealed in shock, and Lizzie Munsch was standing right there in front of me with her phone out, snapping pictures. “The lighting in here is just perfect,” she said with a venomous laugh.
       I quickly bent down to cover myself and grab my shorts, letting the bar crash down onto the safety bars, which caused some nearby girls to scream. When I finally got my pants back on, Coach Kelly was standing in front of me, looking at me disapprovingly. “No spotter, Chad?” she asked.
       “I don't need a spotter for 315,” I grumbled, afraid to tell her that I had my dick out in the gym.
       Coach Kelly stepped close to me and looked me in the eye. She looked serious. “I've coached about every sport you can think of Chad―guys and girls. And coaching girls is much easier. Because they take instruction. Guys just won't follow orders sometimes, even when those orders are for their own good. But you're not like that, are you Chad? You're going to follow my instructions, aren't you?”
       “Yes coach,” I grumbled.
       “I knew you'd see it my way, Chad,” she said. “Now maybe take a couple of those plates off and focus on your form so something like this doesn't happen again. And find a spotter.”
       “Yes coach,” I grumbled.
       As Coach Kelly walked away, I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, but most of the girls were looking at their phones, giggling. A few racks over I saw a beautiful Persian girl setting up under the bar. She was wearing workout shorts and a tank top, and she had sparkling brown eyes and the fullest, sexiest lips I had ever seen in my life. I walked over to her, and to my surprise, the bar had four 45's on it. 225 pounds wasn't much of a squat to a stud like me, but this girl couldn't have weighed more than 120. “Hey there, I'm Chad,” I said. “You need me to spot you?”
       She looked at me in confusion. “Spot me?” she asked. “On a warm-up set? Uh... no thanks.”
       Then she proceeded to knock out a dozen quick reps in perfect form. I was amazed. This smoking hot girl was banging out squats at nearly twice her body weight like they were nothing!  My amazement quickly gave way to lust, however, because her loose-fitting tank top gave me the chance to see a glimpse of some very tasty cleavage as she went up and down. “Pretty good form,” I said, my eyes glued to her tits. “You must have some strong legs. I hope you know how to use them.”
       “I do,” she said. “That's why I'm all-state in the decathlon. My name is Azita by the way.”
       As she racked the bar I quickly stopped scoping out her cones, because chicks get weird about that, but I made sure to sneak a peek at her butt and her legs. I couldn't believe my eyes. Azita's legs were curvy and feminine like a dancer's, but they were absolutely jacked. Her calves were as big as mine but they were so cut they looked like diamonds of muscle beneath her shining brown skin. Her hamstrings had the bulging sweep of muscle from her round butt down to her slim girly knees, and her vastus muscles came to perfect teardrop-shaped heads above her knees. This brown-skinned beauty queen had legs that were more muscular than mine! “What the hell?” I exclaimed, and Azita giggled.
       “Pretty cool, huh?” she said as she tensed her legs, making her femoris muscles pop out as big and thick as two-liter bottles, as her inner thighs separated dramatically from her quads. “Focusing on my squats really helps with explosiveness. I try to mix in box squats and frog squats to make sure I can plant and pivot in every direction, since I play soccer, too.”
       I couldn't believe it. A gorgeous girl like her should never have that kind of muscularity. Legs like that took her from a perfect 10 down to a 3. And once again it was pretty obvious what was going on here. “What the hell kind of steroids do you take to get legs like that?” I asked with a sneer.
       Azita frowned. “I don't use steroids,” she said sourly. “I just push myself in the gym every day. Maybe you should try that and your legs wouldn't look like twigs covered in marshmallows.”
       “That's so messed up,” I said. “You would be so fuckable if not for those disgusting legs.”
       Azita was visibly angry now. “I like having muscular legs,” she said defiantly. “I think they're sexy. And apparently so do other people, because there are plenty of guys that think I'm fuckable. And unlike you, those guys don't have pictures of their tiny dick posted all over WhatsApp.”
       As Azita walked away, I grabbed my phone and saw a bunch of WhatsApp notifications. To my horror, I saw a picture posted to the Flexington High School student channel with about a hundred comments. It was me with my pants down at the squat rack. But at the same time, it wasn't me. Someone had used photo editing to shrink my dick down until it was absolutely tiny. I was super pissed off, and I knew exactly who did it.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 26, 2023, 11:27:03 pm
Thanks for the kind words everybody. I'm trying some shorter stories now just to get back into writing. My last couple were long and kind of draining to write. Also I think a little anthology will let me play around with different types of characters and situations as I go from story to story.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: IBP on June 27, 2023, 04:51:35 am
I had thought this might be the case and I welcome it.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 28, 2023, 01:52:54 am
Chapter 6

       I looked around the gym until I saw Lizzie Munsch, and I got even angrier as I saw her laughing with Becky, casually touching her on the arm, gently rubbing her thumb against Beckys elbow as Becky twirled her hair. They parted ways as Becky went off toward the stair machines, and I stormed up to Lizzie and held up my phone, my free hand clenched by my side in rage. “What the fuck is this?” I demanded. “You need to take this shit down right now!”
       Lizzie threw herself to the ground. “Oh my God, let me go!” she shrieked. “Don't hit me again!”
       All of a sudden I was surrounded by girls. “I didn't touch her,” I pleaded desperately, holding up my phone as proof that my hands were full. “I didn't even get close to her!”
       “Okay what the hell is going on now,” said Coach Kelly forcefully as she stormed into the middle of the crowd.
       Her eyes fell instantly on my phone, which showed Lizzie's photoshopped picture of my wang. My blood ran cold as I fumbled to put my phone away with trembling fingers. “I-It's not what you think,” I stammered. “It was a prank or something.”
       “Oh wow. Okay,” Coach Kelly said as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. “A dick pic in my gym. This is a first.”
       “I told you, Coach Kelly!” Lizzie cried. “Toxic masculinity! He needs to get the fuck out of here!”
       Several girls voiced their agreement, but Coach Kelly kept her cool. “Knock it off, Lizzie,” she said. “It's too early in the school year for this.”
       Lizzie pouted and glared at me with her arm crossed, and Coach Kelly turned her piercing blue eyes to me. I was on the verge of tears, but Becky came to my side. “He's not a bad guy, Coach Kelly,” she said, taking my arm. “I know he's not doing this stuff on purpose.”
       “I'm not doing anything!” I objected, withdrawing my arm. “I'm the one being bullied.”
       All around me, girls began to grumble angrily, but Coach Kelly silenced them with a quick look. “Stop,” she said. “This is important. Is Chad being bullied? Does anyone know anything about that?”
       The girls said nothing, and Lizzie Munsch made a big show of shrugging her shoulders and acting confused. Girl or not, I was about ready to fly across the gym and punch her right in the face.
       Finally, a small voice spoke up. “Actually, he told me that he was a gym bully,” Kimiko said. "He was proud of it."
       The disapproving murmurs of the girls only got louder, and Coach Kelly's eyes narrowed as she approached me. I had never seen a chick who moved with as much authority and confidence as Coach Kelly, so I stepped back reflexively, but she just took another step forward. “You need to understand one thing, Chad,” she said. “This is my gym, and I am the only gym bully in here. Do you understand?”
       “Yes coach,” I gulped.
       “Now listen up, all of you,” Coach Kelly said. “I don't know what's going on here, but it needs to stop. I have a load of paperwork to get through for the first day of school, and I need ten minutes of peace. I need you to keep your overactive hormones in check for ten minutes. Do you understand?”
       “Yes coach,” we all said quietly as she turned to walk toward the office.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 29, 2023, 01:40:30 am
Chapter 7

       Immediately the girls surrounded Kimiko and began offering their support, although Lizzie Munsch had her own idea of support. “Speaking of overactive hormones, how big are those sweater puppies of yours now, Kimiko?” she said.
       “OMG you are so nasty,” one girl said.
       But Lizzie was undeterred as she pressed close to the small Japanese-American girl. “It's like I always say,” she chuckled. “You can't spell 'Kimiko' without a pair K's. A pair of big, juicy mouthwatering K's. Hell, maybe even KK's. It seems like they bigger every time I see you.”
       “Cut it out, Lizzie,” Kimiko said, blushing and turning away shyly.
       "Don't be such a creep, Lizzie,” another girl said. “She has a medical condition called macromastia that makes her boobies super huge.”
       “And I have a medical condition called nymphomania that makes we want to suck on some super huge boobies,” Lizzie replied as the girls sighed in exasperation and rolled their eyes.
       Then, the crowd parted, and the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life stepped forward. She had red hair the color of fire, green eyes like emeralds, lips like a cupid's bow and facial features so perfectly proportioned she was cartoonishy pretty.  She was nearly six feet tall with a lean build like a fitness influencer, but with the tits and ass of a porn star, and she moved with the grace of a dancer as she walked toward Kimiko. Even in simple running shorts and a plain t-shirt she was stunningly beautiful, and the other girls watched her with the same awe that I did. “Thank you so much for speaking up, Kimiko,” she said, smiling gently as she took the smaller girl's hands. “We girls have to stand together, even though society tries to silence us.”
       Normally I would call a girl on that kind of feminist bullshit, but this chick was so gorgeous that all I could do was stare. I looked her up and down from head to toe, looking for a flaw, but every inch of her was perfect. Even her ankles were sexy. “Who the fuck is that?” I asked aloud, absentmindedly.
       “That's Megan Masters,” Becky said. “She's the head cheerleader, the Senior Class President and the most popular girl in school. She's also a straight-A student and really good at sports, and she's super nice to everyone. And you need to stop staring at her.”
       “I don't think I can,” I said.
       “I know,” Becky sighed. “Neither can I. How do you think she gets her hair so thick and shiny?”
       Then, all of a sudden, Megan Masters was gliding toward Becky and I exuding a serene confidence was downright intimidating. “Becky I loved the earrings you wore today,” she said. “They were perfect for the shape of your face and they really set off your eyes. Is this your boyfriend?”
       “Thanks!” Becky said. “And yeah, this is Chad. We met last year. He just transferred to FHS.”
       “Hi Chad, I'm Megan,” she said, extending her hand. “How do you like it here so far?
       I shook her hand, and I swear I got half-erect just touching her. “Hey,” I said, trying to act cool. “It's okay. The school is really nice. That Lizzie girl is a real bitch, though.”
       Megan smiled and laughed easily. “She is,” she said. “And actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I've known Lizzie a long time, and I know how nasty she can be to people that she doesn't like. But don't put too much blame on her. There's a very unique dynamic at work here in the weight room. A couple of years ago, there were some unpleasant incidents here, and everyone at FHS came together and decided that we would all be better off if the guys used the old weight room. I'm sure no one explained that to you, and I'm sure it sounds crazy, but you've seen how ugly things get when the dynamic is upset.”
       I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This bitch was trying to blame me for all the fucked up things that had happened, even though I was the victim. That was the problem with super hot girls, no one ever called them on their bullshit. So I decided to change that. “You're full of shit,” I said.
       Becky's eyes popped open in shock like I had just smacked the Pope or something, but Megan didn't even blink. “Exactly what do you mean by that?” she asked calmly. “Can you be more clear?”
       “I didn't do anything wrong and you know it,” I said. “You just won't admit it because of some feminist bullshit. Everything that happened in here tonight was Lizzie Munsch's fault.”
       “I don't think that's true, Chad,” Megan said calmly. “Did Lizzie make you tell Azita that her legs were disgusting? Did she force you to make racially inappropriate comments to Kimiko?”
       I didn't have an answer to those questions, and that made me angry. “Whatever, bitch,” I grumbled. “I'm going to use this gym whether you like it or not.”
       Megan frowned.  “I'm sorry to hear that Chad,” she said. “But please try to behave yourself, for your own sake as well as ours.”
       “Whatever bitch,” I said again as she walked away, her perfect round ass wiggling.
       “Chad, that was Megan Masters!” Becky hissed. “You can't talk to her like that!”
       “I can talk to whoever I want, however I want,” I scoffed. “This is a gym, and I'm a gym bully.”
       All of a sudden I was surrounded by a circle of girls, all of them scowling at me, and front and center was Lizzie Munsch. “So you really want to work out in here?” she asked.
       “Yeah, I do,” I said. “And you know what, there's nothing you can do to make me leave.”
       “Oh there are so many things I could do to make you leave,” Lizzie snorted. “Unfortunately for me, we have to let you stay. As long as you take The Challenge.”
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on June 29, 2023, 03:15:42 am
Ooooo, the Challenge, can't wait to see what that is all about! Chad can't help but being an asshole, I guess, hope he gets the message that he is far inferior to every single girl there, and smartens up, but I'm guessing he needs to be taught just a little bit more of a lessen before that happens. I'm looking forward to more, k+!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on June 29, 2023, 11:51:12 pm
Chapter 8

       I cocked an eye at her. “What do you mean 'take The Challenge'?” I asked.
       “If a guy wants to work out in here, he has to prove he's worthy,” Lizzie said. “We put every girl's name on a piece of blue paper. Then we write different physical competition on pieces of red paper. You draw a girl's name, and a competition. Then you go up to the girl and say 'Bitch, I challenge you'. If you win, you can stay, and I'll stop picking on you―in the gym, anyway.”
       “You know what?” I said. “Fine. I'll beat any one of you little bitches at anything. Let's do this.”

       A few seconds later, Lizzie Munsch stood in front of me shaking a plastic bowl full of folded-up paper scraps. “Pick a red one first,” she said. “It's more exciting that way.”
       I took out a red piece of paper, unfolded it, and smiled. “Arm wrestling,” I said. “Awesome.”
       Finally I got a lucky break. There was no girl in this gym who was big enough or strong enough to last a second against me in an arm wrestling match. Now it was jut a matter of finding out who my victim would be. I reached into the bowl and picked out a blue piece of paper and unfolded it, and my face started to burn with anger. “What does it say?” Lizzie asked with a nasty little squint.
       “It says 'Coach Kelly',” I replied.
       All the girls ooh'd and looked at one another. “I hear that Coach Kelly is really strong,” Becky said, taking me aside. “I think she's like a weightlifter or something. Maybe we should just leave.”
       That really pissed me off. Guys are always stronger than girls, and Becky of all people should know what a badass I was. “No way I'm afraid of some Barbie-doll looking sorority girl,” I said, turning back to the crowd of girls. “Do I really have to call her a bitch, though? She is a teacher and all.”
       “You absolutely have to call her a bitch,” Lizzie said. “It's a very important part of the process. Of course, if you're scared you can just leave and never come back. I'll look after of Becky for you.”
       Lizzie made a show of looking Becky up and down, and I'm not sure if I was angrier about her repeated passes at Becky or about her implying that I was scared to arm wrestle a girl. Either way, my blood was boiling, and there was no way I was going to back down. So I stormed across the gym and opened the door to the coaches' office, where Coach Kelly was sitting at a desk in front of a computer with a big stack of papers, typing and filing. “What do you need Chad?” she sighed.
       I stood up straight and stuck my chest out. “Bitch, I challenge you!” I said forcefully.
       Coach Kelly froze in place, still looking at the computer screen. Her jaw tightened and then she blinked. Then she took a deep breath, stood up, and stepped right up to me. She stared at me for a few seconds without saying anything, and I could feel her anger rising up inside her and pouring out of her icy blue eyes. Honestly, she looked pretty tough for a chick, and she looked really mad. “I'm sorry, I think I must have misheard you,” she said coldly, her teeth gritted. “What did you just say?”
       “Bitch, I challenge you,” I repeated. “To arm wrestling. You know, for The Challenge, so I can use the gym.”
       “What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean 'for The Challenge'?” she asked, her nostrils flaring and her lips pursed, her pretty face now beaming with anger.
       I felt embarrassment and anger boiling in my stomach as I realized that I had been tricked, and I hurried to explain myself. “The girls told me-”
       But Coach Kelly was in no mood to listen. “You know what? I don't even care anymore,” she snarled as she pushed past me as she walked into the gym. “Let's do this. You want to arm wrestle me, Chad? Fine. Let's arm wrestle.”
       All the girls formed a crowd around Coach Kelly as she walked toward a small table with two chairs on the far side of the gym. As I followed behind her, I couldn't help but notice that she seemed to have pretty broad shoulders under her track suit. Maybe Becky was right about her being a weightlifter. Not that it mattered. Guys are always stronger than girls, so I was at no risk of losing an arm wrestling match, but if I hurt Coach Kelly or made her look bad, she might get the football coaches to blackball from the team. I was going to have to be careful.
       When we reached the table, Coach Kelly turned around and locked eyes with me. “Okay tough guy,” she said coldly, “are you ready?”
       “I'm ready,” I said, trying to not laugh at the idea having to arm wrestle a girl.
       Then Coach Kelly peeled off her track suit until she was wearing nothing but a sportsbra and a pair of training shorts, and I didn't feel like laughing anymore, because she was jacked. From head to toe, her body was packed with thick blocky muscles that were so pumped up and so shredded that it looked like they were going to rip out of her tanned skin. I had never seen a chick with muscles like this in real life, and honestly I couldn't even remember having seen a female bodybuilder that had the kind of muscularity that Coach Kelly exhibited.
       She didn't have a speck of fat on her midsection, making it look like a cobblestone street of muscle, her pecs were thick slabs of tanned flesh that stretched the straps of her sportsbra, and her thighs looked like braided cables of steel beneath her skin. Still looking me in the eye, she raised her arms and flexed her biceps, making them erupt upward into peaked balls of muscle that most guys would never be able to build. I couldn't believe it. This chick was more muscular than I was!
       All the girls cheered and whistled as Coach Kelly pumped her arms again, her angelic girl-next-door face looking strangely out of place on her brutally shredded body, a body that looked like it was carved from stone. I wasn't feeling so confident now. And I guess it was obvious, because Lizzie Munsch leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Are you scared?” she asked. “Because you look scared.”
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on June 30, 2023, 12:40:58 am
Well, I don't think he really stands a chance against anyone in any contest, I can't say I feel good about his chances in an arm-wrestle against Coach Kelly, especially the way her body is supremely put together, I would just surrender and choose to work out in the old gym with the other guys, but Chad is much more pigheaded than I am. Anyway, looking forward to more. k+!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: nickolai on June 30, 2023, 06:27:57 pm
Ha ... every red piece of paper had "arm wrestle" and every blue one had Coach Kelley. 
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on July 01, 2023, 03:35:30 am
Chapter 9

       I could feel my face turning red as I looked down at her. “I'm going to punch your bitchy little face in,” I growled. “I don't care if you're a girl. I'm going to kick your slutty little ass.”
       “Chad!” Becky hissed. “What the hell is wrong with you tonight?”
       “It's toxic masculinity,” Lizzie said, putting her arm around Becky's waist. “Guys are the worst. It all originates from insecurity over the fact that they lack the sexual stamina we girls have, which is why we can make love for hours and have multiple orgasms, while their dicks go limp after two minutes.”
       “Shut up and get your hands off her!” I hissed at Lizzie.
       “Hey!” Coach Kelly called. “What's going on over there? I thought we were going to arm wrestle, Chad. I hope you're not having a change of heart, because it's been way too long since I humiliated a wannabe gym bully.”
       Coach Kelly was staring daggers at me as she stepped forward, her face set with a confident smirk that let me know in no uncertain terms that she expected to beat me. And as I watched the blocky bricks of her muscles twitch and flex with every little move she made, I was starting to expect her to beat me as well. “You know what,” I said. “I don't care about this stupid gym. I'm out of here.”
       The girls jeered at me, but Coach Kelly was in no mood to let me walk away. In a second she was right up in my face, jabbing her finger in my chest. “Oh no, tough guy,” she said. “You came in here and messed around on the equipment, made the girls uncomfortable, used inappropriate language, and called me a bitch―twice. I am not letting you run away, no matter how scared you are of my muscles.”
       My pride stung as I realized that she was right I was trying to run away, because I was scared of her muscles. She was a beautiful young woman, barely out of college, who was a head shorter than me, and I was scared of her. And Coach Kelly wasn't the only one who noticed. “Look at him shaking,” a girl in a basketball jersey said. “He's literally shaking. What a coward.”
       “Just let him run away, coach,” sneered Azita, the Persian decathlete. “He'll just let you beat him right away so he can tell his little friends he let you win, and spare his fragile little ego.”
       Actually that was a pretty good idea. If I just flopped over, I could save some face, and no one could ever say for sure that I lost to a girl. “Okay fine, let's do this,” I said.
       “Hold on,” Coach Kelly said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a black and yellow key fob. “Just to make things interesting, I'll even put up my bright red Ferrari F8 Spider. Just to make sure our friend Chad has the incentive to give it his all.”
       As the keychain hit the table, my heart started racing. I always dreamed of having a Ferrari. I could pick up any girl in California with a car like that. It would change my life forever, and all I had to do was beat this pumped up blonde bimbo at arm wrestling. And I could, because guys were always stronger than girls. Who cared if Coach Kelly was ripped to shreds, my arms were still a little bigger than hers, and I probably outweighed her by 80 pounds. As I imagined myself driving her Ferrari down the strip, with a bunch of hot girls in the seats beside me, I could feel my desire igniting, stoking the flames of my confidence. “Hell yeah,” I said. “Let's do this!”
       But just as Coach Kelly and I were getting ready to sit down, the crowd of girls parted once again for Megan Masters, her skin glistening with sweat from a workout, which somehow made her look even sexier than before. “Oh my, what's going on here?” she asked.
       “That dumb jock challenged Coach Kelly to arm wrestle, completely out of nowhere,” Lizzie said. “And after she tears his arm off, he'll never set foot in here again.”
       “Oh no,” Megan said, gliding to the muscular blonde's side. “Coach Kelly you can't! You're a member of the Flexington High School faculty, and it's so easy to sue a private school in California.”
       “I appreciate your concern Megan,” Coach Kelly said, her eyes locked on me. “But I'm not going to hurt his body. Just his ego.”
       “Please Coach Kelly,” Megan said. “You're the best strength coach in the entire country, and you leadership is so important to all the girls here at Flexington. It would be terrible if you had to leave because an insecure male filed a suit for emotional damages after being humiliated. I hope you understand that as Senior Class President, I'm asking you to reconsider for the good of the school.”
       Coach Kelly grumbled. “You're right Megan,” she sighed before turning a withering gaze at me. “That's probably for the best, I've accidentally crippled stronger guys than this wannabe gym bully.”
       “No way!” I cried. “What about my Ferrari?”
       “This is bullshit!” Lizzie cried, stamping her foot. “The Challenge must be satisfied. Someone needs to humiliate this big dumb sack of crap!”
       The girls mumbled as they looked to one another, but then a small voice spoke up in the middle of the crowd. “I'll do it,” Kimiko said. “I'll arm wrestle him.”
       The girls looked at one another as Kimiko stepped forward, over a foot shorter than me, her tiny jaw set in determination. “Kimi, you're so brave,” Megan said, clasping her hands together. “No matter what happens, you'll always be a hero to me.”
       “Thanks Megan,” Kimiko said. “Coach Kelly, I guess you can take your keys back. Chad and I will just compete to see if he gets to use the gym, like we all originally agreed to.”
       Coach Kelly looked at Kimiko and smiled. “There's no need for that,” she said. “Kimi you're the always the first girl in the weight room and last one to leave. You push yourself harder than anyone else in here. I believe in you, Kimi. I'm leaving my keys on the table. If Chad beats you he can have my car.”
       Kimiko looked at Coach Kelly and nodded. “I'll do my best,” she said with a faint smile.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on July 01, 2023, 03:36:00 am
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Ha ... every red piece of paper had "arm wrestle" and every blue one had Coach Kelley.

lol yep
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on July 02, 2023, 03:33:50 pm
Chapter 10

       My day was looking up all of a sudden. Instead of having to arm wrestle that muscle freak Coach Kelly, I got to take on a high school girl who barely came up to my chest. That Ferrari was as good as mine, and I was ready to start gloating. “Your best won't be nearly good enough, you little Pokemon,” I jeered. “Remember, I'm a straight-up 100% pure-bred gym bully, and you'll need a lot more than just big forearms to get rid of me.”
       At that comment, I saw Kimiko's eyes erupt with anger as her face contorted into an angry scowl. “Don't worry about me,” she snapped. “I've got more than just big forearms.”
       Then Kimiko pulled off her oversized sweatshirt and threw it to the floor, and my jaw dropped open. Her tits were even bigger than I thought, big creamy white orbs of flesh as big as her head that were so impossibly firm and perky they strained her sportsbra so that it looked like a bikini top.
       But her colossal hooters weren't the only oversized parts of her body. The rest of her was bigger than I thought, too. A lot bigger. Kimiko was jacked. Muscles bulged obscenely from every inch of her tiny frame, as if she had rocks stuffed under her skin until she was just about ready to burst. Her biceps, triceps, and delts bulged against each other on her arms. Her lats, traps, and delts bulged against each other on her back. Her her abs, ribs, and obliques bulged against each other on her midsection. And what's more, she was every bit as shredded as Coach Kelly, without an ounce of fat to be seen on her body except for her enormous jugs, which rode on a pair of pectoral muscles as thick as textbooks.
       I couldn't believe my eyes. The mousy little Asian girl was a beast! And the other girls couldn't believe it either. “OMG look at her muscles,” a girl in a headband gasped. “They're amazing!”
       “I know she lifts like crazy,” said another, “but no way did I expect that. Just... wow.”
       Even Lizzie Munsch was impressed. “Goddam Kimi,” she called. “You must get one hell of a workout from carrying those massive milk jugs around.”
       “Cut it out, Lizzie,” Kimiko said again, this time more assertively as she walked toward me, her black eyes as hard as steel as her gigantic tits jiggled vigorously.
       As we sat down at the table and locked hands, Kimiko's monstrous hooters spilled over the edge of the table in a way that was hard to ignore. “Enjoying the view creep?” she snapped. “Because those are the last parts of my body you should be worried about right now.”
       Apologetically, I pried my eyes away from the visual splendor of Kimiko's oversized tits, and as Coach Kelly placed her hand on ours to start the contest I felt Kimiko's tiny hand tighten around mine with the force of a mechanical vice. She was strong. Really strong. “3, 2, 1... go!” called Coach Kelly.
       That was all I needed to hear to re-focus my mind. I had my pride at stake, and my girlfriend, and a Ferrari. And all I had to do was overpower a girl who was half my size. I poured everything I had into it, pulling against Kimiko's small dainty hand with every ounce of strength I could muster through my right hand. But it wasn't enough.
       I watched in horror as Kimiko bent my hand forward and began pulling my arm toward the table. Her bicep throbbed, swelling to the size of a baseball beneath her creamy white skin as her forearm rippled with power, even bigger now than when she had compared it to mine earlier in the evening. This couldn't be happening, I told myself. Guys were always stronger than girls, I told myself. But sure enough, this shy five-foot-tall high school girl with muscles like an Olympian had forced my hand nearly halfway to the table, and I was starting to feel weaker with every passing moment.
       So, in an act of desperation to save what was left of my ego, I put my other hand around her wrist and pulled with all my might. All the girls screamed bloody murder, and Becky's voice stood out from the rest, and burned like fire. “Chad, is your ego so fragile that you can't bear to lose to a girl,” she asked, “even though she's obviously stronger than you.”
       “Come on Coach Kelly!” Azita yelled. “He's using both his arms. This has to stop.”
       I sure as heck wasn't going to stop. And soon I had Kimiko's arm bent halfway down to the table. Coach Kelly leaned in and turned to Kimiko. “Kimi, he forfeited the second he started using both hands. You can stop now.”
       Kimiko looked at me, and her eyes burned with anger as her body shaking with exertion. “No!” she growled. “I'm not... giving up. I'm going... to beat him. He needs... to... lose!”
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Dona Fell Friz on July 03, 2023, 06:52:42 pm
Oh myyyy.
Title: Great story!
Post by: monstarmaster on July 04, 2023, 03:25:56 am
What a great story, grbaclig. And really well written. Funny and exciting.

I know that Chad is "in" for some humiliation. But I would love to see some kind of revenge by him in the following chapters. He could spy on the training secrets of the girls and find out about their gains etc. Then he might try to achieve some impressive gains as well (and succeed, at least partly). Then Chad could exact some revenge on Lizzie at least and "show her the ropes", before suffering his final defeat (or not). Just some ideas, grbaclig. I love it when the dynamic of a story shifts at a certain point of time and something unexpected happens.

It's your story, of course. You will decide the course of action. I just wanted to chime in that you got me hooked!

Congrats again and keep up the great work!

Your fan

mm :cool2: 
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on July 04, 2023, 07:47:30 pm
I love seeing scenes where girls beat boys in arm-wrestling, especially if the guy is using both hands and the girl is using only one, so yeah, the next chapter can't come out soon enough! Looking forward to more. k+!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on July 04, 2023, 08:02:09 pm
Chapter 11

       Then, to my shock and horror, Kimiko's arm stopped moving, her forearm trembling with effort as she clamped down on my hand so hard I nearly screamed. Then, slowly but steadily, she began to raise her arm back upward, even as I pulled against her with both of my arms at once. Kimiko's eyes were locked on mine, a look of unshakable determination on her face, but I my eyes were drawn to her arm. It was getting bigger. Her bicep had swelled to the size of a mango, throbbing with power and beading with sweat, with visible striations where it inserted beneath the thick wedge of muscle formed by her front deltoid, and a noticeable split near the bulging lumps of vein-streaked muscle on her softball-sized forearm. “How can you be... so... strong?” I groaned as I struggled to resist the surging power of the little girl's big muscles.
       “I work harder... smarter... longer than you,” she snarled. “So I'm... stronger than you!”
       The girls were abuzz with excitement as Kimiko powered her arm past the midpoint and started forcing mine downward, slowly but inevitably. I leaned in, pulling as hard as I could, but it was no use. Her right arm was stronger than both of mine put together, and I could feel her getting stronger with each passing moment as her thickly cabled forearms swelled with definition, the sculpted rock of her bicep peaked higher and higher, and striations rippled across her deltoids and pecs. Meanwhile, I was getting weaker with every breath, my arms burning with exhaustion as my hand began to descend toward the table more quickly. Then, with a shout of exertion, Kimiko made one final surge of power and slammed my hand down with such force that I was thrown from my seat and onto the ground.
       The girls cheered and jumped for joy as Kimiko rose calmly from her seat and looked down at me, bending over slightly so that she could see past the enormous globes of tit flesh that threatened to spill from her overworked sportsbra. “Not bad for a tiny Asian girl, huh?” she scoffed as she flexed her thoroughly pumped bicep and smiled at its towering peak as it glistened with sweat.
       As I pulled myself up off the ground, the girls crowded around Kimiko to congratulate her, with Megan Masters at the front of the pack, presenting Kimiko with her oversized sweatshirt. “Kimi that was amazing!” she said. “The strength and determination you showed were truly inspiring, and I feel blessed to have been here to witness your victory.”
       “Thanks Megan,” Kimiko said, blushing as she wriggled her gigantic cans back into the folds of oversized sweatshirt. “I did my best.”
       “See girls,” Coach Kelly said, “there's no limit to what you can accomplish if you set goals, make a plan, and push yourself hard every day.”
       Kimiko blushed as the girls crowded around her and showered her with hugs and high fives. But it only took a few seconds before they turned their attention on me. “What about him?” Azita asked, pointing in my direction. “Why is he still here?”
       Coach Kelly's face had a condescending smirk as she sauntered up to me, her musclebound body seeming to swell with power as she drew closer. “Well Chad, you lost,” she said. “You tried to cheat at armwrestling against a girl half your size, and you lost anyway. You can show yourself out.”
       “Whatever,” I mumbled. “I don't want to use this dumb weight room anyway. Come on Becky.”
       Becky rocked uneasily on her feet. “Actually, I think I'm going to hang out in here for a little while,” she said, as she looked to Lizzie Munsch at her side. “You know, hang out with the girls.”
       “Don't worry,” Lizzie jeered, smiling viciously as she wrapped her arm around Becky's waist. “I'll take care of her, just like I promised. You do remember our deal, don't you?”
       I could feel tears of shame and humiliation welling up in my eyes, as I hurried out of the gym before anyone could see me.
       As soon as the doors of the weight room slammed behind, I slumped to the floor, the sound of giggling girls and clanking weight plates echoing behind me. It wasn't long before my sadness gave way to anger, and anger so intense that I couldn't sit still. I pounded my fists against the floor before I finally got up and stormed off down the hall. I knew what I had to do.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: nickolai on July 05, 2023, 06:39:09 pm
Me thinks Kimiko's victory will serve as inspiration and an example of what (im)possibilities the female body can achieve with focus, determination and hard work.  Coach Kelly may have some new converts to work with and thus will be born the first cohort of veritable super-human high school girls ... hehe

Can't wait until the next one. 
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on July 06, 2023, 01:51:00 am
Chapter 12

       The sun start to set when girls started to exit Flexington High School and head to the parking lot. I watched them walk across the courtyard and to their cars, hiding behind a big palm tree so that no one could see me. Finally, I saw them. Becky had changed back into the skirt and blouse that she wore to school, and she was walking with Lizzie Munsch, who was wearing a tight black dress with a low neckline and a short hemline that only a total slut like her would ever wear to school. And they were holding hands.
       I was so mad that I could hardly see straight, but I forced myself to wait until there was no one else around. Then I rushed out from behind the tree, cutting them off as the walked through the grass toward the parking lot. “Get your hands off her, you dirty slut!” I yelled.
       Becky was visibly scared, backing up as she fumbled with her purse. “Chad, what are you doing?” she gasped. “You look crazy right now. What's wrong with you?”
       “I told you babe, it's toxic masculinity,” Lizzie said, putting a hand on Becky's arm. “Guys are emotionally weak and sexually insecure, and that makes them act stupid and crazy. But don't worry, I've got more than enough toxic femininity to deal with a limp-dick like your ex-boyfriend here.”
       As I stomped toward Becky, Lizzie sashayed forward, stepping between us as she tossed her hair over her shoulder as she flashed her bitchy little smirk. “I'm not her ex-boyfriend,” I yelled, pointing at Becky, who shrank in fear, even from ten feet away. “She can't leave me unless I say so. Becky, get your ass over here, right now!”
       “Don't you dare talk to her like that!” Lizzie snapped, her bitchy smirk turning into an angry scowl. “She is not a piece of property. She's more woman than a dumb sack of crap like you deserves, and you need to apologize to her right now.”
       I looked down at Lizzie, so angry that I was trembling “Shut up you snotty little cunt!” I growled.
       I swung a tight left hook at Lizzie's bitchy little face, not a haymaker, but a punch with enough force to drop a decent-sized guy―and to put a sneering little bitch like her down for the count. But to my surprise, my punch didn't even get close to landing. Lizzie easily ducked under my arm and spun gracefully to her right, driving her elbow into my exposed left flank making my ribs scream out in pain. Then, as I recoiled from her elbow strike she grabbed my left arm by the wrist and elbow, and before I knew it I felt my teeth rattle as my body slammed back-first into the grass at Lizzie's feet.
       I was staring up at the sky, trying to piece together what had happened, when I heard Lizzie's nasty little cackle. “Do me a favor and don't get up,” she said. “I'd love to beat the shit out of you for the next few minutes, but I have a date with a hot blonde with long legs and an ass like ripe peach. Her name's Becky. I think you two may know each other, actually.”
       Becky giggled, and I saw red. “Shut the fuck up, Lizzie!” I yelled in anger as I sat up. “I'm so sick of your damned mouth! And now I'm going to kick your ass for real. I don't care if you're a girl!”
       Lizzie rolled her eyes. “Are we really going to this?” she sighed. “Fine, whatever. Just give me a second. This dress is super expensive and I don't want to get your blood all over it.”
       My aching side made it hard for me to get up, so as I struggled to pull myself off the ground, Lizzie yanked her dress off over her head and stepped out of her shoes. Now dressed only in her jewelry and a lacy black bra and panties that covered very little of her fit, curvaceous, freckle-dusted body, she handed her dress to Becky then kissed her gently on the cheek.
       Becky blushed, and I saw red. “I'm going to kill you, bitch!” I bellowed as I stood up.
       Lizzie stepped forward, fists raised, chin down, bouncing lightly on her feet as I stomped toward her. I drew back my right hand to throw a haymaker, but before I even had my shoulder cocked, Lizzie's right leg lashed out and struck me solidly in the left thigh, a couple of inches above the knee. My quad seized up, stopping me dead in my tracks, and I reflexively reached down to cover my leg just in time to see Lizzie's right foot streaking toward the left side of my face.
       It felt like getting hit with a brick. My vision went blurry as the world started to spin around me and I had to focus just to stay on my feet, and I reflexively reached up to cover my head just in time for Lizzie's next kick to smash into my left flank, exactly where her elbow had previously struck me.
       It felt like getting hit with a baseball bat, and I staggered backward, nursing my left side, the sharp pain I felt when I tried to breathe making me think that she had broken at least one of my ribs. “Oh my God Lizzie!” Becky exclaimed. “you just kicked him three times in like, two seconds.”
       “Yeah, I'm a total badass,” Lizzie said as she adjusted her bra. “Does that turn you on?”
       “OMG, of course,” Becky gushed.
       “That's what I like to hear,” Lizzie said with a smirk as she turned her back on me and walked toward Becky. “Why don't you show me just how much I turn you on.”
       Lizzie wrapped her arms around Becky's waist, and Becky did the same, grabbing one of Lizzie's thick, round buttocks in each of her hands and planting a passionate kiss on her lips.
       Becky purred and I saw red. “I'll kill both of you dykes!” I yelled, clenching my fists.
       Ignoring my sore leg, aching jaw, and screaming ribs I rushed at them both. I made it about two steps across the grass when Lizzie sprang forward and drove her left foot directly into my gut, right beneath my ribcage, knocking the wind from my lungs and sending me toppling to the ground.
       My eyes were filled with tears now, and not just from pain but from humiliation. Lizzie Munsch was one of the sexist girls I had ever seen in my life, a 120 pound cheerleader with curly strawberry blonde hair, freckles and a body like a porn star. And she was kicking my ass. And when she was done with me, she was gong to fuck my girlfriend. The look on Becky's face made that all too clear.
       As I whimpered in pain, Lizzie stood over me in her skimpy black lingerie, checking her nails as if beating me up was boring her. “I told you I was the school bully,” she said. “Did you think I just meant cyber-bullying? Did I forget to tell you that I have black belts in Judo, Muay Thai, and Jiu Jitsu? I probably should have mentioned that. You know, maybe this whole thing is kind of my fault, after all.”
       Becky laughed. And I saw red. “Stop picking on me!” I screamed as I clambered to my feet and rushed at Lizzie, tears streaming down my face.
       This time I got her. I drove my shoulder into her tight little stomach and took her down, and now I was on top of her, smothering her with my greatly superior size. I laughed through my tears as I snatched at her wrists. After having been bullied by Lizzie Munsch all afternoon, I was finally winning.
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on July 06, 2023, 01:58:23 am
Thanks for the kind words everybody. I don't think that the installments in this series will be related to one another very closely, or re-use characters very often. I kind of want to use them to write different types of stories.

The next one is going to focus on a positive relationship between a guy and girl, so I can't really use Chad, Becky or Lizzie for that!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on July 06, 2023, 03:28:16 am
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Thanks for the kind words everybody. I don't think that the installments in this series will be related to one another very closely, or re-use characters very often. I kind of want to use them to write different types of stories.

The next one is going to focus on a positive relationship between a guy and girl, so I can't really use Chad, Becky or Lizzie for that!

That's good, because I rarely see that from a story of yours, your last one, about the luchadora was different, because it featured a positive male character, when previously your male characters were much like Chad, chauvinist, pigheaded, stubborn, pretty much assholes. So it would be good to see more positive descriptions of guys. Not all of us are like Chad, some think women with muscles are the greatest thing imaginable. k+!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: grbaclig on July 07, 2023, 01:34:56 am
Chapter 13

       My victory lasted for about two seconds.
       Suddenly, I felt Lizzie's thighs clamp around my waist, squeezing me so tight I cried out in pain as she began to rotate her hips to the left. At the same and she grabbed my left arm at the elbow and shoulder and began to twist my upper body in the opposite direction. In a second I was on my side, and in another second she was on top of me with my arm bent painfully over my shoulder. “How are you... so... strong?” I cried out.
       “You didn't know that cheerleaders lift weights?” she cackled. “I'm in the gym two hours every day, and I'm not in there to check out the other girls's asses. Well, I am in there to check out asses, actually. But I also pump iron. Maybe not as much as Coach Kelly or Kimiko or Megan, but more than enough to handle a sack of crap like you.”
       As Lizzie jerked my arm back and over, I turned away from the pain and kept turning, and soon I was laying on my stomach. I may not have been a black belt in Judo or Jiu Jitsu, but I had seen enough MMA to know that I just made a big mistake. Almost instantly, I felt Lizzie's arm slither under my chin as she applied a rear naked choke. I could feel her bicep digging into my neck, hard as a rock, as if I needed another reminder that she had powerful muscles underneath those sexy curves. I pulled at her elbows anyway, but my arms were still depleted from armwrestling Kimiko, and all I was able to do was make her laugh. “God, you're such a pussy,” she snorted as she slowly tightened her choke hold. “Speaking of which, do you smell that beautiful aroma drifting through the air? Mmmm, I sure do. That's the smell of Becky's pussy getting wet as she watches me dominate you. I'll bet she's staring at my ass right now, rubbing her juicy little clit and thinking about all the nasty, kinky things she wants to do with me, after we hop in the shower to wash your blood off my hot, hot body.”
       I bellowed in anger and tried to thrash around and throw Lizzie off my back, but she had all of her weight planted on the small of my back, and all I could do was squirm. “Remember our deal, Chad?” Lizzie said, speaking softly into my ear so I could feel the warmth of her breath. “Remember what I said I was going to do?”
       I felt blood pounding in my head, and even though I wanted nothing more than to keep fighting, and throw Lizzie off my body and pound her into a bloody pulp, I knew that wasn't going to happen. So I tapped my hand on her arm three times. “Uh no,” she laughed. “You think you get tap out, after all that trash you talked? No, the only way you're walking out of here is if you do exactly what I tell you to. Do you understand?”
       “Yes,” I squeaked.
       “Good,” Lizzie cooed. “Now tell me. What I am going to do to Becky?”
       My lips trembled and I began to cry, but I knew I had to answer. “Wreck her pussy,” I sobbed.
       “But that's not all I'm going to do, is it?” Lizzie asked. “What else am I going to do to her?”
       “Break her heart,” I bleated. “You're going to wreck her pussy and break her heart.”
       “And there's nothing you can do to stop me,” Lizzie said with a cackle as my vision grew faint. “Oh and Chad, one more thing.”
       “What?” I whimpered. “What do you want?”
       “Welcome to Flexington High,” she said.
       And then everything went black.

Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on July 07, 2023, 03:52:29 am
Good way to end this part of the story, after all, Chad deserved what he got. Lizzie may not be likeable, but Chad was far less likeable than her, so yeah. Looking forward to seeing what you do in the next part. k+!
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: jeffbeans on July 26, 2023, 10:56:15 am
Wow, this was so good!  :bravo:
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Dona Fell Friz on July 29, 2023, 05:58:15 pm
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Maestro on July 30, 2023, 07:42:24 am
Unbelievably hot story!! I am dying to read more. It reminds me of the time
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: phil123 on August 05, 2023, 05:29:32 am
What a great story. And so I hope for more
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: Digital Garden on September 24, 2023, 08:38:47 pm
Loved this story! You are such a great writer,  where can I find more? (Keeping in mind I'm already caught up on Flemington High Part 2, and AXIOUSLY awaiting the rest!)
Title: Re: Fast Times At Flexington High - Part 1 - Gym Bullied
Post by: ravanin on April 11, 2024, 05:39:41 pm
I kinda like this one better than the sequel