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Author Topic: TV series She-Hulk  (Read 4901 times)

Offline Muscles Douceur

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TV series She-Hulk
« on: November 15, 2021, 09:09:04 am »
I think you should all be aware that a series of She-Hulk is in preparation on Disney +
I just saw the first visuals, I'm very disappointed by the look of the green giant, the little we see of her is what I feared the most, she looks like a green fit-girl, as very often in the comics, I would have liked her to be more muscular. In some comics, she has a more bodybuilt look, which I find much more believable compared to her power which is the same as the Hulk. Fortinite's version, could have been good for the show too, she has good muscular arms.
I am disgusted to see that studios and directors are still very avaricious when it comes to putting muscles on female characters.
I had hopes though, because it seemed to me lately that they dared to show more muscles on female characters. Especially since I saw Captain Carter in What If.

Forum Saradas

TV series She-Hulk
« on: November 15, 2021, 09:09:04 am »

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