WHICH CRITERIA Do you use Most, to Select the Best TYPE of Body Builder ?
Defining the Meaning of "MORPH" (Do NOT Confuse with the Similar Photo Editing Term, this Refers to the NATURAL HUMAN BODY TYPE)
(These are NOT MY Definitions, they are From HUMAN Biology Researchers like Desmond Morris Done Long Ago, and was Also Highlighted in One Issue of the MUSCLE & FITNESS Magazine During YEAR 2000 (Turn of Millenium). Since the Following are Biological Parameters, they CANNOT be Put on a Straightline, But Rather on a TRIANGLE, with Numerous Inbetween Types.
1) ECTO Morph = Girl who is THIN By Birth (USUALLY, comes to GYM, to INCREASE Her MUSCLE SIZE to Look BIG, Maybe NATALIA TRUKHINA the RUSSIAN?)
2) MESO Morph = Neither Thin Nor Fat, AND Naturally Muscular (USUALLY, Starts as a Champion of another (ANY Other Sport, But Gets Interested in FBB, via Even ACCIDENTALLY Seeing a MUSCULAR Female Bodybuilder in a PHOTO. "WOW !!!!!!! How Did SHE Get So Big AND MUSCULAR ? Can I Also Become That MUSCULAR ? Maybe I Can KICK the BUTT of My OWN BIG ELDER MALE COUSINS (Big as GORILLAS) and Maybe I Can Crush them ALL To DEATH !!!!!!!")
3) ECTO Morph = Girl who is FAT By Birth (USUALLY, comes to GYM, to INCREASE Her MUSCLE SIZE to Look BIG, CERTAINLY MARIKA Matesovich the RUSSIAN FBB and Fitness Girl)