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Author Topic: Le Monde Du Muscle- eBay (help)  (Read 6219 times)

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  • The Denise Rutkowski Story
Le Monde Du Muscle- eBay (help)
« on: October 10, 2018, 11:45:14 am »
Not sure if this is the right section to post this but anyway here is my purchasing quandary: I regularly purchase the mainstream (at least during the 90s) magazines i.e. FLEX, Muscular Development, NPC, FBBing Sports & Fitness and WPW mainly to find more info about Denise Rutkowski. Now, after having purchased almost all of the English magazines making the remaining magazines became few and far in between. For example, I came across a French Magazine called 'Le Monde Du Muscle' which features Denise in some editions but I am afraid that it is not original content (some article images look original) - possibly just translated articles from English magazines I already have. Has anyone had any experience with Le Monde du muscle before, in other words, do they post their own content or do they simply compile and translate articles from different magazines? Already have 3 magazines in my basket, just wanted to make sure before I started bidding.

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