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Author Topic: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]  (Read 81175 times)

Offline gbrummey

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #75 on: September 06, 2017, 06:56:56 pm »
draight, this was so good.  seriously. I sincerely hope you continue to practice and develop your skill. i can't say to see what you churn out I'm the future. your pacing,  characters,  wordsmithery(?)'s all right to my taste.

Forum Saradas

Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #75 on: September 06, 2017, 06:56:56 pm »

Offline draight

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #76 on: September 13, 2017, 03:15:05 am »
The apartment was crowded, warm in spite of the air conditioning.  Bodies seemed to occupy ever available seat; Nick sprawled lazily in the recliner, head back and eyes closed contentedly.  Krista had claimed the loveseat; her long, bared legs taking up the length of it while Sarah perched in her lap.  The tall blonde gazed at her companion with a secret smile, absentmindedly stroking her hair with one hand.  The brunette’s eyes wandered continually, looking from the T.V. to her lover, to the hallway, to the far side of the room.  Luke and Andrew had taken up position on opposite ends of the couch, the gap between them occupied by Jess, who had snuggled into the crook of Andrew’s arm and looked up at him with heavily lidded eyes.

Devin and Priya bustled about on the other side of the room; Priya bent over the sink washing dishes and passing them off to Devin to dry and put away.  Everyone seemed content with the relative silence for the moment, preoccupied with their own thoughts.  As ever, Luke found his attention relentlessly drawn to his girlfriend like a ship caught in a whirlpool, simply studying her back as she cleaned; her hair pulled up into a neat bun, bared arms cocked outward from her body as she dried, a pair of pajama bottoms shrink-wrapped around her cannonball glutes.

Priya straightened up with a quiet grunt, stretching out her back and gracefully raising one dark, wet hand to brush her hair back from her face.  Sarah’s roaming eyes fastened onto the motion.

“Would you girls like some help?”  she called out.  She made as if to rise before Krista’s arm lazily wrapped around her midriff, pulling her back gently.

“They can handle it.  Just relax, you’re a guest right?”  the blonde cooed.

“Yeah, but you’re not.”  Priya called back without turning.  “Get over here and help.”

“I could use some help with putting things away,”  Devin admitted.  She stretched for one of the top shelves to demonstrate, falling short by several inches even as her shirt rode up, her deeply ridged lower back peeking out.  The fabric of her pajamas drew tight around her calves, threatening to break through as she bobbed up and down.  Come on…  Luke thought.

“Fine,” Krista said heavily, neatly slipping Sarah of her lap and standing up.  Luke sighed in disappointment as she walked over to join her roommates with Sarah tagging along behind.

“It was all really good,” Andrew called after them.

“Yeah, thanks for having us,” Jess agreed.

“No problem,” Priya and Devin responded in unison, the two girls looked at each other and chuckled briefly.

“All right shorty, give me those,” Krista seized the assorted plates and glasses, returning them to their places with dramatic flourishes.  “Satisfied?”

“My hero,” Priya observed dryly.  She turned back to address the room.  “Does anyone want anything?  Everyone have a drink?” she was answered with a chorus of affirmatives.  “Great,” she took her glass and crossed the room to Nick, nudging his foot with hers.  “Hey honey, wake up.”

Nick brought the recliner to an upright position and she climbed onto his lap, tucking her feet in as he cradled her hips.  Krista and Sarah quickly resumed their prior positions while Jess and Luke both tried to draw to the side to make as much room as they could for Devin to squeeze into the middle between them.  She settled heavily, resting one hand on Luke’s knee.

“Well,” Andrew finally said, raising his voice and glass.  “To finals then.”

“What!?”  Jess exclaimed.  “You nerd!  Why would you even want to think about that right now?”

“I just thought…”  He shrugged.  “Wasn’t that what this was about?  Last exams, last weekend, all that.”

“God, I don’t envy any of you.”  Sarah tittered.

“That’s right,” Krista chuckled.  “This little girl’s got a few more years to go.  Lucky you,” She planted a kiss on the brunettes cheek, and Sarah squirmed.

“Sure, but then we at least have commencement week to do nothing,” Luke replied, in response to Andrew’s point.

“Yeah, but I can’t really focus on that too much yet,” Nick sounded morose, “the exams shouldn’t be bad but I still have to finish up several of my projects.”

“You should have spent more time on them,” Priya chided gently, “don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

“I’m feeling pretty good about everything,” Krista volunteered, “kinesiology, anatomy, all that stuff.”

“Kind of like physiology, isn’t that?” Luke shared a small smile with Devin.

“Maybe?  Why, did you want help reviewing?”

“I think I’ve pretty much got that one on lock actually.”

“Goodness, all these sciences,” Jess said, with exaggerated distaste,  “how do you stand it?”

“Not everyone can have your radiant, artistic nature dear,”  Andrew chuckled.

“Says the guy who thinks it’s a thrill to look at numbers all day,”  Jess looked around.  “No one else?  Just me and Devin, huh?”

“What?”  Devin looked over at her in confusion.  “I’m not an artist.”

Jess laughed.  “I just mean you’re the only other person here who does a more liberal arts thing.  Besides, you’re doing a bit of performing right?”

“What was that?”  Sarah interjected.

Devin shrugged her massive shoulders.  “I’m happy to try, but I don’t think it’s going to really be my thing.  Going forwards anyway.”

“You’re going to do great,”  Jess said supportively, before continuing in a mock threatening tone, “you better.”

“To be fair,” Priya interjected, “is what Krista does really science?”

“There’s some science involved…”  Krista said defensively.

“What is it that you’re doing?”  Sarah directed the question to Devin.

“Oh,” She blushed, “Jess asked me to be a part of her performance, so of course I agreed.  I’m going to…”

“Ah ah ah!”  Jess cut her off.  “No giving anything away!  You have to come see it.”  She looked around.  “All of you.”

“Well of course I’ll be there,” Andrew replied.  Jess rolled her eyes at him.

“That sounds interesting,” Sarah continued to look at Devin as she voiced her interest to Krista.


“…so yeah, we’ll just kind of be hanging out for the summer and then I’ll be starting grad right when she…”  Luke was explaining to Sarah.

“Let’s play a game or something,”  Nick proposed apropos of nothing.  Luke glanced over at the clock and was surprised to find that several hours had passed since dinner.  Everyone had moved around a bit since then; getting snacks and refills, going to the bathroom or finding more comfortable positions, but the energy level of the room had stayed mild.  Priya giggled as she leaned in to plant a kiss on Nick’s mouth.

“Not a bad idea, but we don’t have any board games,” she glanced around, “and too many people for video games I think.”

“There are other kinds of games,” Krista suggested, a sly grin crossing her face.

“Here we go,” Priya sighed.

“That could be fun…”  Jess mused, she shot a look at her boyfriend before turning back.  “What did you have in mind?”

Andrew and Luke exchanged glances with one another but stayed out of the conversation, content for the moment to let them handle it.

“What, something like truth or dare?” Devin asked.

“Isn’t she adorable?” Krista chuckled.  “And afterwards we could play spin the bottle right?”

“Well excuse me,” she rolled her eyes in response.

“I’m always up for a drinking game,” Nick suggested.

“You know what I think it’s time for?”  Jess’ eyes turned on Andrew, gleaming with mischievous energy, “I think that there was something we discussed you doing once before babe.”

“Huh?” his face screwed up in thought, “wait, you don’t mean…”

The bubbly brunette flashed across the room to Devin, snaking one hand around her waist and placing the other on her bared shoulder.  “C’mere Titania,” she shepherded the surprised redhead to the kitchen table and pushed her, unresisting, down into a seat.

“Eh?  Eh?”  Jess gestured theatrically at the nonplused Devin.

“I mean…” Andrew looked around for support, instead he found Luke and Nick giving him sympathetic shrugs while Krista met his gaze with a broad grin.  Sarah, behind her girlfriend, watched the unfolding scene with rapt attention.  “What’s even the…?  We already know…” he made a gesture of appeal to Devin, the only other person in the room who seemed on his side in this.

“Do it for me babe?”  Jess batted her eyelashes at him as she slowly but insistently steered him towards a chair.  “Besides, we’re all friends here.  No one’s going to hold it against you if you lose.”

As this exchange continued, Devin looked over to Luke uncertainly, worrying at her bottom lip.  She cocked her head slightly, mutely asking his opinion.  He couldn’t resist letting out a small chuckle, giving her a minute nod of support.  At the signal her eyes brightened, a subtle smile taking shape on her lips.  “Don’t tell me you’re scared,” she suddenly piped up, joining in Jess’ game.  She slowly lifted her right arm from her side, putting it up on the table in an arm-wrestling position.  The mountainous contours of her bicep mounded up even at rest, rising to a size that any of them would have believed to be beyond possible if they had never met the little juggernaut.

Fine,” Andrew allowed himself to be pushed into the seat across the table from her, “but if I have to do this, then everyone else has to do it too.”

“Whatever you big baby,” Jess nearly cackled in delight.  “Who knows?  You might even pull off a surprise upset.”  She turned to Devin and winked, “Try not to hurt him?  He still needs that hand.”

Resigning himself to the inevitable, Andrew stretched his arm up onto the table to mirror Devin’s pose.  The room momentarily went silent, everyone simply observing the contrast.  Perhaps if Andrew had been comparing one of his legs to Devin’s arm there would have been a contest; as it was, her arm overshadowed his like an oak tree over a twig.  It quickly became apparent, however, that there was one dimension in which he outmatched her; his forearm a good several inches longer than her own.

“Should we get a textbook or something to prop her arm up?”

“No, I think he just has to adjust the angle of his arm to match…”

“Would that give him or her the advantage with regards to leverage?”

“Wait a second,” Andrew, seeing an opening, took advantage of the interruption, “shouldn’t we do this more of a tournament style?  Guys against guys, say, and girls against girls until…” he felt a small, soft hand clasp his and turned back.  Devin’s green eyes twinkled as she looked up at him.  An instant later he grimaced in pain as Devin squeezed slightly, compacting his larger hand to allow her fingers to encompass its entirety.  “Ah, Devin, if you don’t mind…”

“Sorry,” she relaxed her grip somewhat, “I figured we should just get this over with, right?  We can start whenever you’re ready.”

“Ok,” he took a deep breath.  “Ready, and… go.”

The result was, of course, predictable.  Andrew threw himself into the match, determined that if he had to do it, he might as well try his best.  Devin, for her part, simply absorbed his efforts, only the slightest twitch of her corded forearm muscles betraying that anything had happened.

“Did you start?”  Sarah’s eyes were riveted to the scene.

“Did we?” Devin asked, warming to her role.

“I thought you wanted to get this over with?” Andrew huffed through clenched teeth.

“Sure, but I said you could start,” she smiled.  “I’m just waiting on you.”  The tendons in his thin arms were clearly visible as he strained against her.  Devin raised her left hand and placed it on her right bicep, kneading at the muscle contentedly.  In the midst of their contest, or lack thereof, the craggy peak was still soft enough to easily roll under her grasp.  Luke watched in utter fascination, even at rest he was hardly able to massage her; the inhumanly strong, tightly woven, and perhaps most of all, huge, fibers of her body resisting his hands.

“I think he’s a bit shy,” Jess laughed, “maybe he’d feel better if he could use both hands?”  Devin simply shrugged at the question.

“Isn’t enough enough?”  Andrew stopped pushing and pulled backwards, attempting to extract his hand from Devin’s grip.  The only response he got was a small squeeze from the red-head, followed by a quick tug, pulling him back down into his seat.  He scrabbled at her fingers for a moment, trying to pull them loose with no result.  “Fine!”  He brought his other hand to bare, wrapping it around hers and attempting to torque her down with his upper body.  Her forearm swelled to match him, at last exerting a hint of effort.  Her bicep, too, pulled tight as the broad peak rose.

“Well, if you really don’t want to do it,” Devin’s looked around, “does anyone want to give him a hand?”  Her face had begun to flush a light pink; Luke felt certain that this was a result of excitement at being in the unusual (for her) position of being the center of attention, rather than from any sort of strain.

“Seems like a good time,” Nick stepped up to the table, making a dramatic show of stretching.  “Want some help man?”  Andrew, tendons now standing out in his neck, simply hissed an affirmative.  “How though… ah.”  Approaching from her right side Nick reached, almost gingerly, to lock his hands around Devin’s dainty wrist, his fingers able to close around the narrow link between her hand and flaring forearm.  With a grunt he pulled towards himself, bringing the weight of his body backwards.  Devin’s hand wavered, beginning a slow descent towards the tabletop.  Andrew let out a sigh of relief as Nick gasped out, “See?  We’ve got a chance here.”

Devin’s arm immediately exploded in response.  While before the limb had been massive, bulging with evident but untapped power it now erupted into action.  The tightly braided cables of her forearm squirmed under her skin, ripples running down them as they pumped larger and larger, spurred on by the introduction of a challenge.  The slabs of pure muscle that were her biceps were spurred onward as the ripples reached them, forming into sharp relief, veins and fibers growing through her soft skin.  To the amazement of everyone watching, and the excitement of some, the tidal wave didn’t stop there; in a single movement her exposed shoulders quivered, contracted inward to diamond hardness, and then popped outward, deltoid insertions the size of handholds carving deep furrows in the deltoids larger than her own head.  A grimace plastered itself to her features for the first time since they had begun.

Fuck!” Nick nearly let go as Devin’s forearm expanded under his gasp, barely able to believe the sensation of all that feminine brawn seemingly being conjured into being under his very fingertips, forcing his hands apart.  Whether he momentary faltered in his efforts or not wasn’t certain, but it quickly became clear that it didn’t matter either way; Devin simply powered her hand back towards an upright position, overwhelming both the full weight and efforts of both Nick’s and Andrew’s bodies.  Upon reaching a perpendicular position to the table she paused, once again holding them in a stalemate.

The spectators stared at the overwhelming image of muscular female perfection, the two struggling men completely forgotten, even by their partners.  As she held them steady, growing increasingly assured of her utter superiority, the fierce expression on her face melted away to be replaced by an easy smile.  She looked over at Luke, pursing her lips into a kiss.  His heart pounded in his chest, a yearning in his manhood, his eyes filled with nothing but her.

“Well Krista?”  Priya spoke up for the first time since this had begun.  “You seemed interested in doing something different tonight, feel like stepping up?”

The Amazonian blonde blanched, awe and intimidation apparent on her face.  “I wouldn’t want to interfere, make things too easy for the guys,” she mumbled.  Sarah had stepped up behind her, wrapping her arms around her in a hug, but the brunette had continued to stare at Devin, her lower lips trembling.

“Mmhmm,” Priya grunted knowingly.

“Well, I’m feeling it now,” Devin admitted.  Her voice dropped, her eyes bored into her boyfriend’s, “Luke?  I think there’s room for one more.”

Luke found his body moving without his consent; a man possessed, dominated simply by the spectacle of his musclebound girlfriend.  He approached from Devin’s left side, extending his arms to brace them against the organic marble of her forearm, adding his weight to push in the direction that Andrew was pulling.  Unlike before, however, the titanic redhead was ready; not about to be caught by surprise by the addition of another pair of opposing hands.  No sooner had Luke touched her than she released a feminine grunt from deep within her armored core, hunching forward to finally push with all her might.  Surely she couldn’t defeat them all?  She gave ground.  Her teeth once more bared in a rictus of effort, the stitching around the shoulder and neckline of her top popping unheeded.  Her gaze snapped to the side, she and Luke locking eyes.  Yes Devin.  He had no breath to waste in speaking.  You can do this!  This is easy.

“Yes,” she said.  The declaration was so sudden, so quiet that the others weren’t certain that she had actually said anything.  “I can do this.” 

Andrew let out a ragged gasp as her hand clamped harder around his, threatening to crush it.  It would have been trivial for her to do so, but even now she maintained control.  Every muscle of her colossal body swelled as one, as if in sympathy with the work being done by her one arm.  Chest, shoulders, core, legs burst forth in a symphony of hypertrophic flesh.  The legs of the chair under her prodigious glutes and hamstrings buckled.  With a drawn out cry she pushed, sweeping away the combined efforts of three strong young men in a surge of irresistible girl power.

Priya watched from behind her boyfriend, face fixedly neutral.  Jess laughed with delight at the sight, offering up a brief whoop of congratulations.  Krista had unconsciously taken a half step backwards, watching in sheer disbelief, tinged with a hint of envy.  In the excitement she failed to notice that Sarah had fallen back several feet behind her, wrapped her arms around herself, and let out a low moan, overcome by the fantasy come to life in front of her.

As Devin’s arm surged forward and down for the final time, Luke was propelled bodily backwards; reluctantly releasing his grasp on her freakishly swollen forearm.  Andrew was bodily thrown onto the table, Nick’s form dragged along from behind for the ride until he too let go and slumped down to the floor.

“Fucking She-Hulk!”  Jess was first to move, slapping Devin on one heaving shoulder.  The three men picked themselves up, straining to catch their breath.  Andrew shook out his hand, clenching and releasing experimentally. 

“Oh!  I’m so sorry Andrew,” Devin sounded sincere. 

“It’s not too bad, just going to be a bit sore.”

Still, the redhead couldn’t help positively beaming at Luke as he stumbled over to wrap his arms around her.  “That was quite some showmanship there.  What has Jess done to you?”

“Show-woman-ship,” Jess corrected, “and you’re welcome.”

Flush from the show, the group laughed good naturedly at this.  Luke felt a gentle tug on his shirt as Devin pulled him down to plant a lingering kiss on his lips.  A thin sheen of sweat had broken out on her brow, and her flush was beginning to fade.

“If you really think that it's Jess who gave me the confidence to do these things..."  she trailed off for a moment. "Anyway, I think that might be enough excitement for me for one night,” she whispered into his ear, “how about we head to your place?”  He nodded and helped her to her feet.

“What, we’re not going best of 3?” Nick couldn’t resist asking as the two headed for the door.

Devin looked back with a smile, “Anytime you want, but you might need to bring a few more guys.”

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #77 on: September 21, 2017, 04:04:50 pm »
As the door swung shut behind the departing couple, the remaining group collected their bearings.  Andrew continued to gently work at his hand, directing an accusatory glance towards his girlfriend.  Jess, for her part, chuckled to herself in a satisfied manner as she went for a refill.

“Happy?”  Andrew asked her with a long-suffering sigh.

“What?  It was all in good fun,” Jess rolled her eyes at him.  “No one thinks that you’re less of a man or anything like that.”

“No one here would have reasonably expected any other outcome,” Krista added charitably.  She turned to Sarah, “Right?”  The brunette simply stared at her without speaking.  “Are you ok?”

“Hmm?  Yeah,” Sarah said quietly.  She moved forward to rub herself against her girlfriend suggestively.

“No other outcome no matter who tried?  Or no other outcome specifically for him?”  Priya ribbed Krista, “Because you had a chance to get in there.”  Krista ignored her.

“So anyway,” Nick piped up, “are going to continue with the trend of contests where one participant clearly outclasses everyone else?  Cause if that’s the case I may have some suggestions for things that we could do next.”

“No one wants to hear your freestyling dear,” Priya rolled her eyes.

“That wasn’t my only idea,” Nick said sullenly.  “I guess if Andrew needs a win right now we could do some sort of math-off.”

“I’m fine really.  That won’t be necessary,” Andrew had finished nursing himself and replaced his drink.  “Also,” he spun, “you lost too, just as much as me.”

“I don’t choose to remember it that way…”

Krista looked down at her partner as Sarah rubbed herself more insistently against her thigh.  The willowy girl arched an eyebrow at her and Krista grinned in response, stiffening slightly as she felt one of Sarah’s hands gently cup her butt.  If the others noticed, they had the good grace to not say anything.

“Does anyone have cards?  We could play something…” Andrew suggested.

“Ugh, yawn,” Jess stood and stretched, “it’s still pretty early.  Why don’t we head out?  We could go downtown, get drinks, go dancing.”

“Or see a movie?” Nick offered hopefully.

“Or go dancing,” Jess said again, pointedly.

“Yeah,” Priya thought it over, “yeah!  Let’s do that.”  She took Nick’s hand.  “Come on, it won’t kill you.”

“I mean, technically it could.”

Krista felt Sarah shift behind her, going up onto her toes to plant a light kiss on the back of her shoulder, followed by a light nip.  “Um…” she glanced at Sarah’s smile and back to the group, “I think that we’ll stay in tonight.”

“Ok.”  Krista wasn’t certain exactly how to interpret the glance that Priya threw their way.  “Have fun you two.”

Finally in the privacy of Krista’s bedroom, Sarah attacked her girlfriend.  Krista barely had time to shut the door before the brunette’s slender frame slammed into hers with such ferocity that it knocked her a step back into the wall, regardless of their disparity in size and strength.  Krista laughed as Sarah’s hands fumbled with the waist of her shirt.  “All right, all right,” she raised her hands up over her head, assisting her in the removal of the top, “maybe we should have kicked everyone out earlier.”

Sarah didn’t respond.  She pressed her soft lips to Krista’s collar, kissing insistently.  The blonde relaxed backwards against the wall with a heavy sigh.  This quickly turned to brief yelp as Sarah’s teeth flashed.  The taller girl looked down, finding a small red mark where her partner had given her the love nip.  Sarah grinned up at her mischievously.

“Someone’s feeling naughty…” Krista’s voice broke as Sarah’s head darted across her chest to the other side, planting another small nip her collar.

“What are you going to do about it?” she trailed her tongue down Krista’s chest, stopping with her mouth poised an inch from the nipple.

“Well, if you’re not careful I might have to… ah!” She arched her back, hissing with a mix of pain and pleasure.

“Have to what?”

“Have to punish you,” Krista finished in a pant as Sarah’s mouth came to rest against her sternum, her nimble tongue darting out, the brief contact sending crackling electricity through her.

“Oh you will, will you?”

“You think I won’t?”  With her shoulders planted firmly against the wall, Krista arched her back, her hips pushing forward, abdominals rippling to prominence under her pale skin as Sarah trailed her tongue down the separation between them.

“On the contrary,” the brunette paused at the waist of Krista’s shorts, “I’m counting on it.”  Sarah braced herself against the blonde’s thick thighs as she planted her face into the deep v-cuts of her midriff; cooing with pleasure as she teased at them with her lips, planting a flurry of kisses.

“What was that?”

“You heard me,” Sarah slipped a hand into the taller girl’s shorts.  Krista compliantly parted her legs to allow the nymphet’s slender fingers easier access to her soaking pussy, aching for her dexterous touch.  An index finger traced down her cleft, Sarah relishing the heady wetness dripping from her lips, Krista bracing herself for the jolt of pleasure.

It didn’t come.

Krista opened her eyes, looking downward.  Sarah was still on her knees, slight frame pressed against her muscular legs.  Her finger idly traced along the blonde’s mound; tantalizing, teasing.  Krista let out a heavy sigh; a mix of arousal, frustration, impatience.  Sarah smiled to herself, face still pressed to the amazon’s undulating core.  She could read Krista’s body effortlessly; the heaving of her chest, the way that her hips rocked forward against her hand in minute circles, insistent and unbidden.  She could feel the heat emanating from Krista’s womanhood, matching the fire burning in her own.  We should have kicked everyone out earlier.  She had felt as though she was going to combust, explode. 

Sarah fought to keep back the rising feeling of guilt as she looked up at Krista’s body.  She had been so drawn to the blonde when they met; the way she towered over her, the feel of her strong, sinewy limbs wrapped around her, her cocky, dominant demeanor.  All of these things had made her irresistible.  Sarah had been content in the knowledge that she had found the partner of her dreams.  That contentment had been shattered, replaced by an insatiable hunger for the musclegoddess that was Krista’s roommate.

The first time she had lay eyes upon Devin’s hulking frame she had been overcome by the sight, and every time since then had never failed to provoke a furious hunger in her that she felt she could only barely resist.  To finally see those glorious, enormous, granite-hewn muscles in action; watching Devin simply womanhandle those three men… they had been nothing to her, their combined efforts no more than a minor inconvenience to be mocked, shamed, swept away by her pure, unbelievable feminine strength.  She had been simply riveted to the sight, half of her wanting more than anything to bolt from the room to pleasure herself, the other half of her simply refusing to take any action that would remove her from the presence of that goddess made flesh.

And then she had simply left with her boyfriend.  In the genial atmosphere, no one had noticed the look of envy and disappointment on her face; the way she had had to control herself to stop from following into the hall for just one more glimpse.  Instead she had seated herself; the dull throbbing ache in her slick womanhood only growing stronger as she had mulled over the match, begging for release. 

And speaking of begging…  She turned her attention back to the woman towering over her as Krista’s strong hands cupped the back of her head, twined themselves into her hair, patted affectionately at her shoulders. 

“Kitten,” Krista panted from above, “you’re starting to test my patience.”  Sarah felt a jolt of arousal run through herself at the declaration, knowing that Krista was reaching a breaking point, under her hands the muscles and tendons of her thighs and core began to tremble and flex in anticipation of movement.  “All this teasing.”

“Then do something about it,” Sarah purred, “show me what you do to bad girls.  Put me in my place.”  Her finger flicked, sliding across the tender nub of Krista’s clit, light as a feather.  “Show me how strong you are, what those gorgeous muscles can do.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” Krista preened, drawing herself to her full height, flexing for the benefit of the brunette.  Sarah gazed at the sinewy mounds of her biceps, the single vein running down the middle, feeling another pulse of arousal issue from her womanhood to sweep through her.  Quick as a snake she darted her face forward again, planting a harder bite on one of the protruding bricks of Krista’s abdominals.  The blonde cried out in pain and arousal, unable to resist any further she bent forwards.

Sarah stiffened as Krista’s long arms wrapped around her chest underneath her arms, constricting around her to sweep her bodily from the floor and into the air.  She found herself crushed tightly to the stony surface of Krista’s body; her thin torso pressed tightly to Krista’s broader, stronger one as her arms supported her, feet dangling above the floor.  As her mind reeled under the haze of her arousal, Sarah playfully fought back; pressing her hands against the amazon’s bulging upper arms and shoulders and pushing with all her might even as her fingers greedily drank in the texture of her muscles.

“Nice try little one,” Krista growled into her ear.  She swayed back and forth, shaking the hapless brunette like a ragdoll, drawing a gasp from her lips.  “But you asked for this.”  Sarah drew her arms back and dropped them forward with all her strength, landing several hammer blows on Krista’s broad chest.  The blonde grunted in surprise and pain.  With a jolt of power she squeezed with all her might.  The breath exploded from Sarah’s lungs as her chest compacted against Krista’s firm trunk, her arms dropped to dangle limply at her sides.  The blonde’s face split into a smirk of superiority as she carried the stunned brunette across the room in several long strides to drop her on the bed.  Not yet fully rallied from her stupor, Sarah squirmed but Krista ignored her ignored her impotent struggles, pinning her wrists above her head with one hand and using the other to strip off her dress and undergarments.  She reared to her full height, towering over the slim, trembling girl as she planted her hands on her hips, flexing her entire upper body into etched relief.  “What to do with you now?”  She mused, eyes drinking in the sight of Sarah’s pale, slender arms and legs, of her shapely breasts heaving as she panted in arousal, of her clean-shaven pussy waiting invitingly.

Without waiting for a response she reached down again, once more immobilizing Sarah’s arms with one strong hand while the other cupped her soft breast, squeezing.  The girl thrashed under her grasp, straining with both of her arms against Krista’s one, exulting in the sensation of being taken, controlled by the larger woman.  Yes.  So strong.  Those fucking muscles.  Take me…  Her hands lifted an inch from the bed, only momentarily before being pushed back, but her eyes snapped open.  Krista’s beautiful face was flushed, the arm restraining her trembling slightly with effort.  Sarah felt a flash of disappointment, her frantic inner monologue interrupted.  She kicked out with one leg, her knee deflecting off of Krista’s chiseled midriff, but not without drawing a momentary flinch from the blonde.

“Enough,” Krista leapt onto the bed.  Her firm glutes landed on Sarah’s chest, the weight of her body pressing Sarah into the mattress.  She rocked forward onto her knees, her massive thighs framing Sarah’s face.  Her hand released Sarah’s wrists to palm the back of her head, scooping it forward to press her face forcefully into Krista’s sopping pussy.  “Get to work,” she growled.  Sarah melted, tongue darting forward frantically to taste her lover’s juices, face thrashing s she rubbed it against her mound.  She stared up the cliff of Krista’s body; her smooth skin, craggy core, large pendulous breasts swaying as the amazon rode her face, moving her hips in a rocking motion to force her tongue further into her cleft, carrying her slight body along for the ride.  Sarah pawed at Krista’s thighs, feeling the rippling muscle underneath the skin flex and recede with her motions, clasping at the scalloped glutes as they pistoned her large body back and forth.

“Faster.”  Krista gave a squeeze with her thighs while being careful not to hurt her lover.  She panted as the pleasure building inside her grew as Sarah redoubled her efforts.  The girl’s soft hands played over her lower body; squeezing, prodding, feeling, and Krista obligingly flexed the muscle groups in turn, relishing the way the smaller woman worshiped her body.  She raised her own free hand to her chest, playing with her erect nipples.  Sarah watched in awe, her hands creeping down to her own aching womanhood, parting the folds of her own lips to play at the wetness beneath…  Stars exploded in her eyes as Krista’s muscular adductors squeezed her again and she squeaked in her desperation for release.  “Not so fast.  First you have to make it up to me.”

Sarah mewed, parting her legs imploringly, clit practically throbbing.  Krista ignored her pleas, riding her face relentlessly.  Sarah gave in, devoting herself completely to the pleasuring of her partner; tongue and hands working frantically, moaning loudly.  Finally it happened; Krista’s thighs contracting for a final time, now involuntarily, her head thrown back, long hair cascading downwards, chest heaving as her hand released the back of Sarah’s head to travel up and grasp at her breasts in ecstasy.

“Oh God,” Krista rolled off of her onto her side.  Sarah’s face and chest was flushed a bright red from her furious lovemaking; mouth trembling, nipples stiffened like little pebbles from her unsatisfied arousal.  “I think you’ve earned your forgiveness, do you?”

“Please,’ Sarah moaned as she rolled over to grasp at her partner, “now, please.”  She groped at Krista’s rugged biceps.  In her mind’s eye they expanded to twice their current thickness, muscle shapes swelling, becoming inhumanly large and defined beneath her skin, a light dusting of freckles… “I need you now.  Take me, show me how strong you are.”

Wrapped in the warm afterglow of her own release, Krista didn’t hesitate.  She stood from the bed and leaned over her love.  Sarah looked up at her uncertainly as Krista’s hands dug under her backside before the Amazonian blonde’s thighs and calves flared with exertion, arms popping as she scooped the brunette from the bed into the air.  Sarah shrieked with delight as Krista flopped her thin legs over her broad shoulders before turning to brace her back against the wall and bury her face in her crotch.

Holy shit!  At the show of strength Sarah felt herself almost immediately on the edge of orgasm, but almost immediately Krista’s arms and shoulders began to shake and tremble with the strain.  No, she’s so strong.  She’s incredible. Sarah tried to push herself over the edge, but there was no denying Krista’s limitations.  Not like Devin.  The thought sprung unbidden to her mind.  She’s a monster, a freak.  She couldn’t help it; she allowed the fantasy to overwhelm her.  Devin’s gargantuan musculature, barely showing a hint of strain as she overcame the three men earlier.  Of her simply walking into the locked bedroom door and pushing it off its hinges as though it were made of balsa wood.  Of her reaching out with a petite hand to put it on Krista’s shoulder, effortlessly forcing the much taller girl to her knees before her as she came to claim Sarah for her own.  One hand forcing the blonde head between into her gushing cleft with contemptuous ease even as Krista’s sinewy arms pressed against her barrel thighs, fighting with all her strength.  Fiery green eyes boring into Sarah’s own as her other hand simply curled her upwards to her waiting lips, cute freckled face locked in an expression of desire.

“Oh yes!  Oh yes!”  Sarah was beyond care, beyond shame.  She trembled and jerked her hips, nearly causing Krista to drop her as her arms quickly depleted of their remaining strength.  “Yes, fuck!  Those insane muscles!  Goddess!  Freak!  Fuck!  Devin!”

She was falling, wailing in pleasure as she hit the blankets.  Aftershocks rocked through her body in crashing waves of pleasure.  Everything was silent save for her final whimpers.  After a moment, rational thought returned.  She opened her eyes, looking up at Krista’s expression.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Still one of the best stories out the little flashes into their continuing relationship.........hope she keeps pushing herself, and we get some detail on that!! Can't wait for the next chapter K++

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #78 on: September 25, 2017, 01:41:06 pm »
I think Sarah is in deep shit. She was so obsessed, though, it was impossible to keep that kind of fixation bottled up for long. I wonder how Devin will react to learning about it?

This was a fun couple of chapters. A shame it needs to wrap up, but their graduation sounds like a logical point to draw this story to a close.

Brilliant first effort.


Offline draight

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #79 on: October 12, 2017, 12:52:08 am »
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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #80 on: November 20, 2017, 03:29:51 am »
Fantastic!!!!!! May I do some custom artwork of Devin? I would be honored!

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Yeah, sure.  I'm glad you like the story.

Did some fan art!

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I hope to do more of some of this AMAzing story!

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #81 on: November 26, 2017, 11:20:24 pm »
I couldn't resist writing several short passages to go with Confirmbiceps' art.  New chapter soon hopefully.


I’m definitely getting bigger.  But how much?  And how much would he want to see?  The lighting in the gym locker room seemed perfect for this, she thought she could see every individual muscle group and cut in her arms as she posed in the wall mirror.  She was pretty sure that this was the first time she had come to the gym alone, without Krista or Luke to watch or assist her and she had found that she had really enjoyed it.  Admittedly, the fact that the gym had been practically empty had probably helped her nerves.  It was odd though; she loved coming with Luke, loved seeing the worshipful look on his face as she curled dumbbells that weighed more than he did, loved knowing what it did to him.  Especially loved knowing what they would do immediately afterwards…

She shivered.  Somehow though, coming alone had been exciting in its own way.  She found a strange excitement in knowing that she was here working on herself without Luke knowing, knowing that next time she saw him she would be even bigger and stronger than he was expecting…  She flexed again, pumping as hard as she could to inject as much blood and pure brawn into it as possible.  How much larger than he expected could she make herself?  Maybe the very sight of her would be enough to…

Devin cut off a short squeak of surprise as she heard someone push open the locker room door.  She quickly dropped the flex and headed to her locker to cover up.

The Sleeping Giantess:

Goddess.  Titaness.  Luke simply sat up in bed and gazed at Devin as she lay sleeping in the quiet morning sunlight.  Even at rest her muscles seemed hewn from stone, a bicep as thick as his own thigh flexing and relaxing rhythmically as she subtly shifted in her sleep.  He couldn’t resist reaching out with one hand to feel the muscle.  It was warm as ever to the touch, her soft skin smooth and perfect.  Would it wake her if I squeezed?  He decided to risk it, he couldn’t help himself.  The inhumanly dense fibers resisted his attempts.  Even when she was asleep he was nowhere near equal to her strength.  Perhaps if the muscle wasn’t so big he would have had a bit more success; as it was his entire hand wasn’t enough to cup even half of that gorgeous, sexy mound.  He brought his other up, together they were enough to encompass about half of the tree-trunk of a limb.  Even as he thought this it seemed he was mistaken; there was slightly more girth to them than he had just thought.  Wait.  How?

Her quiet giggle instantly cued him in, followed by an explosive expansion as she fully flexed her arm.  “Very funny.”  He bent over to kiss her as she gave up on feigning sleep and opened her eyes.

“I couldn’t resist,” she said through her giggles.  “Besides, you woke me up.”

“Well, now that you’re awake, is there any more in you?”

“You know, there just might be,” she cooed as she bore down on the flex.


Devin continued forward several paces without noticing that Luke had fallen behind.  Head tilted back, eyes closed, button nose up in the air, she inhaled deeply.  The sunlight felt good on her bared shoulders and the trees were just starting to bud.  Luke surreptitiously fished his cellphone out of his pocket as she drew ahead of him, smiling to himself as he opened up the camera app.

“Luke?”  Devin said in confusion as she opened her eyes and found him missing.  She looked back over her shoulder.  “What are you…?  Wait!”  Luke’s face split into a wide grin as he snapped a quick shot of her, capturing her surprised smile.  “What did you do?”  She turned back towards him.

“Nothing!  Nothing!” He played innocent as she set her face into a fierce scowl and stalked towards him.

“Let me see!  Give it to me!” she squealed, thrusting an arm forwards for the phone.

“What?  No!  Why?”  He laughed, holding the phone up and out of her grasp.

“Because!  Let me see!”  She hopped up and down several times, reaching for the phone as he danced away from her.  Finally she reached out to seize his collar with one petite hand and yanked him down to her level, bicep bulging with power.  He nearly tumbled to the ground before her other arm caught him firmly and set him back on his feet.

“Okay, okay!” he conceded as she seized his wrist and squeezed gently, forcing his hand open.  “Happy?”

“Hm.  I don’t look too bad, do I?” she said quietly as she continued to crush him to her chest.

“Best thing I’ve ever seen,” he said weakly.

“You’re too sweet.”  She gave him a peck on the cheek before releasing him from her embrace.  “I guess you can keep that one.”

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #82 on: December 02, 2017, 05:41:14 pm »
Devin joined the back of the line of girls disembarking from the shuttle and quietly followed along to step down and out into the warm spring morning.  As the queue broke up and drew away, leaving her standing alone in the sunlight, she drew in a deep breath before finally letting the giggles bubble up and out of her; shaking her broad form with giddy laughter.  She flung her arms out, careful not to dent the departing bus, and executed a quick spin on the toes of one foot.  In any other circumstances she probably would have amazed herself with how easily her form executed the maneuver, perhaps a testament to her recent sessions with Jess, this morning though she had other things on her mind.


“I mean… if you don’t want to, it’s okay.  If it’s too soon or if you think that your parents wouldn’t like it.”  Luke’s head had rested on the thick slab of her left pectoral muscle, his entire torso gathered into and supported by the broad hood of her latissimus muscle.  He had craned his neck backwards to look up into her face, his eyes heavily hooded, sweat drying on his brow in the aftermath of their frantic lovemaking.  Despite his obvious fatigue, hell, he had gone at her so passionately and powerfully that he had almost managed to make a dent on her, his eyes had burned with that light that made her feel so beautiful, so special, so… well, good.

She had relaxed; drawing the moment out, allowing herself to sink into that gaze.  Despite her unconventional shape, they hardly ever cuddled in this position.  He generally supplied the base as even though she effortlessly put her man’s muscular development to shame she still liked to feel… well… girly when she could.  Looking down at him though, she had thought that she might be able to get used to this position; the feel of his warm, toned body supported by her own.  The way it created the illusion that she was taller than him, something that would otherwise only be achievable with the assistance of a ladder or some stilts.  She gathered him more fully onto herself, lifting him with her left arm to deposit him on the center of her broad chest.  “Say that again?” she had requested coyly as she struggled to hold back her eager agreement to his request, to maintain an affect of serious consideration.

“Did I scramble you that badly?” he teased.  She had let the joke roll over her, continuing to smile blissfully until he relented.  “I found a little place, a one bedroom apartment that I can afford while I go to grad school here.”  He had paused to roll fully onto his stomach, their chests pressed against one another.  His head descended slowly as he pressed his mouth to her bull neck and she shivered involuntarily as his tongue darted into the crevice of her traps to play.

“Not that part,” she sighed heavily as he stopped talking to devote himself to his ministrations.  Her right hand had moved to take his, pulling it up and placing it on her exposed breast.  He had set to kneading it with gusto.

“I want you to come with me,” he breathed out when he finally paused.  His eyes once more locked onto hers, lazy smile still fixed as her nipple stiffened once more under his fingers, as her chest swelled with an indrawn breath.  “Move in with me.  I know you have some interviews lined up for the area.  You’re bound to get one of them, and… you know…”

“Yes!”  A wide grin had split her face as she had failed to hold it in any longer.  “Yes, of course silly!”  Before he could do anything other than grin back at her, his relief and exhilaration clear, she had pressed her lips to his, the two eagerly moving as one, any fatigue from their earlier frenzied session immediately forgotten.


Even the next day, the excitement of her decision had hardly faded.  Oh, what the heck? she allowed herself to step forward into another quick spin.  Two girls walking past nearby looked over curiously, prompting another quick peal of laughter from her.  Taking in the thickness of her arms, the way that her mounds of trap muscle kissed her ears they quickly looked away and bustled past.  Devin hardly spared the interaction a second though; she was growing used to the way that people looked at her now that she was wearing more revealing clothing and besides, she was feeling too good to let anything bring her down.

She hummed lightly to herself as she practically skipped the rest of the way back to the dorm.  She bounded up the staircase, taking them three at a time, the strength in her thighs sufficient to overcome the handicap of her short legs.

She swept into the apartment, slamming the door behind herself carelessly before leaning backwards against it to support herself as she kicked off her shoes.  “Hey Krista!” she called, directing a giddy wave at Krista.  The tall blonde stood at the mouth of the hallway, still dressed in what Devin recognized as her sleeping clothes: a pair of short shorts and tank top.  The redhead’s greeting went unanswered, a fact which Devin overlooked as she started towards the refrigerator.

“Devin,” Krista responded quietly.  She mulled over the name, had been mulling over it.  Devin… the way that Sarah had cried that name even as Krista had held her in her arms, the rapturous look on her face as she had fallen backwards to the mattress.  At first she had been confused, stunned.  That had quickly been replaced by a nausea and pain that she had never felt before.  Heartbreak.  It seemed so easy now to confess to herself that she had been in love.  Why couldn’t I have ever admitted it before?  What is wrong with me that I couldn’t bring myself to say those words?

She hadn’t been able to sleep after Sarah had hurried from the apartment last night.  She hadn’t been able to eat.  She hadn’t been able to do anything at all.  Several calls from Sarah this morning had gone unanswered as she brooded.  What had they done together?  How long had this been going on?  How could I not have known something was up?  Most of all; What am I supposed to do now?  She had no idea.  In her brief moments of lucidity Krista realized that the scenarios she was imagining didn’t make sense: Devin had a boyfriend, she had no reason to believe that her roommate had been carrying out any sort of affair with Sarah, she would have known.  Of course she would have known.  Then, the look on Sarah’s face would float back up to drown out all other thoughts, the way that she had cried that name.  Anger, humiliation and a healthy dose of fear swirled through her mind.  But more than anything else, she hurt.  Someone else needs to hurt too.

“What…?” Krista paused mid-question.  Her voice was low, uncertain.  Devin frowned at the unfamiliar tone for the blonde, usually so strong and self-assured.  She turned back towards her friend.  “What… what did you do?”

“Sorry?”  Devin asked, concern and confusion mingling.  She cocked her head.

“What did you do?”  Krista seemed to draw strength from fixating on the question, her voice growing louder and more assured as she stepped towards her roommate.  “What did you do?  How could you?  Why?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Devin’s defense came out high pitched as she took a step backwards from the advancing figure.  She quickly glanced around the room, searching for some sort of explanation or support.  Priya was nowhere to be found, and nothing else to clue her in to what was happening.  The towering blonde demanded her attention.  Finally pulled fully from her blissful reverie, Devin took in her appearance; the streaks running down her cheeks, the redness of her eyes, the bags underneath, the unkempt condition of her hair.  “Krista, what’s wrong?”

“Fucking… bitch!” Krista snarled.  Devin raised her hands defensively as the taller woman moved within arm’s reach of her.

Despite her crazed anger, the blonde paused momentarily as she drew up in front of her roommate.  She took in the unbelievable breadth of those shoulders, the bunching of those inhumanly large biceps as she raised her hands in front of herself.  Then…

Krista swung wildly; not aiming for anything in particular, not even forming a real punch so much as simply lashing out.  Her hand connected with the thick meat of Devin’s forearm with a loud smack.  Krista’s eyes widened.  Surely the warm, hard flesh had yielded a bit, even if only imperceptibly.  Even if she would never admit it openly to others, Krista wasn’t under any illusions about which of the two girls was stronger.  She’d been to the gym with the pint-sized musclegirl, hell, she’d been the one who had introduced her to it.  She had seen the kind of weight that Devin was capable of moving, or at least had been capable of moving the last time they had gone together which she now realized was some time ago, but she’d always held tight to a belief that her own superior conditioning and athleticism somehow served to bridge the gap between their raw strength.  A belief which had immediately been given the lie. 

“Hey!”  Devin let out high pitched chirp. Both girls paused and stared at the massive expanse of freckled beef.  A small red mark was barely perceptible amid the rolling, straining tubules of brawn.  “That kind of stung,” the redhead complained.

“Good!”  Krista placed her hands on Devin’s bared shoulders, God, my hands look so small… and shoved.

Devin didn’t budge.  “What is wrong with you?” she asked, a hint of pique now apparent in her voice.  A flush had started at the base of her thick neck and was working its way up into her cheeks.

“She was… I mean… I… she…” Krista leaned into her roommate with all her weight, her long legs straining, tendons standing out in sharp relief as she desperately pushed.  It isn’t fair.  Why is she so strong?  How is she so strong?  It doesn’t make any sense.

“What!?  She who!?”  Finally overcome with irritation, Devin casually brushed Krista’s hands off of her shoulders.  The blonde fell forward, head first, into her behemoth chest and rebounded.  Drawing back up to her full height, she cocked her right arm up and dropped in a hammer blow onto Devin’s bulging trap.  Her fist somehow managed to wedge itself between the enormous mound and Devin’s trunk of a neck, lodging firmly as she struggled to pull it free.  Was Devin flexing to holding it there?  She couldn’t tell.  The little beast simply stared up at her, brows furrowed in anger.  What right did she have to look at her like that?  And why was she looking so… blurry?

Devin’s expression softened as the fresh tears began to roll down Krista’s cheeks.  The blonde let out a series of short huffs before growling out a miserable, “Sarah.”  She punctuated the declaration by dropping her other fist onto the thick muscle of Devin’s pectoral shelf above her breast.  The hand immediately began to throb in pain from the shock of contact as Devin anticipated her and flexed her chest into the blow.  Before she could do anything else Devin had locked a hand around her wrist, immobilizing her.  The redhead’s eyes had quickly hardened again.

“If you do that again…” she began just as Krista lashed out once more with a knee.  Though she had intended for Devin’s midsection, the girl’s thighs were so voluminous that they protruded far enough forward to get in the way, resulting in a glancing strike off of them that ended with Krista’s leg wedged between the two of them.  “What the Fuck!?” Devin practically screamed.  She released Krista’s left hand and, without moving in inch, tensed her entire body.  Krista felt a moment of crushing pain in her trapped hand before it popped free and then she was flying.  Pressed together as their two bodies had been, the simple expansion of Devin’s mass was enough to propel Krista backwards and off of her feet.  She scrabbled backwards to huddle against the back of the chair, cradling her aching hand as Devin began to walk towards her, the floor shaking under her heavy tread.

“Yeah, what the fuck!” Krista screamed back at her.  “She was my girlfriend!  What the fuck were you doing with her?”

Devin stopped short a few feet away.  “What did she… what do you think happened?” she cried in exasperation.

“You tell me,” Krista snarled.  Now that Devin had stopped and was beginning to look more perplexed than anything else, she regained her feet.  “We were… together and she said your name… said other things…”

“Krista…” Devin shook her head, “I’m with Luke remember?  I wouldn’t… I couldn’t do something like that to you.  To anyone.”

“Yeah, Luke.”  Krista turned away, hiding her face.  “Good for you.  I’m sure you’re very happy.”

“Can we talk about this?”

“No.  I don’t want to.”  Krista walked to the hall, keeping a wide space between herself and Devin, before turning her back and heading towards her room.


“Fuck off!  Leave me alone!”  The blonde screamed back at her before slamming her door.  Devin simply stood and stared after her, her own eyes beginning to prickle with tears.  Eventually she turned and headed out the door, leaving the dorm behind.

She stepped back outside and wandered aimlessly around the campus, steering wide of any groups of students milling about as she brushed away errant tears. Eventually she found an unoccupied bench outside one of the buildings and sat herself.  What the hell just happened?  I didn’t do anything wrong!  She wanted to shout at the absurdity of the situation.  Still, she had a feeling that the best move for now was to just give Krista some space.  Her first instinct was to call Luke, but as she pulled her phone out she paused, finger hovering over the call button.  What if he thinks that…?  That was stupid.  Of course it was stupid.  That point aside though, maybe she shouldn’t bring him into this situation.

Priya hadn’t been in when she had returned to the apartment.  Maybe she knew something about what had happened.  Devin considered it for a moment and then dialed her friend.  The phone rang until the call eventually went to voicemail, “Hi, this is Priya.  Sorry I missed…” Devin hung up and sat stewing for a minute.  She didn’t want to go back to the apartment yet.  Maybe not today at all.  Jess’ apartment is near here…  She didn’t want to bring Jess into this any more than she did Luke, but for the moment it was a place that she could go under the pretense of a simple hangout.  She dialed.


Jess tensed her thighs experimentally underneath the table.  Well, what the fuck do you know?  About time too.   Just yesterday she would have gritted her teeth in anticipation of a jolt of soreness.  Today she had been pleasantly surprised to get through rehearsal without any trembling or pain and excited about the additional height she had achieved on her leaps.  She had been worried that taking up weightlifting in the weeks leading up to her performance for finals had been an enormous mistake: her acrobatic and balletic skills had been seriously impacted by the seemingly perpetual stiffness in her legs and arms.  All this despite her already considerable strength and conditioning from a lifetime of dance.  A sense of relief and lightness ran through her now that it seemed her muscles had finally acclimated to the unaccustomed movements and strain.  She ran her hands over her thighs as she flexed them, enjoying the sensation as her fingers probed into separations that she was sure hadn’t been present just a little while ago.

“Jess?  Jessica?  Hello?”

“Hm?  What?”  She redirected her attention above the table, at the ring of faces now focused on her.  It seemed that the question had come from Meghan.  “Sorry, I was just daydreaming...”

“Um… okay.”  The ring of girls tittered.  Jess repressed a grimace.  She liked the girls… well, mostly anyway.  Hanging out with them after rehearsals was the least that she could do.  She could have spent the time working on her own projects but it was important to be available to the junior and sophomore girls, and it wouldn’t have looked good if she was the only senior not putting in time with them.  “I was just asking if you had any thoughts on the way that…”

“I’m so sorry.”  Jess held up a hand before fumbling through her purse as it began to vibrate.  “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.”  The slender blonde tossed her head dramatically.

Jess finally found her phone.  Devin.  Let’s see… Thundra, have I done that one yet?  Shit, I think I’m running out.  She put it to her ear.  “Thundra!  What’s going on?”

“Uh… not much…”  A long sigh followed.  “I was wondering… are you doing anything?”

“I’m just hanging out, getting coffee with some of the girls.”  She directed an apologetic smile around the table.  “How about you?”

“Oh.  I’m sorry.”  Jess thought that she caught a muffled sniff.  “I was just… I don’t know.”

“Devin?  Are you okay?”  Jess’ smile faded.  She stood and moved away from the circle of suddenly curious girls.

“Yes!  I’m fine!”

“All right.  Do you want to meet up somewhere?”  Jess looked back at the table.  “I’m at DiCicco’s, do you want to come down?”

Devin hesitated for a moment before responding.  “Sure.  I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Jess sat herself back at the table with a polite smile.  “A friend of mine is going to be coming by,” she informed them.  “Actually, she’s helping me out, some of you were going to meet her soon anyway.”   Should I give them some warning?  It seemed more amusing not to.

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #83 on: December 03, 2017, 08:48:17 pm »
You are a master crafter. Honestly, after finishing the last chapter in a way, restarting in a total different one, to connect it all in the end... wow, you are a talented writer!!

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #84 on: December 07, 2017, 04:06:09 am »
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Just wondering is Devin patterned after Natalia Kuznetsova? Would be a good role model!

Can't say that she was, no.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to be trying out DA as an alternate platform for posting stuff as well.  I will keep updating here of course, but it seems like it might be an easier way to post some of the snippets for other stories I've been working on to see if there is any interest in them instead of making a bunch of threads here.  I haven't really committed to it yet though, so we'll see.  I'll hopefully be uploading stuff over the next week or so.

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Can you drop us a link for your DA page?

I don't think I can post outside links here, but its DraightD.

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #85 on: December 14, 2017, 01:24:37 am »

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #86 on: January 01, 2018, 08:46:17 pm »
Wow, Just wow! I absolutely love this. I have spent the last few days reading from start to finish. I am quite the lurker here trying to figure out how I can contribute to the site and help out the communty but I just had to write a comment because your story so far is beyond amazing and I absolutely cannot wait to read the next chapter! Please keep going forever!  :rock:  :clap:

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #87 on: February 23, 2018, 08:02:01 pm »
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Hi draight, any news from this amazing story??  :rock:

No sorry, nothing to report.  Not really sure when there will be anything, probably not in the near future.

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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #88 on: June 11, 2019, 12:49:08 pm »
I know that it has been a while, but this story is something else, and after re reading it for the tenth time I have to bump it
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Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« Reply #89 on: June 21, 2019, 03:07:49 pm »
This is a fabulous story and I want keep reading it. Someone please tell me: What is a DA page? How can I find it?

Thank you!

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