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Author Topic: First story attempt: A Chance Encounter  (Read 3364 times)

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  • Female Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini
First story attempt: A Chance Encounter
« on: April 27, 2024, 08:10:09 pm »
Heya!  I actually have posted this story on my D A a while ago (same username) with illustrations, but I've been really enjoying what y'all have to share here on this subforum, so I thought I'd post it over here as well for your potential/hopeful enjoyment.

If anyone has feedback (good or critical), I'd deeply appreciate it - critical feedback in particular.  Can't improve without knowing what one needs to improve on, no? ;D

Thanks, hope you enjoy!

Content "tags": Contains female muscle, minigts, lift and carry, some pictures.  Also, warning: Is long.

"Can I help you?"

At the sound of her voice, Mike was snapped out of his reverie and quickly flicked his eyes up from the biggest, most muscular thigh he'd ever seen in his life, past the biggest, roundest tits he'd ever seen in his life, and to the annoyed blue eyes of their owner boring into him with a look of grim annoyance.

"Oh, uh, sorry!! I was just thinking you'd probably know what stop I'm looking for," Mike stammered, craning his neck slightly upwards to maintain his gaze into those bright blue eyes.

The blue eyes blinked, silently willing him to continue before they rendered their final judgment.

"I, uh, I'm looking for the Planet Fitness gym in this part of town?" he managed, smiling weakly at her.

The enormous blue-eyed woman sighed, her annoyance dimming but failing to fade entirely as their bus hit another large bump, jolting about Mike, the woman, and each of her equally-enormous breasts. "It's four stops ahead, can't miss it from there," she said, far less forcefully than her initial inquiry.

Mike widened his weak smile a bit. "Thanks. That's what I was told, but I admit, I'm a bit nervous of missing the stop and getting lost in yet another part of town I don't know."

The annoyance on her face did fade this time as she looked at him anew. "Ah. New in town, here, then?"

"Yep. Just moved here last week. Figured I might as well join a gym to hit on the weekends. New start, maybe establish some good new habits, y'know?"

She nodded her giant head, moving Mike's rigidly-fixed gaze upon her eyes up and down with it. Like hell I'm pissing her off anymore, Mike thought.

"I get you," she said, "but you don't want to go there."

"Ah, no... why's that?" he asked, wilting slightly in anticipated disappointment.

A hand the size of a dinner plate came up into his view as she ticked off her points on her fingers. "The facilities are crap, the equipment's sweaty, gross and poorly maintained, the staff are assholes, the membership's expensive, and you practically have to sue them to cancel," she replied, flicking up all four fingers and her thumb.

"Color me convinced. Shit. Thanks for saving me a giant headache," Mike replied. Hesitating slightly, he grinned and continued, "Can we start this over? Hi, ma'am, I'm Mike, I'm new in town, and I'm curious if you know where I might go for a decent gym."

Amusement colored her face, and she gave him a surprisingly warm smile in return. "Hi Mike, I'm Ashley, and I'm afraid I don't. The Planet Fitness here stays in business by bullying out any other new gyms in this part of town."

"Ah, fuck, that's fantastic. Thanks, Ashley, for both saving me more time and killing my hopes and dreams in one fell swoop," he slid down in his seat as the expected disappointment set in, though his grin stayed up, despite that. At least she was warming up to him, as little as that mattered in this chance encounter.

Ashley didn't immediately reply, instead flicking her gaze down from his face and back up, her mouth twisting slightly as if considering something for a moment. Assuming the conversation over, Mike let his head fall back against the edge of his seat, maintaining his slouch as he gazed aimlessly up at the bus's roof. "At least this route's circular," he groused lightly.

Ashley hummed indistinctly in response, then gave an audibly-sharp intake of breath, as if coming to a conclusion. "It is, yeah, but if you don't mind a bit of a walk, you can come and work out at mine," she offered.

The bus jolted again, knocking the back of Mike's head against the edge of the seat, illiciting a curse from Mike and an amused chuckle from Ashley. He pushed himself into a proper sitting position again, rubbing the sore spot, as he gazed back up at her, forcibly dragging his eyes past those muscular, stocking-clad thighs and trainer-jacket-straining boobs without letting them stop on either. "I don't mind a walk. That sounds great, thank you Ashley."

She gave him another warm smile and said "Next stop's ours, then."

Giving her a thumbs up and an exaggerated grin, he replied "Got it, thanks."

Ashley nodded, flashing him a brief, dazzling smile of her own, before pulling her cellphone out of a pocket from the large, orange coat lying next to her and looking down at it, signalling the end of the conversation for the moment.

With a contended hum, Mike mimicked the gesture, checking his texts and e-mails as the bus jostled them a few more times over the next couple miles before turning into the next bus stop.

As the bus rolled to a stop and opened both its doors with an iconic pneumatic hiss, Mike pocketed his phone and looked up at Ashley, who was looking at him with a blush and an expectant gaze. "A-after you," she stammered.

With a flash of insight, Mike realized that at her seemingly-towering height, she'd have to bend over substantially to stand up inside of the bus, and the resulting view was probably a bit too heavenly for her comfort zone. Given how short her skirt was, she probably didn't want him behind her, either. He smiled reassuringly at her as he tipped an imaginary hat at her. Immediately kicking himself internally for such a lame gesture, he stood up and walked down the bus stairs almost directly in front of him to exit the bus. Turning around, he was treated to one hell of a sight; Ashley had gathered her coat and stood up, and was, as he surmised, bending over nearly parallel to the ground, she struggled to turn around to begin down the stairs next to her to make her own exit. "My god, she's ENORMOUS. She must always sit in that seat next to the rear bus door; I'll bet she doesn't even FIT anywhere else," Mike thought to himself in sheer awe.

Ashley carefully stepped down the bus stairs and wedged herself out of the bus, one part at a time - first a stocking-clad muscular leg, then her head, a shoulder, one colossal breast forced through the comparatively-narrow aperture of the door, then the other with a grunt of discomfort, finally followed by the rest of her. As each foot hit the ground, the bus rocked backwards, relieved of what was apparently a great deal of weight. Mike thanked the heavens he'd opted for boxer-briefs for this venture, as he was hard as stone by the time this short spectacle was over. She must be at least nine feet tall, he realized with shock. As he forcibly ripped his gaze from her nearly-Mike's-torso-sized chest and up... and up to her face, he saw her blushing furiously and looking at him with an inscrutable gaze. He closed his jaw with an audible clack and smiled weakly. "Right-o, which way?" he asked, feigning a nonchalance he certainly did not feel.

Her blush remained as she put on her coat, treating him to a show of her vast wingspan and jiggling tracts of boob as she pulled one sleeve on, then the other, followed by a shiver and a "brrr, it's cold." Her gaze remained on his eyes through the brief spectacle and, sensing danger, Mike clenched his jaw to prevent it from dropping again and, through a herculean force of will, kept his eyes locked onto hers. She gave a slight nod, seemingly to herself, and Mike felt like he'd passed some sort of test.  He did, however, resolve to check the results of the cold on her chest when he had the chance. "This way," she smiled, turning to begin walking in the indicated direction.

Mike scurried to follow, and immediately made two discoveries. First, her stride was very difficult to keep up with without the occasional scurry or jog, and second, he had no motivation to do so - her skirt didn't quite cover her well-muscled ass, and its movements were hypnotic. And so began the dance of him putting in the occasional jog to catch up to her side to allay suspicion, and spending most of his time following some degree of behind her to soak in the view of that ass, those enormously muscular thighs, and her football-sized calves in motion. Ashley chattered to fill the silence, talking about the town that he now lived in, and commenting on various areas that they passed, and Mike was pretty sure he was responding with the appropriate noises; her bright mood and pleasant chatter never faltered. Slowly, she seemed to catch on to his game, and began to slow her stride so he could no longer believably fall behind, but she made no comment regarding his behavior, instead continuing to talk about various neighborhoods and what he could find in or near each. Once they were walking astride, Mike listened more intently, and found her knowledge of the town to be quite impressive. They began to cut through a residential neighborhood, which Ashley seemed to know in even more detail, commenting on some of the actual people living there. Mike's confusion began to slowly grow, wondering why they were cutting through this particular area and how she knew it so intimately, when she stopped next to a very, very tall door leading into an otherwise modestly-sized home. "Well, here's me," she chirped, and fished out a set of keys from her pocket. Wait, what?

Mike tilted his head as he looked at her in confusion, catching her attention and a raised eyebrow. Realization shortly dawned on both of them that a dire misunderstanding had occurred. "Oh shit, you thought I was taking you to a gym-gym?" she asked as he also asked "Wait, you meant I could use your HOME gym?"

Silence abounded as they both stared at each other, dumbfounded, before Ashley threw her head back and broke the silence with a hearty laugh. "Oooh, this is awkward! Yeah, I meant I'd let you check out my home gym, since you were otherwise doomed in this part of town. I was gonna give you directions to another afterwards, but it's on the complete opposite end, and I didn't want you to miss your chance to start a good new habit." Mike just stared, continued to be dumbfounded, and felt his face heating up in embarrassment.

"It's fine, I'm sorry!! But, well... since you're already here, do you want to get in a work out anyway?" she asked, almost shyly.

Mike was surprised to find himself nodding before having consciously considered the question, and his mouth continued the betrayal by announcing, unheeded, that yes, he'd indeed like to do so.

Ashley smiled through another blush, unlocked the door, and gestured for him to enter. Unable to take back what he'd just said, Mike cautiously stepped through the threshold and into her home.

Mike found himself in the entry hallway of what was certainly not a normal, modest-sized dwelling. The ceiling, like the door outside, was multiple feet higher than he was used to. To his left was a den, with a sofa whose seats probably came up to his abdomen, along with a few other equally-enormous but tastefully-selected pieces of furnishings. To his right was another tall door with a few coat hooks on the outside, about eight feet off of the ground.

Ashley walked in behind him as he looked around in consternation, locking the deadbolt with a quiet but foreboding click. "Go ahead, make yourself at home," she stated, rustling behind him as she took off her coat and, by the sound of it, her track jacket as well.

Mike nodded quietly, and turned around to take off his coat just as she glided by, still behind his turning figure, announcing that she'd be in the kitchen up ahead. He removed his coat and found himself needing to hop into the air to actually hook it on a coathook. Shaking his head to clear it, he followed the sound of her footsteps and into the biggest damn home kitchen he'd ever seen. Not in terms of square footage, per se, but definitely in terms of cubic footage; the ceiling had to have been 12 feet high, and the counter and appliances were sized to match, coming up to his chest in height. Ashley herself had her back turned to him and was reaching into a cabinet full of cups and glasses, now wearing a thin, skin-tight sleeveless turtleneck (what a strange garment, he thought), and then Mike again stopped dead in his tracks. This woman was JACKED, like, holy shit, JACKED. Her back was wider than two of him and some change, and her arms positively swelled with pure, unadulterated muscle. Her ash-blonde ponytail swayed above a bull-thick neck with her movements. He managed to school his expression just in time as she swiveled around to face him, bringing her basketball-sized breasts back into view. Mike noted through peripheral vision that she had indeed found the walk cold, and the results were impressive to say the least. "Would you like some water," she smiled, seemingly accepting the smile he wore as a mask to hide the awe from his examination of her body.

"Uh, s-sure, I'll take a glass, th-thanks," Mike stammered, averting his gaze.

She chuckled warmly and replied. "Sure. And yeah, I know, this place is a bit much for normal-sized folks. But constantly bending over when I'm trying to cook or do ANYTHING around here gets hard on my... um... b-back."

Oddly, she finished her last sentence with a stammer and a lot less confidence than she'd started with, blushing furiously and glancing down at her chest - probably realizing that he'd make the connection as to why bending over so much would be hard on her back.

Mike, noticing her obvious discomfort, opted to veer the conversation slightly away from those implications, and instead stated with as much blithe ignorance as he could muster, "It really is, but I get it. I'd hate to bend over for everything, too! But man, this must have been EXPENSIVE to do!"

She chuckled nervously and her blush only deepened, causing Mike to kick himself for that last sentence. "I... I make do," she replied weakly, and quickly turned away to fill up a second glass of water from a sink Mike was unsure he'd even be able to reach.

Mike considered his social predicament for a moment and decided that continued blithe ignorance was the way to go. "You must. Wow. It's really nice, by the way - you have excellent taste in decoration and interior design. Your den looked very, eh, feng shui? I'm not sure what the appropriate word is other than 'nice,' here, sorry," he said, putting on a nervous smile and reaching up to scratch the back of his head.

Ashley visibly calmed down a bit as she turned back to hand him his water. "Thanks. It's... one of the things I do, actually. I do interior design consulting for people with similar, uh, vertical challenges," she smiled weakly.

Mike, took a sip of water and toasted her. "To a job well done, then."

Ashley smiled warmly and returned the gesture. Sipping at her water, she veered the conversation away from herself and asked the obvious question. "So, Mike, what do you do?"

"I'm an accountant," he sighed. "So boring to say, but, well, I like numbers, and it pays the bills."

Ashley nodded and finished her water. "Gotcha. Sorry for the distraction, but I find it very important to hydrate a bit before working out," she said.

"Duly noted," Mike hummed as he gulped down the rest of his. "Thanks for the drink!"

Ashley nodded at him and retrieved his glass, placing it in the sink for later cleanup. "Alright. This way!" she said, more pep to her voice as she re-entered comfortable (for her) territory.

As she walked past him, Mike turned to follow, noting that his head didn't even come up to the bottom of her chest, and that one of her thighs might actually weigh as much as his entire accountant-skinny body. If not, he mused, adding one of those huge calves would probably tip the scales in that direction anyway. He followed her to a nearby (again, tall) door in the kitchen that opened to a set of wide, steep stairs that led down to her very dark basement. Ignorant to Mike's growing discomfort, Ashley trotted down the stairs into the darkness and called up behind herself, "Gym's down here! Come on!"

"Come in, said the spider to the fly," Mike thought. "Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound," and he followed her down, the stairs uncomfortably tall for his comparatively short legs.

Lights flickered on just as he was beginning to have trouble seeing the next stair ahead of himself, and he blinked as his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

The surprisingly-long staircase terminated against a red brick wall, rather than the unfinished cinderblocks Mike was used to seeing. He turned, and found himself in an unfinished basement, complete with boxes stacked against cracked brick walls of different colors, a couple cobwebs in distant corners, and, to Mike's equally-measured relief and dismay, a plethora of oversized, heavy-looking weights and pieces of gym equipment. The equipment seemed to mostly focus on free-weight training, rather than weight machines or cardio, which, Mike mused, made sense given Ashley's *broad* stature.

Ashley, for her part, was stretching in a wide area clear of weights and equipment in the center of the basement, smiling at him as he soaked in what was obviously her favorite part of her home. "Sorry, it's not super clean, but this is my place!" she chirped as she leaned forward into a lunge, stretching one leg's hamstring and calf and clearly presenting her torso towards him, straining his willpower to its max as he forced himself to look around again, keeping his gaze well away from Ashley herself.

"This is impressive!" Mike only quarter-lied.

The sheer amount of WEIGHT down here was indeed extremely impressive, as were the oversized benches and seats of various forms. The rest, well, looked like a basement, albeit with a dauntingly high ceiling for a home dwelling.

Ashley grinned sunnily at him at the compliment, shifting her stance into another lunge, and his willpower broke. He simply stared at her for a moment, dumbfounded at how HUGE and GOOD she looked in that weird sleeveless turtleneck, short skirt, and black stockings. "This is assuredly not her normal workout getup," Mike thought, and forced himself to stop staring and begin some halfhearted stretches of his own.

Seeing him beginning to stretch, Ashley nodded approvingly, then indicated in a direction behind him. "Sorry, there's not much cardio stuff down here, although I doubt you'd have been able to use anything sized for me anyway. But there are some dumbbells over there if you want to start with some weights," she said, then grinned widely as she continued, "You're a guy, so I assume that's what you'd like to do anyway."

Mike chuckled ruefully at the joke, knowing he'd never be able to leg press in a lifetime what she likely considered a warmup for a bench press. "Thanks," he stated, and continued his halfhearted stretching.

Finishing hers, Ashley walked over to a box against one of the walls and retrieved a jump rope. "Oh, NO," Mike thought, sensing what was to come. Blithe to his sudden dismay, Ashley returned to the center of the basement, blushed, then turned her back to him and began to skip rope - revealing, perhaps, why she'd had the basement dug down to such a depth and correspondingly high ceiling. This exercise, much to Mike's prediction, caused her vast chest to bounce about wildly, frequently wobbling into his view from around her wide back. Mike just stared, his jaw agape, all thoughts of stretching eliminated from his mind. Ashley glanced back and caught him staring red-handed, blushed, and an inscrutable look flashed over her face before she forced a smile and said, completely NOT out of breath, "Behind you, to the left, against the corner - you'll find the lightest stuff over there. Don't be a hero, start light and work your way up until you're at a comfortable weight."

Mike slammed his jaw closed with an audible clack and felt his face heating up as he thanked her and turned to stumble in the indicated direction. "Shit, caught red-handed," he thought, even he knowing that staring at a woman working out was a BIG gym no-no.

He walked up to the indicated rack of dumbbells, and, looking closer at them, he felt the bottom of his stomach fall out. Even these "light" weights were BIG. Knowing she expected these to be easy enough for him to work his way up from, he began to wonder just how strong Ashley actually was, and felt himself hardening rapidly at the thought. He sensed the thin ice he was striding upon, having such a love for large, strong, muscular women and being in the den of the largest, strongest, most muscular woman he'd likely ever encounter in multiple lifetimes. Even worse, her self-consciousness and gaze-awareness seemed to equal her incredible size, for reasons he couldn't yet fathom. This left him in an unsettling combination of muscle heaven and uneasy, danger-laden hell. Gulping quietly, he reached out to the comparatively-smallest weight he could find, gripped it, and pulled on it with one hand, yanking himself forward a step. The weight hadn't even budged in response. Gulping louder, he steadied his stance, gripped the weight with both hands, and pulled with most of his might, and managed to lift the weight off of the rack, sacrificing some of his balance in the process. As soon as it left the rack, it proved far too heavy for him as it pulled his entire body towards the concrete floor. He strained with all of his might to set it gently-ish down without causing a clanging clatter.

"There's no fucking way," he thought, and his stomach sank further as he realized he was completely unable to work out at all here. "So now what do I do...?" he mentally wondered, and turned back towards Ashley.

Ashley, on the other hand, was facing away from him and doing overhead presses with a barbell loaded with bigger weights than he'd ever seen before in his life. The seemingly-light strain of those weights was still enough to cause every movement to flex and contort her muscles in fascinating ways, and each extension lifted her skirt slightly, revealing even more of her incredibly dense ass. He noted with further delight and dismay that either she wasn't wearing underwear (unlikely) or that her ass had swallowed it entirely (more likely and more impressive), because he saw no evidence of any cloth underneath that skirt. As he was gazing at her, searching for a glimpse that would prove the first hypothesis indeed incorrect, she glanced back at him, catching him yet again doing nothing but standing and staring at her, jaw agape. Another, less-inscrutable look of deep annoyance flashed across her face, and she wordlessly turned back away from him and continued her reps.

Guiltily, Mike began to stretch again, even less than half-heartedly, to mask his inactivity as he struggled to concentrate on how to say to her, "Your gym has no weights I can even lift and I can't work out here, you're way too strong to keep around anything I can do more than budge." The last thought, regretfully, continued to excite him despite his predicament, bringing him to an awkwardly-full mast that was almost assuredly evident underneath his pants. Not everything about him, after all, was built to accountant specifications - something he was regretting for possibly the first time in his entire adult life.

Ashley finished her overhead press reps and, with a final heave, brought the reinforced bar back in front of her so she could put it back down on the floor. As she bent over to do so, her skirt slid up further than it had before, revealing that, while his first hypothesis was indeed correct, his second one had inadequately grasped the situation - her ass was INCREDIBLE, and looking past that ass and those thighs and those calves, he could see her huge breasts straining against her shirt to hang down with the pull of gravity. It was too much. He let out an involuntary groan, which caught her attention in the worst way possible.

Ashley's head whipped around as she turned and straightened, seeing him yet again just standing there, staring at her, a half-assed and incomplete stretch failing to mask his gaze or his obvious desire, and he'd just let out a groan that shot to hell any plausible deniability he might've had. Her annoyance immediately darkened to a frightening rage, and she ran over to him in three long, bounding strides. Before he could realize the true danger he was in, she'd grabbed him by the collar of his shirt with her left hand and, with a speed borne of both rage and an utter lack of noticeable resistance, had hoisted him completely off the floor and was pinning his head uncomfortably above the rafters that were probably 13 feet off of the ground.

"What the hell are you doing?! You're not working out at all, you've barely moved from the dumbbells after putting one of them onto the floor, and you keep standing there, doing nothing but stare at me like I'm some sort of freak in a zoo! This isn't a freak show, this isn't a zoo, THIS IS MY HOME!!" Ashley snarled, punctuating every syllable of her final point with a shake of her fist, grinding Mike's head painfully against the rafter.

Mike, nearly shitting himself in terror as his brain caught up to her rage and his predicament, began to babble wildly. "I'm sorry!!! I can't even pick up your lightest weight, that's why I'm not working out, and I couldn't figure out what to say to you about it and I'm sorry I keep looking but you're gorgeous and you're not a freak you're just freaking HOT and I'm sorry I'll go just put me down and pleasedon'thurtme and I'llleaverightawayandnevercomeback!!!!" he wailed in one big breath, his eyes wide, wild, and locked onto her frightfully angry expression.

To Mike's surprise, however, Ashley's rage winked out almost as fast as she had sprung at him, and, after a moment of visible confusion, was replaced by red-faced embarrassment and, inexplicably, a sudden burst of tears.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" she wailed in return, the words starting to flood from her own mouth with nearly the same uncontrollable frenzy as his had. "I'm so used to people thinking I'm a freak and I thought you'd be different and I brought you here and you kept staring and I'm so sorry for yelling at you and OH MY GOD I'M SORRY," the last spouting out as it visibly dawned on her that she was still pinning Mike against her impossibly high ceiling.

She lowered him down to eye level and adjusted her grip so that she was holding him aloft by his armpits, seemingly unaware of what she was doing. Her face looked as vulnerable as could be as her wet blue eyes stared unflinchingly into his. "Y... you really think I'm gorgeous? You don't think I'm a f-freak?" she asked, a glint of hope sounding in her voice.

Mike, repressing a cough as his breath returned to him, having been forced out by both the choking of his shirt against his neck and the sheer adrenaline and terror of the previous moment, nodded quickly. "Absolutely, I do. When I realized you'd brought me to your home gym, I couldn't bear to let you out of my sight, that's why I accepted your invitation," he said, realizing his own reasoning even as he spoke it aloud.

"And... and you can forgive me for... for... for that?" she asked, her voice quavering slightly, knowing she'd wronged him deeply, despite how justified she'd felt in her anger.

"I... I think I can, Ashley, but please don't do that ever again. You're.... you're really scary when you're angry," Mike mustered after a moment of consideration.

"I've never snapped like that before," she admitted tearfully, "I can't, not when I'm this... th-this b-big. But I'd gotten my hopes up about you, and then when I thought you thought I was just a freak..." she sniffed, letting the rest of the sentence fall.

Mike smiled weakly in return. "You're definitely not a freak. You're beautiful. I love women that are bigger and stronger than me, that's.... that's kind of my thing. And you, well. Y-you certainly fit the bill."

She sniffed again, shook her head quickly, and asked him, still holding him so high off of the ground, "How can I make this up to you? I... I'd like to know you better, but I... I have to apologize, make it better."

Mike gulped loudly, and, with a burst of courage, decided to go all-in. "I'd love to see more of you and see how st-strong you are," he whispered, barely able to believe his own words.

Her face reddened deeply with embarrassment, and her eyes flicked from his down to her chest and back to his eyes again. "You mean you don't w-want to see these? Th-they're all the g-guys seem to want from m-me, and y-you'd be j-justified in asking, after wh-what I did," she stammered in confusion.

He smiled as reassuringly as he could and replied, "Not yet, at least. I'm more interested in these," as he stretched his arms out to tap her on her biceps, touching her for the first time.

That seemed to be the right thing to say, as she smiled softly and her eyes began to clear. "I can do that for you, Mike," she murmured.

Ashley gently set him down, smiled shyly at him through her continued blush, and walked over to the weight she'd been overhead-pressing earlier. "You were staring at me when I did these, weren't you," she asked, hefting the large weight smoothly up and to her neck.

Mike swallowed and nodded. Her shy smile deepened, and, taking a moment to steel her resolve, she began to overhead-press the weight again. "This is 350 pounds," she murmured as she smoothly brought the weight down and up. "Barely a warmup, but I didn't want to scare you."

His eyes widened in reply, as he looked her over as she repeated the exercise, eyes locked onto him as she observed his reaction. He noticed her skirt riding up her enormous thighs again with each rep, but this time from the front - revealing a glimpse of gray panties with each extension. Wait.... were... were they... wet? He groaned slightly at the thought, which she took as confirmation that he was liking what he saw. "I can do a lot more than this, if you'd like to see."

Mike, captivated, barely heard her last statement, and, mouth dry, couldn't restrain himself from stammering out, "Do you normally work out in a skirt like this?"

She paused her smooth repetitions of the weight, looking startled at his question. "I... I... no," she replied, her face growing impossibly redder. "I usually work out in less, but... I had... have... a guest." She murmured something else, too soft for him to fully hear, but he thought she had said "nothing else fits my legs anyway." He groaned again.

"May I remove your skirt then?" he heard himself asking, internally aghast at the risk he was taking. "I wouldn't... like to impose."

Ashley's face reached peak redness, and began to hesitate. Her silence and stillness lasted many brutally-long seconds as he internally screamed at himself. But, unbelievably, she nodded and whispered a barely audible "Yes."

She watched him intently, her face wary and nervous, apparently not even noticing that she held more than double his body weight aloft at shoulder height, as he slowly approached her and reached shaking hands out to undo her skirt. He unhooked its clasp and stopped briefly as her breath caught. He waited a moment, but no further sound came, so he continued, opening the skirt and beginning to pull it down over the gray panties he'd noticed earlier. A cute little pink ribbon was at the top of them, incongruent with the personality Ashley had displayed so far. As the skirt continued down, he was able to confirm that they were, indeed, moist with her excitement. Her breathing resumed, shallow and quivering, as he continued. He began to gently tug, then more forcefully tug, her skirt past her panties and past her behemoth-sized thighs, which provided a not-small amount of resistance against the skirt due to their sheer girth. Unable to resist, Mike started to let his fingers trail down her stockings as the skirt continued past them, softly feeling the stone-hard muscles wrapped beneath. Emboldened, as he crouched down and reached her football-sized calves, he shifted his hands around to more actively grope them, marveling at their size and their unyielding immunity to his grasp. Her breathing grew louder and deeper as he finished and stepped back to look at her past the jutting chest that would otherwise block his view. "Okay, it's off," he breathed, grousing at himself internally for his redundant statement, though she didn't seem to notice.

Her chest rose greatly and fell as she took a deep breath, steeling herself to reply "I... I don't work out in stockings either, and I don't want them to get a run. Could... could you remove those, too?"

Mike nodded silently, and stepped forward again to begin this task. And task it was - he had to gently roll them down her tree-sized legs, slowly to not damage them, and slowly to again grope every spot of her legs that he could reach. He ran his fingers across every vein, every striation of muscle he could along the way, marveling at the thickness of the former and the sheer depth of the latter. She was so BIG that, at this proximity, he could scarcely believe his eyes, even as he confirmed it with his fingertips. Ashley's breath grew shallower and quicker as she got more excited, and each time Mike's face passed her underwear, he could actually SEE the wet spot growing as more moisture flowed from her. As she gracefully stepped out of the second stocking, he looked up at her and found himself unable to say a word, just staring into her damp blue eyes in awe as she watched him with equal intensity. "I'll... I'll do a squat next," she murmured, barely breaking the silence.

True to her word, she turned and walked over to a squatting rack against the near wall, which held an already-loaded barbell with a truly intimidating amount of enormously wide steel plates. Mike couldn't fathom the amount of weight on that bar. She glanced over at him and, accurately reading his face and direction of his gaze, said "I... I don't want to scare you, but.... just believe me, it's a lot of weight."

Mike could believe it. This time she approached the bar with some caution and, her bare legs moving with a surprisingly lithe grace, positioned herself beneath the bar, squatting down to place her shoulders under a height that remained over Mike's own head. He could feel himself twitch below as she stood, raising herself to her full gotta-be-taller-than-nine-feet height, the bar bending precariously as she stood, so much so that the weighted ends barely left the rack. She carefully stepped forward and, with a sudden shyness as she glanced downwards towards her wet underwear, turned her back to him before squatting down under the immense load. Incredulousness overtook disappointment as he watched her smoothly stand up and squat down, her arms flexing mightily as she held the bar tightly, alleviating the pressure upon her broad, broad shoulders. And though he thought her legs large before, seeing them bulge and pump under the exercise nearly broke his mind - they were truly, truly huge, and *impossibly* strong to be so smoothly pushing up the bar of unknown but incredible load, plus her own undoubtedly considerable weight. "Holy shit," he breathed, as his hand uncontrollably began to stray towards his abdomen, where his pant-line was straining against the extra pressure his dick was providing. Before it arrived, however, she stopped at the bottom of a squat, and did something he could, again, scarcely believe. She pressed the enormous barbell above her head and slowly, shakily lowered it to the concrete floor in front of her, upon which she seemingly barely managed to gently place it with a nonetheless echoing CLANG.

"Mike," she asked, still squatted down, her voice quaking with nerves, "did that excite you? Or am I scaring you?"

Wordlessly, he stepped forward and hugged his arms (barely) around her broad shoulders, pressing himself firmly against her back, his answer barely reaching her spine, so deep was the valley between her myriad swollen back muscles. He felt himself lifted onto his toes as she breathed a deep sigh of relief, his weight apparently nothing to the might of even her diaphragm. Wordlessly, she squatted as far down as she could, then reached an arm behind her to grasp the back of his head in a hand that could probably grasp the broad side of a frisbee, and pulled him gently forward towards her, pivoting his body weight onto her shoulder via his chest, and leaned her head back to, despite the awkward angle, kiss him passionately. Nearly coming his pants as he felt his feet leave the floor from the motion, his weight centered surprisingly comfortably upon his chest, he returned the kiss with reckless abandon. Balancing himself with a hand on her prodigious bicep, he reached his other arm up to run his hand through her wild ash-blonde hair, barely tamed by the ponytail she kept it in. As he grazed his fingers along her cheek, he noted drying trails of slightly-old tears, causing him to lean himself further into their continuing kisses, realizing how sensitive Ashley was feeling in this moment.

They continued for minutes like, this, his entire body rising and lowering with each of her breaths, running his entire body along the rounded stones of the right side of her back. He could feel an embarrassing release building despite his attempts to focus solely on enjoying her passionate lips, failing to tune out what the rest of him was feeling. Just as he was sure he could hold out no longer, she released him, dropping him the few inches she had so effortlessly lifted him off of the floor. She remained silent for a moment, her one visible eye glistening in the light as she stared towards her side, not quite able to turn her head far enough back to see him. Before she could begin to doubt herself or the moment again, he whispered, "You're an amazing kisser," hoping to convey his honest feelings and assuage hers at the same time. She finally turned her body to look at him, and smiled shyly at him. "Thanks," she said, "you're not so bad yourself. Sorry I lif-"

For the first time, he cut her off. "Don't. Don't apologize for anything," he said, grasping a single striation of her enormous shoulder in reassurance. He cut himself off before he could accidentally say an ill-thought-out "I love you," veering into the safer and far more honest "I lov-I'm loving this. All of this. You're an incredible woman."

She chuckled ruefully and flexed an arm at him, causing another twitch down below. "You don't really know me except for these, how do you know I'm so incredible," she asked, her eye glinting with self-consciousness and not a little suspicion.

Again sensing the thin ice he'd strode upon, Mike replied carefully, "You got me, I'm sorry. I'm just going by what you've shown and told me so far."

This was, apparently, a correct answer, as the suspicion faded from her gaze, leaving behind the self-consciousness and some room for a glimmer of hope. "You mean it?" she asked, fishing for confirmation.

"I do," he answered, leaning forward to kiss her forehead, finding it far out of reach, and settling for the bottom of her cheek instead.

She smiled in return as his lips left her cheek, and she turned her back to him again. "Mike, I... I have a confession to make," she started.

He could feel his heart sink into his stomach at those words, his mind whirling with anticipations of disappointment and rejection.

What she said, however, was something he utterly failed to predict. "Mike, I don't wear a shirt to work out in, either."

Another twitch came from below as he processed her meaning, and he let out a small, unconscious groan of delight. Ashley's shoulders shook slightly in response, perhaps a silent chuckle?

He crouched down, reaching down to the hem of her skin-tight sleeveless turtleneck... thing. He began to raise it slowly, letting his knuckles run along every deep, overly-pronounced contour of her back, until it got caught on her abdomen. Shuffling forward awkwardly, he pressed himself against her yet again and reached around her audibly-breathing form, grasping the front hem of her shirt. As he began to raise it, he let his knuckles drag across her abdominal muscles, utterly astounded by their size and the sheer depth of the chasms between them. "Dear god," he thought, "she might be able to give a guy an ab-job with these. Is that even a thing...?"

He shook the thought from his mind, conscious of what was pressing against her and the sheer strain it was under already, and continued along the ridges and valleys of her six pack, and immediately ran into a new, softer problem: her chest. He strained himself against her, again risking an early release of his tension, as he pushed his hands as far along the lacy contours of her bra until he could stretch no further. "Ashley, I... I can't reach," he admitted softly from behind her.

"I'd better help you out then," she answered, gently covering his hands with her much larger ones. She wrapped her fingers into the cotton of her shirt, and, with a sudden jerk, tore it open from collar to hem, despite the reinforcement it had from the rolled up lengths of cloth. The sudden motion and flexing of her mighty back pushed Mike backwards onto his heels and ruined the balance of his already-awkward squat enough that he fell further backwards into an ass-first sprawl on the floor. "Holy SHIT," he breathed softly to himself.

For her part, Ashley didn't seem to notice his fall, instead murmuring "Continue... please."

Noting she might be feeling self-conscious of her strength again, Mike hastily and stealthily regained his squatting position and made sure to press his still-full-mast crotch against her back as he reached down towards her sides where the rent halves of her garment lay. He stood slightly as he brought them up, and up, past her heaving chest and gently against the bottoms of her telephone-pole-sized upper arms. Mike smiled with amusement as he softly tugged the armholes against her armpits a couple times, wordlessly indicating their need to move. Ashley obliged, raising both arms above her head, and he continued the shirt's and his fondling fingers' journey along every crevice and vein jutting from her swollen biceps, triceps, and forearms. Finally, he reached her hands, straining on his tiptoes to bring the shirt over her fingertips, which she had extended to their full length and wiggled challengingly. The motion pressed his crotch against the back of her head, and she let out her own involuntary groan as she leaned her huge head back against it, causing yet another twitch that elicited a soft hum of delight. "I REALLY can't keep up this striptease much longer," he realized, "or I'm going to explode long before whatever main event she's planning."

He dropped the torn, now-useless garment to the floor with a soft "plop" of that much fabric hitting concrete, and she stood up and turned to face him, her blue eyes open wide and her face contorted slightly with raw desire. Her panties, long since soaked with eager anticipation, had begun to leak down her inner thighs.

She leaned forward, filling his entire view with soft, inviting cleavage, and whispered in his ear as she set her hands weightily upon his shoulders. "Mike, what do you wear to work out?" she whispered, hunger filling her voice.

He thought of a good line, and smiled cheekily, unable to resist its delivery. "What I'm wearing right now," he whispered back.

She hissed a sharp intake of frustrated breath, and then replied, "Not today."

With that, she straightened, changing the angle of the unabated cleavage filling his view, and grasped his collar with both hands. Before he could comprehend what she was doing, she widened her arms, tearing his shirt completely in half in one smooth motion and one loud RIP. She continued the motion, causing the ruins of his shirt to pull his arms out into a T-pose, allowing her to complete the motion, dragging his sleeves roughly along his arms and off his body. Startled and a little scared, he looked up from the vast array of cleavage before him and into her eyes, and saw them glazed over with sheer lust. "Um, Ashley," he began.

She failed to heed his calling of her name, instead squatting down and repeating the motion with the waistline of his denim jeans. The motion yielded similar results, rending his jeans in twain and shearing his belt through itself and completely off his body. The strength this feat required must have been INCREDIBLE, but she seemed to do it with staggering ease. She released her grip and let the shorn belt and rent jeans fall to the floor with a respective clink and plop. Relieved of the pressure of his jeans, his dick tilted forward slightly, now straining mightily against his boxer-briefs, despite the growing unease he was feeling. "Ashley!" he called.

This time, she heard him, and she blinked away the glaze over her eyes, coming to her senses. "Sorry, I... I got carried away... I've... I've never done this before, and I've dreamed of it all my life," she stammered, stepping away and looking down at her hands in mild disbelief. Mike swallowed audibly, and she looked up at his wary expression. "You're... I... I'm sorry. You can l-leave if you want, but... but please don't. I don't want you to go... I want... you," she forced out, her lust overpowering her vocabulary more than a little bit.

"Well, can't go back outside in my underwear, anyway," Mike thought, before forcibly calming himself and smiling up at her. "I appear to be bad for your self-control."

She looked sadly at him and blushed, but nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"In for a penny, in for a pound," he thought to himself for the second time this afternoon. Controlling his breathing to allay his unease (and his own still-staggeringly-high amount of lust), he stepped forward and grasped her hands as best as he could, gripping two of her fingers in each of his own hands.

"Let's slow down for a moment," he suggested. "I seem to recall that you were a fabulous kisser."

Ashley's face lit up as she realized he wasn't going to leave, and, in her excitement, simply picked him up by the armpits and brought his face up to hers, kissing him with even more passion than before. Though slightly worried he may not survive this encounter unscathed, he nonetheless let himself sink into her embrace and passion. She hummed in delight as she kissed him, shifting her grip on him to hold the back of his head firmly with one hand, leaning back to support his weight with some of her frame as well as her other hand. This dragged him almost entirely over her bra-clad nearly-Mike's-torso-sized breasts, and that finally proved too much for Mike to handle.

He exploded with more force than he ever had before, drenching his underwear, one strap of her bra, and some of the slope of her left breast. She definitely noticed, and instead of expressing disappointment, she continued her kisses with even more fervent passion. His explosion lasted nearly a minute, during which she offered him no break or relief, seeming to find both excitement and validation in the event.

Mike, at first embarrassed by his weak willpower, was excited to learn that he didn't feel drained, exhausted, or soft at all.  Relieved of the unfathomable pressure that had been building, he was able to focus more on enjoying the passion Ashley was expressing with her lips and occasional brief but forceful flicks of her tongue (even that part of her was mighty, wiggling his teeth with each pass).

They continued like this, kissing passionately with him suspended multiple feet off the ground, his feet dangling uselessly in the air, his weight comfortably spread across her left breast and thick pectoral muscle as she maintained her fateful backwards lean.

Finally, she stopped. With an embarrassed smile, she effortlessly moved his entire body up and down her breast to wipe the mess he'd made off onto his underwear. She then lowered him gently to the ground, this time careful not to drag his body across hers. Her face began to grow red as she considered her next words, but her voice lacked any stutter or stammer once she spoke. "Mike, you said you wanted to see how strong I am. But... would you like to instead FEEL how strong I am?"

Mike, wary, answered with a question, "What do you mean? You've been lifting me like a toy for a while now."

She smiled slyly down at him and said "It's a surprise. I won't hurt you now, or ever again, but I have an idea I think you'll love."

His wariness not entirely dispelled, Mike nodded and signaled his okay.

"For this," she said, "I'm going to need you to take off the rest of your underwear." His eyes widened slightly as she continued with barely-mustered confidence, "... and mine."

Surprised, he examined her face, finding only a deep blush and a hopeful expression, with no signs of the lustful glaze of which he had grown so quickly cautious. Finding that she meant it, he ducked under her chest to remove his still-soaked boxer-briefs. He stayed crouched over, suddenly feeling embarrassed by his skinny body compared to her magnificent one. She made a noise of disappointment, but offered no further comment. Looking up, Mike found himself face-to-cute-pink-ribbon with her sopping-wet gray panties. Reminding himself that she was thinking straight and that he wasn't, as far as he knew, taking advantage of her emotional state, he widened his arms, reaching shaking hands out to either side of her abdomen, pulling on the gray bows on each side of her underwear. Weighted down by moisture, they fell quickly and unceremoniously away, revealing her pussy in its full, beautiful, and, to his utter surprise, freshly-shaven glory. He began to lean forward to begin what he thought she wanted him to do next, but she rested a hand on his head, stopping him and pushing him slightly backwards. "Maybe another time, Mike... I'm eager to show you your surprise, and to feel something larger than a tongue or a finger in me."

Continuing the thought, Ashley glanced down at him now that she could see him in HIS full maybe-not-glory, and her eyes widened with surprise of her own. "Larger than even one of MY fingers," she mused with a contented hum, as she caressed his cheek before letting her hand drop back down to her side. With her entire body back in view, wearing only that straining gray bra, Mike stopped for a moment to soak in the view, feeling his dick reinforce its rigidity. MAN, she looked good. Ashley frowned, seeming to misinterpret his hesitation. "Sorry," he reassured her, "I had to take a moment to stare. You're beautiful."

Ashley's frown vanished, and, her confidence bolstered once again, she waited a few moments with more patience. "She looks so amazing, but she's so self-conscious and fragile about it," Mike thought as he continued to look her over, marveling at what he saw. "I can't imagine what she's been through to cause that." Mike's introspection seemed to dim the mood slightly, and Ashley frowned again, jutting her chest out slightly to indicate that he continue. He purposefully blinked his eyes, showing that he was re-focusing, and moved forward yet again towards her, wondering how he was going to remove such a large piece of lingerie from such a large woman. He felt a minor shock as he realized he'd missed the large pink ribbon tied in front of her bra's front clasp. Smiling as he found his task suddenly eased, he reached up to above his eye level to untie the ribbon. That complete, he steadied his stance, grasped the strap on either side of the front clasp, and heaved mightily, pulling her enormous breasts together enough for a brief moment, quickly unhooking the clasp. Swift as a viper, she reached up and grabbed the clasp, holding it shut. He stepped back again at the sudden movement and looked quizzically up at her, finding her expression slightly conflicted underneath yet another blush. "Could you close your eyes?" she asked softly.

Confused, Mike exaggeratedly closed his eyes and covered them with one hand, plastering on a reassuring smile he wasn't sure he yet felt. After a moment, he heard a clasp of her bra strike the concrete floor with an almost inaudible clack. He raised an eyebrow in further confusion, but kept silent, waiting for her to say something first. "Sorry, it's... it's just that these are all men ever seem to want of me. You want me for more than just my chest, right...?" she asked softly.

Ah, he thought. Her brief display of confidence had broken, showing the insecurity she felt about herself once again. His reassuring smile widened, growing in size and honesty both. "Ma'am," he stated, "I believe I've already said that I'm into women that are bigger, taller, and stronger than me, and I have been my whole life. The size of your chest is fantastic as well, don't get me wrong, but it was your muscles that attracted me to you first, and continue to attract me to you the most."

"O... Okay," she stammered, then audibly took another steeling breath before whispering, "You can open your eyes again."

He did so, and found her standing shyly before him, her hands covering her nipples and pulling her breasts self-consciously against herself, incongruously leaving her pussy unveiled. She shuddered, and, with an obviously fake display of confidence, she whispered "Ta daaaa" and slowly lowered her hands.

She stood before him in full nakedness now, shyly twisting a bit to the side, staring at him as she sought a sign of his approval. And approve he did - she was MAGNIFICENT. More than nine feet of wide, chiseled muscle, softened only by her huge breasts topped by large, suckable nipples, each nearly an inch long and probably thicker than his thumb. He opted to repeat what he'd just thought. "You are... magnificent. I can't get enough of the sight of you, now more than ever."

She smiled slowly, her body untwisting slightly as she listened to his honest compliment. The lustful frenzy, however, was completely gone, shattered by this most recent display of vulnerability. He continued soaking her in, one hand on his slightly-softening dick; it had wilted some from the confusion and his earlier release, though the sight of her full nakedness was returning it to full hardness once again. A question leapt to his mind, and he decided to ask it now, while the moment was still tender. "Ashley, you seem to be so self-conscious about being so big and strong, but you have built your body so thick and strong with huge muscles. Why is that?"

She swallowed audibly, but replied with a ready tone. "I hate being looked at like a freak all my life. I've been so tall and," she motioned at her chest, "endowed since puberty hit, and not only did men look at me like a freak, they looked at me with such calculating gazes, as if wondering how to get under such a freak's shirt and into her pants."

"Oh, I think I see," he started, but she continued over him. "I wanted some control over it. I didn't want to be a freak, but if I had to be a freak, I wanted it to be because of something I CHOSE, not because of something I AM. So I started to lift. And lift. And lift. And got bigger, and stronger, and bigger, and stronger."

He could feel himself rapidly re-hardening as she described that process, imagining her widening growth from a tall beanpole into the colossal woman before him now, but he had withdrawn his hand from himself - it didn't feel right to be holding himself as if he was enjoying her opening up like this. He forcibly stopped his imagination from running so rampant and listened more intently. She continued talking, the words starting to tumble out rapidly, like she'd wanted to explain this to someone for a long time. "And it worked. People still looked at me like a freak, but I could lie to myself that it was because I was so much stronger than any of them. And the men... to me, they started to look like prey instead of like predators, because I knew... I KNEW... they couldn't force me into anything anymore. And I think THEY knew it, too. I started seeing more fear and less hunger in their eyes, and... and... and I liked it. It made me feel safe. But... I'm getting so lonely, I've been worrying I've gone too far."

She motioned at herself as she spoke. "You're the first man in a long, long time to see me like... this. Even the ones that start to make a move, they get too scared or too self-conscious when they realize just how MUCH stronger I am than them, just how easily I could hurt them. But I don't want that. I just want to feel safe, and I don't want to be alone."

She sighed, and Mike kept listening in silence. "And then I saw you, staring with so much interest at a muscle, not at my breasts. I couldn't believe it, so I treated you so coldly, but I wanted to hope. And you just rolled with it, you kept your eyes off of me when I was vulnerable, but you couldn't disguise your interest in me when I wasn't."

He blinked, aghast that he'd been so obvious, and she flashed a weak grin at him. "Oh, you were SO obvious, I'm sorry. I thought I liked it, but then, when you were just standing there staring at me and groaning, in the heart of my own home, all those memories of those early looks came back with a vengeance, and I just... I just snapped. Again, I'm so sorry."

Mike kept his expression schooled, remembering his terror at her brief but so sudden display of rage. His poker face obviously failed, because her eyes began to dampen. "But then, with you so helpless and SCARED, trying to explain yourself, I found myself horrified at myself for misunderstanding you so badly. And what you said reminded me that you WERE different. When you saw something I had CHOSEN to be, you LIKED it. That... that meant the world to me. I still can hardly believe it's true. So many looks of fear, so many hasty retreats, so many people crossing the road when they see me walking towards them on the sidewalk, just to stay out of my way. But you LIKED it. You liked me for... something that was actually me."

"I really, really do, Ashley," he murmured as she drew to a close.

"God, I'm a mess, I'm so sorry," she replied, wiping away a tear as surreptitiously as one could at her size and proximity.

"Don't be," Mike said, "You've obviously been through a lot. But like you said, I LIKE what I see. ALL of it. You don't have to worry - it's true. You're kiiiiind of a wet dream come true to me, Ashley. Crass though it sounds, it's how I feel. I still don't know you for YOU very well, but from what I've gathered so far, you're a successful, sensible, UNGODLY sexy woman in need of the world's biggest hug. And though I can hardly give the world's biggest, I can give you an accountant-sized one."

With that, he strode forward and, making sure to come in at one side due to her nakedness, wrapped his arms around her hips and hugged her with all his might, laying his head against her abdominal muscles. She rested her hands on his shoulders and sniffled slightly, but then pushed him forward further into his embrace, ever so slightly crushing him against her unyielding body. Despite the discomfort of the pressure she was applying, he loved it, and kissed her ab to signal his approval.

They stood like that for more than a few moments, Mike doing his best to bodily express what he felt about her so far, and Ashley slowly letting herself believe it. Mike, having softened entirely during her monologue, began to re-harden again as he felt her muscles and remembered how close he was to her full nakedness. He felt his hardening dick drag along a curve of her quads, only quickening the pace with which he returned to readiness for action.

Failing to ignore the trail he was tracing on her lower thigh, she gently moved him backwards so she could look at him again. Neck cramps, they both thought simultaneously, might become a problem if this became a relationship. "Thank you," she murmured, "for everything."

"My pleasure, believe me," he said in reply, then waited for her to continue, leaving the pace of the conversation and encounter entirely in her hands.

She steeled herself for the final time, then looked at him again, her expression still inscrutable, but certainly far less vulnerable. "Sorry about that. Where, uh, where were we again?"

Mike wet his suddenly-dry lips and cautiously replied, "You were about to let me FEEL your strength through some yet-mysterious method, I believe."

She brightened with his willingness to put aside her show of vulnerability and try to continue where they'd left off. "Right," she said. "Wait here."

He nodded and stood still as she turned and walked over to what was becoming her favorite weight of the day - the barbell she'd been using for overhead presses. Smiling, she returned, holding it gently in front of her to avoid banging it against her thighs. Probably for the bar's benefit more than her thighs', Mike mused to himself.

She returned and placed it down on the floor between them, then reached out to lift him by his armpits up to her eye level again. "I have something in mind, but I think we need to rev up the mood a little again, don't you?"

Mike nodded wordlessly. Ashley, seeing his acceptance, brought him back in for a kiss, and they began to make out for the third time this afternoon. They started gently, almost gingerly, at first, but their lust for one another began to grow, slowly at first, then more rapidly as they continued to kiss. She again leaned back to rest his weight across her breast and chest, shifting her grip to hold the back of his head to better control its movements in her growing passion. This time, Mike wasn't shy about running his hands over whatever he could reach (which wasn't much), enjoying the juxtaposition of the softness of the curves of her breasts and the invincible hardness of everything else he touched. He even began moving his hips, rubbing himself along her. Their breathing grew shallow and quick as their lust began to surface once again.

After a few minutes of this, Ashley broke off the kiss, lifting him up and backwards away from her to look him in the eyes. "I think I'm ready, Mike. And I can tell you are, too."

"Do you want this, Ashley?"

"More than you know."

"Me too."

With that, she lowered him to the ground, placing him, to his mild surprise, on his feet instead of on his back as he was starting to expect. She continued to lean over, and grasped the barbell she'd placed between him - which he'd actually forgotten about.

She straightened, then held the bar out towards him, more than a foot away from her own body, as if offering to hand it to him. He raised an eyebrow quizzically at her, hoping she remembered that he certainly couldn't handle that amount of weight. Ashley chuckled and said "No, silly. Climb aboard."

 "The bar? It's, uh, it's a bit high for me," he replied, his gaze wandering over the bar held at about the level of his collarbone.

"Oh, sorry, forgot how small you were," she joked with more than a tinge of awkward forcefulness.

Nonetheless, she lowered herself and the barbell until it was more at waist-height for Mike. Obligingly, with growing curiosity, he climbed aboard, maneuvering the dimple between his ass and his thighs against the bar and grasping it with both hands for balance, he legs dangling slightly off the ground. "All good?" she asked.

"I think so," he replied, continuing to wonder what she had in mind.

She straightened, and pulled the bar back towards herself, lightly pressing Mike against her body to help stabilize him. Then she widened her stance, spreading her legs directly in front of him, and he felt the heat of her excitement wash over his lower body. "DAMN, that's hot," he thought, though he still couldn't figure out what she was up to.

"Mike, I'm going to do some curls now," she cautiously began.

He looked up at her with surprise, and, true to her word, her arms began to bend, guiding him slowly yet accurately towards her. "With you inside me," she finished, blushing deeply.

".... What?" he asked, his jaw falling open.

It was her turn to smile reassuringly at him. "Just relax and enjoy, I'll take care of the moving you in... and out... and into me again."

He swallowed hard, unable to believe his ears... just for a moment, before she confirmed her statement as he felt himself rise into her. They both groaned in pleasure as she lifted him into her full depth, and she held him there for a moment, savoring the feeling.

Mike, on the other hand, was quivering with excitement, unable to believe the feat of strength she was performing, and unable to process the feeling of pleasure resulting from, for the first time in his own life, being inside of a woman down to the hilt.

Still holding him deeply inside of her, Ashley leaned forward, squishing her breasts lightly against Mike's body and threatening his balance on the barbell. Thankfully, she noticed his predicament and stopped short of her goal, instead whispering well above his ear. "I'm sterile, comes with the size."

He glanced over at her in confusion, wondering why she was bringing this up now. She didn't say anything else for a moment, but began to lower him back out of her. Groaning with the pleasure of the friction he was feeling, he still opened his mouth to ask what she meant, but she continued whispering before he could voice the question.

"Come as much as you want," he heard as she began to lift him back into her.

He gaped at the implication, his mind whirling as she began to lower him again.

"I, what?" he managed, but she ignored him, instead curling him back in again.

"But... I want at least one hundred reps out of you," she murmured.


The only thing preventing him from exploding at her telling him to come inside of her was his confusion, he realized, and she wanted to do this one hundred times? She COULD do this one hundred times?

She moaned as she slowed her pace, curling nearly a quarter-ton of weight effortlessly and smoothly up to pull him deep inside of her again.


She held him there for a moment and he could feel the insides of her pulsating with pleasure. Her arms quavered with her excitement (certainly not from the strain), vibrating him slightly as well.

For the second time and far from the last time this early evening, Mike came.

Forum Saradas

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Re: First story attempt: A Chance Encounter
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2024, 06:00:18 am »
Great story. K+

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Re: First story attempt: A Chance Encounter
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2024, 02:06:46 pm »
It’s going going gone

Mel Allen

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Re: First story attempt: A Chance Encounter
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2024, 05:15:35 am »

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