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Author Topic: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]  (Read 81182 times)

Offline draight

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1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
« on: March 24, 2017, 04:22:45 am »
Hello.  This is my first attempt at a story so any thoughts would be welcome.

Out of Her Shell

You have to get up eventually.  The thought wormed its way through Luke's mind as he turned over again in an attempt to fall back asleep.  When several minutes passed without any success, he opened his eyes and blinked several times at the bright light coming through the shades.

11:30, well shit.  He thought, giving a quick glance to the alarm clock by his bed.  Not his best, but it was vacation for several more days and he figured he could waste his time however he wanted.  A rumbling in his stomach made up his mind for him though, and he rose.  Scrounging a sweatshirt from the pile on his floor he stepped out of his bedroom into the common space of the dorm room.

"Hey," his roommate Nick gave a quick greeting from the couch, shaggy head bowed over his laptop.

"Hey," Luke agreed, making his way to the refrigerator and pulling out the carton of eggs.  Noting that Nick had put the bread in the fridge again he removed that too and busied himself with the creation of his breakfast.  "Want anything?"  He asked after a moment’s thought.

"Already ate."

"Up early then?"

"Yeah, trying to get this code finished up before the afternoon.  Wanted to make sure that I have time to get everything set up."

"Set up?"  Luke paused momentarily in the process of transferring his eggs from the pan to plate as he mentally shifted gears.  “Oh right, the LAN, right."

"Don't tell me you forgot?"  Nick directed a broad grin at him, finally looking up from his computer as Luke moved to situate himself at the other end of the couch.  "You're coming right?"

"Yeah, of course.  How could I forget? Just morning brain."  He had to give Nick credit, the guy did try to make friends from time to time, and he'd put quite the effort into this one.  Creating a social media page, putting it on the University activities website, he'd even printed some flyers to put up around campus.  The Winter Wonder-LAN he'd dubbed it.  Could the name be any worse?  Still, even if no-one showed up except for their friends it would be fun.

"You wouldn't mind helping me set up right?  I've gotta go get some stuff from the storeroom later and bring it to the hall.  I figured I'd go over in a few hours."

"Sure, I have a couple things I want to do but just let me know when you want to head out."  Luke got up to place the dishes in the sink and headed back to his room to change.


Jesus its cold.  Luke's breath clouded in the air as he stepped out of the dorm.  Should have worn a jacket.  Still, despite the lack of snow it was a nice January day; bright and sunny with no wind to speak of, and the campus gym was just a four minute jog.  He took off briskly.

Making his way inside, he swiped in at the front desk, giving a broad smile to the girl working today.  Much to his disappointment she hardly glanced up from her book.  Well whatever, that's not why I'm here anyway.  Although, if I had to guess at Nick's true motivations behind hosting this thing tonight...  He suppressed a chuckle at the thought.  Well who knows, some girls could show up.  Luke had to admit to himself that he wouldn't mind if they did.  While his track record with the fairer sex might be slightly stronger stronger than Nick's was, he had been single for a while.

Due to the winter holiday there was hardly anyone in the gym, and Luke navigated to the treadmills for a quick warm-up.  Two attractive blondes were working up a sweat together on the elliptical machines, and he allowed himself a brief fantasy, eyeing their toned bodies.  They were both wearing the tight black leggings which seemed ubiquitous on girls these days, the one on the left was wearing some sort of pink crop top, while her slightly less endowed friend was rocking only a workout bra, Luke caught several brief flashes of toned abs as he walked past.  However, they seemed to be the type of girls who only made use of the cardio equipment.  Their slim bodies were certainly toned, but he was always on the lookout for the more rare type of girl, alert to a hint of definition or muscular curves.


After warming up on the treadmill and spending about an hour with weights, Luke returned to his dorm room, noting without surprise that Nick didn't seem to have moved an inch during his absence.  He moved to the shared bathroom and stripped for his shower.  As much as he hated the cliché, he paused to check himself out in the mirror.

Not too bad.  Arms looking good, chest coming along.  When he was honest with himself, Luke had no difficulty admitting that he would probably never have a six-pack or the body of a professional athlete, but at 6 feet tall and with his short dark hair and tanned complexion he reckoned himself to be a handsome guy.

He was about to step into the shower when a buzz from his phone caught his ear.  He fished it out of his pocket to read;

Text from Andrew:  -Hey Man, what are you up to?-

-Helping Nick set up his party.  Want to come? -

-Oh.  Probably won't be able to make it until later.  Sorry.-

-No problem.  Jess coming?-

-If I can convince her.-

This exchange completed, Luke turned to his shower.


Later, now showered and dressed, Luke and Nick busied themselves setting up.

"We could have used a few more hands for this."  Luke mentioned needlessly.  They'd collected several tables and folding chairs out of storage and set them up in the room Nick had reserved in the student association building

"Yeah, sorry about that."  Nick continued setting up the router, pushing his sweaty curls out of his face.  He'd assured Luke that the computer science department had given him permission to take the router, along with a bunch of Ethernet cables and several switch boxes.  And besides, he'd reasoned, even if they technically hadn't, no one would notice they were gone.  Luke had conceded this point on the basis of the department all being gone for the break.  "Anyway, I figured the two of us could handle it."

But what if I hadn't agreed to help, or had been busy or something?  Luke satisfied himself with a noncommittal grunt instead of speaking as Nick bustled about setting up the cables.

"Well, hopefully people will start showing up soon..."  Nick mused, now that all the set-up had been completed, there was time for doubts to start working their way into his head.

"I'm sure that they will.  What do you feel like doing for now?"

"I guess we should test it out... so... Starcraft?"

"Shit man, you're on."


Much to Nick's delight and Luke's mild surprise, people started showing up after a little while.  A small group of freshmen arrived first, followed shortly by their friend John and his roommate Gabe.  They had played several games when some new guy who introduced himself as Adrian arrived, and Luke found himself locked in conversation with Gabe while Nick and Adrian worked on getting him connected.

"...and then, after the whole semester of tutoring her, helping her with her homework, I mean... what are the chances she could of even passed that course without my help, right?"  Gabe continued on.

"Mhmm."  Luke muttered noncommittally.

"She started going out with this guy, who, I don't know, like, is a physical therapy major or something.  After all my work."

"Yeah, that's just... wow, yeah.  Terrible."  Luke closed his eyes momentarily, shutting Gabe out.  Oh thank God, he felt a surge of relief as he opened them again.  "Excuse me."

Andrew and Jess had arrived and were scoping out the room, Andrew with a broad smile and Jess with a slightly sardonic smirk.

"Great to see you guys," Luke greeted them, walking quickly away from Gabe. "Just in time."

"Oh of course.  Happy to be here."  Jess chirped.  "You always take me out to the nicest places honey."  She gave Andrew a peck on the cheek.

"Only the best for you dear."  Andrew replied as he gave Luke a nod.

Luke chuckled as they bantered.  His best friend from childhood, Andrew and his longtime girlfriend made an odd pair.  Andrew being a tall, gawky, Anglo-Saxon accounting major and Jess a short, darkly exotic dance and theater major.

"I think that they're gearing up for a match of Unreal, if you guys want in on that."

"Oh, don't worry about me."  Jess said, "I'll just find a corner to play Unicorn Princess Island."  Andrew sighed and looked at her until she finally cracked a smile.  "Unreal it is."


"Looks like we have a few new arrivals."  Andrew remarked, glancing up from the carnage momentarily before going back to the game.

"Holy shit, real live Y-Chromosome deficients like myself."  Jess snarked from her corner.  Luke craned his head around to look to the door at this pronouncement.  "Never thought I'd see the day."

"Maybe you could try making a friend."

"Whatever for?  To talk about stuff that interests me for once?"

Luke left them to their back and forth as he looked over the small group who had just entered the room and were standing somewhat uncertainly, still bundled in their winter gear.  They were, in fact, women.  At least the one in front was, but Luke couldn't recognize her, and he was pretty sure he would recognize a woman like this.  The first thing that registered was just how tall she was, Luke looked up to a face which he thought would probably be pale and clear, but was currently brightly flushed from the cold.  Framed by long, straight blonde hair flowing from a woolen beanie, she surveyed the room with a firm, steady gaze before giving a firm nod and beginning to remove her jacket, revealing bright flannel underneath.  She was dressed, somewhat oddly for the cold, in tight black leggings and a short matching black skirt.  At least, the skirt looked short on her Luke thought, as he gazed at her legs.  They seemed to go on and on, Luke's roaming eyes noticed with interest, they were thick, her thighs stretching the material of her leggings with a hidden flex as she shifted her weight.

A sound from his computer stole Luke's attention for a moment, as he paid for his lapse in attention with his digital life.  He looked back up to see that the blonde had moved into the room followed by her two companions.  With her darker complexion and brown hair so dark it was almost black, the second girl created quite a contrast with her friend.  Her slight figure and average height also served to set her apart from her more robust companion.

The last girl, or at least Luke assumed the figure was a girl, was still bundled up in a long, poufy down parka.  This, combined with her remarkable lack of height created an impression more reminiscent of a gray marshmallow with boots stuck on the bottom.  Nonetheless, Luke's assumption was borne out as she pushed back her hood to reveal a lightly freckled face with a small pointed nose and wavy, copper colored hair.

Luke turned back quickly to the game, there was only about a minute left.  Well, someone should do the polite thing and introduce themselves...  It was a moment later that he realized someone else had come to the same conclusion, as Gabe made his way over to the new arrivals.  Jesus man, just don't scare them away before they've even taken off their coats, he thought as the last several seconds ticked down.

The round ended accompanied by the customary sounds of congratulations and smack talk as Luke rose.

"... if you've never even played it then I don't think that you can consider yourself..."

"Hello," Luke interjected, extending a hand.  "Welcome, I'm Luke."

"Hi, I'm Krista," the blonde replied, taking his hand in a firm grip.  Luke looked into her pale blue eyes, and realized that he was actually looking up.  Although the heels on her boots likely gave her an inch or two, it struck him that unshod they would be eye to eye.  Her jacket was folded in the crook of her left arm while her strong right hand held his still in its grasp, and his eyes wandered over her torso, noting the ample breasts that strained the front of her flannel shirt.  Abruptly, he realized that he was still holding her hand, and his eyes jerked back to her face where he thought he saw a small grin disappear.

"Hello, Priya." The second girl accepted a handshake with a brilliant smile.

"And that's Devin."  Krista finished, indicating the third young woman who seemed to be struggling with the zipper on her coat.  At the sound of her name she abruptly looked up, blushing wildly, and squeaked out a "Hello."

Luke gave her a reassuring smile.  "You've met Gabe then?"

"Yes, he was just... welcoming us to your little get-together."  Krista said pointedly, while Gabe fidgeted and smiled.

"Well, come on in.  We just finished up with a round so everyone will probably be discussing what to play next.  Do you need introductions?  I haven't seen you all around before.  Actually, here comes Nick, he's kind of the mastermind behind this thing."

Andrew had noticed the new arrivals and come over.  After another round of introductions Nick took Priya and Devin off to get them set up leaving Luke to speak with Krista alone.

It turned out that the three ladies were roommates at a private women's college in town.  Krista explained that she was a Kinesiology and Exercise Science major and was attending the school on a volleyball scholarship.

"Of course the season ended a little while back, so right now I'm just training; staying in shape, going to the gym, that sort of thing."

"Oh?  What sort of exercises do you do for that?"  Luke asked, in what he hoped would sound like a casual manner.  He glanced down at the thick quads outlined in her leggings and felt a bit of heat rising in his face.

"Lots of stuff," she replied with a sly smile.  "I do more weight training than the other ladies on the squad.  Especially for my legs."  She moved her right hand down to graze the outline of her leg, and suddenly flexed.  The muscle groups swelled against the lycra containing them as her hand kneaded at them.  "It helps to build that explosive power, good for jumping."  Her leg relaxed, her hand returning up to brush back a strand of loose hair.

"Amazing.  I mean, that sounds great."  Luke managed to say after a moment.  Krista's gaze had changed, she looked into his face as if assessing him.  If she looked a bit lower she would get all the answer she needs.  Luke stopped short of adjusting his pants in response to the sudden tightness he was experiencing.  "What brings you girls... or, how did you hear about this get together?"

"Oh, Priya stumbled across it online I think.  We'd been going a bit stir crazy so it seemed like a good idea to get out.  The two of them are a bit more into the gaming thing than I am."

"Oh."  Luke felt a flash of disappointment, "Right, well, I'm sure we can find something for you to enjoy."

Enough people had shown up that multiple groups were now breaking out according to preference and Luke allowed himself to be pulled away with Andrew and John.  Jess, looking grateful for the opportunity, engaged Krista and Devin.  Nick seemed more than content to leave gaming aside for the moment to speak to Priya, who Luke gathered was also a computer science student.

For the last game of the night, the group decided on a match of DoTA and set about making teams.  Nick volunteered to play with Priya.  Gabe joined them after Priya reassured Gabe that yes, really, she played regularly and knew the current meta.  They were rounded out by John and one of the freshmen, leaving Luke with Andrew, Jess and two of the others that Luke didn't know after Krista announced that she had never played but would be okay watching.

"So, it’s not too complicated," he explained over his right shoulder to Krista, "You choose a hero to play as, and they have different abilities and attributes; intelligence, agility and strength."  God, I'm probably boring the shit out of her.  "See, Jess just selected Crystal Maiden, which is an intelligence hero..."

"Oh, she's pretty."  A quiet voice said from his left.

Luke started guiltily.  He'd practically forgotten that Devin was there.  In fact, he wasn't sure if those may have been the only words she had spoken all night.

"Yeah, well... yeah I guess that's true."  He said lamely, looking over at her.  I guess I have overlooked her all night. It wasn't impossible to see why.  Although she was rather cute in her shy way, she had draped herself in an enormous grey sweatshirt and black sweatpants which, somehow, served to make her look even more shapeless than the parka had earlier.  "I'm going to play Legion Commander.  A strength type hero.  Actually, the only female strength type hero in the game."  He couldn't resist glancing over at Krista.

"A bit sexist, isn't that?"  She asked jokingly.

"Well, I didn't make the game.  It's kind of cool though, one of her abilities allows her to challenge other heroes to duels and if she wins she gets stronger.  So in theory there isn't an upper limit to her strength, which is kind of unique to her."

Krista's eyes met his levelly.  "And you like this character?"

"One of my favorites.  Can be tough to play though."

Their gaze held for several seconds before she gave a perfunctory nod.  "Cool."  She looked over at Devin, "I'm going to go talk to Priya for a little.  Want to come with?"

"I'm okay here.  Um, if you don't mind that is?"  Devin replied quietly, directing the question at Luke.

"No, not at all."  Luke's mind spun with uncertainty about this sudden development.

Several minutes passed in silence as the game progressed.  "So, Krista said you like to play games?"

"Yes.  I don't really play any of these team coordination games though."

"Oh.  Just not into people huh?"  Luke teased gently.

Devin giggled.  "Nothing like that, I just find it kind of stressful."

"Sure.  So, what is it you're studying in school?"

"Education.  I've always wanted to be a teacher.  I'm hoping to teach kindergarten, maybe 1st or 2nd grade."

“Oh yeah?”  Luke prodded, "Why is that?"

Devin was quiet for a minute, Luke glanced over and she gave him a small smile.  "The kids are sweet at that age.  They aren't really like adults... they're so curious and excited about things."  She nibbled on her lip, "They aren't judgmental.... everything is cool to them."

Uncertain what to make of this proclamation, Luke tried for what he hoped was an affirming tone.  “Yeah, kids are great.  Do you work with them yet?”

“Yeah!  I student teach several times a week, it’s part of the program.”  Devin replied happily.  Luke tried his best to listen to her as she continued on to describe the certification process while playing at the same time.

The game ended in a loss for Luke's team but he didn't really mind as he watched Nick and Priya high five, not even with Jess's cheery call of "Nice carry there Luke!"  He took out his phone to check the time, only to have it pulled out of his hands, and turned to find Krista holding it. 


She winked at him and fiddled with it, the bright pink phone in her other hand buzzing as it received a call.  "Great," she said, handing it back to him.  "We'll hit you up some time if we're out and about."  The three girls gathered up their belongings and left; Priya with a wave to Nick, Devin with a shy bob of her head.


The day after the meet-up he texted the number; "It was great to meet you last night, I had a lot of fun." After several minutes he received a reply: "It was nice to meet you too," with one of the little smiley face emoji's, which he decided to believe was a good sign.  He resolved to play it cool.

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Offline jcboyd

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2017, 06:02:55 pm »
Oh Luke.. not realizing Krista put in Devin's number.......


Offline jstans

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2017, 12:30:50 pm »
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Oh Luke.. not realizing Krista put in Devin's number.......


Yessir, you got it too! I'm excited to see where this one goes.
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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2017, 09:57:21 pm »
Really well writen story and if this is your first story then you have talent. Really looking forward for the next part. :cool2:

Offline draight

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2017, 03:41:06 pm »
Friday night was shaping up to be a quiet affair.  Luke and Nick occupied opposite ends of their couch with controllers in hand and beers within easy reach.  “Shit!”  Luke’s cell phone rang and he wedged it into position between his ear and shoulder without relaxing his grip on his controller.  “Hello?’

"Luke!"  Krista's voice was raised over the background noise of voices and music.  "They're doing some sort of skeeball tournament at Sullivan's!  Come out!  Bring Nick if he wants to come!"

"Uh, yeah!"  Luke had sat up straight at the sound of her voice.  "Sure, we'll be down..." he looked over at Nick and mouthed Sullivan's, girls, skeeball?ck nodded enthusiastically.  "Yeah, we'll be there in a few."

"Great, can't wait!"  She hung up.

“Skeeball though?”  Nick asked as Luke slid his phone back into his pocket.  “That’s kind of weird.”

“Really?  That was your takeaway?”  Luke shook his head.  “Besides, they asked for you too.”

“Fair enough.”  Nick examined his outfit with a slight grimace.  “I might need a minute.”

The two roommates polished off their drinks and split up to quickly get ready.

Sullivan's was busy.  In the tradition of establishments in college towns everywhere, the place served as a restaurant by day, and a sort of bar and club fusion by night.  Loud music pumped from speakers around the room, a mixture of club music and hip-hop.  The overhead lights were turned low, colored lighting providing most of the illumination.  Students from the several schools in town mingled, talking and drinking.  The tide shifted about as people moved to and from the bar, single guys moving through the crowd to hit on girls, groups establishing themselves by the tables or on the dance floor per their preference, and couples sneaking away to the corners for a relative amount of privacy.  Luke and Nick made their way through the crowd and into the quieter back room, where the lights were turned up brighter and several skeeball machines had been set up alongside a jukebox and some pool tables.

"Luke!  Nick!"

Krista waved at them from the far wall, where the three girls were standing.  She was wearing jeans and flats, along with a sleeveless white top that revealed toned, wiry arms, the bunching of her triceps, and flex of a defined bicep noticeable as she gestured them over.

"You guys made it!"  Krista pulled him in for a quick hug as Priya gave Nick's hand a discrete squeeze.

“Well, I’d hate to disappoint.  Besides, we weren’t up to too much.”  Luke returned the embrace, enjoying the gentle pressure that she exerted before the two broke apart.  He was surprised to find Devin giving him an open smile.  Her hair pulled back in an untidy ponytail, and she was dressed in a woolen sweater.

"Hi."  She said shyly, before glancing down for a second and back up to meet his eyes.

"Hi."  He said, and "Hi?" again quizzically as she continued to smile at him.  "Uh," he looked away and saw Krista and Priya move to a small table with two cocktails already perched on it.  "I guess Nick and I should get drinks...  Do you want anything?"  He asked, noticing that she didn't seem to have one.

"Not 21 quite yet," She pouted and showed him an X mark on her hand.  "Thanks though, that's sweet of you."

“You don’t feel like living dangerously?”  Luke chided her.  “What’s the worst that could happen?  Besides, you could rub that off in the bathroom if you’re really worried about getting caught.”  Devin simply shrugged and Luke decided to drop the issue.  “Right.”  He mumbled, “Well, I guess I’ll be back in just a minute.”  He looked over towards Nick to indicate that he wanted to go to the bar.  However, his friend seemed keen to speak with Priya, so Luke went to get them drinks and open a tab.  He picked his way through the crowd in the main room and after several minutes managed to flag down a bartender.  After several attempts to communicate with the man over the background noise he eventually found himself in possession of two beers and worked his way back, moving carefully to avoid being jostled and spilling any of his cargo.

"Did you sign up for the tournament?"  Krista asked him when he got back to the table.  She leaned over the table, resting on her elbows.  Her top falling slightly to reveal a hint of cleavage.

"Oh… no, not yet.”  Luke carefully maintained eye contact with her as he handed one of the beers off to Nick.  “How do I do that?"

"There's a signup sheet with a guy near the entrance.”  Krista took a long sip from her drink, nearly emptying the glass.  “It's not actually much of a tournament I guess, just two rounds.  First, second and third place get some bar credit."

"I'll show you where to sign up!"  Devin burst out.  Luke and Krista turned to look at her, and a moment later her face was flaming a bright red.  "I mean, come with me.  I was going to go out there... anyway..." she trailed off.

"Yeah.  Sure, let's go."  Luke gestured for her to lead the way.

"Ok!  Yes, just... follow... me."  Still red, Devin turned and rushed into the other room.  Being as short as she was, she almost immediately disappeared in the crowd.  Luke followed behind, occasionally craning his head around to find the gap that signified her presence.

"There you are.  I thought I might have lost you,' she said guiltily as he eventually emerged by the table.  She scuffed a shoe on the floor.

"To be honest, you did for a minute there.” Luke replied, “No harm though, it’s a jungle in here and anyway, I found you right?  Just like an explorer or something."  He laughed, and she giggled after a moment.

"A brave explorer eh?  What would that make me?"  She arched an eyebrow at him.

"Some sort of new specimen I suppose.  Maybe an uncategorized orchid or mammal."  He joked.

“Oooh.”  Devin replied.  "I think that I’d rather be an orchid.  They're so pretty."

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather be some sort of terrible beast?"  Luke smiled.  “The queen of the jungle?”

"Um, no.  I don't think I would."  Devin crossed her arms.  “I’d much rather be something that would make people happy.”  Her voice fell to a murmur, almost as though she was speaking to herself.  “Why would I want to be something big and scary?“

"Suit yourself."  Luke took a clipboard from the guy sitting at the signup table and entered his own name along with Nick’s.  "Now to blaze a trail back."  But as he spoke he hesitated a moment, studying her cute, almost elfin features, the way that the light pattering of freckles dusted her nose, and without thinking he found himself extending his hand toward hers.  She immediately looked down, the hand he had reached for moving to brush her hair from her face, and the spell broke.  He immediately turned the movement into a 'follow me' gesture and let out a jocular "Come on!" before turning to lead the way, heart suddenly beating in his chest.

“Do you do this sort of thing a lot?”  Luke raised his voice over the background noise of the crowd as they pushed through, making sure not to lose Devin this time.

“Do what?”  Devin asked.

“Bar contests, skeeball, anything like that?”  Luke paused as Devin carefully slid between two groups of patrons, navigating her stout frame so as not to bump into anyone.

“Oh, no.  I haven’t played since I was a little kid.”

“If you say so.”  Luke eyed her with mock suspicion.  “If I find out that you girls invited us out here to hustle us or something…” he let the sentence hang.

“Nooo!”  Devin squealed in protest.  “We had a good time the other night and I… we thought it would be nice to see you guys again.”

“I’ll believe you, for now.” Luke teased.  He maintained a look of mock skepticism as he turned away to lead, but as he moved through another tight squeeze in the crowd he felt her hand gently take hold of his sleeve so as not to lose him.  He smiled.

"Took you long enough!"  Krista welcomed them back, "I started to think that the two of you had gotten lost."  She said, quirking an eyebrow at Luke as she finished her drink.  He shrugged noncommittally, strangely uncertain what to say.  He stood quietly, watching as Priya wrote something out on a napkin while Nick looked over her shoulder and occasionally asked a question.  Craning his head for a closer look, it seemed to Luke that they were discussing a piece of code.  Well Nick certainly seems to understand what makes her tick Luke thought, looking over at Krista and Devin cleared his throat.

“So, did you do any student teaching this week?”  He tried.

“I did!”  Devin said happily.  “The kids were really good.  We worked on addition and subtraction and some of them were so proud when they were able to work with numbers with two digits.  Amanda, that’s the teacher I’m working with, was saying that this class is advancing quicker than most so I brought them cookies for a reward and they just go crazy.”  She stopped and looked up at Luke.  “I’m sorry, I’m sure that this isn’t really that interesting…”

Luke tried to look reassuring “Don’t worry, you get so excited talking about it, how could I not be interested?”

Devin stopped looking worried.  “Ok.  Well, I also got to read them a story.  I guess that’s what we did this week.”  A moment later they heard the announcement of the beginning of the skeeball games.

Being at the end of the list, Luke and Nick had time to drink and watch the competition go.  A mix of guys and girls took their turns, most just having fun with it but several taking it seriously.  Luke studied Krista's form, her toned arms flexing as she played.  After one particularly good shot she pumped her right arm in celebration, her bicep popping in such sharp relief that Luke swore he made out a vein traveling down it.  Priya outperformed her and tied with a guy for first place for the round, Nick provided a golf clap as she returned to the table which she acknowledged with a wry grin. 

Devin on the other hand performed miserably, her first several attempts completely overshooting the target, and putting such little force into the last attempt that it didn't even make it.  Krista clucked sympathetically as she made her way back to their table.  “I told you I hadn’t done this in ages.”  Devin said sullenly to Luke as she took a seat.

“Or you’re just really selling your deception.”  Luke joked gently, drawing a small smile.  “Don’t worry about it; I’m sure it was just nerves.  Besides you have another round to make up for it right?”

Several more contestants went before Luke’s turn.  He acquitted himself admirably, though not to Priya's level, while Nick's general lack of coordination provided a great deal of entertainment for everyone present.

"Well that was embarrassing.  Why'd you even bother to show up to this?"  Priya asked Nick with a gleam in her eye.

"I can think of a reason or two."  Nick retorted with a wide grin.

“Surely not for the company.”  She asked, deadpan.

“Surely not.”  He agreed.

The second round proceeded much like the first, although Luke found himself looking quietly into his beer as Krista took her turn.  Priya shot a perfect game to a smattering of applause.  Devin's first shot again caromed out of control.

"Hey," Krista prodded Luke in the ribs, bringing his head up.  "Go give her a hand."

"I don't think I'm allowed to do that.  People might not take kindly to interference."

"What are you kidding?  Priya already locked in the win, she can't even come in fifth at this point.  Go on."  Krista jerked her head towards the struggling redhead.

What the hell.  Luke finished his beer. What number was that anyway?  He straightened up.  Before he knew what he was doing he was walking over toward Devin's short frame.  Krista was right, hardly anyone was paying much attention and no one said anything to him as he approached.

"Hey, here, try it like this."  He reached out with his left hand, and laid it on Devin's shoulder.  Immediately, his fingers told him that something was off but there was no time to think.  It happened in a split second.  Devin's head turned toward him, her mouth opening into an "O" of surprise as he reached out his right hand to close it around her forearm.

He couldn't.  His grip, instead of encountering the air he expected under her baggy sweater, encountered thick, solid flesh.

He jerked his hand backwards in surprise.  "I..." what should he say?  He saw the look in her eyes, shock shifting to hurt.  For a moment they simply started at each other.  Then he smiled, as open and soft a smile as he could muster.  "Try it like this."  He said quietly, reaching back out.

The bulging trap muscle that his left hand had found had flexed into iron hardness in surprise, it now relaxed under his touch becoming firm and flexible.  The fingers of his right hand gently traced the ridges of muscle in her forearm.  He had immediately abandoned any thought of encircling the stout limb, and instead felt the fibers of the flexors in her forearm dance as she shifted her grasp on the ball.  He half closed his eyes as he gently guided her arm through the motion several times, before stepping back in a daze and walking backward to their table.  She managed a perfect shot, looked over at him and smiled.

Priya ended up winning first place, defraying the cost of their night out and leading to another round of drinks.  She was getting up to cash in the gift certificate she had received when Nick laid a hand on her shoulder.  "Hold on a second," he laughed, "shouldn’t you get a picture of your winnings?"

Priya chuckled and struck a pose as though she had won the lottery while Devin pulled out her phone.  Her bright pink phone.  Luke did a double-take and looked at Krista who shrugged innocently before excusing herself with a laugh.  Nick drew Priya away to the side leaving Luke to turn and look down into Devin's soft green eyes.  A now familiar pinkish hue had begun creeping up her cheeks again.

"I'd really like to hang out again, maybe just you and me?" He started to raise his hand, Hell man, just do it, and laid it on her shoulder, inwardly marveling at the inadequacy of his hand to cover even half of the massive deltoids lying concealed beneath her sweater.

"I'd like that too."  She brushed back a strand of loose hair and beamed.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2017, 11:30:26 pm »
KU-DOS! I can't wait to learn more about Devin's physique and power! Great job. I hope we get to read a lot more.
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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2017, 02:13:12 am »
I really love this story so far. The slow burn really works for it. Very well-written. Bravo and please continue!

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2017, 02:18:52 am »
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to comment.  I very much appreciate it and would be interested to hear any further thoughts.

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The slow burn really works for it.

I appreciate the comment as one of my primary concerns regarding the story was, and still is, that it has a slow start and I was hoping that it would be able to hold the reader's attention.  In that vein; this next installment is still on the slow side but the story should ramp up a bit after that.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2017, 02:20:24 am »
Luke stared into his mirror, unaccountably nervous.  Well, no, not unaccountably nervous, he reasoned.  Since the other night he had hardly been able to think of anything else.  Part of him wondered if he had imagined, or at the very least mentally exaggerated, the feel of Devin’s body during their brief contact.  It seemed inconceivable that the shy, nervous girl could possess the musculature that his hands had detected, or that she would be able to keep it so successfully hidden.  Nonetheless, it was all that could do to keep his imagination running wild over the last several days; fantasies of the cute little redhead disrobing in front of him to reveal a body rippling with strength, more powerful than he could imagine.  Of her effortlessly overwhelming him with her superior physique.  Of…  Luke shook his head and checked the time.  He only had a few minutes before he had to leave.  They had coordinated over text messages, agreeing to meet downtown, and Luke scanned through the last several they had exchanged:

Devin – What are we going to do?

Luke – It’ll be a surprise.

Devin – How mysterious.  I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Stupid, stupid, Luke castigated himself.  He scrolled anxiously through his phone looking at local attractions, trying to find a likely, and suitably romantic, option.  Not a movie, not on a first date anyway.  Too early for dinner.  Wine and painting class?  No, she isn’t 21 yet. Eventually an option caught his eye; the local outdoor skating rink.  Kind of cliché, but it might just work.  He’d never been before, but how hard could ice-skating be?  He checked the time again.  Shit!  Gotta go. He collected his coat and rushed out.


The air was hot and steamy inside the coffee shop as they entered, and the two removed their jackets.  Luke rubbed his hands together to work the circulation back into them as he looked around.  "D'you want to find us a table and I'll go order?"

"Ok, order me a mocha?”  Devin extended a hand, “Here, give me your coat."

"You got it."  Luke replied and handed over the garment before walking up to the counter to order.  He heavily favored his right leg as he moved with a slight limp, finally coming to a stop in front of the perpetually stone faced barista.  I wonder if that expression comes with the uniform?  Maybe it's just part of the interview process.  He scanned the room again and saw that Devin had found a table.  She was seated looking out the window, hair flowing gently out from under her white knit beanie.  She had arched forward slightly, hands delicately folded in her lap and ankles crossed.  She was wearing her customary oversized clothing, but he could see the signs now that he knew; the broadness of her shoulders, the depth of her chest.  She had hugged him in greeting earlier, gently; with almost no force at all, but Luke had marveled as he returned the embrace, feeling the incredible width of her back, the corded muscle of lats like wings...

"Dude, your order."  Luke snapped back to himself as the barista stared at him.  The man gestured disinterestedly towards two beverages.

"Thanks."  He paid and worked his way over to where Devin sat gently swinging her feet.

"Thank you," she said as he placed her drink in front of her and tried a sip.  "Ah, that's hot."

"Well, yeah.  It's supposed to be."  Luke couldn't help replying.

Devin narrowed her eyes at him, before looking at his cup.  "What's that you have there?"

"It's called bubble tea."

"Can I try?"

"Go ahead."  He offered the cup to her, and she took a small sip from the straw.

"It's cold!"  She blurted, and gestured towards the windows.  "Why would you order a cold drink on a day like today?"

"I dunno," He shrugged "I just like it.  Besides, it's warm in here."

"You still have to walk home, you'll get hypothermia."

"I'll be okay."

"You'll never make it, especially after what you just did to your leg."

"I told you I'd never been ice-skating before."


"I'm human, I'm allowed to have weaknesses."

"Oh yeah?  And what about strengths?"  Devin challenged.

"For your information, I have a long string of trivia wins under my belt.  What are your strengths?"  Luke retorted.

The question hung in the air for a moment.  Luke swallowed.  "Um... I mean."

"Well," she replied slowly, "I'll have you know that I'm a professional actress."

"No."  She looked steadily at him as he cut off a chuckle.  "Wait, really?"

"No, not really."  She giggled, "I did a local commercial when I was little.  Apple juice.  God knows why my parents brought me in the first place, I think they thought that the freckles would play well."

"Ha, I'm sure that you must have been adorable.  You decided not to pursue the lucrative and stable career of a child actress?"

"Well," she took a small sip of her drink, "I didn't really like it to be honest, the attention that is, and as time went on..." Devin shrugged, Luke's eyes following the wavelike ripple as her traps rose, swelled and receded. "I wasn't really what they were looking for."

"Mmm."  Luke acknowledged.  "At least you don't have to worry about being hounded by the paparazzi everywhere you go."

"Oh God.  I don't think I'd ever go out in public.  I don't really even go out that much as it is."

"Well, you came out to Nick's shindig, and the other night."

"That's true."  Devin mused.  "Priya found the game night I think.  The bar was Krista's idea."

"I'm glad that they were able to convince you."  Luke smiled.

Devin smiled back.  "I am too.  I had a lot of fun.  I game with Priya sometimes, but mostly just by myself, so it was interesting to try something different."

“Right.”  This was a topic that Luke was no stranger to.  “What sorts of games do you usually play?”

“Oh.”  She shrugged.  “This and that really.  I started when I was little, my dad bought me Sonic for my birthday and we would play it together all the time.  I was never able to beat it though, I wasted so many hours on that game.”

Luke chuckled, “Me neither.”

“Right!?  Games were impossible back in those days.  Anyway, nowadays I mostly play adventure games, RPGs, that sort of thing.  I don’t really have much time to dedicate to it what with student teaching, school work and other things.”

“I hear you.  To be honest though I still probably spend too much time with that kind of stuff.  Do you have any other hobbies?”

Devin thought, “I cook.  I think I’ve gotten pretty good at it.  I know how domestic that sounds but... I, uh, eat a lot, so I figured it would be a good skill to pick up.”

“I really should learn how to do that.”  Luke admitted, “My culinary skills are pretty lacking.”

“I could teach you a trick or two.”  Devin’s chair creaked as she leaned forward.  “But what am I going to get I return?”

“Clearly not any ice-skating tips, but I think you might owe me a bit for the skeeball help the other night, and maybe I can throw I another lesson in a subject to be determined later?”  He extended his hand in an exaggeratedly conspiratorial manner.

“It’s a deal.”  Devin giggled, as she took his hand in her smaller one and squeezed with gentle strength.


The sun was well down as they entered the square, electric lampposts throwing out light to illuminate their way.  Luke idly dropped his head back and watched the vapor of his breath condense and drift away on the light breeze.

"Anyway, I guess that's what really got me interested in biology."  He finished.

"Yeah, but..." Devin's face scrunched up, "none of that's real."

"But some day it could be.  Besides, I was just a kid, I didn't know that; I just loved dinosaurs.  Anyway, genetic engineering has better real world applications."

He stepped up onto the broad marble rim of the fountain decorating the center of the square.  The water had been drained some months before, and the dry pool sat silently in the lamplight, someone had been through and cleaned out all the coins.  Turning, he offered his hand to Devin and helped her climb up, suppressing a grunt of surprise as her weight momentarily threatened to pull him down.  They regarded the quiet fountain.

"I suppose you must learn about all kinds of interesting stuff, biology, genetics."  Devin mused quietly.  Luke carefully said nothing.  She coughed.  "Its, um...oh, that's the shuttle stop right over there."

"Oh."  Luke stepped down and turned to help her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean...I had a really great time tonight."  She hadn't moved, her teeth nibbled her bottom lip.  With her standing on the rim of the fountain the two were almost the same height.  Luke looked into her eyes, in the soft lighting her rich honey hair formed a halo around her pale face.  His hands moved to grasp her hips, her thick coat muting the steely hardness of her form, and pressed his lips to hers.  Her body stiffened against his, but her lips were soft and warm and after a moment she melted against him meeting his kiss with inexperienced desire.

After the lingering moment, Luke moved back creating space between them while his hands remained.  Devin smiled and blushed, her hand tracing the familiar route to move a lock of hair from her face.  Before Luke realized what was happening, her petite hands had darted out to grasp his lapel and he was pulled bodily forward into a lip-lock once more.  Their lips met, the tip of her tongue cautiously flickering out to taste him as one of her hands curled around the back of his neck to lock him in place with a seemingly irresistible force.  One of his hands went to her waist and the other settled on her upper arm, shamelessly groping at the mounded bicep that flared against the confines of her jacket, pulling the sleeve taught.  Devin didn't seem to notice.

He wasn't sure how much time passed before they separated breathlessly.

"I have to go, I think that's the last shuttle."  She said reluctantly.

"Ok."  Luke's head was reeling.

"I'll see you soon?" 

Luke almost laughed at how nervous she sounded.  "You couldn't keep me away."

Lights passed by the window as the shuttle moved from downtown back towards the college, Devin peered out at them,  then down at her hands, then up and around the mostly empty bus, unable to focus on anything.  In similar fashion, her thoughts swirled endlessly.  Oh God, I shouldn't have laughed when he tripped like that.  But he kissed me.  But then I ran away.  But he kissed me.  She looked down at her hands, finding that she had clenched them so hard that her knuckles were white.  She exhaled slowly and relaxed her grip.  He did kiss me.  She slowly traced her lip with a finger, trying to call back the sensation.  Nobody has tried to kiss me since... Thomas Flenders.  That had been back in middle school.  She had been tipped off about the circumstances behind the dare ahead of time.  She squirmed in her seat at the memory.  After that incident, there hadn't been any further attempts.  Boys had apparently been too afraid to try, and if any hadn't been, she had been afraid to allow any of them to get close.  And not long after that was when everything really went crazy...

The shuttle came to a stop, rousing Devin from her thoughts.  She stood up and filed off the bus behind several other girls, zipping her coat up against the wind.  She pulled her phone out of her pocket as she walked towards her dorm, nervously turning it over in her hands.  Should I text him?  What would I say?  What if he’s mad that I left?  She felt sure that her friends would know the answers to questions like these.  But no, she resolved not to go running to them like some ditzy little girl with boy problems.  Before she knew it, she found herself in front of the door to their shared apartment.  Slipping inside, she found the common area empty and wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed.

Sloughing off her coat, hat and shoes, Devin continued on to her room.  She hopped up onto her bed, the frame emitting a complaining squeak as she settled on to it and dangled her legs, looking down at the phone again.  Should I say something funny?  Something flirtatious?  She came up blank on both.  With a quiet sigh she put the phone down on her bed.  He’s handsome, and tall.  Her mind flickered back to the kiss.  Her stomach had been so full of butterflies, even as she thought back now the sensation returned.  She hadn’t been able to think, just act.  She had… I grabbed him.  I hope I didn’t hurt him!  But no, in fact, he had enjoyed, it hadn’t he?  And… she raised her right hand to squeeze the hefty muscle of her other bicep, where he had.  She had hardly registered the pressure he exerted at the time.  Now she slowly tensed the muscle, feeling it first harden and then expand under her grasp.  In moments the baggy sleeve of her sweatshirt pulled tight over the expanding flesh beneath, and she rubbed her hand over the bulging limb, squeezing and touching as though for the first time.  She sat in thought for some time.

Eventually, she heard the faint buzz of an incoming text, and smiled, the butterflies kicking back into action.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2017, 03:53:34 am »
The build up is at once agonizing and amazing. I can't wait to read more!
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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2017, 06:23:23 am »
It's really a very nicely built plot. If you want to make readers addicted (and impatient for the next parts) you are succeeding I guess.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2017, 08:06:42 pm »
Very nicely done. Great read, can't wait for more, love the pace and development..............very realistic.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2017, 09:50:36 pm »
omg, I love this!

It is all very organic, beautifully written.

I hope this will bring even more 'first time' writers to the game, it is Inspiring. 

lowerbase @ DA

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2017, 02:57:14 am »
Sleet poured down from the gray sky overhead, pattering on the windows of the shuttle.  Luke's rested, his head wedged between his seat and the cold glass as he gazed out, eyes focused on nothing.  The walk between campuses wasn't too long, passing through the downtown area on the way, but given the conditions outside he'd elected not to walk.  Their plan to walk around town would need to be amended, but that shouldn't be a problem.  In fairness, it wasn't much of a plan to begin with.

The bus stopped outside the student center, and Luke joined the short queue to get off, bracing himself against the cold rain as he stepped out.  He'd only been down to this campus once before, but he had taken care to note the landmarks and layout.  Turning in the direction of the girl’s dorm he took off at a brisk walk.  On better days the campus was rather pretty with its white stone buildings, today he was just glad the campus was so small. 

Arriving at the long, three story building which was his destination he hustled in and stopped just inside the lobby.  Housing for upperclasswomen who continued to live on campus was in an apartment style which he was grateful for as it meant he didn't have to wait for someone to let him in out of the rain.  He took the stairs two at a time to the second floor and made his way to 213 where he paused just long enough to attempt to brush the water out of his hair before knocking.

"Coming!"  Someone inside called out, and several seconds later the door swung open to reveal Krista, a grin spreading across her features as she saw him.  "Heeeey, look who it is."

"Hi Krista," Luke swallowed, the statuesque blonde was dressed in a white tank top and black jogging shorts.  In her bare feet, he was taller than her for once.  Taking her ease, Krista lounged against the door-frame and crossed her wiry arms across her ample chest.  At the shifting of her weight, her defined calves swelled to form a tight angled diamond shape, the musculature of her thighs taking definition under her pale, flawless skin.

"You look half drowned.  You know it's raining outside right?"

"Very funny."

"I'm just saying.  Sometimes guys forget to pay attention to details like that when they have... something else on their mind."

"Yeah."  Luke broke with Krista's knowing gaze to peek into the apartment behind her.  "Is Devin ready?"

"I'm here!" He heard Devin chirp.  "One second!"  Devin moved into view from behind the far hallway.  Luke's heart skipped, as it always did when he saw her now.  She had straightened her hair, her usually wavy locks flowing well past her broad shoulders, halfway down her back, and... she looked different.  Makeup, must be different somehow.  Luke didn't know any more about that kind of thing than any other guy, but her lips were fuller somehow, her cheeks glowed a light rosy hue that he was pretty sure wasn't her usual blushing.  She put her hands gently on his hips and went up on her toes, Luke's head descending to meet in a kiss.  He breathed in the scent of her; lavender and honey.

"You look beautiful."

"You like?"  She performed a twirl and giggled, the flaps of her long black overcoat kicking up with the momentum.

"So, where ya taking my girl tonight?"  Krista interjected with a cheeky smile.

"Well... with the rain I thought we should just stay indoors.  Maybe a movie?"  He looked to Devin and she nodded.

"That's fine.  We can get dinner afterward."

"All right.  Have fun you crazy kids."  She leaned in toward Luke.  "Just make sure you have her home by curfew."  She continued in a stage whisper.

"Okay, bye Mom."  Devin put one hand in the small of Krista's back, and a moment later the tall blonde's feet left the ground as she was propelled through the door cackling.  Devin closed the door firmly as Luke took a moment to adjust himself against the sudden tightness in his pants.

"Shall we?"  He asked, taking her hand.

"Yes.  She was right though."


"It is raining outside."  She produced an umbrella from one of the spacious pockets of her coat.  "I believe you can handle this?"

The buxom, half-naked young blond turned and let out a piercing shriek as the shadowy figure leapt from behind a curtain and swept down on her, knife rising and falling.

Luke winced as Devin's petite hand seized his in a bone-crushing grip, his left hand coming around to grasp her forearm comfortingly.  Under her blouse, the musculature of her arm bulged and moved like steel coils, a cracking sound from the other armrest suggesting that her right hand was taking out her tension on the inanimate plastic.  He was somewhat regretting the choice of movie, and not because of the real possibility that he would be leaving the theater with several broken bones.  At least, not only because of that.  She really seemed genuinely frightened.  Still, he reflected as she turned to bury her face in his chest, there are some benefits.  He stretched out his arm, the limb barely making it all the way to her far shoulder, and held her against himself.

"Are you okay?  We can go if you want."  He whispered into her ear

"No, no."  She chuckled against his chest in embarrassment.  "It’s just a movie, I'm fine."

"If I'd known how much you didn't like this kind of movie I wouldn't have suggested it.  You didn't have to agree just for my sake."

"No, it’s fun in its own way.  To be scared I mean."

Luke mulled this over.  The girl sitting next to him was still a mystery in many ways.  It was odd to think that a person as clearly physically superior as the one sitting next to him would be scared of the scenario presented in the film.  Hell, I'm pretty sure she could break every bone in this guy's body.  It just wouldn't occur to her I guess.  In the weeks that they had been seeing each other, incidents like the one with Krista earlier tonight had occurred sporadically; a hefty jogger had run into her the other day and going sprawling while she hardly budged an inch, and on a separate occasion she had tried opening a door without realizing it was locked, accidentally breaking the knob.  Devin had studiously avoided any conversation about her incredible physique and Luke had demurred out of respect to her, while the brief moments played themselves over in his head when he was alone.  He found himself wondering, fantasizing, about what she was truly capable of.

After several minutes she withdrew her head from his shirt, smiling ruefully.  She lifted his dully aching right hand to her mouth and gave it an apologetic kiss.  Moments later they were happily locked in a kiss as, on screen, an old man droned on about some sort of cycle of murder that popped up every thirteen years.
213.  Luke traced the numbers with his eyes over Devin's head as she fumbled her key into the lock.  It clicked and the door opened a sliver as she turned around.  "Thank you so much for dinner, and the movie."

"You're welcome, for dinner anyway..."  The movie hadn't seemed to put Devin off her appetite, she had managed to put away a sizable steak dinner, although she had insisted she didn't want any sort of dessert.  "For the movie... well, sorry I subjected you to that."

"I probably won't get any sleep tonight."  She agreed.  "But I did enjoy myself."

He pulled her into an embrace, sharing a lingering kiss.  Devin scuffed her foot on the floor.  "Would you like to come in for a little while?"

"Absolutely."  Luke's heart picked up its pace at the words, and he followed her inside.  He found himself in a unit not entirely dissimilar to his own, a combined kitchen/living room set up.  It was considerably homier than the one he shared with Nick, a magnetic wall strip holding various cooking implements hung over a drying rack filled with dishes.  A small jar on the table held several yellow and blue flowers.  The refrigerator was plastered with photos of the girls in various locations, arms around each other and smiling at the camera.  Luke couldn't help noting that in almost all of them Devin inevitably occupied the space closest to the edge, often smiling in a somewhat self-conscious way.  On the other side of the room a sofa, love-seat and recliner were arranged around a television set and a small bookshelf.  Luke didn't have time to peruse the titles as Devin took his hand and continued walking.

A hallway branched off from the communal area with two doors on either side.  The first on the right was ajar to reveal a bathroom, the other three doors were closed.  Devin indicated the door directly across from the bathroom.  Light and faint music seeped out from the edges of the closed door, the only room to show any signs of current habitation.  "Priya."  Devin murmured before opening the second door on the left and leading him inside.

Devin shut the door behind them and flicked on the lights, illuminating the room.  Luke felt a moment of disappointment.  Well, what exactly were you expecting anyway, a gym? He chided himself.  The room was just a girl’s dorm room.  Off-white walls, matching blinds.  A small desk and padded chair occupied one of the corners near the window.  A small television perched on top of a little end table, and a set of dressers and a mirror was set against the far wall.

Devin shed her coat onto the chair and crossed the room to the neatly made bed with a light pink and blue comforter.  She kicked off her boots under the bed before turning and hopping up to sit on it, her feet dangling.  One hand reached out towards the pillows and re-emerged holding a small, tattered, stuffed tiger which she placed in her lap before looking back at Luke.  Her broad shoulders hunched forward slightly.

"Nice room."  Luke said conversationally as he strolled over to the desk.  More photographs were displayed here, either in frames or taped up.  Almost all of these featured people Luke had never seen before; a shorter woman with the same hair as Devin and a bespectacled man were presumably her parents.  In one photo a younger, braces wearing Devin beamed unabashedly at the camera, a small bundle of white fur held tightly in her arms.

"That's Gus."  Devin volunteered from the bed.

"He’s a cute little guy.  I don't think you've mentioned him before."

She shrugged.  "We can't keep pets here, of course.  He's my Bichon.  I always can't wait to see him when I go home.  He's much older now."

Luke walked to the bed and, when this didn't prompt a reaction, sat down next to her.  "And who is this?"  He prompted, indicating the tiger.

"Just an old toy."  Devin blushed.  "Kind of silly I guess."

"No, I get it."  He took her hand.

"Would you like to watch some T.V. or something?"

"Uh..." Damn it, "Sure."

Sometime later, Devin checked her phone.  "It's getting kind of late."

"Oh, yeah.  I guess it is."  Luke sighed inwardly and stood up patting his pockets.

"It’s still really bad out.  You... can stay over, if you want."

Luke stopped dead.

"I mean, only if you want to."  Devin let out in a rush.

"Of course."  Luke recovered.  "Someone has to protect you from murderers right?"

"You jerk!"  Devin laughed, Luke felt the tension drain from the room.  "Why would you remind me of that?"

"Well, I wouldn't want you getting complacent, that's when they get you."

"You saw the bathroom on the way in right?  You can clean up if you need to."

"Thanks, I'll be back in a moment."

Luke finished washing up and stood looking at himself in the mirror.  Come on man, get a hold of yourself, he thought against the jittery feeling in his stomach.  Taking one of the hand-towels, he dried his face and hair.

He had shut the door behind himself when stepping out, and opened it now uncertain what to expect.  Immediately, he stopped in the doorway and simply stared; his mind, his conscious ability to think overwhelmed by the vision in front of him.  Devin stood across the room, her back to the door.  She was looking into the mirror, although the sheer breadth of her back and shoulders eclipsed it from his view.  While had been cleaning up in the bathroom she had changed.  Gone were the baggy sweatpants, the tent-like sweaters and blouses.  Devin's physique stood revealed; clad only in a pair of black spandex shorts, and a pink t-shirt.

Looking into the mirror, she had gone up onto her toes.  From her slender ankles, corded tendons climbed briefly before ballooning into calves larger than Luke had ever seen, as though rippling footballs had been sewn under her skin.  As she shifted her weight slightly to her left leg the muscle bunched and flared, taking on the weight of the hulking body it was supporting.  Above, her legs narrowed briefly into her knees before exploding outward once more.  Even at rest her hamstrings were large and rugged, hinting at the strength contained.  Although he was behind her, the sheer bulk of Devin's quads was such that they visible as they overhung her knees, creating a slight concavity before they met up with her hamstrings.  Even with her legs spread on tip-toe no gap appeared between the two mighty pillars as her adductors swelled inwards, her shorts so stretched and over matched that they hardly came below her glutes.  Her legs finally met at a perfectly rounded ass and waist forming the central point for the unbelievable hourglass that was her physique.

She was putting her hair up into a ponytail, the action bringing her upper body into motion.  Underneath a t-shirt stretched over her like a second skin, lats wide enough to eclipse Luke's view of anything in front of her extended to either side as shoulders like bowling balls pulled in, causing her traps to form a crescent moon of pure muscle framing her neck.  Protruding upwards were the trunks of her arms, rugged biceps the size of small melons flexing in symphony against stone-hewn triceps as she tended to her hair.

Luke tried to announce himself; cough, anything, but the breath stuck in his throat, hypnotized by the display of feminine brawn.  In his private moments he had wondered, dreamed about the body in front of him, and to finally have it see it revealed...

As though detecting his presence Devin's head turned and looked over one of her mountainous shoulders.  Dropping her arms to her sides, she swiveled in place and for a moment they stared at each other.  Standing at rest, the sides of her calves grazed against one another beneath thighs like sides of beef, each one seemingly thicker than her waist.  Her breasts were of average side, but proudly thrust forward, supported on top of a chest like no other Luke had ever seen.  Straining under the fabric of her shirt, each pec seemed almost as large as Luke' chest.  The over matched neckline on her shirt was stretched low over them, showing the separation running down their freckled expanse.

Carefully expressionless, she put forward one bare, dainty foot; the petite juggernaut began to stride towards him.  Luke was dimly aware of a surging in his loins, the embodiment of his fantasies before him.  But fighting against it, he realized, was a primal, almost animalistic sense of fear.  He had known she was strong, unbelievably strong, but now the proof stood before him.  She could do anything with him, to him.  Her herculean physique loomed, filling his vision, filling the entire room.

Then she was in front of him, once more all of 4'11."  She bit her lip.  "Well..?"  She asked timidly.

"Well!"  He agreed.  The smile that surged across her face melted him.  She wrapped one of her hands around the back of his neck and drew him down with irresistible force.  As their tongues played against one another, he ran his hands over the landscape of her body.  Her skin was warm and soft, a thin layer of fat maintaining her feminine curves.  The steel hardness underneath was readily apparent as he grasped at her biceps, their sheer mass defying his hands attempt to wrap around them.

Later, he wasn't sure why he did it; perhaps it was attempt his re-establish his masculinity to himself.  Possibly it was because it had proved a successful move with girls in the past.  He bent down, slipping one hand behind her knees, the other barely reaching across her back, and straightened to sweep her off her feet.  He immediately realized his mistake, even as his hand filled itself with her corded hamstrings his arms and back screamed in protest, but he persevered.  Devin let out a surprised shriek of laughter as she left the ground, and Luke managed to stumble several steps to the bed before giving out under her weight and collapsing to seat himself with her across his lap.

"You're pretty strong."  She cupped his face with a gentle hand.  He couldn't hold back and barked with laughter at this comment.  She flushed.  "I mean it.  I'm not exactly light."

"I would guess that you are quite a bit stronger."

"I guess I might be."  She conceded with a shrug.  She squirmed in his lap, Luke's manhood trapped beneath her solid bottom.  "You don't mind?"

"Not even a little bit.  You are so amazing."  He had freed his hands to let them roam over her body.  One kneading her thighs, the other playing with her relaxed trap muscles.  Devin closed her eyes and sighed softly.  Between her weight and her girth, she threatened to slide off his lap but neither were thinking about that at the moment.

"I figured you wouldn't.  At this point I mean, but I still wasn't sure."  Luke had placed one hand back around her waist to steady her against him, the other crept up to her collar, feeling the gentle swell of her pectoral muscles as she took soft breaths.  "Here," she murmured and shifted herself in his lap until she was straddling him.  Luke moved to feel the gargantuan thighs which framed his midsection but before he could, she placed her hands under his armpits and he felt himself being lifted upwards and then backwards to lean against the wall.  Her heaving chest filled his vision.

Taking his hands in hers, she placed them on the exposed portion of her pectorals and, for the first time, began to flex softy.  The muscle under his fingers began to grow until they filled his grasp, and then continued, the fibers becoming visible as they inflated with her effort.  Lost in a haze of lust, he pressed his lips to her bull neck and she moaned softly.  His right hand slipped under the collar of her shirt to fondle her breast.  The juxtaposition between the soft, feminine flesh and the rest of her brutally musclebound body seemed too much to process.  His left hand fell to rest on one of the thighs encompassing him, all he could think was how incredibly small and weak it looked compared to her surging brawn before he tore his attention back to her face.  Devin’s eyes were closed, her teeth gently nibbling her lip.  She had braced herself against the wall with one trunk-like arm, as the other hand continued to rest over his as it explored her chest.  Luke moved his hips lightly against hers, and, seemingly lost in the sensation she returned the motion, her sex rubbing against his raging erection, separated only by thin cloth.  He nestled his face into the cleavage formed by her pecs, kissing softly, pulling down the neckline of her shirt until the small, perfectly formed breast popped free, topped by a perky pink nipple which he took into his mouth.  Abruptly, Devin shifted her weight backwards on her haunches, creating a space between them.  Her weight pressed down on his knees.

"I'm sorry."  She mumbled, her face beet red.

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."  Luke stammered, cursing inwardly

"It's... I like you.  I really do.  But..."  She hugged herself awkwardly, as though trying to collapse herself inward.  "But, I haven’t really..."  She hesitated again.  "I'm still... innocent."  She finished lamely covering her face.

Reigning in his lack of surprise at this announcement Luke gently tried to move her hands, they slid down without resistance.  "That's ok."  He said, all too aware of his erection trapped firmly against her sex.  "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."  As if anyone could make her.

"Thank you," she replied after a moment.  "Do you still want to stay the night?"  She asked hopefully.

"Of course," Luke pulled her in for a last lingering kiss.

Later, Luke lay awake.  When lying on their sides Devin was taller than he was, but he had draped an arm around her protectively and she had taken it in her hand to hold tightly to her chest.  She sighed softly in her sleep, shifting occasionally and taking Luke with her.  As her glutes twitched against his manhood, he suddenly couldn't take it anymore and rose.  In his boxers and t-shirt he ran across the hall to the restroom.  With images of Devin in his mind's eye, and the feel of her muscles still imprinted in his nerves he hardly managed to stroke himself ten times before exploding.  He came in a torrent, longer and harder than he had ever experienced, until he found himself panting and leaning on the sink to recover from the intensity of his release.  He ruefully cleaned up after himself and stepped back out into the hallway.

He ran directly into Krista, and the two of them stumbled backwards.  She bore an expression of complete shock, the first Luke had seen on her face, as she looked from him in his boxers, to the door to Devin's room, and back to him.  Luke shuffled a foot while looking her over, she was wearing only a long t-shirt that fell to mid-thigh, revealing the lean muscles of her legs.

The look of surprise gave way to a conspiratorial smirk as she mouthed WHAAAAT!? at him and shot him a thumbs up.  Luke grinned back guiltily and shrugged.  Moving past him towards the kitchen Krista patted him heartily on the back and left him alone in the hall.  After taking a second to compose himself, Luke moved back to bed, where Devin once more sleepily took his hand to hold to herself.

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Re: Out of Her Shell
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2017, 08:11:55 am »
Congratulations!  It's amazing what you are building. Your plot is really nice. And it's easy to identify to the characters. Thanks a lot and have fun with writing. You surely give pleasure to read.

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