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Author Topic: Share your stories - muscular women in your life (wife, girlfriend, friends)  (Read 69218 times)

Offline oystercake23

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I'd like to start a thread where people can share true stories about muscular women in their life. I'm not only interested in hearing stories about bodybuilders, but any type of woman with muscles. Diversity of stories and experiences will make this thread more interesting. I also welcome questions and/or comments on my stories to keep the discussion going. I will kick things off by sharing true stories from my experiences with my ex-girlfriend.

I will call my ex-girlfriend Tina (not her real name). I met Tina while we were in college. Nobody would suspect that Tina had muscles because she was petite (around 5 feet tall) and very slim. It seems that she had a love and hate relationship with her muscles as you will learn from my stories about her. Before we started dating seriously, she once mentioned to our group of friends that she built some muscle due to ballet while she was a kid. Until now, I don't believe that ballet can help build arm muscles (she had nice looking biceps that I will describe later) but she didn't work out or play sports so I wonder if it was due to genetics. I didn't believe her either and put that comment in the back burner. One day, I saw her sitting down reading a book that was placed on her lap. It was the first time that I saw a sign of her having muscles. Her biceps were clearly toned with a line or "cut" across her arm so I know they were there. But she was not flexing at that time and was unaware that I was looking at her arms.

When we started dating seriously, I asked Tina to flex her arm for me. At first, she thought that my request was weird and acted like she did not know how to do it. I taught her how and she did it for me. Honestly, my brain blanks out about what happened next but I know that I really liked the results because I asked her to flex for me more often since then. Now to follow are some random stories about Tina that were memorable for me.

One time, we were eating dinner with friends. All of a sudden, some of Tina's girl friends asked her to flex in front of the group. Tina was embarrassed and did not want to flex. Then one of her friends (let's call her Candy) told me that recently they shared a room with Tina on an all girls trip. They all went to bed while Tina stayed up. Candy said that she awoke to go to the bathroom and saw Tina there. Guess what? All of a sudden, Tina flexed in front of the mirror. Tina did not see Candy but Candy saw her. Candy described Tina's biceps as looking "like a rat on her arm". She was impressed and asked Tina to flex again. That was when Tina noticed that Candy saw her. If I remember the story correctly, Tina flexed again for Candy during that time. Now at the dinner table, Tina was too embarrassed to flex because there were a few male friends who were cheering her on. When Tina and I were alone at the car, I asked her about the flexing incident. Tina told me that she was brushing her teeth and noticed her muscles. She became curious and wanted to see how big they were and that's when Candy saw her.

I said that Tina has a love and hate relationship with her muscles because there were times when she did not want to flex for me. She thinks that it is weird for her to do it. However, there were several times while I was driving when all of a sudden she would asked me if I can see her muscles then start flexing for me. I guess it all depended on her mood. Her biceps were peaked and looked big for her size. They were slightly oval shaped but had a nice bulge especially when looking at her flexed biceps from behind. Her muscles were also defined (with a "cut" at the bottom so that it looked like a small hill when flexed). In other words, her arms did not look like a bodybuilder's arms but anyone who would see her flexed arms will be impressed at the size and definition.

There was another time when we were forced to go on a long distance relationship for a year. We kept in touch over the phone. When we first saw each other again, she was wearing a sleeveless shirt (which she did not do often before). Her unflexed arms looked noticeably bigger but she was still on the slim side overall. She told me that she gained 20 pounds and that I should see her muscles. She flexed and her muscles looked incredible. I don't know how she did it because she did not work out regularly during that time. But after a few months we would enroll in a gym together, which will be my next story.

Before starting with a gym program, we were asked to do a physical fitness test. One of the tests was push ups to failure. The instructor asked Tina to do assisted push ups (with her knees on the floor since she was a woman) while I did regular push ups. We did it together and Tina kept going even after I stopped. Granted, she was not doing regular push ups although she told me afterwards that she could have done regular push ups if the trainer did not ask her to do the assisted push ups.

One time at the gym, the trainer taught us the "21" method for pushing your biceps hard. After doing the 21, Tina said in front of me and the trainer that she could feel the burn in her biceps then suddenly did a double bicep flex for both of us! Her biceps looked impressive and I did not know what to say. She did that more than once during our time together at the gym after doing the 21 exercise for her biceps. If you saw Tina during that time, you will see that she is on the slim side. Her arms are not skinny but not buff or ripped either. Thus, you will be shocked when you see her flex and that was the trainer's reaction to Tina's flex. Tina also did not have muscular calves or shoulders so she doesn't look like a bodybuilder. But her arms (biceps and triceps) were incredible but remember, they are not bodybuilder sized.

Actually, Tina's pecs and lats were also amazing. I remember her flexing her pecs for me once and I was shocked at how big her chest looked compared to when her pecs were unflexed. However, she does not have ripped bodybuilding pecs. Her lats were v-shaped and she told me that her friends noticed her back even when she was wearing regular clothes and not flexing. Some of them thought that she was a swimmer. During that time, I was obsessed with her biceps so I never asked her to spread her lats for me. On hindsight, that would have also been an amazing experience. I find it extremely sexy to think that she looks like a petite girl next door until she flexes her arm and pecs. Simply amazing!!

Finally, there was one time when I jumped on her back while we were horsing around. I thought she would fall down due to my weight (I was heavier than her). Much to my shock (take note I did not use the word surprise), she just held my legs and asked me to hang tight then she started walking while I was on her back! Once again, it would have been awesome if I asked her to squat while carrying me but the thought did not cross my mind during that time. These stories happened more than 10 years ago and we've both moved on since. But my experiences with her still remain on my mind and that's why I was able to tell such detailed stories.

I hope that you find my stories interesting. Like I said, feel free to comment and/or ask questions. I am also interested in hearing your stories.

Offline beowulff

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My next-door neighbor is a firefighter, and was a farrier  (shoes horses), and she it totally ripped, with big muscular arms, and big forearms, covered in veins.
I went through her crossfit-type circuit at the gym with her a few weeks ago, and she kicked my ass. 25 minutes of non-stop exercises. I was drenched in sweat, and she wasn't even breathing hard.
The other day I was doing my workout, and I was watching her do tons of Burpees. When she finished, I commented on it, and she said that it was some crazy pyramid up/down program where you do Burpees and kettlebells, and she said it worked out to something like 230 of each(!).
Whenever I talk to her, I have to remember to look her in the eye, otherwise I would just stare at her arms.

Offline oystercake23

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Awesome!! Have you ever asked her to flex?

Offline beowulff

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Awesome!! Have you ever asked her to flex?

Not yet. I'm going to get her to do my routine at the gym, and just stare at her arms when we get to pullups...

Offline AverageA

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So I work at a college... I'm in my twenties. I work at a health sciences campus - one of the programs taught is fitness training.
I started working on the summer and thought to write about an experience.
Health sciences campuses like this one are 80% women... There are a lot of "good looking" women that I see in a regular basis - but one has always stood out for me.
She is a young woman with a muscular physique - but not like a bodybuilder. She does not wear a lot of make-up and has red highlights in her hair - but has a way about her that catches my full attention whenever I get the luxury of passing by her. She looks in front of her and seems to be completely unaware of how beautiful she is. Dressed like a tomboy - but still extremely beautiful in my opinion. I'm not quite sure if perhaps she is a lesbian(which is perfectly acceptable, of course) or if she has just never had a guy look at her the way I do.. Though, most of us on here admire women with muscle, the average person finds a woman with even a little more muscle that usual fairly odd.
There is an actually fbb there, as well - I talk to her when I see her and she is awesome! She's actually mentioned here and can be seen on this site - but this other girl just... Does it for me.. And has no idea.

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Then if you're single, you should ask her out.

Offline Red45

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One night in my local gym, I'm in a position to overhear a conversation between two women in their early to mid 20's. Both had muscular physiques. Both were making the observation that they had trouble finding the "right" guy to date. Listening further it was mostly because they took their bodybuilding program very seriously. Both of these gals were quite attractive. I made the comment to one of them that her "right guy" is out there, she just didn't know it yet. I told her that since I am probably older than her father, that ruled me out. She laughed at that. 


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Already wrote something up about her with some pics...

Offline tarzan7

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I met a woman through role play in the 1980s who I eventually had a long term relationship with. It sounds like an exaggeration but she was about 5' 10" (in heels 6' 1") around 165 or 170 pounds and had a figure like Anita Ekberg or Jayne Mansfield. She was more than an a blonde bombshell - she had strong shoulders, legs like a swimmer and was physically active but NOT a bodybuilder. She was a true Amazon.

She worked was a designer, as well as a model, masseuse and did fetish/domination sessions on the side. Gayle (not her real name) was the first woman I ever met who said she did "wrestling sessions" with men. This was years and years before I ever saw or knew of the fetish. Gayle did some wrestling videos, which I saw years later online, and she was picking up and throwing around guys who were at least 200 pounds or so.

After having two sessions with her (we never wrestled) something clicked and we began dating which was tough because we lived hundreds of miles from each other. In our first meeting at her hotel room we spoke briefly about the role play session. I was stunned by her beauty and almost couldn't speak. She had me sit down on a lounge chair and Gayle was on the ottoman in front of me. The hotel phone rang when I was describing the scene. She immediately said, "Don't move!" put her hand on my chest, and reached over to answer the phone. (It was a friend from home.) I'm a big guy - 6' 1", athletic and about 225 pounds or so back then - but when she put her strong, manicured hand on my chest I didn't dare move. I could feel her strength. I said something to myself like, "What the hell have I got myself into?"

She quickly got off the phone, seduced me with her smile (and a pink one piece bathing suit a la "Baywatch") and said, "Where were we?" The session was incredible.

Gayle was a sweetheart but did have serious mood swings. For whatever reason, I always was able to calm her down. One time two young women cut in front of us on a long, long museum line and she went at it with the both of them, verbally. When I thought it was about to get physical I grabbed her around the waist with all my strength and was just able to stop her. Other people behind us complained about the two women and security escorted them to the back of the line. After that she immediately grinned, kissed me and said, "See? They got what they deserved." If I didn't hold onto her for dear life I still think one or both of them would have wound up in the hospital.

One last story of her strength that her younger sister told me. The sister was in a lousy marriage and her husband Al was verbally abusive. One time he went over the line. The sister wound up in the hospital with a broken arm or wrist. She told the family and Gayle that she "fell down." Gayle didn't buy it and immediately went to the hospital. The husband, all 5' 7" of him, wearing glasses and talking crap to his wife, was there with a nurse. He was trying to get her out of the hospital to take are of their kids... immediately. She needed to stay overnight. When he saw Gayle - they never did get along since this guy made plenty of moves to get into bed with but she rejected him - began to talk trash about her. Gayle said to Al with a smile, "It's always a pleasure to see you," and then got serious, "Did you hit my sister?" Al ran his mouth again and said, "What if I did? It's none of your damn business!"

Eventually Gayle sheepishly told me that she turned around and slapped Al so hard he hit the hospital wall and hit the ground, stunned. His glasses flew off, broke in half against another wall. Standing over him Gayle said, "That's what you get for hitting a woman!" Of course the sister got upset, the nurse quickly attended to Al and said to Gayle, "Get out of here or else the hospital will call the police." Soon afterward the couple got divorced and Al never pressed charges, either out of fear of his sister-in-law or the fact that the nurse was willing to say he all but admitted he hit his wife.

We split up a long time ago. (Too long to get into here.) Gayle was an earth mother, as well as a force of nature, who made heads turn whenever she entered a room. Of course it was due to her beauty, but I think many could sense her physical strength, intelligence and great sense of humor.     
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Offline tarzan7

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Great story jungle.  Is she married now with a family?

I don't know.  At the time she was divorced, but no children.

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Offline oriander2000

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Perhaps not the standard story, but the one that impacted me the most: years ago, I was in the appartment of a (now) ex girlfriend. We were getting ready for a party: I was laying in bed watching tv, and she came out of the bathroom from showering just in her undies.

 She started drying her hair in front the bedroom's mirror, and making funny faces at herself. Soon she was doing modeling poses, straining, overworking the postures...which (of course) lead to the first biceps flex. But, instead of just making the usual "Grrr!" sound and quitting, she does another flexing pose, and another...with a serious face and all, seemingly taking it seriously, on her tiptoes, arching her back and so.

 And no, "small, round, solid muscles" did not "pop out of nowhere", nor she was "in a much better shape that I had expected". She was her usual self, but watching her posing like that, honestly trying to look muscular drove me crazy...times two, since I didn't want to look that eager. I just told her something along the lines of "Whoo! Show'em, baby!" and (fakingly) turned my attention back to the tv. We got ready, and went to the party...but that's the thing I remember from that night the most.

 Sadly, I didn't muster the courage to ask her to do that again in future occasions.  :(
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Offline beowulff

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My firefighter neighbor was at the gym yesterday. I went over to ask her what she was doing, and she was non-committal. She asked my what I was doing, and I said "back and bis," and that I had already done my back, and asked her if she wanted to do my biceps routine.
She said "sure," and we went over to do a set of curls with the ez-curl bar. I did 80's, and she grabbed the 40, and decided after one set that it was to light, so she got the 50, and pumped out 5 sets of six reps with perfect form. Her biceps were veiny and rock-hard.
We then did concentration curls, and she easily did 20's
Next up was close-grip pullups, and it was such a pleasure to see her pump those out. Even more than watching her biceps flex, I enjoyed seeing her pecs stretch as she hung, and then flex and bunch as she pulled herself up.
She has a perfect, natural chest, so her pecs are not hidden behind silicone.
I told her than next time I will do her workout - I'm doomed!

Offline 009eli

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I'm not sure this one goes on this board but want to post it somewhere and it just popped into my head the other night so...

In college I had a roommate, nice dude but terrible luck with women. He was cool and fun to hang around with but just never seemed to be able to score a date and it was of course one of the thing he wanted most. In fact he pined for an ex GF back at home. He was okay looking, but he was very short and I think he really internalized that and it effected his interactions with women.

Well day we're hanging out and he's talking about his options for dating and he throws out mumbling under his breath "I guess I could call that female bodybuilder..." as if this is his lowest and worst option. And I of course stop in my tracks my muscle radar going off and what to hear more (without outing myself as a schmoe).

So I'm like... "What..."

And he starts talking about flying back to campus after a recent winters break "I was on the plane seated next to this female bodybuilder and she's chatting me up..." Etc. I guess he was seated next to one and they started talking, because he was very relaxed and casual, and she was totally hitting on him. And from what he was saying, he was completely turned off by her and women with muscle etc. I guess she gave him her number and wanted her to call him (she was in the city and our college campus was about 1/2 hour away). But he was so not into her he just discarded teh number. I couldn't really get much from him but I guess she was legit, because he kept saying she was in magazines. I also guess he was honestly complettely not attracted to her and would have rather been alone.

A couple of interesting observations I got. One was that classic example of the how we persue what we can't have and aren't interested in what comes easy to us. If I was on the plane I probably would have fawned all over her and she would have treated me with disinterest, but because my roomate was clearly disinterested she persued.

Another interesting aspect to me is that often times we think because we like FBBs every one must and anyone who says otherwise is lying. But here is a guy who's actions spoke otherwise and would rather just jerk off (he was obsessed with jerking off and would talk about it.)

Thinking back now I realized I should have just asked for her phone number (if he even had it) and outed myself as a schmoe. He was a cool guy and probably would have just handed over her number to me and said deal with it.

A few details I should add. We were both in college so right around 21 and it sounded like the girl was profesional so a bit older which too me seemed even more baller she would have given him her number. This guy was very chatty and had no problem talking to people (if there was no attraction). He lifted but was nowhere near bodybuilder size. With his shirt off he was pretty built, but in clothes just looked normal. This perhaps could have been an avenue of conversation they had and bonded over.

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Sorry - to clarify my post. She gave him her number.... and he didn't want to call her. Realized I flipped it.

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009eli, seems rather preposterous that a) the guy was short and b) he had no luck with NORMAL women, and yet
he meets this female bodybuilder goddess on the plane who turns out be wildly into him. Not logically consistent.
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