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Author Topic: Life of the married man  (Read 34706 times)

Offline assassinua

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Life of the married man
« on: June 17, 2023, 07:00:46 pm »

Married life is a complex tapestry woven with love, challenges, and unexpected surprises. One moment, you find yourself deeply in love, cherishing every moment together, and in the blink of an eye, you become a family with beautiful children. While the joy of having kids is unparalleled, it often brings about changes in a mother's physical appearance. Such was the case for Erin, my wife.

Before the arrival of our children, Erin was never an athlete, though she did take some measures to maintain her health and weight through dieting and occasional pilates. However, the journey of motherhood had left her with a few extra kilos, a weight gain that both of us found slightly uncomfortable. Not overweight or anything but it was clear that 65 kg for 172 cm was a bit too much, especially if it was mainly fat.

In contrast, my physique had always been relatively stable. I was never a large guy, and my disdain for the gym was profound. Instead, I found solace in running, using it as a means to stay in shape. Previously, I weighed 72 kg on my 182 cm frame, thanks to a low body fat percentage. However, despite weighing the same, a small gut had made an unwelcome appearance.

Our story unfolds against the backdrop of a summer vacation, where we found ourselves basking in the sun near a pool. By some stroke of luck (or perhaps it was the collective fortune of all men present), a few remarkably fit girls had chosen the same location. Subtly, the men and boys couldn't help but glance their way, their gazes revealing their unspoken admiration. It was an observation that didn't escape Erin's attention.

Accustomed to receiving attention, Erin had become attuned to the appreciation she garnered from others. However, during this vacation, she found herself captivated by the allure of these incredibly attractive females. She began observing them, noting their habits, and even managed to befriend a few.
Intrigued by their lifestyle and eager to transform her own, Erin decided to seek their advice on how to make positive changes in her life. The advice she received was refreshingly simple yet profound: "In any situation, just squat."

"In any situation, just squat." Erin carried those words with her like a mantra, understanding that they held the key to her transformation. It wasn't just about physical exercise but a mindset that encouraged perseverance, strength, and growth.
Armed with this newfound wisdom, Erin made a commitment to herself. She declared that she would reclaim her former shape and emulate the fit and confident women she had encountered. Determination ignited within her, fueling a desire for change and improvement.
And so, the journey to rediscover herself began. Erin embarked on a path of self-transformation, armed with the simplicity of a single exercise. Squatting became her metaphorical cornerstone, representing not only a physical movement but also a symbol of resilience and empowerment.

Offline Maestro

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2023, 06:35:37 am »
Great start on this story. Your wife could develop powerful quads and gluts with the squatting, exceeding your maximum lifts. If you show appreciation for her progress, she could become a dedicated to increasing her strength, Hyperplasia and hypertrophy would be the expected outcome, with substantial gain in strength. Who knows where this would go? Your wife could become a powerful woman. There are many ways you could develop your characters. My personal suggestions are just that, and you probably have your own ideas, likely better than mine.

Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful thing!!!


Offline Maestro

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2023, 06:36:15 am »

Offline Maestro

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2023, 06:41:16 am »
Great start on this story. Your wife could develop powerful quads and gluts with the squatting, exceeding your maximum lifts. If you show appreciation for her progress, she could become a dedicated to increasing her strength, Hyperplasia and hypertrophy would be the expected outcome, with substantial gain in strength. Who knows where this would go? Your wife could become a powerful woman. There are many ways you could develop your characters. My personal suggestions are just that, and you probably have your own ideas, likely better than mine.

Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful thing!!!


Offline assassinua

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2023, 06:47:59 pm »
Chapter 2 (First Signs)

There were no drastic changes in her physical appearance initially. I must admit, I underestimated the impact her newfound dedication to fitness would have. In my mind, I thought it would be a passing phase, and soon we would return to our usual routines, content and happy. With my work keeping me occupied, I didn't pay much attention to how she spent her free time, assuming she had more of it since she took care of the household responsibilities. To me, it seemed like any other day—coming home, enjoying dinner, and cherishing our family time.

However, my first surprise came after about a month or so. We were settling down for our regular movie time when she started squatting. At first, I didn't react, assuming it would be a brief interruption. But as she continued, squat after squat, my attention was captivated. The constant movement near me made it difficult to focus on the movie.

"Are you almost done? Should I pause the movie?" I asked, trying to find a balance between politeness and my growing curiosity.

"Not yet," she replied, determination evident in her voice. "Let's keep watching. I haven't reached my goal for today, and I don't want to skip it, please."
Curiosity was piqued, and I probed further. "What's the goal?" I inquired, already suspecting that it had something to do with squats, but wanting to engage her in conversation.

"Oh, nothing special," she downplayed. "I've just decided to increase my daily squats to 200."
The number impressed me, although I wasn't quite sure how challenging it was. I mean, doing 200 squats per day means like 20 squats per hour more or less, didn't that seem too difficult? But that definitely required a commendable level of commitment.

"Sounds awesome," I responded, trying to be supportive. "Perhaps I will join you sometimes."
In reality, I knew deep down that I had no intention of subjecting myself to the monotony of squats. They just weren't my cup of tea.

"What about now?" she asked, with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

I chuckled. "Now, I will enjoy the movie," I replied, trying to convey my reluctance to participate while still maintaining a playful tone.

With that settled, we resumed watching the movie. Despite her exercising next to me, I did my best to concentrate on the plot. I didn't keep count of her reps, but after about four or five minutes, she finally stopped, visibly exhausted. She joined me on the couch, and although I tried to steal a few glances at her legs, to my disappointment, they looked the same - for now.

Offline phil123

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2023, 04:37:21 am »
Great new chapter. Perhaps he tried this by himself and reached only 100 squats. And her growing just started.

Offline assassinua

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2023, 04:13:10 pm »
Chapter 3: Small Progress

My once-boring life had taken on a new dimension with my wife's constant dedication to squats. While she wasn't doing them around the clock, it was clear that she made time for them whenever I was around. Perhaps she waited for my presence to motivate her, or maybe she had increased her goal to such an extent that she found herself doing squats almost constantly. Regardless of the reason, I had grown accustomed to the perpetual movement, even if it meant a slight disruption to my favorite TV shows. And as the months went by, those few minutes had turned into a considerable chunk of time. I couldn't help but wonder if I should start counting one day to track her progress more accurately.

They say—though I'm not quite sure who "they" are—that consistency is the key. As a humble husband, I began to appreciate what I saw. Erin's legs were taking on a beautifully sculpted shape, and it seemed like she was shedding some weight. The bottom half of her body appeared noticeably slimmer, and it brought a smile to my face.

Last week, Erin introduced a new twist to her squats, and unfortunately, the unsuspecting victims were our kids. She used them as makeshift weights, and they didn't have much of a say in the matter. It was quite comical to see her chase after them, picking one up to incorporate into her routine. She still complained that they were too light, but she would say, "It's better than nothing." So now, instead of one moving object in my line of vision, there were two, accompanied by their infectious giggles. Concentrating on the TV became more challenging, but the joy of watching them made it a worthwhile trade-off.

One day, Erin was busy in the kitchen, and the kids, accustomed to their games, began to pester her. Being the responsible father, I decided to join in on the fun and pretend to be my wife. Catching up to the kids was easy, and even the initial squats didn't pose much of a challenge. However, to avoid revealing my struggle, I limited the number to just a few. I passed the kids over to Erin, taking over the lunch preparation duties.
"It's your turn now, honey," I said, smiling at her.

She gladly obliged, resuming her squats. But this time, she tried something new. Instead of lifting just one child, she hoisted them both onto her shoulders and proceeded to perform around 20 squats. Yes, I knew they weren't heavy—probably around 20 and 25 kilograms each—but for some reason, I had a sinking feeling that I wouldn't be able to handle the load. It was as if Erin had honed her technique through countless repetitions, allowing her to execute the exercise flawlessly. And while her legs didn't appear bulky, mine still seemed slightly more substantial, albeit with a bit less definition.

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2023, 01:23:29 pm »
I enjoy a good domestic growth story!  I'm excited to see more; keep up the great work!

Offline phil123

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2023, 04:25:50 am »
Soon she will outsquatting hin and show him how much stronger she got.

Offline assassinua

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2023, 05:15:08 am »
Chapter 4 (weight change)

It's fascinating how quickly we adapt to new circumstances. Just a few months ago, my family was ordinary and unremarkable. Yet now, I find myself barely paying attention to my wife squatting the children, their laughter and joy filling our small world. The atmosphere has improved significantly, thanks to her playful interactions with them.

On a Friday evening, we found ourselves alone at home, with the kids scheduled for a sleepover party. As is customary with such occasions, we were running late, and naturally, the children were uncooperative. Erin came up with a brilliant solution to keep them occupied while she sorted out some last-minute issues. It required her to make several trips upstairs, and although I usually try to assist, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the captivating sight of her moving gracefully, her backside swaying with each step. The fact that the kids wouldn't be home for the night made it easier for me to agree to drive them without questioning her plan.
During the drive, time seemed to stretch, lost in my thoughts as I reflected on the past few months. I wasn't sure how to react to my wife's newfound obsession with sports. On one hand, I appreciated the way her legs had become more toned and shapely. On the other hand, I couldn't ignore the fact that she was growing stronger, potentially even surpassing my own strength. She could undoubtedly perform more squats than I could and effortlessly raced up the stairs with the kids in tow. The implications of this newfound strength worried me, wondering how both she and I would navigate this new dynamic. However, for the time being, my plan was to embrace and enjoy my wife's newfound passion. All I could think about when I returned home was having a good time with Erin, but it seemed she had different plans.

As I entered our house, there she was, engrossed in her usual activity—squatting. Not wanting to interrupt her or risk her anger, I asked, "Do you still have a long way to go?"

"About 10-15 minutes, maybe more. You know, you can always join me, and time will pass quicker," she replied, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

"No, thanks. I'll just enjoy my free time," I said, retreating to my chair, ready to immerse myself in my phone.
However, before long, an unsettling feeling crept over me. Something was amiss, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The room was too quiet. Setting my phone aside, I turned to see my wife slowly approaching me, wearing a mischievous smile and a look that clearly conveyed her desire for something. There was a momentary pause as she looked at me, then glanced at the floor, unsure of how to broach the subject. So, I took the initiative and asked, "What's up?"

"I'm not sure how to bring this up, but since the kids aren't here, and I've become accustomed to squatting with them... Would you mind if I tried my routine with you? I mean, you're not much heavier than our children combined, so I think I could handle your weight. Please?" Her request caught me off guard. In retrospect, considering all the events leading up to this moment, it shouldn't have been a surprise that Erin would outgrow squatting with our kids and seek a bigger challenge. Yet, I found myself intrigued. She looked so endearing, her eyes cast downward, waiting for my response.

"Well, if you're confident you can handle my weight, we can give it a try. But just for today, since the kids aren't home," I agreed, unable to resist her adorable plea.

"You're the best! I've seen how it's done on the internet," she exclaimed, revealing that she had already pondered the idea beforehand, waiting for the right moment to suggest it. "Stand up on the chair and lean your stomach against my shoulders, with your back behind me. I'll guide your legs and arms in front of me."
After a few attempts and fits of laughter, we finally found the correct position, and I was securely perched on her shoulders. Trying to encourage her, I asked, "How many repetitions do you plan to do? Should we watch a movie while you squat?"

"Let's start with ten. I've never lifted this much weight before, and it's better not to risk it," she replied, preparing herself for the challenge. And so, she began squatting, a mixture of fun and fear coursing through me. I wasn't afraid that she would drop me; rather, I was astonished by how effortlessly she handled my weight, especially considering she had already completed her regular workout routine. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and conflicting thoughts, there was one part of me that knew the answer without hesitation. And  I hope it was not that noticeable to her. She did ten good reps but instead of putting me down, she walked towards the stairs.

"Are you finished? Was it challenging?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity. However, looking into her eyes, I realized that perhaps I should have inquired about something deeper.

"Yes, almost. But we need to address that thing of yours," she replied, her words carrying a hint of playfulness. Ah, so she did notice, but it didn't seem to bother her. Well, that's a relief, I thought to myself.

"It seems you enjoy being part of my workout routine. You should have mentioned it earlier!" she teased, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

"I didn't even know it myself, and to be honest, I'm still trying to make sense of it, but..."

"No need to explain further. I can sense what you're thinking anyway," she interrupted, taking charge of the situation. With that, she walked to the stairs still carrying me. However, after a few steps, she had to put me down. It proved challenging and uncomfortable for her to navigate the stairs with me on her shoulders.

"Don't worry, soon, I hope, I'll be able to manage it," she reassured me.

For the next hour, she took care of "that thing" of mine, and not just once. Today, it was different. She seized control of the situation, and I found myself experiencing a new level of intimacy in our sex life. Normally, I would be the one on top, but this time, she rode me with vigor and confidence. At one point, I contemplated reversing the roles, but her legs appeared incredibly strong and enticing (which I had no objections to savoring). I hesitated, unsure how it would appear if I struggled to take control. Instead, I allowed myself to fully immerse in the moment, surrendering to the pleasure that her newfound strength provided.

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2023, 01:26:59 pm »
A nice addition! Good to see those squats at work.

Offline assassinua

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2023, 05:47:02 pm »
Chapter 5

Life continued on its course, with the initial change in weight by my wife fading into the background. For a while, she continued using the kids as her weightlifting companions, and while I was slightly disappointed by this, I understood the practicality of the situation. However, after a few weeks, we found ourselves alone again, and the story repeated itself. This time, she incorporated a few sets with me before we retired to the bedroom. Although it didn't become a regular occurrence, I patiently awaited these moments, noticing each time that Erin was gradually becoming more adept at handling my weight. I couldn't be certain how long this routine would continue, but one day, my kids decided to hide from their "tormentor." They were still at home, so I hadn't anticipated any further weightlifting sessions. I was casually browsing the fridge when my wife approached me and promptly placed me on her shoulders.

"We don't have time to search for the kids, so it's your turn today," she declared. While I didn't have any objections, I couldn't help but feel that this activity should remain somewhat private, reserved for when we were alone, like a form of foreplay.

"Shouldn't we search for the kids together?" I suggested, hoping to redirect her attention. I considered this activity to be somewhat intimate, and the presence of our children made me hesitant to proceed.

"Nahh, it won't take long, and I've already started," she replied, already in the midst of squatting me. I wanted to protest, but I couldn't formulate a solid argument. It was challenging to have a conversation or assert my position while being squatted by another person.

So, I decided to let it go this time. However, there was no "after" this time; the kids noticed their mother had found a new weightlifting target and ran over to cheer her on. There's a saying that if something happens once, it will never happen again, but if it happens twice, it's likely to recur. From that point forward, Erin didn't even bother using the kids as her weights; she switched exclusively to lifting me. However, this arrangement didn't last long. I developed mixed feelings about being squatted in front of my children, and I began to feel like less of a man, both in their eyes and perhaps my own. After a few weeks, I made the decision to join a gym.

"Why should you be the one to join the gym?" Erin asked, surprising me with her response.

"Because you work out all the time, and I feel like I need to do something physical to avoid becoming a couch potato," I explained honestly. In truth, I had already fallen out of shape. While I hadn't gained weight, my once-lean 72 kilograms had transformed into a significant amount of fat around my midsection and other areas.

"No one is stopping you from joining me. I've asked you many times before, but you always refuse. It's not fair that you have access to gym equipment without putting in any effort," she argued, making a valid point. Although it made sense, the issue lay in my inability to present a strong counter-argument.

"Let's make a bet out of it, like a one-on-one basketball match," I proposed, knowing that my wife's competitive nature would kick in, and she would likely agree.

"That sounds awesome! But basketball isn't fair; it's like me suggesting we do squats," she responded playfully. I couldn't help but agree silently; challenging Erin to a squatting competition would be unwise. "I have an idea: let's each come up with three events, and tomorrow, we'll chose one event each. If there's a tie, we'll have a final event the following day."

"That sounds fair. How do we determine who picks first? That person will have a significant advantage," I pointed out.

"I'll let you pick first since it was your idea, but I can modify your choice a bit. For example, if you chose chess, I can add three squats before each move, or something along those lines. Nothing too extreme, I promise. Let's also agree that we should have at least one event chosen by each of us," she suggested, demonstrating her willingness to compromise.

"Sounds fair. Let's do it tomorrow, so we have time to prepare our event lists," I agreed. While it seemed like I would have the upper hand, it truly depended on the adjustments she would make. However, it was only for one event, so I could handle it.

As I contemplated my choices, I realized it would be wiser to select three events that I excelled at and end the competition quickly. However, the thought of Erin's potential adjustments made me nervous. My initial idea was to suggest a 5-kilometer run since I had always been a long-distance runner. However, I anticipated that she would add additional weight, and I wasn't sure if I could handle running such a distance with the added burden. I decided to play it safe.

"Chess, Scrabble, and Basketball? Really? Couldn't you come up with something more exciting?" Erin questioned, clearly displeased with my event choices. However, seeing her reaction brought a sense of satisfaction, indicating that I had chosen well.

"They sound fun to me. And what are your choices? Leg wrestling, pistol squats, and stationary bike?" I countered, fully aware that I stood little chance of winning any of those events, all of which relied heavily on leg strength—something I knew Erin possessed in abundance. "These are your idea of fun events? And where would you even get a stationary bike?"

"Our neighbors have one, and yes, they're much more enjoyable. Anyway, you pick the first event," she responded, diverting my attention from my inquiries. Alright, questions could come later. Examining her event choices, I deduced that she wanted to engage in something physical. If I chose chess or Scrabble, she would likely come up with something trivial. Therefore, it seemed wise to opt for basketball, as I was a better player, and she couldn't spoil it too much.

"Basketball for the win. A standard one-on-one game, playing to 21 points," I declared confidently.

"I love playing basketball, but you're better than me. I'll adjust it a bit, nothing too fancy. Same rules, but we play to 101 points," Erin proposed, seemingly working to her advantage. However, the longer we played, the less chance there would be for any lucky shots. I couldn't fathom why she chose to use her advantage in this manner, but it worked in my favor.

"Agreed," I accepted, excited to see how the competition would unfold.

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2023, 05:56:00 am »
As time went by, I would like to read how the life of Ein changed.

Offline assassinua

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2023, 11:56:38 pm »
Chapter 6

The following day, I found myself waiting for my wife near the court, honing my shots and gently stretching my body, fully preparing for our upcoming match. I should have foreseen that Elen would go to great lengths to secure a win, and her choice of attire took me by surprise, as it left little to the imagination. My eyes couldn't help but wander toward her captivating legs, which were displayed prominently. It seemed she was well aware of the effect she was having on me, flexing her legs with each step she took. I couldn't help but wonder if they had become even more toned since the last time I saw them. Nonetheless, I had a game to win, so I struggled to divert my attention with random thoughts.

"Are you ready?" Elen inquired as she approached me, standing a bit too close for comfort. "I can see that at least part of you is ready. I hope it won't impact your performance. Or perhaps I hope it will," she teased, playfully pinching me.

"Could we take an 11-minute break before the game? I need to address some unexpected matters," I proposed, hoping to sway her.

"Yes, we can, but we have a game until 101 today. If you want to win, you'll need all the stamina you can muster," she teasingly responded.

It became clear that Elen's strategy was to outlast me, as she couldn't beat me in basketball skills. I began to worry, having initially expected an easy victory. Now, I was uncertain if I could endure such a long game, and there was no room for distractions before the match. I needed to finish the game swiftly. "We're good; we can address it after the game. It won't take long," I assured her, or at least I hoped so.

The game commenced as planned, with me scoring points by playing better and changing our usual style of play. While I typically dominated our previous games with ease, today was different. Elen refused to give in, constantly on the move and trying to fend me off. I was still able to score, but it required significantly more effort. Elen was making it difficult for me.

The game took an unexpected turn when I missed a shot. I assumed that, with my 10 cm height advantage, I would secure the rebound. However, when we jumped, I was unable to grasp the ball. Initially, I blamed poor positioning, but the situation repeated itself several times. It was evident that Elen's newfound leg strength allowed her to jump higher than I could. My height advantage was negated. Frustrated, I attempted to use my body to gain a better position, but this proved to be a costly mistake. Elen not only thwarted my efforts but also understood my intentions, using the same tactic against me. I was facing an opponent who not only leaped higher than me despite my height but also possessed unmovable, pillar-like legs. From that point on, the game became increasingly challenging. While I remained the superior player, I had to be cautious not to miss, which required more time dribbling around.

The game progressed slowly, and my energy waned. By the time my score reached 70 points, we were nearly tied in scoring. I was too fatigued to defend effectively, while Elen continued running and shooting from a distance, often outrebounding me due to her agility. I struggled to keep up, and when we reached 90 points, I was utterly exhausted. The score was still 90-50, but Elen was in control, making it difficult for me to threaten her playstyle. At this point, I could only hope for lucky shots, and while I made a few, the gap between our scores narrowed with each passing minute.

I was fortunate to secure a rebound when the ball dropped into my hands, and I managed to make a long-distance shot, securing the victory. It wasn't the easy win I had expected. I was utterly drained, while Elen, my wife, appeared tired but capable of enduring another game. Nevertheless, a win is a win, and I would take it. It seemed that I needed to hit the gym even more than I had initially thought.

"Congratulations on the win. I have to admit, it was fun," Elen congratulated me, devoid of any taunting.

"Yes, good game. I must acknowledge that your workouts are turning you into a formidable opponent," I responded, keeping my victory to myself.

"Just wait a bit, and we'll have a much closer game after I start hitting the gym."

"Or perhaps I'll win even more comfortably after hitting the gym. I'm up one for now," I retorted, emphasizing the importance of my victory.

"Don't assume it will be that easy because the next event starts now, and I chose basketball from your list. A standard game to 21 points, now."

I was taken aback. I had anticipated losing the next competition, but I hadn't expected to be defeated in my own chosen sport. It seemed I had no choice but to give it my all. To her credit, Elen allowed me a one-minute breather, although it proved insufficient.

We began the game again, and this time there was no competition at all. Our roles seemed to have reversed, as Elen effortlessly outplayed me. Despite not being a skilled player, her stamina enabled her to run circles around me and score with ease. I could do nothing but wait for her to finish the game.

"So it's 1-1, and your strategy worked this time. I shouldn't have underestimated your endurance. Next event tomorrow," I admitted.

"Yes, tomorrow morning. I can't wait to hit the gym after lunch. Since we've played two events from your list, you have to chose one from mine. I'm curious to see which one you'll lose," Elen declared.

"We'll see tomorrow. Perhaps I'll surprise you," I replied, although my doubts remained.

The choices were clear to me. I couldn't perform a single pistol squat, so that option was immediately discarded. I also didn't want a direct leg strength competition, ruling out leg wrestling. This left the stationary bike.

The next morning arrived with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. I stood in front of the stationary bike, eyeing it warily. Elen, with a mischievous grin, seemed confident in her choice. She was not only ready for the challenge, but also armed with a tub of ice cream.

"Ready for the next challenge?" she asked, scooping a spoonful of ice cream and savoring it before placing the tub next to the bike.

I nodded, suppressing any nervousness. "Let's do it."

As we started pedaling, I quickly realized that Elen's approach was unlike anything I had expected. Not only did she maintain a leisurely pace, but she also engaged in casual conversation, all while effortlessly indulging in her ice cream. Her legs moved in a nonchalant rhythm, and it seemed like she wasn't putting in any effort at all.

"Isn't this fun?" she remarked, taking another spoonful of ice cream.
I couldn't help but marvel at her ability to multitask. While I struggled to keep up with the pace, Elen seemed to be enjoying a leisurely ride in the park. The challenge became not just a test of physical endurance, but also a demonstration of her nonchalant dominance.

As the timer ticked away, Elen increased her speed ever so slightly, as though she remembered she was in a competition. The gap between us widened, and my legs burned with exertion. Meanwhile, Elen continued pedaling effortlessly, occasionally pausing to take another bite of ice cream.

When the timer finally buzzed, Elen finished the last of her ice cream, wearing a satisfied smile. "Well, that was refreshing. Thanks for the warmup!"
"Looks like I will sign up to the gym today" she teased, her victory more convincing than ever.

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. Elen had not only won the challenge, but did so while seemingly not trying at all.

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Re: Life of the married man
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2023, 07:34:07 am »
And now her growing just has started. Would like to read more.

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