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Author Topic: +Notable Author: [arcore23] Stories~collected  (Read 11809 times)


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+Notable Author: [arcore23] Stories~collected
« on: January 26, 2008, 07:58:43 am »

Stories in this collection:

My Uncle's Dream

Teachers: Not Only Smart But Also...Strong

My uncle told me a dream he had . And so I decided to write it like I was him. I hope you enjoy it.

My Uncle's Dream
by arcore23

A match with my wife

At age 38 I had become a weekend warrior. My gym bag gathered dust in the closet buried under shoes and an odd assortment of seldom-used sports gear. I played golf weekly and on rare occasions would play some half-court hoops. I was 20 pounds over my fighting weight but gravity was still pretty much in check so I did not realize how soft I had become. At 6 ft and 185 I still looked “in shape” in street clothes. In private, my wife, three years younger, would make an occasional comment about my softening belly but that was it.

Shelly, my wife of 17 years and mother of my three kids, was slowly becoming a fitness nut. When I’d met her she was a vision in a bikini on a Florida beach. She ran track in college (three miles) and had long, muscular legs, a tight butt and abs and slender but muscular arms. She had kept active with aerobics and tennis through three kids and at 35 weighed only 10 pounds more than she had at 18.

I was too into business and other stuff to take note when she joined the new fitness club that opened less than a mile from our house. I recall her mentioning that she had a trainer and was working with free weights. I do remember giving her some tips on weight lifting with my rusting set in the corner of the garage. But a year or two later I could not have told you the name of the gym or of her trainer or how often she went.

At some point she started taking our 15 year old daughter and 13 year old son with her. They were both pretty fit and I was more interested in their grades and Matt’s progress in baseball than any stories from the gym.

One cold evening we were sitting in front of the fire. Emily, a precocious 15 came in and sat next to me on the couch. She began to probe my chest and biceps. “Pretty soft Dad,” she commented. I ignored her. “Man, Dad you are really in sad shape,” she continued. I still ignored her.

“Bet I can do more pushups than you,” she said moving to the floor. I half watched as she ripped through a set of 25 pushups. Her back was straight and she extended fully touching her chin to the floor. I was impressed but was too busy with some report I was reading.

“Can you do that?” my wife asked.


“Emily just did 25 perfect pushups. Can you?”


“I doubt it,” she replied with a challenge. She moved to the floor and began to do pushups. The muscles in her back and shoulders rippled as she moved effortlessly through repeated repetitions. She did look even more muscular than usual.

“Mom, you are so good,” Emily said.

Tim, the than 13 year old jumped in, “I can do more than either of them Dad,” he said hitting the floor. Tim began to do rep after rep very quickly. Unfortunately his form was not nearly as good as his sister or his mother and many of his reps were barely half moves.

“Slower and all the way down Tim,” my wife coached him.

“These are good Mom,” the boy replied.

“Not,” said his sister.

“You think you are so tough,” he replied getting up and getting in his older sister’s face.

“I’m tougher than you!” she laughed.

“No way!” he replied.

Emily was taller and built like her mother. Tim was stocky. He probably outweighed his sister but her pushups had been really good.

The argument continued and was annoying. My wife stepped in. “No arguing,” she said. “Prove it.”

They both looked at her. She said; “Over here,” leading them to the kitchen counter. “You too can arm wrestle to see which of you is tougher.”

Both kids were surprisingly eager to compete. Emily was certain she could take her younger brother while Tim was too macho to admit that a girl could take him.

My wife got them set and more or less even. Emily had a height advantage of several inches. On the count of three they started. Their young arms strained and remained even for about 5 seconds. Emily then began to gain an advantage. Tim struggled and tried his best but his arm quickly weakened and Emily pinned his hand to the counter.

He looked crestfallen. “You cheated,” she said predictably.

Emily looked indifferent. She had expected to win easily and so winning meant little to her. Or so her body language said.

“She started too soon,” Tim whined.

“No she didn’t honey,” my wife said. “She is just older and stronger than you are.”

He demanded a rematch which his sister consented to and then promptly beat him even more easily.

The kids came back to the couch. My respite was over.

“You’re both doing well,” I said trying to sound interested.

“Dad, you are no one to judge,” Emily said haughtily.

“Pardon me?” I said.

“Dad you are soooo out of shape. It’s funny.” She giggled.

“I am not SOOO out of shape,” I replied.

“Well your arms are soft,” she said coming over to feel my biceps. I flexed and the girl squished the muscle.

“Mom’s are much harder,” she said.

“What?” I replied.

“Look,” she said, “Mom, make a muscle.”

My wife smiled and complied. Her bicep rose impressively. She twisted her hand and the muscle moved and when she pressed hard it peaked. She then flexed her other arm. My daughter took the bicep in both hands. “Uggh,” she said straining. “I can’t squeeze Mom’s arm at all!”

“Want to feel?” my wife said. Reluctantly I did. It was very hard. I knew it was harder than mine.

“The trainer is doing some good,” I said passively.

“The trainer and four one-hour sessions every week with the free weights,” she said.

“Mom can do one arm curls with 40 pounds,” Emily bragged. “And the trainer said most men can’t touch that!” The girl was impressed with her mother. I thought the numbers had to be wrong.

“Forty pound dumbbells?” I asked.

“Yes,” my wife responded. “I can do sets of 10 reps. I usually do about 5 sets.”

I look surprised.

“Mom, you should arm wrestle Dad,” Emily said. “You could beat him, I know it.”

“Sure,”said Tim. My supporter was not very enthusiastic. “You can beat her. Right Dad?”

“Sure,” I replied reluctantly.

“Do it Mom!” Emily said.

My wife gave me a challenging look and smile. I could not refuse.

We set up at the counter. My wife’s arms looked very powerful. I typically find this sexy. Now it felt frightening. What if she won? What would the kids think? I should get back to the gym. Then I knew I had to think positively. No way she could win. I had 45 pounds on her. I was taller. I’d use leverage.

All the thoughts collided as we locked hands and I felt her powerful grip. “I should warn you honey,” she said sweetly, “I’ve done this a few times at the gym. And I usually win.”

Emily added “Yea. I saw her beat some guy last week and he was younger and stronger than you Dad.”

“Another one of the trainer’s students,” my wife explained matter of factly. “But he isn’t as strong as he looks.”

I was worried. My daughter gave a quick three count and my wife exploded. Clearly she had done this several times. Her technique was good. Mine was not and she was strong. In seconds she had turned my hand and was pulling my arm toward her chest. I pulled back struggling but was not gaining any ground. After several more seconds I tried to shift my weight but she moved faster rotating her shoulders and gaining leverage.

I pulled as hard as I could now but got nowhere. Breathing hard I looked up. My wife was smiling and did not appear to be straining.

I gave a lunge trying to bring our arms to neutral but she bore down and took my hand to the counter top solidly. It was over. It might have lasted 30 seconds. It felt like an hour. My forearm ached as she released her grip on my hand and straightened up.

My daughter raised her mother’s powerful arms over head in victory. Tim looked surprised but resigned. I told myself that it was time to get back to the gym, quickly.

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Teachers: Not Only Smart But Also...Strong [acore23]
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2008, 08:16:51 am »
Teachers: Not Only Smart But Also...Strong
by acore23

The rain seemed to come every day at 11 and last just until lunch period was over.

Mrs. Williams, our teacher from the city, must have thought we would all melt in the rain so she kept us in.  For days.  Well for three days at least.

Anyway, the lunch break was a time to get outside and blow off steam, not that reading lessons and math and geography weren't terribly exciting but they were... terrible.

We were 14 and needed fresh air but Mrs. Williams told us that we might get hit by lightning - like we were taller than the buildings or trees or made of metal. Did she think we were lightning rods?  Those were invented by some old dead dude named Benjamin Franklin.  See? I did learn something in history.

Now I suspect that history was not all that different than the stories we read in reading class because how in the heck does someone know what anyone really did long ago?
Grandma doesn't remember what her name is most days but this Benjamin was older than Grandma and was dead for a long time.

Well, on the first day of the great rain she told us we had to stay in.  As you might expect, it wasn't pretty.  The girls were reading and drawing and other stuff but we, that is, the boys couldn't see much good in doing more of what we did all morning and did something better -- fight.

On day two the rain came again wrecking plans for some fist ball (baseball with a rubber ball and your fist as a bat) and we all got into stuff again that Mrs. Williams could not abide in.

So on day three we were sure she would let us outside to brave the rain and the lightning but we were wrong.

As we finished our bag lunches she announced that our class would join the other class for some 'games'. Oh joy. The other class was 7th graders.  We really looked forward to that -- almost as much as another chapter of Great Expectations.  The only thing Great about the book from my view point was that it had to end as some point and hopefully soon. Pip, the main dude is this story was not very fun.

The games were actually contests like dodge ball and four squares.  We wanted to play fist ball.

After a while the combined class of maybe forty split into smaller groups for different games.  After a bit there was some cheering from a corner and we went over to check out the action.

The lame 7th graders were having arm-wrestling contests.  Someone was actually betting.  Great! My buddies and I decided we could use some money and would take the little lamers for some quarters and put up our dough in the line (actually a kid's pocket so the teacher wouldn't see the gambling.)

After a few minutes my friend Will got called for a turn.  I was rapidly losing interest and was looking for a way to do something more fun.  Then Will came back shaking his head.

"Well, how much did you win?" I asked him.

"I lost," he said sheepishly.

"What?" I asked. Will was pretty tough. "To Clay?" Clay was pretty tough and he was in our class.

"No," Will said glumly. "It was a 7th grader."

I started to laugh. Will lost to a 7th grader.

And then they called my name.  "Okay, last match and then the winners pair off," the kid holding the money said.

Great!  I walked to the table and sat down looking for my opponent.  Who was he? I could take Will, I had.

And then I saw the opponent.  But, it wasn't a he.  It was a SHE.  As in Erin Scott.  She was a 7th grader.  I knew who she was because her older brothers were the football stars at the high school.  The whole Scott family played sports.  Erin was the only girl Scott.  She had long, straight blonde hair and was really good looking.  Surely Erin wasn't hadn't beaten my friend.

I was confused and took her hand thinking their had to be a mistake.

"She's beaten four of us," a kid said to me leaning over my shoulder and whispering.  That seemed weird.  Was it a secret?

I looked at her and she just smiled.  She broke the grip and pulled her hair back into a pony tail arching her back and thrusting out her very nice, young and firm breasts.

"Are you ready?" she asked me sweetly.  That was her rep -- really pretty and really sweet.  We had all been wondering about her for weeks.  She transferred to our school from St. Phil's a few weeks ago.  Some guys said that she had kissed a 9th grader but no one could confirm that.

She moved back to the table and I put my arm on the table.  Yeah, I was nervous but nervous like being the first guy on the dance floor at a school dance.  I was a couple of inches taller than the girl and heavier.

"The guys in your class aren't very good at this," she said to me quietly as if disclosing a secret and not wanting to offend the guys she had beaten.

"I've been doing this with my brothers forever," she added gripping my hand.  Damn, her grip was good. I couldn't help noticing that she had polished her nails so that each had a little edge that was white.  She wore a sparkling braclet on her right hand and it slid down on to her forearm as we got ready.

Then she tensed and her arm changed.  A bicep popped up!  And it was pretty big.  And round. Like a scoop of ice cream.  It looked hard.

Sweat formed on my upper lip and I could feel a line drip down from my hair on to my face. But the room was actually kind of cool.

"Nervous?" she asked.  I didn't respond.  "Don't be," she said, "it won't hurt."

I looked startled. Then she said "I won't take you down right away," and the smile stayed on her face.

Some guy counted down from 3 and we started. Actually, I anticipated the count and started a little early.

She noticed and let out a little yelp. But my fast start didn't help much.  My first push moved her arm a few inches but she quickly pulled me back.  I was surprised. She was really strong.  And as she pulled me back I felt my wrist turn a bit.  I held on and decided to really pull and end this quick.

I pulled at her hard increasing the pressure but when she turned my wrist it must have put me in a bad position and our hands only moved slightly and mostly it was toward her chest.

I gave it all I had but in focusing on our locked hands I also saw her nipples pressed against her starched shirt.  And I couldn't help noticing that she was still smiling.

I let out a puff of air and tried again to gain an advantage.  She looked like she was counting.  After a few more seconds I still could not move her.

"You're not doing bad," she said.  I noticed that the rest of the room had gotten pretty quiet and then the girls started to cheer -- for her.

I took another breath, more determined to get her but she pulled harder now. I could feel the pressure and when I tried to pull my arm felt like it was slipping on the table.

She had gained a larger advantage even though I tried as hard as I could.  And then I realized I was losing strength.

She rotated her shoulder a bit and pulled my hand even more toward her.  There as no way I could resist her.

I thought for a second about quitting -- to let her win -- or actually, to make it look like I let her win. That would be a laugh -- better than getting beat my a girl -- and a girl younger than me that looked like Erin.

Before the thought really settled in my brain, the girl applied more pressure.  I realized she still wasn't giving it everything she had and I was at the end of my strength.

If I quit my hand wouldn't have gone down any faster or harder.  She went from a slight advantage to the pin in about two seconds.  Or maybe one.

My hand slammed hard on the table.

The girls and many of the 7th grade guys yelled and laughed.

I looked up at my friends but they all seem to have melted into the walls.

I heard her say "thanks" and looked at her for the first time.  She was putting a handful of quarters into her pocket.

She stood up and smiled at me.  "Nice try," she said with that same smile.

And then we all went back to class. I prayed that the rain would stop so we could go back to fistball tomorrow and that Erin didn't play fistball.

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Re: Teachers not only smart but also... strong
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 09:47:57 pm »
Cute story!!

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