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Author Topic: Sessionette completely nude during wrestling session  (Read 1369 times)

Offline KingBoy99

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Sessionette completely nude during wrestling session
« on: November 11, 2024, 10:22:38 am »
Have you ever sessioned with a session wrestler who took off her bra and panties and went completely nude during the session? I'm not implying any sexual activities, but has there ever been a time when this ever happened to you?

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Offline Bulklover

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Re: Sessionette completely nude during wrestling session
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2024, 10:46:32 am »
Have you ever sessioned with a session wrestler who took off her bra and panties and went completely nude during the session? I'm not implying any sexual activities, but has there ever been a time when this ever happened to you?

Didn't start out nude, but all the accoutrement came off shortly after the wrestling started, whereupon I got my ass whipped by a nudie!

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Offline crazycrazy

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Re: Sessionette completely nude during wrestling session
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2024, 04:47:55 pm »
Yes, many times, too many to recall here.

To be fair, this happens more often with bodybuilders who offer wrestling sessions, and less often with those women who primarily provide wrestling or jujitsu as their specialties.

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Re: Sessionette completely nude during wrestling session
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2024, 02:55:19 pm »
It's not as rare as you think, but like cc said above it's more likely with some than others. On occasions where it hasn't been presented to you as an option (much more common these days than it used to be) certain behavior is helpful for triggering it if it's a possibility, such as starting the session by showing her you'll be polite with your hands in whatever outfit she choses to start out in, taking care to groom yourself nicely in preparation for meeting her, giving the impression you're genuinely impressed by her physique etc.

Offline outmuscled

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Re: Sessionette completely nude during wrestling session
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2024, 06:50:59 pm »
They'd have to feel comfortable with you as the most important conditon, but I can't help thinking it's also more likely once they've realised they're stronger than you, and losing their clothes won't mean losing control of the situation.
Agreed that spontanous nudity is definitely a bodybuilder thing as they just like showing everything off, and much less likely with the technical wrestlers or the big strong non-fbb women.

Lots more women go nude obviously, but that's with prior agreement, when you're more into escort-girl territory.

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Re: Sessionette completely nude during wrestling session
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2024, 01:04:48 am »
I agree with Bulklover, it didn't happen with me at the beginning of the session, but if you click and one thing leads to another, I've been in sessions where both the dominant sessionette and yours truly went nude. It can happen on a first session, but definitely if you are a regular with some ladies I've seen. Debra D'Andrea, mentioned earlier, was one in my two sessions with her. I won't mention others who have not been written about here, but definitely more than a few in my years in the scene.

And I agree with crazycrazy and boyofwinter, "this happens more often with bodybuilders who offer wrestling sessions" as CC pointed out. My sessions have all been role play with one-sided non-competitve wresting, the "beast" being captured, etc. And as boyofwinter said, "be polite with your hands in whatever outfit she choses to start out in, taking care to groom yourself nicely in preparation for meeting her, giving the impression you're genuinely impressed by her physique etc." I'd add be polite and get groomed like you're going on a date. Yes, it is business transaction, but it's very personal. Good grooming and being polite never hurts. If you speak with the sessionette about muscle worship or body worship in setting up the appointment, and they either say yes or a provisional yes... good things can happen. 

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