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Author Topic: #COLLECTION: Female vs Female Fighting / Wrestling  (Read 8906 times)

Offline Nefarious

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#COLLECTION: Female vs Female Fighting / Wrestling
« on: May 31, 2016, 09:44:20 pm »
Female vs Female Fighting / Wrestling

Preferably FBB or muscular women vs fat, skinny or less muscular women.


One Step Behind by Ringer

I Like the Odds by Ringer

Tanya and Rock By Terry

Ms. O Scores a Big KO By Terry

The Lesson by Terry

Carried by a Strong Woman By Cheryl

Tiffany, a Mean, Stuck-up Bitch part 6 by lilguy

Samantha vs. Jen  by wrestlingstuff2003

Amanda and Samantha vs. Jen By wrestlingstuff2003

Amanda vs. Jen in a Title Match By wrestlingstuff2003

Fitness Contestant vs. Bodybuilder by brooksie

One Step Behind
by Ringer
Marion loses everything to a young, blonde boxing predator

Marion had worked too hard to let it all go down the drain.  She had
gotten the agency some of its best accounts over the last 15 years, and
she wasn't about to let some "fresh of the street" bitch take it away
from her!

When Jordan first arrived two years ago from California it looked like
Marion had gotten the assistant of a lifetime.  For the first few months
Jordan was amazing, taking the minor clients off of her hands, covering
for Marion with the senior partners.  Jordan seemed like she'd be the
perfect associate. 

At only 24 years old, Jordan was tall (5' 9"), blonde, beautiful,
energetic, and fit.  The partners at the agency loved her, and Jordan
knew just how to get what she wanted from them.   In retrospect Marion
realized that she had unwittingly given Jordan everything she needed to
become a first-class rival. 

After six months Jordan was pitching ideas to the partners over Marion's
head.  Then the partners started giving Jordan assignments directly,
sometimes without telling Marion first.  Lately, though she couldn't
prove it, Marion was sure that Jordan was sabotaging her work,  making
her look bad to the rest of the agency.  No matter what Marion she did,
and how many strings she pulled, she always seemed to be a step behind of

Marion's work wasn't the only thing that was suffering.  Her
preoccupation with defending her job left her little time for her
boyfriend Carl.  When she finally turned to him for support, she found
him oddly distant.  After pressing him, Carl told her that he had found
someone who had time for him and understood his needs.  "I think you know
her.  Her name is Jordan." 

Marion's worst fears were realized when, the next day, the partners told
her they were thinking of taking most of her accounts, accounts she had
managed for years, and giving them to Jordan.  They said Marion had "lost
her edge", and that they thought the accounts "needed someone fresh, with
new energy."   

That was it!  Marion called Jordan into her office and laid down the
challenge.  "One of us has got to go!"

Jordan said "I hear you're a boxer.  How 'bout we settle this like real
women?  We'll put on the gloves and go as many rounds as it takes for one
of us to get KOed or quit." 

In her rage Marion accepted.  "I know one of the trainers at the Jones
Street Gym.", said Marion, "I'm sure that I can get Janet to arrange a
private fight for us after hours." 

"Yah, I know that place.  Then it's set.  We'll find out who's the better
woman once and for all", Jordan responded.

Once Jordan left the room, Marion started to think about how great it
would be to pound the little tramp into mulch.  So what, if  Jordan was
taller and 13 years her junior,  Marion outweighed her by at least 15
pounds.  Marion was in good shape, and used to box regularly before she
became a senior associate five years ago.  Anyway, she still stayed in
shape with aerobics and weight training.

The night of the fight arrived. 

As Marion got to the gym she discovered that Jordan had upstaged her
again.  The parking lot was full!  Marion was met at the door by one of
the agency's partners.  Just about everyone from the agency was there,
along with people she didn't recognize who must have been Jordan's
friends.  They were clearly eager to watch the confrontation. 

Up in the ring was Jordan, already fit with black 8 oz. boxing gloves,
wearing a black satin robe, black boxing boots, and of all things, a
black cowboy hat.  Her skin shone with perspiration from having already
warmed up, and she was chit-chatting with the owner of the gym! 

"What the hell is going on here?", thought Marion, "Is there any big-shot
in town that this bitch doesn't know?"  Worst of all, there was Carl,
sitting near Jordan's corner.

"Hey Marion, I'm glad you didn't chicken out." called Jordan, "I'm all
dolled up in my Stetson ready to do a some cow punchin'!  So get to the
dressing room, Elsie, 'cause these people came to see a good beating, and
I intend to show them one."

"This was supposed to be a private fight." thought Marion.  She wanted to
protest, but she knew that the people wouldn't leave, and if she refused
to fight she would never live it down. 

"Where's Janet?" Marion asked the gym owner. 

"I don't know, is she supposed to be here?" he replied with a smirk. 

"Yes, she was supposed to be my corner" said Marion.

One of the other gym employees volunteered to fill in.  Then Marion went
to the locker room to change. She came out in a white jogbra, low-waisted
boxing shorts cut high on the sides, 8 oz. red boxing gloves, and boxing
shoes.  Marion entered the ring and the female Referee called them to the
middle for instructions. 

Jordon swaggered to the center of the ring, ready to push more of
Marion's "buttons".  "That's a cute outfit you've got on, honey, but when
I want to settle a score, I put it all on the line."  As she spoke she
loosed the tie on her robe and let it slide sensuously to her feet. 
Other than black gloves and boots, she wore nothing but a tiny black
thong panty.  Her perky 36C breasts didn't seem to have any trouble
supporting themselves.  Only a few square inches of her sleek, tightly
muscled physique were left to the imagination!

"You bitch!  We agreed this would be a private fight!" Marion blurted

"Get real honey," said Jordan, "everyone knew this was coming.  So you
gonna put your cards on the table, or have you got something to hide
under there.  You're not backing down are you?"

Marion asked her corner to remove her 40D bra.  "Ooooh, that's quite a
couple of targets you've got there Elsie." sneered Jordan "You can leave
those little briefs on if you want.  I don't want anyone to say I beat
you with low blows.  OK Ref., let's get on with it.  Elsie, here needs a

The Referee signals for the fight to begin.

Marion comes out full-steam, taking the fight to Jordan and trying to
hurt her early.  Jordan has other plans.  She bobs, weaves, and moves
around the ring to establish her leg superiority.  She glides around
Marion, snapping out the jab at an odd rhythm.  Marion, trying to get
close enough to do some real damage, is tagged repeatedly. 

Jab.... JAB-JAB!  CROSS!  Marion's face and head are snapped back, and to
the side, as she tries to lean out of the way.  Marion swings in
response, but Jordon's never there.  Moving left, then changing
direction, Jordon is in constant motion, stopping only long enough to
score a few more direct hits.

"Come on Elsie, I'm over here," Jordon chides as she changes direction
again.  "Gotta keep up"  Bam-Bam!  Marion's head gets smacked  BAM!  BAM! 
Marion's ribs then face, take abuse.  All round Marion is either chasing
Jordon, or walking straight into perfectly timed 3, 4 and 5 punch

Over the cheers of the crowd, Jordon says, "I'm just getting warmed up,
Elsie.  If this is the best you've got, you're in big trouble!"

Marion is dazed and sweating.  She plods back to her corner, falls onto
her stool and tries to regroup.  Her face is red and starting to get
puffy, and there's a small cut over her left eye.  In contrast, Jordon
bounces back to her corner and accepts the cheers of the crowd.  She
stands between round, leaning into the cornerpad, arms stretched along
each rope, deadly serious stare never leaving Marion.

Jordan's reach, timing, and legs make Marion an easy target.  Jordan
circles, snapping out jabs that continue to catch Marion flat footed. 
Marion can never seem to close with Jordon, and continues to walk into
straight right hands to the face.  Jordon's hooks and jabs make a mess
out of Marion's face this round, starting her nose bleeding, and
beginning to close Marion's right eye.

In the final minute of the round, Jordan switches to Marion's body.  With
Marion's guard high to protect her now tender face, Jordon goes after
Marion's flanks and huge breasts with looping underhand and side armed
punches.  Jordon turns her hips into crunching blows that jerk Marion's
body left and right, and back her into the ropes.  Marion's attempts at
offense are punished severely by punches that smash her breasts into her
chest or test her not-so-solid abdomen.


"When I'm through with you even you mama won't recognize you!", spat

Marion returns to her corner with blood on her mouth, cheek, and breasts. 
Her right eye is almost closed, and there are red welts rising on her
waist and breasts.  Marion's corner does her best to clean her up and
applies cold compresses to bring the swelling down.

Jordan struts back to her corner, her gloves raised in triumph.  The
crowd is completely behind her. 

Jordan comes out showing no respect for Marion at all.  The crowd is
treated to more one-sided offense as Jordon jackhammers Marion into a
slack-jawed daze.  Jordan's constant movement, and ability to pop jabs
and hooks at will has turned this fight into a beating.  Even when Jordan
moves inside to slug, Marion seems not to have a response.  She just gets
more and more beat up.

In the last minute, Jordan stops to berate Marion for not showing her
anything, when out of nowhere Marion's right crashes into Jordan's jaw. 
Jordan's head twists around at a terrible angle, and suddenly it's
starting to look like a fight!  Jordan instinctively covers up and falls
back to the ropes with Marion.  Marion puts everything she has into
uppercuts to Jordan's lean abdomen, and ribs, and hooks that are mostly
caught on Jordan's arms and gloves.  Jordan is hurt, but lets the ropes
absorb much of the force of Marion's blows.


Jordan has survived.  Marion is tired and discouraged.  "I'll have to
give you one thing, Elsie," said Jordan, "you can take it.  Too bad you
can't dish it out."   

After just three rounds Marion's right eye is closed, and there's a large
bruise under her left eye.   Marion's brunette hair is matted to her
head, and she's bleeding again from the nose. 

Before the beginning of round 4, Jordon climbs the ropes in her corner,
WWF style, and roars to the crowd, gloved fists raised in triumph.  "You
want to see some real cow punchin'?" she yells to the crowd.  They yell
back their encouragement!


Jordan jumps down from the ropes and turns to face her adversary.  Even
while she's in complete control of the fight, Jordan's intensity never
wanes.  Her stare is almost as frightening as her fists.

Jordon uses Marion as a living punch dummy.  Marion presses forward and
tries to make a fight of it, but she's just too slow and too beat up.
Jordan's jabs smack Marion's face at will with sickening force.  Jordan,
aware that Marion is unable to see the incoming, begins to abuse her with
more and more outrageous combinations.  "I've worked hard enough," Jordan
thinks, "it's time for a little 'fun'."

LEFT HOOK! to the jaw brings Marion's gloves to her face.  Looping RIGHT
UPPERCUT! underneath Marion's right breast crushes it up under her right
arm.  Looping LEFT UPPERCUT! crushes Marion's right breast up under her
left arm.  Jordan leans away from Marion's lethargic right, then crashes
an OVERHAND RIGHT! of her own that smashes Marion's head against her own
shoulder.  LEFT UPPERCUT! to the stomach folds Marion over partially. 
Jordan sweeps her entire upper body in a clockwise direction down to the
level of Marion's breasts and uncorks a RIGHT UPPERCUT! almost straight
up to Marion's left cheek, twisting Marion's head around and
straightening her up again.

None of these punches is thrown hard enough to knock Marion out.  That'll
come later.  This round Jordan is content to cause as much pain and
humiliation as possible.  Amazingly, Marion keeps stumbling forward,
while taking, and taking, and taking it.  Her body shakes with each body
blow, her sweat and blood fly with each head shot.  The crowd is on their
feet screaming for Jordan the entire time.


Marion swings, misses, and almost falls.  Jordan catches her, turns her
around and sends her stumbling back in the direction of her own corner. 
"Don't worry sweetheart, it'll all be over soon."

Marion returns to her corner a broken and bloodied wreck!  She can only
barely see out of her one eye.  The rest of her face looks like a war
zone of cuts and bruises.  Marion's body shows welts around her waist and
abs, and significant damage around her breasts. 

The trainer, Janet, finally shows up at Marion's corner.  As she jumps
into the ring to try and clean Marion up for the next round, she says
"Marion, that's Jordon Marshall you're fighting."

"Yah, you heard of her?" Marion replied through her exhaustion.

"Heard of her!?!  She was the California Golden Gloved champ three years
in a row!  What the hell were you thinking, fighting her in a knockout

"Now you tell me." Marion says through swollen lips "It's too late to
quit now.  I can't let the bitch win.  With you here, I feel my luck
changing already."

Before Janet could respond the bell rang for round five.  "Oh, Marion!"
thought Janet "At least someone will be here to carry you out of the


Jordan dances out of her corner.  She shadow boxes her way to the center
of the ring to the thunderous sound of her name being chanted by the
crowd.  "JOR-DAN, JOR-DAN, JOR-DAN!"  Marion plods out to meet her, her
gloves about shoulder high. 

Jordan snaps stinging jabs to Marion's unguarded face as she chides her.
"So.." (BAM!) "your friend Janet" (SMACK!) "tell you who I am?"  (BAM!) 

With a quick RIGHT HOOK! to the cheek, LEFT HOOK! to the abs, and RIGHT
UPPERCUT! to the chin Marion's legs start to buckle.  Jordan leans in and
catches Marion in a clinch to keep her from falling.   

"You pathetic loser!", Jordan sneers down at her, "You want to keep your
job and your precious boyfriend, you better get to work, 'cause I'm ready
to finish you this round."

Marion does her best to get back onto her feet and push away from Jordan. 
Jordan dances to the right to get Marion to turn her back to Jordan's
corner.  She then unleashes a quick series of jackhammer lefts to the
face.  Marion can barely see them coming.   

SMACK!-SMACK!-SMACK!-SMACK!-SMACK!-SMACK! until Marion is close to
Jordan's corner.  Then BAM!!! a right cross spins Marion half way around
and deposits her face first in Jordan's corner.  One of Marion's arms is
on each side of the cornerpost, while her head lays on top of the
cornerpad facing the crowd.

Jordan pulls back Marion's head to display her pitifully battered face,
while calling to the crowd.  "Hey Carl, what do think?  This?" then
Jordan flexes the biceps of her other arm, "or this?"  Carl gives the OK
sign to Jordan's biceps curl as the crowd starts up another chorus of
"Ohhh Marion," Jordan says directly into her face, "Looks like he chose

Jordan lets go of Marion's head and dances backwards to the middle of the
ring again.  As she circles her fists menacingly she calls out "Job,
boyfriend, self-respect...  They're all mine, Marion.  I got your whole,
pathetic life waitin' right here.  Are you woman enough to win them

Whether from stubbornness, or just plain stupidity, Marion pushes herself
off of the cornerpad, turns around and lumbers toward a smirking Jordan. 

The words "Goodbye loser." are the last thing Marion will remember of the
fight.  Jordan fades to right and smashes a HUGE LEFT HOOK! straight into
the middle of Marion's undefended face.  A quick, looping OVERHAND RIGHT!
from almost behind Marion whips into her left cheek.  Sweat and blood
spray from her face as she falls, crashing face down on the canvas.  Her
head and body bounce an inch or so off of the ring floor then comes to
rest, twitching and unconscious.   

Jordan is still on her toes, fists cocked, ready to do more damage.  She
YOU!" as the crowd roars its approval of Jordan's performance.   

Janet jumps through the rope to aid Marion as the Ref. starts to count
her out.  Jordan raises her gloves in victory and struts around the ring
taking in the applause and cheers of the crowd.  At "FIVE..." Janet yells
up at the Ref. "Stop that shit!  This fights over, get the medics and a
stretcher...  NOW!"

The Referee turns and holds Jordan's hand up in victory for a moment,
then leaves the ring to get an ambulance.  Jordan swings out of the ring,
walks over to Carl and straddles his lap.  While holding his head in her
black boxing gloves, and slowly pumping her pelvis, she says "Poor little
Monica wasn't woman enough to hold on to you.  You OK with that, Carl?"
Jordan says coyly.  He didn't need to answer.  Jordan could feel Carl's
huge hard-on straining against his pants in tribute to the conquering
blonde.  As time will later tell, Carl is not the last conquest of the
ambitious, amazon Jordan!

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2016, 09:45:18 pm »
I Like the Odds
by Ringer
A female heavyweight takes on three losers at the gym                     

Tawney was the belle of the gym, the kind of gal who's got it all. Sexy
smile, long sandy hair, great curves, and the kind of tight, rounded ass
that you could bounce a quarter off of. Her 132 pounds were perfectly
proportioned over a 5' 8" frame. Her 40D cup tits and long smooth legs
commanded every man's attention. Yah, she's got it all ...  well, at
least she had it all, until Carla showed up.

At 5' 10" 40C-26-40 and 187 pounds Carla was a woman who's hard to 
ignore. Her 40" bust measurement was as much from the girth of her 
lateral muscles as from the size of her firm breasts. Carla's large 
shoulders and arms, which peak at 17", were impressive, but not  overly
bulky. Even unflexed, her abs were slightly concave six-pack,  well
defined but not ripped.  Her hips and thighs were wide and sturdy, and
her ass, a fully-round, hard, inverted heart shape. Unlike many overly
vascular women body builders her size, though, Carla's well developed
muscle was perfectly covered with sleek, tight, feminine skin.

Carla's long, thick black hair and dark complexion hinted of some kind 
Mediterrainian ethnicity.  Her eyes were large dark and set wide on her 
face. Her lips were wide and thick, thrust forward around strong and 
sexy jaws and teeth. This was the face of a preditor, a women to whom
male prey gave themselved willingly.

After a week at the gym Carla got the nickname "Panther" for her 
panther-like way she walked and seemed to stalk the place when she 
worked out.  Most men (and many of the women) couldn't keep their eyes
off Carla when she worked out. It was as though her every movement was
important and needed to be watched carefully.

Tawney seathed with anger and couldn't wait for an opportunity to take
Carla down a peg. A few of the men at the gym resented the attention 
that Carla was getting too, Rick and Dave in particular. It didn't take 
much for Tawney to convince them that they should join forces and teach 
this Amazon bitch a lesson, ASAP!  They'd heard that Carla was doing 
laps to unwind. The trio changed into swimming briefs and headed for the
pool looking for trouble.

Carla was just finishing some timed laps. The water moved easily around
Carla's body as she swam, as though it knew better than to resist her
commanding presence. When she touched the wall and came up for air,  the
person timing Carla's laps was pushed aside by Tawney and crew.  They
were ready to challenge her.

"We don't know who the hell you are, but a lot of us around here are 
sick of you.  Why don't find some gym for "Xena", muscle freaks?" Tawney 
This wasn't the first time that Carla had been confronted by a women who
felt her turf was being invaded.  A wry grin came over her face as she 
replied "I don't know, I kind of like it here. What'll happen to me if I
don't leave?"
"Look, sister! I don't care how ugly this has to get for you to get the 
message, but you're not welcome. If you want to keep your good looks, 
you'll get dressed, leave and never come back." said Tawney.  Rick and 
Dave were behind her trying to look as mean as they could.
"I don't want to distrub the delicate balance at your favorite place of   
recreation...", Carla just about lost them with that one, "so I'll make
you  an offer.  I'll be willing to box all three of you, one after the
other.   If any of you win, then after you get done doing whatever you
want with me I'll leave and never return. If all of you lose, then I
stay.  Deal?"   Tawney, Rick and Dave looked at each other a bit
bewildered.  How could they lose?  Rick and Dave were both bigger than
Carla, and Tawney was no slouch, she knew how to use her fists.  "Deal",
said Tawney. "Don't try to chicken out.  I'll get us a time to use the
"That won't be necessary", said the person who was timing Carla's laps. 
It was Brenda, the gym's manager.
"Brenda! Where did you come from?", Tawney said surprised.
"I was standing right here when you and these two dopes barged in" said 
Brenda.  "I'll be happy to make the ring available tonight for your
little  challenge. I just hope you'll be ready."
Tawney looked at Brenda quizically. "Whatta you mean by that?"
"Don't worry about what I mean.  Just be here tonight." said Brenda.
"Oh, and one last thing", said Carla, "You guys are lookin' real buff. 
Why don't you wear your briefs when you fight tonight?  Less to take off 
when you have your way with me."
"Sounds good to me", said Rick.  "Yah!", said Dave. "Whatever" said
Tawney.    When they were out of earshot, Brenda turned to Carla. "They
have no idea who you are, do they."
"Nope, but it's gonna be fun teaching them." Carla responded "Ooooh,  I'm
gettin' hot just thinking about what I could do with all that muscle.   
Better do a few more laps and cool off."
Brenda arranged for the boxing section of the gym to be deserted that 
night.  It was agreed that they would do three minute rounds with a one 
minute rest until, either all three were knocked out, or Carla was 
knocked out.  Even though this was a grudge match, there would be no 
holding and hitting, head butting, wrestling, or double teaming.  Anyone 
who violated these rules would be kicked out of the club by Brenda. 
Brenda would act as the referee, but would only intervene to prevent
perminent injury.  Brenda would also be Carla's second.
Tawney, Rick and Dave all showed up at ring side before Carla.  Tawney 
wore thong panties, a sports bra and thin soled boxing boots.  Rick and
Dave were already gloved up in black 8 oz. gloves.  They also wore thin-
soled boxing boots and low cut Speedos that only barely covered their 
most sensitive parts.  Rick's was tight spandex while Dave's was more 
comfortable cotton with a low-slung elastic waist band.
Just as they and Brenda worked out the order that they would fight in, 
Carla entered the gym.  Carla wore black boxing boots and gloves and a 
black, calf length satin robe. She had a fine sheen of perspiration on 
her face and neck
"It's about time you showed up," said Tawney, "we were afraid you'd be a 
no show.  What the hell you been doing, deciding whether to take a dive?"   
"No, just warming up." Carla answered,  "Something you should have been 
doing instead of arguing over who gets knocked out first."
Carla entered the ring and went to the opposite corner, while Rick and 
Tawney encouraged Dave who would go first.  None of them notices the 
professionally stitched "KILLER CARLA" on the back of her black robe. 
Carla leaned back against the cornerpad and smiled slyly.  "This is going
to be so much fun." she thought to herself.
Finally, Dave entered the ring and faced Carla.  Dave was 6' 1" and about 
195 pounds of lean, beautiful muscle. It's obvious this guy spent a lot
of time on his body.  His face was pretty easy on the eyes too. 
Brenda called for the grudge match to begin. "OK let's get this thing 
Carla waited until Dave turned to face her for battle.  Looking straight 
into his eyes from across the ring, she slowly and sensuously untied her
robe and let it drop in her corner.  She wore nothing but a tiny, low-
cut, black thong pantie, the arc of which only highlighted her 
incredible curves.  The revelation was stunning!   From her thick, tight
legs to her wide pelvis, concave abs, stunning silver dollar areola on
round, firm breasts, and powerfully muscled arms and shoulders, Carla's
body was all too perfect!   But it was the look in her eyes that sent
shudders through Dave and his companions, a look of absolute power and
mastery.  So much strength and sex in one women!
Dave's cock stiffened and filled out his tiny cotton briefs.  The words 
"What the hell was I thinking?" slowly drift through his brain ...
DING, DING, DING! "ROUND ONE!" called Brenda
Carla looked Dave up and down as she casually approached him from her 
corner.  "Oooh, you're a big one. I see you use freeweights, but do you
know how to use your fists?"  Carla's lunged forward flashing her right
then left gloves off of her hips into Dave's mid-section, followed by a
right hook to his jaw!  Dave was caught completely off guard as his
stomach imploded and head snapped to the right.
Everything about Carla was a surprise, her speed, her power, her 
precision.  Dave now felt fear mix with the lust of only a moment ago. 
He knew that he'd better get his fists moving or she might actually win
this fight.
Still a bit dazed, Dave's left his snaped out, then he sweeped his right
and left. Nothing!
BAM!  Carla's right crashed against Dave's left cheek!  BOOF!  Her right 
dug into his solar plexus!  WHAP!  Her right busted up into Dave's 
descending face!...and POW!  Carla's left hammered down on Dave's right 
temple, sending him sprawling onto the canvas!
Brenda begins the count. "One... Two ...
"Is that all you got, tough guy?", Carla said coyly. "That dick of yours
loaded, or you just packin' blanks?"
Dave shook his head and rose on "Four".  As Brenda checked him out Carla
adds "I'm gonna do you a favor and spot you the rest of this round, but
that's all you're gonna get. After that you're gonna be my whipping
Before this fight, hearing words like that would have sent Dave into a 
rage.  He would have killed any woman who said that to him.  But after 
the last minute and a half, Dave only felt a twing of fear and the 
thought that he'd better get busy.
"No bitch does that to me" was all Dave had to say, then he started 
swinging!  It took only a few seconds for Carla to tell that Dave
couldn't box worth shit!  She easily dodged, slipped or blocked
everything Dave had to offer.  True to her word, Carla did not reply. 
She gave him every  opportunity to hurt her. Dave failed miserably! 
After two minutes of unrelenting slugging Dave was sweaty, out of breath,
frustrated, and trying desperately not to be afraid or give in the
throbbing in his crotch.   

"Damn, she's good." was all Dave had to say on returning to his corner. 
While Rick admonished Dave for "Letting the bitch make you look 
foolish", Tawney angrily told him to stop fucking around and get down to
business.  Tawney was pissed at how easily Carla handled Dave physically
and sexually. 

Getting right in his face while holding his dick she said "You want
someone to get off on, you get off on me!" Then she kissed him openly and
deeply. "Now go out there kick her fucking ass!"   

ROUND 2  Poor Dave, what a mess.  Out of breath, brain fuzzy with lust,
and a big, sexy war princess sashaying towards him with her perfect
breasts pressed together by those wicked, little boxing gloves.  "Tough
decision," Carla said as she approached, "Do you fight for the bitch you
came with, or surrender to the one you really want?"
BAMM! Carla's left smashed into Dave's unprotected face.  "Don't think 
too long about it or she'll kick you fucking ass!"  Right! Left! pounded
into Dave's lean abs.  As Dave tried to respond with a right hook,
Carla's right uppercut POUNDS into his face!  Another uppercut snaps his
head back again, setting him up for BAM! a right cross snapd Dave's head 
around, leaving him stumbling forward to his right.
"Never been hit that hard before, have you?" Carla said with a smirk. 
"Better get used to it, 'cause you're gonna get hit a lot more before 
I'm done with you."
Dave shakes his head to focus again.  Carla bobs and weaves in front of 
him, her gloves apart about breast high.  Dave is mesmerized, watching 
Carla's breasts bounce and her ab and arm muscles dance with her every 
move.  Dave's poor cock strains at the fabric in which it is confined. 
Rick and Tawney yell at Dave from ringside, but all Dave sees or hears is 
the goddess in front of him.  "First your body, then your face, then 
your brain." said Carla, "You've been warned."
Dave warily tries to protect himself and find an opening.  A simple 
shoulder feint towards Dave's head and his body was wide open.  Carla 
ducked under Dave's guard, pushed her head into his chest and let her 
fists feast on Dave's buff abs and flanks.  RIGHT HOOK! to the left 
oblique, LEFT UPPERCUT! to the lower ab, RIGHT UPPERCUT! to the solar
plexus, LEFT HOOK! right oblique.  Dave tried, but couldn't get away from
When Dave's back was pressed into the ropes, Carla really let loose! 
OOF!, UHH!, AHH!, UHH!. Dave didn't know what to do.  He didn't know how 
to block Carla's punches, and to his shock she was too strong for him to
push away.  UHH!-UHH!-OOF! from a HOOK! HOOK! UPPERCUT!.  Knowing Dave
was incompetence as a fighter, Carla doubled and tripled up on her
punches, knowing he would have no response.
Near the end of the round Carla suddenly stopped and backed off a half
step.  In desperation, Dave worked his arms under Carla's to clinch.
Carla relaxed and leaned into Dave making sure her breasts pressed firmly
into his chest and her thigh against his cock and balls.  "You must be in
terrible pain, Dave", she cooed deeply at his ear, "but don't worry, next
round it's your face I'm gonna mess with."  "My goodness, Dave, you're
all hard" she said as she slowly massaged his cock with her thigh.
"Beating your beautiful body is making me sooooo hot.  Is it turning you 
on too, Dave?"
"Rest up, sexy" said Carla, "I've got big plans for you next round".  She
backed off for a moment to check Dave out then turned to saunter back to
her corner, hips swiveling like a supermodel working a Paris runway.
Dave's face was a mix of contradictions, agony from the shoulders to his
hips, and throbbing lust from his hip to his thighs.  It took Dave almost
half a minute to catch his breath well enough to get off the ropes and
back to his corner.  Tawney applied ice backs to the large, red welts
that Carla's hammering had raised on Dave's abs and side.  She tried to
get his attention, but Dave couldn't take his eyes off Carla.
Throughout the break Carla stood, moving her upper body, and keeping eye
contact with Dave.  Occasionally Carla puckered her lips at him to keep
his attention.  As the bell sounded, she sensuously kissed the knuckles
of her right glove and shook it lightly at Dave. Carla's message was not
at all lost on him.  He caught his breath and shuddered as he rose for
round three.
ROUND 3  Carla came out of her corner on her toes, bobbing lightly and
circling her gloves menacingly.  Carla had done her work well.  Dave had
trouble rising from his seat, and his movements were labored.  The sack
of his bikini briefs strained against the pressure of his swollen member.
He had difficulty walking as much from the huge lump in his crotch as
from his sore and battered midsection.
"Good!" Carla thought to herself, "now hold still while I bust up that 
pretty face of yours."  She smiled slightly as she noticed how Dave's 
large cock still strained against it's confines.  "Patience, girl, you'll
get your shot at that next round", Carla told herself.
Unlike round 2, this round Carla decided to show Dave some leg.  Up on 
her toes, Carla drifted to the left, making Dave turn to stay with her. 
A fient to his midsection brought Daves guard down quickly.  POW!  A 
looping left crashes into Dave's jaw.  BAM!  A right to his chin snaps 
his head back.  WHAP!  A left deforms Dave's mouth and cheek.  Carla
leans out of the way of Dave's sweeping left, then ... POP! POP! Two jabs
to his right eye.
Carla slips a jab then, POP! POW! to Dave's eye and left temple.  Carla 
changes direction fients to his body, then jabs BAP! BAP! BAP! to the 
face, then... BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! right, left, right flush to the jaw.  His 
head snaps around and Dave falls to his hands and knees.
Carla backs off to let Brenda start the count. "One... Two..."
"You're not done are you, Dave." said Carla.
"Three... Four..."
"Come on, we were just getting something goin' here."
"Five... "
Dave looks up at Carla through eyes that are starting to close. She's 
beating the fuck out him, but all Dave feels is raw lust for this dark 
war goddess.
"Six... Seven..."
"You make it to round five, I'll give you somethin' reeeeal special."
The goddess has commanded him to rise.  He must rise.  Dave pulls himself 
up by the ropes, and nods that he is ready to continue.
"That's better." Carla chides sarcastically.  Carla leans back as Dave's 
right hook sails past her face.
"Dave" POW! BAM! Jab to Dave's eye, right uppercut between his nose and 
right eye!
"You've been naughty!" Carla catches Dave's sweeping left with her right
glove.  She leans right and ...
POP!-POP!-POP! goes Carla's jab to his eyes.  POW! right hook to the 
cheek, POW! left hook to the jaw, BOOM! to the chin sends Dave sprawling
into the ropes!
"And you need to be spanked."
Carlas rushes forward to keep Dave from falling.  Poor Dave's not looking
too good.  Nose bleeding, left eye closing, mouse under the right eye,
red cheeks.  Carla props him up sitting on the ropes for some major shove
and slug.  BOP! under the chin, BAM! right to the side of the head.  Dave
tries to cover up and hope for an opening.  RIGHT! LEFT! send Dave's
gloves smacking into his own face.  The beat down continues to the bell.
Brenda has to pull Carla off her helpless foe.  "You'd better get 
something going next round," Carla said to Dave angrily, "or I'm gonna 
beat your ass into a coma."  Carla stomps back to her corner, clearly 
pumped and pissed off that she had to stop.  What was left of Dave is 
sitting heavily on the ropes, a beaten shell of the Adonis that entered 
the ring just three rounds ago.
Who the hell was this bitch, Carla.  How could she destroy a man like 
Dave so easily?  Tawney worked feverishly to clean Dave up and get him 
ready for the next round, but her skill as a cornerwoman were limited. 
She barely stopped the bleeding from his nose.  An icepack reduced the 
swelling in his eyes, but his left eye was still virtually closed at the
Carla burned with intense anticipation, pacing her corner like a caged 
animal.  One thing was certain... 

DING! DING DING!  This was Dave's last round.
No more Ms. Nice Gal! Carla stormed out of her corner like a Hell-Fury 
"Hey, cockwad!" She called as she crossed the ring to his corner, "Am I 
just gonna jack you 'til you drop, or you gonna show me something?!"
His Dark goddess had laid down a challenge. Even in his punch-drunk, 
lust-crazed stupor, Dave knew that it was now or never.  Be beaten like 
a side of beef, or go out on his shield?  The choice was easy.
Carla dropped all defense and allowed her prey to go toe to toe with 
her.  BAM! Dave's right crashed into Carla's cheek swiveling her head. 
BOOF!-CRACK!  Carla's combination blasts Dave's abs and jaw!  BAP! 
Dave's jab smacks Carla's forehead.  BUUH!! BAM!-BAM! Carla's right
pounds Dave's navel, then Left Hook!-Right Cross! sends Dave's head
swiveling left and right!
It went on like this for over a minute, Dave doing his best to prove his 
worth, but tragicly overmatched.  Carla outpunching him 2 to 1, then 3 
to 1, then 4 to 1.  One especially heavy uppercut to Dave's lower abs 
jerks his pelvis back six inches and frees his cock shaft from it's 
cloth restraint.  It hangs hard and heavy, suspended from his briefs, a 
tribute to conquering sex goddess!  Dave's once beaten face is now a 
bruised and bloody mask, testiment to Carla's overwhelming skill and 
He's hanging in the ropes again!  His gloves only chest high in a pitiful 
mock defense.  He is only barely aware Carla's fists destroying what's 
left of his face and body.  "Stop, Carla! He's had enough!" yells Brenda.
Carla responds between punches:   

"Don't!" RIGHT!! to the Dave's solar plexus! 

"worry!" LEFT!! to the gut folds Dave over her arm! 

"I'll!" RIGHT!! cross to Dave's cheek sends a spray of sweat and blood
flying.  Dave's cock begins jerking cum wildly as he GOES OUT completely! 

"be done!" LEFT!! uppercut to the chin suspends Dave's now unconscious
body just long enough for... 

"in a minute!"  RIGHT!!! Carla's sends a black leather hammer DOWN! onto 
Dave's temple laying him out at her feet!   
Brenda came over and nudged the heap that was Dave, and merely uttered 
an audible "Humph!"  She raised Carla's glove in victory and said "The 
winner, by a very impressive knockout in the fourth round, Carla."
"WHO'S UP NEXT?" Carla exclaimed loudly, looking at Rick.

At 5' 11" and 205, Rick was a lot more muscular than Dave.  His 21" guns 
and deeply chiseled six-pack had stood him well in numerous national 
body building contests.  He was awed and turned-on watching Carla 
dismantle Dave so completely, and worried about how he could do any 
better.  To help control his fear and make a point to Carla, Rick began 
flexing as soon as he was in the ring.

"Dave was a wimp!" he said as he hit a double bicep pose.  "Now you're 
gonna have to fight a REAL man."  Rick hit an ab crunch pose.  With one 
glove behind his head and the other pointing at abs, he said, "You ain't
gettin' past these babies, bitch."
"That sounds like an interesting challenge", Carla responded, "Let's go 
for it big boy."
Carla was impressed with Rick's size and girth, but the swelling in his 
tiny spandex briefs told her that she still had the upper hand.  When 
Carla and Rick were in position to fight, Brenda rang the bell.
Just before they were in punching range Carla said "First let's check 
out that manhood of yours."  Before Rick could respond, Carla's leg 
flashed up between Rick's legs crushing his balls with the crook of her 
foot.  Rick froze in a HUGE wave of pain.  Without a moment's hesitation, 
Carla's fists laid into Rick's defenseless face.
LEFT! RIGHT! LEFT! RIGHT!  Rick's head snapped back and forth.  LEFT 
whipped around like a speed bag, his only semiconscious body backed 
against the ropes.  LEFT!!! RIGHT!!! LEFT UPPERCUT!!!!  Carla's black 
leather bombs almost put Rick out on his feet.  His arms tangled in the 
ropes were all that kept him on his feet.
"So much for your manhood.  Oooh, Rick, you like a good beating as much 
as your friend."  It was true, Rick's briefs looked blown up like a 
small balloon.  Strained as they were, the spandex kept Rick's cock 
firmly in place.
To Tawney, Carla said "Never send a submissive to do a woman's work."
Her attention back on Rick, she said "Now let's see about those 
beautiful abs..."
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BAM! Carla pounded Rick's upper and lower abs.  Even 
semi-conscious Rick's abs were an impressive barrier.  BAP! BAP! BAP! to 
Rick's flanks only jerked his body an inch or so to the right and left.
"UUH!" Rick uttered as Carla's fist sank into his solar plexus.  The pain
of Carla's body work was actually bringing Rick out of his stupor. 
OOHHH!, UHH!, AHHH!! Rick's tortured abs were beginning to give way.  A 
look of panic came over Rick's face as the pain of Carla's beating 
rushed into his consciousness.
PuhAHHH!!! Rick tried to begin a plea for mercy just as Carla's mighty 
left fist tore away the last of his abs' resistance. A last RIGHT!!! 
between Rick's cock and navel ended Carla's barrage.
"Looks like those abs aren't so great after all", said Carla.
Mouth wide, desparately trying to breath and recover, Rick struggled to 
get his arms untangled from the ropes. Even dizzy and wracked with waves
of nauseating pain, Rick was overcome with the same mindless lust for his
torturess that doomed Dave.  Once free of the ropes, Rick found that his
large legs could not support him.  He wrapped his huge arms around
Carla's strong shoulders. She held his weight easily.
As she supported his ass with her left glove, Carla's right slowly
massaged  Rick's cock through his briefs. "You must be awfully
uncomfortable down there, Rick" she said with a wry smile, "I'll bet you
want to cum reeeal bad.  Let's see if I can help you out."  She slowly,
sensuously slid her gloves up Rick's body to his armpits.  Then suddenly,
she throws Rick's arms off of her shoulders, pushed him back into the
ropes and ...  LEFT! hook to face, RIGHT! cross to the jaw!  Rick's brain
starts to spin, and his cock starts to twitch.  LEFT! to the lower abs,
RIGHT! to the  solar plexus! LEFT!! uppercut to the chin, and RIGHT!!!
cross to the jaw!
Rick's head snaps around at a hideous angle as his cock begins to jerk 
cum inside his tight little briefs.  He falls into Carla and slides down 
her right leg to his knees.  Rick's unconscious body lay propped up on 
Carla's thickly muscled leg, his head hanging low, his heavily muscled 
arms loose and seemingly lifeless at his sides.  When Carla stepped  back
one could easily see the sack of Rick's tiny soaked briefs jerking and
dripping cum.  Rick's body hung there for a moment, then slammed face-
first onto the ring floor like a large muscle-bound sack of wet laundry.
Tawney looked on in horror as Carla destroyed her second male champion. 
Her abs and pelvis clutching with every THWACK! of Carla's fists against
Rick's defenseless face and body.  This was raw feminine power in it's
most overwhelming and brutal form.  No male could resist her, in sex or
in battle.  It was only natural that she spill the blood or cum of any
man foolish enough to face her on even terms.  Tawney desperately tried
to push back the growing heat in her haunches.  "Oh god, she's 
magnificent!" Tawney said to herself.
Then her feminine ego came to the fore.  "NO, I can't submit", she told 
herself, "I am the queen-bitch of this gym", but as her turn to face 
Carla approached, Tawney's loins began to tremble and boil.
Brenda didn't bother counting over Rick either.  She just looked at 
Carla, as to say "OK, let's get this over with" and Carla turned to face
her last "opponent".
Without a moment's hesitation Carla turned to face the ring leader of 
her little tormenters. "COME ON, BITCH! YOU'RE ON!"  Tawney shuddered at 
the sight of the big, black-haired goddess.  Fighting Carla would be 
suicide, but ...
slow sneering smile came over Carla's face as Tawney, shaking, entered
the ring passing the carnage that Carla's brutal fists had left on the
ring floor.  Carla moved in the center of the ring, facing Tawney, her
black gloved fists on her hips.  Tawney approached her warily, almost
crouching.  When she was within a few feet, Carla commanded "On your
knees, bitch!"  Tawney's mind raced as she followed Carla's order.  How
could this be happening to her?  Tawney could feel a powerful wave of
emotion welling up inside of her.  She could feel her crotch begin to
lubricate and burn with a flame that could only result in her total
submission to the conqueress.  SHE COULD NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!
On instinct, Tawney's fist flashed up at Carla's crotch.  Just as 
quickly, Carla's hip turned into the punch, and her knee knocked 
Tawney's glove aside.  "I was hoping you'd do that."  Carla said with a 
huge evil grin.  Without warning Carla rotated her entire upper body 
behind a full-force blow that crashed down onto Tawney's temple like a 
sledgehammer.  Tawney's head bounced hard against her left shoulder, her 
eyes crossed, and she fell to her face between Carla's powerful legs.
Carla stepped back to survey the wreckage.  It was total and complete. 
Three "tough guys" entered the ring.  Three unconscious losers lay at 
her feet.  "What AM I going to do with you three?" she said to herself 
She turned to Brenda and said "Get these gloves off of me, and bring me 
my gym bag."
She checks Dave who is truely wrecked.  "This one's no good to me, get 
him out of here."  Brenda sends for two assistants, who, without any 
questions, take Dave's to locker room, and later to the hospital.
Turning serious Carla thought, "Time for me to complete my conquests." 
With that she walks over to Rick, flips him over, rips off her thong, 
and straddles his thickly muscled torso. "So much mmmuscle! I don't even
know where to start."

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2016, 09:47:54 pm »
Tanya and Rock
By Terry
Tanya loves to fight, and her muscular boyfriend helps make her a boxing champ.

   When Tanya walked into the gym, the whole place suddenly went quiet. 
Everybody was watching her and she knew it and loved it.
   Even without make-up her beauty was startling.  Exotic green eyes. 
High cheekbones.  Her lips were full and sensual.  Her head was covered
with a long, flowing mane of golden hair.
  She was wearing a long, oversize sweatshirt.  Her bare legs were long
and luscious and finely muscled like a gymnast's.
  Then she pulled off the sweater.
  It was a breathtaking sight.  Her body was spectacular.  Sleek muscles
slid under her tanned skin.
  Tanya had the kind of body that men liked to look at, and she liked
them to look.  She was wearing a leotard that fit her like the skin on a
grape.  Swelling breasts strained at the fabric.  Her tiny waist made
her bosom seem even bigger.  The leotard was cut to expose a lot of
cleavage and her exquisite ass.
  The tall blonde looked around the gym.  Her gaze fixed on a big man
who had been pounding a heavy bag with brutal punches.  Tanya was turned
on by his superbly muscled body.  He radiated animal magnetism.  His
dark, smoldering good looks almost made her swoon.
  The man had stopped to look at her.  He was impressed.  The blonde
oozed sex.  There was something animal about her.  He guessed she would
be wild in bed and fierce in a fight.
  Tanya watched the man's eyes devouring her.  She looked back at him. 
Her eyes let him know she liked what she saw.
  Naked except for boxing trunks, the man's sun-bronzed body was hard
and powerfully built.  His muscles stood out in detailed relief like
molded iron sculpture.  His shoulders were like boulders.  His chest was
like a pair of armored plates.  Heavy wings of muscle flared from his
back, tapering to a tight narrow waist.  Rows of sharply defined muscle
ridged his abdomen.  His legs bulged with corded sinew.
  Tanya gave him a sexy smile.  He smiled back with a glint of strong
white teeth.  Then he started punching the heavy bag again, putting on a
show for her.  His thickly muscled arms rippled with the impact.  A
smile of enjoyment lit up his face.  He moved with the natural quickness
and strength of a great lean cat.  His body gave the impression of being
perfectly tuned and conditioned. 
  The gym resounded with the deep thuds of his boxing gloves slamming
into leather.  The sound nearly drowned out the sounds of the other men
working out with free weights and exercise machines.  They would
occasionally stop and watch him with awe.
  Tanya noticed a geeky-looking guy watching, too.  He was staring
uneasily, as if he was imagining what would happen to a real body on the
receiving end of those punches.  The geek looked out of place in the
gym.  His body was skinny except for a little potbelly.  He looked like
he'd never been in a gym before.
  The muscular boxer saw the skinny guy watching, too.  He hit the bag
with a particularly vicious blow.  The power of his punch left a deep
dent in the heavy bag.
  The geek looked like he was going to piss in his pants.  He looked
away and hurriedly went over to an exercise machine. 
  Tanya chuckled to herself.
  Now it was her turn to put on a show.
  Stretching like a supple cat, the blonde beauty started warming up. 
It was like an erotic ballet.  Moving with the grace and confidence of a
superb athlete, she made every movement, from the arch of her back to
the stretching of a leg, slow and sensual and charged with sexual
  As she worked out, she kept glancing at the handsome boxer.  And he
kept looking back at her.  He was enjoying the show.
  Tanya noticed a woman sneaking jealous glances at her, turning green
with envy.  She was a tall brunette with a cute face and a slender body. 
Her fashionable exercise outfit looked brand-new.  She was fooling
around half-heartedly with some little chrome dumbbells.  She obviously
didn't know what she was doing.  Tanya disliked her immediately.
  When Tanya moved to the free weights, she handled them like old
friends.  She lifted with perfect form.  And they weren't sissy weights,
either.  She was all lithe muscle, taut and toned.
  The brunette, not to be outdone, went over to the cables mounted on
the wall and started doing cross cable pulls.  She was clumsy as she
struggled with the light weights.
  Watching the brunette, Tanya chuckled with contempt.  "You call
yourself working out with those itty bitty weights?  Let me show you. 
Move over."
  The thin girl stepped aside reluctantly.  The blonde moved the pins
down to add a lot more weight plates.  She grasped the handles, bent
forward slightly and did a few repetitions with no strain.
  "See how it's done?" she said to the skinny woman.  "Nice and slow,
and squeeze those pecs."  Her big chest swelled with each repetition. 
She looked directly at the handsome muscleman as she exhaled deeply on
rep after rep, her lips puckered in a provocative "O".  Her face looked
like she was fucking hot and heavy.
  Every guy in the place was getting a hard-on watching her.
  When Tanya was finished, she let the weights down gently and languidly
dropped the handles.  She stepped away with a sigh of pleasure.  "Oooh,
that was good," she breathed.  "You want to try, honey?" she asked the
  The other woman took the handles and strained to lift the plates. 
When she finally managed to lift them a little, they slammed down,
jerking her back into the wall.
  The blonde threw her head back and laughed out loud.  All the guys in
the gym laughed with her.  The brunette's face turned bright red with
  The handsome muscleman was laughing too. Tanya looked at him with a
mischievous smile.
  Finishing off the bag with a thundering barrage of punches, he stepped
back and pulled the gloves off.  Then he shook his huge arms to loosen
them up, making the sinews do a menacing dance.
  He looked at Tanya.  But suddenly the brunette walked over and stood
in front of him.  "Hi, my name's Jane," Tanya heard her say.  "What's
  Tanya was pissed.

  "My name is Rock," he said.
  "My God, what a bod!" Jane exclaimed in a little girl's voice.
  She moved closer and stared in wonder at his perfectly proportioned
  "I've never seen so many muscles.  Can I feel?" she asked tentatively.
  Rock laughed softly.  "Be my guest, baby," he replied. 
  She put a hand on his massive arm.  He tensed his biceps slightly,
making it jump in her fingers.  She squealed with delight.  He flexed
harder and it felt like a bowling ball under her hand.  She squeezed it
  "Wow!  That's amazing!  It's so big!  And so hard!  You must be one of
those bodybuilders, right?"
  "I was world champion three years in a row.  Then I quit competing- to
give the other guys a chance.  I bought a couple of gyms.  I've got this
  "You own this place?" she marveled.
  "That's right.  And I own a boxing gym, too."
  "A boxing gym?  Wow!  Are you a boxer, too?"
  "Yeah.  Not professionally, just for fun.  I've always loved to fight. 
I was Golden Gloves champ when I was a kid.  I started pumping iron so I
could punch harder.  These muscles aren't just for show, babe.  They're
built for action."
  "Gee!  You really hit people with those muscles?"
  Rock grinned hugely. "Baby, I don't just hit them.  I pound them into
  "Wow!" she said.
  He saw Tanya watching them.  "Excuse me," he said.  "There's someone I
want to meet."
  Jane wasn't ready to let him go.  "But I want to talk with you.  I
came here hoping to meet a hunk like you.  I came with Stanley because
he had two free passes for a workout."
  "Stanley?  Who's he?"
  Jane pointed toward the geek.
  Rock's tough face looked amused.  "Is he your boyfriend?"
  "Oh, no!  He wants to be my guy.  Real bad.  But he's just a little
creep.  I just came here with him because he got those free passes."
  Rock chuckled.  He watched Stanley struggling to lift the weight on
the bench-press machine.  Stanley couldn't get it up.
  Jane giggled.  "He's trying to get into shape."
  Stanley got off the bench puffing hard.  He saw Jane standing with
Rock.  His face twisted up with jealousy.  He swaggered over to them
like Mister Macho.
  "What are you doing, Jane?" he demanded of the girl.
  "I'm just talking to this great-looking guy, Stanley.  Why don't you
leave us alone?"
  "He looks likes a muscle-bound asshole to me," sniffed Stanley.
  "I think he's dreamy," replied Jane.  "Just go back to your workout."
  Rock stepped in front of the skinny guy.  Stanley's lower lip started
to tremble.  His confidence was fading fast with 220 pounds of dangerous
muscle in his face.
  Tanya smiled to herself.  This was getting interesting.

  "You heard the lady," Rock said in a relaxed voice. "She wants a real
man, not a pencil-dicked little weakling like you."
  Stanley's voice was shaky.  "But she came with me," he stammered. He
grabbed Jane's arm roughly and tried to pull her away.  She cried out in
  Rock's hand closed on Stanley's wrist and squeezed.  His grip was like
an iron clamp.  Stanley squeaked in pain and let go of Jane.
  "You're not only ugly, you're stupid, too," Rock told him.
  Stanley bristled at that remark. He started to sputter something, but
Rock interrupted him with a hard laugh.
  "You're a puny little runt, aren't you?" said Rock.  He inspected
Stanley's body, shaking his head with disgust.   "Skinny guys like you
make me want to puke." 
  Rock poked him in the navel with his forefinger, making him wince.
"Your stomach's flabby.  You got no chest and you got no arms.  You need
to put on some muscle.  Like this..."
  Rock flexed his right arm, very slowly, about an inch in front of
Stanley's face.
  Stanley's eyes opened wider and wider as Rock's arm swelled bigger and
bigger.  His face went white and his jaw dropped.  Rock's flexed arm was
larger than Stanley's head.  His biceps looked like a mountain.
  Jane clapped her hands.  "Wow!  Look at that!" she exclaimed.
  Stanley was definitely looking.  He was transfixed as his eyes
traveled up from the bulging triceps to the peak of the gigantic biceps. 
He was frozen speechless.
  Jane giggled.  "What's wrong, Stanley?  Scared?"
  The other guys in the gym had gathered around to watch.  They had big
grins on their faces.
  Tanya was fascinated.
  Rock eased out of his flex.  "I'll give you a little demonstration,"
he said to Stanley.  "Hit me in the stomach.  As hard as you can."
  Stanley looked reluctant.  He swallowed hard.
  "Come on, wimp," Rock dared him.  "Show me what you got!"
  That pissed off Stanley.  He let fly with his hardest punch to Rock's
tightly muscled stomach.  It was like hitting a stone wall.  Stanley
whimpered with pain and nursed his bruised knuckles.
  Rock laughed at him.  "You punch like a little girl."
  Balling up his big fist, Rock said, "Now it's my turn.  I'll show you
how to put some muscle behind it."
  Stanley's eyes went wide with panic and he started to blurt out
something.  But it was too late.
  Rock brought a punch up hard into Stanley's soft belly. His fist sank
in wrist deep.  And stayed there.
  Stanley's eyes bugged out like a frog.  He grunted like he'd been hit
with a cannonball.  He sagged forward against Rock's chest.  The big
fist was still embedded in his potbelly.
  "Your stomach feels like a marshmallow, pal," Rock chided.  "You need
to work on those abs."
  Stanley groaned in agony.  Gripping Rock's forearm with both hands, he
tried to pull the fist out of his stomach.  It wouldn't budge.  His
hands frantically grabbed Rock's upper arm.  When he felt the iron-hard
mass of muscle filling his hands, his mind went into shock.  His hands
fell away in despair and his whole body seemed to melt.
  Rock kept his fist in Stanley's midsection for a few more seconds,
then pulled it out.  The poor guy fell like a soiled shirt thrown to the
floor.  He balled up in a fetal position, hugging his middle and sucking
in air.
  "How's it feel, buddy?" asked Rock.  "You want another demonstration?"
  Stanley weakly shook his head, gagging and coughing.
  The onlookers laughed and slapped hands.  Only an idiot would mess
with Rock.
  After the laughter died down, a single voice cut through the gym.  It
was Tanya.
  "Nice work, big boy," she said.

  The gym went silent again except for Stanley's long moans.  Everybody
was focused on Tanya.  Jane was looking at her with hatred in her eyes.
  Slowly Tanya walked toward Rock.  She made walking across that floor
something to remember.  There was something wild and wicked in her walk. 
The sway of her hips, the light bounce of her bosom, the proud, erect
way she held herself -- all combined for a tantalizing effect.
  Tanya walked past Jane, totally ignoring her.
  Up close, she was a real eyeful.  Rock looked down at the deep V
between her breasts; they filled the leotard like two volleyballs that
wanted to be played with.
  She watched his eyes on her.  Playfully, she struck a seductive pose. 
"You like?" she asked, her voice like warm honey.  "I try to keep in
  "You do one hell of a job, baby," he complemented her.
  Her laugh was deep and easy.  Her sultry eyes explored his body. 
"Speaking of shape," she said admiringly, "look at all those gorgeous
muscles.  You're built, baby!"  Her voice was like a caress.    "And
handsome, too.  Where have you been all my life?  You're the man of my
  That was good, thought Rock, because she was the woman of his wet
  "I'm Tanya," she said.  "And you're Rock?"
  "Yeah," he grinned.
  Her eyes laughed.  "That's appropriate."  She put a hand on one of his
beefy biceps.  "22 inches?" she estimated.
  "23 inches," he answered.  "And getting bigger every day." His eyes
traveled down her hourglass figure.  "What do you measure, baby?" he
  "40 double D-17-34.  And it's all real," she said proudly.  Her eyes
told him it was all his.
  Tanya ran her hand over one of Rock's broad shoulders, then across his
brawny chest and down his wash-board stomach.  Her fingers traced the
sharply defined slabs of muscle.  She purred with approval.
  "You pack one hell of a punch," she said, nodding toward Stanley, who
was still groaning on the floor. "I love a good fight.  I'd like to see
you in action sometime."
  "I'm going to fight tomorrow night at my boxing gym. You want to come
  She was intrigued.  "That would be exciting to see.  I can't wait." 
She licked her lips.  "Guess what?  I like to fight, too.  Anytime,
anywhere.  I kick ass!"
  "I'd like to see you in action," Rock told her.
  "Oh, yeah, baby," she said with a sly grin.  "Once I get started I
don't want to stop.  It really turns me on.  I love to fight almost as
much as I love to fuck."
  "Me, too," Rock grinned back.
  "Maybe you can show me some moves, baby," she said suggestively.  "We
could work out together.  You know what I mean?"
  Her eyes were making promises he knew her body could keep.
  Tanya's hand was still on Rock's stomach.  "Are you big all over?" she
asked, mischief gleaming in her eyes.  And her hand slipped into his
shorts.  She gasped with delight.  "Oh, yes! You're hung like a
stallion!  It's huge!"
  The nipples were getting hard under her leotard.
  She cooed, "I bet you know how to use it, too.  Isn't that right, big
boy?  I bet you're good.  Real good."
  Now Jane was really pissed.  "Get your hand off my his balls!" she
snarled.  "I was here first!"

  Tanya regarded Jane with obvious distaste, acting as if she'd never
seen her before.  "Who's the beanpole?" she asked Rock.
  "My name's Jane, bitch," growled the brunette.
  Tanya pouted prettily.  She said to Rock, "You didn't tell me I had
competition, lover.  But that's OK.  I think I stack up against any
competitor."  She slid her hands up the curves of her body, from her
rounded hips to her spectacular chest.  "Don't you agree?"
  Rock gave her a big smile and nodded his head.
  Tanya looked Jane up and down with amusement.  "You don't measure up,
plain Jane.  This big stud needs a real woman, not a scrawny little
thing like you."  She obviously enjoyed goading Jane.
  Jane was taking the bait.  Her face turned red with rage.  "Go to
hell!" she shouted.
  Tanya gave her a light pat on the cheek.  "Mind your manners, skinny,
and you'll live longer," Tanya warned her with cool assurance.
  "You think you're hot, don't you?" Jane demanded.
  "I'm so hot I sizzle, honey," responded Tanya.  "Don't mess with me or
you'll get burned so bad even your own mama won't recognize you."
  Jane's face got redder.  "You wanna' fight?" she challenged.  Her
hands were clenched, her body rigid.
  Tanya's mocking laughter cut her like a whip.  "Go away, little girl,
or you'll wake up in an emergency room.  I'll beat your brains out, then
I'll fuck Rock's brains out."  She winked at Rock.
  Jane slapped her.
  Fire flashed in Tanya's eyes.  Then they turned cold and deadly.  Her
lips curled into a cruel smile.  She said in a slow voice, "I'm gonna'
love kicking your ass, honey."
  She back-handed Jane so hard it spun her half around.
  The guys in the gym yelled encouragement.
  Jane hissed and rushed at Tanya with hands like claws.
  Nonchalantly, Tanya stuck out her fist.  Jane's face ran into it.  She
stopped dead in her tracks.
  Tanya stepped in and hit Jane in the ribs -- a hard left, then a
right.  Jane's teeth chattered from the impact.
  Then the blonde sank a fist deep in Jane's stomach.  And kept it
  Jane's breath whooshed audibly as it left her lungs.  Her eyes opened
as wide as saucers.  She slumped against Tanya, her body shuddering.
  Tanya twisted her fist around in Jane's belly.  "I call this a stomach
massage," Tanya told her.  "You like it, honey?  It's one of my
  Jane's face contorted with agony.  She fought for breath.  Her mouth
flapped open and closed like a fish out of water.
  Tanya gave a final twist and pulled out her fist.  Jane doubled over
and dropped to her knees.  She clutched her stomach with both hands and
drank air in great gulps.  She let out a long groan.
  "What's wrong, honey?" Tanya jeered. "You got a tummy ache?"
  The blonde sauntered around behind Jane.  Then she kicked her in the
ass.  Jane fell on her face with a muffled cry.
  Tanya laughed out loud.  "Ready or not, here I come!" she shouted. 
She leaped into the air and landed with both knees on Jane's back.  Jane
screeched in pain.
  Tanya quickly straddled her.  She grabbed her under the chin with both
hands and pulled, bending her backwards.
  Jane whimpered and tried to break free.  Tanya pulled harder.  "I
could snap your spine," she said cheerfully.  "But then the fun would be
  She released Jane's chin. Jane's face smacked into the floor.
  Before Jane knew what was happening, Tanya rolled over onto her side
and wrapped her strong legs around Jane's body in a scissors-hold.  Then
Tanya started to squeeze.  Jane gasped in pain as Tanya's grip slowly
  "This is great exercise for the legs, honey," Tanya told her.  The
muscles in her thighs stood out like pythons as she increased the
crushing pressure.
  Jane started to howl as she struggled frantically.
  Tanya relaxed the pressure for a few seconds, then squeezed again,
harder than before.  Jane banged the ground with her fists.
  The blonde kept easing and tightening her grip until tears streamed
from Jane's eyes.
  Finally Tanya released the hold and sprang to her feet.  She looked
down at Jane's writhing body.  "Tsk, tsk.  Poor baby," she said with
mock sympathy.  "I bet that hurt."
  Tanya reached down and grabbed Jane's hair.  "Let me help you up," she
said as she yanked Jane to her feet.  Jane yelped in protest.
  Tanya flung her against the wall.  "Now it's time for your boxing
lesson, honey.  Put up your dukes.  Try and hit me."
  In desperation Jane raised her fists.  She took an awkward swing at
Tanya's head.
  Tanya shifted away easily.  "That was pathetic, honey," she sneered. 
"Try again."
  Jane threw another feeble punch that missed by a mile. Tanya shook her
head in disgust.  "Not like that, honey. Like this!"  Tanya hit her in
the face with a hard jab.  It staggered Jane.  Tanya gave her the jab
again.  "Get the idea?  Now let's work on your skinny little body, OK?"
  The big-breasted blonde tore into Jane's body with enthusiasm.   She
was good with her fists and liked to use them.  With every punch to the
ribs, sides, and midsection she yelled "Yeah!"
  The brunette whimpered in pain as the barrage of vicious blows racked
her torso.
  Tanya proceeded to bounce Jane's head against the wall with some fast
jabs.  "I hope you know a good plastic surgeon, honey," Tanya said as
she hit her.  "Because I'm gonna' rearrange your face."
  Left and right hooks knocked Jane's head from side to side.  Short
uppercuts bobbed her head up and down like a balloon on a string.  A
right cross crushed her nose.  Another right knocked out her teeth.
  Glassy-eyed, Jane started to slide down the wall.  Tanya stopped her
with a punch to the midsection.  Jane folded forward with a sobbing
  Tanya grasped Jane's head with both hands.  "Here's something special
to remember me by, honey," she purred.  Then she snapped a knee up into
Jane's face.  Hard.  It connected with a crunching sound.
  Jane let out a horrified wail.  She clasped her hands over her face. 
Blood spilled through her fingers.  She crumpled to the ground.
  Tanya stood over her victim with a satisfied smile.  She polished the
knuckles of her right hand with her left hand.  "Thanks for the workout,
honey.  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."
  Jane didn't answer.  She had passed out.
  The guys in the gym were cheering and laughing.
  Tanya flashed them a big smile and threw kisses.  Her eyes were lit up
with triumph.
  Stepping over Jane's body, she went over to Rock.  She slipped her
arms around his massive neck and pressed her body against him.  Her big
breasts mashed against his chest.
  She murmured, "How'd I do, big boy?  Not bad, eh?"
  "You've got potential," he kidded her.
  "Do I get a prize?" she asked suggestively.  She gave him a long,
lingering kiss.  When their lips parted she whispered, "I get hot after
a fight.  And I promised to fuck your brains out.  I always keep my
promises.  So let's go."
  They did.  And she did.

  Rock and Tanya got into Rock's red Jaguar and drove to his house in
Malibu.  It was a beautiful place on the beach with a spectacular view
of the ocean.
  Tanya didn't waste any time once they got into the house.  She closed
the door and ran into Rock's embrace.  His arms felt like iron around
  The first kiss started slowly.  Holding her head in his hands he
kissed her gently on the lips.  Then on the cheeks, the ears, and the
neck.  Then back to her lips.  Gradually he increased the passion of his
  Her hands tightened around his thick neck.  Urgency parted her lips
and they came hot and alive.  He explored her gums and teeth with his
tongue, then the inside of her mouth.  Her tongue searched for his
 "I want you now," she breathed.
 "Relax, baby," he told her.  "Let's take our time.  We've got all the
time in the world.  Let's take a shower first."
  Rock lifted her like a feather and carried her into the huge bathroom.
They could hear the waves pounding as he turned on the shower.
  Tanya tore off Rock's clothes.  When he stood naked she stepped back
and admired him with hot eyes.
  "Now it's my turn," she whispered.  She smiled at Rock as she put a
hand on the zipper of her dress.
  You could almost hear a drum roll.  Very slowly she unzipped the dress
and lowered it from her shoulders.
  Her breasts sprang free like they were glad to be liberated.  The
nipples were soft and delicious looking, like something ready to eat.
  Inch by inch she revealed her magnificent body until the dress was
lying at her feet.
  Rock's eyes feasted on her.  The sight was breath-taking.  Her naked
body was a masterpiece.
  Tanya let him look at her like that as long as it pleased him.  Her
smile got wider when she looked down at his enormous erection.  She
licked her lips.  A tremor of excitement made the muscles under her taut
stomach undulate.
  "I never dreamed a guy could be so big!" she exclaimed lustily.
  Rock assured her, "I guarantee you're gonna' like it, baby.  Most
women are afraid at first.  But don't worry.  I'll go slowly until you
get used to it.  It'll be the best fuck of your life."
  Under the warm spray of the shower, Tanya lathered Rock's body
lovingly all over.  Her soapy hands caressed every muscle.  When she
took hold of his phallus it filled both her hands.  It took her breath
away.  She ached with anticipation as she washed the long, thick shaft.
  Then Rock washed her with a soft sponge.  His expert hands slowly
worked over her entire body.  She moaned with desire.
  They dried each other slowly with large soft towels. Then they stood
and threw the towels on the floor. For a few moments they looked into
each other's eyes.
  Rock kissed her full red lips with relish.  He ran his fingers through
her thick soft hair.  His hands explored her body hungrily.  Her heavy
breasts filled his hands, the nipples hard under his fingers.
  He moved his mouth down over her neck and shoulders, then worked his
tongue over the curves of her bosom until finally he took a nipple in
his mouth.  She moaned with delight as he sucked and licked the tips of
her swelling breasts.  At the same time he fondled and caressed the
splendid contours of her hips and ass.
  Her hands were all over his muscular body.  She sighed with lust. 
Finally Tanya backed away, pushing her hands against his chest, her
breasts rising and falling with her rapid breathing.  She tossed her
long hair over her shoulder and dropped her heavy-lidded eyes.  "I want
to taste you," she murmured.
  Her mouth moved down over his brawny body, kissing and licking his
rock-hard pecs and ridged stomach, tracing the muscles with her tongue.
  Tanya got down on her knees and held his tremendous hard-on in both
  She placed her warm soft lips around the head of his thick cock.  It
barely fit in her mouth.  She nibbled on it, savoring it like a
delicious steak.  Her tongue ran down the length of his long shaft and
licked his balls.  Incredibly, his erection got even bigger.
  With her flicking tongue and suctioning lips and probing fingers, she
expertly worked on his cock and balls for what seemed like eternity. 
She taught him tricks he'd never seen before.
  Tanya opened her mouth wide and swallowed as much as she could of his
cock deep into her throat.  Her head moved back and forth as she sucked
ravenously on his organ.
  At the point they were both ready to explode, Rock lifted her up off
her knees.  Carrying her into the bedroom, he laid her gently on the
  They kissed deeply for a long time.  Then he turned her over on her
stomach. Skillfully he caressed and licked and kissed her body, down her
back, her ass, the back of her knees, and down to her feet.
  Rock talked to her as he gave her pleasure, telling her how beautiful
and soft she was.  He was enjoying it as much as she was.
  He lifted one leg at a time and caressed her calves as he sucked her
  Then he turned her over and moved up her entire body, back up to her
lips.  After more passionate kisses he moved down and kissed around her
breasts, gradually progressing to her hard and erect nipples.  Gently
licking and sucking and biting and kneading, he brought her to the edge
of orgasm.
  His hand worked its way down to her inner thighs, then up to the area
between her anus and pussy, and finally up to the lips of her vagina. 
She was dripping wet.
  Slowly his fingers probed her pussy and stroked her clit.  Her passion
became uncontrollable.  She came again and again.  She grabbed his rigid
dick urgently.  Her body was consumed with a furious craving.
  She gasped with pleasure as he eased the tip of his huge organ into
her.  Then he pulled it out and kissed her neck, her breasts and her
stomach.  Making her wait.
  "Give it to me!  I want your big cock!" she cried.
  "Don't worry, baby," he told her.  "You're going to get it real soon. 
You're gonna' get it long and hard.  And you're gonna' love it."
  He took her slowly.  Holding her head in his hands, he kissed her,
then looked into her eyes as he began his penetration.  Slowly and
deliberately he started his thrusts, gradually giving her another inch,
then another.
  She quivered with excitement.  Her hands clawed his back. He rocked
rhythmically in and out.  She clutched his ass and pulled him deeper
into her.  He stroked deeper and deeper until all 13 inches were buried
inside her.
  A shiver of ecstasy went from her head to her toes.
  He gave her a long, lingering kiss.
  Then Rock started doing push-ups, slowly.  His shaft slid up and down
inside her.  He could do a lot of push-ups.  After 100, she was
thrashing under him like a woman possessed.  After 200, she was bucking
like a wild animal. Sweat poured down her face.
  Rock stopped the push-ups.  She begged him not to stop.
  Pulling out of her, he held his cock in his hand and used the head to
rub her clitoris with a gentle, circular motion.  He put it back inside
her for a few seconds, lubricating the head in her moisture.  Then he
slid it back up to her clit, massaging her swollen mound again.  He went
back and forth like that a few times.  She was going wild.
  Finally he slid back inside her all the way.  He slowly rotated his
hips, grinding into her.  Her body writhed against his as her excitement
  After a while he turned her over.  He rubbed her ass with the head of
his cock.  Holding his cock in his hand, he entered her and churned it
around inside her vagina.  Then he slid the whole length into her.  Her
soft ass caressed his balls.  He held her hips with both hands as he
started to thrust.  She ground her ass against his crotch, slowly at
first, then with mounting passion.
  Next he lay on his back and moved her on top of him facing his legs.
She rocked on him like she was riding a wild bronco.
  Then Tanya spun around so that she was facing him.  Arching her back,
she reached behind her and played with his swollen balls.
  Then she bent forward.  Her breasts hung down and brushed over his
face.  He took them in his hands and licked and sucked her hard nipples.
  Without moving her hips, she squeezed her love muscles around his
throbbing member. She looked down at him with a knowing smile.  "Just
relax for a while, lover.  Let me show you what I can do."  Her vagina
demonstrated mind-blowing muscle control.  It felt like she was milking
a cow.  Rock had never experienced any pleasure like it before.
  Slowly, rhythmically, she started to rotate her hips.  Then she rose
up and down on his cock as she continued to move her hips. 
  Rock started pumping, slow and steady.  Tanya let out moans of
pleasure as her entire body began shaking with convulsions.  Gradually
their movements became more fierce until they were slamming full force
into each other.  Their bodies were wet with sweat.  She screamed in
ecstasy as she had a powerful orgasm, then another and another.
   Rock climaxed with an urgency he had never before experienced.  He
let out an animal roar as he lost himself in a tidal wave of orgasm.  It
lasted for what seemed like forever until they collapsed into each
other's arms, completely fulfilled.
  She smiled contentedly.  "I never imagined it could be so good," she
  Rock lay beside her and held her in his arms.  He kissed her.  Her
body melted against him, thigh to thigh, stomach against stomach.
  While returning his kisses, she lightly massaged his cock. It
stiffened again.
  "Oh my!" she exclaimed happily.

  They spent that day and the next together.  Making love and working
out in the private gym Rock had built in his house.
  When he asked Tanya where she learned to fight, she told him that she
grew up in a rough neighborhood.  Being a tomboy, she was always getting
into fights with her brothers.  She was a natural athlete and quickly
learned how to defend herself.
  Even as a little girl she had been intensely competitive in everything
she did.  She loved to win, especially in sports.  She was the only girl
that the boys would pick to be on their teams.
  The other girls made fun of her because she was a tomboy.  And the
boys ignored her.  Or at least they didn't treat her like a girl.
  Things changed when her figure started to mature.  One day she wore a
tight sweater to school and disrupted the classroom.  All the boys went
wild over her.  Suddenly they wanted to play a different kind of game
with her.
  Tanya loved the attention.  And she relished the competition with
other girls to win the affections of boys.  It was sweet revenge
stealing boyfriends from the girls who used to ridicule her.
  She had to fight a lot of jealous girls.  Her fighting skills came in
handy.  The more she fought, the better she got at it.  She started to
really enjoy kicking butt.
  In high school, she joined the gymnastics and swimming teams to build
up her body.  She won several state championships.
  As her body got stronger she kicked ass even harder when she got into
a fight.
  After graduation her obvious charms got her plenty of jobs as a model
for photographers.  Tanya was too voluptuous to be a fashion model, but
she was in demand to do advertising shots for everything from lingerie
to fitness equipment.
  Tanya never lost her taste for fighting.  Just for fun she worked
part-time as a mud wrestler and "foxy boxer".  But they fired her.  They
said she was too rough.  She beat up on the other girls so bad they were
afraid to fight her.
  "It was a rush while it lasted," said Tanya.  "I got to fight, even
though it was bullshit fighting.  You couldn't hurt anybody with those
huge boxing gloves they made us wear.  When I hit somebody I want them
to feel it all the way down to their toenails.  But it was still fun.  I
was the champion.  And there were all those guys watching and cheering
for me!"
  That gave Rock an idea.
  In the gym he laced a pair of boxing gloves on Tanya.
  Pointing to a heavy bag, he said, "Let's see what you can do."
  Her face lit up.  "Sure!" she said excitedly.
  Tanya went right to the heavy bag and attacked it with savage fury. 
Rock could see that she had lots of natural talent.  Her technique was
raw and unsophisticated, but she was fast and strong.  She pummeled the
bag with uninhibited joy.
  After a while she skipped over to him, still throwing punches into the
air.  Her face was luminous.  "How am I doing?" she chirped.
  Rock asked, "Would you be interested in professional female boxing?"
  She exclaimed, "You mean would I like to get in a ring and pound some
poor girl silly?  And get paid for it?  Are you kidding?  I'd absolutely
love it!"
  "I'll be your trainer and manager," Rock promised. "I'm going to turn
you into the best woman fighter in the world."
  "Yeah!  I can't wait!" shouted Tanya.  She skipped back to the heavy
bag and resumed beating the hell out of it.
  Rock said, "You can watch me tonight and get some pointers."

  Every Friday night Rock offered a prize of $5000 to any challenger who
could defeat him in the ring.  Plenty of fools took the bait, hungry for
the money.
  Each bout lasted until one of the fighters couldn't get up.  No
rounds, no referee.
  Rock's boxing gym was always full for the fights.  And it wasn't just
men. Rock had a small army of adoring female fans.  Beautiful women
always flocked around the handsome, muscular fighter, and there were a
lot of them in the crowd.
  Rock put on a good show for his customers.  He won all the fights by
knockouts.  But first he gave a spectacular display of muscle power.
  His challengers had to sign a release form relieving Rock of liability
for any injuries he might inflict on them.  They also had to have good
medical insurance.  They'd need it.
  Rock hired paramedics and an ambulance for each fight.  He kept them
busy.  After each fight they hauled away his battered opponent on a
  Rock climbed into the ring wearing a black robe.  He raised his arms
to acknowledge the shouts from the audience.
  Then he let the robe slide off his shoulders onto the canvas.  The
crowd gasped in unison as the light picked up his rippling slab-like
muscles.  Even for those who had seen him before, the sight of his
perfect physique was always awe-inspiring.
  Tanya was sitting ringside.  Rock looked down at her and gave a wink. 
She smiled back with excitement in her eyes.
  Tonight's first challenger was already in the ring.  His name was
Zeke.  When he removed his robe there was laughter from the audience. 
He was a thin guy with stringy muscles.  The $5000 prize-money must have
sounded good to him.  Maybe he thought he could win with a lucky punch.
  Rock flexed his pecs a few times, making them jump one after the
other.  The women in the audience went nuts.  The men were yelling too.
  Then Rock flexed both arms.  His biceps swelled to the size of
cannonballs.  The audience erupted in cheers.  They'd seen Rock in
action and knew what he could do with those muscles.  They clamored for
him to destroy his skinny opponent.
  Zeke was looking at Rock nervously.  Still flexing, Rock turned toward
him and smiled.  It was the smile of a panther eager to rip his prey to
  Zeke let out an involuntary groan. 
  Rock lowered his arms and threw a few wicked punches in Zeke's
direction.  Zeke flinched as if he felt the blows.  Rock's grin got
  Zeke should have crawled out of the ring and ran away fast.  But he
didn't.  It was the biggest mistake of his life.
  The bell rang to start the fight.  Rock moved to the center of the
ring and waited for his opponent.  He bounced lightly on his toes,
  Zeke came out cautiously.  They circled.  Zeke threw a punch.  Rock
brushed it away with contempt and flicked a jab into Zeke's face.  The
punch looked effortless, but it had enough power to knock Zeke back a
few steps.
  The spectators applauded and shouted.  "Go get him, Rock!  Give it to
  Again and again the skinny guy tried to hit Rock.  Each time Rock
knocked away Zeke's glove and responded with a sharp jab, snapping his
head back.  The poor guy tried to protect himself, but Rock punched
through his weak defenses with ease.
  Desperate, Zeke ventured in and threw a punch to Rock's stomach.  Rock
let Zeke's glove bounce harmlessly off his steel-hard abdomen.  Zeke
look confused.  He tried a few more punches to the midsection.  Rock
didn't even bother to block them.  He just laughed.
  Zeke realized he was in deep trouble.  He started to back away, but it
was too late.
  Rock stalked him with disdain, feinting and hitting him at will.
Keeping the punches light and fast.  Working out on the guy.  Having
 "These are just love pats," Rock taunted.  "Wait 'til I hit you hard."
  Rock continued to box Zeke's head around.  Using him for a human
punching bag.  Punishing him for getting into the ring.  Putting on a
show for the audience.
  The rowdy crowd was loving it, laughing and bellowing encouragement. 
"Yeah!  Hit him again!  Harder!"
  Zeke's face was swollen and bloody.  He was weaving like a drunk.
  Rock sneered at him, "Now I'm gonna' bring out the big guns.  How's
this feel?"
  Rock drove a left into Zeke's belly and bent him over. Then he
straightened him up with a right uppercut.
  There were "Oohs" and "Aahs" from the spectators.
  Zeke staggered backwards.  His eyes were wide with panic.
  Rock belted him in the face with a tremendous right.  The skinny guy
flew back across the ring and bounced off the ropes.  On the rebound
Rock caught him in the stomach with a right that lifted him off his
feet.  He held him like that for a while, Zeke's feet dangling and
twitching.  Then he lowered him, jerked out his glove and whipped it up
into Zeke's chin.  It connected with a loud crack.
  Zeke staggered back into the corner.
  Rock closed in on his victim.
  Zeke cowered in the corner, paralyzed with fear.  His swollen eyes
pleaded for mercy.  He raised his gloves to protect his face.
  Rock laughed.  He sank a right deep in Zeke's belly, pinning him to
the post.  Zeke let out a shuddering sob as he collapsed against Rock's
  Rock pounded his opponent's thin body with powerful punches.  The
muscles in his wedge-shaped back bunched and rippled as his big arms
pumped like pistons.
  The gym was filled with the sounds of Zeke's groans and the thuds of
leather slamming into skin and bone.
  Each blow shook Zeke's body from head to toe.  His ribs cracked like
chicken bones.
  Finally Rock stopped hitting him.  Tears were flowing down Zeke's
swollen cheeks.
 "Poor little cry-baby," Rock mocked him.  "Does it hurt?"
  Zeke blubbered, "Please don't hit me anymore.  Please...  don't..."
  Rock turned around and looked at the crowd.  "He doesn't want me to
hit him anymore," he called out.  "What do you think?"
  The men in the crowd were yelling for blood.  The women were squealing
with excitement.  Rock shrugged his meaty shoulders.  Smiling, he kissed
both of his biceps.  The yells and squeals got louder.
  Suddenly Rock spun around and hit Zeke with a brutal left hook.  He
continued pounding him with hooks, rights and lefts, jerking Zeke's head
from side to side.  When he stopped hitting him, Zeke's head kept
  An uppercut knocked the skinny guy into the air and nearly out of the
  Laying his left glove on Zeke's chest, Rock pressed him against the
post.  Zeke's head drooped down.  He was barely conscious.
  Rock put his right glove under Zeke's chin and lifted his head.  "Hey,
buddy! Look at me!" he commanded.
  Zeke peered at him with woozy eyes.
 "I'm gonna' put you out of your misery," Rock told him.  "With this...
"  He raised his right arm and flexed his biceps right in front of
Zeke's face.
  Fright widened Zeke's eyes as he gawked at the massive mound of
muscle.  Sad puppy noises rose from his throat.  His face looked like he
was staring straight into Hell.
  Rock held him propped against the post and cocked back his fist to
administer the finishing blow.
  Zeke started to babble incoherently.
  The crowd was going crazy.
  Rock let loose with a mighty right cross.  It nearly tore off Zeke's
  Zeke was out on his feet.  His face looked as if it had been caved in
with a battering ram.  Slowly he crumbled forward, his face hitting the
canvas.  His unconscious body quivered awhile before it stopped moving
  The crowd broke out in whoops and hollers.  Rock waved to his fans and
returned to his corner.
  Tanya was bouncing up and down in her seat, cheering for Rock.  She
blew him a big kiss.
  A couple of medics climbed into the ring.  Zeke didn't respond to
their attempts to revive him.  They put him onto a stretcher and carried
his limp body out of the ring.
  Rolling his head on his thick neck, Rock waited for the next

  Walking toward the ring was a guy that looked like an ugly gorilla. 
He was almost seven feet tall.  He was bigger and wider than Rock, but
he wasn't packed with muscle like Rock was.
  His name was Goliath.  He was fairly new in town but already had a bad
reputation as a mean son-of-a-bitch.  He had declared himself the
toughest man in the city and had broken a lot of bones to prove it.
  One of Rock's fans jumped in front of him and blocked his way, jeering
him.  Goliath hauled off and knocked him flat with one punch.  The crowd
booed angrily.
  Goliath laughed as he climbed into the ring.  He pointed at Rock. 
"You're next!" he yelled. "I'm gonna' mess you up, pretty boy!"
  Rock didn't look worried.
  The bell clanged.
  The giant came out like a locomotive, his right hand cocked.  He swung
at Rock's head.
  Quick as a cat on his feet, Rock stepped aside.  Goliath went past him
into the ropes.
  When Goliath turned around, Rock was right there, firing a machine-gun
burst of jabs into the big man's face.
  The crowd let out a loud cheer.
  Rock bounced lightly on his toes, sliding from side to side.
  Bellowing in fury, Goliath charged like a bull.  He threw a big right
hand, but Rock was gone.  Goliath looked bewildered.
  Rock hit him with a short right cross that was very sudden.  Goliath
shook it off, but you could see that it hurt him.
  Rock waited, bobbing and weaving.
  The giant heaved a bunch of punches.  All of them missed. He was
getting more and more angry.
  Rock hit him with snapping jabs that swelled his left eye. He sent the
giant's spittle flying with a sneaky right.  Then he threw a
combination: left hook to body, up to the jaw, right hand to the face,
the hook again.
 The crowd was going mad with delight.
 Goliath threw a wild overhead right.  Rock slid in under it and got in
a hard left-right to the ribs before Goliath was able to back off. 
There was a meaty thuck-thuck of sound as his fists landed like
  Goliath grunted explosively.  He had never been hit so hard. The cocky
grin was gone from his face.
  "You're not laughing now, are you?" Rock taunted.
  Goliath was visibly weakened.  He was pawing and pushing more than
  A looping left hook knocked out Goliath's mouthpiece.  A savage right
cross bashed into his mouth.  He spit out bloody teeth.
  His eyes glazed, Goliath groped his way into a clinch. Rock kept his
right hand free and brought it up into Goliath's chin several times. 
Goliath got in a punch to Rock's ribbed stomach, but it didn't faze him. 
He tried to hit Rock below the belt.  Rock avoided his glove and shoved
him off.
  Rock ripped into Goliath's body with three tremendous shots that
seemed hard enough to snap the spine.  Goliath's head dipped down. 
Rock's fist drove upward into his face, knocking him erect.
  The big man staggered, taking a step back to steady himself.  Blood
poured down his face from the flattened nose and dripped onto his chest. 
He looked at Rock in disbelief.
  To remove all doubt, Rock bashed him in the nose again with a straight
right.  A powerful left hook, then a right, knocked his head from side
to side.  Suddenly Goliath's eyes got scary.  His broken jaw was hanging
from the hinges.
  The crowd came to its feet, shrieking and screaming for their muscular
  Rock stormed in, shaking his opponent with enormous reverberating
blows.  Goliath stood wavering on rubber legs as Rock's punches blasted
his head and body.
  Rock paused and sneered at his battered opponent.   "Party's over,
pal.  It's time to put out your lights."  He wound up and smashed a
ferocious right into Goliath's face.
  The giant took two short, faltering steps, then toppled straight
backwards, landing with a thump that seemed to shake the ring.  His head
bounced on the canvas.  His legs shuddered.
  Rock raised his arms in triumph.
  Goliath was out stone cold.
  A jubilant roar went up from the crowd.
  Squealing young women quickly surrounded Rock as he climbed out of the
ring.  They competed for his attention shamelessly.  Females had always
swarmed around him like bees around honey.
  But this time was different.  Tanya was there.

  The others girls were disappointed when Rock told them he was with
Tanya.  They couldn't understand why Tanya wouldn't share. They knew
Rock always took several groupies home with him after a fight.  His
sexual prowess was legendary.
  When some of them were too persistent, Tanya was only too glad to
knock some sense into them.  She invited them outside.
  Once outside the gym, a huge female named Sally stepped up to Tanya
and challenged her. 
  A crowd gathered to watch the fight.  Tanya stood in front of the
hulking woman with her arms spread out.  "Come and get me, bitch!"
  Sally charged at Tanya.  Tanya stepped aside and stuck out her foot. 
The big woman tripped and fell on her face.
  The onlookers laughed.
  The hulk jumped to her feet and came at Tanya again.  Tanya caught her
arm and swung her head-first into a wall.  Sally's skull hit the hard
brick with a loud crack.
  Still holding her arm, Tanya pivoted and threw Sally over her
shoulder.  Sally landed on the ground with a crash.
  Dazed and bewildered, the bulky woman got to her feet again.  Tanya
immediately whopped her on the side of the head with a beautiful spin
kick.  Sally went on her ass.  By the time she was half way up, Tanya's
fist was kissing her left eye.  Then Tanya hit her chin with a slashing
  Sally went down once more.  This time she had a hard time getting up. 
When she did Tanya was on her like a wildcat, hitting her in the stomach
about ten times in a couple of seconds.  The woman leaned forward and
Tanya smashed her face with a head butt.  Then Tanya got her in a
headlock and proceeded to punch her in the face again and again until
she was a bloody mess.
  With her arm still around Sally's neck, Tanya turned, dropped to one
knee, and flipped the big woman over her shoulder.  Sally's body hit the
ground with a fruity thud.
  Tanya quickly got her in a torturous wrestling hold, twisting her body
around like a pretzel.  Sally struggled helplessly.  Tanya increased the
pressure until her opponent's bones cracked and popped.  Sally screamed
in pain.
  Tanya released her.  Sally could barely move.  Tanya brought her
clasped hands down onto Sally's face like a sledgehammer.
  Sally's body jerked and went still.
  Tanya wiped her bloody hands on her victim's blouse and stood up.  She
was smiling from ear to ear.
  Looking at the other women she asked, "Who's next?"
  They turned tail and ran away in terror.
  When Rock and Tanya got home she fucked even more passionately than

  Tanya and Rock spent all their time together.  Rock was fascinated
with her like he had been with no other woman.
  Everywhere they went Tanya turned heads with her outrageous beauty. 
It was fun watching how people reacted.  A hush fell over any room she
entered.  All eyes were on her.  She caused traffic accidents just
walking down the street.
  Tanya was the only woman Rock had ever met who could match his sexual
stamina.  She was strong enough that he could let go and fuck with all
his strength without fear of hurting her.  She was by far the most
inventive and imaginative lover he'd ever known.  Her gymnastics
training gave her great flexibility and she was could do incredible
contortions with her body.
  They totally satisfied each other's voracious sexual appetites.  Their
lovemaking got so wild that Rock had to soundproof his bedroom because
the neighbors were complaining about the noise.
  Tanya was totally uninhibited and insatiable.  And she couldn't get
enough of Rock's superb body and cock.  Sometimes during their workouts
she'd lose control.  She'd kneel in front of him, pull down his shorts
and start sucking him off while he was still lifting weights.
  After her first boxing lesson Tanya was hooked.  "I want to be the
best!" she told Rock.  "Teach me everything!"
  She immediately went into serious training.  She was an eager student
and a fast learner.  And she liked to hit.
  Rock taught her how to avoid punches, so that nobody would mess up
that pretty face.  She learned how to put her whole body behind a punch
and how to give her punches the snap and power of karate punches.  He
showed her feints and combinations and ring strategy.
  Tanya asked him to teach her where to hit to inflict maximum damage. 
She wanted to destroy her opponents, not just knock them out.  She was a
girl after his own heart.
  Rock had never seen such determination and endurance.  She worked on
the heavy bag and the speed bag for hours.  She religiously followed the
special weight-training program that Rock developed for her.  Her
muscles responded quickly to the intense split-routine of supersets. 
They worked out together, pushing each other to the edge, reaching for
those last few reps until their muscles screamed with acid.
  Every day she did hundreds of ab crunches and leg-raises.  Rock
pounded a medicine ball into her belly until her midsection was punch-
  They ran long miles together on the beach.  Sunbathers gawked at them
as they ran, her large breasts bobbing and his muscles rippling.
  She jumped rope and swam endless laps.
  And still had enough energy to fuck like a rabbit.
  Her body was becoming a lean, mean fighting machine.
  Tanya was overjoyed when Rock made arrangements for her first bout.
  Rock hired some female sparring partners for Tanya.  The poor girls
got a lot more than they bargained for.  Tanya was ferocious in the
ring.  With her upper body strength, her punches sounded like an ax
chopping into a wet log.  She was an artist in the ring, inventing
wicked combinations.  She used her partners as guinea pigs, taking her
time to observe the effects of her punches.
  Tanya got a real charge out of sparring.  She couldn't get enough of
it.  "It feels good to beat up on somebody," she gushed.  "The brutality
is a rush!"
  She put all of her sparring partners into the hospital.
  She was ready.
  But she needed something really big to get the public's attention.
  Rock got an idea for a sensational publicity stunt.  He invited the
press to watch Tanya spar -- with a man.

  On the day of the sparring match the gym was filled with newspaper and
television reporters.  There was a circus atmosphere about the whole
  Tanya's opponent was named "Butch".  He thought this would be a piece
of cake, even though Rock had warned him that Tanya was dangerous.  He
refused the mouthpiece Rock offered him.  He joked around with his
buddies in the audience until the bell rang.
  Butch met Tanya in the center of the ring and tapped gloves with her. 
He snorted derisively.  His leering eyes were glued to her fabulous
  "Nice tits, baby," he snickered.
  "Glad you like them," said Tanya.  "How do you like this?" Her right
hand flashed out and landed flush on the point of his chin.  It came too
fast to block.  Butch retreated in confusion.
  The spectators were shocked into silence.
  Tanya pursued Butch and used the jab deftly, keeping it in his face
and forcing him backwards.
  Butch threw a sloppy right, but it was high over Tanya's shoulder. 
She landed a clean, straight left alongside his nose.  A smashing right
hand to the heart knocked the starch out of him.
  He tried an uppercut.  Tanya blocked it and countered with a shot to
the gut.  Butch gasped and tried to slither away.  Tanya wouldn't let
him.  In a blur of speed, Tanya ripped a right hook to his body and
brought it up to the head and sent him backpedaling.
  Tanya followed with confidence.  She caught Butch with a thought-
shattering hook to the jaw.  He backed away as she chased him, showering
him with hard jabs and harder hooks.  He tried to answer her blows, but
only succeeded in getting hit some more.
  The crowd in the gym was jeering and laughing at him.
  Tanya was handling him like a baby.  He tried to play for time in a
clinch, but Tanya punched him four fast times in the body.  Butch winced
in agony and sank to one knee.  When he got up Tanya tagged him with a
sizzling left hook.  He staggered back and sat abruptly on the ground.
  Butch looked up blearily at Tanya.  His mouth and nose were bleeding,
and most of his teeth were gone.
  The sexy blonde moved in lazy circles, making faces, defying him to
get up.
  He slowly got to his feet.  Tanya was on him immediately, hitting him
three times in a fraction of a second -- once in the face and twice in
the solar plexus.  Perspiration sprayed as he took a hard left to the
head.  A roundhouse right crashed into his face, splattering blood
  Butch fell over on his back.  He lay there, his bells still ringing,
trying to get his eyes to focus.  Tanya waited.  She spoke to him
pleasantly. "You gonna' let a girl beat you?  Get up, sissy.  I'm not
done with you yet."
  He still did't get up.  Tanya taunted him mercilessly,  "Come on!  I'm
gonna give you some more of this."  She waved her glove in front of his
face.  Fear flickered in his eyes.
  Tanya laughed at him.  "What's wrong, little boy?  Scared?  Afraid of
a girl?  Get up, little chicken boy!"
  Pushing himself up slowly, Butch got his knees under him.  Then his
feet.  Then he stood. He could hardly lift his hands.  His woozy eyes
were almost swollen shut.
  "Can't take it, eh?" Tanya mocked him. "I'm gonna' finish you off now. 
You won't be getting up this time."
  The blonde proceeded to hit Butch with every punch in the book. The
poor guy took a nonstop barrage of blows to the skull. It was truly a
skillful display.
  Tanya polished him off with a beautiful right cross.
  Butch fell like a bag of wet laundry.  He went down hard, his head
bobbing on the sweaty canvas, his arms splayed and his feet in the air. 
He was out for the 10-count and many more.
  At first the audience was too amazed to make a sound.  Then they broke
out in a rousing cheer.
  This girl was dynamite!  They had a great story.

  When Tanya and Rock got back to her dressing room, Tanya locked the
door.  She immediately removed her boxing gloves and started to strip
off her clothes.  She pulled the tank top over her head and tossed it
into the corner.  She pushed the shorts down her legs and kicked them
  She unclasped her hair.  It came cascading down over her shoulders.
  "I want to celebrate right here!" she cried with a mischievous grin.
  With a little laugh, Tanya crossed the small space between them and
rubbed her bare breasts against his chest.  Rock crushed her to him. 
She closed her eyes and drank in his fierce, hot kisses with all the
abandon of passionate thirst.  Rock cupped her big breasts in his hands. 
His tongue moved down, licking her nipples, then moving lower over her
stomach.  He knelt down and licked her inner thigh.  Placing his hand
under her panties, he slipped them down her legs. Then he moved up
again, licking her navel.  His hands kneaded her breasts.  He bit the
nipples gently.  She cried out with pleasure.  Then he moved up to her
lips and kissed her.
  Tanya's nude body pressed hard against Rock.  Circling his neck with
her arms, she kissed him with wild abandon.  Eagerly she unbuckled his
belt, unzipped his pants, and pushed them down over his hips.
  His huge cock sprang free, ready for action. 
  She reached between his legs and grabbed him.
  "I want you now," she said in a husky voice, her breath coming fast
  Rock's hands encircled her narrow waist, then moved down and cupped
her luscious buns.  He lifted her easily and her legs flashed up and
wrapped about his middle.
  Slowly he lowered her onto his huge member, inch by inch. She gyrated
wildly and pleaded for all of it.  When she had it all, she cried with
joy.  She ground her hips against him with lustful desire.  Her whole
body shivered violently with pleasure.  Her legs linked tightly about
him, she thrust her arms above her head as she leaned completely away
from him, her body twisting from the waist up, head back and her long
blonde hair brushing the floor.
  With his cock still inside her, Rock lowered her gently onto the
training table.   He pulled out of her and placed a pillow under her
ass.  Then Tanya guided his steel-hard shaft back into her moistness. 
She leaned back on her elbows.  Wiggling her hips lasciviously, she
inched her way down his long, swollen dick until its entire length was
stuffed deep inside her.  She let out a moaning cry.
   Standing next to the table, Rock placed her legs over his big
shoulders.  Her body was fluid and demanding.  Rock stroked her slowly
at first, varying the depth and force of his strokes.  Rocking and
rolling his pelvis.  Then continuing with increasingly powerful thrusts
until he was fucking her like a pile driver.  Her breath came in panting
gasps.  They heaved with uncontrolled passion.  She wept in pleasure as
spasm after spasm shook her body.  Her back arched and her body
stiffened suddenly.  Rock exploded inside her with long, hot spurts. 
They came together in a mind-shattering orgasm.  Her orgasms kept
pulsating in waves and she thought she was going to pass out from sheer
  She had one last shuddering orgasm, then lay exhausted.

  For her first professional match Tanya's opponent was a tough redhead
named "Red".  She had won most of her fights.  She was big and beefy,
but she had let herself get out of shape.
  "I'm gonna' knock a few pounds off that flabby body," Tanya promised
Rock as they entered the arena.
  In the ring Red was waiting for Tanya, throwing punches at an
invisible opponent.
  There was a commotion in the crowd when the blonde beauty stepped into
the ring.  She was dressed in a white floor-length robe.  She spun in a
circle while removing the robe, revealing a pair of skin-tight white
shorts and a white midriff tank top that barely restrained her heavy
  The crowd whistled and yelled lustily.  They had never seen such a
gorgeous babe in a boxing ring.
  But could she fight?
  Red glowered at Tanya.  She was going to teach this rookie a lesson.
  Tanya shadowboxed in her corner, moving with a lot of confidence.
  The two fighters met in the middle of the ring and faced each other as
they received instructions from the referee. Then they tapped gloves and
went back to their corners.
  The bell rang and the arena went black, leaving only the ring bathed
in the stark light of the overhead lights.
  Tanya shot out of her corner and danced to the center of the ring.
  Red came out smokin'.  She heaved two big right hands. Tanya took them
on the gloves.  Cool and easy.
  The redhead threw another punch at Tanya's head.  Tanya deflected it
and popped Red in the face with a jab.
  Red looked surprised.  Tanya laughed, skipping from side to side
  Fuming, the redhead lunged with wide swinging punches that hit only
air.  Tanya zipped and darted, stinging her with jabs.
  The crowd came alive, hooting and crying its approval.
  The jabs kept landing.  And Tanya kept moving.  She stepped easily
away from Red's wild hooks, dancing and making her opponent feel
foolish.  All the time she was taunting, "Come on, fatso.  Come and get
  The redhead stepped forward.  Tanya clipped her on the jaw with a
short left hook, then lifted her chin with a right uppercut.  Red
staggered back, woozy.
  The blonde snaked in and dug both fists into Red's soft belly.  The
air came out of Red's lungs with a wheezing sound.  Tanya laughed
harshly and dodged around Red, sneaking another punch into her wide
  Red let out a bleat of torment.
  The crowd ate it up.
  Red wasn't smokin' now.  She was fizzling fast.  She swung a slow,
heavy right hand at Tanya.  Tanya ducked under it, knocked the wind out
of her with two sharp blows to the ribcage, then went deep to the belly
with three terrific shots.
  Almost doubled over with pain, the redhead clinched.  Tanya kept her
right hand free and pounded her opponent in the belly again and again.
"How's that feel?" she asked contemptuously.  Red's eyes watered as she
clawed for breath.
  The referee pried them apart and Tanya came back fast, digging into
the body again with hard punches.
  Red jackknifed, grunting sickly, and slowly went down to both knees. 
She held her midsection in agony and gulped in air.
  A smile of pure malice on her face, Tanya bounced on her toes as her
opponent got to her feet.
  The blonde rushed in and began sticking Red with some good, stiff
jabs, bapping her head back and forth like a speed bag.   Then she
wobbled her with a combination: hook, uppercut, hook.
  Tanya could hit Red anytime she felt like it.  And Red knew it, too. 
Tanya was having fun, clowning for the audience.
  The crowd was loving it.
  Strutting casually in a circle around Red, Tanya looked at her with
disdain.  She stopped and went into her stance, taunting Red with an
evil smile.  She hit her a few times, then circled again, waiting for
the bells in Red's head to stop ringing before she nailed her again.
  Tanya was in complete control.  She lowered her hands to her sides,
sticking her tongue out and daring Red to hit her.
  Red threw a couple of tentative jabs and then a right uppercut that
missed by a mile.
  Tanya leapt with a looping right hand that caught Red behind the ear
and backed her up.  Tanya followed with double uppercuts.  The redhead
covered up, hands clamped to her face, but she couldn't stop the wicked
shots Tanya was taking.  She tried to hang on by tying the blonde up
whenever she could, but every time she clinched, Tanya hurt her with
some more body shots before the ref broke them apart.
  Tanya maneuvered the redhead into the ropes and leaned on her, working
inside to the body. The crowd cheered wildly as the buxom beauty drove
punch after punch into the redhead's midsection.  Red hung helplessly on
the ropes, absorbing the blows.
  The fans leaped up and thundered with excitement.
  Tanya rocked her opponent with more punches until the end the round. 
At the bell Tanya finished her with a good right to the jaw.  She
stepped back reluctantly.
  Red slithered to the canvas like a deflated balloon.   She collapsed
onto her face as the crowd exploded into applause.  She tried to get up,
then sank helplessly to the canvas.
  Tanya let out a mocking laugh.  "See you in a minute," she cooed.
  Mighty roars engulfed the house.
  Tanya gave a little bow to the audience and strutted to her corner. 
She wasn't even breathing hard.
  The crowd sat back down, buzzing excitedly.
  Tanya beamed as Rock pried out her mouthpiece and washed it.  "That
was so great!" she cried with joy.  "What a rush!  I love it!"
  Tanya watched intently as her groggy opponent gained her feet and
stumbled to her corner, hugging her aching belly.
  "I knocked a few pounds off her, didn't I?" Tanya joked.
  Rock chuckled as he rubbed her back muscles.  He started to wipe off
the blood that was splattered on her white outfit, but she stopped him. 
"I like it," she said.
  Red was slumped forward on her stool.  Sweat poured off her back and
her chest heaved like a bellows.  The redhead's trainer chattered away
nervously as he wiped Vaseline above and below her eyes.  Her right eye
was badly swollen.  She tried to shake the cobwebs out of her head.

  The house lights dimmed and the bell rang for the second round.
  The fighters rose from their stools.  Immediately Tanya dashed to the
center of the ring and waited for her opponent.  Red came out of her
corner hesitantly, her eyes afraid.  Tanya was on her in a flash. 
"Hello," she said playfully as she snapped Red's head back with a jab. 
"Come on, ugly.  I'm gonna' scramble your brain."
  Tanya smashed an uppercut through Red's gloves, then another.  Red
tried to hold, but Tanya pushed her and went underneath, sinking punches
into her stomach.  Red bent almost double in pain and Tanya hooked both
hands to the face.
  The redhead began to spurt blood.  She put her hands up and Tanya hit
her again.  She angled away, her eyes bleary, and Tanya ripped a brutal
hook to her midsection.  Red's hands fell and Tanya dropped her with a
right cross to the jaw.  The force of the blow caused Red to roll back
on her shoulders as she hit the canvas.
  An uproarious cheer went up from the audience as they jumped up from
their seats.
  "Get up!" Tanya yelled at her fallen opponent.  "Get up, bitch!"
  Red awkwardly got to her feet and took the mandatory eight count.
  The ref motioned for them to resume fighting.
  Tanya faked low.  Red's guard came down to protect her aching stomach. 
Tanya slugged her with a lightning-fast hook to the jaw.  Red lurched
away, her legs skittering under her.   Tanya gave her the lift hook
again, harder.  It knocked Red sideways and she went down again,
scrabbling away from Tanya as he landed.
  The ref started his count again.  Red didn't want to get up.  The
crowd booed loudly.  She reluctantly struggled to her feet.
  Tanya threw some feints.  Red cringed like a frightened puppy.
  The blonde laughed and went after Red with no mercy.  She was all over
her opponent.  Her straight right lead was a razor, her left hook seared
the air.  She kept firing quicker and sharper punches.
  Red backed away, waving both hands feebly in front of her. Blood ran
down her face and the front of her shirt was covered with it.
  The rabid crowd yelled for Tanya to finish her off.  Tanya paused and
looked at the crowd with a smile.  She whirled her arm around like a
windmill, throwing the stands into a frenzy.
  Then she brought a bolo punch up from the ground into Red's chin,
lifting her into the air.  Red flipped over backwards and rolled.  Her
body twitched and shook.  After a final violent convulsion, it went
  Tanya stood over her in victory.
  The referee started a count, then waved his arms across the body.  He
raised Tanya's arm overhead.
  The fight was over.
  Tanya threw her arms into the air with joy.
  The crowd roared with wild applause.  They had witnessed the birth of
a new superstar.

  Tanya won all her fights.  She dominated every round, pulverizing her
opponents.  And she always put on a great show.
  This voluptuous beauty in boxing gloves captured the fans'
imagination.  She quickly won over even the hard-core fans with her
ferocity and aggressive style. Her fights had more action than the
males' bouts.  She was the first woman boxer to be taken seriously for
her considerable skills in the ring.
  And she also knocked the media for a loop.  They adored Tanya.  She
was glamorous and sexy and flamboyant.  She was the only female boxer to
have received any real media attention for her art.  She was profiled on
television news programs, in newspapers, and in all kinds of magazines.
  Her fights were a hot attraction on pay-per-view.  She loved to watch
her fights on videotape.  She became a popular guest on TV talk shows. 
They showed highlights from her fights in slow motion.  And she'd
cheerfully provide graphic commentary on the action.
  Attendance at her fights jumped dramatically with all the publicity.
  Tanya developed a phenomenal presence both in and out of the ring. 
She had an exultant pride in her prowess, and her enthusiasm was
contagious.  Audiences loved her playful style and flair.  After her
fights, she was always surrounded by a crush of autograph-seeking fans.
  "It's funny," said Tanya.  "They see me beat people up and they treat
me like I'm something wonderful."
  The bosomy blonde became an expert at psyching out her opponents.  She
flaunted her body and insulted them before and during their bouts.  She
even flirted with their trainers.  The poor guys would pay more
attention to Tanya than to their own fighters.
  Tanya's opponents were invariably furious with humiliation and
jealousy by the time they got into the ring.  And Tanya continued to
taunt and goad them as she demolished them with her fists.
  "My strategy," she explained, "is to mess with their minds before I
mess up their bodies."
  Her fights were always exciting and dramatically violent.  Tanya gave
the audience their money's worth.  She banged up her opponents real good
before she punched their lights out.  She sent most of her opponents to
the emergency room.
  "My job is to beat anyone they put in front of me," she declared.  "I
love my work.  I'm very thorough.  I don't stop until the enemy is
utterly, totally destroyed."
  The media called her "Terrible" Tanya.  They dubbed her with flashy
nicknames: "The Knock-out Beauty".  "The Blonde Bombshell of Boxing". 
"The Foxy Fighting Machine."  "The Sex Symbol of Slaughter".
  They loved her bravura performances in the ring and at press
conferences.  She always had something colorful or controversial to say
about her opponents:
  "I hope she's got good medical insurance, because she's not gonna' be
sleeping in her own bed tonight."
  "I'll beat her till she cries for her momma.  But her momma ain't
gonna' be there to help her."
  "I hope she's got her grave site picked out.  She's gonna' need it."
  "I'm gonna' pound her into jelly and splatter her brains all over the
ring.  They'll have to scrape her off the canvas like dogshit."
   Tanya loved to generate publicity.  Some purists criticized her for
mixing sex with boxing.
  "What's wrong with using a little sex appeal?" she responded.  "It
brings in lots of customers.  If they see some good action, they'll come
back for more.  And, baby, I show them lots of action."

  Tanya was always ready to rumble.
  She loved to brawl outside of the ring, no holds barred.  "I like
animalistic, no morals fighting," she said.  "You get to reshape
people's skeletons."
  She liked to go to a dance club in a sexy outfit and create a
sensation.  She was an excellent dancer and her wild gyrations on the
dance floor would give every guy in the place a hard-on.  More often
than not she ended up in a fight with a jealous girlfriend.  Or an
unsuspecting woman would start flirting with Rock.  Tanya would invite
the girl outside and kick her ass all over the parking lot in front of
an enthusiastic crowd.
  The press started asking questions about Tanya's reputation as a
street fighter.  She just smiled and replied, "It's not my fault.  Some
women get jealous of me.  I don't know why."  She shrugged innocently. 
"They want to fight.  I have to defend myself.  I always give them the
first punch.  But the rest of the punches are mine."  She chuckled.  "Of
course in a street fight, there aren't any rules.  Anything goes.  So I
can be more uninhibited, if you know what I mean."
  Rock got in on the action, too.  He'd let a guy start making moves on
Tanya, then tell him to buzz off.  Rock liked to wear bulky sweatshirts
so the guy wouldn't know what he was getting into.  Once he lured the
guy outside Rock would give him a shock by pulling off the sweatshirt
and letting him see his massive physique.  Then he'd proceed to use
those powerful muscles on the poor slob. 
  One evening Rock and Tanya had to fight to save their lives.  They
were walking to Tanya's apartment after a long workout at the gym. They
took a shortcut through an alley.
  Two mangy-looking punks emerged from behind an old dumpster.  One of
them was big and fat and had mean little eyes.  He held a pipe in his
hand.  The other was skinny and wielded a nasty-looking knife.
  "Give us your money," the big guy shouted.  "Or you die.  The bitch,
  Rock smiled at them.
  They looked at each other, puzzled.
  Rock peeled off his shirt.  He always loved to watch the expression on
punks' faces when they first saw his physique.  Their faces went slack,
their eyes wide.
  "Holy shit!" cried the little guy.  "Look at the muscles on this guy!"
  "Shut up and get him!" barked his partner.
  "You get him," yelled his partner.
  "Come on, boys," Rock dared them.  "Let's party!"
  The fat guy lunged at Rock with the knife.  Moving with spring-steel
quickness Rock whipped out his shirt and tangled up the guy's arm.
  Then Rock seized the guy's wrist and jerked his arm out of its socket
with a loud pop.
  The guy let out a sharp cry of pain.  He dropped the knife and
staggered back.  His arm dangled useless at his side.  Rock shoved him
back against the dumpster and drove a fist deep into his belly.  The
guy's eyes bulged nearly out of their sockets.   He fell against Rock
with the fist still embedded in his gut.  There was a big dent in the
dumpster behind him.
  Tanya saw the skinny guy starting to sneak up behind Rock, ready to
bring the pipe down on his head.   Springing into action she caught his
wrist and squeezed it in a crushing grip.  The punk dropped the pipe. 
He looked at her in pain and confusion.
  She grasped the punk's elbow with her other hand and smashed the poor
guy's forearm down on her rising knee.  The sickening crack echoed off
the walls of the alley.  The punk screeched in agony.
  Tanya delivered a kick to his chest that propelled him backward into
the garbage cans.  The punk retched helplessly as his face dropped into
the stinking garbage on the ground, the cans clattering noisily around
  Meanwhile Rock was still working on the fat mugger.  Turning his back
to the guy, he rammed his elbow back into his chest, caving it in with a
  Then Rock put the crook of his arm under the punk's chin and flexed,
squeezing the guy's throat between his swelling biceps and forearm like
in a giant nut-cracker.  The fat man let out a strangled gasp.  He
frantically tried to pry Rock's arm loose, but it just kept tightening
like a vise.  He choked and whimpered.  Rock gave one final squeeze. 
The man made a gurgling sound and clutched at his crushed throat.  His
eyes rolled back.  He went limp.  Rock let him drop to the ground. 
  The skinny punk had been watching.  His face was contorted with
horror.  Rock walked towards him.  "Now it's your turn," he told him.
  Desperately the punk tried to crawl over to the knife.
  Tanya kicked the knife away.  "Let me have him," she told Rock.  She
lifted the guy up by the collar and hit him hard in the stomach.  His
belly was flabby. It got softer every time Tanya hit it.  She hit it
often.  With each punch her fists plunged deeper and deeper; the punk's
groans got louder and louder.
  She stepped back and hit him with a powerful hook to the jaw that
shattered teeth and bone. 
  Tanya gripped him by the seat of his pants and the back of his collar. 
She lifted him up over her head.
  The punk squirmed frantically and screamed, "No! No! Please! No!"
  Tanya brought him down over her knee, breaking his back like a rotten
  The skinny guy's body went slack.  Tanya took his head in his hands
and gave a violent twist.  There was a loud snap.  She let go of him and
the punk pitched onto his face without a sound, his head lolling on a
broken neck.
  Rock picked up the lifeless body and tossed it into the dumpster like
a sack of garbage.  Then he threw in the fat boy to join his pal.
  Tanya gave him a busty hug. Then a long kiss.
  "We make a great team," she cooed.  "How can we celebrate?" she asked
  Smiling, she kneeled and unzipped his pants.

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2016, 09:48:59 pm »
Tanya & Rock (Cont.)

  The defending female champ was named Fran Torres.  She was tough and
experienced -- with a reputation for hurting her opponents.  A big
woman, she had a good punch and could take a punch, too.  Undefeated,
Fran had reigned as champion for a long time.  She didn't think any
woman on earth could beat her.  But she hadn't met Tanya yet.
  Fran had a cocky attitude and a big mouth.  She had been making
insulting remarks about Tanya to the press ever since Tanya started
boxing.  She called her a bimbo who was lucky to win her fights.
  Before the title fight Tanya and Fran engaged in a heated battle of
words in the media.
  "She's just a beauty queen," said Fran.  "I'll knock her crown off."
  Tanya replied, "She's jealous because she's so ugly.  She'll look a
lot worse when I'm done with her."
  Fran said scornfully, "She doesn't have a chance.  I've got more
experience than any other female boxer."
  Tanya taunted, "She's old and slow.  I'm gonna' put her into permanent
  At the pre-fight press conference the verbal sparring continued.  Fran
was upset that the photographers were giving Tanya all their attention. 
Tanya wore a pair of skin-tight shorts and a low-cut tank top.  Around
her neck was a thin necklace with a small gold boxing glove attached to
it.  On the tank-top was printed "THE REAL CHAMP".
  Fran scoffed. "I'll bust her up," she boasted.
  Tanya stuck out her impressive chest.  "If there's any bustin' around
here, I'll be the one doing it," she joked. The reporters laughed and
flashed more photos.
  "She's all tits and ass," complained Fran.  "She should be ashamed of
  Tanya's retorted, "I've never had any complaints about my body.  She's
the one who should be ashamed.  I bet no man ever looked twice at her. 
She's so flat-breasted she looks like a chicken.  Maybe a good plastic
surgeon could give her some of what she doesn't have."
  Fran snapped, "I'm gonna' make her suffer.  She'll be sorry she got in
the ring with me."
  Tanya pretended to mop her brow.  "It sure is warm in here.  It must
be all that hot air coming from the old woman.  Would you boys mind if I
take off my top so I can cool down?" she asked the press.
  They all shouted encouragement.
  The buxom blonde started to pull off her tank top.  The flashbulbs
popped wildly.  Then she stopped and pouted. "I just remembered that I'm
not wearing a bra," she said.  "Will that bother you boys?"
  "No!  No!" they yelled.  "Take it off!"
  Tanya started to pull the top off again, then stopped again.  "I
better not take it off, boys.  This might be on national TV."
  The guys groaned.
  "Are you disappointed?" she teased.  "Maybe next time."
  The guys made hopeful noises.
  Tanya giggled.  "I will show you these," she said as she flexed her
impressive biceps.  The reporters whistled appreciatively. 
  Tanya saw a trace of fear in Fran's eyes.  She smiled.
  "I'm much stronger than anybody she's ever fought before," said Tanya. 
"I'm gonna' hit her so hard it's going to blow her mind.  I'm gonna'
rock her world like an earthquake.  My punches are gonna' give her
nightmares for the rest of her miserable life." 
  Tanya blew a kiss at Fran and laughed.  The reporters laughed, too.
  "Do you want to hear my prediction for the fight?" she asked.
  The guys yelled "Yes!"
  "OK, here it is," she said. "The champ is a chump!  I'll knock Frannie
on her fanny.  You're gonna' get two knockouts for the price of one. 
Here's a little poem I wrote about the fight:
     "With bunches of punches I'll hit the old witch.
      Her face will be bloody; her body will twitch.
      She'll wish she was dead; I'll have lots of fun.
      She'll be on the canvas at the end of Round One.

      Saved by the bell, she'll step into hell.
      I'll beat her to pieces; I'll punch out her lights.
      A second round knockout will finish the fight."
  The press laughed and clapped.
  Fran was furious.  Tanya turned to her and said sweetly, "You want to
run home to your momma'?  This is your last chance."
  Fran couldn't control her rage.  She tried to take a swing at the
beautiful blonde, but her handlers restrained her.
  Tanya smiled calmly.  "Don't be in such a hurry, honey," she
cautioned.  "You should enjoy your health while you can."

  On the night of the championship bout, the arena was sold out.  It was
the largest attendance in the history of boxing.  The place was packed
with celebrities.
  The crowd was tense with expectation.
  There was a ripple in the back of the auditorium and thunderous
applause broke out as Tanya came prancing down the aisle like a frisky
filly.  She was dressed regally in a bright yellow robe.  Her boxing
gloves were the same color.  She threw punches into the air as she moved
through the screaming crowd.
  Thousands of spectators chanted her name.  The chant shook the
auditorium: "TAN-YA! TAN-YA! TAN-YA! TAN-YA!"
  The volume of the cheering increased as Tanya parted the ropes and
stepped into the ring.  She flashed a smile and waved at her fans.  They
gave her a raucous standing ovation.
  "Take it off!  Take it off!" the guys were yelling.
   The gorgeous blonde opened her robe and turned slowly so that
everyone got a view.  She was wearing only a tiny gold-colored string
  The crowd went crazy.
  Tanya let the robe drop to her feet, and the crowd went berserk again. 
Her glorious body was practically naked.  The bikini barely covered her
crotch and nipples.
  She was in killer shape.  Her musculature was so highly defined that
fat cells seemed to have no place to hide in her body.
  When she leaned forward to pick up her robe, Tanya's ballooning
breasts almost spilled out of the bikini top.  The place went wild with
whistles and lusty shouts.  Wiggling her butt and jiggling her boobs,
she beamed at the cheering crowd and threw them kisses.
   Fran climbed into the ring, too.  But hardly anyone noticed.  They
were still going insane over Tanya.  Fran received only scattered boos
and applause.  The champ was really steaming.  In silent rage, she
shadowboxed in her corner.
  Tanya paraded around the ring and glided past Fran with a sweet smile,
laughing.  Fran gave her a stony stare.  Tanya gave another smile and
danced away.
  The bell rang and the fighters went to their corners.  The announcer
took the microphone that was lowered over the center of the ring and
made the introductions.  Tanya's name brought another huge roar and the
chant began all over again, "TAN-YA! TAN-YA! TANYA!"   It drowned out
the announcement of Fran's name.
  The referee motioned the fighters to the center of the ring and ran
through the instructions.  He was a short guy and he couldn't keep his
eyes off the big breasts that Tanya flaunted in his face.  Glancing down
at the bulge in his pants, she smiled.  She winked at him and made a
kiss with her lips.  He blushed and stammered through the rest of his
  Fran glared at Tanya.  She sneered, "You're in trouble, bitch.  I'm
gonna' rip you up."
  "Shut up and fight, chump," Tanya replied with contempt.
  Tanya held out both hands and Fran slapped them away.  The crowd
  The fighters went back to their corners.  The tension mounted as the
crowd waited for the bell.
  The buzzer sounded.  Rock said, "Go get her!" as he climbed out of the
ring.  Tanya stood banging her gloves together in anticipation.

  The bell.
  The lights over the audience went out and the two fighters charged out
to the middle of the ring.
  They didn't waste any time.
  Fran threw the first punches, a left jab and a right hook. Both
punches bounced off Tanya's gloves.
  The blonde struck back, landing a solid jab.  Fran moved back, shaking
her head.  It had hurt too much for a jab.
  Tanya followed and hit her with a sharp right lead.
  The big woman answered with a left hook.  Tanya slipped it and
countered with three fast jabs and a straight right cross.  Her punches
startled Fran with their power and suddenness.
  The audience clamored with delight.
  Tanya circled, moving beautifully.  Smooth and strong. The jab kept
striking with the speed of a rattlesnake.
  "What's wrong, chump?" mocked Tanya.  "Can't take the heat?  I'm just
warming up."
  Fran leaped with a hook that Tanya avoided, but then came back with a
right hand that glanced off Tanya's head.
  Tanya retaliated immediately with a jarring left uppercut. Then she
hit her opponent with a hell of a right hand, smack through her gloves. 
It stunned Fran.  She stood there, flatfooted.
  Stepping inside, Tanya sank some hard hooks into Fran's belly.  Fran
grunted loudly as each punch thudded home.  Tanya followed with another
uppercut, snapping Fran's head back.
  The spectators rocked the bleachers with maddened applause.
  Moving in and out, Tanya peppered her opponent with crisp punches. 
She was feinting with one hand and scoring with the other, making it
look easy.
  Frustrated, Fran waded in, willing to take some punishment if she
could get in a good punch.  But it was like walking into a hurricane. 
She'd never been hit so fast or so hard in all her life.  Tanya pummeled
her with a flurry of punches that knocked her to her knees.
  It was a solid knockdown and it brought the crowd to its feet,
roaring.  They stomped and yelled Tanya's name.
  Fran got up at the count of eight.  She was wobbly, but she told the
referee she was OK to continue fighting.
  Tanya smiled and kissed her gloves.  She nailed Fran with an overhand
left that landed smack on the nose.  Blood burst out of both nostrils. 
Fran reeled away, flicking at the blood with the thumb of her glove.
  "This is just the foreplay, sugar.  Wait til you see the climax,"
Tanya taunted.
  Tanya was enjoying herself immensely, doing a little shuffle with her
feet.  Her bristling left jabs and straight right hands landed with
unfailing accuracy.
  Fran was running out of steam.  She was pawing like a kitten.
  Still pressing, the buxom beauty cut off the ring.  Fran looked
alarmed as she found herself boxed in.
  Tanya poured it on, backing her opponent into the corner. She caught
Fran solidly on the side of the head with a left hook. Another hook left
her woozy.  Fran tried to clinch and clear her head, but Tanya threw her
off.  Fran fell back into the corner and got hit again.
  The audience was on its feet, stomping and screaming.
  Working slowly, deliberately, Tanya made every punch a masterpiece. 
The crowd greeted each spectacular blow with "Oohs" and "Aahs" like the
crowd at a 4th of July fireworks display.  The blonde paused after each
punch, letting the pain sink in, savoring Fran's groans.
  Tanya punctuated each blow with a taunt.
  POW!  "I bet that hurt!"
  BAM! "Check this out!"
  WHAM!  "You like that?  You're gonna' love this!"  KA-POW!
  Fran's legs turned into jelly.
  Tanya hit her again as she went down.  Fran was unconscious before she
wilted to the canvas.
  The referee began to count.
  The crowd went nuts, the place full of terrific noise.
  The bell sounded.  Fran was saved by the bell.
  The crowd groaned with disappointment.
  Tanya yelled out to them, "You ain't seen nothing yet!"  They answered
with a happy cheer.

  The big blonde strutted to her corner.  Not wanting to sit down, she
stood eager for the next round.  She licked the blood from her gloves
like it was strawberry jam.
  Tanya watched with glee as Fran's handlers lifted the battered boxer
to her feet and helped her back to her corner.  Fran's legs were
unsteady, her eyes glazed.  Her body seemed drained and boneless.
  Fran's bloodied face was a mass of lumps and welts.  Both eyes were
blackened and puffed nearly shut.  Her nose was broken and both lips
were split.
  Fran's trainer cleaned the blood off her face and treated her cuts and
wiped her face down with Vaseline.  The fighter's head snapped back as
she got a whiff of the ammonia inhaler her trainer jammed up her nose. 
He urged her to quit.  She refused with a stubborn shake of her head.
  Tanya jumped up and waved to the crowd, getting them all hopped up for
the next round.  She pumped her right arm and they roared.

  The bell for the second round clanged and the place went dark.  The
chant swelled through the crowd, "TAN-YA! TAN-YA!"
  Tanya shot out of her corner.  There was murderous determination in
her eyes.
  Fran got up from her stool slowly, very slowly, and plodded forward.
  Tanya pounced on her immediately, bouncing jabs off her head.
  Fran missed with a blind right, a desperation punch.
  Tanya went inside, chin down, punching freely in a volley to the
belly.  Jaws gaping wide, Fran fell on Tanya's neck and tried to hold
on.  Tanya jolted her with body shots.  The ref stepped in and broke
  Tanya stalked her opponent like some relentless predatory animal,
picking her apart.
  Fran couldn't keep her off.  When she held on, Tanya shoved her back
with both hands and banged her some more.
  The crowd was going crazy.
  Tanya put the hook into Fran's stomach.  Fran stumbled back, half bent
  Coming up from a crouch, the blonde hit Fran under the chin with an
uppercut, her back uncoiling behind it.  Fran walked backwards, looking
at the ceiling.
  Tanya smashed her with a left hook that spun her around like a top. 
Then the blonde lashed out with a devastating right cross that sent Fran
sailing across the ring and into the ropes.
  Tanya piled in.  She battered her victim with a vicious series of
  Fran covered up, but her head was being snapped back by lefts and
rights and then her knees buckled and she melted to the canvas.
  The crowd let out a resounding cheer.
  Tasting victory, Tanya sneered as Fran climbed to one knee during the
count.  "Get up, bitch!" Tanya yelled.  "I got lots more for you!"
  It must have been the pure pride of a champion that got Fran onto her
feet.  She pulled herself up by the ropes, scarcely beating the count,
staggering, barely able to get her guard up. The referee tried to ask
her if she was OK.  She pushed him away.
  Tanya closed in quickly, her lips curling in a malicious smile.  She
paused to examine Fran's ruined face, admiring her handiwork.  "Looking
good, honey," Tanya teased.  "But I gotta' finish the job."
  A left-right combination sent Fran's mouthpiece flying in the air. 
Tanya drove an overhand right into Fran's open mouth.  The mouth
exploded in a burst of teeth and blood.
  The blonde bashed Fran's chin with crushing left and right hooks. 
Fran staggered back into the ropes.  Her jaw was broken and hanging
  Tanya continued to hit Fran with hook after hook, unerringly finding
her jaw, or what was left of it.
  The entire audience was standing - stomping, whistling, and yelling
  Now for the grand finale.
  Tanya unloaded a ferocious barrage to the head.  It rained leather. 
She hammered her opponent from every angle.  Fran's hair tossed around
wildly from the force of the blows.
  The referee moved in to stop the fight, but he was too late.
  "Sweet dreams, honey," Tanya cooed as she came over with a right-
handed bomb that made Fran's whole body quiver with the impact.
  Fran started down and Tanya stayed on her, knocking her through the
ropes with savage punches.  Fran tumbled out of the ring and sprawled
onto the floor in a bloody heap.
  Tanya yelled down at Fran's inert body.  She wanted to jump out of the
ring and continue beating on her.
  The referee had to pull Tanya away from the ropes.  This time he
didn't even bother to count.  He lifted the blonde's hand high and made
the announcement.
  Tanya was the new Champion.
  The place became a madhouse of whistling and screaming and the walls
vibrated with "TAN-YA! TAN-YA! TAN-YA! TAN-YA!"
  Tanya was hopping up and down with joy.  Rock jumped into the ring,
threw his arms around her, shouting "You did it! You did it! You did
it!"  He kissed her, then lifted her into the air and set her on one of
his broad shoulders.
  The arena rocked with pandemonium.  With a dazzling smile, Tanya
acknowledged the cheers that bombarded her.
  The referee handed her the champion belt.  She raised it over her
head.  The applause was deafening.
  Fran was still out cold.  Her trainers worked over her.  A doctor
kneeled beside her and called for an ambulance.
  It was a long time before Fran regained consciousness.  When she did,
she was in a hospital bed.  She woke up screaming and thrashing
  Tanya sent flowers to her with a note.  The note read, "Thanks for the

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2016, 09:49:57 pm »
Ms. O Scores a Big KO
By Terry
TV broadcasters give blow-by-blow as Ms. Olympia punches her way to Championship

 "Welcome to the pay-per-view broadcast of the first Million Dollar Fight in women's
boxing.  Current Middleweight Champion Jane Hooker will be defending her title
against challenger Linda Murphy.  We have a sold-out crowd here in Las Vegas.  I'm
your announcer, Bill Smith.  And with me tonight is Joe Jones, former Heavyweight
Champion of the world.  What do you think about this fight, Joe?"
"Bill, this has got to be the most anticipated matchup in the history of women's boxing. 
Linda Murphy is the most popular female boxer ever.  She's extremely strong.  For
eight years in a row she's won the Ms. Olympia contest, making her the top female
bodybuilder in the world.  And besides all those muscles, she's very beautiful and
"That's right, Joe!  Linda's a knockout in more ways than one.  She's never lost a fight,
and all her victories were by knockouts.   Pound for pound, she's regarded as the most
dangerous woman in boxing."
"Well, Jane Hooker is no creampuff.  She's won 30 fights and kept her championship
belt for two years.  She's had her share of knockouts.  She's very mean and an
extremely aggressive slugger.  And she's pretty strong herself."
"Jane may be strong, but she's a weakling compared to Linda Murphy!    Linda bench-
presses 265 pounds for 10 reps!  And she holds the women's power lifting record in her
weight class, bench-pressing 395 pounds!  That's two and a half times her body
"She does biceps curls with 150 pounds!  And leg squats with 470 pounds!"
"Holy mackerel!  That's pumping some serious iron!"
"This woman has a punch like a pile driver!  In fact one of her favorite training
exercises is breaking concrete blocks with her fists!"
 "My God!"
"All Linda's sparring partners are men.  She says other women aren't strong enough to
give her a challenge.  But it's hard finding sparring partners, because after she beats
them up, they're scared to come back!"
"I can believe that.  She breaks noses, she breaks jaws, she breaks teeth, she breaks ribs,
and she gives concussions!  Linda has put most of her opponents in the hospital!"
 "She's also got great boxing skills.  People focus on her punching power and forget
that she's an excellent boxer.  She's very fast.  And she's the best in the business at
avoiding punches.  She's so good she makes her opponents look like novices."
"Linda won her first fights with quick knockouts, but she doesn't do that anymore.  She
wants to show off her boxing skills."
"That's right.  She says she wants to give the fans their money's worth.  So she
entertains the crowd by giving her opponents a prolonged and spectacular beating
before she knocks them out.   It's more fun for her and for the audience."
"Fun?! (laughs) That must be hell for her opponents!  Linda destroys their pride as she
destroys their bodies!  Her goal is utter and complete annihilation!"
"Absolutely!    She almost killed her last opponent!"
"Linda has promised that Jane Hooker will be leaving the building in an ambulance! 
And she hopes Jane has funeral insurance."
"Wow!  I can understand why Jane has been reluctant to fight her."
"Linda has been demanding a chance at the championship for a long time.  She calls
herself the 'people's champ'.  Her wild popularity made this Million Dollar fight
 "How could Jane refuse?  Even if she loses, she gets $250,000!"
"There's one thing I don't understand, Bill.  As you know, female boxers make very
little money when they start out.  Linda was making about $300,000 a year from her
Ms. Olympia prizes, modeling fees, and endorsement contracts. It's not like she needed
the money.  Why did she get into professional boxing?"
"Well, Joe, she says she loves beating up people in front of thousands of cheering fans. 
The money was gravy."
"(laughs) She loves her job!"
"She never imagined she could earn a million bucks for one fight!   Her decision really
paid off!"
"And now here she comes!   The challenger, Linda Murphy!  The crowd is cheering as
she makes her way to the ring."
"She really is gorgeous!"
"She climbs into the ring.  She's blowing kisses to the crowd.  She obviously loves the
fans as much as they love her."
"Linda is wearing a long red robe.  She's untying the sash.  The crowd is yelling, 'Take
it off!'"
"Linda gives them a playful smile.  She slowly opens the robe and lets it fall...."
"Wow!  Look at that body!"
"Amazing!  That's Linda's famous Ms. Olympia physique!  She's only 5'5" tall, but her
frame is packed with 155 pounds of solid muscle.  Ripped to the max!"
"No kidding!  The crowd has erupted in cheers and wolf whistles!  Her, uh, chest is
very impressive, too."
"You noticed that, eh?  Her measurements are 42DD-24-35!"
"Wow!  And her top is little more than an athletic bra.  Very sexy!"
"Her skin-tight shorts aren't bad either.  They show off her very nice, uh, backside."
"She looks like an extremely athletic Playboy model.  Very sexy!"
"You said that already. (laughs)  Well, Linda has posed for Playboy.  And she's
modeled for many other magazines, mostly muscle and fitness magazines."
"And now look!  She's flexing her biceps!  They look like mountains!  Look at those
perfect peaks!"
"The crowd is going wild!  Linda is famous for her 18-inch arms.  Her biceps are as big
as grapefruits! Unbelievable!"
"You can see why Linda makes mincemeat of her opponents.  I feel sorry for anybody
who gets hit with those muscles!"
"Her abs and obliques look like chiseled stone!"
"Linda does 1000 weighted sit-ups and leg raises a day, while her trainer pounds a
medicine ball into her stomach.  Needless to say, her abs are hard as iron!   She loves to
have her sparring partners punch her stomach for 30 minutes, then she pounds their
bellies into jelly!"
"Very impressive!  And her legs are awesome!"
"She's got 27 inch thighs!"
"Incredible!  Just imagine if she wrapped those legs around you!"
"Forget about it.  She'd crush you like a bug!"
"Ouch!  But it might be worth it! (laughs)"
"Actually Linda likes to wrestle, and one of her favorite moves is the scissors hold.  She
wins lots of matches that way."
"Man, I'd like to see that sometime!"
"Hey, look!  Jane Hooker has climbed into the ring.  But nobody seems to notice.  Linda
is doing a posing routine for the crowd, and they love it.  Look at those triceps!  They're
like slabs of steel!"
"Jane is furious!  She's the champ, but Linda is stealing the show.  Jane's getting a few
boos, but that's it."
"Linda is an expert at psyching out her opponents, even before the fight starts.  She has
the crowd in the palm of her hand!  She has lots of charisma!  And there's something
feline about the way she moves.  Very sexy!"
"You already said that.  But you're right.  You can't take your eyes off of her."
"Jane is staring at Linda, too.  She's gotta be a little intimidated by Linda's muscles, but
mainly she's angry.  She turns away and removes her robe.  She's taller and stockier
than Linda, but she looks flabby compared to the challenger.  More than a few of Jane's
pounds come from fat, but Linda is ALL muscle."
"No fat on that girl!  She's in great shape for this showdown!  And here come the
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to rumble!  Ten rounds of boxing for the women's
Middleweight Championship of the world!  The challenger this evening, fighting
out of the red corner, weighed in at 155 pounds.  She has a perfect record of 22
wins, all by way of big knockout.  Please welcome Linda Murphy!
"Oh, my!  Listen to those cheers!  They're chanting Linda's name.  Linda gives a big
smile and shows those big biceps again.  And the cheers get louder!"
And fighting out of the blue corner -- She's the Middleweight Champion, weighing
in at 160 pounds. Her professional record is 30 wins and 7 losses, 15 of her wins by
knockout.  Please welcome Jane Hooker!
"Well, Jane's not getting much of a reception, is she, Joe?"
"No, Bill, she's not.  Mainly boos and catcalls.  And she is NOT happy about it."
"Now the fighters meet in the center of the ring for instructions from the referee."
"Jane is glaring at Linda with murder in her eyes.  Linda is looking back at her, but she
looks amused.  She's smiling, like she's got all the confidence in the world."
"OK, they tap gloves and return to their corners."
"You can feel the anticipation in this arena, Bill!"
"And there's the bell for the first two-minute round.  Linda comes out dancing.  Jane
charges out of her corner, and immediately throws a hard right hand!  Linda slips it. 
Jane throws a big left hook!  Linda ducks under it and dances away!"
"Jane wants to end this fight quickly.  She's already going for a knockout!"
"Linda is calm and cool, bouncing on her toes.  Jane goes after her, firing another heavy
right.  Linda blocks it and counters with a solid jab."
"The crowd liked that!  Linda lands the jab again, snapping Jane's head back."
"Linda is bobbing and weaving.  Jane throws a left and a right, but she can't hit Linda."
"There's a double jab from Linda that knocks Jane back a few steps!"
"Linda is giving Jane a boxing lesson.  There's another jab!  She's sticking and moving
from side to side.  She's landing those jabs whenever she wants.  They look effortless,
but they're very fast and they're hurting Jane."
"Linda's so quick and strong that Jane can't stop her punches."
"Jane comes back, swinging wildly at Linda's head.  But she can't connect.  Linda is
evading Jane's punches with ease."
"Linda is fun to watch.  She moves, feints, and punches with a lot of rhythm, like a
"Jane's is getting flustered.  Linda keeps picking her apart with those jabs.  She's
taunting her, making her feel foolish."
 "Jane misses again.  Linda answers with a quick left hook, right cross, left uppercut,
right uppercut!"
"Nice combination!"
"Jane is shaken up.  She gets Linda in a clinch.  She's banging away at Linda's
"That's like hitting a brick wall!  She's not hurting Linda at all.  Linda shoves her away
before the ref can pull them apart.  Linda's laughing at Jane!"
"The crowd is laughing, too!"
"Jane looks disheartened.  Linda sticks out her tongue  -- she pops a sharp jab in Jane's
face, then another, backing Jane toward the corner.  There's about 30 seconds left in this
"OOOH!  Linda nails Jane with a HARD right!  She smashed Jane's nose like a
"Uh-oh!  Jane staggers back into the corner.  She's in trouble!"
"Linda moves in and... OOOOH!  She hit Jane with a tremendous left hook!"
"She knocked Jane silly!"
"Now Linda comes in close, and look!  She's flexing her right arm in front of Jane's
"Jane's stunned, but that huge close-up of Linda's biceps got her attention!"
"Linda drops her arm and...OOOOH!  She drives a sledgehammer punch into Jane's
stomach!  Jane's whole body quivers!"
 "My God!  Linda is keeping her glove buried deep in Jane's belly!  She's twisting it
around in there!"
"That's gotta' hurt!  Look at the pain on Jane's face!  Her eyes are bugged out like a
"There's the bell.  Linda still has Jane pinned to the post!  The ref tries to pull Linda
away.  Linda doesn't want to remove her glove from Jane's stomach, but she does. 
She'll lose some points for that."
"Jane has collapsed to the canvas, clutching her belly and gasping for air.  Linda is
standing over her and taunting her."
"The ref tells Linda to return to her corner.  She strolls back across the ring.  She's got a
happy grin on her face.  She won that round, and she made it look easy."
"The crowd is yelling and whistling and chanting her name.  She stands in her corner,
waving to the fans."
"Jane's only got one minute to recover before the next round.  Her trainer is helping her
to her stool.  She's still bent over.  Her chest is heaving.  Her face looks like a human
punching bag.    Her trainer is cleaning her up and giving her words of encouragement."
"Yeah, well, Linda gave a serious beating to Jane's body and ego, but Jane's still the
champ.  She's not quitting yet."
"That might be the biggest mistake of her life.  Because Linda Murphy was just getting
warmed up."
"Yeah, Linda is grinning at Jane, pounding her gloves together.  She looks eager to
really rip into Jane this time."
"OK, here's round two.  Linda dances to the center of the ring.  Jane's coming out more
slowly and cautiously than in the first round.  Linda pounces on her with a rapid-fire
burst of jabs!  Jane covers up, but Linda punches through her gloves with double
"The fans love it!  Linda's doing an Ali shuffle and making faces at Jane.  Playing to
the crowd."
"They circle and... OOOH!  Linda unloads a vicious right hand!  It sends Jane flying
back across the ring!  She bounces off the ropes!  OOOOH!  Linda catches her in the
stomach with a brutal punch!"
"That hurt Jane!  She slumps against Linda and clinches.  Linda hits her in the stomach
again, and again, and again!"
"She's lifting Jane off her feet with those punches!"
"Jane's groans are so loud you can hear them in the back row!   And AGAIN to the
stomach!  The fans are going crazy!"
"Now Linda tosses Jane into the ropes like a rag doll.  She hits her with an uppercut to
straighten her up."
"Linda's smile is gone now.   She's ready to kill!"
"Linda goes to the body with a left hook, a right, a left, a right..."
"Jane is hanging on the ropes, absorbing the relentless punishment.  Linda is using all
her muscles now!  I can hear Jane's ribs breaking!"
"Jane is crying!  She's whimpering like a baby!"
"Now Linda moves those hooks up to Jane's head!  She knocks Jane's mouthpiece out,
and now she's knocking Jane's teeth out!  She's talking to her as she works on Jane's
head, jerking it from side to side!" 
"OOOOOH!  Linda hits Jane with a powerful uppercut!  I heard Jane's jaw crack!"
"Linda is showing no mercy!  Her big arms are pumping like pistons as she hammers
Jane from every angle!  I'm surprised Jane's head is still attached to her body!"
"This is a slaughter!  The ref's gotta stop this!  He's moving in."
"Jane is going down.  Linda hits her with a monster right hand!  It knocks Jane through
the ropes!"
"The ref is pulling Linda back!"
 "Jane is going through the ropes!  She's falling out of the ring!  She lands on the
ground!  Her body is twitching!"
"The crowd is standing and cheering and stomping their feet!"
"Jane's body has stopped twitching.  She's out cold!  The ref doesn't bother to count. 
He waves his arms... and it's over!  Linda Murphy is the winner and the new
Middleweight Champion of the world!"
"What a knockout!  Linda is ecstatic!  She raises her arms in victory!  She stands on the
ropes and flexes those cannonball biceps!  The crowd's roar is deafening!"
"Linda Murphy is the real deal!  She's got a killer body, and she knows how to use it! 
She gave the fans a show they'll never forget!"
"Absolutely!  And Jane Hooker will never forget the beating Linda gave her!   Jane's
still unconscious.  The ring doctors are trying to revive her, but she's not responding. 
They'll have to carry Jane away on a stretcher."
"The ref was going to stop the fight, but that final barrage of punches was so fast and
furious that by the time the ref got there it was too late."
"Linda Murphy delivered on her promise.  Jane's going to be unconscious for a LONG
time after that FEROCIOUS beating, and she'll wake up in an emergency room.  She'll
most certainly be spending a lot of time in the hospital, too.  She'll be lucky if she
doesn't have brain damage."
"That's what you get if you fight Linda Murphy!  Linda showed the world how she
kicks ass!"
"And how!  The announcer is holding up her arm.  They're giving her the championship
belt.   Linda's got it all � beauty, brawn, and now the world championship title!"

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2016, 09:51:02 pm »
The Lesson
by Terry
Bambi gets a boxing lesson she'll never forget!

Kiana loved the impact of her boxing gloves slamming into the heavy bag. Her
rippling muscles felt good as she hit the bag with bone-crushing power. She
smiled as she recalled the devastating effects her punches had on previous

At this time of day the gym was practically deserted, so she could work out
with few distractions. It was a boxing gym, with plenty of punching bags and a
boxing ring. But it was one of those upscale gyms for yuppies who wanted to
get in shape and play at boxing. Kiana liked it better than the sweaty, dirty
gyms where the pros trained. And it had a good weight room for pumping iron.
She grinned as she thought of the yuppies watching her work out, in awe of her
amazing strength.

She was wearing a skimpy halter-top and shorts, showing off her spectacular
body. Her large breasts strained at the fabric. Every muscle of her anatomy
looked like it was chiseled out of solid stone. Her abs looked like steel

To be a top fitness competitor and model, like she was, required great beauty.
She looked like a sex goddess from some exotic land. Her long hair was dark
and wild. She oozed juicy sensuality. There was something animal in the way
she moved, graceful and dangerous like a jungle cat.

Now she was deep into massacring that heavy bag. She pretended some
unfortunate sucker was on the receiving end of her brutal punches. She could
almost hear the groans and the sounds of breaking bones. She loved kicking ass
almost as much as she loved sex.

Her concentration was broken by a loud high-pitched voice. "Hi!"

There was a pretty blonde girl standing next to Kiana. The girl was wearing a
pink bikini and matching boxing gloves.

"What do you want?" Kiana growled. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Hi! I'm Bambi!" said the girl. She had a cute face and figure, but she looked
like her brain was as soft as her body.

Another bubble-headed Valley Girl, Kiana thought to herself with disgust. "So?
What do you want?"

Bambi pointed across the gym. "My boyfriend over there said I should, like,
learn to box. And that you looked like a real good fighter or something. And
you'd be, like, a great teacher."

Kiana looked in the direction that Bambi had pointed. She saw an incredibly
handsome hunk looking at her. His tight T-shirt revealed lots of dreamy
muscles. Their eyes met and they exchanged lustful smiles.

"That's your boyfriend? He's hot!"

Bambi nodded and kept babbling on. "I don't know, like, anything about boxing.
So could you, like, give me some lessons?"

The gorgeous guy winked at Kiana, and she instantly understood what he wanted.
If he wanted a show, she'd be happy to oblige.

Kiana smiled sweetly at Bambi. "Oooooo, honey! For that fine lookin' boyfriend
of yours, I'll give your skinny behind some boxing lessons that you'll never

Bambi beamed with enthusiasm. "Gee, thanks!" she exclaimed. This girl was
definitely a fool.

"Let's get in the ring, and I'll fix you right up," Kiana told her.

"Oh, goodie!" Bambi chirped as she rushed over to the ring. She climbed in,
almost tangling herself in the ropes.

The guy walked over as Kiana strolled to the ring. They brushed against each
other with playful grins. "This will be lots of fun," she purred. As she
climbed into the ring she glanced over her shoulder. He was admiring her
superb ass, as she hoped he would be.

Kiana joined Bambi in the center of the ring. "OK, honey," said Kiana. "We'll
start with the #1 rule. Protect yourself at all times. You don't want to get
hit. You want to do the hitting. Understand?"

Bambi nodded blankly.

The sexy bodybuilder raised her gloves and bounced lightly on her toes. "I'll
demonstrate. Try to hit me," she instructed.

Bambi eagerly started swinging awkwardly at Kiana's head. Bobbing and weaving,
Kiana was able to block, duck, and lean to avoid all of Bambi's punches. Bambi
stopped in frustration, a childish pout on her face.

"That's OK, honey," Kiana consoled her. "You didn't touch me, did you? You
need more practice. Now I'll show you the basic punches. I'll take it real
easy on you. You try to keep from getting hit, OK?"

Bambi nodded and put up her dukes. Kiana kissed Bambi's right eye with a light
jab. "That's a jab," she said. "This is a right cross." She popped Bambi's
other eye with a casual right hand.

Bambi bleated and covered her face with her gloves, but Kiana punched through
her defenses with ease, snapping more jabs to her eyes. "You gotta' do better
than that, honey."

Kiana cheerfully commented as she kept hitting the hapless bimbo, keeping her
punches light and fast. "Here's a left hook. And a right hook. A left
uppercut. A right uppercut. Now some combinations. Double jab, right cross.
Hook, uppercut. Jab, uppercut, hook, jab. Isn't this fun?"

Kiana was enjoying herself immensely; boxing Bambi's head around like a human
punching bag.

By the time Kiana stopped hitting her, the skinny blonde was weaving around in
a daze. Kiana was amused that Bambi's two black eyes were holding back tears.

Kiana gave the boyfriend a big grin. He laughed and gave her a thumbs up.

Bambi's head started to clear. "Hey, what's the idea?" Bambi whined. "You were
hitting me!"

"Poor baby," Kiana said with mock sympathy. "You wanted to learn didn't you?
This isn't a knitting lesson; it's a boxing lesson. In boxing you get hit
sometimes. It's not my fault you did a lousy job of protecting yourself. And I
was going easy on you. Those were just love pats."

"Well, they felt hard to me!!" Bambi whined. "They hurt!"

Kiana shrugged innocently. "You think that hurt? That was nothing. Sorry,
honey. You just need more practice." Kiana raised her gloves. "You want to try

Bambi backed away, her eyes filled with fear. "NO!!!! Please, no!!"

Kiana chuckled. She said in a friendly voice, "OK, honey, that's enough
punches to the head." At least for now, she thought to herself. "We'll do
something different, OK?"

Bambi nodded warily.

"You gotta' learn to work the body, too. I'm gonna' give you some free shots.
Hit me in the body with some punches, as hard as you can."

Bambi happily complied. She flailed at Kiana's torso, glad to finally land
some blows. But her joy quickly faded as she realized that her gloves were
bouncing harmlessly off Kiana's rock-solid abs and obliques. Bambi stepped
back, disappointed.

"You didn't hurt me at all," said Kiana with a grin. "Do you see why it's
important to make your body hard and strong?"

Bambi nodded, staring at Kiana's muscles as if she'd just noticed them. "Yeah,
you are, like, really buff, eh?"

She's starting to get the idea, Kiana thought.

"Your body is soft and weak," said Kiana. "I'll show you why that's bad."

Kiana moved in fast. She sank a punch into Bambi's belly, knocking the air out
of her.

Bambi grunted in pain. She fell to her knees and clutched her stomach with
both hands, gasping for breath.

Kiana laughed. "See what I mean? You need to work on those abs. Your stomach
is soft as a marshmallow."

Bambi was whimpering. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Stop being such a crybaby," Kiana chided her. "That was a soft little punch.
If I hit you hard, I'd knock your navel through your spine. Now get up! You
got 10 seconds to get up when you're knocked down."

Bambi was still holding her aching belly. Kiana grabbed her under the armpits
and hoisted her to her feet.

Bambi yelped in protest. " I don't want any more lessons," she sniffed.

"Don't give me that shit!" Kiana replied. "You wanted to learn to box, didn't

Bambi nodded weakly.

"I could charge you a lot of money for these lessons," said Kiana, "but I'm
doing it for free! You should be thanking me, not complaining!"

Bambi looked confused.

Kiana continued in a soothing voice. "It's OK, honey. I'm sorry if I hurt you.
There's just one more little lesson. And it's the most important one. I
promise it'll be quick. OK?"

"You promise it'll be the last one?"

"Definitely. After this you'll be finished. And I do mean finished." Kiana
winked at the boyfriend, who winked back. "And I promise you'll remember it
for the rest of our life."

"Well, OK," Bambi agreed reluctantly.

"We can even take our gloves off," said Kiana. "Would that make you feel

Bambi nodded in relief, and they both pulled their gloves off. Kiana smiled
like a happy wolf. She had broken plenty of bricks and boards with her bare
fists. She still had on her handwraps, even though they were unnecessary. Her
knuckles were hard as iron from doing countless knuckle pushups.

"Now pay close attention," Kiana continued. She flexed her left biceps. "See

Bambi's jaw dropped. She gawked at the big mound of muscle. "Wow!"

Kiana looked over at the boyfriend. He was impressed, too.

She lowered her left arm and stepped forward. "Now look at this." She flexed
her right arm a few inches in front of Bambi's face. Her biceps looked like a
mountain! Bambi's eyes opened wide as saucers.

"Take a good look," Kiana commanded. "How would it feel if I hit you really
hard with muscles like that?"

Bambi stammered, "I guess it would, like, really hurt!" An involuntary shudder
went through her body.

Kiana nodded. "You're right, honey. It'll hurt more than you can imagine. You
want to see how hard my biceps are?""

Before Bambi could answer, Kiana pivoted and jammed her right arm under
Bambi's chin. She flexed her biceps, squeezing Bambi's throat between her
biceps and forearm. It hurt like hell. Bambi desperately tried to pry Kiana's
arm off, grabbing her wrist and biceps, but Kiana was too strong. Bambi was
helpless to do anything. Kiana flexed a little harder. Bambi squealed with

Kiana resisted the temptation to totally crush Bambi's jaw. She released her
hold and turned back facing Bambi.

"OK, Bambi, honey. Here's your final lesson. Listen very carefully. If you're
stupid enough to get in the ring with somebody like me, you're gonna' get
busted up real bad. And you're really stupid."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Bambi bristled. "You don't have to be so rude!"

Now Kiana's voice turned hard. "I'm gonna' love kickin' your pathetic ass. You
won't be so pretty after I destroy your face. You're just lucky that I don't
put you in the hospital, but I don't want to call an ambulance today. You know
why? Because after I beat your brains out, I'm gonna' fuck your boyfriend's
brains out. How do you like that?"

She smiled at the boyfriend. He was grinning with anticipation.

Bambi's face reddened with anger.

Kiana sneered. "He needs a real woman, not a scrawny, worthless, dipshit
little bimbo bitch like you!"

Bambi took the bait. Furious, she threw a wild hook at Kiana's head.

The buff beauty ducked under the punch, then rose and lifted Bambi's chin with
an uppercut. She followed with a left hook that knocked Bambi sideways. Bambi
spit out bloody teeth.

Kiana smashed Bambi's nose flat with a right cross. Bambi reeled back into the
ropes and bounced off. Kiana caught her in the belly with a punch that lifted
the girl off her feet. Bambi's head dipped down. Kiana knocked her erect with
an uppercut to the face. The blonde staggered backwards toward a corner of the

Kiana stalked her like a tigress eager to rip into her prey. She saw the
boyfriend moving toward the corner to get a better view. Perfect!

"Enjoying the show, big boy?" she asked him with a sly grin. Kiana kissed her
fists. "It's gonna' get better."

Bambi tried to escape, but Kiana shoved her back into the corner. The blonde's
face was contorted with pain and fear. She begged for mercy.

Kiana's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Welcome to Hell."

Bambi was scared shitless. She raised her fists to protect her face. The
muscular beauty laughed and went to work on Bambi's body. Kiana's powerful
arms pumped like pistons as she pounded the poor girl's ribs. Bambi let out
loud sobbing groans as Kiana's punches thudded home.

Then Kiana went to the belly, leaning in against Bambi so she couldn't fold
forward. Again and again Kiana buried her fists up to the wrist in Bambi's
stomach. Bambi's eyes bugged out, and her gasps of pain got louder with each

Bambi slumped forward, her head falling onto Kiana's shoulder. She desperately
tried to wrap her arms around Kiana, but Kiana easily shifted the girl's arms
over her shoulders. It was the perfect setup for one of Kiana's favorite

Kiana stepped back slightly and bent her knees, forcing Bambi to lean forward.
Kiana drove her right fist into Bambi's belly as she pushed up with her legs,
lifting the blonde to her tiptoes. Kiana held her like that for a few seconds,
but it seemed like an eternity to Bambi. The weight of Bambi's own body
pressed down on Kiana's fist, embedding Kiana's fist even deeper in the girl's

Finally Kiana let her down. As she pulled her fist out, she used her left hand
to grab Bambi by the throat and press her against the corner post. She let the
blonde gulp in some air. Bambi was weeping pitifully.

Kiana got in Bambi's face. "You like that, honey? You're gonna LOVE this!"
Putting all her muscle into it, she hit Bambi's belly with a tremendous punch.
Bambi's entire body quivered in agony.

The foxy boxer kept her fist planted deep in Bambi's stomach, pinning her to
the post. Bambi's hand instinctively clutched Kiana's forearm and tried to
pull the fist out of stomach. When that didn't work, her hand frantically
pushed against Kiana's upper arm, but Kiana's fist still wouldn't budge.
Kiana's biceps felt like an iron cannonball filling Bambi's hand. The skinny
girl seemed to melt in despair.

Kiana finally pulled out her fist and stepped back slightly. She immediately
straightened Bambi up with double uppercuts. Then she knocked out the rest of
the blonde's teeth with a series of left and right hooks, snapping Bambi's
head from side to side. Barely conscious, Bambi dropped to her knees.

Kiana held Bambi's head between her hands. She rammed her knee into Bambi's
face. Her muscular leg rippled with the impact.

That definitely finished Bambi off. She was knocked out, stone cold. Kiana
released the blonde's head, letting her crumple to the canvas like a rag doll.
Bambi's legs twitched for a few seconds. Then she lay motionless.

Smiling with satisfaction, Kiana stood over Bambi's body. "No more lessons for
today, honey. Sweet dreams."

The handsome hunk was laughing and clapping. Kiana casually climbed out of the
ring and strolled over to her new boyfriend. She liked the way his eyes
devoured her body.

Kiana gave him a dazzling smile. She put her hands on his massive shoulders.
They felt like boulders. He squeezed her arms gently, and she could tell he
liked their size and hardness. They grinned at each other like naughty kids.

"How'd I do, big boy?" she asked in a sultry voice. "Sorry if I hurt your
little girlfriend."

"She's a pain in the ass," he replied. "And you're very good."

Kiana moved her hands down over his biceps. They were massive. She purred like
a kitten.

"I'm very good at a lot of things." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm
glad you liked it. Was I too rough?"

"Rougher than I expected," he said, sliding his hands down her body to her

"Honey, I usually get a lot rougher than that." Kiana licked her lips and gave
him a teasing kiss. "I can punch much harder. I could have broken her jaw and
her ribs. I could have hit her with some kicks that would blow her little
mind. I know some wrestling holds that would rearrange her skeleton. And if I
wrapped my python legs around her, ooooh, baby, I would have crushed her like
a bug. I'd have her screaming for her mama!"

He laughed. "You're tough, aren't you?"

"You bet your sweet ass." She gave him another kiss, lingering longer this
time. "She'll be hurting for a few weeks, and she'll need her nose and teeth
fixed, but she'll be OK. So actually I was very nice to her, don't you agree?
And she threw the first punch, remember? She started the fight, but I won."
She smiled mischievously. "You wanted me to win the fight, didn't you?"

"Absolutely," he said, kissing her neck, then her full lips.

Kiana pressed her breasts against his chest. "Do I get a prize for winning?"
she cooed. "I like prizes. Big ones."

She got her prize.

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2016, 10:16:20 pm »
Carried by a Strong Woman
By Cheryl at
A woman bodybuilder hires me to do a lift and carry video with her

I was called.  I had been the chosen one to take this job.  It was a
photo-shoot for a lift and carry video.  I had interviewed with a woman
named Liz.  She looked like a female bodybuilder.  When I went into the
office to interview, she stood and shook my hand.  She was about my
height, but she looked to be strong.  She had on long shorts showing off
her calf muscles.  These were muscles that could only belong to a
bodybuilder.  She had on a shirt with sleeves that covered her upper
arms, so that I could only see her forearms and broad shoulders.  She
was very friendly and warm.  I didn't know really what to expect.  The
ad had only read "Sexy woman wanted to participate in the filming of a
female to female lift and carry video, good quick cash and flexible
hours."  I called the number and set up an interview for the next day. 
During the interview, I was asked questions such as "Would I mind
another woman lifting me in the nude?", "How did I feel about lesbian
women."  I answered honestly as I could.  I am a straight woman, but I
work as an exotic dancer, where some of the women are lesbians.  I've
also had some other women come on to me and I play into it.  She seemed
to like my answers.  I told her that I never made a video before, but
that some of my female co-workers had, and that they liked the money in
it.  They didn't seem to mind as long as they weren't asked to perform
sex, such as in a porno video. 

I was called by Liz the next day.  She told me that she would like to
hire me to make a video.  She explained that it would be with her.  She
also explained that I would get $500 for three hours.  I was shocked. 
That was really good money, I begin to worry what else was involved.  I
didn't really want to make a lesbian type of video.  I gave her the
benefit of the doubt.  She told me that I could offer a time for the
shoot that would be convenient to me and that she would schedule it if
at all possible.  I asked her if tomorrow at noon would be O.K.  I was
off work, so why not.  She agreed that it was good timing, the earlier
we started, the better.

I arrived the next day at about 11:30.  I got out of the cab Liz sent me
at a very nice house in a nice neighborhood.  Liz answered and welcomed
me in.  She had on a tank top, athletic shorts and was barefoot inside
her carpeted house.  She was indeed a very muscular woman.  She was
hospitable as she offered me something to drink.  She then explained to
me how we would shoot this video.  She explained that it was a custom
order for a customer.  She showed me the script.  I read it.  It was
kind of kinky, but no big deal to me.  There was no nudity involved, no
kissing each other and no explicit sex acts.  It seemed that there was
going to be a lot of being carried around by another woman and a lot of
getting grabbed and squeezed, but I could handle that.  I occasionally
dealt with that at my job anyway.  At a little over $130 an hour, it
would be no problem.  Liz was going to have to do all the hard work
anyway, but she looked strong enough to handle me.

After small talk and getting to know each other a little better, Liz
decided we should start. She went to a back room somewhere, then came
back with camera equipment.  I watched idly as she put it in her family
room floor.  This is where we were going to do the shoot.  This room
looked like any other home, it had all the pictures, decorations and
furniture of a regular home, as it was indeed her home.  Liz picked up
some lingerie wear and handed it to me.  It was a very tiny, but nice
lavender two piece lingerie wear.  It felt nice and silky.  I held up
the small strings and asked her if she really thought this would fit me
(I remembered one of the interview questions being about what size I
wear).  She laughed and replied that it would fit me very small, but
that it would fit.  I recalled the script having me scantily clad.  I
went to put it on.  It was very small when I put it on.  It was as small
a size as I could wear on my body.  It didn't leave much to the
imagination.  It wasn't the most comfortable outfit either.  There was
no covering for my exposed butt and the only thing the top covered was
my nipples.  In the mirror, this was something I knew the guys would
love.  I went to the set and Liz had just finished setting up what
looked like expensive equipment.  She had two large video cameras on a
stand at different angles and a smaller camera at a different angle. 
Liz looked at me, made me turn around and made sure I was fit well all
around.  She said it was the perfect outfit.  I jokingly said "what
outfit."  Liz just laughed and pulled off her shorts.  She had on very
small posing trunks that showed off her muscles.  She was indeed in
tiptop shape. 

Liz told me that we were ready to air.  I stood by her and watched as
she flipped a switch.  I watched her as she looked into a camera and
started narrating.  She introduced herself, talked a little about
herself, then she introduced me as her assistant model, Cheryl.  She
asked me questions on camera such as my age (27), height (5'6"), and
weight (123 lbs.).  It was really very casual and thank goodness we
didn't have to remember any lines.  She explained that she was going to
carry me around.  She then brought me closer to her.  She placed one arm
around the small of my back, then reached down behind my legs, and she
easily scooped me off of the floor.  She was very strong strong as she
carried me like I was nothing, even some guys I knew couldn't carry me
as easily as her.  She held me up quietly, posing for the camera.  She
would then go to the other camera.  She would turn around as if modeling
her and I together.  She would tell me to swing my legs back and forth
and I would.  I would just be carried, look at the camera, sometimes
cracking a little smile.  She carried me for a few minutes, then put me
down.  As I was standing, Liz walked behind me.  I felt her hands on my
thighs, then felt her squat and put her head between my legs.  She stood
up slowly and surely, picking me up easily on her shoulders.  This was a
strong woman.  I held on her her head as she carried me, but she had her
strong arms securely on my thighs.  I noticed my nipples were standing
up.  I don't know if this was from the excitement or what.  But to be
honest, her head felt good between my legs.  I was sitting on her
shoulders as she modeled again for all of the cameras.  Liz started
commenting about having a pretty woman on her shoulders.  She was saying
things like it was really an erotic thing to carry me.  I was flattered
and would just giggle a little.  I wasn't sure what to say in front of
the camera.  I decided to admit that it felt good to be carried like
this.  Liz rubbed my legs as she carried me.  I decided I wanted to
jiggle my boobs.  I grabbed them from underneath and shook them.  I
commented that it was too bad I couldn't take off my top.  Liz told me
to take it off and feel free.  I untied the small string and took it
off.  I playfully ran my top in Liz's face.  I saw her close her eyes
and take a deep breath.  She seemed to get a little excited.  That, in
turn, made me a little more excited.  I had to grab her head and try to
rub my crotch into the back of her neck.  I threw the top away.  Here I
was, now riding a muscled-up woman topless.  Who'd ever thought this
would happen to me.  After a few minutes, Liz put me down.  Liz stared
at me and I could see her staring at my boobs.  She seemed to like them. 
In fact, she made a complimentary comment about them on the camera.  I
was ready to be carried again.  Liz squatted down halfway as she
instructed me to hop on her back.  I jumped on as she grabbed my legs to
hold me on.  She modeled us in front of the cameras again.  She
commented about feeling my boobs on her back.  Upon hearing this, I
began to rub my boobs into her back.  She seemed to enjoy this, as she
hopped a couple of times, lifting me higher on her back.  I wrapped my
legs around her waist to secure myself higher.  My boobs were now
hanging on her shoulders between her head.  I rubbed them up and now to
bounce them and make them noticable.  She walked around some more
modeling us on camera.  She put me down again.  Liz was facing me now as
she bent down and grabbed my ass.  She stood up and lifted me over her
shoulder.  I was draped over her strong shoulder as she held on to me by
my legs.  She modeled us and talked about my smooth legs.  She rubbed
the back of my legs, somewhat massaging and squeezing them.  She started
working her way up to my butt.  She started slapping my butt.  I laughed
and shrieked as she spanked me.  She was also squeezing my butt as she
was carrying me.  I felt myself get aroused by all of this.  After a few
minutes of this, she put me down again.  She faced me once again.  This
time, she bent down, grabbed my waist with her arms, and lifted me
upside down.  I grabbed her waist to hold on.  I felt my crotch right in
her face.  I felt her chin resting on my crack.  I heard her comment
that this was a convenient way to perform cunninglis on a woman.  I got
excited thinking she might try it on me.  My legs were dangling on her
shoulders.  Sometimes I would wrap them around her head, sometimes I
would just let them sway.  I wanted so much to grind my crotch into her
face so she could eat me.  I would squeeze her head with my legs, just
so I could rub against her face.  I felt Liz bite my inner thighs.  It
felt good.  I shook my wiggled my ass more.  I felt her fingers slide my
g-string lingerie to the side.  All of a sudden, I felt a tongue in my
pussy.  I became flushed and it felt so good.  She knew just where to
put her tongue.  She tongued me for about four or five minutes, all the
while carrying me upside down and bringing me to an earth-shattering

She put me down and narrated an ending to the cameras.  I told her that
I apologized for getting carried away during the filming.  She explained
to me that this was a perfect video for her exclusive club of female
lift and carry fans and that what happened was perfectly acceptable.  I
was surprised at myself for getting involved with another woman.  But I
had to admit to myself, that this was the best experience I have ever
had.  Liz told me that she would like to work with me again soon and
that she would call me.  I can't wait.

THE END               

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2016, 10:33:03 pm »
Tiffany a mean stuck up bitch part 6
By lilguy
A nerd###s Girlfriend who tiffany abuse try to stand up to her. Big mistake

Billy was a Geek who did her homework for her. She would tease him into doing
it; pretend that he would get sex. All he really got was blue balls and to
give her massages.

When that didn't work she would push his head in a toilet until he did what
she asked. She had him wrapped around her pinky Lately Billy refuse, said he
found a girlfriend on the dudgeon and Dragons chat room. Tiffany would see
about that. Sometime when you were the town no 1 bitch you had to remind
people who boss and how you became that way

Tiffany wore her tight belly shirt that said "Bad girls rule". The shirt was
pink and pushed up her all ready ample breasts. It also showed off her abs and
tight belly. She wanted to show Billy exactly who he was fucking with. Many
time she made her eat her out while he looked up at her strong muscles. Her
arms were pretty tight to from working out. She looked more like a fitness
model then a bodybuilder though. Her body had a long of curves. Her skirt was
short to show off her legs. Tiffany had a key to Billy's room. She opens it

Kim was Billy new Girlfriend. She was helping him while he was in his class.
Billy needed help with her computer.

Kim was a cute girl, 5.5 with glasses, nice shirt and nicer tits. Her hair was
dark red. She wasn't smoking like Tiffany but still pretty up there.

"So you much be Kim" Tiffany said

"You much be Tiffany. I heard about you. You been pushing my Billy around for
to long"

"Oh really...Fire Crotch" Tiffany said

"Yea. I know you. You stuck rich bitches all the same. You think you can push
everyone around with your money and good looks. But deep dumb your just dumb

"You got me wrong, I don't think I can push people around with my looks and
money. Also could use my hands"


She slapped Kim sending her down.

"You pay for that skank"

"Bring it geek" Tiffany said

Kim tackled her into the mirror. The glass cracked. Kim kept attacking with
punches but Tiffany chest was like steal. She grabbed Kim by the neck and
swung her across the room. With intense Anger she grabbed Kim up by the hair
and slammed her against the corner of the wall. Hard slaps went across Kim
face, open hand and back hand. Left and rights hit her keeping Kim up. She
tried to fight back but Tiffany reach was stronger. She wouldn't let up. Soon
tears were running down Kim eyes.

"Ahh does that hurt fire crotch" Tiffany said

She slapped her hard sending her down. She stopped on Kim chest and crotches
making her scream in pain she grabbed her clothes and started tear them off.
Kim shoes were tossed aside. Kim tried to crawl away but Tiffany grabbed her.

"Let see what under this shirt" She said

Kim screamed for help but was down in her Bra and Panties. They were cute with
little heard.

"Ahhhh isn't that sweet, Kimmy poo. Her want to give you a big hug" She said

She grabbed Kim up and squeezed her in the bear huge. Kim arms went limp as
she squeezed tightly knocking her air.

"Nice tits for a geek mmmmmmm nice ass to" Tiffany said

She gave her ass a nice squeeze and kissed her. Her tongue force its way in
her mouth and started to suck on her tongue while making out. Her squeezer her
ass cheeks together watching Kim legs go limp.

"Nice face to. To bad I got to smash it Red" Tiffany grin

"Please it hurts, let me go. I give up"

"Should of thought of that before you step up to me bitch. Before you got me
all excited. Going to give you a world of pain. Screaming wont help. Thick
walls and most people on the floor weed head who to high to give a shit.
Certainly didn't help you little geek boyfriend baby. (Licking her tears). Use
to smash he ass every day. Use to cry like a girl when a did it. Geek use to
have comic book poster and action figures. Would smash them and watch the
little nerd cry. Feel these strong arms baby. These are fitness girls arms,
Genetic perfection mixed with the highest paid trainer. You're no match for
me. I am rich and beautiful and I get what I want and right now I want your
little ass"


Tiffany dropped her like a log and stripped her top and panties off. Kim was
red with embarrassment. Tiffany stomped on her pussy repeatedly making her
scream in pain she twisted her foot in it. Her pussy hair had a little red

"Just what I thought, I cute little fire crotch. Bet it like kissing Carrot
top" Tiffany laughed.

She twisted her foot and gave as smug smile. Tiffany straddled him and punched
her tits.

"See why they call these fun bags, because I am having a hella of a time"
Tiffany said

"Let me go you crazy bitch" Kim cried


She slapped her 5 times across the face bruising her.

"Sticks and stones bitch. I watch you. Don't want to hurt that pretty face. Me
and you going to have a lot of time together this semester. You made yourself
one of my new toys whore (SLAP SLAP!!) you're on my shit list (slap slap)"

She grabbed her up and held her to the mirror. Kim had to look at her self
naked while Tiffany was clothed. Tiffany force her to look

"Look at yourself bitch. Look how weak and pathetic you are compared to me"
Tiffany said

Tiffany was right compared to her; Kim looked like a skinny 12 year old boy.
Tiffany was tone and fit and bust. Kim could see bruise on her body and tits.
Then it happens. Tiffany looked beautiful like a powerful Amazon. The site
sent a surge of excitement in Kim. Kim tried to hide it but Tiffany notice.
Tiffany nibbled her ear and kisses her neck fondling her body in ways that
made her shiver with pleasure and fear.

"Ohhh your dirty little whore. Who knew you nerds were so Kinky. Oh wait I did
when I rape you little boyfriend" She said

Tiffany started finger her. Her hand were the most skilled she ever had, let
she was rougher then any man she had. Tiffany squeezes and fondled her breast
as she rubbed and tease her Clit. She listens to Kim moans and fondled her G
spot. Her moans grew louder. Even then Kim tried to move her hands away.

"Don't even think about it" Tiffany said grabbed her neck

Kim watch as her body shook in the mirror and Tiffany wicked smiled. Kim body
convulse as she had the most intense orgasm of her life. She felt so perverted
and weak. She was surprise when Tiffany hand smashed into her pussy fucking
her hard.

"Like it rough don't you" Tiffany said

Kim body cried out with multiple climaxes. Got to the point with tears running
down her eyes. She begged to stop but Tiffany fingered her even faster.

"Like that slut" Tiffany said

Kim was exhausted as she climax again. Half and hour passed. Tiffany licked
her finger clean and dropped her. Kim was still shaking from her climaxes.
Tiffany slammed her foot on her pussy making her scream in pain. 10 more time
to the cunt. Kim was in a world of pain.

Tiffany went into the closet and saw Billy's Star War light saber replicate.

"Fucking geek" Tiffany said

"Please stop why you doing this" Kim said

"Cause I can bitch" Tiffany said

She held her down and slammed the sword inside her. She was plunging it. Cum
sprayed out of her pussy like she was overflowing. Tiffany cruelly plunge it
inside her till she passed out.

This angered Tiffany he slapped her awake and put her over her knee. Her hand
came down at high speed, slapping each cheek and in the middle. Kim never been
spanked. Her ass bounces with each hit. Tiffany loved it when it got real red
and spanked her. Soon she was crying like a baby.

"Who your mistress BITCH" Tiffany said

"You are Tiffany"

"That not my name whore" Tiffany said

"You are Mistress Tiffany"


"Good girl"

Half and Hour passed

She pulled a light Saber out of ass while she was spanking her, pushing it in
and out.

"How that for the Force, bitch" Tiffany laughed.

Tiffany dropped her and made her lick the sword clean. She grabbed her hair
and dragged her to the mirror. Tiffany had her on her knees and Flexed so she
could she the comparison. Kim was bruise and broken.

"Who are you" Tiffany said

"Your Slave mistress Tiffany"

"And what do you say"

"I sorry that I am such a nerd, and I step to the beautiful and great mistress

"Good girl"

2 hour later

Billy came back from his Role Play Cos Play torment. It was where you dress up
as the game character and have fake fights. He was dress as a wizard. He
walked in and Saw him girlfriend eating out a smug Tiffany who was sitting on
a chair

"Welcome home geek" Tiffany said

Billy heart sunk

"See your girl found someone with some balls" Tiffany laughed.

"What d..did ... did you do" Billy said

Tiffany got up and pushes Kim aside. She towered over the wimpy looking Billy
and put her hand on the wall trapping him.

"I raped your girlfriend and made her cum more time then you ever could. I
beat and rape her"

Billy shivered

"Just told you I raped your girlfriend, what you going to do about it"

Billy pissed his pants. He knew from experience hew as no match for her. She

"Knew rules bitches. You BOTH belong to me. Billy you better not cum unless I
tell you to. Kim better not see you making him cum. You only fuck when I say

She punches him in the gut and sent him to the ground

"That for missing my homework bitch and you got to build my website. You got a
lot of catching up to do. And you lil Kim. Your going to make me some Cash.
You're going to sale your ass to a Dyce biker Gang and my sorority sisters.
You're going to make me all sorts of money. You're going to poser on website,
and webcam. You're going to be my whore"

"Yes mistress" Kim said

That night Billy was force to watch and tape Tiffany having sex with his
girlfriend while he jerks off in the corner. Then Tiffany raped him in front
of her. She uses her perfect body and her toys. Life would never be the same.

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2016, 07:18:43 am »
Samantha vs. Jen.
by wrestlingstuff2003
A petite newcomer tries to take on an experienced wrestler in her very first match.


This is part 9 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler
"Amanda".  The first story was done in mid May, 2003.

This is the Women's Championship Wrestling League.  Tonight's match will
be between Samantha and Jen.  Amanda had asked the commissioner for a
night off to rest her body.  Amanda had been helping train a new wrester,
Samantha.  So the commissioner decided to give Samantha her first match.
This match will be fought in a standard wrestling ring and is scheduled
for one fall (either 5 second pin or submission).  The fall can
occur inside or outside of the ring.  An official will be present only
to determine the fall.  There are no other rules for the match.  The
arena is packed with fans awaiting the match.

Samantha is the first to come down the ramp toward the ring.  She is a
beautiful 19 year-old petite girl, with long blond hair.  She is 5'5" and
weighs 119 pounds.  She is wearing pink high-heeled boots, a pink tank
top, and pink string bikini panties.  She enters the ring as the crowd
cheers.  As Samantha walks around the ring and waves to the crowd, Jen
makes her way down the ramp.  The crowd goes crazy, as she is the most
popular "heel" in the league.  Jen has blond shoulder length hair.  She
is 5'9" and weighs 173 pounds.  She is all muscle (She looks like a
smaller version of Chyna).  She has on black high-heeled boots, jean
shorts and a black sports bra, which hold her large (DD) breasts
perfectly.  Samantha has very big disadvantage in this match.  Jen enters
the ring and the ring bell is rung...

Samantha runs at Jen and leaps in the air, trying to deliver a hard
dropkick.  But Jen was waiting and she knocks down Samantha's boots.
Samantha falls to the mat and Jen quickly grabs her long blond hair.  She
forces Samantha to her feet and then drives her fist into her gut.
Samantha bends over and Jen raises her hands and slams them down on
Samantha's back, sending her back down to the mat.  Jen grabs her hair
again and forces her up.  She then flings Samantha into the corner, back
first.  Samantha hits the corner hard.  Just as Samantha raises her head,
Jen slams her body into hers.  Samantha's body is crushed against the
turnbuckle and she lets out a moan.  Jen backs away just a few feet and
throws her body in Samantha's again.  Jen has a 50+ pound advantage on
her smaller opponent and is using that added weight and muscle to her
advantage.  Jen takes a step back but grabs the ropes.  She then pulls on
the ropes and throws her body into Samantha's once again.  Samantha lets
out a loud groan.  Just as Jen moves away from Samantha, she takes her
knee and drives it right into Samantha's crotch.  Samantha shrieks and
drops to her knees and holds her groin.  Jen waits a moment and reaches
down and forces Samantha to her feet and then picks her up.  Jen carries
her to the center of the ring and bodyslams her down to the mat.
Samantha rolls to her side and holds her back as she moans.  Jen then
picks up Samantha again.  She holds her in front of her body as
Samantha's cries out pleas for help.  Then Jen lowers herself to one knee
and brings Samantha's back crashing down across her other knee.  Samantha
lets out a loud groan as her body lies bent over Jen's knee...

Jen brings her fists together and starts sending double-fisted punches
down into Samantha's mid section.  The punches are knocking the wind out
of Samantha as well as driving her back into Jen's knee even harder.
After a dozen punches, Jen shoves Samantha off of her knee.  Samantha
lies on the mat and holds her mid section as she let out soft moans.  Jen
jumps onto of her and quickly grabs her hands.  Jen holds her hands tight
and then raises her leg and positions it between Samantha's legs.  She
bends her knee as she pulls her leg back and then drives it down into
Samantha's groin.  Samantha screams in pain and Jen drives her knee into
Samantha's groin again.  Samantha struggles to free her hands but Jen is
far too strong and she cannot get them free to protect her groin.  Jen
sends her knee into Samantha's groin 3 more times and then releases her
hold.  Samantha buries her hands between her legs as she moans in pain.
Samantha is not doing very good so far and needs to mount a comeback.
Samantha rolls herself onto her stomach as she continues to hold her
groin.  Jen now sits down on her back and faces her pink boots.  She
grabs her legs and bends them over her knees, placing Samantha in the
Boston crab.  Samantha cries out as Jen starts to lean back.  Samantha
starts to pound on the mat.  Jen is really applying the pressure and
might be going for an early submission.  Samantha is getting to the point
of giving up.  Samantha's smaller body won't be able to handle this hold
for much longer.  Finally Jen releases the hold and Samantha continues to
lie on the mat moaning in pain.  Jen scoops Samantha up and carries her
toward the ropes.  She lifts her over the ropes and throws her out of the
ring.  Samantha's back lands squarely on the unpadded floor with a thud.
Jen then slips under the ropes and jumps down to the arena floor ready to
continue dishing out punishment to the rookie...

Samantha starts to push herself up and is on her hands and knees.  Jen
moves behind her and pulls her leg back.  She then sends her leg forward,
driving the tip of her black boot right into Samantha's pink panties.
Samantha screams and falls back to the floor.  Jen moves toward
Samantha's back and raises her boot and drives her heel down into the
middle of he back.  Jen raises her boot and slams it down on Samantha's
back 3 more times, each time forcing a moan from Samantha.  Jen reaches
down and picks Samantha up and carries her toward the corner post.  As
they near it, Jen picks up speed and then rams Samantha's back right into
the corner pole.  Jen backs up and rams her back into the pole again.
Jen backs up and drives her back into the metal pole once again.
Samantha is hurting and her back won't be able to withstand much more
abuse.  Jen slams her back into the pole a fourth time and then drops
her.  Samantha hits the floor like a ton of bricks.  Samantha is on her
side arching her back.  Her back is really hurting and if she receives
any more damage to it she will probably submit.  Jen now grabs the
injured Samantha and forces her to stand.  She pushes her against the
pole. Jen raises her knee and drives it into Samantha's gut.  Samantha
tries to crumple to the floor but Jen is holding her up.  Jen sends her
knee into Samantha's gut over, and over, and over.  Samantha is getting
very weak.  Her head is drooped forward as her body continues to absorb
punishment from Jen.  Jen delivers a total of 20 knees to Samantha's gut
and then sends two quick knees into her crotch.  Jen holds Samantha up,
not allowing her to fall to the floor.  Jen then grabs the smaller
Samantha and lifts her up and places her across her shoulders in a
torture rack!  This is a very painful and back breaking hold and Samantha
will definitely be forced to submit now...

Samantha's body is bent across Jen's strong shoulders and Jen pulls down
on her neck and legs, increasing the pain in Samantha's back.  Samantha
is moaning in pain as Jen continues to pull down on her neck and leg.
Samantha's face is contorted in pain as she is forced to endure this
hold.  Finally the pain is too great and she shrieks, "I give!"  The ring
bell is rung and Jen is announced as the winner.  The only problem is Jen
has not released the hold.  She keeps the hold even as Samantha cries out
her submission a couple more times.  Jen keeps the hold another 20
seconds or so and then drops Samantha to the ground.  Jen walks over to
the crowd, probably to give out some high fives to her fans.  Wait...she
is coming back with a steel chair.  She raises it up and slams it down on
Samantha's already hurt back.  Jen yells, "Not only is this your first
match, but it will be your last."  Jen drives the chair down on
Samantha's back again.  It looks like Jen is trying to end Samantha's
wrestling career before it even gets started.  Samantha now rolls onto
her back to protect it from any more hits.  Jen raises the chair and
slams the top edge down into Samantha's mid section, knocking the wind
out of the beautiful blond.  Jen drives it down into her mid section even
harder and then discards the chair.  Jen now grabs Samantha's long hair
and forces her to her feet.  Jen grabs her and then flings her head first
into the metal crowd divider.  Samantha hits it hard and crumples to the
floor.  Jen grabs her and forces her up again and throws her head first
into the divider a second time.  Samantha drops to the floor and is not
moving.  She is hurt very bad and someone needs to stop this brutality...

Jen grabs Samantha and drags her a few feet away from the divider.  She
grabs her hair and tries to make Samantha rise to her feet but she is too
weak to get up.  Jen gets another idea.  Since Samantha is lying on her
stomach, Jen gets down on her back.  She grabs Samantha's arms and pulls
them back over her knees, placing her in the inescapable camel clutch!
Samantha is in very big trouble now.  As Jen yanks back, Samantha's head
is lifted off the floor and we see a small gash in her forehead.
Samantha's eyes are closed and she is only letting out shallow moans.
Jen grabs a handful of Samantha's hair and leans back further, applying
maximum pressure to Samantha's back.  Jen is preoccupied with the hold
and doesn't her a commotion in the crowd behind her.  We look over and
see someone running toward the ring with a steel's
Amanda!  Amanda rushes toward the ring and comes up behind Jen and slams
the chair into Jen's back.  Jen immediately releases the hold and
Samantha falls lifelessly to the floor.  Amanda slams the chair across
Jen's back again.  Amanda then raises the chair and smashes it down on
Jen's head.  Jen tumbles to the floor.  Amanda raises the chair and
drives the end into Jen's ribs.  Amanda is pumped up and very mad that
Jen would try to permanently injure Amanda's trainee.  Jen tries to push
herself up but Amanda slams the chair down on her head again.  Jen falls
to the floor and lies there in pain.  Amanda now drops the chair and
bends down to look at Samantha.  Samantha is not out cold but she is
hurt.  Amanda scoops up the smaller girl and starts walking back to the
locker room.  Jen shakes the cob webs free and finally gets to her feet.
She looks at the ramp and sees Amanda carrying Samantha toward the locker
room.  Jen comes over to our table and before Amanda is out of site,
she grabs the microphone and barks, "Amanda you bitch!  You should not
have done that.  You want to help out your little trainee?  Well how
about this for a match...I will take both of you on in a two versus one
handicapped match.  I can beat both of you without any help.  So what do
you say?"  Amanda waits on the edge of the ramp for an assistant to bring
her a microphone and she responds, "Sure thing.  You don't stand a
chance."  Well it looks like the next match has been set...

The end.

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Offline Nefarious

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2016, 07:25:14 am »
Amanda and Samantha vs. Jen.
By wrestlingstuff2003
This is a two against one "street fight" match.


This is part 10 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler
"Amanda".  The first story was done in mid May, 2003.

This is the Women's Championship Wrestling League.  Tonight's match will
be Amanda and Samantha versus Jen.  After Jen brutally beat Samantha in
the last match, Amanda came to rescue her and smashed Jen with a steel
chair numerous times.  Jen issued a challenge and will take on both girls
at once.  Jen got to choose the type of match and she wanted a street
fight, and she insisted that the match take place in the alley behind the
arena.  Here is what the alley looks like.  There will be two grandstands
set up for fans located at the two open ends of the alley.  The other two
sides are blocked off by brick walls (one wall is the arena wall and the
other is a neighboring building).  The fans are blocked by a retaining
wall and all wrestlers must stay out of the crowd and no one else is
allowed to participate in the match.  Our table is set up right in front
of the grandstands on one side.  The alley was not touched at all.  There
are numerous boxes, trashcans and other debris in the alley.  It is
anyone's guess what things could be used as weapons in this alley and the
commissioner made no weapon restrictions.  There is also a dumpster in
the alley.  In order to determine who wins the match, the commissioner
came up with an idea.  The first team to get their opponent(s) in the
dumpster will be declared the winner.  The grandstands are packed with
fans waiting for the start of this exciting match...

Amanda and Samantha come out of the arena door and into the alley.  The
crowd cheers.  Amanda is wearing her white boots as well as black shorts
and a tight white t-shirt.  She looks stunning.  Samantha is dressed in
all pink: pink boots, pink shorts and a pink tank top.  She looks very
good as well.  The girls start to walk to the center of the alley as the
crowd continues to cheer.  As they continue to observe the new
surroundings, Jen slips out of the door and quietly grabs a nearby metal
trash can.  The crowd roars as Jen quickly approaches the unsuspecting
girls.  Jen raises the trash can and moves in behind Samantha and slams
it down on Samantha's head.  Samantha drops to the ground moaning and
Amanda quickly turns around.  Jen raises the trashcan again and Amanda
puts her arms up to block the hit.  Since Amanda is concentrating on the
trash can, Jen sends a hard kick right between Amanda's legs.  Amanda was
not expecting that and she lets out a shriek and falls to her knees and
buries her hands between her legs.  Jen then slams the trashcan down on
Amanda's forehead. Amanda falls to the ground.  Jen discards the trashcan
and grabs Samantha by the hair.  She forces the young blond to her feet
and then throws her into the brick wall.  Samantha's body slams into the
wall and she falls to the ground.  Jen grabs her by the hair and forces
her up again.  Jen looks and sees Amanda has just made it to her feet.
Jen grabs Samantha by the arm and whips her around, throwing her right
into Amanda.  Both girls fall on the ground with Samantha ending up on
top of Amanda.  Jen quickly grabs Samantha and gets her up again.  Jen
puts her in a headlock and then runs with her and drops to the ground,
giving Samantha an awesome bulldog.  Samantha is lying face down on the
ground and is not moving.  She might be knocked out.  This will give Jen
the chance to work over Amanda...

Jen leaves Samantha and heads back towards Amanda.  Jen walks by a pipe
and picks it up.  Amanda is on her feet and sees Jen coming with the
pipe.  Jen swings the pipe and Amanda moves away.  Jen swings the pipe
again, but Amanda evades it again.  Jen swings the pipe a third time and
this time connects with Amanda's ribs.  Amanda lets out a howl and brings
her hand down to her right side.  Jen takes the pipe and slams it as hard
as she can into Amanda's left thigh.  That hit is going to leave a nasty
bruise.  Amanda drops to her knees and moves one hand to her thigh.  Jen
raises the pipe and slams it down on Amanda's back.  Amanda falls face
first to the ground.  Jen straddles her back and slides the pipe under
Amanda's throat and pulls back.  Amanda gasps as her body gets lifted off
the ground.  She places her hands on the ground but Jen continues to pull
back.  Amanda is in a bad position and cannot free her neck from Jen's
choke.  Jen keeps up the choke, trying to take the fight out of the sexy
Amanda.  After 30 seconds, Jen releases the pipe and Amanda falls back to
the ground gasping for air.  Jen glances back to Samantha and sees she is
still down.  Jen now grabs Amanda's black shorts and yanks them off
Amanda's smooth legs, revealing Amanda's red string bikini panties.
Amanda offers no protest so Jen grabs her shirt and tears that off her
body too.  Amanda has on a low cut matching red bra.  Jen now grabs
Amanda's long brown hair and forces her up.  She shoves Amanda back first
into the brick wall.  Jen grabs Amanda's hands and holds them against the
wall.  She then brings her knee up, smashing it into Amanda's crotch.
Amanda lets out a moan and Jen drives her knee into Amanda's crotch
again...and again...and again.  Jen sends her knee into Amanda's crotch
10 times before she stops.  Jen releases Amanda and she crumples to the
ground holding her sore crotch.  Jen lets the pain set in for a moment
and then she grabs Amanda and picks her up.  She carries her over to the
opposite brick wall.  Jen just stands there and we notice she is holding
Amanda right over a pile of broken glass!  Jen then drops her and as
Amanda's bare back hits the glass, she lets out a deafening scream.  Jen
then grabs Amanda's boots and gives them a pull, dragging Amanda's back
across the glass.  Amanda is screaming in pain as the glass cuts her soft
skin.  Jen releases her and heads back to Samantha...

Samantha is on her knees holding her head.  Jen comes up behind her and
keels down right behind her.  Jen wraps her arms around Samantha's skinny
waist and begins to squeeze.  Samantha tries to pry Jen's hands lose but
Jen's grip is too strong.  Jen squeezes hard and Samantha is losing
oxygen fast.  Jen keeps the hold until Samantha is thoroughly weakened.
Jen releases the hold and pulls Samantha up on her feet.  She grabs the
bottom of her tank top and pulls it off.  The crowd goes wild as they see
that she wasn't wearing a bra.  Jen now picks Samantha up and then throws
her into a pile of card board boxes.  Samantha's body soon disappears in
the pile.  Jen reaches in and gets a hold of one of her pink boots.  She
pulls Samantha out of the pile.  Samantha is just lying on the ground and
Jen takes advantage.  Jen raises her black boot and drives her heel down
right between Samantha's legs.  Samantha lets out a scream and moves her
hands down.  Jen doesn't move her boot.  She starts to grind her heel
further into Samantha's pink shorts.  Samantha is crying out in pain and
grabs Jen's boot.  Jen has too much leverage for Samantha to remove the
boot and she keeps up the pressure.  Jen finally removes her boot,
allowing Samantha to bury her hands between her legs.  Jen looks back for
Amanda and doesn't see her in the same spot.  Jen glances to the right
and sees that Amanda has crawled away from the glass but still does not
pose a threat.  Amanda is half sitting on the ground as she reaches one
hand behind her and is picking pieces of broken glass out of her back as
she winces in pain.  Amanda's back has many scratches and some scratches
have begun to trickle blood.  Jen gives a little chuckle and then turns
her attention back to Samantha...

Jen grabs Samantha's blond hair and forces her to stand up.  She brings
her toward the brick wall.  As they near, Jen pushes Samantha's face
against the wall and then scrapes her face across the wall.  Samantha
cries out and after a few feet, Jen releases the hold on Samantha's
head.  Samantha pulls her face from the wall and we see that Samantha's
check and temple are cut open.  Jen picks Samantha up and carries her
toward the dumpster.  This could be it for the young beauty.  Jen flips
Samantha so her back is facing away from her and then runs toward the
corner of the dumpster.  She slams Samantha's lower back into the corner
of the dumpster and Samantha moans in pain.  Jen backs up and drives her
back into the corner of the steel dumpster again.  Jen then drops
Samantha's back down across her knee.  Samantha's body is bent painfully
across Jen's knee.  Jen raises her fist and drives it down into
Samantha's groin.  Samantha lets out a scream and Jen drives her fist
down into her groin even harder.  Jen sends another punch into Samantha's
groin.  Just then the crowd starts to make a lot of noise.  Amanda is
coming up behind Jen with a 2x4.  Just as Jen sends another punch into
Samantha's groin, Amanda swings the 2x4 and hits Jen across the back.
Jen falls forward and Samantha falls as well.  Jen rolls to her side and
is now on her back.  Amanda moves in and raises the board up high.  She
brings it down but Jen is able to roll out of the way and the 2x4 slams
against the bare ground.  Amanda starts to raise the board again.  Jen
looks next to her and finds a rusty chain.  She grabs it and sits up.
Jen swings the chain and barely misses Amanda.  Amanda is caught by
surprise and she stumbles back and falls on her ass.  Both girls
frantically scramble to their feet with their weapons in hand.  Samantha
is still on the ground holding her crotch as Jen and Amanda square off...

Jen starts swinging the chain and Amanda backs up.  She keeps backing up
until her back hits the wall.  Amanda is trapped so she takes the 2x4 and
swings it toward Jen's head.  Jen ducks; and as the board goes past her,
she knocks it out of Amanda's hands.  Jen quickly moves in and sends an
extremely hard kick into Amanda's bare mid section.  Amanda doubles over
and Jen pushes her to her knees.  Jen wraps the chain around her fist and
is about to attack Amanda when Samantha jumps on her back.  Samantha
wraps one of her arms around Jen's neck.  Jen moves over to the brick
wall and turns around as Samantha tries to choke her.  Jen then steps
back, slamming Samantha's back into the wall.  Jen moves away from the
wall and slams Samantha's back into the wall again.  Amanda has now
gotten up and is moving towards Jen.  Jen slams Samantha's back into the
wall a third time and Samantha releases her hold of Jen's neck and slides
off her back to the ground.  Amanda moves in and sends a punch to Jen's
gut.  Jen drops to her knees.  Amanda grabs a hold of Jen's hair and
tries to pull her up.  Jen brings her chain fist up and sends it into
Amanda's mid section.  Amanda gasps and drops to her knees.  Jen moves
around behind Amanda and unhooks her bra and peels it off.  She pulls
Amanda's hands behind her back and uses the bra to bind them behind her.
Jen then moves in front of Amanda and kneels down.  She pulls her arm
back and sends her chain fist right into Amanda's red panties.  Amanda
cries out in pain and desperately tries to free her hands.  Jen delivers
another chain fist to Amanda's crotch.  Amanda is in major pain and is
struggling to get her hands free.  Jen sends two more hard punches into
Amanda's crotch and looks over at Samantha.  Samantha has made it to her
feet and is leaning against the wall holding her back.  Jen knows she
must get back to Samantha and sends one last punch to Amanda's crotch
with the chain fist.  Jen stands up and grabs Amanda's long hair and
pulls back, forcing Amanda to look toward the sky.  Jen raises her fist
and drives her chain fist down into Amanda's forehead.  Jen raises her
fist just as Amanda's hands get free of the bra.  Jen sends one last
chain fist into Amanda's head, knocking the beauty to the ground.  There
is a gash in Amanda's forehead.  Amanda lies on the ground and holds her
crotch as Jen comes up behind Samantha and slides the chain around her

Jen tightens the chain and Samantha gasps.  Samantha brings her hands to
the chain to try to remove it but Jen has it too tight.  Jen pulls hard
on the chain and Samantha is losing more air with every second that
passes.  Jen might be trying for a knockout here.  Samantha is struggling
to move the chain away from her neck.  Samantha is gasping hard now.  Jen
releases the chain and pulls it away.  As Samantha reaches her hands up,
we see some deep marks from where the rusty chain dug into her neck.  Jen
now moves Samantha a few feet back so that she is below a fire escape
ladder.  Jen grabs a rope on the ground and binds one end around
Samantha's hands.  Samantha is too weak to protest and is still trying to
get her breath.  Jen takes the other end of the rope and ties it to the
bottom rung of the ladder.  Jen then goes back to Amanda, who is on her
hands and knees.  Jen grabs her hair and brings her to her feet and
directs her closer to the dumpster.  She then bends Amanda forward and
gives her a hard shove, sending Amanda head first into the metal
dumpster.  WHAM!  Amanda immediately drops to the ground.  Jen reaches
down and grabs Amanda by the hair.  She pulls the topless beauty to her
feet.  She pulls her back and then launches her headfirst into the
dumpster again.  Amanda crumples to the ground.  Amanda is lying face
down on the ground.  Jen moves in and raises her black boot and stomps on
Amanda's back.  Amanda lets out a shallow moan.  Jen drives her heel into
Amanda's back a couple more times.  She then reaches down and scoops up
Amanda's body.  It looks like Jen might throw her into the dumpster.  Jen
seems to change her mind and she bodyslams Amanda on the concrete.
Amanda arches her back as she groans.  Jen glances back to Samantha and
sees she is still tied up and is not even attempting to get out.  Jen
kneels down next to Amanda and drives punch after punch into Amanda's mid
section.  Amanda is moaning as each punch connects with her mid section.
Jen sends about 20 punches into her mid section before she stops her
assault and stands up.  Jen grabs Amanda's beautiful hair and yanks up on
it.  Amanda struggles to get to her feet.  Amanda's body has been really
worked over so far and she has almost no energy left.  Jen leads the
staggering Amanda over to a group of trash cans.  Jen releases Amanda and
she almost falls over.  Jen grabs one of the metal lids and then swings
it at Amanda's head.  Amanda is too weak to move and the lid slams into
the side of her head.  Amanda falls to the ground as Jen laughs...

Jen drops the lid and scoops Amanda up.  She raises her up and then
bodyslams her on the trashcan lid.  Amanda is barely moving and she is
almost out of it.  Jen moves over to Amanda's head and says, "I will
teach you not to interfere in any of my matches."  She places the heel of
her black boot on Amanda's forehead and starts to grind it in.  Amanda
starts to moan and after a few seconds is able to roll her head out from
under Jen's boot.  But the gash on Amanda's head has opened up wider.
Jen goes over to the trashcans as Amanda lies on the ground with her eyes
closed.  Jen reaches into one of the trashcans and pulls out broken
broomstick.  She goes back to Amanda and kicks her legs apart.  Jen
raises the broomstick handle high above her head.  Without warning, Jen
swiftly brings the stick down and smashes down on Amanda's crotch.
Amanda doesn't have the energy to scream but her mouth forms a large "O"
and she rolls to her side and places her hands on her very sore crotch.
Jen discards the weapon and now picks up an empty trashcan.  She lifts it
up above Amanda's head and then slams it down as hard as she can.
Amanda's body goes limp from the hit and she appears to be knocked out.
Jen drops the trashcan and then picks up Amanda's limp body.  She throws
her over her shoulder and heads for the dumpster.  Jen gets to the
dumpster and then flings Amanda off her shoulder and into the dumpster.
We have no idea what is in that dumpster...broken glass, rats, rotten
food, etc.  We do know that Amanda is knocked out and bleeding and that
her partner, Samantha, will be finishing the fight alone...

Jen heads over to finish Samantha off.  Samantha watched as Jen threw her
partner in the dumpster and she is looking nervous.  Samantha's hands are
still bound above her head and she will not be able to defend herself to
Jen's attacks.  Jen moves behind Samantha and grabs the piece of chain
that she used earlier.  She moves to Samantha's side and takes the chain
and whips Samantha in the back with it.  Samantha groans and Jen whips
her again.  She pulls the chain back and whips it against Samantha's back
as hard as she can.  Samantha cries out in pain.  Jen whips her again.
There are visible red marks across Samantha's back now.  Jen whips her
and Samantha's cries have turned to whimpers.  Jen whips her with the
chain one last time and then drops the chain.  Jen now reaches out and
grabs Samantha's pink shorts and pulls them down her legs, revealing
Samantha's pink thong panties.  The crowd is going wild.  Jen slides the
shorts off and then moves around in front of Samantha.  She moves her
legs apart and then takes a step back.  Jen then launches her black boot
up in between Samantha's legs.  Samantha lets out a low moan and Jen
drives her boot into Samantha's crotch again.  Jen is really enjoys
dishing out these kicks.  Jen sends her boot into Samantha's crotch
again.  Samantha's legs start to wobble.  Jen sends another kick between
Samantha's legs.  These kicks are doing major damage to Samantha's tender
groin.  Jen launches another kick into Samantha's pink panties.  Jen now
moves in and unties the rope around Samantha's hands.  Samantha crumples
to the cement...

Jen picks up Samantha and then bodyslams her down on the ground.
Samantha just lies on the ground.  Jen then raises her boot and drives
the heel down into Samantha's gut.  Samantha let out a low moan and then
rolls herself into a fetal position.  Jen grabs Samantha's blond hair and
forces her to her feet.  Jen takes Samantha and then throws her head
first into the brick wall.  Samantha's head hits the wall and her whole
body goes limp and falls to the ground.  Jen grabs Samantha's hair again
and begins to pull up.  Somehow Samantha makes it to her knees.  As we
look at her, we see her eyes are glazed over and she is almost out of
it.  Jen pulls her head back and then quickly brings it forward, sending
her forehead into the brick wall.  Samantha's body tumbles to the
ground.  Samantha is knocked out.  Her forehead is also bleeding.  Jen
scoops Samantha's lifeless body up and carries her toward the dumpster.
She looks into the dumpster and notices that Amanda is still out cold.
She then throws Samantha right on top of Amanda's body.  Jen walks to the
side of the dumpster, grabs the lid, and slams it shut.  Jen raises her
hands in victory as the crowd screams their approval...


The end.

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2016, 07:28:56 am »
Amanda vs. Jen in a match for the title.
Amanda tries to take the title away from the stronger and more powerful champ, Jen.


This is part 5 in a series of wrestling stories based on the wrestler
"Amanda".  The first story was done in mid May, 2003.

This is the Women's Championship Wrestling League.  Tonight's match will
be between Amanda, the challenger, and Jen, the champion.  This match
will be fought in a standard wrestling ring and is scheduled for one fall
(either 5 second pin or submission).  The fall can occur inside or
outside of the ring.  An official will be present only to determine the
fall.  There are no other rules for the match.  The arena is packed with
fans awaiting the match.

Amanda is the first to come down the ramp toward the ring.  She is a
beautiful 26 year- old with long, brown hair.  She is 5'9" and weighs 141
pounds.  She is wearing white high-heeled boots, a gray t-shirt, and blue
sting bikini panties.  She enters the ring as the crowd cheers.  As the
music blares out "Bodies" by Drowning Pool, Jen makes her way down the
ramp and the crowd goes crazy.  She is the most popular "heel" and has a
big fan base.  Jen has blond shoulder length hair.  She is 5'9" and
weighs 173 pounds.  She is all muscle.  She looks like a smaller version
of Chyna.  She has on black high-heeled boots, jean shorts and a black
sports bra, which hold her large (DD) breasts perfectly.  Jen is a great
wrestler and Amanda has a very tough match ahead of her.  Jen uses her
superior strength to delver many body bending holds.  Jen enters the ring
and the ring bell is rung...

Amanda runs across the ring as Jen turns around.  Amanda jumps in the air
and delivers a drop kick, hitting Jen in the mid section and knocking her
into the corner.  Amanda quickly gets up as Jen straightens up in the
corner.  Amanda grabs Jen's arm and pulls her out of the corner and
attempts to fling her across the ring into the opposite corner.  Jen
reverses it and sends Amanda flying across the ring into the far corner.
Amanda hits the corner hard.  Jen wastes no time and rushes Amanda.  She
throws herself into the corner and slams against Amanda's body.  Amanda
lets out a loud "ooofff".  Jen now lowers her shoulder and grabs the
middle ropes.  Jen launches her shoulder into Amanda's mid section.
Amanda moans in pain and Jen sends her shoulder deep into Amanda's mid
section over and over.  With Amanda winded, Jen grabs Amanda and picks
her up and bodyslams her down on the mat.  Amanda hits hard and rolls to
her side and arches her back.  Jen picks Amanda up again.  This time Jen
powerbombs Amanda down to the mat.  As Jen lies on Amanda, she puts her
forearm across Amanda's throat and pushes down.  Amanda starts to choke
and tries to push Jen's arm aside but Jen is too strong and is able to
keep the choke hold.  Jen finally releases the hold and Amanda rolls to
her side coughing.  Jen rolls the gasping Amanda onto her stomach...

Jen grabs Amanda arms as she places her black high-heeled boot on the
middle of Amanda's back.  Jen yanks her arms back and now has Amanda in a
surfboard hold.  Amanda is wincing in pain as Jen uses her strength and
pulls back on Amanda's arms. The heel of Jen's black boot is really
digging into Amanda's back.  Jen keeps her in the hold for about a half
minute and then drops her.  Amanda groans in pain.  Jen reaches down and
grabs a handful of Amanda's hair.  She forces Amanda to her feet and then
whips Amanda into the corner.  Amanda hits the corner and hangs in the
corner with her arms over the top rope.  Jen moves in and delivers a hard
sidekick to Amanda's mid section.  Jen keeps the kicks coming as Amanda
is unable to block them.  Jen's boots are really doing damage to Amanda's
mid section.  After a good dozen kicks, Jen moves closer and kicks
Amanda's legs apart.  She drives her knee up right between Amanda's
legs.  Amanda lets out a loud moan.  Jen launches another knee into
Amanda's crotch using her powerful leg muscles.  Amanda is getting weaker
and looks like she is about to collapse.  Jen sends one more knee into
Amanda's crotch and then takes a step back.  Amanda's arms start to slide
off the ropes.  Before Amanda can collapse though, Jen pulls her leg all
the way back and brings it forward quickly, driving the toe of her boot
deep into Amanda's crotch.  Amanda slips off the ropes and falls to the
mat moaning in pain.  She buries her hands between her legs and holds her
throbbing groin...

Jen flips Amanda onto her back and then kneels down by Amanda's head.
She places her right shin across Amanda's throat and applies pressure.
Amanda starts to gasp and moves her hands up to her throat.  She grabs
Jen's boot and tries to free her neck, but Jen applies more pressure and
Amanda is unable to get free.  Jen has Amanda trapped and might be going
for a submission here.  Amanda is struggling to free herself but Jen has
too much leverage.  Amanda's struggling is growing weaker with each
passing second.  Jen finally releases the hold and Amanda sucks in air.
Jen now reaches down and grabs Amanda.  She has her by the waist and
starts to pick her up.  She has Amanda in an inverted bearhug and it
looks like she is going to piledrive Amanda and end the match.  Wait, Jen
holds Amanda and walks over to the corner.  She places Amanda's knees
over the top rope.  She releases Amanda's mid section and then grabs
Amanda's ankles and crosses Amanda's boots.  Amanda is left hanging
upside down in the corner, facing into the center of the ring.  She is
held up only by her knees bent over the ropes and her ankles locked
together.  Jen steps back and sends a couple kicks into Amanda's mid
section.  Amanda's gray shirt slips down and reveals her bra.  Jen now
moves in and climbs to the second rope.  She moves her right leg off the
rope and raises it up between Amanda's legs.  She then stomps down,
driving the heel of her boot right into Amanda's crotch.  Amanda lets out
a moan and her legs are starting to slip.  Jen raises her boot and stomps
down on Amanda's groin again.  Jen starts digging the heel of her boot
into Amanda's blue panties.   Jen's weight is too much and Amanda's
ankles come apart and her legs slip off the ropes and send her crashing
to the mat below.  Amanda holds her sore groin as Jen leaps off the
ropes.  Jen reaches down and peels off Amanda's t-shirt
revealing Amanda's sexy, low cut bra.  Jen now gives Amanda a swift kick
in the ribs that sends Amanda out of the ring.  As Amanda falls to the
floor, Jen slides out of the ring after her...

Jen reaches down and scoops Amanda up in her arms and backs up toward the
crowd.  She rotates Amanda's body so their stomachs touch each other.  As
soon as she has Amanda positioned just right, she moves back toward the
ring as quick as she can.  Jen is heading right for the ring
post...WHAM...Amanda's lower back slams into the cold, hard steel.
Amanda lets out a moan and Jen backs up again.  Jen takes off toward the
ring post a second time.  She drives Amanda's lower back into the ring
post again.  Amanda lets out another groan.  Jen pulls away from the
corner and moves back toward the crowd.  Amanda cannot escape the grip
that Jen has on her.  With a look of determination in her eyes, Jen heads
for the pole with all speed that she can muster.  She drives Amanda's
back into the post as hard as she can.  She holds her there for an extra
second and it looks like she is trying to bend Amanda around the pole.
Jen takes one step back, pulling Amanda away from the pole.  Jen drops to
one knee and then drops Amanda down, executing a perfect backbreaker.
Amanda's body hangs limply on Jen's knee.  Jen then shoves Amanda off and
she falls to the floor.  Amanda rolls to her side and arches her back as
she lets out cries of pain.  Jen grabs Amanda's long hair and pulls her
to her feet.  Amanda moves her hands to her sore back as Jen leads her
over to our table.  Jen faces our table and then positions Amanda so that
she is in front of her, but facing away from us.  Amanda's nice ass is
almost at eye level as we stare at the back of her tight fitting, silk
blue panties.  Amanda's lower back is red from the hits against the
post.  Jen makes a motion to my partner and me to get out of the way.  I
grab the microphone and quickly move away.  Jen grabs Amanda around the
throat and lifts her into the air and chokeslams her down on our table!
As Amanda hits the table, it breaks in half and Amanda falls through the
broken table as the crowd erupts with cheers.  Amanda is lying in the
wreckage of the table and is not moving.  Jen raises her hands in

Jen grabs Amanda by her ankles and pulls her out of the broken table.
Amanda is still lying there so Jen lifts her boot and stomps on her
crotch.  Amanda lets out a soft moan and moves one hand down to her
crotch.  Amanda is almost out of it and it won't take much for Jen to get
a pin or submission now.  Jen flips Amanda onto her stomach and then gets
down, straddling Amanda's back.  She grabs Amanda's arms and pulls her up
into a perfect camel clutch.  This should be it fans.  Amanda's back has
taken a pounding in this match and she won't last a minute in this
backbreaking hold.  Jen yanks her high off the floor as Amanda moans
softly in pain.  Jen reaches her hands down to Amanda's bra and unhooks
the clasp.  Amanda's breasts pop free and the crowd cheers.  Jen grabs a
handful of Amanda's long hair and pulls back with all her strength.
Amanda's eyes are closed as she winces in pain.  There is a commotion in
the crowd somewhere near the wrestlers, but I can't see what is going
on.  Jen keeps the hold and continues to apply pressure by leaning
backwards.  Amanda is opening her mouth and I think she is about to
submit.  Suddenly, out of the crowd bursts Tanya, who is Amanda's
tag-team partner.  She has a metal chair in her hand and she moves behind
Jen.  Amanda's back is in terrible pain and she starts to groan,
"I...I...G" just then Tanya slams the chair into the back of Jen's head,
causing her to release Amanda from the hold.  Amanda was about to submit
and Tanya saved her just in time!  Tanya quickly moves around Jen and
swings the chair again, this time hitting Jen right in the forehead.  Jen
falls on her back as Tanya raises the chair again.  Tanya slams the chair
down again, hitting Jen square in the head.  Jen's body goes limp.  WOW!
What a turn of events.  Tanya now goes over to Amanda and grabs
her arms.  Amanda is still very weak and I am not sure she even realizes
what is happening.  Tanya drags her over to Jen and drapes her across the
champion.  The official starts to count and easily reaches 5.  Amanda is
the winner!  Thanks to Tanya, Amanda is the new champion.  Everything is
perfectly legal since outside interference was not prohibited in the
rules.  Jen is going to be really pissed off when she wakes up.  Tanya
grabs Amanda and helps her back to the dressing room.  A few minutes
later, Jen wakes up and sees her title belt is gone from the ringside
table.  She knows she lost the belt.  She lets out a loud scream and
yells out some obscenities.  She swears revenge against Amanda and Tanya
as she walks back to the locker room.

The end.

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Female vs Female
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2016, 09:56:11 am »
Fitness Contestant vs. Bodybuilder
by brooksie
A wrestling match between a fitness competitor and a female bodybuilder

Shannon Fitzgerald felt great! She had just finished an intense workout and
still had tons of energy. I could have gone for another hour, she thought. Her
stamina and strength had increased tremendously and she felt totally prepared
for her upcoming fitness competition. She had been competing at the national
level for about two years and had been placing higher in each contest. A tall,
gorgeous brunette with thick, auburn hair and a sinewy, athletic physique, she
was one of the most popular people in her gym. She was a sought-after fitness
model locally and was starting to become known nationally. Her gym gave her
free membership in exchange for modelling for their advertisements and
everyone there was encouraging and supportive of her contest efforts. Well,
almost everyone. Shannon had always gotten a bad time from a woman named Lynn,
who was an aspiring bodybuilder. Lynn was shorter and heavier-set than
Shannon, although all of it was muscle. At 5' 6 and 175 lbs, she was 4 inches
shorter and 20 lbs heavier. She had short blonde hair and a pretty, roundish
face. Many would find her pretty, although she was certainly not the stunning
beauty that Shannon was. She had a tremendously well-muscled body and was
capable of some very impressive lifts including 315 lb. squats and 200 lb.
bench presses. She worked very hard, putting in 2 - 3 hrs. of heavy lifting a
day, five days a week.

As a bodybuilder, she felt resentful of fitness competitors like Shannon.
While everyone at the gym expressed keen interest in Shannon and followed her
progress on the fitness circuit, not many people paid Lynn's career any
attention at all. She felt completely overshadowed by Shannon. As a result,
she showed no friendliness towards Shannon whatsoever and even went out of her
way to show her up. She would often perform exercises right after Shannon had
finished, making comments like "Oh, just leave those plates on, honey, I'm
gonna add some real weight to that bar."

Lynn hated the way people fawned over the gorgeous fitness competitor, asking
about upcoming competitions and other questions related to her career. Lynn
worked two part-time jobs and spent all of her free time training while
Shannon was leading an increasingly glamourous existence, making her money
from modelling and acting as a personal trainer to some wealthy clients at the
gym, who helped sponsor her. Lynn had no sponsors and paid her own expenses
travelling to small bodybuilding competitions that had nowhere near the
profile and exposure of the glitzy fitness shows Shannon participated in.
Shannon was aware that Lynn had seemed to have taken a dislike to her, even
though she had never given her any reason to, that she could think of. She was
an upbeat, positive person who just shrugged negative vibes off. Shannon was
focused on her upcoming contest and was training with a fervour that allowed
her to block out any potential distractions. The day before she was to leave
for the contest, Shannon was working out in the gym and nearly everyone thee
stopped to wish her good luck, saying things like "You can do it", "Go get
'em", "We're all behind you" and so on. Lynn was working out at the same time
and felt increasingly sickened by all these well-wishers. She resented the
increasing attention paid to these fitness contests, which in her mind, were
little more than beauty pageants.

Two days later Lynn walked into the gym and found a crowd of people gathered
around the notice board, which featured a blow-up of the morning newspaper
article describing Shannon's contest victory. There was a large photo of her
on stage with her arm held aloft by the show's organizer and the other
cradling her first place trophy. Lynn went through her workout with the kind
of reckless energy fuelled by anger. Unfortunately for her, there was no
reprieve. The gym threw a big welcome-back reception for Shannon and several
more stories appeared about her in the local press. It was a week or more
before things returned to normal, although Shannon was now more the centre of
attention that ever. It was all too much for Lynn and she decided to start
looking for a new gym. She knew of one she thought was alright, run by a pair
of brothers, Nick and Marco. They had a good gym, well- equipped but it was a
little out of her way. She decided the extra travel was worth it.

Nick and Marco came from a large Italian family. Their father had been a local
boxing promoter who ran a small gym downtown where mostly fighters and a few
weight lifters trained. It was that gym the brothers originally took over. As
the neighbouhood grew increasingly run down and interest in boxing fell off,
the brothers decided to re-locate and open a new gym, one that catered more to
the modern, fitness-oriented market but would still appeal to the serious
weight trainer. One of the brothers' sidelines was promoting so-called "Tough
Man/Tough Woman" competitions where amateur fighters boxed in three round
bouts. They had also begun promoting "Ultimate Fighting" type of competitions
as part of these events as well but even so, attendance for these events was
not huge and they were always on the lookout for added attractions that would
stimulate interest.

"I'm telling you Nicky, these fitness women are very tough. They may look like
models with muscles but you should see some of the stuff they can do." Marco
was trying to sell his older brother on the idea of a feature attraction to
boost attendance in the next "Tough Man" fight. "They're incredible athletes"
he continued "they've got the cardiovascular conditioning of a runner, the
flexibility of a dancer and the agility of a gymnast and some of these women
are as strong as any female bodybuilder, even some of the guys."

"Come on, what are you talking this nonsense for?" Nick challenged.

"It' s not nonsense" Marco insisted "they have to perform amazing feats of
strength. I know of one woman who can do 40 one-armed pushups. Here, look at
this" he said, handing his brother a copy of a women's bodybuilding magazine
with a photo of a top fitness competitor curling her entire bodyweght, 130
lbs. "Yeah, but she's cheating" Nick complained "look how far back she's
leaning." Marco looked at his brother with exasperation. "Hey, think about it
Nicky, how many guys you know that could curl that much weight without
cheating. And guarantee, if they could, they'd weigh a lot more than she does.
Some of these women are very strong. Besides, wrestling's about more than pure
strength, you know that. Especially upper body. The legs are more important.
Same with endurance, skill and strategy. You should consider this, it would be
a really good draw." Marco's idea was to feature a special wrestling match
between a female bodybuilder and a fitness contestant at their upcoming event.
He was well aware of the growing rivalry between these two branches of women's
athletics and that's what had inspired him, as well as the media coverage of
Shannon Fitzgerald. He knew if he could get her to wrestle they would have a
huge attraction on their hands. Plenty of guys would gladly fork out twenty
bucks just to see that, not to mention their buddies and girlfriends. One
article Marco had seen said that Shannon had wrestled in high school,
competing in a few tournaments and had studied judo and jujitsu.

"So you're gonna get this fitness girl, what's her name?"

"Shannon Fitzgerald."

"Ok Shannon, what are you gonna pay her?"

"Flat fee. I was thinking of offering her a grand."

"A thousand dollars?"

"Yeah, and five hundred for her opponent because she wouldn't be as big a

"Fifteen hundred dollars, you want to spend fifteen hundred bucks on this?"

"Actually a little more. We should increase the advertising budget a bit,
maybe another five hundred. You know, take out a bigger ad in the paper, in
the sports section. Look, two grand, that's only and extra 100 tickets and we
make it back. 200 and we double our investment but I'm betting we sell at
least another 300-400, maybe more. Come on, what have we got to lose? We
barely broke even on the last two shows. Hell, I've been thinking we ought to
start promoting one of these fitness shows ourselves, we'd probably do

His brother stared at the picture in the magazine. "This Shannon, she look as
good as this girl?" "Better, Nicky, better. She's tall, long thick hair, she's
a real knockout." Nick chuckled at his brother's choice of adjective. "Ok you
talk to her, see what she says. By the way, who you gonna get to fight her?"

"I don't know. I know a few female bodybuilders. They're always hungry for
cash. It won't be a problem."

"You see that new girl that joined the gym a few days ago?"


"Big girl. She gotta lot of muscle. You should talk to her."

"What's her name?"

"I can't remember but you'll see her. Short blonde hair, you can't miss her."

Marco contacted Shannon and found her to be pleasant to deal with but
certainly no pushover. The guarantee was to be against a slice of the gross
receipts. She recognized the potential for the brothers to make a lot of money
and if it turned out that way, she wanted a piece of the action. Marco knew
Nick would be pissed but it was the only deal she would take. In return he got
her to agree to a half-hour time limit match so the customers would be sure to
get a good show. Shannon told Marco to draw up the contract and she would sign
it, pending approval of the as-yet-unnamed opponent. Now all Marco had to do
was find someone to wrestle against her. He went back to the gym and told his
brother about the agreement he'd made with Shannon Fitzgerald. As he expected,
Nick didn't like giving up a percentage but Marco convinced him this fitness
girl vs. bodybuilder thing would be a big draw and they'd make money on it
anyway. The real potential was in follow up matches if the first one turned
out to be a big draw. Reluctantly, Nick went along with his younger brother.
"Now all I gotta do is find an opponent for her" Marco said.

"Hey that girl is here, the one I told you about." Nick remembered suddenly
"Why don't you ask her?"

Marco left the office and went downstairs to the weight training area. Nick
had been right, she wasn't hard to spot. He watched the muscualr blonde work
out for a while, noting the heavy weight she was lifting. He waited until she
took a rest break and approached her.

"Hi" he said "my name is Marco, I'm one of the owners." She looked at him

"Lynn." she said simply. No smile, no offer of a handshake. She's one cool
customer, Marco thought.

"I'm looking for a female bodybuilder for an event my brother and I are
promoting. Could you stop by the office when you're finished and we could
discuss it?"

"Sure." she said.

"Great. It's upstairs, first door on the right."

"I'll be another hour or so."

"That's ok, I'm not going anywhere. I'll see you when you're done."

Lynn nodded and turned her attention back to the weights. Marco lingered at
the bottom of the staircase and watched with amazment as she selected an 85lb.
dumbell and began doing one-armed rows with it. Man, he said to himself, this
is one strong girl.

"Did you talk to her?" Nick asked when he came back into the office.

"Yeah, she's going to stop by when she's finished her workout. You seen the
weights she lifts?"

Nick nodded, "Hey maybe she's gonna beat up on your fitness girl."

"Maybe." Marco smiled "We'll see if she's even interested."

"Well I got some things to do, so I'll leave it in your hands but no more
percentage deals, capiche?"

Marco nodded, his face reddening. It was clear Nick though Shannon had gotten
the better of him in their negotiation. Marco started drawing up the contract
with Shannon and crunched some numbers. It worked out that they'd only have to
sell an additional 75 seats to break even. That seemed like a piece of cake.
Marco felt certain this wrestling match would sell at least another 200
tickets. He was sure he had a winner with this idea. He decided, as an
incentive, he'd tack on an extra six months to Lynn's membership if she won. A
short time later he heard a knock and glanced up from his computer screen.
Lynn was standing there, dressed in a track suit.

"Come in" Marco said, gesturing to a chair in front of his desk "can I get you
anything, coffee, soft drink?"

"No thanks, I've got water." Lynn answered, holding up a plastic bottle. "What
did you want to talk to me about?" Straight down to business, Marco noted.

"My brother and I put on the "Tough Man/Tough Woman" competitions. "Have you
heard of them?"


"Well we have an idea for an additional event we hope will draw some more
people out. Have you ever done any wrestling?"

"Not professionally."

"I'm not talking about that stupid TV stuff. What I have in mind is a straight
wrestling match between a female bodybuilder and a woman who competes in these
fitness and strength shows." He saw her expression change from one of mild
interest to intense curiosity.

"Really?" she said "You want me to wrestle a fitness contestant?"

"Right, in a half hour time limit match."

"What are you offering for this?"

"How does five hundred sound, with an extra six months on your membership if
you win?"

"How about a year?"

"Yeah ok, a year. You interested?"

"Well I know a little about wrestling. My brother wrestled all throughout high
school and college and he taught me a few things. I can usually take care of
myself alright and I'm pretty strong."

"Yes, I noticed." Marco smiled.

"Who am I supposed to fight?"

"Shannon Fitzgerald, you know her?" For the first time he saw her smile.

Actually, she was grinning broadly.

"Where do I sign?"

"You sound pretty eager, you got a grudge against her or something?"

"I used to work out at the gym she goes to. You could say I'm not her biggest

"Does she know you?"

"Yeah, she knows me."

"What's your last name?"


"Listen, my agreement with her depends on who her opponent is. Let me talk to
her and I'll get back to you."

"Sure. I hope she doesn't chicken out."

"I'll be in touch." Marco said as he showed her out.

Wow, Marco said to himself after Lynn left, I might have a grudge match going
on here. This idea just keeps looking better and better. He called Shannon
Fitzgerald and got her machine. "This is Marco. I found an opponent. She says
you know her. Her name's Lynn Thompson and she used to work out at your gym.
Short blonde hair, quite muscular, does that sound familiar? Anyway, she's
agreed to wrestle against you. Call me back and tell me what you think." He
hadn't heard from her by the time he left for the day so he had the phone
forwarded to his home number. He was just finishing dinner when Shannon

"I got your message and yeah, I remember Lynn. She was never very friendly. I
don't think she liked me very much."

"She did say something about not being your biggest fan."

"She does know this is wrestling and not a streetfight, right?"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she does. Strictly legitimate, the referee will
be instructed to keep it clean, no blows, hairpullling, ear biting..." Shannon
giggled at the reference to Mike Tyson.

"I guess it'll be alright then. I'll sign the contract and send it over to you
tomorrow along with some photos you can use for your promo."

"Great! Thanks Sannon, I'll be in touch."

Nick was already there when he came in the next morning. "Well, it's all set
up Nicky. I spoke with Shannon and she agreed to wrestle Lynn."

"Who's Lynn?"

"The girl you told me about, the one who works out here."

"Oh yeah, how much you paying her?"

"Flat fee, five hundred, and an extra year on her membership if she wins."

"What do you mean if?"

"I keep telling you, don't underestimate Shannon. I'm betting she's a lot
tougher than you think."

"Well, we're gonna see, aren't we?"

"Yep, we are."

The event was scheduled for six weeks time. Marco decided to feature Shannon's
photo prominently on the poster and advertising campaign and his hunch paid
off. Ticket sales were up substantially from previous events and by the time
the day of the event came almost 600 had been sold. They did another 150 at
the door. The wrestling match as a half time event between the women's and
men's boxing matches. Marco checked both women's dressing rooms to make sure
they were ready. Lynn was announced first and she entered the ring wearing a
blue two-piece suit. Her muscular body ripplied as she flexed and posed for
the crowd. Then Shannon's name was announced and a huge cheer erupted. She
wore a white T-back top with black trim and a high-cut black thong-style
bottom. She didn't have the bulging muscles that Lynn did but she looked hard,
with a toned, strong looking physique. She smiled, waved to her many fans and
went to her corner to await the start of the match. The announcer informed the
crowd this was to be a half hour time limit contest with falls won by either
five count pins or submission, the winner being the one with the most falls at
the end of the alloted time. The referee motioned both women forward,
cautioned them about the rules and raised his right arm in the air. He brought
it down with a slashing motion and blew his whistle.

Shannon and Lynn circled cautiously, neither willing to make the first move,
each looking for an opening. Shannon tried a few feints but Lynn didn't go for
them. She took a step towards the beautiful fitness competitor and lunged
forward, ducking under Shannon's outstretched arms and wrapping up her up in a
bear hug, holding Shannon tight just below the ribcage. Lynn squeezed her arms
tightly with all her strength and smiled to herself as she heard Shannon grunt
with pain. She tried to lift Shannon off her feet to see if she could gain a
submission but the auburn-haired beauty was too tall for her. Lynn had her
right arm clasped around her left wrist, her legs spread wide and her knees
slightly bent. She was perfectly balanced and had Shannon bent back far enough
so her legs weren't able to help her. Lynn began relaxing her hold for an
instant, then crushing Shannon hard, delivering a series of shots to her
ribcage. If the fitness competitor had not been in such incredible shape she
would probably have had to submit by now. Even so, she was running out of air,
her breath coming in short gasps. "How about it honey, you want to give?" Lynn
asked, accompanying the question with a hard shot from her powerful arms.
Shannon said nothing and concentrated on her breathing. She wanted to use her
own arms to push Lynn's head back by getting a hand under her chin. But Lynn
was leaning forward and had her chin resting on Shannon's shoulder, digging
into her trapesius muscle. In desperation Shannon lifted her shoulders as hard
and as fast as she could, causing the bodybuilder to pull her head back just
enough for Shannon to get her hand under Lynn's chin and push. At the same
time, she found enough leverage to wrap one of her legs around Lynn's ankle
and trip her to the mat. Lynn held on tight as both women went down and used
her grip to muscle to Shannon onto her stomach. Releasing the bearhug she
reached under her opponent's arms and around behind her head, securing a full
nelson. She lay on top of Shannon, using her bodyweight to hold the taller
girl down as she adjusted the hold until she was squeezing Shannon's arms
together at the elbows. The beautiful brunette squirmed, twisted and tried
everything she could to get her arms loose but Lynn's hold was unbreakable.
Shannon finally stopped struggling and lay still. Lynn felt the fight go out
of her. She moved her knees forward and sat on Shannon's lower back. Leaning
forward to keep the full nelson tight, he then used the grip to lift Shannon's
upper body off the mat, bending her backwards. Pain shot through her lower
back and Shannon submitted instantly. "I give, I give." she cried out. The
referee tapped Lynn on the shoulder and she chuckled as she unlocked her arms.
"Not so hot now, are you?" she sneered into Shannon's ear as she stood, flexed
her arms and went back to her corner. There was a 60 second rest break between

The crowd was quiet as they waited for the next round to start. Shannon was
obviously the favourite and she had been decisely beaten in under five
minutes. She'd been able to mount no offense at all. She's even stronger than
I thought Shannon told herself as she stretched out her shoulders and back.
She knew she had better endurance than her muscular opponent and decided to
try and wear her down as much as possible. The longer this goes, the better
chance I have, thought Shannon. The next round began and the competitors moved
to the centre of the ring. Shannon moved quickly around Lynn, keeping out of
her reach, not wanting to give her a chance to get those powerful arms around
her ribs again. After 15 seconds or so of this Lynn charged forward and
Shannon took a step back, caught the bodybuilder by her outstretched wrist and
used a judo throw to toss her over her shoulder. Lynn hit the mat with a thud.
She rolled onto her stomach and got to her hands and knees but no further as
Shannon pounced, driving her back down onto her stomach. She snared Lynn in a
half-nelson. Keeping her weight on the bodybuilder's back, she used her legs
to tie up her opponent's lower limbs, keeping Lynn pressed flat. Shanon turned
the half-nelson into a chicken wing armlock. She adjusted he position to lean
more of her weight into the arm hold and scissored one of Lynn's legs. She had
the muscular bodybuilder tied up neatly and poured all her strength into the
brutal hold. Lynn cried out in agony but could do nothing to free herself. She
began to whimper "Please, stop, you're breaking my arm."

"Give up then." Shannon replied, wrenching Lynn's arm even harder. Lynn
screamed her submission and Shannon released her debilitating hold, rising to
her feet to acknowledge the cheering crowd. The announcer's voice came over
the P.A. "Second fall, by submission, to Shannon Fitzgerald. The score is now
one fall apiece."

Lynn glared hatefully at Shannon as she rubbed her injured limb. The fitness
champ's hold had really hurt her. The one minute rest period passed too
quickly for Lynn. As the referee signalled the beginning of the next round,
Lynn was now the cautious one as Shannon pursued, seeking to press her
advantage. They locked up a few times, neither gaining a hold on her opponent.
Shannon faked going low for Lynn's legs and then sidestepped and hooked her
sore arm. Lynn cried out in pain as Shannon twisted it behind her in a
hammerlock. She had Lynn bent forward and, keeping the hold on with one hand,
she picked up an ankle with the other and sent her opponent to the mat.
Wasting no time, the athletic fitness competitor smashed her knees into Lynn's
back, flattening her. Sitting astride her back, she smartly kept her weight
back, over Lynn's thighs. As Lynn tried to use her arms to lift herself off
the mat, Shannon hooked her elbows and slid forward, keeping her knees high
and her feet flat on the mat. She pulled back on Lynn's arms and secured them
over her knees, leaving Lynn's arms trapped and dangling helplessly. The
bodybuilder tried to keep her chin tucked into her chest but Shannon cooly
squeezed the back of her neck, causing Lynn to hunch her shoulders and jerk
her head back, allowing Shannon to cup her hands under her chin and complete
the camel clutch hold. Lynn fought with every ounce of strength she had but
the fitness beauty was too well positioned and easily rode out her struggles.
Eventually her back began to spasm and she submitted to Shannon for the second
time. Shannon rose and again smiled and waved to the cheering crowd as the
referee knelt to check if Lynn was alright. "I'm ok." she said tersely,
getting to her feet and returning to her corner. She looked across the ring at
the radiant beauty, who was now leading two falls to one. She was still
smiling and waving to her many fans and looked fresh and energetic. Meanwhile
Lynn was breathing heavily and was hurt and confused. She had imagined using
her tremendous strength to woman-handle Shannon around the ring, crushing her
in one powerful hold after another. She had dreamt of showing Shannon up in
front of all those people who thought whe was so great. The match had started
out that way but it seemed as if

Shannon had turned the tide and was now taking the fight to the bodybuilder,
giving her the public humiliation Lynn had planned for her.

She began sensing a creeping feeling of doubt. Lynn shook her head, as if
trying to cast these thoughts from her mind. She looked at the clock.

Only twelve minutes had elapsed. She still had eighteen minutes left to get
back in this and resolved to do so.

The referee motioned the two women forward as he blew his whistle to start the
next fall. As badly as she wanted to rush forward and grab Shannon, Lynn
forced herself to be patient. Shannon was also exercising caution and the fall
started out slowly. Eventually, after a series of feints, attempted grabs and
aborted charges, the women locked up and began struggling to take each other
down. They got their legs tangled up and fell to the mat, grappling furiously
to stay on top of one another. Lynn's strength and shorter stature favoured
this kind of fight and she eventually got on top of Shannon. She turned her on
her back and snatched one of Shannon's legs, trying to roll the fitness beauty
up and pin her shoulders for a five count. Shannon kicked her other leg out
and was successful in rolling Lynn off her. Both competitors reached their
knees, threw their arms around each other and began grappling again. This time
it was Shannon who forced Lynn onto her back. She tried for a grapevine but
Lynn's upper body strength allowed her to topple Shannon sideways before she
could secure the leg lock. Once again they found themselves thrashing and
rolling around on the mat. Lynn was breathing hard and her strength was
weakening as Shannon's superior conditioning began to pay off. Slowly she
began to take control of her muscular opponent. The bodybuilder was
continually on the defensive, while Shannon kept after her relentlessly. The
fall had lasted over seven minutes when Shanon trapped Lynn on her back,
straddling her. This time she was successful in twining her legs around Lynn's
while gaining control of her wrists and stretching Lynn's arms out fully. The
gorgeous fitness competitor slammed her chest against Lynn's and held her down
as the referee began to count the pin. The count reached three before Lynn was
able to twist her upper body enough to lift her shoulder slightly off the mat.
Shannon simply pressed her down and the count began again. Lynn could hear the
cheering crowd and was able to make out patrons in the front row yelling out
things like "Hold her down Shannon" "You've got her" "Keep her pinned" and so
on. Twice more Lynn was able to lift her shoulder off the mat before she ran
out of energy. She turned her head from side to side but could do nothing to
unseat Shannon as the count reached five and the ref slapped the mat
indicating another fall for the victorious fitness queen. Shannon took her
time climbing off the beaten bodybuilder, who could only watch, crestfallen,
as she strutted around the ring flexing her beautifully muscled body.

The fourth fall had taken over eight minutes and ended in defeat for the
shaken bodybuilder, leaving her facing a 3 - 1 deficit with less than ten
minutes remaining in the match. To add to her misery, Lynn couldn't seem to
slow her heart rate or get her breathing back to normal. As the 60 second rest
break ended she saw Shannon bounce enthusiastically back to the centre of the
ring while she was still slouched against the ropes, looking for a second
wind. As the whistle blew, she stepped wearily forward. Shannon changed her
tactics now and rushed straight at Lynn, knocking her back against the ropes.
She seized Lynn by the wrist, pulled her off the ropes and tossed her over her
shoulder, slamming her on her back. Lynn scrambled back to her feet only to
have Shannon immediately clamped on a headlock and bend her forward at the
waist. She planted her leg, extended her shapely hip and throwing Lynn across
it. This time she followed up her throw slipping on a full nelson and twisting
Lynn into a sitting position. Shannon sat down herself and clamped her long,
powerful legs around the bodybuilder's waist. Holding Lynn's arms and neck
tight, Shannon began to squeeze, slowly increasing the pressure until Lynn was
unable to draw a complete breath. When she heard Lynn's breathing become
laboured, Shannon switched from applying steady pressure to the gasping woman
to jolting her with short, snapping shots to the midsection. After several of
these, she released the full nelson and slid out from behind her victim,
keeping the bodyscissors around her waist. Leaning on one arm, Shannon put a
hand on Lynn's chest and shoved her onto her back while adjusting her legs so
they now gripped Lynn around the ribcage. Completing her series of rapid-fire
manoeuvers, Shannon added an armbar and layed out flat on her back. The armbar
could have gained her an instant submission but she wanted to finish Lynn
slowly in the vice-like grip of her punishing leg scissors. She used the
armbar as a controlling hold, upping the pressure only when Lynn tried to move
around, effectively forcing the muscular blonde to lie still and endure the
force of her crushing thighs. "Give!" demanded Shannon. Lynn's mouth hung open
but no sound came out.

"Do you submit?" asked the referee, kneeling beside the trapped bodybuilder.

"Yes, yes I give." Lynn whispered, her voice barely audible.

The ref slapped the mat again and Shannon unlocked her legs. She used her top
one to shove Lynn in the butt, forcing her to roll off her bottom leg. "Not
bad for a wimpy fitness competitor, huh?" She didn't wait for an answer, but
strode proudly to her corner as the announcer's voice boomed over the public
address system "Winner of the 5th fall, now leading by 4 falls to 1...Shannon

The audience was cheering loudly now, realizing that with less than five
minutes remaining, their favourite was clearly headed for victory in this
fitness girl vs. bodybuilder competition. Shannon stood and acknowledged the
cheers, feeding off the crowd's energy. Her powerful physique was pumped and
seemed to shine under the lights, glistening with beads of persperation.
Meanwhile in the opposite corner Lynn looked completely depleted, sweating
heavily under those same lights, her breathing coming hard and ragged. The
rest period passed leaving Lynn still feeling tired and sore. She appeared
sluggish as the referee blew his whistle and the clock began to run. Shannon
bounded forward eagerly.

She looked strong and energetic as she easily manoevered her more muscular
opponent around the ring, showing off her judo skills by repeatedly tossing
Lynn to the mat and just standing back, allowing her to rise only to be flung
back down again. After the last throw, Lynn seemed to be having trouble
getting up. She had a dazed expression on her face and seemed disoriented as
Shannon turned her over onto her stomach and snatched her wrists, jerking
Lynn's arms straight back. She placed her bare foot against Lynn's back and,
with almost casual ease, held her in a surfboard, a big smile on her face. The
surfboard is not a hold normally used in competitive matches, rather more of a
showy, dominance-type of hold usually reserved for faked wrestling videos. The
fact that Shannon was able to put Lynn into it so easily and that she was not
putting up any resistance demonstrated to all that she was on empty, totally
defeated and without the will or stamina to put up any kind of struggle.
Glancing up at the clock, Shannon saw that a little over a minute remained.
She decided to try and finish the match with a move she had always considered
the ultimate submission hold. She let go of one arm and applied an armbar the
other one, using the grip to lever Lynn to her feet. Once she had her upright
Shannon released her arm, bent down and wrapped her arms around Lynn's upper
thighs. She took a deep breath and, with a mighty heave, she stood up,
hoisting her victim over her shoulder. She leaned forward, shifting Lynn's
weight across her back and put one arm between her legs and the other under
her chin, stretching the poor girl across her shoulders. Once she felt the
balance was right, the Shannon stood up straight, with her Lynn helplessly
secured across shoulders in a backbreaker hold. Shannon couldn't have timed it
any better. Whipping the crowd into an absolute frenzy, she bounced Lynn up
and down on her shoulders while pulling down on Lynn's leg and neck.
Submission was instantaneous. The buzzer went went off, indicating the end of
the match. Shannon let Lynn crash to the canvas, where she lay still, moaning
in pain. The announcment came "Winner of this bodybuilder versus fitness
competitor match, with an overwhelming 6 - 1 victory, Shannon Fitzgerald!" the
crowd erupted as the referee held Shannon's arm up while she placed her
beautiful bare foot on her opponent's neck and flexed her bicep. She looked
magnificantly powerful and dominant as she posed in victory, while the
cheering crowd rose to their feet, acknowledging her total dominance. Shannon
stepped to the ring apron and was shaking hands and signing pictures.

Meanwhile, Lynn slowly got to her knees. She burned with embarassment and
shame and was glad to be barely noticed as a ring attendant escorted her to
her dressing room. She collapsed on the small sofa and immediately broke down
sobbing from a combination of pain and humiliation. A moment or two later
there was a knock on the door. Lynn didn't answer right away.

"Lynn? It's Marco, are you alright? No answer, then he heard a sob. "Lynn? Are
you hurt?"

"Go away. I'm alright. I'm not injured. Please, just let me be alone for a

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, please go away."

She heard his footsteps walking away and continued to cry. Finally, all cried
out, she turned on the shower and stood under the hot water for a very long
time. How could I hve let this happen, she wondered. She went over the match,
looking for some way to blame herself, a mistake or some example of
carelessness. Eventually it dawned on her - she hadn't done anything stupid.
Shannon had simply beaten her through a combination of superior skill and
stamina...and strength! Lynn had assumed she would be far ahead in that
category but it had not been the case. Shannon was very strong, even without
the bulging muscles of a bodybuilder; a lot stronger that than Lynn had
expected. As the hot water splashed over her back and neck, Lynn began to
daydream. She expected to feel nothing but anger and rage towards the fitness
competitor but instead, found herself admiring her skillful demonstration of
superiority, her dominating power, her athletic physique. Lynn was imagining
Shannon here with her now, in the shower. She saw herself soaping Shannon's
long back and wide shoulders, her large, round, firm breasts and smooth,
strong legs as she knelt down to...with a shock, Lynn realized she was having
a submissive sexual fantasy. She was horrified and yet, she could not deny
what she was feeling. She was overpowered by a sensation of pure lust for
Shannon. And what was more, she wanted the gorgeous fitness competitor to
dominate her and force her into sexual subservience. As these thoughts flooded
Lynn's consciousness, her brain disengaged. She tried to use mental effort to
purge these thoughts from her mind but she could not. Her brain would not
comply and she felt as trapped in her dream- like fantasy as she had been in
Shannon's inescapable wrestling holds. Lynn shut the water off, stepped out of
the shower and began toweling herself dry. As she did, she heard voices in the
next room. Pressing her ear to the connecting door, she recognized Shannon and
Marco. It seemed as if they were just finishing their conversation. She heard
the door to the hallway open and Marco say goodnight. She listened again, but
there seemed to be no one else in the room now. She heard some sounds as
Shannon moved about but no more voices. Lynn knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Shannon answered.

"Shanon, it's Lynn. Can I talk with you please?

"Uh, just a minute." The door opened and Shannon stood there, wrapped in a
white towel, the same as Lynn.

"I was just about to shower." Shannon said, sounding cautious. She searched
Lynn's face for any sign of anger or rage, wondering if she was seeking
revenge but Lynn's eyes were downcast and she seemed relaxed, if somewhat
awkward and uncomfortable. Surveying her, Shannon could see where several
large bruises were starting to form.

"Can I come in please?" Lynn asked, her voice nearly breaking. Shannon stepped
aside and let her in. She had expected Lynn to be angry and upset but instead
she stood before her, head bowed and cheeks flushed. Shannon wondered if she
was injured.

"How are you feeling? I didn't mean to hurt you, I just did what I..."

"I know Shannon" Lynn interrupted "you just did what you needed to. Please, I
need to say something." She looked up and Shannon couldn't quite read her
expression. It was a vulnerable, pleading look. "I want to apologize" Lynn
continued "for being so jealous and bitter, for all the mean things I've said
to you...for acting like such a bitch. I always hated the attention you got,
the way people at the gym were so supportive and encouraging. I trained just
as hard but no one took any notice. I allowed myself to become resentful and
tried to take it out on you. I'm sorry."

There was no mistaking the sincerity in Lynn's voice and the obvious guilt she
felt about her past behaviour. Shannon didn't know what to say. "You showed me
who the better woman was tonight Shannon. I had no idea you were so skilled
and strong. I just want to, uh, I need to, oh God I don't know how to say
this. I've never felt anything like this." Lynn looked at Shannon again and
this time there was not mistaking the lust written in large letters, in her
pleading eyes, her quivering chin and hungry lips. But there was something
else in her face too.

"What are you trying to say, Lynn?"

"Shannon please, I want to..." she hung her head before going on "I want to
submit to you...sexually. Please Shannon, let me worship you tonight. I need
to acknowledge your superiority." They were sitting side by side on the sofa.
Unable to control herself any longer, Lynn slid off the sofa and knelt at
Shannon's feet, wrapping her arms around Shannon's legs and pressing her cheek
against her knee. Shannon was utterly stunned. This was the last reaction she
expected from this woman, especially after humiliating her in public as she
had tonight. Still, she knew that extreme behaviours sometimes masked emotions
that were the exact opposite of the ones being expressed and that traumatic
events could sometimes release those repressed feelings. She didn't know what
to say or what to do. She had fantasized about other women before and had
fooled around a little but there was always some hesitancy and embarassment,
maybe a little guilt and nothing much ever happened. But here was an
opportunity to really experience another woman, one who was begging her to
take charge of her and control the course of events, who was right now on her
knees before her. Suddenly, as if snapping out of a trance, Shannon realized
she had gone on a flight of fancy that had taken her across a line she'd never
crossed before. She stood, cradling Lynn's face in her hands and gently guided
her to her feet. "Go turn on the shower." she breathed in Lynn's ear, as she
removed both of their towels. She watched Lynn's muscular body flex as she
opened the door to the shower stall, twisted the faucets and laid out the bath
mat. For a second, she marvelled at the bodybuilder's physique and then felt a
surge of pride as she realized she had overpowered and subdued this muscular
woman and now had her in a state of willing submission. Shannon suddenly felt
supremely confident and masterful. For tonight, she would be a powerful
mistress who would revel in her victory.

Satisfied with the water temperature, Lynn stood aside and waited for Shannon
to step into the shower which she did, pulling Lynn in with her. She stood
with her back to the stream, letting the water cascade over her hard, sinewy
body. She lifted her arms over her head and leaned back, thrusting her large,
round breasts forward. She looked at Lynn and saw her eyes widen with
amazement and desire. Shannon felt as sensual and sexy as she ever had. She
was a goddess. "Wash me" she told Lynn "all over." She turned and felt Lynn
begin to soap her back and shoulders, then her hard muscular buttocks, sinking
slowly to her knees as she wrapped her soapy hands around Shannon's thighs.
Shannon felt herself tingle and shudder with anticipation as Lynn's hands made
their way up to her crotch, but her fingers brushed against Shannon's pussy
for just an instant before switching directions. Moving down her legs, Lynn
gently lifting the auburn-haired beauty's feet one by one and resting them on
her big, muscular thighs and she knelt down, carefully, respectfully washing
her feet. Moving back up her legs, Lynn paused and gently rubbed the back of
Shannon's knees while she caressed and squeezed her strong calves and thighs.
She put her lips on Shanon's knee, right by the tendon that connects the thigh
to the calf and flicked the tip of her tongue around, causing Shannon to
shiver, even as the hot water pelted down on her. Lynn continued her soapy
excursion back up Shannon's lean, taut body again lingering briefly at her
pussy before spreading soap all over her stomach, underarms and breasts. Lynn
was now standing up again as she continued to massage Shannon's incredibly
firm, round breasts, tentatively kissing the nape of her neck.

"Ohhhhh" Shannon moaned "that feels good, your lips, your tongue mmmmm".

Lynn continued kissing and licking Shannon for several minutes until she could
feel her start to pant, her breath coming in uneven gasps. Then, carefully,
never letting her lips leave Shannon's body, she gently turned Shannon's body
back towards her. She let her lips lightly brush against Shannon's and her
tongue flick rapidly in and out of her mouth. Then she continued downward,
softly nibbling on her neck and fondly kissed her breasts. She alternated
between licking, sucking and lightly biting first one nipple, then the other
until they were both as erect as Lynn had ever seen a nipple get. They
extended out, adding to the magnificence of the majestic orbs they crowned.
Lynn guided Shannon around so that her back was facing her again. She kept one
hand on one or the other of Shannon's breasts, while using her other to wash
her pussy. Shannon was now moaning, her eyes closed and head thrown back. Lynn
slid her soapy hand in between Shannon's ass cheeks and continued to wash her.
She placed her finger against Shannon's anus. Her moans got louder and her
whole body started to twitch. Lynn knew if she penetrated her, Shannon would
explode in orgasmic frenzy. She removed her finger and spread Shannon's ass
cheeks, allowing the water to run between them. Lynn took a washcloth and
knelt down to finish cleaning any soap residue left in Shannon's genital area.
For a moment, Lynn was unsure of how far to go. But with the hot water
pounding down on them and the steam, both literally and figuratively rising,
both women were past the point of no return. Lynn stood and went straight for
Shannon's eager, waiting lips. The gasping, quivering fitness champ embraced
her passionately while Lynn's hands began to work into Shannon's pussy and her
fingers caressed and rubbed her engorged clitoris. Meanwhile she pressed her
own small, hard breasts against Shannon's and the two muscular female athletes
gyrated in a dance of sexual frenzy as Shannon neared orgasm. Lynn deftly slid
her hand underneath and, keeping her thumb pressed hard against Shannon's
clit, placed her finger against her anus and pushed it deep into her ass. "Oh
God, ohhhhhh God!!!!" Shannon shrieked as she pulled her mouth away from
Lynn's and bit down on her lower lip. Her juices gushed as she stood stiffly
in the frozen throes of orgasm. Then her body relaxed and she collapsed
against Lynn. "Oh, that was so good, so sweet, mmmm, oh yes." Lynn made sure
Shannon's sticky juices were washed off, then shut the water off. She toweled
first Shannon, then herself off, draped one of her lover's arms around her
broad shoulders and walked her over to the sofa. Shannon sat back, looking
pale and drained. "That was amazing." she said. "That was just the beginning.
I want do do so much more I could do. Please, let me serve you tonight." Lynn
knelt at Shannon's feet. "Please Mistress, I beg you for the privilage. She
bent her head and kissed Shannon's foot. She cradled it in both hands and
began lightly flicking her tongue around the tip of Shannon's big toe,
scraping her teeth against it and then slipping it into her mouth as if she
was giving it a blow job. After a couple of minutes, Shannon again began to
moan and tremble with delight. "Oh yes, I want you with me
tonight...definitely, but I have some people waiting for me, to celebrate."
She started to giggle, thinking of how she was really planning to celebrate
her win. "Did you drive here?" Lynn nodded.

"Here's my address" she said, fishing for a pen and paper in her purse. She
handed the paper to Lynn. "Meet me there in an hour." Lynn gave her foot
another quick kiss.

"I'll be there, and I promise, you won't regret it."

Both women dressed quickly and left. Shannon went to join her friends at the
bar where they were waiting for her. She had a something to eat and a
celebratory drink then, claiming exhaustion excused herself. Meanwhile Lynn
had gone to grab a bite and then drove to Shannon's house, waiting for her to
arrive. She couldn't quite believe what was happening, but she was driven by
some inexplicable need to subjegate herself to the beautiful woman who had
conquered her so completely. A few minutes later, Shanon pulled into the
driveway and Lynn went to meet her. Shannon unlocked the door to her modest
two-bedroom bungaow and they stepped inside. They dropped their bags by the
front door and went into the living room. Shannon stood facing Lynn in front
the L-shaped sectional couch, suddenly feeling awkward and unsure of what to
do. She looked at Lynn questioningly. Lynn glanced around, as if sizing up the
space. She looked down at the coffee table and asked if they could move it.
They placed it behind the couch by the front door. Shannon's living room was
large and carpeted. Lynn began undressing, smiling shyly at Shannon, who
followed suit. Soon they were both naked. "I want you to take me." Lynn
breathed. Shannon stepped close and put her arms around Lynn. She was
surprised to find her efforts blocked as Lynn put her own arms out and grasped
her by the wrists. "No Shannon. I want you to TAKE ME." In an instant she
realized Lynn wanted to be forcibly taken, to again experience Shannon's
dominating mastery over her. She supposed it was so her submissive side could
fully emerge. Shannon felt a sudden rush of excitement as she realized she was
about to be worshipped by this muscular bodybuilder who she had won such an
overwhelming victory over. She yanked her arms from Lynn's grasp and swiftly
took hold of her wrist, twisting Lynn's arm into a tight hammerlock. With her
other arm she put Lynn in a half-nelson. She bumped her knees into the back of
Lynn's, sending her sprawling face down on the rug. Shannon released the
half-nelson and pulled Lynn's other arm behind her back as well. Now, with a
commanding double hammerlock on the helpless girl, she slid forward and used
her knees to keep Lynn's arms in place. Then she gently turned Lynn's head to
the side so she could see her face. Shannon leaned forward and slithered her
tongue into Lynn's ear, causing her to writhe in simultaneous pain and
pleasure. "You know I have you baby" Shannon whispered "better give up."

"No, no" Lynn protested "not again."

"Yes again. I have you at my mercy. You are helpless to resist me, aren't you?
Come on sweetheart, submit to my power, beg me for mercy. You know I can hurt
you, don't you?"

"Yes" sobbed Lynn.

"Do you give in to me completely, acknowledge my total superiority?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Say it" coaxed Shannon "Say what I want to hear."

"I give in to you Shannon, to your power and strength, to your unmatched
wrestling talents. You are my superior, my mistress. I beg you to have mercy
on me. I am helpless against you. Please goddess Shannon, show mercy on me, I
beg you."

"Oh yeah, that's good baby. And are you going to serve me, give yourself over
entirely to my pleasure, become my sexual slave?"

"Yes, yes please, anything you desire. I exist only for your pleasure my
beautiful goddess.

"That's perfect. I own you now, don't I?"

"Yes. I am your slave Shannon."

Shannon chuckled. "Look at you, once so proud and defiant, now begging to
kneel before me and obey my every command. You have been conquered, haven't

"Yes goddess, I submit to you. You are my master."

Shannon slid off Lynn and reapplied a half nelson. She put her other arm
between Lynn's legs and pulled, neatly flipping the bodybuilder onto her back.
In a flash, Shannon secured a grapevine and, with Lynn's legs now under
control, she took hold of her wrists and stretched her arms straight out above
her head. She smiled down at her victim.

"Maybe I should show you how far these long legs can stretch. What do you
think, should I spread you legs nice and wide?"

"No please Shannon. I'll do anything. You are too strong and powerful. I beg
you not to hurt me.

"Very good my little slave. You are becoming a first rate begger.
Unfortunately for you, my legs are feeling a little cramped and I think I need
to stretch them out." Slowly, relentlessly, Shannon forced Lynn's legs wide
apart. At the same time, she smothered Lynn's cries by enveloping her face in
her huge breasts. She kept this up for 20 - 30 seconds, long enough to leave
Lynn gasping for breath when Shannon finally lifted her mountainous breasts
off her. Lynn's inner thighs ached with pain from Shannon's tortuous stretch.
She was also panicked by how easily Shannon could control her ability to
breath. Her eyes were wide with terror. Lynn struggled to pull her arms free,
her legs being helplessly locked.

"Oh no baby, there is no escape. You're mine, to do with what I want. Ever
been tit-whipped honey?"

Shannon laughed as she swung her heavy breasts back and forth, slapping Lynn's
face with them.

Unable to move, and now being subjected to this humiliating breast pummeling,
Lynn reached a state of utter, abject submission. she began to sob openly,
tears flowing freely as she entreated her captor to show mercy and not hurt
her anymore. Shannon released her hold and sat up high on Lynn's chest. She
flexed her arms and sang out "The champion!" She put her hands on her hips and
demanded Lynn feel her thighs.

"Nice and hard, aren't they? Tell me how good they feel?" Lynn ran her hands
over Shannon's muscular legs, showering her with praise for them, telling her
she had the strongest, most beautiful legs she had had ever seen.

"Would you like to feel them?" Shannon asked teasingly.

Lynn hadn't stopped moving her hands over Shannon's thighs since being ordered
to do so.

"But I am feeling them, Mistress."

"I mean this way." Shannon laughed as she swung around and faced Lynn's feet.
She slid her legs forward, capturing Lynn's head in a reverse headscissors.
She gave Lynn a brief taste of her potent, crushing force. She loosened them
enough for Lynn to be able to speak.

"Have you any doubt that I could knock you out with this hold?"

"No goddess, I have no doubt. I know you could but I beg you not to. Let me
remain conscious to serve you instead. Please mistress, allow me to kiss your
beautiful pussy. Let me put my tongue inside you. Guide me, direct me. I'll
obey your every command, please, I beg you."

With that, Shannon changed the hold into a figure-four reverse headscissors
and used her bulging calf to push Lynn's head into her glutes.

"Lick my ass, slave. Push your tongue in. That's it. Oh yes, yes, yes."

After a few minutes of this, Shannon flipped onto her back and hooked her legs
around Lynn's neck, pulling her head forward into her warm, wet pussy. Lynn's
tongue flicked and darted around, inflamming Shannon's clit until it throbbed.
Then she plunged it deep inside her. She used her thumb to continue massaging
Shannon's clit while using her other hand to push two fingers into Shannon's
anus. The fitness beauty went completely over the edge. Wailing like a
banshee, she braced her feet on the floor, lifting her pelvis high into the
air. Gasping, panting, moaning and groaning, she nearly drowned Lynn in a
copious flood of her juices. Eventually, she collapsed and, gathering Lynn
into her arms, smothered her with kisses. She was a whirlwind, licking,
sucking and gently nibbling on her lips, ears and neck. Her energy and passion
was overpowering and irresistable. Lynn could do nothing as Shannon simply
consumed her with a an all-encompassing sexual energy. Finally she relaxed and
fell back, completely satisfied. Lynn leaned over her and tenderly kissed her
eyelids while softly rubbing her temples. In a matter of seconds, Shannon was
fast asleep. Lynn picked her up like a child and carried her in her arms to
the bedroom. Laying her down, Lynn pulled back the blankets and tucked Shannon
in. Then she climbed in beside the sleeping beauty, cuddled close to her and
fell sound asleep as well.

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