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Author Topic: Your House  (Read 97667 times)

Offline GLKnight

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Re: Your House
« Reply #210 on: May 15, 2024, 03:52:44 pm »
Binged the entire thing. Really impressive premise and great work! Though I understand it's a space horror, I keep waiting for the moment of retribution, where the tables turn. Very much like Berserk, if you're familiar with that manga. Where this character Griffith, gets so terribly tortured and then by a miracle, turns into a demon of great power at the penultimate hour.

I wait for this moment for the protagonist of this story. Where he somehow channels a huge amount of energy from the alternate dimension and just uses his dick like a laser gun and blows a hole straight through his mom. She is in shock, mid sentence, and just crumples down to the ground. Then as if a star wars ending fashion with a bad villain, all the other Neos lose their powers and revert back to normal naked girls, and the US military storms in, gunning them all down. The End  ;)

I'm a fan of Berserk, but that's not the direction the story is going.

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Re: Your House
« Reply #210 on: May 15, 2024, 03:52:44 pm »

Offline jcboyd

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Re: Your House
« Reply #211 on: May 15, 2024, 05:41:12 pm »
GL My Brother - your work ALWAYS is in demand.   :woohoo:

Offline GLKnight

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Re: Your House
« Reply #212 on: May 15, 2024, 05:46:49 pm »
We are enjoying. Sorry that we do not give enough praise

I'm not looking for praise. But the sheer fact that people severely take others for granted on here and elsewhere is a big issue.

Offline HumanPersonBeing

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Re: Your House
« Reply #213 on: May 16, 2024, 02:32:14 pm »
FWIW I think you're one of best writers in this niche and I always get excited when I see one of your stories has an update.

Offline erocha75

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Re: Your House
« Reply #214 on: May 24, 2024, 03:53:26 pm »
Hey, just to let our awesome author know that it would be soooo great if we could get a continuation to this fantastic story (novel)!! It is sooooo good!! I am very grateful that he sent us this new chapter recently!! Pls pls continue!!

Offline phil123

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Re: Your House
« Reply #215 on: May 26, 2024, 05:51:50 am »
Hope for and update and how the World will react on the NEO. And perhaps what will internal issues within the family / sisters.

Offline GLKnight

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Re: Your House
« Reply #216 on: May 26, 2024, 07:53:51 am »
Hope for and update and how the World will react on the NEO. And perhaps what will internal issues within the family / sisters.

Next installment will be in a few days. Don't know if I want to make it one or two before the end of the chapter.

As for how the world will react to the NAE, that's for Your World, which will change up writing styles from 1st Person to 3rd Person (there's a very specific reason for that).

Offline GLKnight

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Re: Your House
« Reply #217 on: May 28, 2024, 05:23:46 am »
Decided to make it a couple installments before chapter's end. So let's keep on with it.

I know you asked for details, but I kinda feel like this might be TMI.

She was... tight. I don't just mean I was "too big for her", that wasn't an issue. Her body just seemed to *give* in the right amount. Down... Down there, I mean. She took me like a fucking champ until she couldn't go any further. I've never seen anyone's body bulge out like that except in some really fucking weird cartoons, really. I could practically see my dick's outline in perfect detail. Hell, it even felt like her pelvis itself was accommodating me, if that makes any sense. It was frankly comical. Or maybe "disturbing" would be a better way to put it.

But the look on her face was one of pure bliss. She was fucking laughing when she stared to move on top of me. Her legs spread wide as she squat down, bottomed out and mechanically lifted off of me like a pneumatic piston. And I could feel her tightening up on me the whole time. Perfect control of her muscles as she rode me. Slowly at first, letting me feel her body working itself around me. I had never been with anyone that tight or controlled before.

All I could do was grunt as she took charge. Partly due from how much it hurt when she squeezed my dick, kind of like when they put me in the milking machines. But as Suzanne used me without abandon, my head was starting to swim. The air was getting heavier, filling with so many scents. I couldn't help but feel more aroused as my vision drifted away from the woman using me and towards the audience as they began to fall into sexual abandon. Clothes were being removed as flesh pressed against flesh. A veritable lake of muscular women fawning over one another upon the first instance of pleasure on stage serving as a flag for their own. I could barely see what was going on, but I could tell. Glowing eyes staring deep into others, electric pleasure sparking as lips came into contact. Hands roaming bodies as their cries and moans grew louder and louder. Neo lovers guided to the floor as LED like points drifted and turned away from the stage. I looked towards Doctor Bernard, looming over my mother as she slowly caressed her escort. My mother gave me a proud smile, a look that wordlessly expressed every ounce of power she felt at that moment.

I could tell, at this moment, as Cecilia's hand slipped her top across her shoulder before lovingly grabbing for her breast, that my mother, Laura Nowell, truly and earnestly believed that she had achieved what she wanted. She had power. She had control. And most importantly, that I had lost everything to her. Including the one thing that came through my genetics.

My heart ached, hammering in my chest as I felt my emotions swell. I could feel myself tremoring as I realized what I truly was - a sacrifice for my mother's sake. The abuse, the treatments. The way my body was changed, making me so easy to overpower and use against my wishes.

It felt like every part of me was burning. My head, my throat. My chest. My dick. I could hear my mom's voice bouncing around in my skull as I was made a centerpiece for the NAE's grand display of what was in store for me, let alone everyone else the NAE didn't want among their ranks. I wanted to scream. I could feel tears running down my face. It was too much. Everything was starting to hurt. Even my breath felt caustic, like I was breathing lightning. Down to my core, it felt like I was back on the rooftop of the Equivalence Estates. My vision was blurring and my head was pounding. I could hear the roar of my blood in my ears.

Then, without warning, I felt something. The burning felt real. Realer than anything I felt before. I tried to fight the feeling, closing my eyes tightly as I fought the confusion. But with each pulse, the darkness was filled with light. So many lights. Green and Blue. Orange and Red. I could see so many figures made of those lights, so many in attendance. One hundred and twenty four in attendance. A sea of lights, and a sparse few on stage - two Reds, one that was a mix of Green and Blue and four Orange. The detail was impeccable, like I was looking at every being in the room. But at the same time, there was something else about the colored lights. They were... wrong. All of this was wrong. These lights weren't meant to be here.

...let go...

Did you hear that? That voice?

...Let go...

No, not one voice. MANY voices.

"...Let go, Desmond."

There was something... building inside of me. I could feel it burning its way out of me. It... hurts.

Suzanne stopped riding me. I could see both her and her light turning to look at me.

"What are you doing?" she asked. But I just stared beyond her, up at the ceiling and watched as this purplish hue began to permeating the darkness beyond the lights in the room. Too far away to really be felt but bright enough to be seen. Something... past everything else.

"She said to let go, Desmond."

Oh God. It was the chorus of voices I was hearing before. They were clearer than ever. Whispering in my ear... In my head! The voices of so many women. They were... demanding. And all I could do was listen to them. Obey them.

"LET. GO."

I screamed as I felt something inside me explode. It was like a thousand storms had broken, all at the same time. So much lightning was coursing through my body that everything that was unlit turned purple. So much pain. So much power.

"Sister Ascendant?! SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH-"

I felt myself moving on its own, watching as my hands, filled with cascading colors, reached forward. Unbound for the first time in my whole life as I grabbed Suzanne's hips. And with a casual cruelty and a strength I had never felt before, pulled her full weight down on me. Her Orange light flickering as I slammed my full length and girth inside of her and rendering her silent. Her faces a mask of shock and pain as I began to thrust.

I had to let go.

I needed to let go.

The voices from beyond told me to. As did she. And I had to obey them.

I had to be a good boy, like my mother ordered me to.

Offline jcboyd

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Re: Your House
« Reply #218 on: May 28, 2024, 04:12:14 pm »
Completely expecting it to be "... and I felt her pelvis and hips and midsection fracture, rupture, and shatter, torn asunder as I LET GO in her..."

Offline GLKnight

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Re: Your House
« Reply #219 on: May 28, 2024, 05:19:44 pm »
Completely expecting it to be "... and I felt her pelvis and hips and midsection fracture, rupture, and shatter, torn asunder as I LET GO in her..."

I'm not going that far, trust me.

There's a completely different "letting go" that's going to happen next time.

Offline erocha75

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Re: Your House
« Reply #220 on: May 28, 2024, 09:21:07 pm »
Wow, another super exciting chapter! What a vclffhanger

Offline erocha75

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Re: Your House
« Reply #221 on: May 28, 2024, 09:25:09 pm »
Wow, another super exciting installment!! Thank you!! What a cliffhanger!! Can't wait for the final segment of this chapter!! 

PS For whatever reason, my money is on Suzanne transforming into some sort of monstruous & powerful creature...

Offline phil123

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Re: Your House
« Reply #222 on: May 30, 2024, 04:23:33 am »
A new direction of the story and charcters? Cant'wait to read what happens next and hope the next chapter is not the last.

Offline GLKnight

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Re: Your House
« Reply #223 on: June 17, 2024, 06:24:46 am »
As she sat there, pretty much skewered on my dick, I pivoted her to the side. I'm honestly surprised I had enough room to do it, I thought we were going to fall off. But at that moment, I was doing as I was told.

You know that thing they say? When you "feel electrified"? That was what I was literally feeling. I began thrusting, and I swear to God, the world was filling with lighting. No matter what I did, eyes open or closed, my sight was nothing but colors and sparks of it. Everything else felt like it faded away. The only sound I could hear were those voices urging me on, the static with every movement and my own heart hammering too loud to be right. As I looked down at Suzanna, I could swear I saw the Orange overlay growing brighter as the softer white light underneath seemed to slightly flicker every time I slammed into her. It was so surreal, like I was looking into two sets of eyes. Staring into two faces.

One looked happy that I was doing as ordered.

But the softer white one looked...

She looked so scared.

I wanted to stop. I- I wanted to stop. I didn't want to do this.


I'm so sorry...

But I did as I was ordered and let go. She ordered me to fuck her. THEY ordered me to fuck her. And I did. It was so strange, seeing the Orange outlining growing brighter, clearer. It... It was like it was growing stronger. And the whole time, the pain grew alongside the electricity I was feeling in every inch of my being. It hurt so bad, it was like it was beyond the flesh and into the deepest parts of me. It felt like fire was running through my soul. Running out of me. I could feel these little, uh, bursts? Of energy shooting randomly out of me. These little flashes of heat. I could see them, too. Out of my back, my shoulders. My chest. My head. And I could see my heart, in my chest. Pumping away so fucking fast. It looked like how my chest felt back on top of the Equity Estates. Just a blur of white hot pain. I had to release it. I had to- I had to RELEASE. But I was also looking down at Suzanne's faces. And there was something about the look in her softer eyes, and the flicker of her light.

"I don't want to!" I screamed. "I don't-"

And that's when I noticed it. This dark staticky smoke that seemed to be coming off of me. I don't know if anyone else saw it, but I did. Little wisps, at first. But getting more and more apparent as my need to release whatever was inside me grew.

I was burning. Oh God, I was burning! But I needed RELEASE! But I WAS BURNING!

Something in me just... broke. I screamed out in agony as I threw myself off from on top of Suzanne and fell to the floor. And I just started jacking off before I was even on my knees. I wanted to puke from the pain. But everything was so clear to me. I could see the crowd suddenly stopping in front of the stage. I could see my mother and Doctor Bernard staring at me with intense worry. I could see Orange figures rushing to me, only to suddenly fly back with a burst of bright static when they went to touch me. And I could see the white hot heat spreading through my body as more and more black staticky smoke began to billow off of me.

And then, it was like three moments just crystallized in time.

The first was seeing myself cum, sprays of liquid light firing out of my cock. Neon Orange and Blue and Green and Red and Purple and White. Each burst splattering onto the stage as a plume of electric neon color rose into the air for what felt like a full minute.

The second was the brief calm I felt after I came. The sudden clarity that I did as I was ordered. I let go of what was in me.

And the third was the nuclear fire that exploded through me. A scream of pure despair as I felt every inch of my body and soul go up in flames as whatever was building up inside me vaporized me before putting me back together, over and over again as fell to the ballroom floor. Everything going hot and cold, coming in waves as it felt like every single molecule within me was forced apart and then forced back together for what seemed like a million years.

When I came to, all of me felt numb in a way I had never felt before. Like I could feel everything on a deeper level than I had ever felt before, but nothing was registering. All I knew was the crowd of colored forms looking down at me. Every single one was... scared. I could feel myself move, feel my mouth trying to make sounds. But nothing came out. I tried to get closer, pleading for help. But every single Neo I looked at just moved away. I felt myself stumbling, feel my arms reaching out. But it was like I didn't exist to my own mind. I wanted to cry, but all I could feel was fire rushing through me instead of tears. I don't know what was wrong with them, but my approach caused them to panic. Something was clearly wrong, but I didn't know what and no one was helping me.

I felt my feet catching on something and I fell forward onto a serving table. I couldn't see my arms, but I could feel them catching myself as they slammed onto it. I saw the cloth suddenly smolder and burst into flames around where my hands felt they should be. I looked up to try once more to ask for help, and I saw the angry Orange Neo who hurled insults my way just an hour ago. But then I saw the mirror and froze.

I learned why everyone seemed so scared.

I was an outline of a man. Inside the outline was the static of the place I had seen in my head when giving the sample for the mountain facility, filling every inch of my being. And my eyes were gone, replaced with the neon lights of every Neo's eyes, cascading in random patterns as I stared at myself. No heart beat. No breath. Just the sound of the unholy chorus singing in my head about their plans for me.

Every inch of me was gone.

Every inch of my humanity was GONE.

I screamed a static cry of inhuman dissonance as I felt true anguish overtake me. A unnatural scream of scratchy feedback and electric song that blared and echoed over the speakers and through the entire ballroom as every human made light suddenly burst with brilliance before exploding into sparks and darkness.

What did they do to me?

Please, can someone tell me...


Offline erocha75

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Re: Your House
« Reply #224 on: June 17, 2024, 12:44:20 pm »
OMG!! Very cool chapter, and a fantastic cliffhanger!! What on Earth happened to Desmond, indeed??!! Pls pls, we need to know more, let us have the next installment!!

PS I do wonder what would have happened if Desmond had let go inside of Suzanne...

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