  • #1 by smithgpost on 11 Jul 2024
  • Hi guys,

    After the shock of being closed I only today realised that my favourite story side (DTV) is also gone due to the sad fact of the owner passing away.

    Despite the natural progression of time I also ask myself wether a lack of appropriate replacement for the crucial infrastructure to keep the “female bodybuilding lover scene” with all its very diverse aspects (from sport to fetish) is also a result of a lack of interest from consumer side (us) and/or the producer side (the female bodybuilders)? The scene felt so much more vibrant in the late 80s and the whole 90s?

    How do you feel about this development?

    P.S. Thank god that this site still exists. If Saradas would die we would have no home at all anymore.
  • #2 by Zenzen on 11 Jul 2024
  • #3 by nexor on 14 Jul 2024
  • i wholeheartdly disagree with that take, culturism is on the rise actually, a lot more people are getting involved in this sport, and your appreciation about how it used to be more vibrant its probably due to nostalgia, nowadays with the internet we have access to an unimaginable amount of information, whereas back then we were limited to only local and regional information, now the world is at our disposal, it is a new era and perhaps you find it too big and not as cozy, but the discipline is in a healthier state overall