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Author Topic: Huge! [FMG, GTS, BE, PE, fast growth, ascension, power hungry, beautification]  (Read 5782 times)

Offline MGS-and-M

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  • Female Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini
Going for a little longer stand-alone here, with some more “interaction” between the characters.

Comments are very welcome.


Jack couldn't predict what would happen if he fainted at that moment. How long he would be out, what the world would be like when he woke up, if there would even still be a planet Earth to wake up on…

But he knew it was only a matter of time before he passed out, a short time. It was simply impossible to hold on to his senses with the monumental sight of Kate on top of him.


Kate and Jack have been together since they were toddlers. Jack's mother, Patricia, and Kate's mother, Melony, were close friends and both gave birth within a month of one another. The two mothers basically went through the parental struggles at the same period, one lending a hand to the other. Melony worked at home, while Patricia, an experienced tourism agent, had to travel often.

Melony always had her house opened for Jack; through his infancy, he spent so much time there that many neighbors thought that Jack was Kate’s brother, pointing dull resemblances that were not really there.

They were actually quite the opposite. Kate was one of those hyperactive kids, always mocking a timid, quiet Jack that really didn’t bother being shoved or having his toy stolen. When he ignored her, she would first get angry, trying to have his attention, but eventually she would just sit along and play some game without annoying him, at least for a few minutes. This main difference set some sort of balance between them that lasted. There’s the physical differences as well, especially the height; by the time they’ve turned 18, Jack was 1.83m [6 feet], while Kate stagnated on a petite 1.58m [5 feet 2] frame.

Both got contact with science early in their lives. Melony was a researcher in the Pharmaceutical field, specialized in treatments for developing issues. Most of her working hours she was in her laboratory, which took up the house’s whole basement, so much that she even made a playroom so she could keep an eye on Kate and Jack. As they grew older, it became obsolete and was adapted into a storage room for supplies. The two of them, however, continued to sneak into the lab, peeking, messing around with the equipment that Melony didn't lock away with the dangerous objects.

Kate always found the lab fascinating, like being in a science fiction movie, dealing with formulas and reagents and so. Later on, Melony let them help in the lab as young apprentices. Minor tasks; check the supplies’ stock, keep computer’s files in order, move some boxes here and there. It was no surprise that both chose the medical field for their graduation.

Kate and Jack soon became aware of what she worked with. Thyroid malfunctions, weak musculature, fragile bones; she manipulated chemicals to produce medicines that solved these problems. Suppressors, vitamins, and, most of all, hormones.

Melony always told them to not snoop in the patient’s profiles. Some of them had to threat delicate or even embarrassing conditions.

Of course, that only made Kate’s curiosity more acute.

One evening, she was finishing packing up a box of files when a name caught her eye. Amanda Travers. She was an old resident of the neighborhood, but she lived in a house further away and Kate had only seen her in a few occasions; at that moment, she realized that it had probably been years since the last time they had met. Seeing her mother distracted with the microscope, she opened the profile.

Indeed, she remembered her, for nothing particularly special; the first photo, from when she was 18 years old, same as Kate at the moment, showed an ordinary girl, slim, neither tall nor short. “Treatment with vitamins and hormones” was written, along with other technical nomenclatures. She flipped the sheets until she came upon a second photo, two years after the beginning of the treatment.

Kate’s mouth dropped. It was still Amanda, her face almost identical to the first photo, but her body had drastically changed. The height showed 1.81m [5 feet 11], 12 centimeters [5 inches] taller. Her hips were pronounced and her boobs more than doubled in size, round and firm like cantaloupes, giving her some flashy feminine features. To keep it short, she was way hotter than before. Staring at the curvaceous body, Kate got envy, an envy like no other she has ever felt.

“Kate, can you come here please?”

She closed the profile in a rush, then went to help her mother.

After finishing the day, she came back to her room and locked the door. Inside her wardrobe, she caught her vibrator. With the image of Amanda still crystal clear in her mind, she hadn't even needed to lubricate it, shoving it deep into her sex. Just a few strokes were enough for her to have an orgasm that tensed entirely her much smaller and thinner frame, her thoughts unable to let go the idea of having a bombshell body herself.


The next day, she went to her mother when Jack was away from the lab.

“Mom, can I ask you something?”

“Of course, dear”

“Is, uh, everything all right with me? I mean, about my development, is it according to what it should be?”

“As far as I can see, you’re doing fine. You don’t have any particular issue that needs aid, if that’s what you’re asking”

“I don’t know, I don’t think that I will have much going on here” – said Kate, coupling her tiny boobs with her hands.

Melony came closer and caressed her daughter’s face – “You’re a pretty girl, Kate. Don’t push yourself too hard, give some time. Nature is a good crafter, you know”

“And here you are, giving it a push”

“There’s something I don’t want you to forget: we’re not an esthetic clinic. Here we help people to have a normal life”

Melony kissed Kate in the forehead and went to her desk. Kate stood in silence.

Looks like Amanda is having a more-than-normal life now…

Over the next few days, she delved into the files of other patients, but Amanda remained the most noticeable one. She couldn’t forget her large smile at the photo, obviously aware of the marvels that her mom’s chemicals had operated on her.

Kate didn’t hold herself for much longer.

She went through Amanda’s profile again. Pethazin, Aufermalin, Briodizin; some were administrated with higher concentrations, but all of them were part of the supplies they had on a regular basis.

Kate was quite apprehensive at the first time. She doubled and triple checked that her mother was sleeping before sneaking into the lab. Once in, she prepared the formulas and got the syringe ready. Her hands were shaky.

Time to change a few things.

She injected the solution. Getting rid of the material she used, she went back to her room. Lying on her bed, she closed her eyes grinning with the thought of having to exchange all the little straps she used around her chest for actual bras, to keep her new jugs from bouncing too much.


Time went by and Kate’s expectations only led her to a dire frustration.

Even losing patience and taking double doses of each formula, after four months she was barely showing any progress. The only thing that improved was her sex drive, and she couldn’t even tell if it was because of the drugs or it was just her being more on the edge than usual.

Taking the injections turned into a pointless routine, and she was becoming more and more careless about keeping her midnight visits to the lab a secret. Once, she even forgot a used syringe on the desk, and got lucky that on the next day she was the first to enter the lab.

One night, however, her luck finally ran out.

On his way out of the basement, Jack crossed the lab’s door and saw a light on. As his usual self, he opened and entered without making any noise. He frowned when he found Kate dealing with something at the chemical’s desk.

“Night shift?”

She put a flask back into a drawer and closed it, ridiculously giving herself away.

“No. I’m, uh…”

Jack narrowed his eyes. Kate made an adorable grimace, then gave up.

“You know what? Yes, I am taking some stuff to try to give a boost to that wooden board body of mine. And no, my mom doesn’t know”

“I wouldn’t ask anything, but ok”

“No, it’s not ok. I’m taking this stuff for months now, and nothing happens! You probably didn’t even notice any change. Well, of course you didn’t, because there’s none! Do you know that my mom’s cooks can make wonders? Like turning Hermione into Christina Hendricks?”

Jack had a caught-on-act expression.

“Wait a second. You already know this”

“You have to promise me that you won’t tell your mother”

“Tell what, exactly?”

Jack took a deep breath.

“Well, one day I was organizing some of the profiles…”

“Bad, bad Jack”

“You look at the profiles too, don’t come with small talk to me. Anyway, I’ve found these two patients that were being medicated with a hormone to help developing, you know, down there…”


“Yeah. And…”

“You took it too!”

“Please promise me that you won’t tell your mother”

“Don’t worry, I won’t. Did it work for you?”

Jack blushed.

“Yes. It worked”

Her naughty eyes were glowing.

“Alright. So… Show me then”


“Oh, c’mon, it’s no big deal. I’ve already seen you naked”

“When we were kids!”

“Anyway. Just a quick look. Can we tell the difference when he’s flaccid?”

“That’s more noticeable when he’s… This is stupid, I’m not doing this”

Giggling, Kate looked up at the ceiling – “Don’t wanna sound rude or anything, but I think you are already doing this”

The awkward situation for some reason was arousing Jack, and a quite evident bulge was forming on his crotch.

“Oh shit, just great. I’m getting hard in front of you”

“He’s making things easier. C’mon! Just low your pants already”

Blushing even more, the bulge expanding down his thigh, Jack slid his trousers.

Kate covered her mouth with her hand in disbelief – “How in the world did I never notice that?”

“Stop being weird, for Christ sake”

“How long have you been taking this hormone?”

“About a year, something like that”

Kate couldn’t take her eyes off of Jack’s cock. She never lied to herself; she always knew she was quite a little pervert. When she turned 18, she didn’t waste time and lost virginity to some guy from university, one of the few who paid attention to her diminutive physique. The first time was painful, as for almost every woman, but she had an orgasm.

It was uphill from there; she just loved the vivid sensation of a climax. Dildos and vibrators came right after, she used them almost daily, but the real thing always had a different spice. She could get quite wild at bed, especially after teasing her “victims”.

The guys she had sex with weren’t even close to Jack; he was even more endowed than the actors of porn movies she watched.

Big sizes, as she learned about herself pretty quick, was something that excited her a lot.

“And what’s his size?”

“27cm [10 ½ inches] the last time I measured”

Kate got closer to Jack, then knelled.

“No, no, no! Don’t come with stupid id–”

Kate grabbed his cock, first with one hand, then with both, and even so part of the shaft remained uncovered. It was so thick that her small fingers could not encircle it completely. She gave a slow stroke and felt the big rod reacting, invigorating to a full hardness.

“Kate… Stop that…”

“Mom’s magic potions are really amazing”

She looked at him in the eyes with an alluring innocent expression.

“Mind if I give him a little kiss?”

Without waiting for an answer, she touched the tip of his cock with her delicate lips, then engulfed the head in her mouth. He felt a shock of pleasure coursing through his spine, as his hands instinctively clutched Kate’s head, forcing her to take part of his hot meat down her throat. Her moans came out muffled as she stroked frantically his tool, feeling the veins distended with blood. He groaned as she took a deep breath and sucked even more of the large shaft in. The scene of Kate’s petite frame swallowing half of his enormous prick was just too much for him to handle.

“Kate… I’m gonna…”

That only made Kate jack him off faster. Feeling his cock engorging even more with the first spasms of a massive orgasm, she took it out and kept it aiming at her mouth. The first jet almost made her choke. She then aimed the raging cockhead at her face and cleavage. Jack held his jerking tool and kept shooting load after load, covering her with his hot cum. After a few more spasms, his cock started to slowly deflate.

Jack took a moment to catch his breath.

“Oh, fuck”

Kate was scraping the vast excess of cum on her skin with her index and calmly licking it, with a naughty expression on her cute face.

“I can assure you that we’ll do this more often”


After that night, they secretly became fuck buds. Her interest for other guys disappeared; none of them could come close to match the pleasure she felt with Jack’s improved member. She even had to buy a bigger dildo. Jack couldn’t complain; Kate was insatiable, and especially gifted in giving heads.

Another thing also changed. Kate started to show more interest in her mother’s work, frequently staying up late in the laboratory doing research and experiments. Melony noticed.

“Just trying to catch up with you, mom. It’s a long road” – said Kate, joyfully.

Then came one major event. Melony was asked to be one of the speakers in a congress about modern chemistry in France. Several presentations during a week, plus a party at the last day. She was pretty happy with the news.

And so was Kate.

On the day of the trip, she kissed Kate and Jack, gave some recommendations, told them to keep an eye at the lab’s freezers.

In his timid way, Jack was excited to have this period with Kate’s house just for them. He bended his head and whispered – “We can try some other rooms, uh?”

Kate didn’t answer. As the cab was going away, she waved goodbye with a strange smile in her face.


“Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty!”

Jack opened his eyes. His head was hurting a little. When he tried to raise his hand to massage it, his arm halted midway. He shook it, looked at his wrist. He was shackled, both arms and legs, lying naked on Kate's bed.

Kate was next to him, standing up.

“Kate! What’s going on!?”

“Did you enjoy last night?”


Slowly, flashes of the evening started to pop up in Jack’s head. A pizza, some booze, a blowjob. Then nothing more.

“Why is my head fuzzy? We didn’t drink that much”

“Some beers, and one tequila shot. But I put some extra punch on it to make you sleep a little deeper”

“What the hell, Kate”

“You’re heavier than you appear, you know? You’re a regular guy, besides your delicious fella, but damn, it was not easy to drag you here. But don’t worry, nothing to be afraid”

“Unshackle me, then”

“I will, don’t worry. Just not now”

He struggled, making the handcuffs clink.

“Kate, I’m serious. Stop that”

“I was so eager to finally tell you that. Finally! So here it goes”

She sat cross-legged on the computer desk chair.

“Your cum is the most delicious cum I’ve ever tasted”

Jack blushed. He would complain about her bold comments most of the times, but, deep inside, he enjoyed Kate talking kinky stuff, specially about him.

“No, seriously. It is sweet and creamy like nothing else. I’m not making it up: it’s a fact. So much that one day something occurred to me”

She paused for a moment, then continued.

“You took the hormones to make your dong bigger, right? We know that it would have this effect, but… could it be that the hormone changed other things besides the size? Well, with that in mind, I ran some tests”


“I kept a sample of your semen from one of our… Party nights. Processed it, isolated its components. You just won’t believe what I’ve found”

Her voice became sober, but with a strange joy along with it.

“Your semen has changed. Your testicles started to generate your cream packed with… Hormones”

“Don’t we men have them like, normally?”

“Not any hormone. A growth hormone. A kind of natural, improved hormone that, theoretically, acts on our whole body, and not on just boobs, or dicks” – it was her time to blush – “And when I say improved, I mean really improved”

Unable to say a word, Jack just kept staring at Kate.

“At first, I thought that my puny body was again backfiring me, because I took it directly from the source many times and nothing happened. But no!, this time is different. The point is that your beautiful hormone is something brand new, and our metabolism is still not capable to process it. This, however, can be solved”

She grabbed a syringe with a transparent liquid that was at the desk.

“With a catalyst”

A smile of proud enlightened her face – “That’s my own invention, by the way. There’s sooo much we can do with the source material down there in the lab! My initial idea was to create a catalyst for the regular hormones, but compared to yours… They look like sugar pills. If my calculations are correct, I’ll be able to enjoy your cum in a whole new level: by getting gorgeous and sexy right in front of you. Isn’t that fantastic? Oh, and there’s one more thing”

She stood up.

“Mom’s got some new recipes. One of them is very interesting. A new version of the cock hormone, heavily concentrated, way more potent”

“Alright, Kate, that’s enough. I’m not taking it. My dick is big enough”

He froze when he noticed Kate’s unmistakable mischievous expression, the one she always had after doing something truly badly behaved.

“I already injected it. Don’t think that you’d stay still, it was easier with you knocked out”

His eyes almost popped out.

“You did what!? Are you fucking cra–”

He grunted. A tingling at the base of his pelvis started to spread through his cock. It slowly started to rise and, without any stimulation besides Kate’s horny gaze, it engorged until it was fully vertical and erect, the head like a large obscene mushroom at the top. It started trembling, and soon his whole shaft was throbbing, its veins dilating all over the stretched skin.

“Kate… ughhh… Oh my fucking god…”

He let a harsh groan out as his dick shook like a vibrator at full charge, then started to expand. Kate bit her lip, her panties soaked with her pussy juices, as his already massive member got bigger and bigger, the rigid purple head swelling, the nuts ballooning, filling themselves with his potent seed.

When the growth ceased, Kate’s eyes were transfixed on his cock. It was visibly pulsating, its 34cm [13 ½ inches] absolutely rock-hard, as thick as a soda can, the cockhead as big as a tennis ball, oozing precum steadily. Even the veins were hard and distended by the sheer amount of blood engorging his shaft.

“How are you feeling?”

Jack was barely able to speak. His voice came out low.

“I’m… So horny right now… That I think I can fuck our whole neighborhood… Until all of you can’t walk”

Kate let a soft, soundless moan escape.

“I guess you can”

She came closer.

“Just look at this monster…”

She took one of his balls in her tiny hand, marveled by its weight. They were the size of apples. With her index, she slid the veiny rod, taking a little bit of the copious precum that was dripping, then licked her finger with the tip of her tongue.

His hungry cock pulsated even more, craving for attention. She giggled.

“Looks like you’re ready”

She raised the syringe.

“Now it’s my turn”

She inserted the needle into her forearm, then sent the whole catalyst vial in. Feeling something like a sugar rush, she eagerly grabbed the enormous shaft and passionately started to suck the tip, unable to put the entire cockhead inside her mouth.

The handcuffs clinked again, as Jack tried to reach Kate’s head, dying to clutch her hair, grunting loudly by the insane waves of pleasure travelling his body.

Kate kept sucking, pumping vigorously his cock with both hands.

“Uhhh… Kate, I can’t… Uhhh… Hold…”

Feeling the initial spasms of his orgasm, she closed her eyes.

Please work.

He came like a geyser. Even with all her effort to gulp everything down, jizz was drooling from the sides of her mouth. She swallowed and swallowed what seemed to be a never-ending fountain of sperm.

Out of breath, she let go his dick with a slurp. He shot three more thick jets of cum before slowing down, remaining as hard as before.

Taking one last gulp, Kate let go a deep, satisfied sigh.

“It’s even sweeter than before”

She looked at her tummy. It was slightly swollen.

“God, I’m so full right now”

She started to feel a burning in her stomach. She panted as the heat quickly spread through her torso and limbs.

When Jack was able to compose himself minimally, still being struck by shivers of pleasure, he raised his head. He froze as, behind his still rigid horse cock, he saw Kate trembling.

“Kate? Are you all right?”

She moaned as the tremble intensified.

“My body is… Getting so hot…”

Slowly, she approached her shaky hands of her hard nipples. The mere touch widened her eyes. She gasped as her chest pushed itself forward by an uncontrollable spasm. Jack was following without blinking; her small boobs seemed to be more noticeable under her shirt. Within seconds, they rose to the shape of small, round hills. She cooed with delight, feeling the shirt getting tighter around her chest.

“It’s working… Ahhh… It’s working!”

Soon her hips were also expanding, her butt getting rounder, her thighs thicker, but keeping her waist slim. Feminine curves were surging all over her body, forming an hourglass figure that sent Jack’s libido rocketing in the sky. She stood up and laughed when she noticed she was looking at Jack from a different perspective; she was also getting taller.

But Kate got really aroused when she looked at her arms. At first it was subtle, but, little by little, her veins started to get prominent, crawling and swelling under her skin. She felt her body tensing, getting rigid to the point that she could barely move. It was then that her trembling redoubled, and she moaned loudly as her arms started to get toned, more toned, than defined, until solid muscles started to rise. Not only her arms, but her shoulders, back, legs, every portion of her body was blossoming with muscle mass, filling her baggy clothes until they started to rip, the rags falling on the ground. A mixture of astonishment and thrill was numbing her senses while she was almost orgasming, such was the pleasure she was feeling. She closed her eyes and a last deep moan filled the room with pure lust.

Her transformation ceased. Jack was open-mouthed, his cock seeming to be even bigger and harder by what he had witnessed.

She opened her eyes. Turning to the mirror on the wardrobe, a cute smile appeared on her face, as she was trying to process the 1.88m [6 feet 2] drop-dead gorgeous muscular body that she was seeing on the reflection.

“Oh. My. God! This is soooo much better than I expected!”

Turning back to Jack, she flexed and a proud, large bicep elevated in her arm.

“Just look at it! I have biceps!”

Jack was dumbfounded looking at the round bulge.

Kate smirked slyly to him, his mammoth throbbing cock between them.

“Looks like someone is willing to see me bigger. So let’s try the other way”

She sensuously climbed the bed and rubbed her now handball-sized boobs on his veiny shaft, feeling the massive girth between her rack as she stood up and positioned her pussy just above the top of his vertical pole. Jack then noticed that she was carrying another vial of the catalyst. She injected it and threw the syringe away, feeling an immediate burst of thrill. Jack was so utterly excited that he didn’t say a word.

She moaned softly when the tip parted her labia and gasped breathlessly when the bloated cockhead slid in. Her fingers tensed and she cooed with delight as she lowered her hips, taking a third of Jack’s rod inside her canal.

“It’s soooo fuuucking biiiig!”

Her next moans came out shakily, as she shuddered with uncontrollable erotic spasms. Jack cringed his teeth in absolute pleasure as more of his length was being enveloped by Kate’s pussy walls.

When she took half of him in, she leaned on his chest, sinking her nails on his skin, and raised her hips until only his cockhead stayed in, revealing his shaft coated with her love juices. She kneeled, slid it inside again and started to frantically move her hips up and down, crying with intense pleasure. Jack also motioned his hips, thrusting his schlong deeper into Kate, making her round boobs bounce wildly. She gabbed them, jerking her puffy nipples, and moaned loudly as she was struck by a violent orgasm, stiffening her abs and pussy and pressing even more Jack’s member inside her.

Jack grunted with the exquisite sensation, which made him ram her harder. She quickly recovered from her climax, her eyes twinkling with lust as Jack’s massive tool kept ragingly coming in and out of her burning pussy.

“Moooore… Fuck me more with your giiaant coooock!”

Jack was devouring Kate’s gorgeous toned curves with his eyes; he has never seen a girl as alluring as her after her spurt, let alone had sex with one remotely close to her voluptuous new physique. As both pounded more and more, waves of pleasure irradiated from his fat rod throughout his body like electric currents.

After an even faster ride from Kate, the magic words came out of his mouth.

“I can’t… hold anymore…”

Overwhelmed with anticipation and pleasure, she rolled her eyes as another mind-blowing orgasm short-circuited her senses. Panting, she whispered with a dreamy voice.

“He’s… Pulsating inside me…”

Even exhausted, she lusciously kept swaying her hips with his shaft almost entirely engulfed by her pussy. That was just enough to send Jack over the edge. He contorted, grunting as his hands, unable to grab anything, closed in rigid fists.

He erupted a shitload of cum, jet after jet, so much that Kate could feel the hot cream sloshing inside her.

For a moment, only their low pants could be heard in the room. But suddenly Kate shut her eyes tight. Little by little, her breathing became labored, which didn't stop her from smiling.

“The heat… Is coming back!”

Her lips let out an alluring feminine groan that sent shivers down Jack’s spine.

“It’s stronger…”

Gasping, she could feel her body consuming Jack’s seed, sending the hormone through her veins that popped all over her soft skin. Jack was astonished as, right in front of him, her timid 6-pack slowly started to swell, forming a cobbled road of solid muscles on her thin waist. Above it, her juicy boobs were getting rounder and bigger, her hard nipples vibrating like a tuning fork. Soon, her whole body was trembling frantically. Her smile shifted into an open-mouth silent scream as she felt her pecs expanding enormously, getting larger than a pillow, ripped shoulders and traps rising around her dainty neck, powerful biceps and triceps blooming on her arms, all happening while her body stretched, visibly getting taller and taller.

The bed creaked. Jack could feel her weight increasing, pressing down on him as her muscles kept filling with dense muscle mass, each of her thighs getting thicker than his torso.

At no point she bothered about dismounting from Jack’s rod, still rock-hard inside her. Instead, she started to fiercely ride him. The sensation of her pussy walls getting stronger, tightening even more around his cock, drove Jack completely crazy. He climaxed again, but blasting just a few streams as he barely had time to recover from the massive second load.

Kate, though, felt them, and felt them intensely.

“Oh yesss, Jack! Make me biiiigger!”

The extra dose of his hormone-packed cream was quickly absorbed, triggering an avalanche of orgasms, hitting her synapses with seemingly unending waves of ecstasy. Her powerful body convulsed as a surge of volcanic heat forced her muscles to enlarge in one last explosion of growth.

Almost blacking out, she collapsed on top of Jack. He could barely breathe due to her sheer weight.

“Kate, I’m suffocating…”

A massive arm lifted itself, bulging with veins and solid muscles, and the delicate hand at the end of it leaned on the wall behind the bed. Then, an enormous leg stretched itself, the thigh as thick as a tree trunk, and the beautiful foot hit the floor with a stomp that shook the entire bedroom. Jack’s cock finally slid out of her vagina, as hard as before. A little push to stay up and the wall cracked under her slender fingers. Steadying her other foot, Kate rose her immense body, showing its 2.33m [7 feet 8] in its full glory.

She remained still for a few moments. Jack was stupefied by her majestic figure, a placid, relaxed expression embellishing her face, her soft breathing exuding lust.

“I’m feeling so strong”

She looked at the shackles. She felt butterflies in her stomach.

I wonder…

She grabbed the one trapping his right arm. With both hands, she started to pull the sides apart. Jack watched mesmerized as her arms rigid, her biceps bulged and veins popped on her neck and traps.

“Urrr, c’mon!”

She grunted, her muscles trembling with the effort, and it looked like they were responding by getting bigger, more powerful. The chain tensed, then snapped with one harsh sound of metal.

Her girlish laugh filled the room.

“Hahaha! Can you believe it, Jack!? No puny Kate anymore!”

She turned to the computer desk. With just one hand, she lifted it. Her pussy tingled with arousal.

“This feels sooo good!”

Seeing Kate distracted by her own new strength, Jack picked the shackles’ keys with his free hand and released himself. He was leaving the bedroom when Kate noticed his movement.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?”

Jack felt the firm grip of her hand on the back of his neck, then his eyes widened when his feet left the ground.

“No, no, no, you’re staying”

“Ok, ok, I’m staying. Please let me go”

She dropped him on the chair.

Her eyes glanced at nowhere for a moment. An enticing thought came to her mind. She looked again to Jack.

“Put some clothes on. Well, don’t think you’re gonna need underwear” – she giggled, looking at his horse cock still fully erect.

She then picked two sheets in the bed and improvised a tank top and a skirt for herself. He managed to bend his massive erection and shove his dick into one of the trousers’ legs.

“Kate, can we please stop for a minute and talk about what just happened? I mean, this is surreal”

“I know. This is…” – and her voice sounded strangely sober – “Exciting”


“We can do this later. Now finish dressing”


“We are going to visit someone”

“Are you serious? You can’t go out like this”

She looked down at him with a menacing expression contrasting with her cute face.

“Do you think that anyone will try to stop me?”

She clung his arm and dragged him out of the house. There’s simply nothing he could do to stop her.


The few people walking in the calm streets of their neighborhood couldn’t really understand what they were seeing. Kate just ignored them; Jack was forced to do the same.

After crossing four blocks, they stopped in front of a regular house, like all others around. Kate ringed the bell and, a moment later, a tall, beautiful brunette answered. She halted as soon as the door opened. Kate opened a wide smile.

“Hi, Amanda”

Amanda slowly glanced up to find Kate’s face, crossing the curves and the carved muscles of her seminude body that looked like a statue of an immense Greek amazon, higher than the doorframe.

“Just checking how you’re doing”

“W-who are you?”

“I’m Kate, Melony’s daughter. Do you remember Melony, right? Of course, how could you forget?”

Kate pushed the door, crouched and entered. Frightened, Amanda gave a few steps backwards.

“Do you know that I’m working with my mom at the lab? Helping people having normal lives, as she likes to say. Sounds like a noble task, kinda is, I think”

Amanda remained silent, unable to process what she was seeing. Out of nowhere, there was some sort of ultra-Aphrodite at the living room of her house, so wonderful and muscular that she could hardly believe she was human, talking to her as if she had known her for a long time.

“But in your case… Wow, it really made wonders! You’re so good-looking, your long hair seems so soft, all of your curves, your firm tits and your round ass, so inviting…”

Kate got closer – “You were the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen” – and bent her immense body until her eyes were leveled with Amanda’s – “I would die to have a body like yours”

Kate then adjusted her posture, raising her chest, making it look even larger. She gazed down at Amanda, her volleyball-sized firm boobs covering partially her view.

“And guess what? Now I make you look like a chop stick… Isn’t it, Amanda?”

She rested her hands on the sides of her ripped abs. Her biceps almost doubled the size just with this small flex.

“My body is so much better than yours in any way you can think, isn’t it, Amanda?”

Her feminine voice got sober, with a slight threatening tone.

“Isn’t it?”


Kate suddenly shifted to a light mood with a playful smirk.

“How about Jack? Seems like he didn’t change much, but if you look carefully…”

Amanda glanced to Jack. Her eyes glued on his right leg, to what seemed to be a salami stuffed in his slacks, going all the way down to his knee.

“You can’t imagine how good he feels. And, hey!, you don’t need to imagine. He won't soften up anytime soon”

Kate could tell by Amanda’s body signs that, despite her expression of fear and disbelief, she was slowly being overcome by an irresistible excitement. Another step back and Amanda reached and leaned her bubble butt on the dinner table, her fingers slightly tensed pressing the wooden top.

Grinning, Kate rubbed Jack’s erection with her foot, which jerked inside the trousers.

“You’ll be way more comfortable with this off”

With his cock aching inside the narrow restraint and driven by such arousal that made him lose any decency, he lowered his trousers. Amanda gasped as his monster cock came out, darting up like a spring and slapping on his belly, then resting at a 45-degree angle, absolutely hard and hungry.

Bending close to Amanda’s ear, Kate whispered, her girlish voice sounding as naughty as ever.

“C’mon, don’t be shy. Let me help you”

With an effortless yank, she got rid of her leggings and panties, tearing them like they were wet paper and, grabbing firmly her naked buttocks with just one hand, she lifted Amanda clear off the ground as if she was weightless.

Amanda couldn’t see what was happening otherwise than a crazy, depraved dream. No longer able to hide her arousal, she did absolutely nothing to stop Kate when she ripped her top, exposing her perky cantaloupe-sized boobs, blushing with a lovely horny expression. Wrapping her free arm around Amanda, bringing her burning body closer to her mouth, Kate licked and kissed her toned flat belly, from below the navel all the way to her tits, then started to suck one of her hard nipples with a feral eager. Amanda writhed in pleasure, inebriated by the raw power irradiating from Kate’s hot, bulging muscles, surrounding and pressing against her much smaller frame.

“My god… How c-can this b-be happening…?”

Kate kept licking and sucking voraciously Amanda’s shivering body.

“Such delicious curves, but so insignificant compared to me…”

Letting her juicy ass go, Kate slid her hand down to Amanda’s thighs, squeezing them with unbridled desire, until she reached her crotch and started fingering her sensitive pussy. As Kate was enjoying this more and more, Amanda could feel the blood coursing faster, more frantically through her pumped veins, the direct contact with such flow of power making her even more excited. In utter ecstasy, Amanda grinded her clit against Kate’s velvety fingers, soaking her hand with love juices. Kate smiled.

“What a horny little girl. Come here Jack, she’s ready for you!”

Jack was mesmerized with the erotic scene in front of him, his dick seeming even bigger and thicker than before. Kate wiped out the objects on the dinner table with her arm and laid Amanda on it. She instinctively placed her feet on the edges, leaving her legs opened and her sex in full, unashamed view.

Jack came closer. His cock was so hard that it barely motioned, sticking straight out from his groin, the swollen head making small circles in the air as he walked. Amanda’s breathing quickened in expectation as she watched him approaching.

Without saying a single word to each other, Jack positioned the tip of his enormous manmeat on her labia and shove half of it inside her wet pussy with one firm thrust. Amanda’s eyes nearly blanked out. He slid back and forth slowly a couple of times, groaning harshly as he felt the tight and fervent confinement of her canal around his oversized shaft, then held her thin waist and started to furiously pound her. Amanda screamed with pleasure, her boobs bouncing wildly with each pump.

“You’re soooo deeeep… Oh god fuck me haaardeeer!”

“ughhh, I’m gonna fucking split you in half!”

The more he banged her, the more he could feel his monstrous tool engorging and stretching her pussy walls; the more pleasure, the more he quickened his pace. Amanda agonized as she was struck by the most powerful orgasm of her life, entering a state of continuous ecstasy, her beautiful body convulsing as waves of an excruciating pleasure kept spreading inside her like electric shocks.

Jack kept fucking her, her erotic spasms exciting him even more, as she was only able to react with a fading, dreamy moan, completely overwhelmed by multiple climaxes.

The whole time Kate watched them wantonly.

Her pussy tingled as a ravenous yearning was growing inside her. The words came out of her mouth like an impulse.

“Come to think of it, Amanda, I’m wrong. Seeing you like this is really turning me on. I’m still not as sexy as you”

And, from between her cleavage, she took out another syringe.

“But I can fix that”

She inserted the needle in her neck and injected the catalyst, letting go a harsh moan as an intense rush of energy invaded her senses.

“Ahhhh yes! Now, if you excuse me”

She pushed Jack, sliding his cock out of a numb Amanda that collapsed at the table, still trembling with orgasmic contractions. Jack complained.

“C’mon, Kate! I was almost there!”

“I know”

She lifted him by his legs until his throbbing rod were on her mouth level, and started to hungrily suck his cockhead. His whole body tensed by the strong suction that her soft lips were applying; it felt as if an unnatural force was trying to pull his soul out through his cock. His monstrous schlong reacted, swelling the head so much that its base popped out of Kate’s mouth, and she reacted back, licking passionately his cockslit. He clutched Kate’s soft hair as his climax neared.

“Kate… ughhh!… It’s gonna be a big one…”

She stared at him with her innocent, mischievous eyes, silently telling him “give me”.

He blasted a torrent of cum. This time, however, Kate didn’t waste a single drop. She closed her eyes and gulped his hot cream, and gulped, and gulped, until the vast gush of sperm ceased. She finished by giving one slow last suck, like trying to get the few remains out of a straw.


A strong spasm shook her immediately.

“Very tasty”

Letting go of Jack, she turned to Amanda, that had slightly composed herself.

“The photos don't do justice to your beauty, Amanda. That's what they say, seeing things live is… urrr…”

Like a heavy machine turning on, Kate’s body started to tremble vigorously. The sheets covering her quickly fell away and, like the curtains of a divine spectacle, revealed her perfectly round boobs and her mouth-watering sex.

“…Much better”

A vein got more prominent on her arm, then another one popped on her traps. Another snaked on her carved thigh, and another, and another. A network of power emerged all over under her smooth skin, circulating her boiling blood brimmed with Jack’s hormone.

Baffled, Amanda was transfixed on Kate’s biceps, quivering and crawling with veins, so ripped that they seemed about to explode. Suddenly, Kate let out a ferocious grunt filled with lust as a heavy spasm tensed every fiber of her body. Amanda gasped. The biceps started to grow at an alarming speed, doubling in size within seconds. Terrified and thrilled at the same time, she watched the powerful peaks continue to expand until they became two immense globes of rock-hard flesh, bigger than volleyballs.

As if reacting to their magnificent rise, her whole body responded with a monstrous growth spurt. Her arms enlarged tremendously, each quickly getting thicker than Amanda’s torso, leaving only her wrists and hands slim. On top of them, her shoulders broadened and her traps elevated like round towers around her slender neck. With each heavy breathing, her pecs expanded, and expanded, wider and larger than a refrigerator, pushing her bosom further as the boobs themselves were inflating into enormous spheres of pleasure, their hard nipples bigger than thumbs. On her slim waist, the valleys of her 6-pack deepened and the muscles thrusted forward, each more massive than a regular bicep, surrounded by obliques carving from her powerful chest all the way through her midsection, the distended veins like cracks on a brick wall. From her toned hips, her gigantic thighs thickened until it was no longer possible to fully embrace them.

Kate’s eyes locked on Amanda’s, blistering with desire.

“You are so sexy that I… urrrr… will have to put… urrrrrr… a real effort here”

Her growth speeded up, the muscles bulging and expanding, filling with unbelievable amounts of dense mass, bigger than five, then bigger than ten bodybuilders combined. Centimeter/inch by centimeter/inch, her height was increasing dramatically, and within seconds she reached the hanging lights of the dinner room. Topping the ripped mass of raw power, her face was still the same of the tiny Kate, but the skin was getting softer, her traces smoother, even more feminine and delicate than before, with an alluring air of innocence.

It became impossible to resist her godly body. Amanda was helplessly fingering herself, while just a few strokes on his absolutely hard cock were enough for Jack to climax, jerking with dry spasms as his balls didn’t have enough time to produce more semen.

Kate was clearly holding herself back, her eyebrows arching as she fought not to give in completely to the indescribable pleasure she was feeling, her girlish groans filled with a raging lust.

“I’ll have to get really... urrrrr… fucking… urrrrrrrr!… big”

Closing her hands in fists, Kate tensed her gigantic muscles, forcing them to swell and grow even more. Unable to hold back any longer, she moaned profusely, her crystalline cries of pleasure rumbling through the house as she absorbed every last bit of hormone in one final growth surge.

Jack and Amanda were petrified. Kate had become the embodiment of beauty and power, a 2.89m [9 feet 6] hourglass perfection sculpted with luscious curves and muscle mass like a statue made by god himself, her head almost touching the ceiling. They just needed to look straight to admire her perfect pussy, the pink, slim labia like the gates of heaven, opened for anyone brave enough to venture into its sacred realms.

Kate was loving the effect that her colossal being was having on both, their eyes shining with fear and awe. However, where you would expect to see a smile, there was none. Kate glanced to nowhere with a thoughtful face.

A cold sweat broke out on Jack’s forehead. He knew Kate very well, her expressions were like an open book to him. Although scared, he couldn’t help but get deeply aroused.

It was not enough.

“Time to go home, Jack”

She grabbed him and held him under her arm like a school folder. Before leaving, she caressed Amanda’s face. Amanda shivered; the soft touch was packed with restrained strength.

“Goodbye, Amanda”

Kate barely bended to fit through the exit, destroying the wall on her way out by merely touching it with her humungous muscles. Outside, she headed to her house.

“Kate, please stop! We need to talk!”

“You can talk while we get back, but I would be quick if I were you”

As she increased the pace, her mighty legs made her run as fast as a jaguar, her feet cracking the sidewalk with each heavy step. In less than a minute, they were back.

She went straight to the lab. Not bothering with the keys, she ripped the front door off and entered. Turning the lights on, she threw Jack into an office chair, which rolled away and crashed into one of the chemicals shelves. At the depot, she picked a 10 liter [2.60gal]-gallon of water like it was a tissue box, ripped out its top and tossed the water, leaving it empty on the examination desk.

“I was serious there, you know”

She opened the glass cabinet where the hormones were kept.

“I’m still small”

It was ludicrous to hear such thing from the mountain of muscles in front of him, but Jack knew that she was dead serious.

She turned around, holding a flask and a large syringe that she filled with the flask’s content to the max. Jack distinguished a wicked trace on her smile.

“Don’t get me wrong, this day has been fun. But I think we are doing things a little too slow”

Jack panicked when he realized what she was about to do. He tried to flee, but she easily kept him sat.

“Kate, stop! This is too much!”

“As if you wouldn't enjoy that”

In a large vein just over his balls, she inserted the needle, sending all the penis enlargement hormone in.

His cock had finally deflated a little, but he immediately got hard again. His balls started to shake and bloat and, a second later, his cock shot a thick stream of cum. Caught by surprise by the instant reaction, Kate promptly grabbed the empty gallon and aimed Jack’s angry cockhead on its interior.

Jack grunted as he began to ejaculate violently. After the tenth jet, the trembling intensified and his already enormous cock started to grow even bigger. Kate was almost drooling, watching her fingers part as the veiny shaft was enlarging under her hand.

Like a firehose, his monstrous cock kept expanding and blasting shot after shot of cum, as in a never-ending orgasm. When the growth finally ceased, half of the gallon was filled with the sticky pearled liquid.

Still quivering from his climax, Jack was speechless. It was hard to believe that the monumental pillar of flesh in front of him was his own cock, protruding at incredible 59cm [23 inches], as thick as a soda bottle. Even after the biggest cumshot in human history, he remained as hard as steel, hungry enough to fuck the entire city and still want more.

Licking her lips, Kate picked three vials of the catalyst.

“This one will need an extra boost”

She stuck all three syringes in her leg at once. Her eyes widened madly as a tremendous jolt of energy spread through her bloodstream.

“YES! Now for the main course”

Jack watched terrified as Kate started to avidly drink his semen, her thirsty gulps quickly empting the gallon, finishing with a long sigh.

“Ahhh, now we’re talking! Time to get rea–”

Her smile of satisfaction abruptly vanished, as her angelical face was maculated by a twisted expression of pain. She tried to speak, but only two feeble words came out of her mouth.


Losing her balance, Kate blacked out, her immense body smashing the examination desk on its way to the ground.

Jack clutch his head in panic – “Oh fuck”

Kneeling, he grabbed her neck. She didn't seem to be breathing.

“Kate! Kate! Fuck, why haven’t you listened to me!? Oh god, answer me, Kate!”

He tried to move her, but couldn't even lift her massive arm. He thought about calling 911, but how would he explain that crazy situation? He stared helplessly at her serene expression, her head resting on her enormous traps.

“What do I do, what do I do? Fuck!”

It was then that he felt a vibration coming from Kate's body, accompanied by a low, intermittent sound at the edge of his hearing. He placed his head between her breasts. From inside the large chest, he could hear powerful heartbeats, their strong, rhythmic pulses echoing like ancient drums.

She slowly opened her eyes. Jack opened a shy smile of relief.

“Oh, thank god”

“What… What happened?”

“You… I don’t know. You probably had an overdose or something”

She stood up and turned her gaze to where she had fallen. The desk was completely destroyed and the floor was slightly sunken in. She glanced at herself.

“But I’m still… The same size”

“I think yes”


“I don’t know. Maybe there’s a limit to it”

“No, it can’t be! It can’t! I want more!”

Jack swallowed hard, waiting for her angry reaction that, at that point, could be devastating, but he was caught by surprise as she fell into an unexpected silence. Her once narrowed eager eyes widened with fright, as if something supernatural had crossed her sight.

“Kate, w-what’s going on?”

“I’m feeling strange… Something’s happening… Inside me…”

In one sudden surge of might, her muscles grew slightly, but visibly. Open-mouthed, Jack took a step back. Breathing heavily, she had a confused expression.

“This sensation, it’s different. It’s deeper… Stronger…”

She looked down at him. His rigid monster cock was begging for her attention.

“I feel as if my touch could create life itself, like I could –”

With another burst, her colossal frame expanded more, but this time it came with a powerful jolt of pleasure. The lab’s roof was tall, but her mountainous muscles were not far from it.

Jack couldn’t take his eyes off of her pussy. It was soaking wet. Noticing that, Kate slid her clit with two fingers. She was so sensitive that the slight contact made her shiver. She looked at the viscous, golden liquid.

Then licked it.

She halted. It was the sweetest, most marvelous nectar she had ever tasted.

The realization made her so aroused that her pussy started to drip her love juices.

“Oh my god, Jack… Oh my god… I know what’s happening”

“W-what is happening, Kate?”

“My body… It’s…”

Another burst, stronger than the last, filled her gargantuan muscles with more powerful, dense mass. The delicate moan that came out of her was deep, impregnated with such feminine lust that Jack’s cock jerked frantically, like being obliged to worship her. She bit her lip with an alluring expression of delight.

“…Producing the hormone!”

After hearing her last words, Jack’s crotch tensed and his horse cock erupted a whopping shot of cum, in an involuntary orgasm.

Kate closed her dreamy eyes.

“It’s flowing inside me…”

Jack kept cumming, blasting jet after jet of thick jizz. He felt like he had lost control of his body, that his gigantic shaft was answering solely to Kate unending beauty and dominance. Her voice was becoming deeper but cleaner, more seductive, like a hum of pure femininity, melting Jack’s brain.

She opened her eyes. Her breathing became constant, lustful moans, the pleasure coursing inside her so overwhelming that she was orgasming uninterruptedly.

“I can feel my cells evolving… Producing more hormone…”

She purred with ecstasy as another burst, even stronger, trembled the floor. The feeling of her titanic muscles filling with more and more rigid mass was intoxicating her, the lab getting dangerously small for her prodigious size. Towering over 4.00m [13 feet 1], she bumped her head on the ceiling. She barely felt it, but the concrete surface cracked.

“So much power…”

Hypnotized by her growth, Jack almost didn’t realize in time that she placed her hands under the ceiling. The concrete immediately started to crumble. He hastily ran away from the lab, hearing the heavy debris falling apart.

Outside the house, he fell on the garden as the ground moved violently under his feet. The grass and dirt suddenly erupted and Kate surged from below, blossoming like mother Earth herself.

She climbed out and stood still. In the plain light of the sun, Jack could see every detail of her majestic body. The last spurt made her reach an astounding 7.50m [24 feet 7]. Her chest became as large and wide as a Smart car, and on it rested her humungous boobs, as big as yoga balls, defying gravity as they stood perfectly round in the air without any support, their puffy, jerky nipples as big as bottles. On top of them, her slender neck was surrounded by imposing shoulders and traps and, on each side, the biceps protruded more than a foot [30,5cm] from her arms, the thick, distended veins pulsating on her mountains of impenetrable flesh.

But something else was different. Her breathing had returned to normal, and she was observing her surroundings in a serene, conscious way. Although inebriated by her presence, Jack saw himself struggling to understand her unexpected placid state of mind.

She spoke, her crystalline voice sounding like a divine choir.

“It’s still inside me. You can’t possibly understand the pleasure that I’m feeling right now. It’s like a thousand orgasms happening every second. A single taste of it would make you go insane”

Kate grinned at his puzzled expression.

“Yes, I can control it now. And I’m just beginning to ascend. Soon, a spurt of my muscles will make me bigger than cranes, then bigger than skyscrapers. The pleasure will be inconceivable, as will my power”

With a sensual motion, she calmly got on her knees – “Now, my little Jack, come here and lick my clit, so you can get big enough to satisfy me. For now”

Feeling his libido being manipulated by her like a puppet, he walked towards her pussy and licked her golden moisture. He instantly dropped on the grass, convulsing as his cock doubled in size in mere seconds, turning into a 1.20m [47 inches] light-pole thick mass of virility. She smiled.

“Look at what a single drop of my nectar can do”

She raised her hips. The mere idea of fucking her made Jack cum hard. She grabbed his raging cock and took half of his sheer shaft inside her tight, dripping pussy, feeling his wild, nonstop spasms.

“Yessss, cum inside your goddess…”

She started to slowly ride him. Jack felt her monumental body getting hotter, shaking the ground like an earthquake, as another monstrous burst of power was approaching.

“I’ve reached it, Jack… urrrrr… The point of no return. I am unstoppable… urrrrrrrrrrr… I will keep growing ‘til I get BIGGER. THAN. THE. FUCKING. UNIVERSE!”

Orgasming uncontrollably, Jack fainted.

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Great shame that the rest of Jack could not be enhanced

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magnificent story

Offline gnzxcvbnm

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great story 8)

Offline MGS-and-M

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Great shame that the rest of Jack could not be enhanced

Can't have everything, I guess hehe


magnificent story

great story 8)

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