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Author Topic: Author: [Daz Davison] The Battle of Sirius 9 | #WIP  (Read 6390 times)

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Author: [Daz Davison] The Battle of Sirius 9 | #WIP
« on: March 19, 2008, 03:58:58 pm »
The Battle of Sirius 9
Written by - Daz Davison

The important bit -

This story contains sexually imagery, of a muscular nature, as well as extreme violence and cruelty. It will contain scenes involving muscular children under the age of 16, although scenes featuring sex/nudity will be limited to children above this age.

Also please note, that as I am English, all of the weights will be either in Stone (14lbs) or kilogrammes (about 2.2lbs). I have had to struggle converting all of your pounds into units i can cope with, so now its your turn!

Thanks a lot, and enjoy!

* * *

"This is the 34th century, muscular girls are the height of sexuality, although sometimes, you just can't beat a good old pair of boobs! General Allasha has both of these in huge proportions!"
   General Purpose, in 3356


PRELUDE - 3357

My name is General Allasha. I lead *39 legion in the great Union army. Our war has been going on for well over a century now. It was started (as we have all been lead to believe) When the enemy, The Sagrillax, invaded Earth, in an attempt to colonize it.

We are based on the giant space fortress "Excalibur" The largest single object ever built by man. It was shaped like a five pointed star and had a diameter of approximately 86,000 miles. It was home to over 40 million soldiers, divided into 40 legions, each lead by a general, such as yours truly. I was the youngest of all the generals, being 20.

I had just finished sending some unlucky members of my legion through there rigorous training programme. Now it was time for my own: I jogged along the corridor into my oppulent Generals quaters, and slid in through the door that opened and shut as I went through.

Standing in front of my wall length mirror, I stripped of my tight fitting top and work-out shorts. I did a few quick stretches infront of the mirror, and then paused for a moment to admire my physique.

Biceps the size of volleyballs erupted from my well proportioned arms. My Thickly striated pecs peeked out from behind my two marvellously firm D cup breasts, with hard nipples jutting out just under half an inch from my dark pink aureole. My neatly trimmed triangle of curly, dark brown pubic hair, hiding my "centre of pleasure" stood just below where my magnificent eight pack bulged from my stomach, as if someone had set neat rows of half bricks just under my skin. My thighs measured 46" around, at least, and the muscles in there seemed to wrestle each other for a place on the surface. My granite hard calves ballooned proudly from my lower legs, being easily 22" around.

I strode other to my personal gymasium, and laid down to do some bench presses.
   "Computer. 100 kilos, please" I announced, chosing my prefered weight for warm up.
   "Affirmitive. 100 kilos of mass, for bench pressing"
I sat as the computer geared the bar attached to the wall, so that it would press down with a force of 100kg. I lifted it off the stand, and proceeded to do 25 reps as a warm up.
   "OK, Computer. 300 kilos, please"
The force of the bar increased and I did a further 25 Reps. This hardly taxed me, even with the stations gravity being three times Earth Norm.
   "OK... Time to test my self a bit... Computer, 512 kilos. Initialize counter"

This was the most I had ever managed to do a full cycle of 25 reps. I was hoping to beat 25 today. I lifted the bar of the stand, and felt the familiar strain of the weight pressing down through my arms. I brought the bar down to my breasts, and then with a small grunt lifted it back up to full stretch. I repeated this thirteen times, the computer counting each time I did, before I started to feel the strain.
   "Use the pain..."
I lifted it up again...
   "The pain is my allie"
And again, and again. I managed twenty two, and my muscles were burning with the effort. Twenty three. The pain was getting intolerable. Twenty four. The lactic acid build up was getting potentially dangerous... Twenty Five! Yes! I did it. And Twenty Six! The pain had been lessened by thr triumpth. Twenty seven... Twenty eight! Twenty nine! No... the pain was coming back, and now it was worse than ever. Can I make it. Muscles burning... Need to finish it... The bar inching higher and higher... I summoned all of my courage and jerked the bar upwards. Thirty. Brilliant. I collapsed onto the bench.

I drank some military issue protein drink, before moving onto bicep curls, and squats. With my biced curls, i managed to curl 284 kilos in each hand, breaking by own personal record, having allready smashed both the station, and the worlds' record. I also managed to squat 949kg, matching my own personal record, for the first time this week. I must work on that... I then proceeded to do a deadlift. My record was 798kg. I attempted it at 755kg, and although it wasn't easy, I managed it without too much trouble. I then tried 790kg. God. My whole body was straining. I lifted it to my waist... And yes! I managed it. Woo... Not too bad. I thought to my self then... "I reckon, I could manage it today."
   "Computer. 800kg."
I Tensed my self up to my fullest, and then relaxed. I grabbed the bar with both hands, and lifted it up to my waste. The bar was really bending, as the gears strained to pull it down. I put all the considerable strength of my entire body behind the bar. And pressed upwards. It moved gradually, and then with a jerk, more powerful than any human had ever exerted, I forced the bar above my head!
   "Computer, remove weight!"
If that bar hit the ground with as much force as that, it could do some serious damage.

I did a bicep pose, running my hand over the pumped muscle, feeling the power radiating out of all of the muscles in my body. I felt invincible.
I proceeded to do another 25 squats at 750kg, and then I moved into my G-room. This room had a variable graviational field, that I could adjust at will. In here I did press-ups, sit-ups, and chin-ups. I set the gravity level at 10 times Earth norm, and proceeded to do sit-ups. My abs were my favourite muscle to work, and hence, along with my thighs, were my most defined. I did fifty sit ups at 10G, then increased the gravity to 20G, and then 40G. 10G is easily enough to kill someone who is not used to it, but we have all been trained to work in high G from a very young age. Body building lessons start when we are 3 years old. After 30 sit ups at 40G, My stomah and thighs were burning. But I wanted to complete the cycle. 35... The pain was immense. 40. I didn't think I could carry on. 41... AAAaaaargh! 42... My stomach was burning so much, I thought it would catch fire! 43... 44... 45... The pain was fading... But so was everything else... 46... 47... I slipped into unconsiousness. It was hard work being the strongest, most muscular, most beautiful, girl in the galaxy... But then I did have an advantage...

Let me take you back 20 years. Before I was a general, before I lead my legion in the Battle of Sirius 9, before I became the strongest person ever to have walked the globe, or any station, anywhere...

To be continued...

Be patient, and feel free to email any feedback...


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Offline guille

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Re: Sirus
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2008, 04:00:21 pm »
Part 2
Chapter 1

"General Purpose! We have life signs!" The ships science officer called down the comm
"Hmmm? Report?" General Purpose replied. They were patrolling a debrie field trying to find anything salvagable.
"It seems to be human, but its very weak. I think its a baby!"
"OK... We'd better bring it in."

General Purpose marched off to the cargo bay, flanked by a armed guard and the ships medic. Just as he entered the cargobay doors opened and a small coffin like box was tractored in. The General stepped forwards and ripped the lid off the box, using his considerable muscle power alone. In the box lay a baby.
"Its a girl!" The medic announced
"But what a girl..." General purpose replied. She was a baby like no other. She already had a visible muscle structure, with a subtle but obvious six pack, and pecs, with the faintest hint of a cleavage between them. Her thighs bulged with infant muscle and they could tell that she would have biceps, if she were  to tense them. "I think we need a full medical doing... Find out who she is, and if she really is as well as she looks."
"Ai, Sir"

  * * *

"Report." General Purpose called as he entered the infirmiary, an hour or so later
"Well sir, she is in excellent health... Well better then excellent... perfect health! Her muscle mass is more than twice what can be expected of someone as young as her: She can only be a couple of weeks old at most, looking at her DNA degredation factor!"
"She? We don't have a name yet?"
"No, sir. She wasn't ever registered as being born. What do you plan to do with her?"
"I think we should return to Base, and get her registered. I reckon it could be quite interesting watching her grow up... Infact, I plan on mentoring her myself."
"Good plan, General"
"And I think I'll call her "Allasha"

  * * *

Allasha pulled a double bicep pose, as General Purpose had shown her. She was now 3 years old, and was applying to join the Union Academy.
"By Jove, shes Huge!" The assessor proclaimed, eyeing up Allasha's biceps, each the size of a brussel sprout, on a girl a mere 3' 3" tall, that was huge. Even in the 34th century when people do have larger muscles, and not having a six pack is very uncommon.

"Yes, she is. Officer material do you reckon?"
"Judging by her mental tests I'd say so... 97%! thats about average for a child twice her age!"
"Thats my girl!" General Purpose chuckled
"Lets get her to do some more physical then... Not that its really necesary, shed be in the highest group both physically and mentally, allready!"

The assessor lead Allasha to a Bench Press facility, where he set the computer to a strain of one kilo. He then took one look at Allasha and then turned the dial upto five. "I'm going to start her on five, I'm sure she'll manage it. Now Allasha, I want you to lift the bar up and then down again, ten times." A child of three wouldn't normally be expected to manage a weight this heavy. If she managed it, she'd be straight into the top group for body building and physical activities.

Allasha took the bar, and as if it had no weight on at all, did ten repitions.

"That Easy!" Allasha cried "Me want it on ten!"
"No child of three has ever managed even a single rep with anything over 6kg before. I can't allow it" The assessor announced
"You've never met Allasha before." Purpose replied
"Very well, but on your head be it" The assessor thought that Allasha would probably injure herself doing this, but he wasn't going to argue with a General.

Alasha gripped the bar and lowered the bar to her chest, and then back up again, giving a slight grunt with the exertion. She repeated this a second time with another cute little grunt. And a third time she lowered the bar and raised it high above her. After the forth she was still going strong, without even the slightest sign of lagging. With the fifth she was started to slow a little, and with the sixth she was shaking slightly. But she kept going. The seventh and Eighth went by, and Allasha was gritting her teeth in pain. Her whole tiny body trembling with the effort. She lowered the bar for the ninth rep, but her powerful little arms had just run out of power. She flopped onto the bench, exhausted. No child of her age had ever performed anything like that, ever, and probably never will again!

  * * *

Allasha's days at the academy passed by, in that rapid fasion that school days always do, especially to General Purposes eyes. When she was five, she had her first intracademy assessment. Allasha lined up with a hundred other children, both boys and girls, of her age. The first stage of the test was simply to take measurements of her biceps, thighs, calves and chest to see how much muscle she had put on over the course of the two years she had been here. She knew full well that she was the strongest and most muscular person there. Each child stood behind a block which they were supposed to tense there thighs and calves against. She saw the assessor, a muscular woman in her mid thirtys, with large biceps, and huge thighs, walking down the line of children, measuring thighs and calves, then noting down the measurements on a pentab computer. As she approached Allasha, the girl tensed up her leg like she never had before. The assessor did a double take as she saw such huge muscle bulging out of such a little leg. She wrapped the tape measure around her thigh
"16inches? Thats impossible!" The assessor then measured her calf muscle. "Good God, thats 10inches!" She then measured the other leg, and got the same result. "Wow. You really are the most musclebound little thing I've ever seen! Lets have a look at your bicep, just out of curiosity!"
Allasha beemed. She loved her muscle being complemented. She tensed her bicep up into a ball of pure muscular power, about the size of a golf ball. Most of the kids along the line had a small bump on there arms, but she was standing there showing off a wonderfully peaked beauty, with a vein running its way across it.
"Your biceps is as large as your calves! Thats amazing. I don't think anyone else on the station can claim that! But a 10" bicep at your age... Thats... well its amazing! Theres no other word for it! Lets have a chest measurement as well" The assessor ran her tape measure over Allasha's well defined pecs, and across her ripped triangular shaped back. She ran her hands over her solid traps and felt the raw power that the small girl contained. She glanced down at her solid washboard sixpack that was now showing hints of turning into an eight pack. A six pack at her age was impressive, but not out of the ordinary. But an eight pack? And one with that definition on it. That was something special. She read off on the tape measure: 30inches! That was simply huge! Her pecs stood out at least an inch from her chest. Her bikini top could barely cover them. She was one gorgeous little girl. The assessor, normally a straight woman, with a husband, was starting to feel arroused by the little musclebound beauty. She hurried on before she lost control of her self.

After the measurement test, she had to do a physical exam. To pass, she was expected to be able to lift 8kg at least five times. She had already done more than that on her entrance exam. It was just a case of repeating it, and then seeing what she could do this time. By now, word had got around the assessors that a girl, stronger than any other girl in the world was running her exam this time round.

Allasha was one of the first children upto do the physical tests. Quite a few of the examiners had stopped what they were doing to examine her progress. She went upto the bench press facilities, which were preloaded with a weight of 8 kilos. She took the weight and very quickly one hundred and thirty reps, before she even started slowing. She finished off eventually on 146 reps! Once again she had smashed records and left everyone astounded, and she had only stopped because she had already smashed the records by a good long way!
"What weight do you believe you can bench press, Allasha?" Her examiner questioned, his curiousity raised.
"35 kilos"
"35... thats not possible!"
"35 with ten repitions."
The examiner was dumbfounded. That was unthinkable. He knew teenagers who would struggle to pull that off. "If you think you can manage it..." The examiner set the computer to the weight.
Allasha lifted the bar and took the strain through her impressive arms, and then proceeded, to everyones amazement to complete the cycle of ten reps. No 5 year old had ever lifted that much, even once!
"So, Allasha, what is your maximum for a single lift?"
"I can bench press 42kilos, sir"
The examiner set the weight and Allasha gripped the bar. She clenched her chest tight as she took the weight accross her body. Her biceps tensed into rippling balls of solid power as she lowered the bar down to her chest, and then as she closed her eyes, a look of pure relaxation on her face, she thrust the bar up to her full reach and then gently lowered it onto the rack.

  * * *

She kept up her standard all the way through the academy, blowing away all her class mates, and acheiving feats of strength that know one would ever beleive possible. Despite - or perhaps because of - her huge success in the academy, and the respect of all the trainers and assessors, whe never received any respect from her class mates. Of course this was jealousy mainly, but the constant barrage of abuse from all of her class mates caused this beautiful, powerful young girl to be constantly depressed. One day, somewhere around her tenth birthday, she had had a particularly bad day. A boy named Montay had been teasing her nonestop all day.
"Look at you! You arn't even human. I heard you were made by the Sagrillax as a cruel experiment in... Genetic Modification!" GM had been attempted by the Union many years ago, and it had lead to such abominably poor results that all attempts to continue in this field were outlawed and the subject condemned. Thus calling someone genetically modified was one of the worst insults imaginable. And calling someone a Sagrillax was no better.

With this she turned tail and ran off, tears in her big brown eyes, the laughter of her class mates ringing in her ears and around her soul. Thankfully it was the end of her long 16 hour day at the academy. She ran into her dorm room, which, thanks to her being Sponsored by a general, was large and private. She ran to a concrete punch bag that she had hanging in her room, and started to take her frustration out upon it.

Her fist smashed into the concrete with the force of a speeding truck. Small cracks started to form in the concrete. She hit it again and a small chunk of mortar fell off. She punched it again, putting all of her considerable strength behind the blow. The concrete shattered into dust. She collapsed into the pile of dust in the corner of her room and broke back down into tears, her enormous body shaking all over with the emotion. As she sat weeping, the gentle bleeping sound woke her from her thoughts.

"Wh - who is it?" She sniffed, recognising the sound of her door chime
"Its me, Purp" That was her name for general purpose. "Whats up... Assessor Clarek said that something happened at the academy today!"
"Oh... Come in" Allasha tried to sound bright and cheerful, but she knew it must have sounded wrong. The door slid open and the powerful figure of the General was framed in the doorway. Allasha ran upto him and wrapped her arms around his solid body.
"Whats up, my dear?"
"It's Nothing, Purp... Its just these people at the Academy... Well it's this one boy. He keeps teasing and picking on me, and he won't stop!"
"Tell me about it" And she did, in great length. It was good to pour her heart out especially to someone as loving and caring as Purp. She knew a side to him that he never revealed to anyone. One the battlefield he was one of the most vicious and cruel men imaginable, but when he was around Allasha he brightened up and showed his much warmer side.
He kept silent whilst patiently listening to her troubles. When she had finished, he finally spoke. "Allasha, all it is, is jealousy. You are the most beautiful, and the strongest girl, in that school by far. The other kids hate that, and they wish they could be just a fraction of the person you are. If I've learned one thing over the years, its that you need to assert authority on people to get through in life. I have always been stronger and cleverer than everyone around me, and so are you. You have to show this kid how much stronger than him you are. Challenge him to a contest."
"But he'll just refuse it and use it as amunition against me!
"You don't give him any choice! If he refuses then you are within your honour to fight him. And you will win."
"But fighting and contests are forbidden in the academy. I could get expelled! In fact I probably will get expelled."
"I think you've out grown the academy. Your muscles are bigger than most adults allready, and you're not even ten yet!"
"Are you sure..."
"Yes! Of course I am! Come on, get up, lets see these muscles of yours!"

With a plan forming in her head, and after her long chat, and with the prospect of showing off her muscles she was considerably happier than she was earlier. She even managed a grin as she removed her uniform to pose in her work out top, which was little more than a bikini, and her tight fitting workout shorts. She pulled a double bicep pose as her biceps, now the size of tennis balls, with a dominant peak, and a well defined vein running across the surface, erupted from her hugely proportioned arm. She then relaxed her bicep and tensed her tricep into a ball of solid power. Her eight pack was amongst the most defined that General Purpose had ever seen, and her striated pecs stood proud from her chest by a good two inches. Her nipples could just be seen through her bikini and where showing the swellings that were an early sign of a blossoming puberty. She tensed her thighs into huge muscled columns, that had to be 24inches around, with her deltoids making thick cords down the length. She spun round, and Purpose's eyes were drawn across her entire powerhouse of a body. Her calves were as muscled as her thighs were, measuring 18inches, and showing unbelievable muscular clarity. Her gluteus was tensed to perfected, and her back was ripped into gorgeous triangular glory. She really was amazingly beautiful. General purpose beckoned to the muscle girl, and ashe she waslked towards him, he ran his hands over her gorgeously huge muscles. Feeling not just the hardness, which was so much, that he could not even depress it, despite being as strongs as he was; but also the sheer sense of power that eminated from them. It was like when you place youe hands on the body of a powerful sports car, except without the vibrations. It was hard to explain, but he liked it. No... This girl is not yet ten years old! Refrain yourself, Purpose. He withdrew his hand, and invited Allasha to sit down on the bench next to him. They sat there for ages, Allasha resting her head on his shoulder, cuddling into the warmth of his arm that was wrapped around her. Purp realised that this was the last time they would ever sit like this. He knew that in a few years she would be too  embarrased to cuddle into a man in this way, and even after that, it would never be the same as this pure feeling that between the two of them now. Both of there lives where about to changed, and he could only hope it was for the better.

  * * *

More story coming soon! In Chapter two, Allasha confronts the boy who has been bothering her, and life goes on. Puberty brings pain, as well as pleasure for our favourite muscle girl, as in the years coming, she grows into a woman and sets upon her career in the military.

Enjoyment is abound!!!

  * * *

I hope you loved this story, and I can assure you that the exciment gets greater from here onwards!


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Re: Sirus
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2008, 11:11:45 pm »
The beginning is interesting...

Waiting for some more of Your work:)
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