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Author Topic: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story  (Read 153897 times)

Offline El_Roy_1999

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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #645 on: March 26, 2023, 07:17:21 pm »
“Shit. Might have gotten a little carried away there.” Tonya grinned, managing to look both sheepish and proud of her accomplishment at the same time.
“Still getting used to how much firepower I've got with these things. Can you even walk like that?”
Lindsey got on all fours then tried to get up.
“Uh ... kinda ...”
She wobbled, then landed on her butt.
“Nah. Also, I can't fit all those drinks and stuff back inside.” She thought for a moment. “I guess I gotta empty myself first. Could you just watch my stuff?”
She got up again, looking nine months pregnant. Then she waddled to the toilets. As she walked away, she added:
“Fuck, I hope I don't clog the toilet with all this cum. Wow, Tonya, you're ... you're just the craziest.”
Tonya grinned even wider as she helped her get to her feet and watched her walking off struggling to maintain her balance. Watching her overloaded like that was something of a turn-on in its own right.
It was only after she rounded the corner that Tonya realized she was still standing pantsless in the hallway. She muttered to herself and began the laborious process of stuffing her half-erect pythons into her underwear.
Lindsey returned after a while, looking much slimmer and relieved.
“Sorry for taking this long. I clogged the toilet. I really did my best, but it was sooo much. This is really ... I dunno. A lot? How does Kimmy even handle all that?”
“Whew, that's a relief. Not the toilet being clogged, even though that is kinda hot ... I don't envy the poor bastard that finds it, though. As far as Kimmy ... Part of it is because she's as much of a science experiment as me, but ... honestly I think her will's got something to do with it too. Like she sets her mind to taking all of me and she makes it happen. Sometimes she's even hornier and more dedicated than me, if I'm being honest.”
“Girl, you're so fucking lucky. I mean, I'm glad you're having me and I can have all this fun with you, but you two, you have something special together. That's amazing.”
She got to work stuffing all the things back inside her.
“Trust me, there's not a day that goes by I'm not thankful for her. I wouldn't have met you, or gotten any of these little upgrades, or anything if it wasn't for her.” Tonya finished slipping her pants back on and grinned. As Lindsey finished restocking herself, Tonya pulled her into a hug. Lindsey sighed:
“You gotta get me the number of your science experiment guys. I think I want some of that for me too.”
„Heh. I think we may be able to arrange something for you. I'll get you that hookup, but let's not keep the girls waiting too long, huh?“
“Sure! I mean, this is the big ball, and we're basically screwing around while the action is elsewhere, right?”
She took Tonya’s arm and walked out with her.

Back on the dancefloor, Kimmy was having a ball, going from arm to arm and just enjoying the company of a lot of guys and girls, who might not be all too interested in her dancing skills.
Once she saw Tonya return, she finished the song, then swiftly walked over to her.
“You're like back again! Did you like have fun? I like saw Tyler and I like also had like Enrique dance like with me and stuff. He's like over there!” She waved at him. “You like see him?”
“Heh. Yeah, we certainly did. Lindsey’s definitely learned a few new party tricks since I saw her last.”
Tonya perked up when Kimmy mentioned the frat boys. “Oh, shit! Should have guessed they'd be here too, no way they'd be able to avoid it.” She looked off in the direction Kimmy was facing and waved alongside her to Enrique.
He looked good. The suit fit him perfectly, he was nicely groomed and he exuded a certain suave coolness. This guy was slick.
When he saw Tonya, he did a double take, though.
Then he walked over to her.
He looked at Tonya, then said:
“Whoa, girl. What the heck happened to you?”
She smiled as he approached. As much of a goof as he was, he really did have a lot of natural charm.
“As I once said, getting bigger and better all the time!” Tonya said as she threw an arm over Kimmy’s shoulder and pulling her in closer. “Speaking of, I hear you've been dancing with my girl. Don't make me knock some sense into you!”, she said jokingly.
He smiled and did his best to figure out whether this was a joke. Then he decided that it was okay:
“Yeah! She's great, good catch. Fuck, I wish I'd be half your size.“”
He slapped Tonya’s amazing shoulder.
“Wow. You're rock hard in there.”
“Aw, and now you're trying to flatter me too!” Tonya laughed and pulled him into a sidelong hug.
“But for real, thanks, dude. I've been working hard to keep making progress, good to know it's showing.”
“Girl, your arm is what, as big as my thigh? I don't know what they've been feeding you, but wow ...”
He gave it another squeeze.
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Offline El_Roy_1999

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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #646 on: March 30, 2023, 06:51:42 am »
Tonya frowned at him. He was not supposed to be getting this touchy, right?
“Heh. I'd bet it's bigger at this point. But who's measuring, right?” She gave it a proud little flex before catching Kimmy’s eye. Was she detecting jalousy, from her? That was certainly a first. But Enrique was harmless. This was just typical bro behavior. Well, as far as Tonya was a bro anyway.
She leaned in and whispered. “Whatsamatter? I got a second perfectly good arm right here for you.”
Kimmy blushed and mumbled:
“Like sorry. I was just like, you know, not like sure and stuff.”
Then she clung to Tonya’s arm and caressed it happily.
Enrique grinned:
“Hey girl, I'm not gonna gay up your girl ...” As he continued to think about it, his mind ran on empty and he choked. “Uh ... yeah. Whoa. That's kinda ... Hey, whatever. Wanna get some beer?”
Tonya couldn't help but collapse into laughter and leaned on the both of them.
“No worries, man. Beer would be awesome. Do you mind? We'll be right here.”
As he walked off, Tonya waited a second to gave him some time, then wrapped her arms around. They swayed left and right to the tune of the music, and she smiled uncontrollably as she looked down at Kimmy.
“That's actually adorable, you know.”
“Like what? I'm like sorry, you know? I didn't like want to like make it like awkward and stuff.”
“No, no! There's nothing to be sorry about. I really thought it was sweet. I've just never seen you react that way before, and I thought there was something really heartfelt about it.”
She snickered a bit. “Besides. Not like you couldn't kick his ass if it came down to it.”
Kimmy nodded eagerly:
“Yeah, like totally. But he's like a great dancer, though ... Maybe that's like, you know, it?”
“What's it? You're worried I'm gonna turn straight and run off with him because he's a good dancer?”
“Nah, I was like thinking about him like being cute and stuff and I was like kinda ...”
Tonya kissed her.
Kimmy kissed her back, happily. When they broke off, she grinned even wider and rested her forehead against Kimmy’s.
“You sure you're not feeling things about this guy yourself?”
Kimmy protested loudly:
“No, no. He's like not that. He's just like dancing real good! That's like it and now we like get a beer or something and stuff!”
Then she thought a bit:
“And I like don't get like a beer but that peachy stuff but yeah!”
Tonya grinned again. “Sounds good, babe. Just realized I never told Enrique that, so let's go see if we can head him off.”
They swooped across the ballroom floor to the bar, and caught Enrique just as he was turning around. He had two beer cans tucked under one arm and a champagne flute in the other.
“Oh! Sup, perfect timing. You didn't seem like much of a beer drinker, so I just kinda made a judgment call. Champagne good with you?”
Kimmy stared at him:
“Like me? I'm like not like twenty-one.”
He blanked for a moment, looking back and forth between me and you.
„Wait, what? Ah, shit. I'm sorry, didn't mean to offend or anything. I just, you know, kinda assumed.”
“No harm done, dude”, Tonya said as she took the champagne for herself. “You don't take offense to being thought of as mature, right, hun?”
Kimmy shook her head:
“No, no, I'm like okay, it like happens like, you know, a lot. I just like don't wanna like do a crime and stuff.”
“Sure, sure. Can get away with everything here that you can at a frat party, right?”, Enrique said with a laugh.
Tonya reached around him to retrieve one of Kimmy’s drinks of choice, handing it to her.
“Cheers, everyone!”
Kimmy relaxed a bit and just enjoyed the moment.
After a bit of drinking, she smiled:
“Sooo, Tonya, like, what do we like do next? Wanna like do the thing?”
Tonya smiled brightly.
“„Ahhh, I'd almost forgotten! Yeah, I think now is the right time. Let's go!”
She quickly excused them and dashed off with Kimmy to where their suitcase was being held, then off to a restroom where they could get as much privacy as they could.
“All right! You need any help getting changed?”
“Me? Like no. I like totally got this. The boys, they like have the easiest clothes and stuff. But if you like need like help, I'm like there like of course, no?”
“Oh, yeah. I'm definitely gonna need at least a little help. Even if it was the easiest thing in the world I don't know if I can actually pull the thing into place without bumping into myself.”
She stripped out of her suit as quickly as possible and allowed Kimmy plenty of time to get into hers. By the time the bimbo was dressed, Tonya was pulling her dress up and, as anticipated, she got stuck partway up as she was simply not flexible enough, calling on Kimmy to help her get it into place.
It took a while and a bit of fussing, but eventually, she was all zipped up and gorgeous.
Kimmy touched up her makeup and finally declared Tonya to be ready.
“All right! How do I look now?”
“You like look kinda, like not girly, but like, you know, like a womany woman, no?”
Kimmy posed with a smart grin and asked:
“What do you think? Am I like the dudest of dudes?”
Tonya curtsied:
“Indeed, my dude queen.”
Kimmy held out her hand:
“Like, would you like care to dance, and stuff?”
“Certainly, sir.”
“Then like come along!”
The girl quickly took care of the bags and then, they were heading back out to the party.

The frat boys stared at them as Tonya floated back on the dancefloor at Kimmy’s hand. One could see some mental adjustment happening as they tried to understand what they were seeing. Kimmy just winked at them and then directed her lover to the center stage before sweeping her into a dance.
For Tonya, it took a moment to adjust to the movement. The dress was constructed so she could actually move elegantly without stepping on anything, but it was a bit difficult to get used to being directed in public. Still, she caught on, and in no time, they were moving to the music happily.
As Kimmy twirled her around, Tonya found herself completely exhilarated, losing herself in the movement for a while, and barely stopping herself from giggling. It would have sounded strange …
After a bit, they returned to the crowd and the frat boys stayed around, trying to wrap their minds around Tonya’s look. She heard one of them whisper something about having a “confused boner”, but decided not to act on it.
Instead, she declared:
“Okay, boys, since I happen to be the barbelle of the ball, I would be willing to dance.” She grinned and raised an eyebrow: “Any takers?”
Tyler nodded and checked with Kimmy with a quick glance, then offered his hand, and moments later, they were having fun on the dance floor.
Kimmy looked around and suddenly saw Britney, who was just returning with a satisfied look upon her face. The bimbo walked up to her and smiled:
“Like hi! I like love the suit!”
Britney grinned:
“I love yours too. Suits you. You could totally wear one like these more often …”
“You like think so? I mean, it would like look weird like when I’m like in the kitchen or at work, don’t you like think and stuff?”
“Yeah, maybe … Still looks amazing on you. Made it yourself?”
“Mhm! Like totally. I like nerded out hard on it, you know? I like never made like a suit for me and stuff, and it like was kinda difficult at first to like figure out where to like put everything and also, I like had to change the pattern cos like even the girl suits, they’re like not made for like people with like boobs like mine and … you know … everything like me. Yeah. But you know, I like have to do this with like all my outfits anyway, unless they like are kinda stretchy, cos then, it like usually works, no?”
Britney nodded, parsing the explanation.
“Yeah. I guess that is an issue, right?”
“It’s like also a thing cos we, that is like Tonya and me and stuff, we’re still like changing and stuff?” Then she smiled: “But you like know that, right?”
The girl in the leather suit just shrugged:
“I do. So, since your wife is busy, wanna skip for a bit?”
“My wife?”
“But we’re like not married!”
“It’s just an expression. Also, it makes things easier.”
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Offline El_Roy_1999

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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #647 on: April 01, 2023, 09:05:11 am »
“I mean, you’re basically married to her, aren’t you?”
“Uh … Like, kinda? I mean, we like live together and I like cook for her and like give her massages and stuff, so she like, she tells me like what to do and stuff, you know?”
Britnes lifted an eyebrow:
“Not gonna lie, that’s not exactly how I see marriages … But if it works for you …”
Kimmy clapped her hands:
“It like totally does!”
Then she added:
“I like like your suit, you like know? It’s so shiny …”
Britney grinned:
“It makes me feel really cool, too. Wanna touch?”
“Mhm.” Kimmy blushed and set her perfectly manicured fingers on the suit’s lapels. It was so glossy and thick. “Is it like not hot and stuff?”
“Sure … But I like it that way. I mean, I gotta look the part, right?”
“Like what part?” Kimmy blanked a bit.
“You know, me being the strong, dominant part with Lindsey. Look at her: She just loves to get squeezed and crushed.”
“She like does?”
“Oh yeah. Look at her: She’s been turning herself into a kind of blow-up doll for a while now, and she just loves it when I fuck her hard. The harder, the better.”
Kimmy started to grin.
“I love that like too … I mean, Tonya’s like so big now and stuff …”
Britney nodded:
“Oh fucking yeah. She’s huge. I mean, my own clit is getting big, but Tonya, she’s in a league of her own …”
“Like two.”
“Two? What do you mean?”
Kimmy giggled.
“I like can’t tell you … But it’s like amazing and stuff!”
She felt she was getting horny now. Okay, even hornier. She caressed Britney’s trim chest. The other woman was strong and her body was tight, but she was nowhere close in muscularity, either to her or to Tonya, though that was basically impossible at that point. Her stance suggested a kind of hidden strength, though.
Britney grinned and caressed Kimmy’s arm.
“You know what? We’re going to go on a little walk now … Tonya’s occupied, and I think I’m getting horny …”
“Like … me too?”
The tight woman took Kimmy’s hand and directed her away from the crowd. Tonya was still on the dancefloor, switching partners and enjoying being girly for a bit. Sure, she easily outsized the men she was dancing with, but it was a short moment of just letting herself go.
Kimmy followed Britney away from the noise, then they found a quiet lounge. No one was around. The music and the hubbub of the ball were drifting up in the background. Britney threw herself on one of the couches, then unzipped her fly.
The bimbo wasn’t really surprised by her friend’s directness. After all, Britney oozed confidence. The leather-clad woman declared:
“Get down and get it out.”
“Like me?”
Kimmy nodded and got on her knees between the other woman’s legs. It was so easy to obey her!
She carefully reached into the opening, and carefully extricated Britney’s clitoris. Just like Lindsey, she had clearly continued her treatments, because this thing was getting pretty huge. As Kimmy rubbed it and licked it, it hardened quickly. Kimmy’s practiced hands danced along the appendage, which grew thicker and longer.
Britney moaned:
“Oh God … You’re so good at this …”
Kimmy’s tongue danced along the meaty clit, adding slight nibbles and little kisses. It was quickly turning into a thick rod, easily as big as a soda can, and still growing longer, its tip throbbing eagerly.
The leather-clad woman groaned:
“Yesss … Don’t stop …”
Kimmy nodded and did just that. She carefully pulled down Britney’s pants a bit. The girl had eschewed underwear, which seriously explained why she was so horny. All that rubbing against the soft leather …
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Offline El_Roy_1999

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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #648 on: April 02, 2023, 08:11:13 pm »
The bimbo reached down and caressed Britney’s pussy lips, which seemed a bit smaller than last time. She kissed them too, then sank her fingers in, rubbing the inner side of the girl’s massive clit.
Britney leaned back, enjoying the treatment she was receiving. This was wonderful … She felt Kimmy’s fingers in her, all soft and yet strong, while the girl was licking and kissing her clit. When she had started growing it, she had never thought it would be like this, but now that it had become a huge appendage, bigger than most men’s dicks, she deeply enjoyed this worship.
“Mmm … Kimmy … Kimmy … this is so good …”
The bimbo answered with a moan, and sucked the tip of the clit into her mouth, her thick, plumped lips caressing it all around as she pushed it deeper and deeper into her warm, wet mouth.
She let her back out and gasped:
“I like love the taste … You’re like so nice … You’re like not filling my mouth with like the juice and stuff like Tonya, you know, but I like … love it too!”
She went in deep again, inhaling the clit down her throat. Britney gripped the fabric of the couch hard.
“Hnnnn … Oh God …”
Kimmy sucked her in all the way to the base of her shaft. Britney had to close her eyes, overwhelmed by the sensation of the velvety, warm tunnel she was getting in.
Then Kimmy’s little fingers started their show.
“Kimmy! What the fuck are you doing … How are you doing this … Oh … Oh God … Oh Gooood …”
The bimbo sucked hard on the clit, then opened her mouth a bit and stretched it so that she could also cover the other woman’s pussy lips. A moment later, her tongue reached inside Britney’s cunt and the leather-clad woman practically exploded with lust.
Her juices flooded the girl’s mouth. Kimmy sucked them eagerly, her little fingers still stimulating the rod along its entire length. Britney rode out her orgasm, surprised by its intensity.
After a bit, it subsided and Kimmy carefully released her, letting her inner fingers play a little with the clit’s tips as it flopped out.
Britney stared at her:
“That was amazing. I’ve never had anything like this …”
“You like liked it?”
“Are you joking? That was amazing! I gotta return the favor!”
“Like what?”
Kimmy looked honestly surprised.
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Offline El_Roy_1999

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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #649 on: April 03, 2023, 01:21:08 pm »
With a grin, Britney grabbed the tall, muscular bimbo and hoisted her up. She kissed her intensely, exploring the girl’s mouth, then reached down and opened Kimmy’s pants. The bimbo girl gasped, her heavy tits resting on the slimmer woman’s chest. She was massive enough to cover Britney mostly, but the other woman was still able to move comfortably. She reached inside to give Kimmy’s pussy a rub, then found the bimbo’s own thick clit.
Kimmy had stopped pumping it too intensely after Tonya had revealed her twin pythons, but it was still more than large, easily four inches like that. Britney grinned:
“You’re quite big yourself …”
“Like, I … you know … it’s like … kinda not, no?”
Britney chuckled:
“Seriously, girl, your clit is bigger than most guys’ cocks! I think Tonya might be twisting your expectations lately …”
“Uh … Okay, that’s like kinda a thing, you know? Cos she’s like so big and she like stretches me like sooo hard … I like love it, cos she like has two now …”
“Wait … Two? Two what?”
“Two like, you know, penissesses and stuff? Like one on top and one like not on top? Like on the bottom? They’re like sooo big and I like, you know, I really love when she like pushes them in deep and stuff!”
“Damn … I thought Lindsey and I were freaks, but I love you two. Seriously. Two dicks! This is literally the most Tonya thing to do.”
“Yeah, like totally!”
Britney grinned and kissed her again.
“Still, you’ll have to be happy with what I can do.”
“I’m like totally like happy and stuff! Oooh …” Kimmy breathed in sharply as Britney gave her clit a nice rub. The musclegirl moved her hips to fuck Britney’s hand. “Mmmh … This is niceee …”
“Whoa. That thing is growing, isn’t it?”
“Like, only a bit?”
“Uh-huh. Wow.” Suddenly, she had an idea: “Say, Kimmy, since you’re so fit and stretchy, how about we try something?”
“Like what? Don’t make it like too difficult, cos I’m like really bad with like when it’s like hard, you know?”
“Don’t worry. It’s just something I’ve been wondering about …”
“Like okay …” The bimbo gave her a curious look, with the kind of blank expression she sometimes had.
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #650 on: April 05, 2023, 11:00:25 am »
Britney tried to explain:
“Okay, so here’s the thing … We get on the couch, but crotch to crotch? And you put yours into my pussy and I put mine in yours?”
Kimmy blanked:
“Like what? You like put like my pussy into your pussy and your clit into like your pussy?”
“No … What I meant is, you put your clit into my pussy …”
The bimbo nodded slowly, focusing. Her cutesy face tried to tense to show her concentration, but the botox made some weird lines appear on the side of her perfectly plucked eyebrows.
“Oookay … Like in it and stuff, yeah …”
Britney nodded too:
“Yes. Your clit, in my pussy.”
“Mhm. In it. Like in. Yeah.”
“Alright. And at the same time, I put mine into yours.”
“Eeeh … Like how? Isn’t like my clit in your pussy and stuff?”
“Yeah, but … we do it at the same time?”
“Uh. Uuuh … I … I … Like, you know, this is like really like complicated, you know?”
“It’s not that … I mean, I can’t draw you a picture now …”
“No. No …” Kimmy shook her head slowly. “I like don’t get it.”
“Wait. I’ll just show you. Just let me …”
“Uh-huh. Maybe that’s like better, cos I like, you know, really like don’t get it like, at all, and stuff, you know?”
“Okay, okay, okay. Listen … First, we gotta get out of these pants.”
Kimmy nodded eagerly.
“I like totally get that!”
She slipped out of her pants, revealing her muscular, ripped legs. The other woman gave them an admiring look. She had seen them a lot already, but they were always a pleasure to behold.
“Damn, girl, those are some incredible pins.”
“Yeah. Like totally. I like love them.”
Britney took off her pants too, then turned around and climbed on Kimmy. She carefully moved her own massive clit downwards and slipped it into Kimmy’s eagerly waiting pussy. The girl gasped.
“Like … mmm … I like love that … You’re like really like big, you know?”
To Britney’s surprise, Kimmy’s pussy seemed to instantly tighten around her rod, completely wrapping itself around her and starting to stimulate her thoroughly. She had to focus so as not to cum instantly.
“Whoa … You’re so tight …”
“I like know … You feel like huge and stuff, you know?”
“Oooh …”
Slowly, Britney worked her clit into Kimmy’s pussy, moving it deeper and deeper, until she sensed that Kimmy’s appendage was close.
“Oookay. I’m almost there …”
“Like for real? Is this like … How? I’m like feeling like your pussy, like right?”
“Yeah. That was the plan … Now get yourself into me, okay?”
Kimmy bit her lips and the felt Britney’s hand on her clit, slowly guiding it into her.
“Mmm … This is like nice …”
“Yesss …”
The two young women got closer and closer, filling each other up with their rods. Britney breathed in sharply as their crotches met. Kimmy’s pussy was tightly wrapped around her clit, and the many little fingers were getting ready, gently rubbing all over her.
“Ooooh … Fuck … Kimmy … this feels amazing …”
“Ggggh … Mmm …”
The two girls now took a moment to find their rhythm, but then, they started moving in unison, their pussies getting worked by each other’s clits. Kimmy gasped and put her hands on Britney’s hard little ass while the other woman clung to the sofa armrest, getting her clit massaged by Kimmy’s hyper-pussy.
The two women moaned loudly as they lifted themselves further and further. Kimmy let her mouth hang open, her tongue lolling about.
“Yesss … Like … Mmm … This … is … like … oooh … oooh …”
Britney tightened her own pussy, giving Kimmy a good rub. The girl sighed.
“I’m like … oooh … like … like … close … like …”
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #651 on: April 06, 2023, 12:45:35 pm »
Kimmy breathed in sharply as Britney’s clit twitched within her.
“Gaaah …”
The sudden pulse of the girl’s little fingers send Britney over the edge and she saw stars. She struggled to keep herself on top of Kimmy, but lost her grip on the couch and slipped off. Kimmy’s pussy instinctively held her and the bimbo’s strong internal muscles maintained her connected. Britney found herself face first against the floor, still held by the other girl.
She breathed sharply, trying to recover, but the fingers didn’t stop. Instead, they played her like a fiddle, bringing her close to the edge again. Struggling to get back up, Britney tried to recover, but now, Kimmy was fully in her element, and her incredible pussy got her into a whole storm of orgasms.
The bimbo was going through the same, Britney’s long, hard clit twitching and shifting within her.
“Hhh … Oooh … Mmmh …”
They rode out the sensation, when another couple came peeking in, trying to figure out whether the place was taken. The two young students stood and stared at the strangely connected women on the couch. Kimmy felt that her nipples were about to explode. She would cum any moment now. Sure, she was already cumming intensely, but now, her special milk was welling up in her, and it was just a moment before she would …
Desperate, she ripped open her suit jacket and her blouse, then pulled down her bra. She pushed herself up, the now very confused and completely overwhelmed Britney still hanging from her pussy, and then, her nipples sprayed a load of milk through the room.
The spectators just stared as the bimbo came. It was the freakiest thing they had ever seen. By far.

At last, Kimmy calmed down a bit and her pussy relaxed enough so that a completely overwhelmed Britney could drop down and roll on her back. Her breath was shallow and it was clear that her brain was quite blown. The spray of milk had mostly missed her, though there were some splatters on the back of the suit, and the smell was still lingering in the room.
It caused her body to tingle with lust. Also, Kimmy now saw the two “guests” and smiled awkwardly. They too were starting to feel even more turned on, simply from the milk’s emanations.
“Like, uh, sorry, you know? We like didn’t like know you like would be like here, you know? Cos we like, you know, didn’t like think … You know?”
Britney got up, still a little wobbly on her feet. She looked for her pants and wiped some blobs of milk from hersuit. When the girl of the couple looked at her clit dangling from her crotch, she had this weird hungry and confused look, while her boyfriend seemed quite fascinated by Kimmy’s physique and her expression.
The two young women carefully fixed their outfits, then headed out, leaving the confused couple with the mess they had created and that strange, erotic perfume in the air.
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #652 on: April 07, 2023, 01:14:56 pm »
They returned to Tonya, who was happily knocking back beers with her friends. She greeted Kimmy with a quick pull closer and a kiss.
“Hello, Kimmy! How have you been?”
“I like was with Britney …” She blushed. “It was like … you know, fun?”
She came all close and whispered into Tonya’s ear:
“We like put our clits into like each other and it was like great, you know?”
Tonya grinned and kissed her girl again, longer this time:
“Nice. I’m glad you’re enjoying this.”
“I like totally do … But I’m like also getting like kinda tired, and stuff, you know?”
The bimbo yawned cutely.
“It is getting late … What do you say? How about we gently split as soon as possible?”
“That would be like great, you know? Also, I like totally got like a thing I like gotta like ask you.”
“Go ahead?”
“It’s like … Britney, she like said you’re like my wife and stuff?”
“Mhm? She’s not wrong.”
“But we’re like not married and stuff?”
“We could change that …”
“We like could? That would be like amazing!”
Kimmy clapped her hands.
“We like gotta like get married! Like soon!”
Tonya grinned:
“I did propose to you already, so maybe, now that most of the problems are clearing up, we should really get to it!”
“That would be like amazing! I like wanna have like a cute white dress, and you’re going to look like amazing in like a big suit!”
“Yeah …”
“There’s like just one thing: Are we like gonna ask your mom and your dad to be like there? With like my mom and dad, it’s like not gonna like work, you know?”
The big woman breathed in sharply. Yeah. This was a thing she had evaded so far. She probably should be talking to her people again …
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #653 on: April 09, 2023, 09:05:21 am »
They eventually got back home, with Tonya being quite a bit drunk, but sobering up quickly as her superpowered innards processed the alcohol. Kimmy was still elated from the success of her design and the wonderful fuck she had. The late hour and the excitement got her in a talkative mood and she strung together a long chain of “likes” and “and stuffs”, punctuated by “you knows”, going over her strangely circular thought processes and just feeling incredibly proud.
The couple managed to go to bed eventually, with Kimmy cuddling against Tonya’s enormous body and just feeling happy and safe.
At some point in the depth of night, Tonya felt the urge to piss. The sheer amount of beer and shots she had enjoyed had to go somewhere at some point, so she carefully lifted her love off her arm. Kimmy’s hugging cuddle had eventually degenerated into her just lying spread-eagled over the mattress, her hand clinging to Tonya’s erect nipple. Tonya opened the girl’s strong hand and got off the bed as gently as possible, without provoking a massive earthquake on the mattress. With her giant body, she had this tendency to create a kind of deep trench in the custom bedding.
Happily, Kimmy just produced a cutesy snore and slept on.
On tiptoes, Tonya headed for the bathroom and aimed her twin snakes at the newly installed special urinal. It was a custom construction built of two bowlish shapes that allowed her to piss comfortably. She let it run and just enjoyed the sensation. This was one major thing she liked … Peeing standing up was the massive, incredible perk any woman would enjoy, and for her, it was reality.
She waited a bit to let the last drops fall, then shook them both in turn and groaned happily. Her deep voice resonated through the small room. Then she turned and looked at herself in the mirror. It was a sight to behold. Her face had grown ever harder, her jaws massive and heavy.
“Fuck, Tonya, you’ve become such an uber stud, it’s not even funny anymore …”
She scratched her giant pecs, then rubbed downwards, caressing her thick roid gut. Then she chuckled, which produced a kind of deep, indistinct rumble.
“I really wonder what Mom and Dad are going to say …”
She gave herself one last grin and then switched off the light, heading back to bed.

“Are you alright, Tonya? Your voice sounds a bit rough … Should I send you some herbal tea?”
The big woman grinned as she heard her mother’s voice. It had taken her a few weeks to finally summon the courage to call her parents. Before even getting to talking about what she had been up to, her mother had already worried about her, before she could get a word in.
“No, no, thank you, Mom. It’s another thing, really. I’d love to see you and Dad again!”
“You know you’re always welcome! When are you coming?”
“Wow …” Tonya smiled. It was so nice to know this. After all of Kimmy’s family drama, this was a breath of fresh air. “Okay … We could come and visit in a week or so?”
“Just tell me when!” There was a short pause: “We? Is there a young woman in your life?”
Tonya grinned ear to ear. She looked over to Kimmy, who was busy cooking, wearing an apron and a set of absolutely tiny, hot pink lingerie, complete with latex stay-ups and a matching collar.
“There is, yes. I’d like you to meet her too …”
“Oooh … Is it serious?” There was this conspiratorial tone to her mother’s voice.
Tonya matched the intonation:
“It is.”
“Ooooh … I love it! Can I tell your dad?”
The huge woman chuckled:
“I’ll let you decide. Do you think he’s ready to be the father of the bride?”
There was a gasp on the other side.
“Wait … You’re already at that point?” There was a slight grumble: “How long has this been going on, young lady?”
“Weeell …” Suddenly, Tonya found herself feeling like a teenager again. “Let’s say … a while? But it’s gotten serious, and now, I have to bring the both of you on board.”
“Alright … I’ll accept it. You’re both welcome any time, and I can’t wait to meet my daughter-in-law!”
Tonya sighed happily:
“Mom, I can’t say how happy I am that you and Dad are so relaxed about my life choices and everything. Kimmy’s father was … less so.”
The musclewoman closed her eyes and smiled:
“Yes. Kimmy.”
“That sounds cute!”
“She totally is.”
“I can’t wait! Just call when you’re coming!”
“Yes, I will. Give a hug to Dad and we’ll see you soon.”
“Ooh … Just one more question: Is there anything she doesn’t eat?”
“No, just the usual. It’ll be perfect!”
“Alright. See you soon, then. I love you.”
“I love you too, Mom!” Tonya hung up, her heart beating fast.
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #654 on: April 11, 2023, 08:23:16 am »
At the diner, Meg and Kimmy were racing up and down the aisle like two ballet dancers, serving the customers and picking up the plates. The place was getting more and more crowded lately and Josh was starting to think of getting an extension. The money was coming in nicely and after taking up Kimmy’s receipes, they were really getting hyped by social media. As one influencer put it, “it’s like Hooters, but healthy.”
Neither Josh nor Miguel had ever imagined the diner to go that way, but there was something viral about Kimmy’s way of doing things. Meg, or Meggy as she preferred to be called now, had switched her style to match her friend. Her hair was now flame red and she too had her lips injected, as well as using a well-stuffed push-up bra.
Miguel also noted that the young woman was getting fitter and fitter, apparently working out with Kimmy every day now. She definitely started to have the muscles to show. Kimmy had seized the opportunity and tailored a set of uniforms for the both of them, including special versions for the holidays. The cook had grinned widely when the bimbo showed him the Easter outfits.
What impressed the men even more, though, was that Meggy really took to Kimmy’s work ethic, but that she also got busy on the actual running of the business. At first, Josh had hesitated, but as soon as the young woman made it clear that she was willing to get behind the details, he let her.
The effect was astonishing. The place was turning into a goldmine. To his surprise, though, Meggy insisted on him reinvesting the extra money he was making. In a short speech littered with “likes” and “kindas” and “and stuffs” which almost made him laugh, the neo-bimbo explained that this was the opportunity to make this place a legend.
He liked the idea.
He looked out of the kitchen where he was assisting Miguel and couldn’t help grinning. A new client was struggling with where to put his eyes, while some of the regulars were browsing the new cookbook one could now buy. “Kimmy’s cooking and stuff!” was flying off the shelves too.
Then Miguel nudged him and said:
“More tofu, please.”
“Oh. Yeah. Coming up.”

As the lunch rush died down, Meggy had the time to talk to Kimmy. It was still a bit odd to have such swolled lips, but she adored the sensation. Also, her workouts with Kimmy were usually finished not only by a massage, but also by a more personal finale.
She smiled at her:
“Tell me, like Kimmy, did like something happen? You like look sooo happy!”
“Like totally! Tonya is like gonna marry me and stuff, and we’re like gonna like visit her parents and like everything and I’m like really like excited, cos it’s like gonna be like awesome!”
Meggy hugged her in that special low-touch way and kissed her cheeks:
“Like girl! That’s like amazing! Like wow! This is like sooo good! You totally like deserve it, you know?”
Kimmy kissed her too and blushed a bit:
“Thank you, Meggy! I’m like super happy and I like so hope that like her parents, they like me too! I mean, like, you know Tonya and stuff, so like obviously, they’re not like gonna be bad people, at least if they’re like a bit like her and stuff. So I like hope they’re like cool. That would like be so nice!”
“I like totally wish that this is like a thing!”
“Yeah, like me too, you know? Also, like, you wanna be like my bridesmaid? I’m like gonna need like a lot of like people so I can like really get this, you know?”
Miguel looked out of the window of the kitchen and grinned at Josh:
“Wow. They’re gonna explode out there, you know.”
Josh chuckled:
“Don’t you start too.”
“Like me?”
The other man rolled his eyes. There were some squees. Apparently, Kimmy had just announced that she would pay for a set of breast implants for her friend so she wouldn’t feel flat at the reception.
“Damn. This place is going to go crazy.”
“Yeah. It already is.”
Miguel continued the prep work for the afternoon.
“Still wouldn’t want to work anywhere else anymore.”

A few days later, Kimmy got into the car with Tonya. It was time. They had a big drive ahead of them, but they were both eager to leave. Kimmy was really nervous. She just hoped her in-laws would accept her. After all the trouble Tonya had gone through, she just wanted this to work.
Tonya, on the other hand, was just as nervous. After all, her parents hadn’t seen her since her transformation, and she wasn’t entirely convinced they would just take it for what it was. Still, there wasn’t much else she could do other than just plunge into the situation head first, right?
She pulled the custom seatbelt over her giant chest and locked it. Kimmy had eagerly emptied out her reserves this morning right after getting up, but she could feel her gut swell up with even more cum as her ever expanding hyper-muscular body was doing its thing.
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #655 on: April 13, 2023, 08:25:59 am »
And it's been two years! Fuck yeah!
Thank you all for being around and reading the exploits of our two awesome ladies. We hope you enjoy the story as it moves to its finish.

Written in collaboration with MisterSnrub

Kimmy slipped on her seat. She had opted for a flannel shirt that she had tied under her giant tits, showcasing her amazing cleavage and her abs at the same time. Combined with her painted-on jeans, the girl was looking like a sexy lumberjack. She had also added a pair of high-heeled booties.
Tonya grinned:
“Okay, you’re really doing what you can to stop us from leaving.”
“I like am? I’m like sorry, cos I like packed like all the stuff already, you know?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Kimmy looked at her lover with a cutesy confused expression. Right now, Tonya wasn’t one hundred percent sure whether it was all an act or whether her girl was for real.
“Like what did you like mean?”
“I wanted to say that you’re amazingly sexy.”
“Oh … Cool. Like, you too, you know? Cos you’re like sooo big and you’re like getting like even bigger! I like love how like hugely huge you like got!”
Kimmy ran her hand over Tonya’s belly.
“It’s like so big already, like again? I like can’t wait to like get you to like fuck me like again, and stuff! I really wanna like get both of your cocks like deep into me …”
The girl licked her overinflated lips. Tonya focused.
“Still, we’re going to drive now. I don’t want to get stuck in the parking lot for an hour, even though you too are making me hot.”
Tonya felt her cocks stir in her pants. Even her nipples were hardening under her shirt. Fuck. If they didn’t start soon, they’d really stay here. Steeling herself, Tonya started the car.
“I promise we’ll take a break during the trip and have some fun.”
“I’m like having fun like already.”
The girl grinned, batting her lashes at Tonya.
The huge woman drove off. They had a long trip before them.

The ride took a while, especially since they occasionally stopped for a little fun. However, they eventually reached their goal. For Tonya, coming back here was a strange experience. The town had changed a little, not too much, but it still felt somewhat foreign now. Kimmy looked out of the car’s window with big eyes, taking in the sights. The place was highly uninteresting. There was a large street from which the various other roads clustered. They passed the school, the church and the various shops. Due to some zoning problem, the planned mall hadn’t been built and so, they had survived, if only barely.
The huge woman stopped her car in front of her dad’s company. There was a large, hand-painted sign above the door: “Electro-Petrovich”. Ever since her old man had moved to the States from Poland, he had run this business, providing most of the town with installations of all sorts. The shop was covered in every device imaginable, because, as her dad used to say: “You don’t trust a baker who doesn’t eat his own bread.”
Suddenly, Tonya felt nervous. What was he going to say? And what would her mother say? How would they react? What if they couldn’t accept her new look? What if they didn’t like Kimmy? What if they thought she was too much of a bimbo?
She almost started shaking.
Then, to her surprise, she felt Kimmy’s hand on hers.
“Like, that shop, is it like your dad’s? Cos it like got the same name on it like you like have?” She smiled at her. “I mean, like not Tonya, like the other one? The Petrovich? Which is like your name too?”
“Uh … yes …”
“Cool! I like wanna meet your dad!”
And she opened the door and got out.
Tonya was surprised by her quickness. Instantly, the nervousness was gone. She knew what she had to do. She quickly got out of the car and said:
“Wait for me! Let’s go in together.”

Charles Petrovich, or Chuck, as everybody called him, looked up. His mind blanked for a moment. It felt as if it had to process a little too much input. Then, slowly, his tongue started to move.
Now it was time for the big woman to blush. It was so strange to be in this place where she had spent a lot of childhood time. It felt so small and crowded. And her father … He too seemed small, which was odd since for all purposes, Chuck was a big guy. He just appeared small next to her.
“Hi, Dad! How are you?”
He hesitated. His eyes went to the dark-skinned girl with the huge breasts and the blond mane next to her daughter. He struggled to process all of this.
“Uh … I’m fine? Everything is fine. Well, actually, business is terrible. But it always is. But I am healthy, yes.” He smiled, still a bit awkward. “You look … good?”
“Yeah. I’ve been working out.”
“I guess so. Yes. Good. Good!” He nodded a bit too intensely. “And this is the famous Kimmy?”
Kimmy grinned happily. She nodded eagerly. “That’s like me!”
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #656 on: April 14, 2023, 11:03:02 am »
Then she hugged him.
There was a pause as the older man blushed terribly. He wasn’t sure where to put his hands, then settled for letting them hover over the bimbo girl’s back, then, as she stayed there, put them non her slim, muscle-packed waist. Kimmy released him, smiling.
“I like get why Tonya is like such a good hugger! You’re like really good at this too, and stuff!”
The blush spread even further and he wasn’t sure of what to say now. However, Tonya just made a friendly dismissive gesture and pulled him towards her, clasping with him.
His eyes opened wide:
“Daughter, just how strong are you?”
“Let me put it this way: Pretty strong.”
“Impressive.” Then he grinned: “That is actually good news. I don’t know if your mother told you, but we have bought a new washing machine and a new dryer.”
“She didn’t, but that’s great!”
“It is, but you know how it is with my back …” Tonya nodded. “I wanted to ask Uncle Matthew to help me, but if you’re here …”
“It will be a pleasure.”
Kimmy chimed in:
“Tonya is like so strong, it will be like no problem at all! And if she like really needs like any like help, you know, I’ll like totally help her and stuff, you know?”
The old man nodded slowly. Then he said:
“Okay, since this is a slow day, I will close down shop for today. It will be fine, I hope. Your mother will be home by six, so we could maybe set the devices up and surprise her.”
“That sounds like a great idea.”
“Like totally!”
Kimmy clapped her hands. Chuck was a bit overwhelmed by her intensity and rubbed his forehead.
“Okay, kids, let me close down shop, and I’ll join you at home in a moment, okay? Don’t start without me.”
Tonya nodded and ushered Kimmy out of the shop. The bimbo girl giggled:
“It was like cool to like meet you, Mister Petrovich! See you!”
She gave him a cutesy wave and left the building. Tonya turned to her dad, who gave her an amused grin. Then he mouthed:
“Is she always like that?”
Tonya nodded:
“I love it.”
His grin widened.
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #657 on: April 15, 2023, 01:25:30 pm »
They arrived at the Petrovich home soon after, though they had to take a short stop at Mrs. Woychik’s shop and buy some candy. Tonya was grinning all over as the ancient woman weighed a little bag of the almonds and handed it to her. She doubted that the shop owner recognized her.
“Here you are, young man.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Woychik.”
Kimmy watched the interaction with visible confusion. After Tonya had paid and walked outside, the bimbo asked:
“Like what young man did she like mean?”
“Kimmy, she was talking to me. Not all people here are as relaxed about this as my mom and dad.”
“Ah. Like, I get it. Also, she like had these glasses with like all those little inner glasses and stuff … I kinda like am pretty sure she like really didn’t see like you at all, you know?”
“I’ll give her the benefit of doubt.” She opened the little bag. “Wanna try? Those are excellent, and as far as I know, she still makes them herself.”
Tonya popped one in her mouth and held the bag out to Kimmy. The bimbo reached in with a long, perfectly manicured hand, her pointy, pink nails seizing a piece of candy, and she brought it to her lips and sucked on it first, before biting down.
“That’s like … nice! I like get it!”
“This candy shop is my childhood thing. I don’t know how much of my allowance ended up in there. It was one of the reason I seriously got into sports.”
“Like, how?”
“Well, my parents liked to eat well and a lot, and so did I and I ended up a little on the chubby side, so eventually, I had to change that.”
“Oh … Yeah. That like makes sense, and stuff. Totally! But now, you like got a bit of a tummy too!”
Kimmy grinned and rubbed Tonya’s massive muscle belly.
“And I like love my huge wife’s like super-big tum with its super-huge muscles and all that delicious cum like in there …”
Tonya chuckled:
“Let me guess: Here’s my beautiful, sexy wife, ready to get filled with my thick cocks, right?”
“Like totally. Please!”
Kimmy kissed her, then stole another piece of candy.
Her father watched them from the car, then smiled. It was strange, but it was cute. He was glad she was happy.
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #658 on: April 17, 2023, 07:05:23 pm »
They arrived at the Petrovich residence a bit later. It was a rather compact little house, friendly and well-maintained. It was clear that Chuck worked hard and saw it as his business card. If the house was in good order, people could trust him to do good work on theirs too. The moments somebody made vaguely admiring comments on it, he would always launch into the traditional riddle with the two barbers.
Then it would get quite difficult to stop him.
Tonya, who had heard the story a hundred times already, was just happy to be home. It was just so strange, because the shift in her perspective had seriously changed the way it looked to her. It was just so small now!
Kimmy was all smiles, though. The big woman was quite sure that Kimmy was wondering where the rest of it was, but the bimbo was tactful enough not to comment on it. Maybe she didn’t actually think it anyway. It was sometimes a little hard to tell.
Tonya’s father stopped his car and got out. He had to take a little detour to do a quick fix, but now, it was finally time to get the washing machine and the dryer down. The people at the shop had been so nice as to load them for him, but the way back down was going to be difficult.
Or actually, it wasn’t.
Kimmy slipped off her heels with a grin and climbed on the pickup truck’s flatbed. The movement was quick and controlled. It looked as if she spent her days on this. Chuck was a little impressed by the athleticism. Clearly, that girl’s muscles weren’t just for show!
All of a sudden, he realized that Kimmy just looked small next to his daughter. It was the difference between the two of them that caused the confusion. Since Tonya was absurdly huge now somehow, the young woman with her super-ripped, ultra-hard muscles looked almost normal. It dawned to Chuck that this woman actually had bigger and stronger muscles than him!
It didn’t seem to annoy Kimmy much. Far from it. Tonya walked up to the truck and then, the girl carefully reached around the washing machine and lifted it up, her huge, completely insane breasts getting squished against the metal.
The bimbo girl gasped, and it was obviously not a sign of strain.
Chuck panicked a little. That moan … it was making him hot …
He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t lust after his daughter’s lover, right?
Kimmy groaned:
“Ooh … it’s like kinda hard to like hold, no?”
Tonya reached in to catch it.
“Don’t worry, babe, I got it.”
“Like, alright … I’m like handing it to you now and stuff, okay?”
“Got it …”
Chuck watched in awe as his daughter, who was way taller than him now somehow, reached out and took the washing machine, then loaded it on her giant, incredibly rounded shoulder. She balanced the machine and then headed for the house.
“Dad, could you open the door?”
“Oh … yes, of course … Right away!”
He ran to the door as fast as his back allowed him, then opened the door and held it. Tonya lowered the machine down a bit and carefully inched through the aperture, making sure she didn’t knock against the frame. The last thing she wanted was to damage her family home. Her mother was very much not on board with this.
Suddenly, she realized that her back was maybe a bit wide. She could fit through the door, but it was a little difficult with the machine in hand. Not that it was heavy, or anything. Tonya could probably lift and lower that machine a few dozen times before feeling any kind of strain.
But this had to work.
Gently, she moved it through the frame. Kimmy watched from atop the flatbed and smiled. She liked to watch her wife-to-be being all huge and skilled.
At last, the machine was inside. Tonya carried it to the basement entrance and set it down next to it. She grinned:
“Oof. Okay, that went well. Maybe Kimmy should do the other one?”
The bimbo girl nodded eagerly. She waited for Tonya to return and had the musclewoman help her to get the dryer in position, then she took it and carried it to its friend.
The two musclewomen spent the next fifteen minutes carrying the two machines down the stairs, and then assisted Tonya’s dad in setting them up.
When everything was done, Chuck declared:
“Okay, that should do it. Remind me of calling you if I ever need those tubes unscrewed …”
Tonya chuckled:
“Come on, Dad, I didn’t overdo it.”
“Girl, you know I love you, but you never did not overdo something.” He made a gesture at her huge body. “I mean, look at you?”
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Re: Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story
« Reply #659 on: April 19, 2023, 07:19:34 pm »
“Okay, point taken …”
She got back up. Looking down on him like that … It was odd. It didn’t feel wrong or anything, just unfamiliar. A little bit of height loss was to be expected at a certain age, and with her growing bigger and bigger … It was a strange experience anyway.
When everything was finished, they got back up and Chuck asked:
“Okay, beer?”
Tonya grinned:
He turned to Kimmy:
“Anything I can get you? You’re not looking like someone who’d take a beer, right?”
“Like me? Uh, I’m like kinda not like twenty-one yet …” Chuck looked up to his daughter and raised an eyebrow. To her surprise, Tonya blushed.
The old man laughed:
“O mój Boże, you’re really all in on the manliness …” He smiled gently at Kimmy: “Let’s get you a freshly pressed orange juice then …”
He went to work in the kitchen after handing Tonya a bottle of beer.
“This is the good stuff, not the yellow water they drink here! I am happy to be in this country, I tell you, and I wouldn’t want to go back for anything in the world, but one day, somebody will have to teach them how to brew beer for real …”
Tonya laughed and turned to Kimmy:
“Want to see something crazy?”
“Like always!”
Tonya pulled down her shirt a bit and set the bottle against her pec. Then, with a flex, she popped off the bottle cap. Kimmy giggled. Her father stared at what he had just seen. It was clear that his mind was having a bit of a hard time processing this.
Instead, he took some oranges from a bowl.
“I’ll just make the juice, okay? Unless my daughter wants to crush them into pulp just like that?”
“Should she?”
“No. I think my daughter should take her lovely girlfriend to the backyard and enjoy the sun, while I get her wonderful bride-to-be a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.”
Tonya grinned:
“Then she will do this!”
She held out her arm for Kimmy and they walked out back. The backyard had clearly transformed into a garden over the years. When she left home, it had really been just a few patches of dirt and some trees. Now, it was quite nice, with some flowers, vegetables and fruit growing in different beds. Tonya was impressed. Her parents had obviously put in a lot of work.
She gave one of the deckchairs a look, but decided that it was probably too fragile to support her weight. Instead, she sat down on the patio and patted the boards next to her.
Kimmy immediately sat next to her, running a strong, muscular arm over her giant shoulders, then rubbing down the middle of Tonya’s back. Through the fabric of the shirt, she started to scratch her back. Immediately, Tonya felt a wonderful tingling in her spine.
“Mmmh … I like that …”
“I like knew it … Like getting the back scratched and stuff, that’s like, you know, the best, no?”
Tonya sighed.
“Oh yessss … This is so good … Kimmy, I don’t know how you do it, but you have this uncanny sense of hitting the right note.”
The girl spread her scratching over Tonya’s enormous back, but was a bit confused:
“Like what do you like mean? I didn’t like sing or anything, no?”
“That’s not what I meant. You’re doing fine, please keep scratching …”
The massive woman purred, spreading her back to give Kimmy more room to do her thing. It was an amazing feeling. There was no sexual aspect to it, just pure relaxation and intimacy. It just felt right.
Kimmy’s hands danced through the deep valleys and thick mountain chains of Tonya’s back, going deep down, then back up. The huge woman bowed a bit forward, then stretched back again. Kimmy continued her scratching, then stopped and “wiped down” the big woman’s back muscles, releasing the tension.
Tonya sighed happily and kissed her.
“Wow … That was amazing. I still don’t get how you manage to keep just doing this …”
Kimmy kissed her too and nodded:
“I like just felt like it. I’m like glad you liked it!”
A moment later, there was a soft knock against the doorframe and Chuck came out with a tall glass of orange juice with a little umbrella and a very curly straw in it. He offered it to Kimmy. The girl thanked him politely and took a sip. The juice shot through the strange shape of the straw and she smiled.
“I put a little squeeze of lemon in it. Tonya got it like this when she was a kid.”
The huge woman grinned:
“You even got out the fancy straw!”
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Forum Saradas  |  Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction  |  Muscular Women Fiction  |  Butch x Bimbo - Episodic story

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